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tv   [untitled]    September 22, 2010 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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the arctic ice breaker moscow plays host to scientific top brass to prevent the battle from the world resources. territory for dialogue or disputes hundreds are gathering in moscow for the international market for all the details in just a few moments. russia says it won't be selling its air defense missiles to iran as it falls under the latest round sanctions on the sonic republic. car talks are gripping the big apple as world leaders brainstorm and how to eradicate global poverty and ensure peace in the middle against. russia nato meeting on missile defense and talks on how to deal with iran all this taking place in new york we bring you all the latest just ahead in the program.
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you're watching r t coming to you live from the russian capital welcome to the program and elsewhere top story the arctic's on tap natural wealth is a source of great temptation for the countries surrounding the icecap billions of barrels of oil lie beneath the sea and the arctic nations are keen to secure their share some of the finest scientific minds have gathered in moscow to make sure a different kind of cold war doesn't break out artie's got to you know as all of us has more. all of the countries that have an interest in the stake in the arctic namely russia the united states canada and two scandinavian states all of them have a very big interest and of course all want a bigger piece of the pie that is the untapped seabed full of natural resources oil gas various minerals so the arctic is a very tempting piece but so far all of the sides that have a stake and have
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a potential claim to all of the resources have agreed to work out their issues and differences calmly peacefully they have put forward their claims they're trying to work together to make sure that all. unpleasantries are avoided and that the matters are settled in a very diplomatic and civilized manner so despite the fact that the temptation is huge and it seems that all parties involved really do want to make sure that the negotiations and the divvying up once it comes to that is actually fair and square and done by the book maintaining the fragile ecosystem that is the arctic and the north pole and trying to get and tap at all of the resources that lie underneath the ice and water without damaging the ecology and the system that exists there as it is and of course the arctic is already affected by global warming so it's a very very difficult issue and one that has received
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a lot of attention here and to talk a little bit more about this we're joined by this professor paul berkman from the university of cambridge thank you so much for taking the time to talk to us now as you're going to preserving the ecosystem of the arctic whilst getting at its resources seems to be like and it was possible to ask is it one of the inspirations of the ingenuity of humankind is that if we think that we can build that and so part of the strategy that we're identifying is a need to have resource development in a environmentally. damaging manner. how this matures in. it is a question that technologies will help to address but there certainly are other issues associated with resources that are far more media and important to resolve. cooperation and venting conflict if we look at the problems that we face as a civilization. certainly on planetary scales and as well as regional scales the
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time frame of the solution often is decades which means that it's impossible to envision any of the magic bullet that suddenly appears instantaneously and solves the problem once and forever so the solution really are dialogues and russian geographic society has to be complemented for their vision initiating a dialogue that will. that will support the type of cooperation and avoidance of conflict that is necessary to make the arctic a region that is used to the interest of all mankind and thank you so much for it was here and many say it is walking on thin ice deciding the arctic future but everybody here certainly seems optimistic. the president of vizsla dollar for ragnar told r.t. that russia made a positive step to launching negotiations by planting a flag in the arctic seabed three years ago i had been trying for ten years to speak about the arctic issues to people in europe in the united states and notes
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well there was very little interest but suddenly when the russians put the flag of the bottom over the arctic ocean everybody woke up but i realized. the ride so i think when we look back to it was. the opening call to the rest of the world now we need to come together and and the create successful framework for corporation you can watch the full interview with the president of vizsla in our spotlight program throughout the day on thursday. now russia will not supply its advanced air defense missile systems to iran the chief of staff of the russian armed forces says moscow shelve the plan because the missiles fall under the latest u.n. sanctions on iran artie's natalia has the details. earning a russian people that russia is not anymore going to sell its ass three hundred and i mr defense systems to iran jus to the recently imposed by the un security council
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sanctions against the country's nuclear program and there was tension is suggest that any sales rep in the country including military planes that military helicopters tanks in accordance to missile defense shield now then you shouldn't be going to run the sign back in two thousand and seven when you launch it we live by that counseling and it's up to the countries now they do not have to be heard but according to the russian people doubt whether this contract will be cancelled all together will depend on iran's actions we're still waiting to hear the phone or on this decision old the russian the thirty's russians who are the ones who move the delivery will get things done but miss out to iran last winter and to the decision was not at all the balkans in iran so it is unlikely that it will get this time but you know she was much much greater here these nuclear energy recently they built
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together a nuclear plant the first nuclear plant in iran in the physical care so it doesn't look like there's no such ration between the two countries and that fear so we still have to cut our hear from the iranian authorities to go home know from the moscow base institute of world economy and international relations says the russians the session to stop selling missiles to iran will be a serious blow to iran's to fence capabilities. iran is totally dependent on a contract on its contract with most call if it wants to provide security for its airspace and there is no other way to get similar missiles but to purchase them from russia russian as three hundred complex it's not only missiles launch pads it also read our facilities and so on is the state of the art equipment and international experts all agreed with their i guess it will be the relations with current us maybe judge the regime in iran but i think the iranian authorities have
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to understand the message the message from international community here they have to change something in the attitude towards the outer world and they have to think twice before going on with their nuclear program. well there has been increasing speculation surrounding the possibility of israel and the us bombing nuclear sites in iran later peter lavelle and his crosstalk guest discuss whether terror round poses a threat to its neighbors and whether such an attack is being prepared. anything in iran is negative according to the united states only thing that iran has yet to be accused of by the united states is global warming and that will come up later on but i think what is more important is anything to do with iran taking hostages with iran killing marines in lebanon with marines attacking military views i. think you are there. i think here you actually are a war actor you know you're very kind of the bad and that's why they have
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a problem with you know i think i think you i think you have a problem with your history classes in the united states iranian american relations didn't begin with embassy takeover they began with the united states overthrowing the national government in iran through a coup d'etat installing a puppet and then draining the country's resources for decades. well cross-talk is gone in just twenty minutes here on r.t. and i'll move on to our next story world poverty and hunger are in sharp focus at the u.n. summit in new york also in the spotlight in meetings on the sidelines are global security against iran's nuclear program meanwhile the middle east peace quartet tried to encourage a breakthrough between the israelis and palestinians now let's get more from our analysts to see you hi there now what can we expect from today's meetings.
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well there are several different important meetings worth keeping an eye on taking place throughout the day here in new york today among them is the nato russia meeting which comes ahead of a planned russian nato summit to possibly take place in lisbon in the november this year the issues being talked about there are security of ghana stan and of course missile defense we have been hearing from nato secretary general lately that he thinks it would be a good idea for russia and nato to come up with a joint missile defense program a joint missile defense system so that both the alliance and the russian federation can feel safer and cooperate in that area so that all possible questions of suspicions can be put aside of course we know that the relationship between nato and russia has been somewhat unstable ever since the georgian war back in two thousand and eight so now we're searing seeing hints from the secretary general of nato that hopefully possibly tiles ties will warm up there in that area also one of
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the things we're expecting to take place today is that it is the meeting of the five permanent members of the security council plus germany on iran now we have been hearing from the u.s. ambassador to the united nations that these talks will be an assessment of how well or not well the sanctions imposed on iran by the security council with this latest fourth round of sanctions imposed back in june has been working and basically this meeting will look into whether or not any further additional steps should be taken putting diplomacy aside to be able to have an impact on iran and really make it listen to the international community and leave earlier we heard the russian foreign minister sergei lavrov say however that russia feels that it's not the best idea for any country to try to impose additional economic sanctions on developing nations and that was an important point he made yesterday and from iran of course we have been getting a mixed reaction so far. from saying that
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a war is possible if the united states decides to attack iran's uranium facilities to the door being open for dialogue so we're going to have to wait and see how that unravels. the talks on the sidelines what's been the outcome of the peace negotiations by the middle east quartet will tell us of the middle east quartet which consists of russia the us the un the united nations of course has really urged israel to extend its freeze on settlement construction in the west bank and gaza this is a very important milestone in the talks between israel and the palestinians because palestinian authorities officials have repeatedly said that the they believe that if one more houses build in the territory the talks that are always cheeky because they have been on and off and on and off for years and the talks that took place earlier this month have really been the first in a long period of time these talks will come to an end if israel doesn't extend this
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moratorium on settlement construction and of course the deadline is looming in september twenty six so just days ahead and the clock is ticking we'll have to wait and see how that whole situation develops but speaking of israel it's interesting that israeli officials are getting kind of ticked off by comments of former u.s. president bill clinton who has been suggesting in his comments that russians living in israel are apparently the biggest and a very important milestone in these negotiations in the middle east peace process and we've been hearing israeli officials saying that from a man especially who has a spouse trying to play an important role in the middle east peace process he should he should know better than that and take his words back. thank you very much for that was our tease at us to see if you're not talking to us from new york. and coming up later in the program some are lovers and some are fighters but in india others are simply fighting for mob find out how we did
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a lot to you for saving them and theirs. and now to some other international news this hour at least ten people have been killed in an explosion in the town of mahabharat in northwestern iran about twenty others were injured it occurred during a military parade as the country marks the thirtieth anniversary of the beginning of the war with iraq a provincial governor believes that kurdish separatists are behind the attack. china has demanded the release the captain of a fishing boat who was detained in the east china sea the country's premier wen jiabao has threatened to take action against japan if the situation is not addressed the chinese vessel crashed into two japanese coast guard boats new taiwan to weeks ago the crew were arrested causing a beijing to suspend contact with tokyo. the commonwealth games in new delhi has been hit by further setbacks after two athletes pulled out and others cancelled
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their flights to next month's event over forty officials and competitors from the scottish team have already postponed their journey it comes after questions over safety were raised following bickel lapse of a foot bridge which injured twenty seven laborers the games take place every four years among many former british colonies. couples in india who marry against their parents' wishes could face violence and even death all in the name of protecting family honor but a group of so-called love commandos aims to shelter such newlyweds from harm artie's charan singh meets the team of volunteers behind the venture. but your life's in danger of your girlfriend's been kept captive welcome to the love commandos a newly formed helpline taking calls from distraught couples who have dared to maddie against the family's wishes john because i see that i think that it is whenever we get a call that a couple is being threatened if we contact our commandos and tell them to go there
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immediately to help them if they face any problem we inform the police our team of lawyers also reach there so that the couple is not attacked and threatened or mistreated. the love commandos include lawyers and social activists and claims to have attracted one hundred forty thousand volunteers across india they have helped rescue many couples from death by forcing police to intervene. sanjaya not the young couple in love who ran away from their families against their marriage they had nowhere else to turn. we made five complaints to the police but no one to catch when i heard of the helpline i felt some who helped us right away and we're seeing in there see if. they're having a sound with. me not. the help playing started following the recent upsurge in honor killings in northern india in some villages
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local councils death sentences against couples for marrying outside their caste or with the same clan. parents to do have forgotten they too were young at some point they were also attracted to people and trying to fall in love not all were successful of course i think they take their frustration out on today's youngsters in the. anonymous means of priority for the volunteers who have been targeted by angry relatives and the village councils the help lane operates from five secret locations in the capital and visitors are carefully screened. the work we do we have to do it quietly if anyone asks us our address we don't just give it to us we first ask him to reach a public spot in here our center we check to see whether he's a troublemaker who only wants to assure that he needs help then we take him with.
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love can sometimes be a dangerous thing in india especially in rural communities but with the love commandos just a phone call away there's a blast a glimmer of hope for the many couples endangered by their feelings for each other . new delhi. for more stories just head to r.t. dot com and here's a taste of what's on live right now georgian street vendors find themselves forced out of seeing their contracts. what it imposed on street trading. and to be optimistic a russian scientist says you can change the material world around you with a positive attitude find out more at our t.v. dot com. jump on a plane train or bus but leave the automobiles at home international car free day which originated in switzerland in the seventy's is being held in moscow for only the second time stacey bivins reports from the business streets of the russian capital. can this be raised in russian capital will be the gridlock behind me
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it's frustrating but it's typical for moscow motorists they experience this kind of rush hour several times throughout the day but if you ask organizers of the international heart free day of this event it's been a failure they'll say no but they weren't expecting every driver to leave their heart of hearts it's not realistic at that point for you to get more people to talk about what you've made the public he said that has also put pressure on lawmakers to make sure that they stick to the promise to continue to grow and to prove they can take the structure supporters of this event say that there needs to be. not only more access to public transportation but there also needs to be a better technology so that it can be comfortable and timely and that if you can make public transportation more appealing to people more for use it does help to
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have you spoke to some people where this is just a once a year type of thing that this is something that they've dedicated their lives to take away. when this cyclist isn't pedaling the pavement he's hopping on to public transit to get to and from work keeping his car parked reduces his carbon footprint and keeps his environmental conscience clear and road rage to a minimum. process just the environment is highly negative because everyone's in a hurry you get bars and things like that as you bake you on the contrary relax until tensions and you reach your office much faster. the world wildlife fund wants more motorist to opt for the green round as part of car free day their national salute to the environment draws participants from more than fifteen hundred cities and forty countries every september moscow has taken part for the second time and some public transport is happy price better use of natural resources and cleaner air are at the heart of the move. didn't listen it's just one problem what luck is
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another with what i read million drivers registered in moscow oh traffic gets so bad stuff that sometimes it feels better to walk but it does to drive. the car. so supporters of the international car free day and moscow hope that the helmet. will get more people out of their cars in odd two modes of public transportation. for years alexander morozov has been putting pressure on city government to improve the tram system but with millions pounding on to cramped transportation daily he says a comprehensive plan is needed to make travel more comfortable timely and more attractive to potential commuters i believe it should be the complex policy of subway some way bus and saw a bus and even. in the rural south are no not included in the transfer in the city he's asking city leaders to transfer funds from road budgets to invest and more
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tram lines and in better technology so that more people like constantine will be passengers instead of drivers so you see a bit on t.v. . and next all the latest business news with four letter that's after a short break. hungry for the full stop we've got. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. every month we give you the future we help you understand how we'll get there and what tomorrow brings the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world. join our technology update on our g. hello welcome to the business program with me charlayne was folly to
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a new koppel's operated by foreign companies have opened in st petersburg experts say the high and i am going to factories will substantially the development of the country's automobile industry prime minister vladimir putin officially opened both enterprises and promised to continue supporting foreign investors until you have clover reports from st petersburg. it took a lot of effort to no money to steal the car industry out of the crisis and i would still only to reap all the benefits some progress can already be seen as sales of locally made calls a back to growth and global brands expand their presence the russian government is seeking to develop the domestic manufacturing base by ensuring local production of call components but. we will create more attractive investment terms in russia to make it profitable for foreign companies to work here we will also make sure the production will be of the necessary quality in volume to cover the demands of the
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internal russian market and provide good times for export abroad. st petersburg with its automotive cluster is setting an example of how russia goes about further industrial development prime minister vladimir putin has opened the facilities of two more residents of this techno paulk the huge die plant which will be its first full cycle cup production enterprise in russia and that no auto parts factory intended to be a major supplier a car utility plant built by the canadian company will have an annual production capacity equivalent to one hundred million dollars the canadian also components produce a silent supply agreements with a general motors that rests on already working in st petersburg area even before its own blog has been officially opened with magnus enterprise the idea to localize full cycle call production in russia will finally become a reality. magnus crow chief executive officer believes russia should continue
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creating incentives for investors and says he's company is keen to open. car companies having a somebody plants here when you grow which means the auto parts industry needs to grow so whether we have ten plants here in ten years or thirty points we're really depends on what we're being asked to do by our customers and how competitive we are but it is history for key growth. areas strategy for for magna to grow our business in russia as much as sixty percent of policy russian cut production could be made locally within the next six years the government believes the increase localization along with more full cycle call factories will provide russia's straight with a much needed shot in the arm at the. same. staying with the car industry now in sales of luxury models in russia of being one of the main beneficiaries has been rolls royce as a company c. explains to business. russia is for us one of the most important
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global luxury car markets in the world we have tripled our sales compared to last years up to now this year and we should see you this year i mean krzysztof twenty percent at least for the luxury car market segment of course china is currently bigger than the russian market for the growth potential in the way of holdfast markets are developing you can see that more or less for the same level in china as you see that in russia but of course on a different level of the figures. time non-secular the markets in here in moscow stocks of homes in the red energy majors gas pomeroy's left were the main losers shedding more than one percent on the r.t.s. bucking the downward trend though it was new oil which finished only three point five percent higher. now latest figures show that russia's economy shrank by no point four percent in august compared to the previous month now it's off to seasonal factors were taken into account such as the record drought agriculture
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accounted for about sixty percent of the decline for transport also showed low dynamics according to a report by the finals ministry on an annualized basis gross domestic product grew two point four percent in all. the russians still make a seven dollars reportedly planning to spin off its gold assets and list the new company on the london stock exchange the financial times newspaper says the offering may take place later this year and could be worth as much as four billion dollars citing people close to the company the paper the seven star will retain a seventy percent stake in the gold unit have a star has been expanding it for failure so it's been a series of acquisitions including the recent purchase of candidates who go meanwhile very own prices are currently at record highs as investors use that precious metal as a hedge against economic uncertainty and inflation. that should update for this
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hour you can always find more stories on our website r.t. dot com slash business. culture is that so much a given to you to be there to share knowledge and find the button to mark with another drumbeat towards war are the u.s. and israel preparing an attack on iran is to read
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a thread to which me. when the news is not enough. when it's something really crucial when you want to get down to brass tacks women in special coverage. news time the latest news from the international market for signs of a discussion an expert to change opinions on the frozen issues of the region comes to. market foreign creditors and polar interests. question more. in moscow ots available in some areas grand hotels ritz carlton royal marital ruins renaissance could go on larry crowne plaza holiday encircled the holiday inn last night holiday inn the social ski patrol the radio national to meridian country club suborning shirton finest peter the first arab hawk clan's well sure.


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