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tv   [untitled]    September 26, 2010 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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on this visit. tensions of the un general assembly reach fever pitch as ukrainian president mahmoud ahmadinejad riles u.s. officials with noisy rhetoric. the recent success event immigration political parties in europe is turning heads raising fears of growing nationalism. as arctic ice melts the struggle for access to the region's vast resources heats up prompting russia to call for more cooperation. nine am in the russian capital you're watching r t with me arena josh the top stories of the week and this week's united nations general assembly has seen
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another war of words between the u.s. and iran president mahmoud ahmadinejad told a global gathering he believes america was behind the nine eleven terror attacks the claims led to a walkout by u.s. and western nations and drew the wrath of barack obama lauren lyster has more. with the fanfare on the streets of new york this week. no one could miss the spectacle of more than one hundred ninety world leaders descending upon the united nations for the annual general assembly. stealing the spotlight on the world stage a face off between iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad and u.s. president barack obama obama defended u.n. sanctions the u.s. has spearheaded over iran's nuclear program though he called for dialogue when the door remains open to diplomacy should iran choose to walk through. the dialogue
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awkward dinner job responded with drove the u.s. and european union delegations out of the assembly hall all together he claimed nine eleven was an inside job by america as a middle. of us thought that most people believe that some segments within the u.s. government has traded the attack to reverse the decline in the u.s. economy and his grip on the middle east in order to save the zionist regime augmentin a job may have lost some of his audience inside the halls but he continued the conversation in public when you're smiling the leader started that the government had to have about eleven and what seemed like interviews with almost every network and had a captive audience on the street they have joining activists to protest against his visit almost daily how do. they get pomp and circumstance aside ahmadinejad said he may return to the negotiating table if the security council plays nice. iran has always be ready for
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a dialing based on respect and justice and the international community warned of where an escalation in the conflict could lead and if force is used against iran i believe this would be the shortest way to the radicals in the room prevailing and deciding that now that we will struck we must have nuclear weapons. when it comes to matters of war and peace it seems like visions for resolution to conflict the peace must be made by israelis and palestinians but each of us has a responsibility to do our part as well. it may have fallen on deaf ears and the use of sanctions as a method by individual countries was criticized we are convinced that this look to practice is contradictory efforts to achieve. a must be brought to an end and talk of m. d. g.'s or millennium development goals of fighting hunger and poverty amidst
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a global recession countries were more measured in making pledges for too long we've measured our efforts by the dollars we spoke of the food that we delivered to the conference concluded with deep concern that the un is falling far short of conquering problems such as world poverty and malnutrition it appeared no country yesterday we did the more or less they. fell short of conquering their hunger with the finest cuisine new york has to offer but this time of the year you have the fresh french fry truffle so we do all make up out of there were black truffle sauce and i will show you the truffle staple side and after a week of traffic truffles and talk the press is already packing up despite debates continuing next week as global problems persist the u.n. g.a. remains a convenient place for leaders to share their opinions and ideas its people hope that they care even if nothing changes after this week as to whether any of the rhetoric becomes reality or that we're just going to have to wait and see next year
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or in leicester r t v. on wednesday russia banned sales of its advanced anti-aircraft missile system to iran its side of the fact of fell under recent un sanctions imposed on terror ron russia's foreign minister has stressed the decision is not a unilateral move. the russia simply documented in the presidential decree what is required from russia and all the other states in relation to iran after the adoption of the un security council's new resolutions russia refused to deliver the s. three hundred surface to air missile systems to iran in support of this resolution and russia remains opposed to any unilateral sanctions against iran resolutions adopted by the un security council a binding they need to be turned into national laws because they are not direct application documents within countries legislation which. taking the rostrum of the un general assembly the participants talked a lot about mutual obligations but as our reports critics say countries should keep
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their own promises before preaching to others as world leaders gathered at the united nations today we must ask are we living up to our mutual responsibilities the voice of america took to the podium in the universal declaration of human rights. we recognize the inherent dignity and rights of every individual yet three miles south from barack obama's lecture on moral principles one woman languishes in this federal jail behind me stripped many say of all her dignity allegedly at the hands of u.s. officials at the pakistani born u.s. educated a neuroscientist mother of three and the doctor u.s. mainstream media doubt that levy. a so-called terrorist never charged with committing an act of terror i mean i think all of his story is really a symbol of
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a broader problem which has largely unnoticed which is that there are you know hundreds and if not thousands of people who have been disappeared at the hands of. you know. either the bush administration or we don't know perhaps it continues into the obama administration and have never there the captors have never been held to account family spokesperson tina forster says before city quays publicized arrest in two thousand and eight the mit graduate was tortured beaten and secretly detained in the notorious prison she was kidnapped in pakistan with her three children in march of two thousand and three no one knows where they are for a period of five years until of course the united states government announces that she is in custody in afghanistan and forster says he is among the countless faces
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illegally swept up by a known forces fighting this so-called global war on terror we believe that the u.s. government had a role in her disappearance and imprisonment for the missing five years. overseas he has become known as the daughter of pakistan. thousands have stormed the streets. proclaiming her a victim of america's most nine eleven justice system a system creating more enemies than friends this was never about that this was about us trying to see if it's legal but i think you should look and you just did that but what do you do in that in in the process was that it smashed it's one thing that it stood for and that was the power of justice and it has just lost that and that is in front of the amnesty international headquartered in manhattan for decades was staging a noisy worldwide campaigns to free people they say are political prisoners often
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as far as burma or north korea but not in the case of the city who was imprisoned and tried next door in new york city key supporters sara flounders says the so-called pioneers of human rights abroad have illegally turned away. from a horrific problem here at home not to address us where people are held under horrendous conditions torture and abuse held in solitary finalists the first obligation always to address the issues of your own government thursday morning after he was sentenced to eighty six years in prison her crime attempted assault against a u.s. soldier yet the alleged crimes against her never investigated it's been absolutely horrifying to see that obama who ran for president as the anti bush and who
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was so adamantly opposed to the perversion of the united states constitution to see him now be the continuation of all of these policies that he has adopted from the bush administration has been absolutely outrageous thank you very much. marina portnoy our party new york. that was artie's marina for now reporting from new york for us there a lot more coming your way courting nazi norway a mixed martial artist turned extremists who escaped from a psychiatric facility in russia has turned up in the nordic nation seeking political asylum. and as the surge of violence in iraq coincides with the end of the u.s. military campaign there doubts are high over whether local forces can maintain security. after making inroads in sweden europe's far right
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parties are focusing their efforts on austria for sunday's provincial elections the country's freedom party is hoping to win votes through a controversial and muslim campaign which sparked outrage among nanny. reports. was the by by most game is a simple as its message they came and shoot down as many of you must as you count as they rise relentlessly above asters alpine skier line if you're not quick enough the country is islam wised up and that is something we are defending our rights our traditions our culture we don't want to be dissolved into islam nor do we want there to be parallel islamic societies in our country you're going to be released by the right wing freedom party as part of its bid for election and the regional government in styria austria second largest province the game has hit the wrong
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nerve within twenty four hours it's received more than two hundred thousand web hits within a week it was banned the computer game may have been just a small part of a political campaign but the reaction has been nothing but a firestorm of outrage there around five hundred thousand muslims in austria together with the greens their community leaders sued the freedom party emotions in the game and islam is a reality then if we want to build mosques we will build them anyway if i have a vision of the future where every town or city in austria has a mosque with a minaret that people can see from the it's a can bat in which the judicial authorities up held the complaint and ruled it again went beyond acceptable discussion forcing the freedom party to take it down from its website it's in the front of the numbers who play the game show that islam is a very important issue again thanks to ours it was talked about in the first place again but the judicial system is meddling in politics and stopping a free discussion base of many say the ban has had the reverse effect there's not
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even a single minaret in styria and less than two percent of the population a muslim the freedom party failed to get a single seat at the last election now it's expected to triple its vote and put a dent in the ruling coalition of two centrist party to him a little bit here changing day there. because i have to feeling it's just it's already locked against these two factors. in themselves as like. the resistance of the true often people which is kind of been suppressed by the status quo if the freedom party performs well it will follow the footsteps of recent successes by far right parties in sweden belgium and the netherlands. it appears that no longer can the centrist parties ignore the voices of those alone by immigration or they risk being penalized at the ballot box. artsy gratz steria. and professor and from the department of political science at
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a central european university pass as a surgeon far right parties is a dangerous trend for europe it's a kind of fashion i mean one success of such a party promotes his successes of the as a part does and for instance of a successful say. dutch right to being party had to impact on the success of his speech. of course it is and they got the fame pick because those parties are not only against migration or against especially islamic migration they are also empty european all these parties are clearly deepening of european integration and this is a challenge to say european consensus consensus that europe is an unfinished business and a european union should go forward towards a deeper federation of european states. a russian ultranationalists who escaped from
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a psychiatric hospital has turned himself in forty's in norway demanding asylum. has a history of violence and was armed when he showed up at immigration offices sara first reports. he ran it decided he could no longer hide just over a month until the state of the psychiatric a think petersburg of its third think has emerged in norway where his article thirty is to grant him political asylum. wearing a t. shirt with a swastika injuring a loaded gun he turned himself then that sick is now under arrest. this is a breach of the weapon you haven't found a weapon and complicated other interesting items which gives these cases priority to the investigation is now underway. he used to be best known for his aggressive fighting style within the ring now is his imprisonment escape and his ties with the band's nationalist russian party the slavic union that's grabbing the attention.
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he called me several hours before that video was made and said he was going to turn himself in i replied that it was up to him he thanked me for supporting him murder threats assault and robbery and an alleged psychotic breakdown placed in high security psychiatric can but after he transferred to a low security facility he made light work of escaping ripping up a wire fence of his hands he simply walked away the doctors eva seeing him too intimidated to intervene it's raising serious questions as to how exactly a dangerous psychiatric patient managed to escape and make it out of russia without being caught but there is a little funny they tell us that he's totally insane and all he does is screaming in reply to any question however he managed to cross two borders and. brought his weapon along and one member of the slovakian who originally came from is because he
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asked for political asylum and was granted a residence visa i'm not sure what will happen with the sick but anything is possible. in this fight its fate now hangs on whether he'll be extradited back to russia granted political asylum and. he must gain. and their region t.v. reporter stein arc re-explain how an armed psychotic patient could get into their country so easily and what it might mean now is there of course a lot a lot of illegal immigrants come to norway every single day it's not that hard to get into norway has such a high profile person the videos of him are on you tube and internet in the pictures of him he likes to the attention just like in court when he stood up and made the nazi salute to all the journalists it was there and he wanted the court to be open and then he argued for that there was a court proceedings should remain open obviously he does get
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a lot of attention here from the public i think most people. the general public cares would like him to be sent back to russia as soon as possible and there is of course a fear that the whole right extremist environment in norway will grow up again we've had some very very bad incidents in the past with murders and church burnings and so on and nobody wants to return to that state. and you can have your say on the skate of the four martial arts fighter and read more on the story on our website or t. dot com also you can find a lot more there from the top rated videos to blogs and travel guides let's take a look at what's online right now. blog the urban jungle after seventy years of heated debates moscow's pets are said to enjoy greater rights. plus a chore you don't want to miss archie takes a trip around the capital's most unusual residence cast in bronze.
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i may be one of the world's most inhospitable places but it's also among the most keenly sought after that's why several nations including russia canada and the united states are staking their claims for the billions of tons of oil and gas which lie have been nice the arctic and this week leaders and scientists from those countries gathered in moscow to ensure that the competition won't lead to a clash because you know the child reports. if you stand alone you can survive in the arctic that's how russian premie have led him or putin explained but no country by itself can deal with the enormous challenges i had at the north pole he promised that what average treasures lie hidden under the peak layer of ice will be no
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fighting over the top of the world the arctic needs secure sustainable management and anybody who has to stop with that we often hear some futuristic forecasts predicting a battle for the arctic are responsible analysis shows the majority of the frightening scenarios on the future of the arctic have no grounds whatsoever their goal is to provoke clashes among the arctic states and so that those who make the predictions can fish for something in the murky waters but i am absolutely sure that all the existing problems including the ones over the continental shelf can be resolved in a manner of partnership and according to the law the five know the neighbors who fish in these dark cold waters are russia canada the us norway and denmark at stake now are massive amounts of untapped oil and gas estimated to be over twenty percent of what the planet has to offer but many fear that a territorial crisis over the arctic which for millenia has been
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a vast quiet block of ice could suddenly start to boil and for the people who call this tranquil place home an invasion of industrialization is on the horizon for many years people thought the arctic was this frozen wasteland that no one lives here no one survives here is a place for polar bears and a goods and the reality is that the arctic is a vibrant place with rich natural resources rich human resources where people live and survive daily that love it choose to live here but some of the history's saddest chapters were written on the white pages of these glass years during the. cold war it was one of the world's most militarized regions with nuclear missiles placed there the war has may have gun but oil and gas drills i likely to replace them environmentalist question just how safe big struction technology will be in
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this stuff to retain especially with the gulf of mexico disaster and its lingering legacy so fresh in people's minds it's not just a question of often you'll call drudge in the arctic it's all show that we approach this in a responsible way i don't think anybody come up roads the arctic simply from the point of view of lettuce exploit the resources for i think everybody from charlotte shares your responsibility not your store shelves or your vitamin d. on the arctic nations but also to the entire world because if we measure the off to the northern part of the world the consequences will be felt in asia and africa latin america the rest of europe in the united states and elsewhere apart from anna chan territorial claims concerns were again raised that pumping for fuel in the world's refrigerator as it's sometimes known could speed up global warming a quarter of the world's untapped an idjit resources altered states have become
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increasingly anxious to say their claims on to the look pretty piece of pie but russia says they'll be no fighting over the arctic fortunes and any territorial dispute but will result in just as informal and friendly atmosphere as a big dinner it's in the direction of our t.v. moscow. professor arthur berkman says the scale of the issue makes a possible to solve it any other way than dialogue. it's impossible to envision any magic bullet that suddenly appears instantaneously and solves the problem once and forever so the solutions really are dialogues and russian geographic society is to compliment for their vision and issue a dialogue that will. that will support the type of cooperation and avoidance of conflict that is necessary to make the arctic a region that is used to the interests of all mankind so at the same time there are expressions of national interest there are suppression of common interests and so
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really the balance is one of of achieving national interests and common interests not just for the current states themselves but for the world as a whole. two russian cosmonauts and an american astronaut made it safely back to earth on saturday after a technical glitch in orbit threatened their return for the first time to so you spacecraft failed to undock from the international space station and their journey was for spawn by day the problem was fixed and the second attempt to a hitch. the space travelers landed safely in kazakhstan after spending almost six months aboard the ice says three crew members remain at the station ready to welcome the next members who are scheduled to leave the year for orbit the told we're. watching are to live from moscow will be staying with all things to happen go on our t.v. one in two hours time we explore advanced ways of saving the environment and that's our program technology update stay with us for that. every month
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we give you the future we'll do you understand how we'll get there and what tomorrow brings the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world to join us for technology update on our g. four militants have been killed in a counterterrorist operation russia's caucasus among them is the head of a terrorist group responsible for a number of attacks in the region at today's special operation was launched on friday in the city of against militants hiding out in one of the city's buildings site was sealed off by security forces but on friday night a suicide bomber attempted to break through the cordon having failed and blew himself up injuring at least forty two people. violence rages in iraq with both civilians and security forces facing increasing attacks by militants following the official and of u.s. combat operations fifty thousand american troops still remain in the country and
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they are supposed to support and train the local police policy or discovered it's barely helping. dark and dangerous and body armor does little to protect against the fact that they're not welcome here they're doing a dismount a patrol through one of the iraqi neighborhoods trying to prevent counterattack fire this is a bombs team who stayed behind the mission providing training support and backup to the iraqi police when they get to our level we go over our operations order and planning for the actual missions we're going to do then we do it for you brief that we actually go and execute these type missions that we're on now but the u.s. invasion to have a fully functioning iraqi security force did not protect safire it's news husband four years ago he disappeared without a trace and it's at this whole call to me and said he was coming to be with us of the situation is really bad don't come but he said now i have to say the safire husbands did as all the families of tens of thousands of iraqis who disappeared
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since two thousand and three human rights organizations put some of the blame with the local security forces whose trainees are not always the white candidates for the job a lot of them they have come from illiterate you know. i get around to some of them they are just to from the tribes and clans some of them just because they are part of the political parties militias and so on and the problem is compounded by the limited training they've given you cannot drive more than a few pounds apiece. before being stopped at the checkpoint like this it's twenty something here at the scene months of training that appears to be the search vehicles for car bombs missing weapons and stone ideas. and it's a far cry from what is needed. they are not untrained but the training they receive is not enough the americans only thought to create an iraqi army in two thousand and four by then it was too late because the terrorists had already infiltrated the
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. but with the increase of violence in iraq in recent weeks the need for a competent domestic security force has never been greater but whether or not the u.s. and iraq can wise to the challenge is to get to be seen. on t.v. baghdad. that brings us up to date here in r.t. and for more member can always go to our website which is our team dot com.
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wealthy british style. guys. markets. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report. more news today. again flared up. these are the images we're seeing from the street.


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