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tv   [untitled]    September 27, 2010 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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it is not i am in the russian capital you're watching r t with me marina joshua welcome to the program russian oil will be pumped to china by next year a present me to read yet of his visiting the country to take part in the opening of part of the pipeline along the chinese leader who can tell by the two have also cyan and number of documents to boost trade and security in the region r.t. as exxon boyko has more from beijing. president hu and president medvedev are going to attend a completion ceremony for the chinese section of the first oil pipeline to link the two neighbors the talks. began about fifteen years ago but the construction was only able to begin back in two thousand and nine overall relationship between
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russia and china could hardly be better at this moment both economically and politically the trade between the kids has reached forty billion dollars in fact in two thousand and nine china for the first time surpassed your own money as russia's largest trading partner politically the key countries are also doing pretty good but both leaders have already stressed today dad they are going to take the relationship to a new level in fact they trade turnover is expected to increase up and up to about fifty billion dollars this year but there definitely is some sharp corners for example it is weapons trade you know back in the ninety's china was the leading buyer of russian of weaponry in fact at some point it purchases account for about fifty percent of russian weaponry experts but over the last few years russia intentionally scaled back on selling its weapons to china and one of the reasons
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for that is the concerns that many have that china may be using its scientific and technological progress to kochi and some of the russian designs and to. sell them to other countries essentially undercutting russia's own share of the military market so there definitely is numbers that rationing but again the two countries are very keen on increasing that trade turnover further but not at the expanse of the technological advances of course back in the fifty's the soviet union spared out there in. no expands in trying to industrialize china training its labor standing is a lot of equipment but now of course we are coming in full circle circle here because china is one of the most more than economy is here in asia so much so that one of the russians papers even called china a country where modernisation reigns and more of it is asian as we all know is the
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very important topic for the russian president in fact he said on a number of occasions that he sees his main goal as the problem in our great russian economy both economically again of course and improving its infrastructure and obviously china has a lot of can teach russia on this point and present it in self admitted that on this third leg of his visit here to china he is going to go to shanghai to visit the trade acts for and he said that he will be meeting with a lot of business leader is that chinese officials in trying to. take the partnership of russia and china beyond his traditional energy sphere and take it to a new level possibly to the area of telecommunications space and other sectors that will also allow russian see more denies its own economy. it's unavoidable reporting there from beijing and staying with the topic china is a prosperous society and its people are enjoying freedoms like never before that's
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how american author and public speaker john has been sees the state of things in the country and you can watch the full interview well the expert and his wife the political observer doris unease bit at about an hour's time here in our team but here's a quick preview. there is a social and personal freedom in china that there is never been before in the history of china and that freedom has allowed people to contribute to the whole and to create. an ever greater and more prosperous society so that every level of whatever they're doing there's duryea with more incitement more energy and of course physically. the appearance of china is just gone to the most modern country in the world. the u.n. human rights council will investigate israel's attack on gaza bound aid flotilla in
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may a recent un report concluded israel's military broke international laws during the raid which left nine activists dad it also described the attack as brutal and disproportionate israel still claims the incident was self-defense and considers the turkish charity group which led the flotilla terrorist alang to hamas artie's post earlier reports. the pictures that catapulted a relatively little known him go on to the world stage in the world in which we live today where sympathizers or sympathize with them are also being called terrorists it's no wonder that i age is being accused in this way the turkish charity first popped up on the cia's radar four years ago it's been banned in israel in germany who say it strongly linked with hamas in gaza the last thing is my all humans would call him soft as a terrorist he's a father of three and says he boarded the ship for gaza for his three daughters in the gaza the children should have
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a right to live freely we want this so why join that organization if another event of this kind was organized i would go again sit up in the early ninety's to help bosnian muslims the i h h or humanitarian relief foundation has offices in one hundred twenty countries where are the roads the people. we will go. troll or solidarity for these people and it's shown solidarity in pakistan ethiopia lebannon indonesia iraq china as well as with the palestinians we help hospitals schools we have real impressed we are positive for the peoples palestinian writer had a commie says israel is trying to portray the group as a terrorist one in order to try and justify the deadly fratello grade in the immediate aftermath of world condemnation of what israel had done these really is. mounted a defense which was in
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a way quite clever but with but not based on any on any facts it's now for the investigators to decide to ricky israel and the united nations each with their own inquiry policia r.t. . a moratorium on settlement construction in the west bank has expired in jerusalem the israeli government opposed it. ten months ago as a move towards peace talks with palestinians but it's lifting cooed to rail current negotiations palestinian leaders have warned they'll pull out of u.s. sponsored talks currently under way if there is renewed building in the west bank jewish settlers in the area have celebrated the bans lifting by allaying foundations for a new kind of garden israeli government has ignored pleas from the international community to stand a moratorium for the why of the current peace talks earlier. got the fuse of palestinian rights activist jada berger and a jewish settlers representative eve harrow in jerusalem. first of all we need to
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keep on freezing after keep on freezing we have to get into serious negotiations in order to find a true true solution to the church disputing the list only after having sinned kind of two states for two nations solution in the land of israel and then we will be able to say that we really have bring to peace i put the question to you do you think that an end to this moratorium will help the peace process be the end of it. i don't think that freezing jewish building into d.n.c. america has anything to do with peace whatsoever we have i misidentified what the cause of of not having peace here is and the cons is the arab world at large and the palestinians in particular not accepting the right for the do to have a state here and so therefore the phrase has nothing to do with peace whatsoever and never did there is no other option to israel very trivial solution to the
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dispute in the land of israel where the outside days rarely burghers will just get a solution to the target from us we should do everything we can to stop being a virgo to make israel a country which able to keep on a consisting on earth the camp that mr berger represents hasn't. it's disappeared from the israeli political scene at their representatives in knesset are almost completely gone in the parliament because israelis have woken up and they realize that this messianic idea of the far left that all we have to do is say what we think is right and everything will fall into place is just absurd and what we're doing most israelis is actually listening to what the arabs have to say and giving respect to what they say it believes to me and deserve a country of their own as not just dead jewish people like me we believe that our mission you know we have to keep on freezing gybing and so on and in order to get
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israel into a real peace they're watching r.t. coming to live from moscow coming up later this hour of pirate politics. where it's a unite a group in russia started a political movement hoping to win over voters was pledges a few were restrictions on internet piracy. venezuelans have been voting in a general election has been seen as a test of popularity of president of the charges and his ruling united socialist party hoffa's reports now from caracas. what we did see today at the polling stations was that most people said it was a very easy process there were no problems despite a lot of allegations from different sections here in venice all of that there were going to be a lot of problems on the actual voting day what has been reported that three tables were audited manually so the process here is an automated process so what you do is you have a receipt but you also vote through
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a machine and because of these three tables being counted manually the election results are yet to come and these three tables seem to be circulating on the independent media here in venezuela as a problem for the most part now another issue plaguing this election of course is the two science that seem to be polarizing the different views here in venezuela for example the opposition a lot of different chavez supporters insist that they're being funded by u.s. forces and while that cannot be confirmed there are leads here in the country that we've been following that the i.r.i. the international republican institute has been here for the past three weeks according to their two thousand and nine annual report they were giving six hundred thousand dollars for the national endowment of democracy which is a usa ideal partner for projects here in venice well i know where that money is going we cannot say that a lot of people are circulating speculation that the opposition is going to win three states here let's take a look at how venice once hit the polls and what they had to say about their electoral process. the sun rises to
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a contentious day here in caracas after months of intense campaigning and p.r. maneuvers from both sides penicillins from all over the country hit the polls to vote for the national assembly the obvious signs of election day paint the city. less traffic business is closed down to accommodate voters the military is on high alert and lines wrap around the polling stations the rumors start to flare on the eve did alexion allegations that voting machines were out of order began to circulate on the opposition side. but here at a station that is predominately. proposition there were no complaints did you having trouble voting just now no no problem no nothing no problem i'm very surprised what has been drilled into their heads is that the opposition will win close to fifty fifty. six. members. in the house you know that in the congress and maybe
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sixty seventy what the opposition claim alone used to be a message that they hold a majority on the contrary throughout the bow to live in years to a revolutionary process us one reelection and these do is going to be a victory for us. towards the inner city however the crowds display more support for the government my point station you can hear people saying vote up to the left read the government's party this school is not only one of the most historic landmarks in the city it's also one of the largest voting districts and the opinions here for the most part are somewhat fifty fifty but there are lots of expectations let's hope the results are what we expect for the sake of everyone at this polling station there were also no problems with voting some were even helping people with how and who to vote for to get back on the streets of caracas it's almost impossible to avoid election time the best legal age of the venezuelan people know this election in many ways isn't it illogical dispute one deeply rooted
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in the history of latin america into what this is more than under the old war it's a work of interests and power the power that the right has always had over latin america more than any of you logical war it's about the right of the people of latin america to make our own decisions to solve our problems according to a real need decisions that will eventually reflect after this election is finally over r t caracas venezuela. let's not take a look at some other stories from around the world and the colombian president has hailed are we celebrating far gravels as the beginning of the end for the insurgents it made the comments during a visit to the jungle area were the military killed a senior foreign leader along with some twenty others the revolutionary armed forces of colombia movement have been firing to take control of the country for five decades. now least twelve people have been killed and dozens injured in a bus crash of a motorway near berlin police say the vehicle was forced off the road by
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a car merging into traffic and slammed into a concrete bridge support the bus was carrying almost fifty polish tourists returning home from spain file sharers in russia are pushing to make internet piracy legal and destroy its negative image they have decided to follow the example of their european comrades by setting up a political party and despite being a new phenomenon of the country they are already putting pressure on russia's music industry as a gorgeous cut off now reports. commutative has been in show business since the lead nine hundred eighty s. back then giving away demo tapes was the best way to gain fans a few decades his formula seems to be making a comeback. except now to spread the word publishers his music on the web for free so people pay to see him in concert. you see the album was already uploaded and downloaded a hundred times before i even published it i know there's no point in fighting it
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some going to use it instead. according to some estimates piracy leads to over ten billion dollars in losses globally every year that anything can be found on the internet of many musicians are forced to hold more concerts while just a few years ago they were merely the second source of income of the. record companies are accusing pirates of stealing their money but there are those who want to draw a fat line between selling counterfeit c.d.'s or d.v.d.'s and sharing files on the internet or just the noncommercial exchange of information being free. by the what is the leader of the pirates of russia party. the internet is everywhere i just need to click a button a couple of times and download a movie or some new album i want to listen to all distribution model is pointless now dated. the party wants to see new laws in russia legalizing all
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nonprofit file sharing on the web formed in july in two thousand and nine it's also one of the founders of the pirates parties international a movement which unites so-called pirates from around fifty countries we need to really take a chance again to take a stand and also tradition and taking back the freedom that once belonged to us to rephrase somebody's last name that is. taken at one hundred years for the pirates unite some websites accused of facilitating illegal file sharing in the global anti copyright movement have millions of registered users and last year two members of sweden's pirates party even managed to get two seats in the european parliament. and least people on the list with poor noise of economics and history a free economy cannot exist criticism supported by some deputies of the state duma who see by making the plans of russia party official its organizers could get more
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than they bargained for the establishment of the party while a lot liberated this people from the criminal liability for awhile it into law the planners of russia are saying the current laws are outdated and unfair and claim that they will be backed by most of the internet users in the country and that is around forty percent of the electorate piracy surely is a controversial subject but let's face it it's now grown into an international phenomenon not some official pirates even getting into european politics but before the pirates of russia can even dream of getting into the state duma they'll need at least forty five thousand members just to register and the question is even if they do have the right amount of supporters are they ready to come out and name themselves you've got this going off r g moscow. coming up later on r t of the debate over illegal immigration that's raging across europe and the united states
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is concentrated in our crosstalk studio. i just hate this rhetoric of this own you know these poor people and coming out of the shadows let me tell you they came out of the shadows didn't they they were marching down our streets in the millions and everybody in the world saw that even in. oh come on give me a memory have a limited utility had i am not on the show i want to say one point there are children that they're having here while they're harry illegal as well as a huge issue there it is an issue as well their share of sex over here to this story should not get archie finished now see this is the compassion i mean those people want to talk about the feelings they want to feel they want to make everybody think that the law should have feelings and that we should think that well you know if someone committed murder let's feel bad for them because hey they came from a bad home that's only or was it when you were a murderous me so you're always got was more you're with her during the united states by by harboring a little or more you with the illegal aliens with your words and you're right. you
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. and i now it's time for the business news with carrie millikan to go away. hello and welcome to our business program good to have you with us this hour luke or bought almost five percent of its shares from conoco phillips for two point four billion dollars question all jive with a group of investors acquired forty two and a half million shares at a price of fifty six dollars each the precious was for less than half of an eleven point six percent holding that conoco phillips has made available under an option that expired on saturday the main aim of the deal is to. attractiveness to investors that support the share price of philips is selling its stake in blue call
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in order to raise money to pay debts and buy back its own shares now victim backs of birds company complex energy systems or key a key s. was named the biggest russian private company that's according to forbes russia a twenty five percent stake increase in electricity terrorists helped the company to outperform russia's medal john last year's leader by more than eight billion dollars of corporate income the second place was won by a multi holding company which owns a chemical plant and oil refinery and two local t.v. channels among other assets. group of companies which sells back cold beer and coffee on the list. looking at the markets now we start with a show where shares are gaining with expert stocks leading the tokyo market higher hong kong shares are trading higher as well a strong finish on wall street is banking and local property shares. now here in moscow the arts as
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a miser ended the week in the black that's not good manufacturing data from the u.s. and a rise in german business confidence thanks provided the most support with spare tire gaining more than twenty percent of the. global markets about last week on optimism that the economic recovery will continue russian stocks followed the international markets but were trading in low volumes analysts expect them to be dependent on external trends this week. markets are ready to pull preserve pretty much like having your last week but at the same time with new significant triggers for the for talking about russia specific again is going to be more or less the dollar rushing from interest. pretty much like sitting on their hands of the states doing very little and we are very much driven by the external factors of the state global markets we should be following pretty much like a story with a sovereign debt based here in the. continental europe basically various bits of computers and was going to happen in europe but the worries about the sovereign debt the issue is use again sort of reemerged once again in the morning
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now the second wall street movie hits russia in the cinemas on monday it's the follow up to all of us stone's highly successful chronicle of insider trading and corruption released in one thousand nine hundred seven and which gordon gekko famously declares greed is good so is there any crossover between fact and fiction and would such a movie possible in russia i correspond is a bit of a spoke about this to alexander get chick he spent over ten years as a trader in america and also performed in a series of wall street warriors. when you talk to somebody about this like exchange that people are scared you know this is like a bad word or you know i'm a work in i have a lot of young guys twenty twenty two years old who works for a company i work with us and when the parents find out what they do it's like a casino it's nothing to do with the casino if you do really and i was in your work you can make money and everybody knows that it's got to be proper was that i think
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personally that the russia as of now deserved to have maybe not a big move may be not with the for example big name actors but i think personally and even say i would shoot the movie which of them would by the financial industry just explain people what it's all about it's not them to be afraid i mean why the people with the money in the bank sometime would like known the and pulled the minded there because somebody is promising them percentage and they do that with the money in the financial firms which can really hit themself and probably sometimes make more money it's just for a population than the popularisation i think they can really come up with a movie like that not long ago russia adopted an insider trading law holly fact it would be as of now i think personally it's not going to be effective at all for russia for one simple reason that i saw the law on the fines are extremely small people are not afraid in united states for insider trading you just go straight to jail decided this year was in line and everybody knows as a martha stewart as a loss because everyone and you talking about martha stewart who who did not really
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made money she just saved sixty thousand dollars because she got the information early she served nine months in jail if the person want more of the story go to jail for sixty thousand dollars that everybody is afraid the regular jewish boy i mean in the regular human being who is getting the inside information is just going to go to jail the lawyers got to be definitely it's got to be more street and everybody knows that the fines are going to be much bigger the fines are next year as well the people are not afraid so there's nothing to be afraid of it's not going to change anything what would you call the mean different. russian and american stock exchange's main issue of course it's a liquidity for one simple reason you can't really compare two changes the one which is exist over one hundred twenty five years and another one which is exist barely for let's say less of the fifteen years the one major problem is there is a perhaps ten to fifteen stocks in let's say interventions like exchange which has
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a liquidity i mean the large liquidity for international funds to be in are the major problem. of course the number of players in united states where the liquidity is coming from the eighty seven percent of the liquid that comes from a large farms but then fifteen percent comes from a mamas and papas operation i mean everyone from five years old to ninety years old are investing their money obviously it provides a large liquidity. as your business out there for now will bring you more in less than one hour thanks to watch. the.
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line in motion would be so much brighter if you knew about zoom from finance to oppression against. me for instance on t.v. don't come. wealthy british style but it's not out to the subscribers. of the. market so why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy cause a report on r.g.p.
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. today. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. today. in the ground.
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you can see. them in the. riviera. hotel. coming to live from. the flow to russia. the russian leaders in beijing whole host of issues with his chinese counterpart. human
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rights council is looking into possible violations.


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