tv [untitled] September 27, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT
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shamelessly low prices and high turnover areas like this one in beijing manisha transformed themselves from shanty towns into glitzy shopping quarters also helping china to surpass germany as russia's largest trading partner last year. the. bomb and ceremony commensurate with the trade volumes meeting for the fifth time this year presidents of russia and china both stressed the strategic importance of their alliance. russia and china are committed to strategic partnership concerning all issues it helps our countries to adjust to a constantly changing geopolitical situation we have good coordination concerning the international agenda and regional issues. oiling the joints of diplomatic reality our russian hydrocarbons about four hundred thousand barrels of russian crude crosses the border each day when these pipeline the first between the two neighbors reaches its full capacity next year the amount will triple along russia
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among other things diversified supply markets overweight from western europe. have these alliances not without reservations over the recent years russia scaled back its weapon sales to china due to concerns that beijing may copy the designs and later on to. other foreign military markets. for example and then produce those. by itself so of course it's all for reduces the boredom of military trade between russia and china but there's also something that russia would like to borrow from china back in the fifty's the soviet union spared no means to industrialize its communist neighbor but now it seems the tables have turned the russian officials now are preoccupied when they hear from a different station very much like to copy china's economic miracle. in the recent decades. and
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a major breakthrough in the hunt acknowledge easy and cold ration in this field is neatly beneficial for those countries nowadays we both have some ideas and experience to share with each other so we have a great respect is in the heart attack little notion that two thirds of the cabinet traveling with the president russian delegation in china proved among the largest in recent years and they all did their homework for the course of this visit russian officials took a particle a liking to side in confucius and china scolar her among other things at by peaceful hours again developing friendship with somebody who can a teacher any good well china is definitely not the case this country has made such a dramatic leap forward that even in former communist big brother russia is more than willing to learn from it some of boycott art feat beijing china and boxing are getting a cold an over from the most state in sort of international relations says that with energy supplies to europe a priority for russia winning the chinese market will not be an easy task. russia
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is concerned with the situation in europe whether the situations in this two regions different. in europe. and we are witnessing any. gas or oil war. direction right now. some controversial issues yes we. did agree about gas supplies. remember quite well china. suppliers not only wash it supplies. we know that china is building very good relations with central asian states with australia with. plans to gas to china as well but there are no agreement on the exact prices for at the
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moment. aboard a boat sailing towards the gaza blockade say they expect israel to intercept them the campaign and say their objective is to show not all tourist people support their government's policy towards the palestinians that tends to deliver humanitarian aid comes almost four months after an israeli raid on another flotilla ended with nine acts of is being held the incident was condemned worldwide and labeled a brutal and disproportionate attack the jersey state still claims the incident was self-defense and considers the attack as charity group which led the effort to let terrorists links to her ass he's promising us to gates. the pictures that catapulted a relatively little known in gilo on to the world stage in the world in which we live today where sympathizers or sympathizer are also being called terrorists it's no wonder that i age is being accused in this way the turkish charity first popped up on the cia's radar for years ago it's been banned in israel in germany you say
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it strongly linked with a mosque in gaza the last thing is my ill humans would call him soft as a terrorist he's a father of three and says he boarded the ship for gaza for his three daughters. in the gaza the children should have a right to live freely we want this so we joined that organization if another event of this kind was organized i would go again sit up in the early ninety's to help bosnian muslims the i h h or humanitarian relief foundation has offices in one hundred twenty countries wherever the roads the people. go. show or solidarity for people and it's shown solidarity in pakistan ethiopia lebanon indonesia iraq china as well as with the palestinians we have hospitals schools we have impress we are pulseless for the peoples callista new writer had a commie says israel is trying to portray the people as
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a terrorist one in order to try and. justify the deadly flu to low grade in immediate after most world continue should know what israel has done these really is. mounted a defense which was you know we quite clever but not based on any on any facts it's known for the investigations to decide to key israel and the united nations each with the only inquiry. here r t. a recent going to report came to the conclusion that israel's military broke into national laws in that type in the big gaza flotilla in may shooting dead nine apps it is also talks e.u. and watch an american jewish lobby group monitoring the united nations and its executive director noir believes the ongoing investigation is nothing more than yet another attack on israel the human rights council held an emergency session only a day or two after the flotilla incident happened they declared israel guilty of
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quote an outrageous attack so the outcome was entirely pre-determined and this is not something that's exceptional in fact mary robinson who was the un rights chief said that the human rights council has a pattern of acting politically and not for human rights let's remember who the membership is saudi arabia china colonel qadhafi of libya is now a member of the human rights council this is not a body that cares about human rights this is a body that is political that is and gauged in a constant campaign to digitalize israel and human rights is the last thing on the minds of members like saudi arabia cuba and saudi libya the human rights council as coffee and on said it is selective politicized and casts a shadow upon the reputation of the un as a whole but the un report its supporters to one of them is the israeli peace activists and group ghosh alone which claims that the blockade of gaza is illegal and also spoke to the organizations found former israeli parliament member theory
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of an eerie. the question of whether the blockade is legal. or even very wise is very questionable it's being questioned in sight is that. i myself believe that the blockade is illegal immoral and festival stupid because no one really knows what the blockade is for what to suppress of this brocade the government now sais that the only reason is to prevent world materially and weapons from addiction to the gaza strip. but this can be achieved by other means for verba you can stop ships on the high sea search the cargo and then let them go a disk ship is mainly. there to. make two point one that duplicate is illegal and should be
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abolished but also i think very many jewish people in israel and europe and then on to rort who do not support this brocade to want to call upon the israeli government to put an end to it. file share isn't trying politics. is the phrase of copyrighted products the step comes as no maker trying to strengthen existing laws is going off next to the controversial issue. of his bill in show business since deleted nine hundred eighty s. back then giving away demo tapes was the best way to gain fans a few decades his formula seems to be making a comeback. except now to spread the word publishers his music on the web for free so people p. to see him in concert. you see the album was already uploaded and downloaded
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a hundred times before i even published it i know there's no point in fighting it so i'm going to use it instead. according to some estimates piracy leads to over ten billion dollars in losses globally every year. anything can be found on the internet of many musicians are forced to hold more concerts while just a few years ago they were merely the second source of income the. record companies are accusing pirates of stealing their money but there are those who want to draw a line between selling counterfeit c.d.'s or d.v.d.'s and sharing files on the internet. the noncommercial exchange of information being afraid of little by little is the leader of the pirates of russia party. the internet is everywhere i just need to take a button a couple of times in a movie or some new album i want to listen to all distribution model is mindless an
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outdated. view to the party wants to see new laws in russia legalizing all nonprofit file sharing on the web formed in july in two thousand and nine it's also one of the founders of the pirates parties international a movement which unites so-called players from around fifty countries we need to really take a chance to get to take a stand. also tradition. taking back the freedom that once belonged to rephrase somebody's last name is. and take in one hundred years for. barrett sort of unite some websites accused of facilitating illegal file sharing in the global movement have millions of registered users and last year two members of sweden's squiers party even managed to get two seats in the european parliament. and these people are naive and lost with poor noise of economics and history a free economy cannot exist criticism supported by some deputies of the state duma
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who see by making the plans of russia party official its organizers could get more than they bargained for the establishment of the party while not. people from the criminal liability for the law the planners of russia are seeing the current laws are outdated and on fear and claim that we will be back to the internet users in the country and that is around forty percent of the electorate piracy surely is a controversial subject but let's face it it's now grown into an international phenomenon with some official pirates even getting into european politics but before the pirates of russia can even dream of getting into the state deal need at least forty five thousand members just to register and the question is even if they do have the right amount of supporters are they ready to come out and name themselves. r.t.
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moscow then israel as a ruling party backed by president and his house of all the country's general election but. it's a missed out on the fascinated for an outright majority position could block bells but forward by they put forward by they were in khartoum opposition leaders also claim they won the popular. nation for the cause. president their actions are seen as a popularity test for chavez ahead of the twenty twelve presidential elections i think to have half a dozen coming about and come up. the rumors start to flare on the eve did election allegations that voting machines were out of order began to circulate on the opposition side. but here at a station that is predominately pro opposition there were no complaints did you having trouble voting just now no no problem no nothing no problem. what has been drilled into their heads is that the opposition will win close to fifty fifty. six
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eighteen nineteen. members. in the house you know that in the congress and maybe sixty seventy towards the inner city however the crowds display more support for the government. what the opposition claim all along use the media message that they hold a majority on the contrary throughout the boat eleven years to the revolutionary process has won every election and these do is going to be a victory for us. my point station you can hear people saying vote up to the left read the government's party this school is not only one of the most historic landmarks in the city it's also one of the largest voting districts and the opinions here for the most part are split fifty fifty at this polling station there were also no problems with voting some were even helping people with how and who to vote for began on the streets of caracas it's almost impossible to avoid election time the ability to venezuelan people know this election in many ways isn't it
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illogical dispute one deeply rooted in the history of latin america into what this is more than under the old war it's a war of interests and power the power that the right has always had over latin america more than any of your logical war it's about the right of the people of latin america to make our own decisions decisions that will eventually reflect after this election is finally over. r t caracas venezuela. the latest crewmen to return from the international space station have been telling of their experiences after one hundred seventy six days in orbit a day longer than planned do you have technical glitch but of interest to earthling reporters has been not all of them and found in space but the things they missed most back on planet earth. you know. i love spicy food i make real hot chili sauce myself. i finished off all the spicy could jump start this and shocked everyone by making. sandwiches feel as good as
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a rock. i missed smiles i missed trees i even dreamt of them i even hallucinated i thought i smelled a real fire and something you don't need i ended up putting pictures of trees on the walls to cheer myself up you do miss the. survey so use capsule carrying the crew of two russian cosmonauts and an american astronaut landed in kazakhstan despite some eleventh hour wars in orbit so the first attempts to undock from the international space station failed due to a false alarm which post i return to my day there are still three crew members at the us says hold the draw and buy i need to next month. and some other headlines around the wall of a power transfer it says to ban the way recklessly of north korea with continued doubts about the health of the country's six to eight year old leader kim jong il a head of the country's biggest political convention in decades. has been promoted
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by his father to their rank of military general the last such meeting thirty years ago seen a power to succeed his father little is known about these son who is thought to be in his twenty's meant commentators don't expect him to change the country's current policy. former seven eight or rather one cartridge her. has appeared in court in the hague to defend himself over charges of climbs in genocide the trial which has been of running for almost to get resumes after the disappearance requested time to review extensive documentation kilometer is accused of being responsible for the massacre of over seven thousand muslims in the bowls in town of ninety nine to five and he has also has so far denied the allegations that big stretch into twenty fourteen if prosecutors and coverage do not speed up the case.
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thousands of some of the media and public sector workers began an open ended strike against the two yet way trees proposed by the government there were no news bulletins on the state channel as journalists are among those to join the protest police and other vital services us still at work but have cut back on as a result of the police have not been traffic tickets or penalties and social services only. on. american or public speaker john.
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thank you very much to you both for joining us now review mr nesbitt now you first visited forty years ago and obviously a lot has changed now what is the post dramatic or surprising change. of scene. in sixty seven when i first read there was. a primitive really very poor. pretty discouraging place the big changes the people now that people are so energetic. so excited about. what's happening what's happening in their own lives he has
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a huge huge change the people are obviously the people who are in politics who are in governor who are businesses and so on every level whatever they're doing a very good year more incitement. and of course physical. appearance in china and just gone from that primitive third world look to the most modern country in the world. the country with the most modern cities in the world having said that now thirty years ago china was track one hundred thirty seventh in terms of g.d.p. and today they are now in the second position so what do you think from your first outsider's perspective what are they doing right while they're doing a lot of things right obviously in the in bringing the economy the constancy of the government of course allows a more long term thinking then you could have in western democracies so
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this long term strategic thinking allow trial and error and as we see a china goes along and some things fail but most of the things that they tried out work and then they apply it on a bigger scale ok you seem to be very positive about china coming from europe you're coming from europe you're coming from the u.s. do you think china is misrepresented in the world yes or no you know there are things in china that are not good at all and that absolutely need to be changed and will change over time especially with the new generation coming up that has a much lower tolerance on. strict surratt authorities but what needs to be done is to also report the guts things about china the many things where china really has made enormous progress and that not only in economics but also it is on the way through change its in its political structure in its social
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economic system i think i think good biggest problem with the reporting in the western press about china is that there's news about communist china and people say they always say the words to press the communist government of china . well recovery is going to turn it is that what it used to be but there's this money. he said about what it probably years that shakes to everything about china and it gives a very distorted picture this is a very modern society where there's a lot of participation in the. people obviously the point is there's a there's a social and personal freedom in china that there's never been before in the history of china and that freedom as allowed the people to contribute to the whole and to create. an ever greater and more prosperous
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society and speaking of prosperous they are indeed getting very prosperous these days and in fact the government the chinese government has been trying to cool the economy because of. overheating supposedly overheating do you think there is an overheating of the stock market and the property market and you think it's going to person possibly be another us incident well i think we're i think the whole world is a little too focused on the crisis of the cooling of the healing and. we're going to have a double dip or not it a number of years i think this will be seen as an event rather than you pull over a ship this is an event this is a bump in the road this bump of the road is part of something called ready very much in prague and that is the river flows. decline of the west and
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pretty fast rise of. that same place those are huge shifts the large shade you mention china is a rich country that is correct but you know lately more and more what comes up is the difference between china being a rich country and having a huge population which is not rich which has not yet gained its share on the rich . and to give you a little example how why that is so the property rights private property is has not existed in china so when the urbanization of the country was beginning of a private property and the profit you belong to the community they were sold to develop at that moment the value of gross dramatically the tough ominous who were relocated did not bring that. did not get that again but only the low
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price and then you know the property rolls and rolls so what is now going on and we are now investigating and researching that in a chinese province of sichuan in chengdu is to give the farm us the people who know it all one owns the land before the property the private property rights to say all of that land to a much better price to have a share of all of that creation and if you think that in china still fifty percent of the population are farm us then there is a lot of wealth that can be created to the people and that's a development that can contribute very much to the sustainability of the economic progress of china.
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nineteen thirty eight england and france tried to reason with hitler germany demands are going to land and gets its way they all thought they had created a safety net for themselves nineteen thirty nine the whole of europe is and gulf war efforts to establish a system of collective security in one nine hundred thirty eight failed and it's still on the agenda. the lesson was to be learned from the munich agreement on r t .
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just. to. welcome back this is all see a quick check of the headlines. rushes to triple crude exports to china to satisfy the giant nation's growing says to an injury with a new girls goal to only open to monday or presidents who didn't time to make sure that it was a must read day of business to china. another humanitarian aid for the team is bound for gaza nearly four months after the israeli all that time was the last one headed that came a nine and actually began a human rights council says was brutal and disproportionate. on the side of the powers so russia come out into the open i'm going to pull up stakes and starting an online campaign to establish a positive points to make coping and free file sharing illegal. and those are the
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headlines up next it's our special report in which we had a thousand kilometers south from moscow to all stalled on dawn and it's one of the most beautiful cities in southern russia famed for its all good texture see it as our own spectacular gaze that's right now hail and i'll see you. one of russia's most important southern cities an industrial and cultural center with more than one point three million people this is a twenty first century town that's proud of its history where you can find cutting edge technology and people that still follow traditions that date back centuries this area is an agricultural jewel covered with rich fertile soil and blessed with a mild climate it's the second most productive region in the country but if you want to appreciate it properly you really need somebody to give you a lift. before labor the best way to see.
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