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tv   [untitled]    September 23, 2010 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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in the movie available in the resort and spa. for the biggest gathering of world leaders in new york president double give a shout lashes out at western. american and other international delegates during his speech. as nations in search of the arctic regions mineral scientific top brass come together in moscow to preserve the north poles. one can stand alone russia's prime minister vladimir putin says nature shows we must break in resolving some of the quotas. or join me in the actual war on the highlights of the. martial arts fighter known for his violent behavior and nationalistic views is pleading for
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asylum in norway following is a skate for a russian psychiatric facility. you're watching the news channel with me in our top story america and other dignitaries at the u.n. assembly have walked out as the iranian president lashed out at western dominance it was. a conspiracy theory surrounding nine eleven which led the u.s. delegates to leave your flawless catch up with the latest events of the. been in new york cross it all for us it was kind of expected wasn't honest to say let's begin with my speech again pulling no punches in american domination take us through it step by step. you know coming you bring up a good. point as considering how hard the international community especially in the
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last couple of days have been trying to say over and over again that they're willing to reach out a hand of dialogue to leave the door of dialogue open with iran it's like man who does minister and tries to provoke the community more and more and see how far he can take it he's really been like a one man reality t.v. show here in new york in the last couple of days and in this speech that is getting a lot of attention as in the spotlight today he did say that he did give a lot of time to talking about world domination by certain countries occupations of iraq and afghanistan and really trying to dominate smaller countries and what you brought up just now is that he did end up crossing the line with the u.s. delegation again when he talked about nine eleven take a look at what he had to say. there were three viewpoints first that a very powerful and complex terrorist group able to successfully cross all the
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years of the american intelligence and security carry don't the attack this is a privilege viewpoint which has been supported and mainly obligated by american statesman second that some segments within the u.s. government orchestrated the attack to reverse the declining american economy and its grips in the middle east in order to steve designers' regime the majority of the american people as well as most nations and politicians around the world agree with this view. well you know kevin not quite a lot of protests have been taking place here in new york in this in these last couple of days today was the biggest ones were taking place because mahmoud ahmadinejad was a true addressing the u.n. general assembly we see buses of people arriving just outside our studio because we're two blocks away from the united nations headquarters carrying people to these protests people carrying banners saying man who definition of is a tyrant a murderer a terrorist they're criticizing him for the human rights situation in iran as well as of course the controversial uranium enrichment program in iran so really
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a lot of attention he's definitely in the spotlight but as of yet no substance to what he was saying today has been seen i wonder when president obama took the floor a few hours earlier to give his speech if we knew the tone the present president was going to take a bow was always going to take a run to tough schools me. well yes absolutely obama of course did mention iran widely he spoke a lot about nuclear nonproliferation and he said that the united states while being very satisfied with the fact that russia and the united states have been able to sign a new start treaty he's really hoping that iran will come back for dialogue come back for conversation he really did try to get iran back into the dialogue but as of now as he said that he still wants the united states still wants if you want to confirm that its intentions are peaceful take
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a listen. as we pursue the world's most dangerous to extremists. we're also denying them the world's most dangerous weapons in pursuing the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons we have joined with russia to sign the most comprehensive arms control treaty in decades. and here at the united nations we came together to strengthen the nuclear nonproliferation treaty. as part of our effort on nonproliferation. i offered the islamic republic of iran an extended hand last year and underscored that it has both rights and responsibilities as a member of the international community iran is the only part of the n.p.t. that cannot demonstrate the peace the peaceful intentions of its nuclear program
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and those actions have consequences. well a large part of that speech was also dedicated widely to the middle east peace process which the united states of course is trying to lead and have these release and palestinians carry out successful talks which really hasn't happened so far in this conflict keeps dragging and dragging and basically what happened during obama's speech there was these israeli delegation was nowhere to be seen and this is usually seen as a sign of sort of disrespect in diplomatic circles when one country is presenting a speech especially when it concerns other nations and that country is not there and as a real was definitely nowhere to be seen this is in new york thanks for bringing us up to date as ever was pretty shitty. piece of the middle east we should have at the u.n. summit but there's also speculation in the media of the possibility of israel and the u.s. bombing but some experts say the war is over before it began that's because for us
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but planning to open branches in the islamic republic listening to max kaiser. as you know on this show i said to tehran if you want to avoid getting bombed this fall by israel's last goldman sachs allow goldman sachs and citibank to open a bank and into iran and therefore take out a billion or ten or one hundred billion dollars of loans and you will get bombed ok did you know that world war three started and it ended were you aware that by the time you left the protestant i knew where the gate world war three started and now it's over. mr post. in twenty minutes time here on r.t. . it has some of the most harsh conditions on the planet but the arctic is also among the most desirable places on earth right now and that's because it's on top
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resources of oil and gas are proving to be a great source of temptation for several northern countries that's why the best scientific minds and politicians are pretty remote trying to ensure cutthroat competition doesn't destroy conservation is a country which over reports. one of the hottest issues surrounding one of the walls called a sweet chance is to rhetorical claims at the moment several arctic states including russia canada the united states denmark and norway put forward their claims and i'm trying to prove their rise to the most of reach which is believed to contain as much as a quarter of the world's untapped undiscovered natural resources so a very lucrative piece of pie the question is how this pie is going to be divided and who gets what russia's stance is that they need to rhetorical disputes should be resolved through dialogue and it demonstrated an example of the power of dialogue with norway when recently signed an agreement with these state which put
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an end to almost a four decade dispute of. boundaries and the many point to this agreement as an example of how similar to rhetorical conflicts could be resolved in the future the prime minister today said that any atoll corporate war over here is battle over the ice cap of the world are exaggerated to say the least but he says that every arctic state and russia in the first place as the world's largest arctic country can and should protect and protect its strategic interests in the north pole while russia's go into research work to provide data behind its territorial claims but there should be and there should be no disputes otherwise the price of any dispute surrounding this very delicate region is high. but what is to stop it is that we have to hear some futuristic forecast. for the arctic are
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responsible analysis shows the majority of the frightening scenarios on the future of the arctic have no grounds whatsoever their goal is to provoke clashes among the arctic states and so that those who make the predictions can fish for something in the murky waters but i am absolutely sure that all the. existing problems including the ones over the continental shelf can be resolved in a manner of partnership and according to the. i'm not joined by one of the participants high ranking guess the president of iceland all of our grimson thank you very much for being with us it's a real corner now from from a side it looks like the main dispute now is not even how to save the environment of this delicate region of the planet but how to get out the most of it is that true what's the top priority no i think there is a very strong and almost concern by everybody in the arctic going to be sure it did in this conference call that the a model meant is of great importance the melting
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of the. will create and then my own mental condition that we all have to deal with so it's not just a question of often your call drudge in the arctic it's all shoulder that we approach the nation a responsible way all of us together that this is why i think i'm pretty confident that we will do all this shit of a responsible way and i think the recent agreement between morally and russia which has been short for for decades or now it's certainly here with us is a very strong signal from russia as well as this conference here that russia wants to do all the responsible to worry about you welcome thank you very much for your insight it's a great aunt to all of a grandson president of iceland from the international arctic forum held in moscow . but he's been speaking to a geography expert at toes he's impressed that the arctic states are focusing as
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much on ecology is the only galaxy. when researching my book on this topic the world in two thousand and fifty i was very surprise to learn of the great depth and level of cooperation between the five arctic countries as far as proceeding with extending these claims the historic agreement just this year between norway and russia as you know settles a four decades long dispute in the region and this is not unique only between russia and norway there is a great deal of cooperation that's going on between countries contrary to popular perception the arctic ocean is not a ruptured pin yada in order to extend these claims a great deal of scientific mapping and work is needed unfortunately it's this is an area where it's difficult for international law to have a strong effect because each country of course controls its own environmental laws in the case of russia this will take a great deal of thought and planning and internal work but other countries face the
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same problem in canada on the mackenzie delta in the united states off the north slope of alaska protecting the environment will continue to be a matter of great importance and deliberation. one thirteen am moscow time still to come in the program so you get is a bigger problem from snow in wallets the funds whether the baltic states ready for the change. more news of the day a martial arts champion who escaped from a russian psychiatric hospitals to norway where he's pleading to be allowed to stay extreme nationalists vicious love duck sick has a history of violence and was when he showed up immigration officials so first takes up the story. he ran it decided he could no longer hide to stay for a month and to the state for psychiatric care in st petersburg events stuff that they cause immersed in norway where his article thirty is to go out to political asylum. wearing a t.
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shirt with a swastika and carrying a loaded gun he turned himself in that sick is now under arrest. this is a breach of the weapon we haven't found a weapon and confiscated other interesting items which gives these cases priority to the investigation is now underway for log he used to be best known for his aggressive fighting style within the ring now is his imprisonment escape and his ties with the band's nationalist russian party the slavic union that's grabbing the attention. he called me several hours before that video was made and said he was going to turn himself then i replied that it was up to him he thanked me for supporting him murder threats assault and robbery and an alleged psychotic breakdown placed in high security psychiatric can but after he transferred to a low security facility he made light work of escaping whipping up
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a wire fence of his hands he simply walked away the doctors ada seeing him too intimidated to intervene it's raising serious questions as to how exactly a dangerous psychiatric patient managed to escape and make it out of russia without being caught but the reason it's funny they tell us that he's totally insane and all he does a scream and you know in reply to any question however he managed to cross two borders and he brought his weapon along i know one member of the slav again who originally came from his bank a stone he asked for political asylum and was granted a residence visa i'm not sure what will happen with datsik but anything is possible . that the foreigner fighters fate now hangs on whether he'll be extradited back to russia or granted political asylum sara fair r.t. moscow a. norwegian t.v. reporter style acro told us that people there asking how an armed psychotic patient could have got into their country so easily in the first place. home that's
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a very good question everybody here asks the same thing of course a lot a lot of illegal immigrants come to norway every single day it's not that hard to get into norway just because such a high profile person the videos of him are on you tube and internet in the pictures of him and he's a high profile person he likes the attention just like now in court when he stood up and made the nazi salute to all the journalists that was there and he wanted the court to be open and he argued for the court proceedings should remain open so obviously he does get a lot of attention here from the public i think most people the general public. would like him to be sent back to russia as soon as possible and there is of course a fear that the whole right extremist environment in norway will grow up again we've had some very very bad incidents in the past with murders and church burnings and so on and nobody wants no way to return to that state. some world news
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headlines and brief now a un investigation is concluded israel's military broke international laws during a raid on a gaza bound aid flotilla in may the report describes the violence the left nine dead as disproportionate but israel insists the soldiers were acting in self-defense or happened after commandos boarded the six ship convoy as it tried to breach an israeli naval blockade of gaza in pressure is mounting on officials in delhi as more countries delay their arrival for commonwealth games in india new zealand and canada postponed their travel plans to the event that it comes after indian organizers faced criticism over poor accommodation for athletes and the collapse of a foot bridge which injured twenty seven workers again due to begin next week with local officials insisting the facilities will be completed on time. hundreds of thousands of people in france are protesting against plans to raise the i think it's in the wrong pictures here of course you're looking at pictures now from new delhi if it were slightly out of kilter here but we tell you but this front story
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complaining about raising the age of retirement from sixty to sixty two public transport and air traffic of being hit by the twenty four hour stoppage while over two hundred protests are planned to try to force a government rethink again we're still seeing the new delhi pictures but hey ho anyway parliament is expected to pass them more in france with ease as france struggles to slash its budget deficit. ok well there we go we're completely out of kilter now with the pictures let's move on to our next story which is coming from a stone here tonight sure. there are pictures of the a story i just told you about in france people complaining about the rate of retirement age best laid plans right a stony is gearing up to become the first country from the former soviet union to adopt the euro the new year will see the new currency introduced a move being hailed by the country's politicians as a story but with the single european currency and shaky ground many a stallion fear the joining the club could lead to financial uncertainty took barton reports. a day at the market an experience you leave fears will
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become considerably more expensive than the impending arrival of the single currency which now as a regular housewife i'm against the dutch you know the euro because with that adoption prices for basic groceries such as sugar potatoes and carrots who will go up on january the first stone will become the seventeenth country to join the euro area it's taken hears of economic reform and government spending cuts to get here we need to keep inflation low but this means also we need to keep our salaries low and cannot have. high growth we need and that's why according to my understanding the timing of joining there also is not a court but an exhibition to mark the euro countdown politicians and economists came together to convince the estonian public of the currency is virtually no doubt. as
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late as the spring of two thousand and nine europe was skeptical of a dystonia joining the euro zone but the attitude changed within half a year and people started to see a store near as a prospect maybe even a good example for the eurozone. however such tough measures are because the stonier joined other baltic states in over leverage in their economies sacrificing long term stability for short term growth after a stunning i became the second most severely affected e.u. member state in terms of output decline the severity of these adjustments revealed that the period of rapid output growth was to some extent also a period of imbalance growth and economic overheating despite a painful struggle to get it here hysteria and government has brought the euro to its people's doorstep. but first only on more than other countries the crown represents something uniquely cherished by its people because of a short eighteen year. history independence both political and economic but i would
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like to express my appreciation for this story and crone we should be proud of her country and their nation many estonians feel this but many also say they can accept its disappearance if the loss of control over their country's financial instruments really worries them. when you get me hostage of this did military or instability of the whole universe system of course. meaning that paying for those groceries in the stone year could become a whole lot harder tom barton party. taylor was online r.t. dot com tonight america's tea party movement is calling for the u.s. to stop meddling in the world's affairs and to take domestic action instead this one of all topics in stories that are teed off also where it's all severe in moscow over it seems the effects of this summer's record breaking heat still big with high numbers of moscow's pigeon dying as
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a result why find out that our team dog. i'll be back in about ten minutes with the news headlines for you updated up next though we got an inside look of what it's like to work for the most wanted but some of in large no meant by not men reveals what was happening behind the scenes why he's now encouraging extremists to give up violence it's straight ahead.
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i'm in london today saying whether a leopard really can change its spots i'm talking to newman but not smoke who is a former senior leader of the libyan islamic fighting group he spent several years with bin laden in afghanistan and in siege on in the one nine hundred ninety s. but he now advises on counting extremism for the quilliam foundation in london mr bennett and thank you very much for talking to r.t. now you maintain that you strongly discourage just our better knowledge and from going ahead with the september eleventh attacks what do you think has been the net result of those attacks for muslims all over the world i think it's. it's a total chaos and disaster the outcomes it's negative from the secretary take it from a muslim perspective i don't believe it's helping the muslims which with the other set up users and based on this if you like the strategy he said i would like to break the hold was the more so i believe one pretty important issue here blood and he said he would like to talk to defeat the enemy of islam and at the time he lived
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in the us as the head of this like coalition against us now but now he's ended up fighting every single muslim country how do you think that's happened yeah i think that this is the problem when you can't maintain the difference between strategy and tactics and you start to take over to compile your tactics this is what's. happen and this is one of the explanation why and i know heavily laden like terrorist activities because they've lost the strategy i don't believe what they have strategy running up to september eleventh what was the mood like in the in this whole we used to talk about the escalation of the war itself against the u.s. and the west we are we're like blood and he's going to escalate the war after the after the i think the ninety eight. attack against the the two u.s. embassies in east africa so that was the main argument about about you need to stop you have to stop this war because it's going to kill your son and harm muslims and
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afghanistan specifically but he insists that the time like he has like one operation he cannot cancel it now because it's too late and he said it's going to demoralize the whole organisation he should carry on and then he said after that he will really really try to do his best to stop the war using can stand like as the pace for his strategy to attack the war but by then it was too late right bin laden falsely underestimated the response of the u.s. to september the eleventh so they never ever imagined retaliation the way how the u.s. going to tell you all to respond to attack what he was born myself and the people we want him like if you attack the homeland it's going to be really really very very tough. response from the u.s. and i remember i told him i was already it's not going to afghanistan the u.s. will try to dominate the whole region and you'll still very proud of the time east
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bent in afghanistan now the u.s. is the invading force that what's the difference between those two conflicts in your most of the muslim scholars in the world. they have a different point of view now from the war what's going on the most of them believe it as if it's a civil war you know muslim be killing each other despite the presence of american and nato there so we don't have like a significant real support from muslims around the war you know like skulls and talk about the religious happen and it was the case when you talk about the first war against the soviet union communism you yourself have lawrence jihad against the libyan government what would you say is the relationship between what you are saying now and your fear of any repercussions from this possibility in government regarding libya. yeah i think it was wrong from the beginning you know to start like a deadly and. conflict and using violence against against the government and
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the regime because it's like you cannot fight against the government by its own society itself will be forced on board in this conflict sometimes you have a legitimate claim you need something to do you need to achieve something yeah i can tell you i'm one hundred percent sure using violence from the muslim groups it's been proved by history we have it now it's more than thirty years now and it's wrong with the outcomes it's a total failure and not the first time saying this and i have derived one of the few people have the right to say this because i said this in the year two thousand and nobody at the time listening or aware of this and i'm saying this with people all of them they're still alive and they can talk they were there when i said it's a portal for the outcomes of the jihad movement it's a total failure that means we need to change their strategy that's the end of the period so i think now the main solution is all the islamic groups they shouldn't
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give up their struggle and give it back to the governments whether with the will like them or not it's not love and hate it's politics so you need to give it back to the government themselves and you should so involved in political struggle if you have still have a political issue and use your twenty's twenty five years as a bank round there someone being proud of himself you've been in danger if you put your life on the line use that as a background if i may say you know we create yourself as a politician. he was that could be a good model be a role model because now i think it's pretty dangerous to go and from one conflict to another one conflict on the i think a worry jim specially in the middle east can't stand this anymore man thank you very much thank you.
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