tv [untitled] September 28, 2010 2:00am-2:30am EDT
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about an hour and twenty minutes so lots of tourists from around the world and from shanghai and of course china very interested to see what russia has to offer and what's on display let's talk a little bit about that you have russia's top tech and energy companies showing the best of what they have to offer including cross out of which is the nuclear energy company ross nano which as the name was hint is a russian nanotechnology corporation that's part of a bigger project called skolkovo which is the plan to build a silicon valley like the same village just outside moscow and bring together russia's biggest mines to work on future innovations and that's all part of a much bigger picture of the president's push for modernization to talk more about the russian pavilion and modernization across russia in different spheres is surrogate will become who is the spokes person for ross out of which is one of the major companies of course so in the best of what they have at this year's expo sergei tell us about some of the projects that rolls out and russia are working in
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cooperation with china and of course why that's so important. that you would. think that you know we have very good you're several years old you know to try and be. constructive yes it's nice and then to be fair the stuff that you sold to find me about my beef is. that if you are people in the stores you're. very specific and develop and you've been through the day you develop your skills and so they used executive action to use these tell us a little bit more just briefly about how this all can help russian modernization well as pro you know we i mean for some of them first you think you see very close to true five for all your priorities brzezinski musim we had to open super come back to you soon supercool. dr you just sorry you missed the boat and if you should
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see. nuclear technology so next you ration seisures force neutron reactors fusion reactors. nuclear made is seen if we use right to isotope therapy and take notice as well we construct super computers in our federal nuclear centers all they'll say are in space birdseed now we can be constructive for us. nuclear energy installation or space crafts off mic but it sounds like you have amazing and very intense projects going on the best of luck to you so again no the come from a want adam who is one of the stands here at the rest of the year we have course a lot more throughout the day for you from the same high x. . and he's now reporting there russian president dmitry medvedev has signed a decree firing the moscow mayor your english cough who was in power for almost two decades the kremlin says it was due to
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a loss of confidence in the city's top official large joins us now from moscow city center in a tired good morning now what happens when news reached city hall. well it is highly unlikely that you what is going to be taking this well considering the man has spent the last eighteen years as the had a moscow although according suit russian president's press secretary in the party it's michael what was given two options that either he would resign or he would be fired recently you of course has said that he's not going to resign. and he was fired this morning by the russian president he just came back from a full day on monday during which according to not that it's michael hughes actually thinking that what he would do next and he's probably exactly say that it came as a surprise to them as he was planning to hold a meeting at ten o'clock this morning like he usually does. eat also recently said
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that he was planning three war trips abroad so either he hoped that he would be fired or if he wanted others to believe so but it is unlikely that it came as a surprise to anyone because there has been a lot of speak lation is in the russian media recently about his resignation and president if you get fired so the former may hear a remote being in the work trip to china and south koreans not only to michael he's not even planning to meet with the former mayor to give the news meanwhile his duties bloody meditation will take on his duties the deputy mayor who usually did take his duties when you do the scope was out of town out to find out someone who was the lot of confidence in the usual spoke by the russian president let's now watch this report. the constant feature of the moscow mayor his legendary cab has been the subject of amusement throughout his eighteen years in power selling his custom made silver kept at an auction of kindly granted
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a moscow nursery home the one million u.s. dollars it weighs his mayorship meanwhile needs more than just one cap to cover the bald spots of his career he started making his fortune on the economic crisis of the late ninety's rumors of money laundering have haunted many of his multi-million dollar construction projects across the capital there's lots of problems in the city namely but there is no affordable housing for the most provides there is a problem of people cheated by the construction pyramids these two and others have to be dealt with before any question about future employment of the mill are to be discussed while the country was losing money during the recent economic downturn in two thousand and nine income increased however the mayor claims it's not his money but he's wife's. doing that is russia's only female billionaire she was a property development company and many claim it's political clout that lends her
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the deals both in washington abroad is known for his strong anti-gay stands never authorizing and even cracking down on gay pride parades national parts of our society with healthy morals do not accept my most they just don't accept it or her going over there last summer may blame him for mishandling the severe smoke situation in moscow the city on talks of smoked for almost a month as wildfires rage while he was on vacation out of the city of lawmakers this is one of course every specialist should be responsible for what they are interested with he said up with if for example the mayor of moscow comes back from holidays for the next day after the smog over the theater has dissolved which was the case this time and i think it is an example of. he should have been hit are often out after the small looks like school has been concentrating a lot on his house rather and that's why this city's residents and abuse but i
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don't drink maybe i'm missing out on something but for more than thirty years i haven't had a drop. the money that the russian government. to improve infrastructure rarely make it to the ramshackle roads of moscow he's also been criticized over the deconstruction of the city's historical and architectural heritage after his long grown foot prints lucy on the streets of the russian capital and then we go artsy. watching our july from moscow we have lots more coming your way on our team clearly something out of this world. witnesses have described these crowd has disc shaped or cylindrical shapes. and these man think aliens inside those crafts have power to gain control over nuclear warheads. north korea's leader kim jarrell may name his successor within hours as the country's ruling workers' party gathers for its biggest convention in decades ahead of
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a key meeting kim jani al has promoted his youngest son came young known to the rank of general which is seen as a first out of power transition now official announcements were made concerning the move and has been shrouded in mystery artie's caterina's are reports that this is common in north korea. in the twenty first century everything is global and all kinds of information is available online but there are many just a lot of mystery in the world wide web and that is north korea not many are privy trade secrets like ross like holly galaxy to share steve was one of you to visit the place and hopefully will share his impressions a alex so tell me you were in for a gang what's it like what's your biggest impression be honest with you when i was going there i felt a little nervous having read all the stories about north korea in the western media that it's scary place it's all to different sort of scary things when i arrived there i thought it was nothing like that but the one thing which rescue the most of
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the first days and first hours being in your yard i saw a building on the other side of the road from my hotel it had no curtains on when. and i asked one of them one of our systems why is it like that he said well if you have curtains in north korea it means you have something to hide so i got the impression that this society is open to its own government whilst its government is closed to the rest of the world it is the societies close to the world as well world attention is turned on north korea for the first workers party meeting in thirty years there are rumors of a man change but that according to those in the know is premature. with those of the two of you i don't think we should expect any dramatic changes right away because power in north korea is built on the principles of succession and continuity kim jong il became a leader first and foremost thanks to his image of a true follower of his father's legacy ideas and not as some distort of the foundations or as the person to lead the country's policy into a sharp turn so obviously the same is going to apply to kim jong il's successor.
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north korea's nuclear ambitions troubled the west and the secretive states tightlipped policies and everything has been successfully used as a tool by countries such as the united states. the united states in particular need a bad guy in the region to justify their military presence in the southern part of the korean peninsula and japan and for deploying their missile defense systems there which they've done somewhat more actively than in europe until now the us and allied military presence in the region was justified by the soviet threat but it's been twenty years without a soviet threat however the united states is not going to give up military alliances a stablish during the cold war and now it is very convenient to have a bad guy in pyongyang that can be used as a scapegoat for everything. to north korea the soviet union was the very opposite of a threat especially in the korean war of the early one nine hundred fifty s. the u.s.s.r. came to see as many socialist states and i just possible was happy to a communist regime against u.n.
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troops. but the veterans of those battles only recently got the chance to talk about their memories for them it was yet another war that didn't exist for. i was there for a year and a half and when we came back we couldn't talk about it we couldn't even hint those that died were buried and the notes to their families would read killed in the course of duty where. there was not open for discussion it was hard but it was tough with their of course seventy seven out of seventy eight green cities were destroyed almost completely and yet everywhere i went by saw people trying to rebuild homes roads everything we'd see women on the road carrying their kids and their belongings to a new town and would give them lifts we weren't allowed to but we did. when the eastern european communist block fell apart its influx into the north korean economy plummeted despite the fact it can. relationship is maintained by moscow and
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pyongyang the veil of secrecy is not helping to boost economic development north korea remains one of only five communist states in the world and by far the most mysterious country on the map. gas units are r t moscow and later today learn more about what's going on in the world of international policy from the head of the stadium of foreign affairs committee constantine cause a chop he's a guest in today's spotlight. now they are said to be able to cross galaxies but people who believe they are out there want to know why want to visit earth a group of former u.s. servicemen is convinced extra terrestrials are interfering with nuclear weapons as artie's citric moon explains. perhaps few things say
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normal or routine more than a daily dose of coffee a cup of calm in what can on any day be out of the ordinary. out of the ordinary like a nuclear holocaust out of the ordinary. let's say there's an attack from where it doesn't matter it could be north korea iran pakistan. if that were to happen if nuclear payback wouldn't happen. but. that's a claim made by the men in this room are missiles began going into what's called a no go condition or on launchable essentially they were disabled detailed in this report full of court sanction sworn affidavits the witnesses have described these craft s. disc shaped or cylindrical shape or spherical if you think what's being said inside
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this building is completely ridiculous you might want to consider something my name's robert hastings thank you for coming these are men who might know what may have gone on their former air force missile launch officers missile base officers who say u.f.o. spaceships flying saucers make nuclear weapon systems go haywire in one thousand nine hundred sixty six according to a launch officer david shore his missiles were temporarily activated just as his security guard was reporting a bright object moving from missile to missile to missile. a and it's not just in the united states also. in russia the idea like in one thousand nine hundred eighty two incident that happened in then soviet ukraine given the fact that these incidents have gone on over there including one incident of their missiles being temporarily activated when a u.f.o. was hovering. the missile base identical to what occurred here i think we can rule
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out that who whoever are piloting these craft are either american or russian. maybe they're right maybe they're wrong. maybe there is no way to ever know but if they all are right and in out of the ordinary day is about to unfold. remember the softer side of moon r t washington d.c. one take a look at some other stories from around the world and washington has sat its disappointed israel refused to extend a ban on settlement construction in the west bank the u.s. special envoy will try to salvage renew peace talks now threatened by the resumption of building it comes as un secretary-general ban ki moon told israel west bank settlements are illegal under international law. at least thirty people have been buried under a landslide in northwestern colombia a month slide swept over people as they were crossing the road the search was suspended due to dangerous weather conditions but rescuers are due to resume
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digging the rainy season as cause flooding in ruin roads across the country in recent weeks. five million people in russia are drug addicts with most of katic flowing into the country from of ghana stand in central asia and this problem will be tackled by officials from both moscow to jake a stand itself a huge draw corridor and market but amateur chemist in russia could be just as dangerous as artie's denis blonsky discovers. a sting operation turns into family drama this pregnant woman and her boyfriend just tried to sell five hundred grams of them fed them into undercover agents as sniffer dogs found a stash of drugs under the front wheel of the suspects luxury car as it turned out the popular party drug was produced in a small village nearby all that the dealers needed to cuckoo eagle substance at home with some merchandise from the hardware store and some cough medicine from the
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local pharmacy drug dealers build their labs everywhere it could be an apartment or a house in a quiet residential area like this one besides the obvious criminal threat these places are extremely hazardous because of the chemicals that makes pollute at any moment drug enforcement agent alexander was shocked when colleagues discovered another amphetamine lab in the basement under this old wooden house the room was hidden three stories underground it was equipped with video surveillance but as the drug dealer tried to get rid of the chemicals he almost blew up the building what with the looks in the middle of a neighborhood the houses are old some wooden ones that have set the whole block on the fire. in recent years the street cost up front that i'm in and southern russia has reason to seventy u.s. dollars per gram so more and more amateur chemists have been surfing the internet for cooking instructions right at home together with his college buddy this cross and our student has been trying to find the perfect them put him in warm your place
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nor did the powder themselves and rode their impressions in a diary which is unfortunately we were unable to extract part of the compound from the mean solution is better if we use a different technique hey you guys are darn good you would always knew you were not one of them has a college degree let alone a degree in chemistry most of these people are so qualified geniuses that is the meaning of allah. with dozens of arrests in them for them and related cases and a harsh jail sentence says law enforcement agents are trying to put an end to them put them in craze but despite the risks for the users and the dealers the demand for this controlled substance on the black market remains high so it's unlikely that the victory in the war on the fetterman will come anytime soon that is all of our t.v. crossed in our region. and we're up to date time now for a business news update with kareena.
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had i welcome to business thanks for joining me i would go straight to our top story the mayor of moscow has called has been dismissed by president medvedev the head of their real estate agency penny lane railton told r.t. about the impact this resignation could have on moscow's we'll estate market in case of any shifts and changes in the in the city government we always expect very long period of time when everybody is frozen nobody is approving or giving any permits everybody is stuck waiting for new orders from the new. they are all worried if they could do something wrong there will worried whose orders to follow as they do not really know who will be on top tomorrow before everybody is stuck with no job going on and i believe that
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this would be huge harm to the industry. and two other stories foreign banks in russia are going on a recruitment drive because of a record rise in a ruble bond sales while the sale of foreign currency bond by russian borrowers has dropped twenty seven percent since two thousand and eight. issuing the rubles has jumped thirty six percent to the record seventeen billion dollars confidence in local debt has been lifted by the recovery in the oil price and small currency fluctuations for the first time in two years companies such as deutsche bank and h.s.b.c. a looking to employ new stuff to cope with the demand. and bad debts at russia's top banks have reached twenty percent of the loan portfolio the highest since the beginning of the crisis the international finance corporation part of the world bank says russia needs to develop a market for bad debts so banks can clear them from their balance sheets timothy krauss from the eye of see says the company proposes to jump start the system with
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a two hundred million dollar fund. i think that some of the banks here that are trying too hard to collect their loans are not paying attention to their core business and their market share will shrink and they'll be left holding paper that's not worth anything i think the thing is to create a market so you have a market you need buyers and you need sellers so we have plenty of buyers here capitols not the question i see provides financing we also try to match the buyers and the sellers right now we don't have enough sellers there are not enough banks that want to sell their corporate loans so there's loans to small businesses they'll sell retail loans credit card loans things like this but they won't sell corporate loans yet there's too big of a gap between the price banks think that they should get thirty forty cents on the dollar but buyers that are coming into the market are not willing to pay that yet there's no track record yet we need a precedent we need a first sale to occur and then prices will go up after that when people see that
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you can actually collect on bad loans in russia why hasn't the bad that's markets in russia emerged naturally off its own accord it's a little bit of a cycle psychological issue i think no one wants to admit that they've made bad loans it takes a while to get prepared for this and i think once banks think it through once they see that they're not making progress and restructuring corporate loans once they understand that they're not going to make much progress it makes sense for someone else to give it a try someone that specializes in this business liquidity has long to go all stopped being the banks main problem do you really think that clean a balance so how banks booth lending i think it will because banks don't have to allocate capital to the bad loans that are sitting on their books if their management doesn't have to devote time to the bad assets that are sitting in their bank they can spend time doing what they do best which is to originate new loans there people can go out and figure out which corporate lenders are the ones that
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are most credit where the which can be their best clients allocate capital to that that's what they need to do. and let's have a look at how the equity markets are performing asian stock markets are lower on tuesday in japan sumitomo financial group is down over two percent while we to be she financial is also losing more than a percent hong kong has slipped modestly with china unicom decreasing four point four percent in moscow the r.t.s. is lower in morning trading session the miles x. will open soon but you see yesterday's closing figures as well down more than four percent at close on the my six banks also underperformed to be shed more than two percent and burbank finished one point three percent lower telecom go was bucking the trend up one point four percent the recession may return that's the warning new york university professor nouriel roubini who predicted the economic crisis of two thousand and eight the second wave we once again come from the u.s. expect lower second quarter gross domestic product figures due to june's poor state
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results would be me says austerity measures to cut debt in advanced nations are hurting consumer and business confidence and may result in less spending emerging economies like russia may have to get used to relying on domestic demand in a period of growth for developed countries he added. the world's largest albanian producer wants to increase its sales in asia by fifty percent by the end of the year as a first step the russian companies signed a letter of intent with china's industries corporation or norinco to acquire a stake in its sales and marketing subsidiary under a long term contract will deliver to asia up to two million metric tons about living in a year worth more than four billion dollars no raincoat will invest in production in siberia in order to increase the volume of hi tech element in production sales in the chinese market. that's all for now i'll be back in less than one hour is
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here's a look at the top stories made in china never used to be common but now with its high tech industries the country. to. russia. has been given the sack after nearly two decades and. side of the loss of confidence in the mayor as a reason for his dismissal. could aliens have control over the world's nuclear weapons. they've given sworn affidavits claiming that strange events. wes can be explained by a looking to the stars. wild russian officials are doing all they can to stay on
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the inflow of drugs from central asia police are also dealing with the problem of amateur chemists making their own and they're finding that simple household products are all that's needed to make it and the illegal badge. of the top stories here in our team now with the north korean leader expected to name his successor r.t. talks to an expert on the peninsula alexander jabot who met kim jarrell personally . in the twenty first century everything has become globalized there is practically nothing that a person can find on the internet on the phone or from known sources but north korea remains one of the very few enigmas in the twenty first century and to talk a little more about this in fact we got the chance to talk to the director of the far east studies of the russia.
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