tv [untitled] September 23, 2010 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT
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as the nations in the arctic. regions mineral wealth scientific top brass comes together in moscow to preserve the. ecology. one can stand alone in the arctic russia's prime minister vladimir putin says we must break in resolving some of the quotas issues at the moscow or join me in the actual war in the main highlight of the us. also tonight is the biggest gathering of world leaders wraps up with new york president obama tells the un general assembly that iran needs to come clean over its atomic ambitions. big political messages are sent out from the one as the general to peace unravels in new york but are some leaders
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turning the events into get all the latest updates from the big apple just ahead in the program. also a martial arts fighter known for his violent behavior and nationalistic views is pleading for asylum in norway following is a skate from a russian psychiatric facility last month. nine pm thursday night here in moscow you're watching with me with the top story this hour and it has some of the most harsh conditions on the planet but also the arctic is among the most desirable places on earth right now it's because of its untapped resources of oil and gas that are proving to be a great source of temptation for several northern countries and that's why the best scientific minds and politicians have been here in moscow trying to ensure cutthroat competition doesn't destroy conservation. report. one of the hottest
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issues surrounding one of the walls called a sweet jones is territorial claims at the moment several arctic states including russia canada the united states danmark and no way put forward their claims and i'm trying to prove their rise to the among most of reach which is believed to contain as much as a quarter of the world's untapped undiscovered natural resources so a very lucrative piece of pie the question is how this pie is going to be divided and who gets what russia's stance is that any territorial dispute should be resolved through dialogue and it demonstrated an example of the power of dialogue with norway when recently signed an agreement with this arctic state which put an end to almost a four decade dispute of. boundaries and the many point to this agreement as an example of how similar to rhetorical conflicts could be resolved in
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the future the prime minister today said that any a tall copper war with fierce battle over the icecap of the world are exaggerated to say the least but he said that every arctic state in russia in the first place as the world's largest arctic country can and should protect and protect its strategic interests in the north pole while russia's go into research work to provide data behind its territorial claims but there should be done and there should be no disputes otherwise the price of any dispute surrounding this very delicate region is high. but what is to stop it is that we have to hear some futuristic forecast. for the arctic are responsible analysis shows the majority of the frightening scenarios on the future of the arctic have no grounds whatsoever their goal is to provoke clashes among the arctic states and those who make the predictions can fish for something in the murky waters but i am absolutely sure
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that all the. existing problems including the ones over the continental shelf can be resolved in a manner of partnership and according to the award i'm not joined by one of the participants high ranking guess the president of iceland all of our grimson thank you very much for being with us it's a real orner now from from a side it looks like the main dispute now is not even how to save the environment of this delicate region of the planet her birth but how to get out the most of it is that true was the top priority no i think there is a very strong and almost concerns by everybody in the article to be sure it did in this conference in moscow that the environment is of great importance the melting of the ice will create an environment or condition that we all have to deal with so it's not just the question of often your gold rush in the arctic it's also that
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we approach the nation a responsible way all of us together that this is why i think i'm pretty confident that we will do all this shit of a responsible way and i think the recent agreement between morally and russia which has been short for for decades or now it's a subtle me here with us is a very strong signal from russia as well as this conference here russia wants to do all this responsible corporate to worry about you welcome thank you very much for your insight it's a great aunt to all of a grandson president of iceland from the international arctic for him how to moscow the largest form of world leaders is culminating with nearly two hundred nations running off the u.n. general assembly within the past few hours president obama again told the assembly that iran needs to open up over its nuclear program he also praised the progress made on cutting nuclear weapons with russia r.t. so nice to see you choke and i reports from new york. it's ironic that barack obama
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was supposed to make his speech earlier today at a certain time and he was actually elite apparently because of the traffic and it's interesting that he did focus largely on the middle east how more for the process can be made when it comes to the relationship between these release and palestinians however it was noted that these really delegation seats were empty while barack obama was making a speech at the assembly hall a very important issue that he focused on was the issue of nonproliferation and he did create the fact that russia and the united states were able to sign the new start treaty and he did say that he hopes this issue can continue to move forward with iran as well saying that the doors are for dialogue are still open if iran agrees to have an open relationship with the international community to as we pursue the world's most dangerous to extremists we're also denying them the world's most dangerous weapons and pursuing the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons we have joined with russia to sign the most
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comprehensive arms control treaty in decades and here at the united nations we came together to strengthen the nuclear nonproliferation treaty. as part of our effort on nonproliferation i offered the islamic republic of iran an extended hand last year and underscored that it has both rights and responsibilities as a member of the international community iran is the only part of the n.p.t. that cannot demonstrate the peace the peaceful intentions of its nuclear program. and those actions have consequences we are expecting that mahmoud ahmadinejad is also addressing the united nations general assembly today but in the last couple of days he has definitely been playing a lot of mind games with the international community saying that yes in iran is ready for dialogue then saying that if the united states continues pushing iran and
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possibly attacks its uranium facilities there might be a war kicked off so really a lot of mixed messages from the reunion president and when he gives his speech today we're going to have to wait and see if that turns into a traditional theatrical or may be a step forward will be made but many analysts are really not predicting that any substantial information and messages will come out of after dinner speech it's important to mention that protests are taking place today lots and lots of protesters gathering since the morning so definitely going to dish out is trying to steal the show yet again yesterday was an important day when the need to rush out council meeting took place because the secretary general of nato was saying that it's important for russia and the alliance to build a closer relationship when it comes to joint security he has been calling in these last couple of days for a joint missile defense plan between russia and nato saying that both russia and nato really need each other. i was
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a situation reporting there because when you know later on the program will be discussing the impact of his love and stream of song world peace and stability with the former head of the libyan islamic fighting group no men but not ministers and if you want to quote alongside of some of bin laden he says violence is never brought any benefit to the middle east. it's a portal for your belt comes of the jihad movement it's a that means we need to change this that is it that's the end of the video so i think now the main solution is all the islamic groups they should give a. go and give it back to the governments what they would be would like them or not it's not love and hate. it's politics. are all really interesting conversation if you've not caught it already you can find out what else before militant leader had to say about islam is to extremism under former colleague osama bin ladin just over an hour's time we're showing it again here on r t then. more news from the day
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a martial arts champion who escaped from a russian psychiatric hospital has turned up in norway where he's pleaded to be allowed to stay extreme nationalists viciously has a history of violence and was armed when he showed up to immigration officials are to sort of first takes up a story. he ran it decided he could no longer hide to stay for a month until the state will psychiatric care in think petersburg if it's stuff that think has emerged in norway where he's asking your thirty's to grant him political asylum and. wearing a t. shirt with a swastika and carrying a loaded gun he turned himself then that's it is now under arrest. this is a breach of the weapon you haven't found a weapon and confiscated other interesting items these case of priority hard investigation is now underway to log he used to be best known for his aggressive fighting style within the ring now it's his imprisonment escape and his ties with
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the band's nationalist national party the slavic union that's grabbing the attention. he called me several hours before that video was made and said he was going to turn himself in i replied that it was up to him he thanked me for supporting him made of threats assault and robbery and in the alleged psychotic breakdown placed in high security psychiatric cant but after he transferred to a low security facility he made light work of escaping whipping up a wife sense of his hands he simply walked away the doctors a dissing him tintin. to intervene it's raising serious questions as to how exactly a dangerous psychiatric patient managed to escape and make it out of russia without being caught but the reason it's funny they tell us that he's totally insane and all he does is screaming you know in reply to any question however he managed to
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cross two borders and he brought his weapon along and one member of the slavic union who originally came from the stone he asked for political asylum and was granted a residence visa also i'm not sure what will happen with the sick but anything is possible. in this fight his fate now hangs on whether he'll be extradited back to russia granted political asylum and. he must gain. that we can t.v. reporter stay in accra told us the people there are asking how a psychotic patient could have got into the country so easily in the first place. that's a very good question everybody here asks the same thing of course a lot a lot of illegal immigrants come to norway every single day it's not that hard to get into norway is such a high profile person the videos of him are on you tube and internet and pictures of him and he's a high profile person he likes the attention just like now of course when he stood
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up and made the nazi salute to all the journalists that was there and he wanted the court to be open and then here argued for that the court proceedings should remain open so obviously he does get a lot of attention here from the public i think most people the general public. would like him to be sent back to run through as possible and there is of course a fear that the whole right extremist environment will grow up again we've had some very very bad incidents in the past with murders and church burnings and so on and nobody wants to return to that state. this is our team from moscow coming up in the program with me kevin no internet because the euro is up to kick the crown for the stolen wallets r.t. finds out what the baltic states ready for the czech. russia's give poland more than twenty volumes of documents detailing the mass killing of polish officers in the soviet union in the one nine hundred forty s.
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as part of moscow's fourteen year long investigation into the massacre thousands of imprisoned poles were executed in the catton forest near smolensk russia since acknowledge that solve it forces were responsible for the deaths but part of still wanted further investigation into the incident this is the second handover presidents related to the case following warsaw's calls for legal assistance. it carson vice president's been wounded in a grenade attack on his house so xander wasn't seriously injured in the bombing which the country's leader said was aimed at destabilizing the republic of cars it was a small nation of caved on the eastern shore of the black sea in the early nineties after the collapse of the soviet union it for the war for its independence from georgia then after the georgian of setting conflict in two thousand and eight the country's independence was recognized by russia and other countries georgia still considers of karzi a part of its territory. international news in brief now pressure is mounting on officials in delhi as more countries delay their arrival for the commonwealth games
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in india new zealand along with canada and scotland have perspire their travel plans to the event it all comes after indian organizers faced criticism over poor accommodation for athletes and the collapse of a foot bridge which injured twenty seven workers the games are due to begin next week with local officials insisting that the facilities will be completed on time. in the un investigation is concluded israel's military broke international laws during a raid on a garza bound aid flotilla in may the report describes the violence that left nine dead as disproportionate but israel insists the soldiers were acting in self-defense it all happened after commanders boarded the six ship convoy is it to try to breach an israeli naval blockade of gaza. hundreds of thousands of people in france are protesting against plans to raise the retirement age from sixty to sixty two public transport an air traffic are being hit by the twenty four hour stoppage while over two hundred protesters plan to try to force a government rethink have a parliament expected to pass the law with ease has france struggles to slash its budget deficit. dystonia is gearing up to become the first country from the former
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soviet union to adopt the euro the new year will see the new currency adopted a move being hailed by the country's politicians as a star rick but with a single european currency on shaky ground right now many of stonings fear that joining the club could lead to financial uncertainty as tom barton reports. a day at the market an experience you leave fears will become considerably more expensive and the impending arrival of the single currency which is now the most as a regular housewife i'm against the dutch you know the euro because with that adoption prices for basic groceries such as sugar potatoes and carrots will go up on january the first stone it will become the seventeenth country to join the euro area it's taken hears of economic reform and government spending cuts to get here we need to keep inflation low but this means also we need to keep our
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salaries low and cannot have. high growth we need and that's why according to my understanding the timing of joining daryl's own is not a court but an exhibition to mark the euro countdown politicians and economists came together to convince the public of the currency is virtually no doubt. as late as the spring of two thousand and nine europe was skeptical about dystonia joining the euro zone but the attitude changed within half a year and people started to see a store near as a prospect maybe even a good example for the eurozone. however such tough measures are because a stonier joined other baltic states over leverage in their economies sacrificing long term stability for short term growth after a stunning i became the second most severely affected e.u. member state in terms of output declining the severity of the just moment when you read that the period of rapid output growth was to some extent also
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a period of imbalance growth and economic overheating despite a painful struggle to get it here to stand in government has brought the euro to its people's door step. but first on your more than other countries the crown represents something uniquely cherished by its people because of the short eighteen year history independence both political and economic but i would like to express my appreciation for this story in chrome we should be proud of her country and their nation many estonian spill this mystery but many also say they can accept its disappearance if the loss of control over their country's financial instruments really worries them. when you get me hostage of this did military or instability of the whole universe system. meaning that paying for those groceries in the stone year could become a whole lot of. party. the head of what's happening by logging
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onto our website all our stories on there and a whole lot more too few data takes into you can have your say and also as you see where we're heading that discussion is going to online tonight in our results called america's tea party movement is calling for the u.s. to stop meddling in the world affairs and take the mess to get a new stage agree that story tell us what you think about this question put r.t. dot com and the effect of this summer's record breaking heat wave still being felt see through the hard numbers of moscow. as a result. of pigeon love stories rather your street dot com. you might figure familiar with these around the kremlin but in ten minutes time we take you behind the doors of one legend rebuilding it may have escaped your i was to come on tonight after business is the charlotte scene just about. hungry for the full story we've gone to. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers.
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to be soo much brighter. moon and sun from feinstein. starts on t.v. don't. hello welcome to the business program with may show it was folly gold prices are at all time highs near thirteen hundred dollars per ounce many analysts expect the rally to continue which has seen prices rise thirty six percent since the beginning of the year seen as
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a hedge against economic uncertainty gold has been one of the best performing us to call says throughout the financial crisis to mccutcheon c.e.o. evoke a gold explains people are taking into account the overall situation in the global economy clearly as a whole the global economy is not doing as well as i think i would like and so what gold is doing is basically acting as an insurance policy if you will on future economic and uncertainty but it also is doing of course local always does traditionally is act as a real absolute way of storing wealth i suppose a nominal value such as national currency it's i think the gold still has legs i think it's going to go higher although the reality is a gold's been going up now since over ten years so but i don't say that gold's going to go up higher lightly i really think it will because i see massive amount of money printing throughout the world not only in the u.s. i see other places too for example the bank of japan just intervened on their currencies path to essentially devaluing the currency and so all of these things taken into account basically mean that been nominal value of gold which is what we
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see on our screens every day is going to go higher so you know what i think has a way it's going to get over. now in other news the russian government believes it will be able to achieve a zero budget deficit sometime soon after two thousand and thirteen but prime minister putin says this will be dependent on generating income from other sources the rule materials. we will continue to decrease our budget deficit in the future by two thousand and thirteen the deficit will be less than three percent. zero deficit judging by the changes that happened this year it could happen quickly first of all to balance the budget would count your own economic group its quality development and we need not just the revenues from. time now to have a look at the markets and here in moscow the policies of closed session and narrow range it follows losses earlier in the day in line with trends in the global markets as worries and grew over the pace of economic recovery energy majors were
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the main driver to pay more than one percent on the r.t.s. bucking the trend though with bad bank which closed up one point nine percent. now the world bank's private sector lending international finance corporation is to buy a fifteen percent stake in a creative financial one hundred million dollars ahead of its i.p.o. accreted merging its commercial and investment banks into a single lender before a potential i.p.o. early two thousand and twelve very courageous plans to raise three hundred seventy five million dollars to fund expansion and acquisitions i.f.c. already owns a quarter of one of the creature major shareholders. and also invested two point four billion dollars in russia its second biggest investment worldwide providing financing for banks health care telecommunications a manufacturing. carbon trading was one of the key elements of the character protocol to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the say russia offers tremendous
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potential for carbon trading as it ran up a huge carbon deficit at the beginning of the decade when industrial production was low earlier i spoke to michael wilkins head of carbon markets as dungeon pause then explained how the trading system works and what it's worth in russia. essentially carbon trading is when one country trades carbon reductions with another one so if you reduce the amount of greenhouse gases you put into the atmosphere you can sell that reduction to another country for profit and the same as any other commodity in that respect the only big difference is that it's very strictly regulated under the kyoto protocol above united nations so it is essentially a commodity market it's worth around one hundred forty four billion dollars a year in terms of global alliance trading and most of the activity is in the european emissions trading scheme other countries are increasingly selling credits into the trading scheme including russia is there is it possible to make money from
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it and there is a possibility to make money essentially if you reduce the amount of carbon you put into view atmosphere and you invest money to do so and you earn a carbon credit that carbon credit can then be sold at a profit into an emissions trading scheme so it is possible to make money out of your hair not scared for conference the carbon markets and invest it and left as they say shit now what ten chill does russia offer for carbon trading what russia at the moment is and bought on a major milestone in terms of its carbon trading activity it's just approved the first fifteen and mission reduction projects under the j i scheme stands for joint implementation those fifteen projects account for somewhere in the region of thirty seven million tonnes of carbon reductions and they are going to be sold into the international market now while that's not a huge amount of carbon reduction we're talking about three hundred seventy million euros in terms of the value compared to one hundred forty four billion overall globally is still an important start for russia we've been waiting for for years to
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get to this stage and more importantly russia is now going to carry on ten more more projects under j i and the estimated value of the market for russia is somewhere in the region of two point seven billion euros on the sumption of it it generates one hundred billion tonnes of carbon reduction per year. and i should update for this hour you can always find more stories on our website r.t. dot com flash business.
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to be soon which brightened. soon from finest impressions. moves from stunts on t.v. don't come. close up came has been to the our hangal speech. where the first russian fleet was books our r.t. goes to the area which holds top position in oil and gas resources. where the biggest russian salmon caviar processing factories located. and where unique
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