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tv   [untitled]    September 21, 2010 2:30am-3:00am EDT

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thank you. well i would start the headlines now arundhati off to making inroads in sweden europe's far right parties are setting austria next target the freedom party there is capitalizing on a wave of islamophobia immigration is using a controversial. putin game to invent. world leaders are in new york to assess where they stand today efforts to noble poverty and the u.n. millennium summit looking at whether the promises are being hit especially since countries say the recession is making the two thousand and fifteen deadline all the . power of the mind
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a russian scientist claims people could use thinking. he says he's developed a device which captures the energy field which generate to help early diagnosis of illnesses disease and cancer. he's advised u.s. presidents and helped shape american foreign policy for decades so we have visions speaks now to our team about dangerous times from the cold war right up to the war on terror his interview coming up next. doctor's uber group brzezinski is perhaps the most influential figures in u.s. foreign policy he's advised u.s. presidents for decades and served as the national security adviser under the carter administration he sits down now with r.t. dr brzezinski thank you so much for joining us we do appreciate this opportunity it's very nice to be with you it's been nine years since nine eleven and there are
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still no signs of osama bin laden and your book the grand chessboard you write for america the. geo political prize is eurasia america's global primacy is directly dependent on how long and how effectively its preponderance on the eurasian continent is to staines is that why we're in afghanistan to sustain our global supremacy nowhere in afghanistan before because of nine eleven. nine eleven involved a horrendous crime against the american public and its cold for measures designed to make certain that that doesn't occur again. american role on the huge continent of your radio it's much more benign it involves alliances with some key countries it involves improvement in relations with some previous antagonists so it should not be confused with the operation in afghanistan which has a very specific historical motive and
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a very specific objective now i want to ask in an interview with a french magazine in one thousand nine hundred eighty you called the covert funding of the mujahideen prior to the former soviet union's invasion an excellent idea according to their analysis of what you said the dismantling of the soviet union was to a degree more important than quote some stared at muslims and that you don't regret it do you stand by that statement now yes although that version of so-called interview was not really an interview the interview was an extensive interview which was supposed to be translated and sent to me is never was and excerpts from a to a sort of amalgamated and published but basically the facts in it are correct the united states decided to provide sort of covertly funding to the i've got a resistance when it became clear the soviet union was big getting to intervene more actively and directly and eventually when it did intervene actively and directly that was expanded and continued under republican administrations after the
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president carter left office in turn the resistance in afghanistan led directly to the collapse of the soviet union and that removed from the international scene the horror of a possible nuclear war between the soviet union and america. has made possible the kind of reconciliation but it's not under way in eurasia but more important to removed a paralyzing. dilemma a paralyzing danger but hovered over the entire international community so the threat of the soviet union such as you're mentioning right now with of course much more important than the threat we say we have now with the so-called war on terror well clearly i mean look in the event of a war between the soviet union and the united states i was involved in the decision making process that would be provoked by an attack i would call for
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a response so we knew exactly the nature of the threat that we're all facing within a few hours literally within a few hours about eighty five to twenty million people let me repeat its numbers eighty five to about one hundred twenty million people would have been dead in the united states and in the soviet union. there's just no comparison between that and terrorism which was a nasty dangerous and horrible particular victims but in terms of scale it's simply not in the same ball park let's talk about the future implications of that decision that was made all those years ago. what did you expect the mujahideen what you're calling the afghan resistance to do with the weaponry that the u.s. and other countries provided to them after the soviet union fell on did you expect this weaponry to be given. back the civil war which insinuate after to lead to the formation of what we have now which is the taliban i think the problem you know has
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to be looked at closer historical perspective the war lasted almost a decade it was a terrible brutal war for the soviet union the way it used to have guns they killed close to a million guns they drove about forty five million afghans their country. so the process of consolidation the rehabilitation of the understand was bombed to be prolonged. and the west unfortunately roughly ten years. attack started and then the soviets left did very little to rehabilitate gunderson and the taliban phenomenon i wrote was several years after the soviet union the part of. the taliban it was not involved in fighting. against the soviets to drive out the foreigners from other counties that capitalized on the opportunity to develop in afghanistan after the end of the war when it was largely ignored by everyone else
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as to weapons you know the afghans tradition of being armed individually the weapons are provided most of very simple weapons mostly and there are a few exceptions the most guns could handle without difficulty so you don't believe that the funding of the mujahideen led to the formation of the taliban today no but if i look look look what the osama bin laden himself said. some of them describe the reasons why he engaged in terrorism against the west and in fact that so it was not. international terrorism that the taliban was involved in imposing again a star on committed evil concept of society but unfortunately it gave a haven to al qaeda osama bin laden and al qaeda had global aspirations and engage in global terrorism we'd be having this conversation now if we didn't expect the soviet union to the former soviet union to invade prior to our funding
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the mujahideen so i knew it was already involved directly into the sun for several years by the time to funding started the funding started at a time when the soviet union was already making preparations to invade afghanistan did you think that that would provoke the the so far i have no way of knowing but i was assuming they would go in because they were going in you know it was evident there was an escalation of soviet involvement and by the time the funding. the soviet union was already involved militarily with guns there and i get back to this this idea from your book that eurasia is the spirit important chess player if you well for. the united states you also mention in your book that you're a just just a chessboard out much of the struggle for global primacy continues to be played and the most immediate task is to make certain that no state or combination of states
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gain the capacity to expel the united states from eurasia or even diminishing if it's only its decisive arbitrary rule now what states at the moment would you say are threatening the u.s. role there and here asia well first of all i think one has to take into account that the soviet union is no longer around so the american soviet competition which in many ways was largely over. control of your regime is finished we also know how much more important participant in this sort of distribution of power across your asia and that is china so the nature of so to speak the competition the rivalry or the game has changed it's much more question of maneuver political accommodation. balancing to make certain that no one dominates this continent and particularly no one who is imbue it with a global missionary zeal as the soviet union was so i think the nature of the
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relationships now on the eurasian continent is fundamentally different and provides for much greater opportunity of some accommodation we've seen an accommodation developing still timidly developing between russia and the united states and that's an important development we have a significant relationship with china. the european union japan and others are becoming involved so i think it's a much more so to speak balanced and potentially more stable and certainly that's hostile. kind of relationships and i want to switch gears to another region that were influential on the middle east with the israeli palestinian conflict now you helped draft a letter with with lee hamilton that suggested that hamas should be part of this equation what do you make of the current day peace process the one that's taking place right now hamas is not part of that equation how far do you think they'll get
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in finding a solution to the problem a two state solution ultimately i think it would be very difficult to settle this problem totally unless the more extremist parties on both sides and so. i mean. the coverage because it goes on both sides you have people who are against the settlements so at some stage maybe not right away but at some stage the sort of extremists will have to be drawn into the dialogue because otherwise don't undermine it do you predict that the obama administration before the next election cycle comes that they will engage mosques in this discussion and i'll take it as such prediction because that would be a wonderful headline there is no basis for making such a protection because how can we really and dissipate so precisely a specific historical event but in some fashion if there is going to peace we don't know this everyone involved knows that. hamas will have to be involved in some
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fashion syria and israel will have to be involved in a joint direct dialogue in some fashion but hezbollah will have to be fitted into the process so we're dealing here with more or less known pieces that will have to be at different stages drawn into a process if it is to be a lasting one but in present circumstances for the negotiations to begin by the most moderately inclined participants on both sides makes sense i'm wondering though if we could also now switch to iran since that's the. big topic now for actually decades. iran has seemed defiant despite sanctions and despite other threats coming from outside forces including some of their allies they've remained defiant do you think that it will eventually lead to airstrikes on their nuclear facilities well i certainly hope not. because i don't think a wider war in the region is to be desired and the u.s.
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should not support israel if they choose to do that independently i think a wider war in the region is not desirable but we have to be conscious of the fact and it is avoidable a possible war on iran if it is launch of the threat and america's. standing in eurasia i think a war in the region will spread and of all the america whoever starts it and i think that's not in america's interest i don't think it's in the region's interest i don't think it's in the interest of the international community dr brzezinski thank you so much thank you i greatly appreciate it nice to talk to you as a talk to you as well. wealthy british style the stock.
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market why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines kinds of reports. every month we give you the future we help you understand how we'll get there and what tomorrow brings the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world. join us for technology update on our g.
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also making inroads in sweden europe's far right parties all setting all strip as the next target the freedom party there was capitalizing on a wave of. immigration fits by using a controversial until recent computer game to win over votes his. twelve leaders already to assess where they stand in their efforts to battle global poverty and hunger the u.n. millennium summit is looking at the promises of being hit especially since countries say the recession is making two thousand and fifty. to cheat. the power of the mind a russian scientist claims people can use thinking as therapy he says he's developed a device which captures the energy field which humans generate to help. in the cities like heart disease and turns. him on is next with all sports news there.
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hello welcome back to s'pore an artsy coming to you every day from the russian capital amman cos for it let's start with the headlines. war drawl russian premier league leaders is in need fail to score a tete a day after its title chasers are all being one later. and the other team that's edging closer to the leader is says scott moscow after their latest home victory against bottom dwellers c.b.d. . blue ribbon events of the thirtieth world championships in rhythmic gymnastics get underway in the russian capital. and let's kick off for the russian football premier league words any st petersburg fail to reestablish their six point advantage at the summit however let china spell it is men have managed to keep their eye on beats and run in sacks house or gold
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a drawer in chechnya against local outfits eric grozny both sides guilty of being wasteful with chances for rather lackluster match much to spot as a surprise who would have expected nothing but a win against seventh place however the hosts looked the more aggressive side towards the end and their last gasp effort was the closest either of the sides got the scoring tests or a bra come on they did win an aerial ball but it hit the post right at the whistle and neil nailed it was how it finished. so cities are still top of the pile but third place says col moscow are closing in the army men are moving to within eight points following a one nothing win at home to rock bottom c.b.d. but they had to wait until midway through the second half for the winner keisuke honda providing a defense that impasse for a back door love to not at first sign beyond c.b. deeper built out of bosh and sexualise a did the rest not in what turned out to be the only goal of the game. elsewhere spartak moscow boosted their
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hopes of european football next season after beating their sister club in two zero the visitors were with their star striker bellison who is the big stop score at the moment but another brazilian.
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in the group all rabbit heads into that state years ago it's they are the defending champions but russia had triumph at the five previous alex therefore a for a woman that got by about watched the opening goal and did little to conceal her joy at what yourself. later told you know the opening ceremony was great magnificent it was world class i knew i did very much the girls did a great job in the cheshire in their universe all of them there in top form i liked it so much i couldn't help smiling. let's go stateside where in the n.f.l. the new orleans saints have made a bit of history after winning a second straight opening game in consecutive seasons for the very first time the saints were away at the san francisco forty nine er's way to fourteen late in the
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final quarter however with just over a minute remaining the host clawed it back to within two points courtesy of frank gore in the seven yard touchdown run then alex smith passed to vernon davis for a touchdown and with the two point conversion that would tie the game at twenty two all the officials need to consult a video replay before confirming the ball was over the line but san francisco celebrated garrett hartley hit a thirty seven yard field goal with the clock ticking down to give a twenty five twenty two victory. the continental hockey league resumes on tuesday after a day's break with nine games taking place this evening will obviate you on those as they get underway but for now let's review what happened on sunday sell about your life suffered their first defeat of the season at the hands of jaromir younger guard draw in regulation and overtime and the home side then surely winning the shootout in kazakhstan a double by brandon help local side. a little. nifty he made
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a hard earned home victory against the least five for needed overtime to overtime. six five the final four there. another three games took place on sunday words. from we won scott st petersburg last game four of six this season by way of. overtime there as well and find that a lot of the. needed the shootout to determine their winners well victory and two points going to the holders. and finally it's still four years to go before the next world cup but fans in the football crazy brazil are already been. treated to some international action as the homeless world cup got underway at the copacabana beach to give hope to those in need as the name suggests the annual global events only features players who live their lives on the streets it was
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designed to promote change and rise and helping the homeless get back into work around one hundred players from more than sixty countries are taking part in this year's tournament teams consist of three players plus a goalkeeper with four more players in reserve and they play matches that are only fourteen minutes long the champion will be known at the ends of the week by the organizers say it's what's been done off the pitch that matters the most. to do research every year what has happened to the players many of the players nearly seven hundred seventy needed. jobs have got houses of come off drugs some very hard drugs going to college. some even stay in football become football coaches and so on interestingly some of the managers who are here actual nice people so they change their lives completely so for me it's all about impacting change the game is beautiful we have some very exciting football which will happen during this week to watch but the important thing is what happens afterwards and that's all for the moment more stories from russia and around the world can be found on our website
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r.t. dot com so say collect when you get a chance thanks for watching. when the news is not enough. when it's something really crucial when you want to get down to brass tacks when you bring in special coverage. this time the latest news from the international market for signs of a discussion on experts to change opinions on the frozen issues of the region. marking foreign. polar interests. question will not see. a close up game has been to the our hangal speech. where the first russian fleet was born. kawar t. goes to the area which holds top position in oil and gas resources. where the
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biggest russian salmon can be are processing factories located. and where unique species of foreign fama can be found. welcome to the sun clean region. should close up. more news today violence is once again flared up the families are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. china operations are today.
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