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tv   [untitled]    September 22, 2010 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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preventing the arctic from turning into a battlefield scientifical storage is joining forces over the future of the region's mineral wells. territory for dialogue or disputes hundreds are gathering in moscow for the international market for all the details in just a few moments. also russia won't be selling it. to iran in compliance with the latest u.n. sanctions on the islamic republic. talks of the u.n. millennium summit a gripping. russia nato meeting on missile defense and talks on how to deal with iran all this taking place in new york we bring you all the latest just ahead in the program.
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watching the news channel thanks for being with us with the top story on the tops not true wealth is a source of great temptation for the countries surrounding the icecap billions of barrels of oil lie beneath the sea and the nation. and in some of the finest scientific minds of gathered in moscow to make sure a different kind of cold war doesn't break out. fifty billion tons of oil one thousand trillion cubic feet of gas that's enough to supply the entire world for more than a few years and it's just an estimate of what's hidden in the arctic sea bed. the underwater riches of the north pole are a temptation for the five arctic states russia the us canada norway and denmark but how does one determine who gets the bigger slice of the pie surinam for today we
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really need a national geography geography that would help us assume the national interests of the territorial dispute tottered on the brink of conflict for years but lately they need to fight it out seem to fade away suddenly everybody's talking about the vast amount of riches on the sea floor and and how nations will carve up the region for themselves the arctic states the coastal states and pay particular of also talked about their stewardship responsibility the stewardship is in the interest of all mankind so at the same time there are expressions of national interest there are expressions of common interest and so really the balance is one of achieving national interests and common interests not just for the card states themselves but for the world as as a whole the north pole glitters with possibilities and it's not just the arctic states that feel the pull of their region i was in the arctic and you know i was
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only five of the two thousand and six in the north pole and then also last year we all met with the arctic of the arctic region represents a very important part of the world in a very fragile. environment in a fragile eco system that we need to protect strategic interests in the arctic is global once this northernmost part of the world is better explored there are only a few minor points where there are disputes most of this is on this putative server and. territory there's a number of counties in europe like germany the united kingdom and china and others who are also very it's now in the arctic ocean some because of the shipping not because of the resources because of the potential for making a shorter route from a seer to your dipping of the arctic is like walking on thin ice and the chance to tread lightly and work out existing differences is working fine. this is as close
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as most people will ever come to the arctic but its unique nature and vast natural resources are more than enough to entice one and all those attending the forum hope the enticement will help bridge differences keeping everybody on the same pole kasserine as our r.t. moscow but earlier i spoke to the key to of selling coffees and are to get to just return for the planet's northernmost region he told me the precautions must be taken to protect its unique wildlife but the situation is that we can't just see the changes in the arctic and weakens all the scheme as a save the changes in the climate changes which are impacting wildlife particular most vulnerable spaces like all of us you know if we're careful and if we met with it give it is properly it's ok by the political will of course when we work in our
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field would take precautions but it's political decision to make this a rule that nothing is done vertically that could really damage the arctic environment too much damage has already been done by previous exploration of the arctic and we already destroyed a lot of. it we polluted a lot and then we have to invest huge money just to clean that. the president of iceland told r.t. that russia made a positive step to launching negotiations by planting a flag on the arctic sea bed in two thousand and seven. i had been trying for ten years to speak about the arctic issues to people in europe in the united states and elsewhere and there was very little interest but suddenly when the russians put the flag of the bottom of the article shut everybody woke up but i realized times had the right so i think when we look back only to east of warsaw are welcomed opening
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court to the rest of the world that now we need to come together and and create a successful framework for corporation. should exit from our spotlight program they can watch the full interview with the president of iceland throughout the day on thursday here on r.t. . present to me to revet of his order to ban on the supply of russian advanced and defense missile systems to a random moscow says it shelved the sales because the missiles fall under the latest u.n. sanctions on tehran how to ease the telling of a cover of ports. it was chief of staff rushes not anymore going to sell its ass three hundred and so i missed out defense systems do iran due to the recency imposed by the un security council sanctions against the country's nuclear program and then stanchions suggest that any sale of weapons should be limited to
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country including military planes that we have a culture stance and of course anti-missile defense shield now then you shouldn't even in most went to congress signed back in two thousand and seven when why should we still buy that has been done but. to the countries now they didn't have been reversed that according to bush's chief of staff whether this contract would be canceled altogether would depend on iran's actions we're still waiting to hear home runs on this decision of the bush in the thirty's but russia has already once was bones the delivery will best thing hundred missiles to iran last winter and that the decision was not at all welcomes in iran so it is unlikely that it will be welcomed at this time but i shook hands on what they did here peaceful nuclear energy recent the they built together a nuclear plant the first nuclear plant in iran in the city of shares so it doesn't
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look like there's this somewhat ration between the two countries not here so we still have to do our hear from iranian authorities correspondent ali novikov or will he go home close spoke to us he's from the moscow based institute of world economy and international relations he thinks that his decision to stop selling missiles to iran will be a serious blow know to around the stiffens capabilities. iran is startler dependent on its contract with most call if it wants to or provide security for its airspace there is no other way to get similar missiles but to purchase them from russia russian as three hundred complex it's not only missiles that launch baird's it also read our facilities and so on is the state of the art equipment and international experts all agreed was there i guess it will be the relations with current us with the judge the regime in iran but i think the iranian authorities have to understand the message the message from international community they have to change something
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you know the attitude towards the outer world and they have to think twice before going on with their nuclear program this is our team from moscow coming up with the program some of the some of fighters but in india others are simply fighting from love find out how did you learn to group saving young couples violence and posted. this is the view of moscow streets is the russian capital is marking international carfree day but organizers held a success despite the horrendous traffic jam see why just a few minutes. nato and russia say they've made real progress towards greater cooperation on missile defense global security in conventional arms limits in europe the two came together on the sidelines of the u.n. millennium goals summit the u.n. security council is also met to discuss iran's nuclear program parties and it has all the latest from new york. at this meeting between nato and russia here in new
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york several important areas of cooperation we're touched upon among them is the stepping up the fight against drug trafficking and in afghanistan and secondly security in europe and of course last but not least missile defense cooperation between russia and nato in the last couple of days we have been hearing a lot from nato secretary general saying he believes the best idea would be for russia and the north atlantic treaty organization to cooperate to try to come up with some sort of joint project to work in missile defense together the areas that nato and russia still disagree on are georgia moldova as we know of course ties between russia and nato started getting somewhat shaky because of the conflicts between georgia and south the setting up back in two thousand and eight and needles east toward expansion so these issues still remain a box of the nato secretary general giving a press conference said he believes russia and nato can find mutual mutual positive steps for both sides if they cooperate more especially in missile defense take
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a listen to what he had to say the joint review of the twenty first century common security challenges. more call peroration on afghanistan. more practical cooperation in try to cherish from all piracy hopefully from my point of view a star controllers corporation jerry tauriel defense today corporation with russia in addressing of these challenges is no longer just an opportunity to build a better relationship with russia it has become a necessity if we want to be effective in preserving our common security and that is the charlotte from beijing from which we can and will move forward basically the main message of that meeting was the secretary general saying he believes both nato and russia need each other and he hopes that ties. can warm up and hopefully develop into
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a more trusting relationship in terms of. overran as of yet a meeting between the five members of the security council plus germany on iraq did take place we know that there was a draft proposal circulating around the united nations today with members of the security council plus germany really hoping to push the process of trying to make iran cooperate with the international community forward and of course we know that the united states wanted in this meeting to assess exactly what kind of impacts the existing sanctions that were dropped it in june how to on iran while russia earlier said that mr foreign minister sergei lavrov said he believes that further additional unilateral economic sanctions against any developing nation is not a very good idea he didn't really name any specific countries but of course the link was drawn between the united states and iran and of course from iran so far we
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have been seeing very mixed messages from saying that iran's doors of cooperation and dialogue are open and we also heard the radian president say he believes that if the united states tries to launch some sort of attack on iran's uranium facilities that would mean want war. you're a new york world news in brief now and at least ten people have been killed in the explosion in the tunnel mouth about northwestern iran about twenty others were injured during a military parade as the country mark the thirtieth anniversary of the beginning of the war in iraq the provincial governor believes that kurdish separatists are behind the attack. china is demanding that you can release the captain of a fishing boat to take the east china sea the country's premier wen jiabao threatened to take action against japan the situation isn't addressed the chinese vessel crashed into two japanese coast guard boats taiwan two weeks ago the crew were arrested causing beijing to suspend contact with tokyo. games in new delhi
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have been hit by further setbacks after two athletes pulled out and others cancelled the flights next month's event over forty officials from competitors from the scottish table already postponed their it comes after questions over safety were raised following the collapse of a foot bridge which injured thirty seven laborers who gave take place every four years among mainly former british colonies. the us supreme court refused to block the state of virginia as first execution of a woman in nearly a century to resolve this is convicted of two hired killings to collect insurance money judges rejected her lawyers appeal that this will be unconstitutional because the woman has a low i.q. the execution is planned for thursday. well the message was to jump on a travel train or bus but whatever you do leave the automobiles at home international car free day which started in switzerland in one thousand seven hundred four has been held in moscow for the second time during the last russia. hits the streets of the russian capital to judge the day's success as you're about
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to see. consistency reign in russia's capital as moscow motorists i build in their cars in praise patiently and the bus trading traffic gridlock it's nothing new to moscow motorists in fact people who wake up to two and a half hours just sitting there waiting to move forward and it's even worse in the winter time but if you asked supporters of the international car free day if this event was a failure they'll say no and that's because all they wanted was to get people talking about what improvements must be made and public education and there was also push by the bit to get politicians to fill their promises many of them with that yes we are behind the idea of an improved railways the subway trams a bus and regular boxes and city leaders lead by example today many of them left their cars at home the city also tried to lure more people on the public
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transportation by cutting some of the roads. they said they had no way thought that all motorists would leave their cars at home that's unrealistic and that was the point they want to get people talking and they also want to put pressure on politicians who have made promises to build more roads and to prove the infrastructure so that public transportation could be more comfortable and more timely. but more stories of course in the home page called for coming on line right now well. here it is julian street vendors fund forced out of a livelihood there saying the country failed because it's imposed a new ban on street trading what you think about that story two groups of good food will not let us know when i went to the discussion but i. don't call. the place real to the science he says you can change the two world runs you would be about to . leave one or more. i think it's
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a rubbish dog called. couples in india who marry against their parents wishes could face violence and even death all in the name of protecting family honor but a group of so-called love commandos aims to shelters such newlyweds from harm artie's car and seeing meets the team of volunteers behind the venture. but your life's in danger of your girlfriend's been captive welcome to the love commandos a newly formed help taking calls from distraught couples who have dared to marry against their family's wishes john because that. is whenever we get a call that a couple is being threatened if we contact our commandos and tell them to go there immediately to help them if they face any problem we inform the police our team of lawyers also reach there so that the couple is not attacked threatened or mysteries
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or. the love commandos include lawyers and social activists and claims to have attracted one hundred forty thousand volunteers across india they have helped rescue many couples from bet by forcing police to intervene. sunday and not the other young couple in love who ran away from. their families against their marriage they had nowhere else. that we need five complaints to the police but no one to catch and when i heard of the helpline i felt some who helped us right away and were staying in there see if. there had been a sense without them we may not have survived i felt that. the help playing started following the recent upsurge in honor killings in northern india in some villages local councils death sentences against couples formatting outside their cost or
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with the same plan i did your parents today have forgotten that they too were young at some point they were also attracted to people and trying to fall in love with you and it is not always successful of course is what i think if you take that frustration out on today's youngsters. the one. anonymous a priority for the volunteers who have been targeted by angry relatives and the village councils they have. blaine operates from five secret locations in the capital and visitors carefully screened. the work we do we have to do it quietly if anyone asks us our address we don't just give it to me first ask them to reach a public spot and here are centering we check to see whether he's a trouble maker who only wants to assure that he needs help then we take him with. love can sometimes be a dangerous thing in india especially in rural communities but with the love commandos just a phone call away there's at last
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a glimmer of hope for the many couples endangered by their feelings for each other out and saying r.t. new delhi. the headlines for you about ten minutes time between now and then a former us presidential advisor speaks spoke dangerous times from the past and gives us his take on the modern day war on terror is coming right up. he's advised presidents for decades served as the national security advisor under the carter administration he sits down now with dr brzezinski thank you so much for
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joining us we do appreciate this opportunity it's very nice to be with you i want to ask in an interview to french magazine in one thousand nine. prior to the former soviet union's invasion idea according to their analysis of what use. of the soviet union was to a degree more important than quote. and that you don't stand by that statement now yes our version of the interview was not an interview the interview was an extensive interview which was supposed to be translated to me never was. a sort of amalgamate unpublished but basically the facts are correct the united states decided to provide. resistance. it was big getting to intervene directly. or
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indirectly that was expanded and continued under republican administrations after the president carter left office. turned the resistance in the direction of the collapse of the soviet union. from the international scene of a possible nuclear war between the soviet union and america. it has made possible the kind of reconciliation but it's not under way in eurasia but more important to remove a paralyzing. dilemma paralyzing danger but hovered over the entire international community let's talk about the future implications of that decision that was made all those years ago. what did you expect the dean what you're calling the afghan resistance to do with the weaponry that the u.s. and other countries provided to them after the soviet union fell did you expect this weaponry to be given back to the civil war which insinuate after to lead to
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the formation of what we have now which is the taliban but i think the problem you know has to be looked at closer historical perspective the war lasted almost a decade it was a terrible brutal war for the soviet union in a way against americans they killed close to a million guns they drove about forty five million guns in their country so the process of consolidation the rehabilitation of understand those bombs to be put. on the west unfortunately roughly ten years after the attack started and then the soviets left did very little to rehabilitate afghanistan and the taliban phenomenon i wrote was several years after the soviet union departed. the taliban it was not involved in fighting. against the soviets to drive the foreigners from other towns to. capitalize on the opportunity to develop in afghanistan after the end of the
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war when it was largely ignored by everyone knows the weapons you know the afghans tradition of being armed individually the weapons are provided mostly very simple weapons mostly and there are a few exceptions the current most guns could handle without difficulty so you don't believe that the funding of the. dean led to the formation of the taliban today no i mean i look look look what the osama bin laden himself said. osama bin laden describe the reasons why he engaged in terrorism against the west and the fact that so it was not. international terrorism that the taliban was involved in imposing enough to understand the medieval concept of society but unfortunately it gave a haven to al qaeda osama bin laden and al qaeda had global aspirations and engage in global terrorism we'd be having this conversation now if we didn't
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expect the soviet union to the former soviet union to invade prior to our funding the mujahideen so much he was already involved directly in through the south for several years by the time to funding started the funding started at a time when the soviet union was already making preparations to invade afghanistan did you think that that would provoke the so far i have no way of knowing but i was assuming they would go in because they were going in you know approach that was evident there was an escalation of soviet involvement and by the time the funding started the soviet union was already involved militarily with guns there so i want to switch gears to another region that were influential on the middle east with the israeli palestinian conflict now you helped draft a letter with with lee hamilton that suggested that hamas should be part of this equation what do you make of the current day peace process the one that's taking place right now hamas is not part of that equation how far do you think they'll get
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in finding a solution to the problem a two state solution ultimately i think it would be very difficult to settle this problem totally unless the more extremist parties on both sides. are in. the coverage because it goes on both of you people who are against the settlement. so at some stage maybe not right away but at some story the sort of extremists will have to be drawn into the dialogue because otherwise don't undermine it do you predict that the obama administration before the next election cycle comes that they will engage mosques in this discussion and i'll take it as such prediction because the wonderful headline there is no basis for making such a protection because how can one read it and dissipate so precisely a specific historical event but in some fashion if there is going to case we all know this everyone involved knows it that hamas will have to be involved in some
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fashion syria and israel will have to be involved in a joint direct dialogue in some fashion that hezbollah will have to be fitted into the process so we're dealing here with more or less known pieces that will have to be at different stages drawn into a process if it is to be a lasting one but in present circumstances for the negotiations to begin by the most moderately inclined participants on both sides makes sense i'm wondering if we could also now switch to iran since that's then a very big topic now for actually decades. iran has seen defiant despite sanctions and despite their threats coming from outside forces including some of their allies they've remained defiant do you think that it will eventually lead to airstrikes on their nuclear facilities well i certainly hope not. because i don't think a wider war in the region is to be desired and the u.s.
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should not support israel if they choose to do that independently i think a wider war in the region is not desirable and we have to be conscious of that and it is a load of wood a possible war on iran if it is launched with the threat and america's. standing in europe asia i think a war in the region it will spread and of all the america whoever. it's and i think that's not in america's interest i don't think it's in the region's interest i don't think it's in the interest of the international community dr brzezinski thank you so much thank you appreciate it nice to talk to you and to talk to you as well . in the. culture is that so much different and there's a huge music to share the power of finding the right time to mark one another try to be torched more are the u.s. or israel preparing an attack on iraq is to write
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a thread to which me. wealthy british scientists are. sometimes that's right on. the. market why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds of reports . more news today violence is once again fled the film these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. trying to corporations or.


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