tv [untitled] September 28, 2010 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT
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in war efforts to establish a system of collective security nine hundred thirty eight failed and it's still on the agenda. the lessons to be learned from the munich agreement on r t. hello again a welcome to spotlight the m.t.v. show on r t i melbourne of and today my guest in the studio is constantin caused by chuck russia has joined in with the u.n. sanctions against iran and stop the delivery of weapons to the country terrine is threatening to sue moscow if it doesn't fulfill its obligations will discuss the reasons behind russia making this u. turn on relations with iran and the possible repercussions with the chairman of the state duma international affairs committee. russian president dmitry
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medvedev has vetoed the shipment of s. three hundred missiles and other weapons to iran the measure was put in place after the recent u.n. general assembly session experts say russia was not the blinds to impose these sanctions as the u.n. has accepted there is nothing about air defense systems in the resolution now they run may review the position of allowing moscow to enrich uranium for its nuclear program some analysts say criticism from moscow is especially harmful for run as it has always seen russians as allies but in this aspect russia is still less vigorous than the united states the e.u. and some other countries which impose stricter sanctions. thank you very much for coming to. the u.n. resolution in full imposing sanctions on iran's past if i'm not mistaken in g nine so. and i think juneau russia has suspended the arms contracts only now
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why what happened in the meantime what made russia. tighten its stance on iran well first i would disagree with your previous description that russia has made a u. turn in its approach towards iran this is not true frankly speaking according to my interpretation of the situation we have always been concerned about the iranian nuclear program because iran as a country as a state under its current leadership is not. convenient is not a transparent portal for russia sometimes we try to convince iran to behave in a different way sometimes we try to propose to iran some alternatives how to behave in order to preserve its civil nuclear program but not to come into confrontation with the international community and almost each time we. do not get support for
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these ideas from tehran and unfortunately the questions we transmit to iran on behalf of. on behalf of the security council in a bilateral manner do not receive proper answers and this is why we are concerned this is why we have supported the previous four resolutions on iran passed by the security council since two thousand and six as far as i remember and this is why we have supported the latest resolution from the ninth of june of this is a constituent policy of russia. increasing pressure on iran but not letting this pressure go to come over to any violent actions like use of military force or anything like that though this is our consistent position and we stick to that position number two each resolution or for the security council is not a regular law to be implemented in
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a member state of the united nations each resolution needs further legal decisions either by the parliament of in any country or by the political leadership in our case by by the president the resolution passed by the security council on the ninth of july is a very technically very complicated document it consists of i believe eighteen pages i have it here it consists of thirty eight paragraphs describing how the future sanctions would look like or what what areas they they cover and so on and so forth and of course all. our experts had to take their time in order to prepare err legally constraint and. strong in our document in order to be in compliance with the security council resolution so we have not wasted our time and the decree by the president is in compliance with the reason
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lucian one hundred percent but still we have information that iran is planning to to file a lawsuit against russia for refusing to fulfill its obligations what are the chances for iran to find moscow well the behavior of your own was rather predictable because here we have a clear case of a commercial contract found in each case we have a commercial contra contra there should be a paragraph. describing how the parts would solve any or all resolved any possible conflicts or disputes i don't know how these specific contract specifies that their way of resolving conflicts maybe it was still cold and maybe it was some other every three but in any case iran has its right to to to to to to well to demand some compensations for the contract which has not been fulfilled the
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amount of money of each russia i stress russia loses on this not fulfilled contract is up to one billion dollars it's a very big amount of money and in case iran will be in the air but ration procedure i believe that of the losses of russia may may may increase why only one billion dollars i have another mission that it's up to eleven billion u.s. dollars no no this is in the press well no this is not true it's a little bit less than one billion dollars but it's still very big amount is huge money especially for russian military industrial complex it has to be compensated somehow by by the russian state and i believe that will be done the industry over russia will not suffer over it but if we speak about a global perspective i believe that any. current or possible losses of russia commercial losses should not prevail over the political losses in case or damages
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in case we are not in line the reason the nonproliferation regime delivers in line with our commitments and obligations to the security council and through the united nations this is much more important let's talk about political losses russia seems to be losing its special influence over iraq this is one of the one of the cards that russia played in the in the group of six when it went well it's and we have special relations with tara and we can we can like drive the situation all losing our influence number one again i would like to repeat that years we have had some special relations with iran but we did not enjoy it we have never enjoyed the special influence over iran iran has never been a comfortable partner for us so this is number one and number two i do not believe that iran will just say thank you very much we are not happy with russia's behavior
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and this is how we leave russia is all part of this this will not happen because iran is. isolated on the international arena iran does not have million friends in the world and they believe that russia is still a friend of iran it's a friend of iranian people it's a friend of iran as a country definitely and this is why the post and their further decisions like using military force against iran because we believe that that would be a disaster yes they have questions towards the iranian nuclear program but that does not mean they are absolutely convinced that iran while it's its obligations according to the nonproliferation treaty while the united states and their allies in nato sometimes are much more convinced than that and we know that united states and their allies sometimes make mistakes while being. much convinced on certain relations of international law in case of iraq re you know what happened well let's take
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a look at the history of russian irena relations and report now by spotlights ulan the demeanor of. the construction of the bush era nuclear power plant in iran was started by the germans in the mid nineteen seventies however the nineteen seventy nine revolution and the iran iraq war forced them out of the turbulent region in one thousand nine to five russia stepped in while supervising the construction of the blue share plant it faced technical and financial challenges as well as political pressure at some point the u.s. and other western countries grew suspicious to live in the iran could use its nuclear program to make weapons russia for years defended iran's right for peaceful nuclear energy meanwhile take a ranch reluctant cooperation with the international atomic energy agency only added to the international mistrust issue get ever more press in when president obama digit came to power. in two thousand and six the un security council impose
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sanctions on iran for a long time russia was against aggressive measures and sought a purely diplomatic solution this year mosco has finally taken a tougher stance on iran and joined the new un sanctions at the same time russia never withdrew from the bush era project the first nuclear power plant in the middle east has been operated by tehran and moscow's joint venture since august several days ago they came another sign of human relations between russia and iran moscow halted deliveries of s. three hundred missile systems to tehran. iran criticised russia's decision accusing moscow for in too much under american influence some experts believe the ban is part of the due. between moscow and washington to read to pick up the new start treaty. mr cost of iran's defense minister implied i quote
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that the decision russia's decision was made under pressure from the third countries and questioned the independence of russian foreign policy and quote this is of this is a very very interesting proposition from from the iranian side. do you think that russia may get something in exchange from those third party third countries after it's imposed the sentiency in syria will number one i do not agree with this position of the minister of defense saying i don't you and. i believe that russia is independent actor in this situation russia has all of this played a very significant role in discussions on iran and russia does still play an independent tool in this aspect and nobody can. set pressure on russia because these relations with iran are too important for russia we do not
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want to spoil to damage these relations and we believe that these bilateral relations between iran and russia are much stronger than these episode to vote. three hundred and and number two i am saying that. you know this is not about us trying to earn some more money a sound where else to get something else has an exchange of war you turn on the position on iran this is not the case we do lose our money here i am absolutely sure that this money will not become pencey to anyhow by any other partner of russia unfortunately i would have been happy if it boded but this is not the case by their decision we just demonstrated that we have. or a biggish unsent commitments angry exterior respect of the subjugation sent commitments says chairman of the state duma international affairs committee comes
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a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to gaza report on our. welcome back to spotlight i maldonado in just a reminder that my guest in the studio today is constantin chairman of the state duma international affairs committee mr such as you said you have the text of the resolution of the u.n. resolution right in front of you so can you explain to us well one of the russian newspaper it cumbersome daily writes that the u.n. resolution i quote doesn't ban the delivery of surface to air missiles to iran while the russian leadership has another view upon this resolution so do the ass three hundred which are surface to air missiles do they cursed pond. do
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they fall under this resolution or not well. this is i believe the most important question and of course it will be taken into account while the stockholm or any other between will deal with the possible claim from iran there is allusion is a mansion is a very technically complicated document but still there is a certain paragraph number eight which describes the situation of these weapon delivery stalky run and it consists of are two parts the spirit of number eight per part number one describes certain weapons that are different for this purpose of the united nations register on conventional arms which are directly banned by the security council resolution for the deliveries to iran battle tanks. a large caliber. war ships and so on and so force s three
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hundred is not mentioned specifically on these on this is not a product or as a type there's a broader as a product as a product but still there is a second part of this paragraph number eight and that they would like to cited that the security council coast upon all states to exercise. and restraint over the supply sale transfer provision manufacture and use of all our their arms and related material all are their arms and they believe that russia as a responsible member of the international community should demonstrate hooja lives and restraint in this case because yes we are concerned about certain aspects of the iranian nuclear program we are concerned about the lack of communications lead of good. relation between iran and international agency on nuclear
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energy and yes we still have unanswered questions and this is how i believe no no weapons where the it is mentioned specifically here or not mentioned specifically here should not be delivered to iran from russia under the current existing circumstances and it mystical search of s three hundred is a defensive weapon it's an anti-aircraft missile so iran as we understand is pretty vulnerable today. and it is being threatened it was being threatened by direct threats from israel there were threats from certain american politicians does the absence of the russian s. three hundred surface to air missiles make iran more vulnerable today says does it make does it make an easier it adn easy target for a possible attack. sure it equally yes but in practical terms no because the most important part of the russian position right now in the iranian context is to
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prevent any use of military force or threat of using military force towards syria so the real target is to reach iran has right now is either to continue its program and similar to no sleep to strengthen its defensive potential in order to protect itself against any possible military service is alternative number one but number two which is much more logical which is much easier which is much closer is to start good cooperation with the international community in order to eliminate any risks of being attacked and this is the choice which we hope iran will sooner or later make but which is the beaches does not make now unfortunately and we will continue to protect iran in terms of preventing the use of military force against this country but we will continue to set pressure on iran in terms of this
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resolution in terms of economic sanctions financial sanctions sanctions which are applied to some certain physical people people in the organizations and by they're hoping to convince iran that could be reading with the international community is much better much wiser then to oppose the international community trying to convince them that iran has certain rights. there is another information from iran and it concerns the the cyberattack sense that the iran's nuclear facilities recently have been undecided britax and some in the rand believe that this this is a cyber attack from russia that this kind of a huge mess and that can only be exercised by a state not by an. individual can you say anything concerning that have you heard of that and what's your comment yes i've heard about that and i seeing that the
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system or the international system of iran against the cyber attacks is much weaker than it is in many other countries this is also a very hard to type technology. situation and iran unfortunately is not in the position of protecting itself efficiently against cyber attack this is number one number two i do not see any reasons or for russia specifically for russia to to to to exercise of this type of cyber attacks against iran this is just stupid to blame russia for that we cannot reach anywhere we cannot gain in any purpose out of four out of this project so i absolutely exclude that russia could could could have participated as a state or in any other capacity in this type of attacks against or are you know this is not possible will this sanction that russia that russia signed now
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will that somehow affect russia's cooperation with iran on another huge nuclear project which is the nuclear power station and bush area no there is no direct linkage between these two stories. the previous years let's say ten or fifteen years ago the united states certain countries in western europe tried to blame russia for having this reason run on bushehr there's potential. contribution to the iranian. military nuclear program this is not the case in technical terms the share reactor is a so-called light water reactor you can not use waste from the reactor in order to produce to enrich uranium to produce nuclear. you need to have a completely different type of reactors have it water reactors which is not the case we will share this is absolutely clear for any expert and this is no good
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enough clear for the united states for four for nato countries for if anybody else nobody creates any problem of out of russian kookery russian reincorporation on bushehr further on may probably we will have in other contexts busy run on same type of. nuclear reactors and they are acknowledged there recognized by. eight as absolutely compatible with the nonproliferation regime. in other quotes i've noticed that you don't really like what the rain in defense minister says. just to be provocative i'll continue quoting at another quote from the iranian defense minister concerning the sanctions situation this russia's action makes russia quote an unreliable partner not deserving trust in the future well first of all is moscow sorry to have lost the rein in arms market and do you believe that
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this is really a loss of face for for the russian arms dealers number one we are not in that situation yet and they hope that we will not come to that situation we have not lost the iranian market on weapons or anything else we have problems on a certain contract this is it and then the iranian authorities may make these or their choice but the heirs crissy hundred situation does not mean anything else this is three hundred situation and nothing else so what you want to say is that the russian iranian arms rate is much bigger than the s. three hundred well because it is much bigger in certain cases when we have let's see light weapons. rifles or things like there are some weapons to be used by physical. since what why you know this is nothing strategic this is not think which change the the balance does not affect the. offensive or
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defensive potential of off iran and number two where the minister of defense of iraq is all my respect to him blames russia for being a reliable partner i believe that they should start from this something else and i believe that iran has behaved as an unreliable partner each time we proposed certain solutions for the nuclear program of iran like the enrichment center in. like some other solutions which were absolutely rejected by iran which were never supported by. this sort of this or this country and which. russia of the previous times in a very difficult situation and i am very sort of that iran did not use this unique opportunity of having russia is a real partner of iraq thank you thank you very much for being with meet with us mr
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carson chairman just a reminder that my guest today was the chairman of the state duma international affairs committee and that's it for now from all of us here if you would have your say and spotlight just drop me a line we'll be back with more first hand comment on what's going on in and outside russia until then stay and party and take care. more news today violence is once a game. flatow full these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. china operation today.
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for the full story we've got it first hand the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. of a failed state this is not a provocation but a warning of. the forces that we should use every issue to support the tree speak so they have no idea about the hardships the you face. one it is this is it all of them to news and for any army the life of a usaf is the most precious thing in the world. is of self-sacrifice and heroism with those who understand it fully but you have to live a. real life stories from world war two.
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nineteen forty five dot dot com. this is coming to life the most going to have a. meltdown the russian president finds moscow's mad you were telling him to hit the road also eighteen sometimes called bashing gays as the boss of europe's biggest so it's. obama's fault it's our turn to turn the killing nine again as a vessel carrying international jewish his has been forced to abandon its mission by his friend he will ship's. russia proceeds a vision of the future on shadow of the shanghai year it had twenty ten will have the country's massive exhibition of it and visit about president dmitry medvedev
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head on with chinese vice president xi jinping the pontiff to be directly to. the north korean leader kim jung un has appointed and he's going to his son and other family members to see they have posted they will be posted as speculation about who's to read for whom intend to remove it see it as a part of the plan to extend the caved in the student hosts a generation running the reclusive state. up next it's our special report which looks back of the balance of nineteen age and the signing of the munich pocked many historians believe the agreement allowing germany to. pave the way for the taro which was to fall across almost all of europe that's up next here. you leave.
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