tv [untitled] September 22, 2010 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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broadcasting live from our studios in central moscow this is r t glad to have you with us let's take a look at your headlines. with potentially vast reserves of oil and gas at stake moscow is hosting an international forum on the future of the arctic russia the us canada norway and denmark are all vying for the regions and mineral wealth scientists are also warning of the logical damage and asking who will be responsible for protecting the fragile ecosystem. president dmitri medvedev who orders a ban on the supply of russian advanced air defense systems to iran moscow shelved
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vs three hundred missile deal because it fell within the latest u.n. sanctions on tehran washington strongly welcome to the move saying it demonstrates level of mutual cooperation on strategic interests and global security. and even more cooperation is visible at the u.n. summit in new york nato and russia say they've made real progress towards greater unity the two sides agreed to work together for better security in europe iran's nuclear program also came under scrutiny with u.n. security council members calling for tehran to return to the negotiating table. and my colleague carrie johnson will be back in thirty minutes with a look at your full news but right now it's back to washington for the second part of the alyona show takes a look at the attitudes of americans who believe the u.n. exerts excessive control over the u.s. and its policies. well tonight's tool time award goes to
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a gubernatorial candidate out of wisconsin with a hell of a campaign plan scott walker is the republican candidate who is centered his entire campaign around the massive unemployment that's plaguing his state but some people are starting to question his capability after the they saw his sixty eight paid job plan and here's why you see the whole thing is made in this humongous gigantic font yeah of course the plan takes up sixty eight pages but somebody clearly used aerial font size three hundred for this pamphlet this is ridiculous now i don't know if walker hired it in turn to print out this jobs booklet or if you actually think that that's going to impress the voters because of course they're not going to notice the book it's about sixty pages longer than it needs to be come on you guys this is the oldest trick in the book when i was in fourth grade teachers started banning me from using anything over size twelve and times new roman for my papers you know you probably smudged the page margins margins maybe triple spaced
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the booklet just to make it even bigger you know what scott walker you might be fooling with your potential voters with the celebrity thorough extensive job plan that you have but i can tell you one thing you're definitely not fooling us so that is why you skywalker are tonight's tool time winner. homeland security wants you to know the you can do your part to help fight terrorism we've already shown you the state of colorado's awesome terrifying p.s.a. that used football legend john elway to remind residents that they always need to be on alert to the threats of terrorism. anywhere to become a victim of terrorism anytime anywhere. together we can change this each of us has a responsibility to protect our community but we can do so by recognizing the signs of terrorism and taking proper action to stop. well i guess john elway wasn't convincing enough so now the department of homeland security is joining in on the fun they're releasing their own measures to tell the average american how to detect
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a terrorist now the pamphlets called identifying homegrown violent extremists before they strike and on page three you can find a few pointers on how to tell if you really have a neighbor that's a terrorist there are factors like changing your name adopting a new lifestyle or acquiring weapons or materials that are flammable and capable of producing explosives well i guess you know most of these indicators definitely make sense to me but the problem is i don't think it'll be about easy to tell if these are accurate and i'll tell you why let's say that you're a fan of m.t.v.'s the jersey shore could it be that everyone's favorite of noxious party animals are in fact domestic terrorists let's start with the name change criteria almost every single member of the cast has changed their names we have nicole polizzi who is now known as snooki michael sorrentino who is known as the situation and then we have jenny farley who prefers j. woww now on to adopting
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a lifestyle one season one in the cast called jersey shore their home but then for season two everybody picked up a band in their friends in jersey and moved on over to miami you know before now i never did understand why they did that i mean the show is called jersey shore so why aren't they at the jersey shore but now it's just so much more clear and as far as producing or stocking up on explosive items well i've just got two words for that hair gel. here the really quick how many cans of show you have your. body but again the twenty five minutes the more you can focus on the. shark. so it's really sad to admit but you know the jersey shore cast does fit the criteria for domestic terrorists according to the homeland security department's indicators and it might be. fair to say that snooki and the situation do their fair share of inflicting terror terror on the american people so if i have to hear
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snooki drunken getting into fights or getting arrested one more time i just might explode if that's the case like i said their plan must be on track. now earlier we told you about the frustrations with the u.n. in new york city several people in washington though are frustrated as well the tea party says the u.s. involvement in the u.n. is pointless and that changes need to be made the meanwhile lawmakers are bending over backwards to accommodate the visiting diplomats and on the ticket tears r.t. correspondent and he has the story. it's that time of the year again. and expected one hundred thirty nine heads of state and government at the same place same time for the sixty fifth session of the united nations general assembly. to representatives to stand in the seven minutes of silent prayer or meditation according to its president joseph dice the problems facing the international
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community are enormous and require a global solution problem or this government doesn't understand its limitations but the problems here at home are also mounting and now more and more americans seem to want a less global influence and more don't mastic action we need to get our tails out of the united nations. because it's served its purpose the rest of the countries don't give a hoot about the united states but united states secretary of state hillary clinton seems to think otherwise now the un remains the single most important global institution we are constantly reminded of its value i understand that we need to be you know we have a responsibility to work with the world but i don't think they need to control us we obviously need institutions that are flexible inclusive complementary instead of just competing with each other but some analysts say when it comes to the united nations for the u.s. there really isn't all that much competition the idea that the united nations is an
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independent center of power in the world i think is based on a misconception the united states dominates the security council the security council dominates the the rest. paradis and the argument isn't just against the united nations the world bank headquarters stand tall here in washington d.c. the international stablished says it's a vital source of technical and financial assistance to developing countries across the globe. and just a few blocks away another international institution heinie the headquarters of the i.m.f. international monetary fund and the world bank are the most sinister of the most tragic the most destructive aspects of the entire united nations just by. the basic policy of the international monetary fund is that monetary value is in terms of what a banker would see are of great importance but the fate of about
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a billion people around the world who are on the birds of starvation means absolutely nothing and some politicians even go so far as to say that i don't even think we belong in nato i think if they need a pack of countries in europe they should do it but not with our help like father like son so now you're actually a proponent of the united states not binding not joining organizations like the i.m.f. like the world bank like the united nations what i don't like is that we pay for all of them then i like the u.n. we foot the bill for maybe a third to a half of the u.n. and then you have to pay the dictators like hugo chavez or robert mugabe the evo morales who then go or cut off the from libya who go to the u.n. and just bash the united states they're useless and all they do i mean they got a bunch of terrorists in there look at the countries that are in there and as far as the world bank we don't need a world bank. so as the u.n. g.a.
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gets underway a growing number of folks in this country from tea partiers to libertarians don't necessarily want to be so united with the rest. of the world the. for r. t. d. and a soft ski. well dean is here in the studio with me to tell us more on this story you know do you know one thing that i think so interesting is that you spoke to a few people there that were saying you know they don't like the fact that they think that the u.n. controls america that it is fringes upon america's sovereignty you know on the other side of the spectrum the majority of the critiques about the u.n. are the fact that america perhaps has the most most say in that they're too controlling of the u.n. so i mean it just seems like such a disconnect here it's because it's just a fair and balanced report alone where you do bring up a really good point and the underlying question there is one of national sovereignty these super powers the united states russia china you know have to
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answer to the fact that are they willing to give up their own national interest for the good of the global you know global institutions global powers or are they going to sort of focus on themselves if we look at what happened in copenhagen that answer is clearly no they're not willing to sort of forego their own national interests for the united nations for the greater good quote unquote but another point that you touched upon is you know something that dr rand paul and webster tarpley said they said look you have to follow the money trail who's funding this whole thing it's the united states and that's why he said the u.s. dominates the security council but on the flip side of that let's think back to the sanctions on iran many would argue it wasn't all that easy for the united states to go ahead and sign something and go ahead and pass it that it took some concessions to other powers so there are a lot of different opinions when it comes to this and i think it's important to consider all of them but of course the money trail is there the u.s.
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funds most of it and so people can say that they think that the u.n. is you know has too much influence but if we think about it realistically we have to question whether or not it's actually the other way around i mean they're talking about money to you know these people that you spoke to on the street did they always have a problem with the u.n. or is it only now when the u.s. . in a recession and there's just not enough money to go around our deficits are soaring now do they all of a sudden care why we're funding it you really have to wonder whether or not you know these harsh opinions against the united states are real we frame in the context of the economic environment here in the united states and it's very clear that americans are very frustrated you know the unemployment numbers them out of home foreclosures and so of course they need to blame it on something but they're saying look we don't have enough money here at home we're in so much debt why are we giving it to the united nations why are we having these quote unquote un police all over the world telling other people what to do telling us what to do so i think that's a really really important point to touch upon is this something is this view that's
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been held for many many years or is it just in light of the economic situation people need to blame something and here you have the united nations which is easy to point the finger to well you know one thing that i find interesting is you know these were tea partiers you went out and spoke to and they of course their concern right now is america's sovereignty and to make sure that we're not spending too much but do they also have a problem with other international organizations with with nato for example you know i mean i feel like when it comes to perhaps the military and defense spending then all of a sudden all those fears that they have about spending too much money seem to vanish here's where the tea party seems to run into trouble because if you listen to congressman ron paul who said get out of nato get out of europe get the bring back the troops from all these bases all over the world but then you have someone like sarah palin saying we should stop spending here at home but it's ok to spend on defense whatever whatever the d.o.d. needs whatever the pentagon is we should be willing and able to give it to them and
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you know that's something that is very interesting when i go and cover these rallies is that you have these two opposing points of view where you have those quote unquote isolationist that say that we should just get out of everywhere we need to stop spending so much abroad but then you have people like sarah palin like michele. many of like glenn back was not a politician but i think you know he has a lot of influence over them saying that you know we really need to focus on on defense and national security issues and things like that the contradictions do nothing all of my majority on this ok still ahead tonight should c.n.n. get out of the news game and try porn we'll tell you why that's being suggested online today and we'll look into poverty here let's we're going to speak with an author who wrote a book dealing with america's white underclass. 1930's being lynam friends tried to reason with hitler germany demands a better land and gets its way they also have been treated to safety nets for
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themselves. thirty nine the whole of europe is involved in war efforts to establish a system of collective security nine hundred thirty sales and it's still on the. lessons to be learned from the munich agreement on. so. this history still keeps its secrets but now it's time to reveal. the soviet files
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house on the embankment on. wealthy british soil. to explain. markets why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report on r g. here on the show we've often spoken about the fact that while it's no secret c.n.n.'s ratings are horrible these days the once mighty network has fallen on hard times but i think we may have figured out why do you think c.n.n. might be able to become a porn company let me explain why we found
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a you tube video that was pretty funny it's from t.j. and toxin is asks people at the san gennaro festival in new york to decide if c.n.n. anchor names are really news people or if they were porn stars take a listen. political correspondent or one story a.j. hammer to jab wants to work all that is go before sleep to is. candy crowley. paula hancocks. kitty pilgrim war war goes on. you know i think that t.j. and the turks are on to something here maybe the most trusted name in news is getting ready to start a porn business i mean think about it names like candy crowley kitty pilgrim paula hancocks a.j. hammer and even rick sanchez it makes you wonder now the latest ratings battle c.n.n. on most days is usually in the third place network behind fox news and this n.b.c. we all know the fox news only hires blonde babes to deliver the news so maybe
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c.n.n. should try porn but from the looks of this group i think a.j. hammer is probably the only one who could make it in the point is three so if c.n.n. is really going to get serious about porn can you please bring in some better looking talent and then again if you really are going to get serious about news why don't you stop being boring and also bring in some better looking talent to give this advice to you one last time c.n.n. it's not going to me free forever. oh. now with election day just forty one days away here in the u.s. there's a battle of the substances brewing in california this november voters in california are going to vote on a measure that would legalize marijuana for recreational use the most polls show the measure narrowly being approved with about forty seven percent of residents supporting it but guess who is not happy the beer industry they do not like the possibility of weed becoming illegal and recreational drug that's right the
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california beer and beverage distributors have donated ten thousand dollars to the public safety first which is a group opposed to prop nineteen you know when you stop to think about it the donation does make perfect sense the alcohol industry has to see legal marijuana as a threat to their sales just think a night spent on the couch smoking pot having the munchies watching t.v. is a night and not spent at the bar not out you know running up huge bar tabs and consuming alcohol so why would they want to share their industry's monopoly on legal mind altering substances or vices if you will sounds to me like someone is getting just a little bit jealous and the strange twist today supporters of medical marijuana use in california came out against making the drug legal recreational use they worry that giving local cities and counties the ability to opt out of implementing prop nineteen would make marijuana less available for the people who really need it
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for their medical purposes so the battle lines have been drawn beer versus weed and medical marijuana versus legal marijuana this is getting pretty good. now we've discussed the latest poverty figures released by the census bureau the ones that told us that one in seven americans more than forty three million people are living below the poverty line but who are these people for some reason in this country there's always been an assumption that the poor or the underclass or the nonwhite. the minorities for some reason the fact that there isn't always has been a white underclass the people at the bottom of that american barrel of the national labor pool has become taboo according to the author of a new book quote public discussion of this class remains off limits deemed hyperbole and the stuff of dangerous radical leftists because besides everyone agrees white people cannot be underclass now joining me to discuss it from mexico is joe badge and the author of this new book rainbow pie a memoir of redneck
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america joe thanks so much for joining me now you said it yourself there is an assumption in this country that white people can't be part of the poor underclass why do you think that is. well. our media is generated from the big cities. and the big cities poverty is easily color coded buskin people are packed densely. and most poor blacks and so on live in the cities but the heartland all the stuff between the cities most of the country an area. it's really hard for television to cover because it's spread so the family it's also also not not exciting for media as a big cities most of us out there are boring working class people and yet still most poor people in america are white you know so you know tell television tells americans who they are you know what's going on in their country what's happening
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in our society television that's the operating instructions so if a can't see you you don't exist ok but what about i don't know historians sociologists the people that should be telling their real story why is it still even taboo to mention in their circles. well capitalism dominates the way our history is written you know it's capitalist corporations that write to check say published books and. the profits for more dense urban populations are greater than isms economically more efficient for corporate capitalism and also there's a rural urban split in the american consciousness and it's valid you see. most exciting do things happen in the cities and so on and so this vast. almost labor serfdom exists out there that they can never really see or if they do they assume that what they see as the exceptions now you tell yourself say that you you used to
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be part of this white underclass you know so explain to me why then you say that these people are so easily manipulated by corporate political interests and why they're the ones that easily get mustered into supporting any kind of military conflict. well i accidently escaped. simply put you know who are we here and you know i still am no matter what i do always be a product of my environment but you know we're the faithful working class where the people that have. accepted america as it's been have by government media and corporations that automatically means were poorly informed misled you know where the faithful the war and we believe in hard work it's the greatest virtue that of course makes as she spoke of the labor force we believe our nation's the greatest on earth and that americans invented freedom. we believe these things because we're
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taught from birth and because we can't see the rest of the world for instance we're not allowed to watch al-jazeera in fact you have to go out of your way to watch or hear the b.b.c. in america despite that it's all over what's called public radio and public t.v. which you know nobody watches nobody significant significant numbers and so we've become trying to consume spectacle instead and spectacle it's available twenty four seventh's but what do you make you know perhaps the tea party i mean could you say that this is the tea party is representative of that underclass finally gaining some you know some clinical power. no the tea party excuse me i have to keep touching my computer the tea parties the media spectacle you know it's made their last two million americans like you're talking about well there is that we've got a question whether the tea party really exists in the true sense of the word the tea party is a media spectacle to make working class people believe if they have power
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a lot of good people join the tea party movement without understanding that it's it's a political media production for mass consumption for instance it's backed by money from billionaires and in reality it's mandates but super conservative capital is like the koch brothers we have a theater state and television is the operating instructions for our society and its owners. the corporate owners create a reality but you're going to see at a tea party rally on t.v. is the microphone and camera go to the loudest person or the ugliest strangest sign and you don't see all the people that just kind of show up because well take america back it sounds like a good slogan but you ask them what they think they don't know what they think and you know i just want to put it one more thing very quickly because we got to wrap it up you know because of the recession a lot more people are now becoming moving away from the middle class to becoming
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part of this poor underclass or do you think about going to bring it out into the limelight or that they are just deny it that it's going to remain this secret taboo very quick ok well i don't think they have the language to describe the problem it's been stripped from our language you know by our educations and so on so if they can't describe their problems they can't solve it. i want to thank you very much for joining us. hard to for we go it's time for our tweet of the day you know more is coming out about the delaware tea party senate candidate christine o'donnell and her dabbling in witchcraft but inside the right wing of the republican party witchcraft is nothing to joke about christians think this is a big evil deal so we were thinking what should the hardcore g.o.p. tweet about o'donnell's past you know we thought they'd say something like this salem witch trials anyone talk about going back to america's roots right that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in and make sure we come back you come back
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tomorrow well more un coverage as the general assembly gets underway and tomorrow the house republicans are releasing their new contract for america serena examine and debate what it really means now in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of a lot of show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of tonight's show or any other nights you can always catch it all the you tube dot com slash they want to show where we post the interviews as well as the show in its entirety coming up next is the news with the latest headlines from the u.s. and around the world.
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