tv [untitled] September 21, 2010 2:00am-2:30am EDT
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electioneering in austria been sharply to the right politicians capitalize on rising racism in an anti muslim computer game that's becoming hit. it's evaluation time world leaders are in new york to assess their promise to fight global poverty with worries that recession sent them off target. changing the world one for a time russian scientists on a mission to prove the mind training people can use their aura to the environment around them. and russia's biggest comic aft of us is looking to expand abroad a lot of brenda's eyeing the markets of latin america and africa more in business in twenty minutes.
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twenty four hours a day from the heart of the russian capital this is r.t. and islamic agendas and calls for tougher immigration laws boosting the influence of far right parties across europe such rhetoric has helped so that the sweden democrats into parliament for the first time the freedom party is hoping for a resurgent in austria this weekend. looks at the campaign tactics being used to fuel right wing nationalism. was the bye-bye mosque game as simple as its message they came and shoot down as many new mosques as you can as they rise relentlessly above asters alpine skyline if you're not quick enough the country is islam wised up that it's on you know we're defending our rights our
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traditions our culture we don't want to be dissolved into islam nor do we want there to be parallel islamic societies in our country we're going to be released by the right wing freedom party as part of its bid for election and the regional government in styria austria second largest province the game has hit the wrong nerve within twenty four hours it received more than two hundred thousand web hits within a week it was bam the computer game may have been just a small part of a political campaign but the reaction has been nothing but a firestorm of outrage there and five hundred thousand muslims in austria together with the greens their community leaders sued the freedom party emotions in the game and islam is a reality if we want to build mosques we will build them anyway i have a vision in the future where every town and city in austria has a mosque with a minaret that people can see from the outside in. the judicial authorities up held
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the complaint and ruled it again went beyond the perceptible discussion forcing the freedom party to take it down from its website in that one of the numbers who played the game show that islam is a very important issue thanks to us it was talked about in the first place but the judicial system is meddling in politics and stopping a free discussion base of many say that ban has had the reverse effect there's not even a single minute in styria and less than two percent of the population of muslim. the freedom party failed to get a single seat at the last election now it's expected to triple its vote and put a dent in the ruling coalition of two centrist party to have a little bit year change in doing the whole system because i have to feeling it's just the already beginning to what they like to just position themselves as like the the resistance of the true jim people which is kind of being suppressed by the by the status quo if the freedom party performs well it will follow the footsteps of recent successes by far i'd parties in sweden belgium and the netherlands. it
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appears that no longer can the centrist parties ignore the voices of those alone by an immigration or they risk being penalized at the ballot box either right now party gratz steria. the us maybe putting the iraq war in the past but as we hear a few minutes iraq is continuing to fear the future. worst wave of violence since america's combat mission ended we look at why security still feels like a distant promise to civilians. u.n. secretary general ban ki moon is calling for well biggest on their promises to end world poverty made a decade ago speaking at a special u.n. summit he said the target of having poverty and hunger by two thousand and fifteen was still achievable despite an economic downturn. gives an overview of the event
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that's the talk of new york. we have a so-called millennium development goal summit taking place where leaders will be talking about the commitments they had made ten years ago and really will be following up to see what if any of those commitments they have made and there are very important issues being considered at that summit there is really a lot of different activity that is going to be taking place at the u.n. we have hundreds of bilateral meetings taking place where each country tries to push their agenda forward traditionally we all know that new york is a great place to be if you want to spot celebrities but this week it's politicians this is the place where you need to be if you want to see chavez crossing the street with loud crowds following him or if you want to see the french president sarkozy and carla bruni going to one of new york's chic restaurants to have lunch is mahmoud ahmadinejad really stealing the spotlight this year we're expecting protests to take place all throughout the entire week there are ads all over new york city against mahmoud ahmadinejad and of course he's going to be making
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speeches and that is something that's also very closely watched and. traditionally we see u.s. delegations walking out when he makes a speech and so on so definitely he's the man stealing the show for now this time around wanted to give journalist to tom people that so far the french president the most inspiring words is that the u.n. summit. for global tax on institutions from the money needed food that promises. what we're talking about is the millennium goals eight areas where world poverty education child mortality maternal health of the things and the hope is that you can reduce the extreme poverty people living on less than a dollar a quarter a day from about one and a half billion to only nine hundred twenty million in five years but everybody i think now agrees that that's being honest that this goal is getting farther away not getting closer now the one speech today that i think stood out with something
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concrete that people can act on is of all people french president nicolas sarkozy and his question was a ten minute speech there's budget pressure all over the world if you don't have this money to do the development goals where could you get it in the obvious place to get it is tax the banks tax the people who caused the depression tax the people who are generally a little bit like the french nobility before eight hundred seventeen eighty nine say that they're immune to taxation it's a political it's politically explosive most people think that wall street is already taxed and when they realize that it's not they go they go berserk i think that has tremendous potential for getting the world out of the depression where we are now so of all people sarkozy but gold is where you find it and i would urge people to grab ahold of this with both hands and with your teeth if you can because this is the most promising thing that i've heard from the u.n. in many many years i was investigated west a topic that well still to come in the program that they say positive thinking
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look around at. this history still keeps its secrets but now it's time to reveal libby to the soviet files house on the embankment and. a wave of deadly bombings in iraq over the weekend saw dozens more civilians die while further attacks targeting police left two officers dead west despite fifty thousand u.s. troops remaining in the country to train in the security forces but those are the reports so it's not making a rockies feel any safer. dark and dangerous and body armor does little to protect against the fact that they're not welcome here they're doing at this spot a patrol through one of the iraqi neighborhoods trying to prevent counterattack
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fire this is a bombs team he stayed behind the mission providing training support and backup to the iraqi police when they get to our level we go over our operations order and planning for the actual missions we're going to do then we do a pretty brief then we actually go and execute these type missions that we're on now but the u.s. invasion to have a fully functioning iraqi security force did not protect safire ismail's husband four years ago he disappeared without a trace. he called me and said he was coming to pick me up i said the situation is really bad don't come but he said now i have to come. safire's certain husbands did and all the families of tens of thousands of iraqis have also disappeared since two thousand and three human rights organizations put some of the blame with the local security forces trainees are not always the white candidates for the job a lot of them they have come from illiterate you know all. around some of them they
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are just the from the tribes and clans some of them just because they are part of the political parties militias and so on and the problem is compounded by the limited training they given you can apply for the kinds of these. people being the effect that there's anything here he was aiming to put his name is so they're full of car bombs missing with stones and i think. and it's a far cry from what is needed. they are not untrained but the training they receive is not enough the americans only thought to create an iraqi army in two thousand and four by then it was too late because the terrorists had already infiltrated the . but with the increase of violence in iraq. can recent weeks the need for a competent domestic security force has never been greater but whether or not the u.s. and iraq can wise to the challenge is still here to be seen. r t baghdad. there
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are some other stories making headlines around the world nine they take have been killed in a helicopter crash in southern afghanistan the american civilian is among four others who were injured there lawrence says there were no reports of enemy fire in the area there have been the least five hundred twenty nine nato fatalities this year making the deadliest of the nine you know. north korean state media is reporting that the country's ruling party will hold its first conference and thirteen games next week it's thought to ailing kim jong il will name his successor which is lucky to be one of his sons the meeting has been delayed several times apparently due to kim's health problems are the official say it's because the country has been dealing with deadly floods and the typhoon. the colombian army says it killed a senior militant commander in a major raid near the country's border with ecuador last weekend sister cabana was
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among twenty seven guerrillas who died he'd also been wanting to body u.s. for contain trafficking still he was behind an attack on police more than a week ago in the border town of san miguel which killed eight officers in a series of this in strikes on the since colombia elected its president. one of the main separatist leaders in kashmir says protests against india rule will continue unless his demands and i it signed under sharia law money once the withdrawal of russian security forces an end to the current curfew he's one of three influential separatists who met members of the obvious parliament to discuss the products more than a hundred demonstrators have been killed in clashes with police since june. the collapse of the soviet union and prevented a nuclear war between the world's two superpowers well that's to use a big vision scheme he's a former national security advisor to president jimmy carter and has been speaking
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to r.t. . if event of a war between the soviet union and the united states i was involved in the decision making process that would be provoked by an attack i would call for a response so we knew exactly the nature of the threat that we're all facing within a few hours. within a few hours about eighty five two hundred twenty million people could be repeat its numbers eighty five to about one hundred twenty million people would have been dead in the united states and in the soviet union. there's just no comparison between that and terrorism which is nasty and dangerous and horrible particular victims but in terms of scale it's simply not the same ball park. and you can see the full interview with the former national security adviser to
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presidents jimmy carter in about fifteen minutes from there. george is attempts to clean up its towns on the evening street traders in the gutter they're being banned from selling because the authorities say they flout health standards or nicholas could discover the traders themselves are being abandoned to a life of poverty. to mormons in which really has cerebral palsy and is the sole provider for her family her mother could have on lost her only source of income when a new ban on street selling came into effect in tbilisi and is now forced to rely on time as social benefits to make ends meet. we were told to get off the streets answer them honestly and without prior warning they set a new law was coming into force and were not allowed to trade in the street and longer they didn't offer any jobs or alternative sites in exchange van was we don't ten years ago she raised her three daughters
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a nephew on her own but says she never felt this desperate and helpless the city authorities say they had the public's best interests in mind when they passed the baton street ending in. the interests of street vendors are very important but you cannot act in their interest alone by ignoring other people's needs many of the people who lived in buildings near these vendors complained about the bad smell a lot of these vendors sold highly perishable goods and didn't for hygiene procedures the daily rent for a stall in this market is just under three dollars a day this may sound low to westerners but for many georgians it's still too much there are more than six thousand space available at the this is markets just like this one and the mere once the street vendor stores here off the streets but the vendors so you do not have the money to pay for market fees they believe the city administration is simply trying to put up a pretty face so while they or their families are forced to go hungry. they don't
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go to police georgia. but if you missed a story you can always watch it on our website features and blogs there as well as a quick taste of what you'll find at r.t. dog a story we're following a head to join the euro zone and find out why. a local professor thinks it would actually damage the country's economy. plus the race for the untapped natural riches of the arctic his own moscow to host an international conference expected to see some heated debate over details at alton dot com. now a russian scientist is trying to convince people they can change the world just by
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using their own energy he claims that thinking in a certain way can have a positive or negative effect on the surrounding environment sarah for. can you don't let me influence the world around you with just the power of your mind although it might sound far fetched a leading russian scientist believes we can do exactly that and using a device that faith class human energy fields is attempting to prove it. idea. and. to bridge your understanding of the unseen world advantages scientific experiments carried out using a technique called by electricity took a fairly the assumption is that we're constantly think energy now by a lecture of the photography work to capture this energy field the scene at the lights around the body or what some people would call your. discovered in the one
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nine hundred thirty s. by a version inventor semi uncannily and he realized that stimulating a subject with a short electrical impulse you get a burst of light photons and electrons around subjects it looks like war but i don't think this word. i prefer is a ward. field the device itself each finger individually with different thing is responsible for different parts of the body and feeds the information into a computer to. one supposed benefit of this technique is early diagnosis is serious illnesses like heart disease and cancer but some who work in the mainstream medical profession remain unconvinced. from the point of view have to do is medicine i don't think this can be used as medical evidence and i would even go further and say that it's harmful rather than harmless as a diverse people from the true causes of the illness and from the truly effective
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treatment and some of the claims in energy field research are even more far reaching. intentions can influence. environment our space of course this idea is absolutely new that's right it has a lot of criticism still it has a very important message for all of us because we do mostly the positive or more it's they have very strong ones but the same and even more strongly this has negative emotions but in one piece of magick comes up you know the case comes about so all you can means that we are developing ourselves may be neatly. we change space around but also. the idea that our personal energy can change the structure of the world around us is viewed by many with deep skepticism but in the
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sphere of byelection photography where continue to find scientific proof for the theory. i see. you have it or some energetic business is now with you there. that's right it's time to delve into the world of business. and the term credit crunch and to the daily lexicon one banks put the brakes on lending and governments around the world responded by printing cash to boost liquidity but economists now warn they may be too much money that's leading to predictions of hyperinflation but jim acosta reports. since the global financial crisis broke the russian government allocated vast sums of cash to keep the banking system afloat but few companies are borrowing right now and many banks prefer to earn a lot but safe return from the government rather than risk investing in companies.
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from rural c. believes russia like other governments create is much more money than the economy needed you look at what russia did during the crisis was that it was out of sync as it was with the rest of the g twenty when g twenty countries or g nine hundred so we say it went into quantity of easing russia. in order to stabilize the economy the evidence is clear the central banks continue to issue huge amounts of money hoping that banks will learn to industry however the money's mostly recycled back into government bowman's the real economy has largely stop borrowing treasury bonds yields are falling around the world and sign of enormous buying demand as banks sick save havens for their cash economists fear it japanese style lost decade while the lows the case can occur if you're having a long time period of no credit that means the banking there is
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a demand for credit at the same time the banking system is jammed was poor quality assets will see that there are some risks in the individual banks that have not fully cleared up their balance from restructured loans the long term fear is hyperinflation if central bank don't act fast enough to withdraw the excessive liquidity because human prices start to rocket economists are confident the central bank of russia won't take risks with inflation and central banks always have to be vigilant about buying turning the right balance a liquidity in the economy and we have seen quite strong growth in the money supply in the last few months but i think that really reflects a return to north. well ization off to the shop for during the recession the young raising interest rates the government could introduce measures similar to the car voucher scheme which cost people to spend thus removing money out of the economy but there are limits to what one country can do if inflation becomes
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a global problem by doing business r.t. . project leaders on the north rim gas pipeline say it's progressing ahead of schedule with the first phase due to be completed by next april on monday fledging at fortune visited the world's largest pipe playing vessels which is carrying out north stream construction in the baltic sea the russian premier watched the pipes as they were sent underwater full streams technical director explains to business r t why they have chosen this vessel the project. for its the biggest vessel in the world which can conduct all offshore pipelining operations it's planned for italy two point three kilometers a day but we're already reaching two point five kilometers and we believe it's quite possible to reach three kilometers or do in fact laying pipes in the sea is cheaper than on land where we have to deal with landowners and compensate them that's complicated our project is very detailed and we're already advanced in our schedule here. and another company looking to expand abroad is russia's biggest
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carmaker after us speaking exclusively to business r t the company's vice president admits a lot of brand has an image and quality problem in europe so i have to pass well the targeting of markets. when you motion this to much more because we do understand that we saw for certain difficulties in european markets with the car series we have to do so we're concentrating on three key markets to develop exports those are locked in america north africa and the middle east are targets is to export fifty thousand cars this year and i hope we'll be able to sell fifty to fifty five thousand vehicles the country next year but you know it's. a look at the markets now asian stock markets opened high on tuesday boy by soldiers games on wall street meanwhile that solid japan's nikkei is losing its early games trading up to monday's public holiday hong kong shares extended gains as property developers that produces increased the hang seng of bonds to point two percent
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topping the twenty two thousand points level again after the benchmark fails to stay the psychologically important level on monday. here in russia the r.t.s. is up and the trade the my six will start trading in a few minutes and the figures that you see on the screen are of monday's close. well it's been two decades since russia switched to a market economy business are speaking of the men who helped his country through similar changes pose former finance minister head of the national bank and now professor paul several of his support of the russian government society of privatizing large state owned companies as being essential for developing a more than economy. even in the western economies. where there was say twenty percent of the states there was privatization remember mrs stature in the seventy's so it was just she started to private and then she was
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followed. and so even the french know why because we turn out that in the western countries state ownership does not work in state ownership. of the political power over the enterprises and this is not very healthy for these enterprises without effect of privatization these companies which would be a burden sometimes people call such companies national champions but usually there are national rules. that's all we have time for now but if you want to get more stories right now you can always log on toll website r t dot com slash business.
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