tv [untitled] September 22, 2010 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT
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the crew to feed. the world. from turning into a battlefield. joining forces of. territory for dialogue or disputes are gathering in moscow for the international market. compliance with the latest u.n. sanctions on the. talks a gripping the world leaders. global poverty in the middle east. meeting on. talks on how to deal with all this taking place and we'll bring you all the latest just ahead in the program.
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this is our. top story this hour and first the. natural wealth is a source of great temptation for the countries surrounding the billions of barrels of oil that lie beneath the sea in the arctic nations of. indeed some of the finest scientific minds. to make sure a different kind of cold war doesn't break out. all of the countries that have an interest in the stake in the arctic namely russia the united states canada and two scandinavian states all of them have a very big interest and of course all want a bigger piece of the pie that is the untapped seabed full of natural resources or oil gas various minerals so the arctic is
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a very tempting piece but so far all of the sides that have a stake and have a potential claim to all of the resources have agreed to work out their issues and differences calmly peacefully they have put forward their claims they're trying to work together to make sure that all. unpleasantries are avoided and that the matters are settled and very diplomatic and civilized manner so despite the fact that the temptation is huge it seems that all parties involved really do want to make sure that the negotiations and the do thing up once it comes to that is actually fair and square and done by the book maintaining the fragile ecosystem that is the arctic and the north pole and trying to get and tap at all of the resources that lie underneath the ice and water without damaging the ecology and the system that exists there as it is that of course the arctic is already affected by global warming so it's a very very difficult issue and one that has received
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a lot of attention here which talk a little bit more about this we're joined by this professor paul berkman from the university of cambridge thank you so much for taking the time to talk to us now as you're going to preserving the ecosystem of the arctic whilst getting at its resources seems to be like and impossible task is it one of the inspirations of the ingenuity of humankind is that if we think that we can build it and so part of the strategy that we're identifying is a need to have resource development in a environmentally. damaging manner. how this matures as. it's a question that technologies will help to address but there certainly are other issues associated with resources that are far more immediate and important to resolve in terms of voting cooperation and venting conflict if we look at the problems that we face as a civilization. certainly on planetary scales and as well as regional scales the
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time frame of the solution often is decades which means that it's impossible to envision any of the magic bullet that suddenly appears instantaneously and solves that problem once and forever so the solutions really are dialogues and russian geographic society has to be complemented for their vision and this year to get dialogue that will. that will support the type of cooperation and avoidance of conflict that is necessary to make the arctic a region that is used to the interest of all mankind and thank you so much for the many say it is walking on thin ice deciding the arctic future but everybody here certainly seems optimistic. well it's good to hear katrina's reported talk more about any possible future disputes that could be over the arctic we're joined by our old mose a senior research fellow with the original institute of norway thanks we'll listen now to see tonight so so far all the countries claiming this stake on the arctic
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who's also played by the rules but how likely is it do you think is it ever a possible scenario that the situation could break down and escalate. i don't think the risk is very high and the reason why i'm saying this is that all the coastal states in the arctic have a shared interest in preserving the united nations' law of the sea as the basis for their claim to resources in the arctic if they were to engaged in any kind of conflict that. is the root of that convention and that would hurt all the arctic states well russia's been leading the way here of course to ensure that the situation never breaks down early this week russia said it has no intention of ever creating special military forces in the region do you think other countries will follow. well there has to certainly be. an increase in military activity in the arctic in the last two years but that is from a very low of level so to talk about the big militarization i think is not is not
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correct and again i think there is a shared interest to avoid conflict what about sorting out the lie of the land again russia or norway clinched the deal ending their forty year feud over the borders in the arctic very recently again i put it to you we like to see anymore agreements of that kind between countries. well there are some other bilateral jurisdictional disputes in the arctic for instance between denmark you that is greenland then mark and canada and i think you have the resolution of the. russian dispute to ms serve as an inspiration to find a peaceful peaceful solution or the other places to canada you mentioned there is a sticking point do you think that sticking point can be overcome. well the sticking point is a very big point and that is. the claim or the argument that the.
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parts of the central central part of the arctic ocean belongs to either canada or russia this is based on the. geological argumentation that there is a bridge which is an extension of the coastal states continental shelf and that is of course a big potential conflict but i think it may take many years for documentation and discussions before it has any probability of becoming a serious political conflict can you give me an obvious some sort of idea of the scale of the resources under that ice that of course every year with global warming is becoming thinner and thinner and that's all point is needed to get to i guess it isn't ever likely to become a real rival state of the middle east or russia as an energy supplier in the years to come. there is already today certainty that their eyes are suddenly gins in the arctic like the russian part of the bar and see the car see the
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beaufort sea and some other regions where there are significant petroleum concentration of petroleum resources but they're all role in assessments of arctic resource potential is very weak in the sense there are big uncertainties and a lot of lot more exploration must be done and it has to be taken into account that the numbers that are frequently cited for instance from the united states geological survey they do not think take into account the commercial consideration that is the cost issues and the special technological requirements so i think the impression might be somewhat exaggerated but certainly it is an important region ok very good to hear educated thoughts on this whole big story our lead story tonight our most senior research fellow at the institute thank you for taking the time out to be with us. president richard vedder was all that a ban on the supply of russian advanced air defense missile systems to iran moscow
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says is a show of the sails because the missiles fall under the latest u.n. sanctions on tehran artie's a tell it has got the latest on that story that. russia's chief of staff russia is not anymore going to sell its ass three hundred and so missile defense systems to iran due to the recency imposed by the u.n. security council sanctions against the country's nuclear program and stank shoes suggest that any sale of weapons to limit the country including military planes that we have a stance and we're going to take that defense shield now then usually didn't go into on the signs back in two thousand and seven when launches we still fight that has begun but. to the country now they didn't have the very thought of going to bunch of people about whether this one checked it would be canceled altogether would depend on iran's actions we're still waiting to see here on this decision
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over the launch in the thirty's but russia has already once was the delivery will best thing hundred missiles to iran last winter and said the decision was not at all welcomes in iran so it is unlikely that it will be welcomed at this time but shouldn't get done what they did the are peaceful nuclear energy the cynthia they built together a nuclear iran the first nuclear front in iran in the city of shares so it doesn't look like there's this somewhat nation between the two countries not here so we still have to hear from iranian authorities if the whole cloth from the moscow based into to the world economy and international relations told us that russia's decision to stop selling the missiles to iran will be a serious blow to iran's defense capability. iran is startler dependent on a contract on its contract with most call if it wants to provide security for its airspace and there is no other way to get similar missiles but to purchase them
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from russia russian as three hundred complex it's not only missiles the launch pads it also read our facilities and so on is the state of the art equipment and international experts all agreed was there i guess it will for the relations with current us with the judge regime in iran but i think the iranian authorities have to understand the message the message from international community here they have to change something in the attitude towards the outer world and they have to think twice before going on with their nuclear program this is r.t. from moscow coming up just ahead of the program the summer lovers and summer fighters but. others are simply fighting from them find out how vigilante groups are saving young couples from persecution. poverty and hunger it sharp focus of the u.n. summit in new york but also in the spotlight in meetings on the sidelines of global
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security afghanistan and around nuclear program meanwhile the middle east peace quartet trying to encourage a breakthrough between the israelis and palestinians. and brings us the latest from new york now. there are several different important meetings worth keeping an eye on taking place throughout the day here in new york today among them is the nato russia meeting which comes ahead of a planned russian nato summit to possibly take place in lisbon in november this year the issues being talked about there are security of ghana stan and of course missile defense we have been hearing from nato secretary general lately that he thinks it would be a good idea for russia and nato to come up with a joint missile defense program a joint missile defense system so that both the alliance and the russian federation can feel safer and cooperate in that area so that all possible questions of suspicions can be put aside of also one of the things we're expecting to take place today is the meeting of the five permanent members of the security council plus
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germany on iran now we have been hearing from the u.s. ambassador to the united nations that these talks will be an assessment of how well or not well the sanctions imposed on iran by the security council with this latest fourth round of sanctions imposed back in june has been working and basically the this meeting will look into whether or not any further additional steps should be taken putting diplomacy aside to be able to have an impact on iran and really make it listen to the international community earlier we heard the russian foreign minister sergei lavrov say however that russia feels that it's not the best idea for any country to try to impose additional economic sanctions on developing nations and that was an important point he made yesterday and from iran of course we have been getting a mixed reaction so far from saying that a worst possible if the united states decides to attack iran's uranium facilities
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to the door open for dialogue the middle east quartet which consists of russia the u.s. the u.n. the united nations of course has really urged israel to extend its freeze. on settlement construction in the west bank and gaza this is a very important milestone in the talks between israel and the palestinians because palestinian authorities have repeatedly said that the they believe that if one more houses build in the territory the talks that are always shaky because they've been on and off and on and off for years and the talks that took place earlier this month have really been the first in a long period of time these talks will come to an end if israel doesn't extend this moratorium on settlement construction and of course the deadline is looming it's september twenty six so just days ahead and the clock is ticking we'll have to wait and see how that whole situation develops but speaking of israel it's interesting that israeli officials are getting kind of ticked off by comments of former u.s.
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president bill clinton who has been suggesting in his comments that russians living in israel are apparently the biggest and a very important milestone in these negotiations in the middle east peace process and we've been hearing israeli officials saying that from a man especially who has a spouse trying to play an important role in the middle east peace process he should he should know better than that and take his words back. reporting for r.t. there so international news in brief least ten people have been killed in explosions. in northwestern and ran about twenty others were injured it occurred during a military parade as the. thirtieth anniversary of the beginning of the war with iraq a provincial governor believes that kurdish separatists were behind the attack. in china's demand of the japan release the captain of a fishing boat who was detained in the east china sea the country's premier wen jiabao has threatened to take action against japan if the situation is not addressed the chinese vessel crashed into two japanese coast guard boats near
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taiwan two weeks ago the crew arrested calls in beijing to suspend contact with. games in new delhi have been hit by further setbacks after two athletes pulled out another's council their flights to next month's event over forty officials in competitors from the scottish team already postponed the journey it comes after questions over safety were raised following the collapse of a foot bridge which injured twenty seven labor it's going to take place every four years among many former british colonies. u.s. supreme court refused to block the state of virginia's first execution of a woman in nearly a century to reason lewis is convicted of two hired killings to collect insurance money judges rejected her lawyers appeal that this will be unconstitutional as a woman has a low i.q. the execution is planned for thursday. couples in india who marry against their parents' wishes could face violence and even death all the name for texting their families on a but
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a group of so-called love commandos aims to shelters such newlyweds from harm artie's car and signets the team of volunteers behind this venture. but your life's in danger of your girlfriend's been killed captive welcome to the love commandos a newly formed health taking calls from distraught couples who have dared to marry against their family's wishes john because that. is whenever we get a call that a couple is being threatened if we can't talk talk commandos and tell them to go there immediately to help them if they face any problem we inform the police our team of lawyers also reach there so that the couple is not attacked threatened or mysteries or. the love commandos include lawyers and social activists and claims to have attracted one hundred forty thousand volunteers across india they have helped rescue many couples from debt by forcing police to intervene in.
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sunday and not the other young couple in love who ran away from with their families against their marriage they had nowhere else to turn. by police we need five complaints to the police but no one to can when i heard of the helpline i felt some helpless rights away and were staying in there see if. they're having a sense with. me not to have survived i felt like that. the whole playing started following the recent upsurge in honor killings in northern india in some villages local councils death sentences against couples formatting outside the cost or with the same clan i did your parents today are forgotten they too were young at some point they were also attracted to people and tried to fall in love not all were successful of course i think they take their frustration out on today's youngsters because one. anonymous means
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a priority for the volunteers who have been targeted by angry relatives and the village councils they have. blaine operates from five secret locations in the capital and visitors are carefully screened. the work we do we have to do it quietly if anyone asks us our address we don't just give it to us we first ask him to reach a public spot and here our center we check to see whether he's a troublemaker who only wants to assure that he needs help then we take him we. love can sometimes be a dangerous thing in india especially in rural communities but with the love commandos just a phone call away there's at last a glimmer of hope for the many couples endangered by their feelings for each other and seeing r.t. new delhi. a cycle of what's online. dot com georgian street vendors finding themselves forced out of a livelihood saying their country failed them will be imposed
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a new ban on street trading we brought you that story first last night if you didn't catch it keep up to date with it online and have your say as well of course about discussion dot com. yes i said it for ages but now russian scientists back that up partly pays to be optimistic he says you can change the material world around you with a positive attitude that's a nice thought isn't it but a culture without one to it r.t. dot com tonight. a little later we've got an interview for you with a former u.s. presidential advisor we get his views about his thoughts about the global terror threat is coming up shortly tonight business news before that though with charlotte this wednesday evening a moscow. hello welcome to the business program with me charlayne was folly to a new car plows operated by foreign companies have opened in st petersburg experts say the high and i am going to factories will substantially the development of the country's automobile industry prime minister vladimir putin officially opened both
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enterprises and promised to continue supporting foreign investors entire global reports from st petersburg. it took russia a lot of effort and money to steer the car industry out of the crisis and though it's too early to reap all the benefits some progress can already be seen as sales of locally made cars are back to growth and global brands expand their presence the russian government is seeking to develop the domestic manufacturing base by ensuring local production of car components but. we will create more attractive investment terms in russia to make it profitable for foreign companies to work here we will also make sure the production will be of the necessary quality in volume to cover the demands of the internal russian market and provide good terms for export abroad. st petersburg with its automotive cluster is seen as setting an example of how russia goes about further industrial development prime minister vladimir putin
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has opened the facilities of two more residents of this techno paulk the huge die plant which will be its first full cycle cup production enterprise in russia and not know how to parts factory intended to be a major supplier of a car utility plant built by the canadian company will have an annual production capacity equivalent to one hundred million dollars the canadian also components produce a sun supply agreements with him to a general motors the next son already working in st petersburg area even before its own blog has been officially opened with magnus enterprise the idea to localize full cycle call production in russia will finally become a reality. magnus crew chief executive officer believes russia should continue creating incentives for investors and says he's company is keen to open more plants in russia car companies have an assembly plant new to grow which means the auto parts industry needs to grow so whether we have ten plants here in ten years or
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thirty points here really depends on what we're being asked to do by our customers and how competitive we are. very key growth. area strategy for. your business in russia as much as sixty percent of policy russian cut production for be made locally within the next six years the government believes the increase localization along with more full cycle call factories will provide russia's auto industry with a much needed shot in the arm at the business st petersburg staying with the car industry now in sales of luxury models in russia of being one of the main beneficiaries has been rolls royce as a company c. explains to business. russia is for us one of the most important global luxury car markets in the world we have tripled our sales compared to last years up to now this year that we should see you this year increase of twenty
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percent of the least for the luxury car market segment of course china is currently bigger than the russian market for their growth potential in a way of how fast markets are developing you can see that moralists on the same level in china as you see that in russia but of course on a different level of the figures. times take a look at the markets now and here in moscow stops and closed in the red energy majors gas comaroff now in the main lose their trading more than one percent on the l.t.s. bucking the downward trend there was new coil which finished almost three point five percent. now latest figures show that russia's economy shrank by no point four percent in august compared to the previous month that's after seasonal factors were taken into account such as the record drought agriculture accounted for about sixty percent of the decline while transport also showed low dynamics according to a report by the finance ministry on an annualized basis gross domestic product grew
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two point four percent in august the russians still make a service dollars reportedly planning to spin off its gold assets and list the new company on the london stock exchange the financial times newspaper says the offering may take place later this year and could be worth as much as four billion dollars citing people close to the company the paper severstal will retain a seventy percent stake in the gold unit have a star has been expanding it for failure so it's a series of acquisitions including the recent purchase of canada's food gold meanwhile very own prices are currently at record highs as investors use the precious metal as a hedge against economic uncertainty and inflation. and i should update for this hour you can always find more stories on our website r.t. dot com slash business.
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when the news is not enough room when it's something really crucial when you want to get down to brass tacks women in special coverage. is trying the latest news from the international market for trying to get discussion and expert exchange of opinions on the prison issues of the region to come to market form twenty
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are not stuff we are going to. put back. the rally will sell lots of beer will wrong they will wear uniforms that will damage is down the black man know that but very little damning the white. and they are the key to our problem are already. close up again has been too they are hang me. for the first russian fleet was born . on r.t. goes to the area which holds top position in oil and gas resources. where the biggest russian salmon can be are processing factories located. and where unique
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