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tv   [untitled]    September 27, 2010 11:30pm-12:00am EDT

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and webster to the taliban now the clip of webster saying wives submit yourself to your own husband back came from a speech that he gave in a conference of the nonprofit christian group and according to online reports they were taken out of context but you know the really crazy thing is about this ad that this is a stolen idea i think he got the guts to call webster the taliban from a new book that's just been released do you were last week here on the show we interviewed markos moulitsas founder of the daily kos about his new book called the american taliban how war saxe sin and power by jihadists and the radical right and his book looks at how the american right and muslim extremists have so much in common so after the book comes on of the markets after marco's has to deal with all the implications of comparing americans to members of the taliban blah blah blah congressman alan grayson comes out with this something tells me that you're not being too original mr grayson so that's why tonight you are our tool time winner.
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now everyone knows that the only people who still like obama are the young or elites are the majority well today obama outlined his plans on yet another trouble domestic issue an interview with the today show he talked education now the main takeaway from this interview was a while our system is in deep trouble money isn't the answer it plays a role but without reform money means nothing you only have to look to the new york city and washington d.c. systems to see the throwing money at occasion just doesn't work what is needed is real change to where our system functions changes to the teachers union you know i'm glad to see the obama administration actually taking on that challenge now obama pledged to work with the teachers' union but said the status quo is simply unacceptable with one third of all children dropping out of the school system but he also plays some responsibility on the parents who he says can and need to do more to support their kids and he once again stated his support for extending the
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school year to the fact that on average school kids around the world attend classes for at least a month longer the kids here in the u.s. so while obama has mountains to move before the american education system sees real change i lease applaud him for his efforts and hope that he is successful because god knows he's going to need as much support on this as possible. now earlier we spoke about the government wanted to track and control every bit of information on the web every communication while they keep their own words and actions completely secret but it seems there's always someone that manages to rain on their parade and let the secrets out recently and perhaps most notably when it comes to gaining media and government attention we could look to wiki leaks and its co-founder julian signage as such people but while officials try to paint him as an exception as a single villain in the internet age the truth is that hacking culture is vibrant expands
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continents decades and even has a code of ethics first that all information should be free and second that authority should not be trusted and decentralization should be promoted but as we can see with the assigned drama people aren't quite sure if they should really think of these hackers as heroes or villains well joining me from our studio in new york to discuss it is peter ludlow a professor at northwestern university and the editor of crypto anarchy cyber states and pirate utopias he's also got an e-book coming out this week called our future in virtual worlds thank you so much for joining me i have to ask you this question because you know like i said if you maybe read the news if you've seen a lot of movies out there hackers are always portrayed as the bad guys they all they do is they break into bank accounts and you know try to mess with everyone's money but you're saying that hacking culture really is rich and it goes far beyond that so are these people heroes then or do they kind of border this this in-between
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between good and bad. well they can be both because they're just people and some are good and some are bad some of them are doing good things some are going to do bad things it's pretty simple or do you think that julian assange is perhaps of wiki leaks is he doing good or bad that. the problem there is. we actually are. i don't really know enough about what's going on i think there's a kind of general principle which is which is good i mean i think the basic hacker principle or the basic i would call it a hacktivist principle that information should be free is more or less good the basic distinction you have to make though and the hacktivist are going to make this distinction is between information that should be public information that should be private and everyone believes that there should be private information in fact activists develop. tools for people to use you know to keep to keep their
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secrets bottled up but in certain cases information comes into your hands and then you've got a moral decision to make are you going to consider this to be public information or are you going to consider it to be private information and at that point right there's that kind of inflection point where the decision you make is a decision that in effect determines whether you're going to be a good hacktivist or a bad activist whether you going to make a mistake or whether you're going to get it right what do you think that you know i guess i keep using the example of julius anjan and of wiki leaks because i guess they're the most prominent these days they're the most popular everyone knows them and you know you even mention in your article too that perhaps sometimes he'll kill people can become a little foolish and how far that they'll follow that because they just they just support everything they do even despite the fact that perhaps of billions that are working with the u.s. military there that their names are in there so you know who is it up to is it up to just the individual hacker these people that are following them and tell them.
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well that's what's going to happen i mean people have to understand is that. it's going to be up to the person in whose hands the information falls and you know that's the first person that we're sorry that's the first question everyone always asks you know well it is going to be a decision between whether it's public information or private information who decides and the answer to that question is is not one that makes anyone happy because the answer is that the person who gets to decide is the person who has the information. not do you think that you know you say hacking culture has been around for decades these people get together they have conferences they're all over the world has his literary exchange that it all has it brought it more into the mainstream. was brought it in the mainstream consciousness in the article that you're referring to i basically argued that. the mainstream media has sort of gotten obsessed with the science because he's a perfect kind of james bond villain for them and it's really not about
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a single individual it's just a very broad based group it's a network of revolutionary individuals if you will or a revolutionary culture and he's really not that big of a figure i understand that he looks like a big figure because he's gotten major hype but there are a lot of people engaged in this kind of activity all over the world and he's just the one that's getting the attention right now and in fact if if if he were to be rendered fully incapacitated or whatever the technical term is today i don't think it would i don't think it would really affect wiki leaks that much and i also don't think it would affect hacktivism or the sort of unlocking of information that much so i guess what i'm really wondering here is do these people want that you know that attention do they want to be the joining us on june the one that the media is just salivating over or do they would they rather stay secret and kind of unknown
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in the shadows you know i mean do they think a songe is a media whore. i think i'm sure a lot of them think he's a media whore. a lot of i mean hackers some hackers are notorious for bragging about what they do and this is the sort of thing that got private manning in trouble because he was in effect bragging about his his exploits with the sort of turncoat hacker adrian lamo. but other people that are involved in activism are completely quiet. about it and and in many cases we don't even know who's doing the operation i mean people take credit for the hacking operation we don't know if it's really them people deny. it in most cases i would say we basically have no idea who is behind the hacking operation and for obvious reasons i mean these things are often illegal and they're also they're often they're often being done in politically charged areas of the world in places like china and iran all over the world so people are careful and silence i think is is the exception to the rule now
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in your mind does hacktivism work you know is it is it a functioning form of activism or quite the opposite does it make the government then just want to clamp down even more. well it certainly makes the government want to clamp down even more you had a story earlier about how the government wants to be able to have a backdoor even into peer to peer networks and it's pretty obvious to me why that's happening because the direction that wiki leaks is going right now is is basically it's moving off of sort of large servers and it's what you're going to see is a peer to peer network version of wiki leaks and so you know the government will attempt to to crack down on on on. operations hacktivist operations but you know the hacktivist outnumber the the number of people that the government can throw at the problem so i think in the long run i think it's very
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difficult to get on top of the hacktivists here right so i guess it seems like they're in their spirit is still alive as lawyers think despite the fact that wiki leaks might vanish still always be here thanks so much for joining us sure enough thanks for having me. are coming up on tonight's show we're going to have a little fun with work he's a journalist who took on the outrageous protests by the westboro baptist church and he's here to tell us about how he pokes fun at the very serious religious groups will back him up.
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just. the whole of the. more. secure.
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the future. and. the best in science. and around the world. i'm sure. the trying to. move. from stupid question. dot com. we've got a follow up to a story we brought you last week here on the show some economists try to say of the recession is over in the u.s.
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but millions of americans would disagree with that unemployment still high foreclosures are still on the rise and a new report says that forty four million americans live below the poverty line so who's to blame for all those financial troubles all laurie harn finest host harf in this excuse me host of the resident dot net took to the streets of the big apple to get a report from those live on the streets. the u.s. census bureau released a report indicating that about forty four million americans or one in seven live below the poverty level that's the highest it's been in over half of that jury what or who's to blame for this this week let's talk about that is that the bing not consider in obama's policies no the thing he's to blame for where we're at right now well he's partially to blame he's put the whole country and so how are we going to get out of it. get rid of obama i mean we are fighting two wars and i think they
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are costing a lot of money so obviously that's having a significant effect on the economy and obama inherited these wars so i don't think we can blame him i've lost faith in the government i think it's just a power struggle in washington now that's what i think it's kind of like everyone saying what they're supposed to be saying for their party but no one's concerned about doing anything that's one way of putting it i suppose i would say the mortgage mortgage dilemma. loaning money that we don't have to people that can afford it to begin with and i think that was the beginning of it do you think that's going to turn around any time soon are we going to just see more. i hope i hope it turns around i think it's i think it's on the upswing there will be no middle class just poverty class and the rich class that would be too good so you think that the middle class is kind of disappearing in this country i think it's definitely it's definitely. not so much disappearing but it's definitely not as big as it used to be i mean you know growing up my parents always said that the middle
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class was a lot bigger and times were a lot easier so you're unemployed now do you feel like your standard of living is just completely gone or is it still a little bit better than what it would be like in other places in the world. i would say my standard of living is gone i mean but it's it's you know clearly times are tough for a lot of people do you think that our poverty line is better or worse than the standard of living in other places in the well i think it's better than most places in the world if you've traveled internationally you would probably come back and kissed the ground in america like a lot of people react and take a lot of things for granted. a lot of the things that we really have and you know we have a lot more than several other countries in this world and it's going to get complacent take things we're going to maybe we should focus on what we do have instead of what we don't have right now so. the bottom line is that no matter who or what if to. blame for this high level of poverty let's just hope someone or something can do
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something about it. now the media are often villainize forgiving those that are extreme those that are on the fringes any time why waste your time on the crazies when there are real problems in this world why are you with that statement someone you know that's why we dedicate so much of our time here on this show talking about the war about government infringing upon our civil liberties and trying to keep it all secret we talk about the dark and depressing things that happen every single day but sometimes you just want to have some fun and what better way to do it than to go hang out with the crazies and ask them questions that help prove to everyone just how crazy they are well that's a one journalist has on the regular his name is brick stone and he's here with me in the studio to tell us all about it thanks so much for being here now you were just out with the westboro baptist which were on one of their you know it was
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a day that they decided to go out and these are the people that always come up with the signs that the protest at soldiers' funerals they also wanted to you would to burn the koran let's show our audience really quickly a clip of some of what you experience. god hates america according to the westboro baptist what did you learn from these people any revelations yes i found out that people who are absolutely crazy can be very well spoken cordial when they really really want to get on camera they have the camera almost as much as they love lady gaga that's what you know i fight about these people too is there always seem like the nicest people and that's kind of how they lure you into their web. speaking of lady gaga they do really. her for some
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reason they are not into this pop star but instead what they did instead of just you know coming out and speaking out against her as they took her music and just copy let's play a clip of that as well. i'm. sure you were. to say that if you're game you're still but he was still. a good guy. i mean i guess there was a pretty good rendition but they just copied her music straight up it's a little catchy to say after the last protest like a telephone out of my head but they say they hate lady gaga but they certainly listen to her music a lot you know you would think that if you hated someone so much you wouldn't know so much about them or you know exactly what all their songs sound like we have actually another clip to start we're focused we always really funny stuff out there thank you of why they hate us so much. that they're out to be rather negative for. you that we keep our ear to the ground and we know what's popular in
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this country and when you've got for sure who is popular. and you know what i heard her songs are selling she's also with. us i think she's also she's also a dyke is what she is first and foremost a dyke she spreads her fill the thing is that a lot of people so she has a penis which would mean that everything she's doing a straight. jacket you know what that's just gross and i'm not going to dance about being you know that i'm like that for that but i am not going to go there you know the sun with anal sex out of body in the world time not made that well we don't see the website you know. i mean thing is you know she kind of she started laughing in so doing they will kind of get you know they're really not that serious about it well i've sort of gotten the impression that the younger ones in the church they act like people who've been almost forced to do this by their parents where they're like the it's like the work in a retail store and they're like yeah it's a marriage. you know please move along and it's almost like kids at church when you
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know they're like doing it for their parents the older ones get really angry the younger ones they left with the things i say and i'm almost offended like i'm making fun of you you're not supposed to find this funny oh they turn the tables on ya one of it's i mean i guess it's a it should be flattering but it's just a surprise when you know one of the things that i loved is you asked them. if god makes a man that is hot enough is it ok to have sex with him was their answer. i don't think they really want to answer that question this is sort of if i cut away after asking the question is usually because the they refuse or they just start rambling about something else because they don't want to answer these questions they don't want to think about these questions the whole point is to force them to think about things they never have before and try to poke holes in their hypocrisy was that why you doing i was going to ask you mean what what purpose is this serving going out as is just so other people can laugh at the westboro baptist is this trying to i don't know prove some greater point well it's certainly not because i'm just
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a mean person who wants to ridicule people and i finally found a victim who no one will defend if that's what you're implying. but it's on one hand you know as a you know it's funny it's fun to do and it's great because they're kind of a one stop shop of crazy so with one conversation i can feel like i'm defending six or seven different groups you know you can go and you can spend your whole life trying to find you know that many people who hate so many things you know. some things i never even heard of before they hate so it's so to answer a question mostly because it's fun and there is a lot of hate there but any and all seriousness you know we've been covering stories like this where there is a pastor terry jones that wanted to burn a koran or he said he was going to do and he backed down to the westboro baptist came out and said that you know that he was a false prophet and so that they were going to take the burning of the koran onto themselves but the other things that really they are funny i mean this was sparking protests worldwide you know there were casualties involved you have people saying
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and this is going to put troops in danger and then you have other people that think that they represent all americans the pastor terry jones is in the west to burrow baptist's of the world well the funny thing about that is they put out a press release after the terry jones debacle saying that they were very upset because they burned a creamy year ago no one cared because even i had no idea even radical fundamentalists think they're crazy so i don't. given people really even consider them representative of anyone at this point ok well lets out we have one last clip to play here and they have some predictions for your future oh yes that's right. ok. ok you just you just took that away all right they lie usually i'm just trying to get to the next question and then they love to talk believe me they love the camera ards are you feeling
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a little damned are you feeling like you're going to go to hell for this i think if if they think i'm damned i'm probably pretty good. or now whatever videos have you die i mean aside from the westboro baptist who ask you like to go out there and poke fun at well the truth is for the most part when i've done these men in the street interviews it usually been with strangers say on hollywood boulevard or places like that where i'm just sort of poking fun at the news industry trying to ask gotcha questions to strangers who want to get the average american and now yeah i had to go get the. i don't know the on average anything but average exactly but you know usually when it's man on the street i'm a little nicer about it but you know just just trying to have fun just trying to sort of poke holes in people's perceptions try to just make jokes about whatever whatever i think people are expecting a news person to talk about and then see if i can confuse them well it's definitely a very funny staff out of the box and you have some very good way to question there like a break thanks so much for being here thank you very much ari before we go it's time for our tweet of the game now earlier we told you about
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a group of retired military officers who claim that when the u.f.o.'s arrive first mission will be to secure america's nuclear weapons so we think that's from tonight we're going to tweet our suggestion to the aliens what we think their first mission really should be secure and dismantle fox news and glenn beck totally that's our tweet for a night. well i have another one for you tomorrow that's also it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in to make sure that you come back tomorrow night we're tired army jet nine are tired army generals have joined together to call on the u.s. to lift the travel ban to cuba and they argue that cuba no longer poses a legitimate security threat to the u.s. so we'll have one of those colonel lawrence wilkerson who's the former chief of staff to colin powell on the show to discuss his latest endeavor and much more now we'll have a london based artist on the program to discuss his latest piece is breaking down america's stereotypes of europe and the meantime don't forget to become a fan of the facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of tonight's show or any other nights you can always catch it all at youtube dot com slash the
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alone a show where we post the interviews as well as the show in its entirety coming up next is the news with the latest headlines from the u.s. and around the world.
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they faced it this is not a provocation would warn of. a force it should see everybody you should it's a pretty tree they have no idea about the hardships that face. one it's the says it all to me it's in the. or in the army the life of abuse is the most precious thing in the world. of self-sacrifice and heroism of those who understood it fully but you have to live
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a. real life stories from world war. nineteen forty five don't auntie dot com. in the united kingdom she's available in the house bill and she will go to the old way even to her to get them closer to the mill stone hutto country house. the. homes to remember the crimean choose to feel the montague the town the old pull the rubens hotel.
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live from sang high on my knees to now a with the latest from the expo twenty ten where president medvedev opens brussels a. good aliens have control over the world's nuclear weapons a group of retired u.s. air force officers thanks so. while russian officials are doing all they can to stay on the inflow of drugs from central asia police are also dealing with a problem amator attempts making their own. watching r.t. coming to life from moscow in the russian capital on marina joshua welcome to the
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program after serious talks in deals in beijing russian president dmitry medvedev is wrapping up his visit to china all the third day of his trip he's. to check out the russian and chinese offerings at the world expo and he said now joins us live from quality money so tell us a bit more about what's going on in shanghai today. where president has arrived at the shanghai expo twenty ten where he'll be giving the speech on opening day of course he'll be taking a tour of the russian and chinese put billion which you can see behind me there said to be two of the favorites this time round of the most impressive they have the longest waits to get in in fact the line outside the russian villian yesterday was about an hour and twenty minutes so lots of tourists from around the world and from shanghai and of course china very interested to see what russia has to offer and what's on display let's circle.


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