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tv   [untitled]    September 29, 2010 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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dismiss the mayor of moscow the decree i signed states that i am just president that i have lost trust in. and it is a legal reason for his dismissal and yes i cannot work in the seychelles i can't trust that was the willing to let you finish the job is the professional relations between the president and most of the midwest and demand subordinate to the president and the other way round with a certain steps should have been taken to return the situation things in mind as we are the bush folks stayed in office as the mayor of moscow for eighteen years that is a tremendous amount of time that is that's why his sacking caused quite a mixed reaction from most whites because many people supported he was called for his policies on pension years so the average level of pensions in moscow is higher than in other russian cities many people said that it was because of you you will scoff about moscow receive a new modern look however there are lots of people who accuse you do what's called
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a feeling to solve moscow's traffic problem of failing to protect many buildings which bore off the cultural importance not only to the city of moscow but to before nation and there's also a lot of controversy going on around you of course wife again about good enough to start to be russia's richest wealthiest business woman and many people do say that she managed to be so consul successful because of her husband being the mayor of moscow under the law the united russia party as the majority within the russian parliament now has ten days to submit at least the candidacies to the russian president for the whole of moscow's we are then he will have to choose one of them and submit this tendency to the moscow city parliament he was called also have the right to appeal he said i think for however we haven't heard any reports obvious
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intentions to do so here if this can offer porting there and while muscovites are weighing up their mayor sacking former c.b.s. correspondent in moscow jonathan sanders described the ousted chief as a bulldozer. across eighteen years yuri but it was a combination combination of four kinds of per piece though he was really a renaissance prince running a city state he was in american terms a combination of mayor daley and robert moses the great city builder who ruthlessly did things he was a little dictator he was a kind of robin hood he would put his finger on the pulse around the throat of the new landlords the people building buildings making money in moscow and force them to do other things there was a time when you're you're a mikhail each was quite particular popular because he ripped off the rip off artists who are making money on the new bush moscow and did things like build
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christ the savior cathedral i think his legacy will be that he's a bulldozer bulldozers get things done but they sometimes are rude and crude if you were to go back and look in the middle of the one nine hundred ninety s. i think a lot of muscovites would say we'll take coffee with all his rough edges because he got a lot done because he did have a populist unfortunately i think many times people are influenced by their spouses . wife elaine and nick alive no but hard charging in the plastics business in the construction business widely said to be in the corruption business and some of that sloshed over and a man who stayed in his job just to. yuri luzhkov will have a mixed legacy but his legacy is evident on the new face of the new moscow. now spain has been gripped by twenty four hour general strike against the government's plans to slash its budget thousands of passengers were left stranded
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in madrid with two thirds of flights grounded due to the actions by transport workers at wave events hysterically demonstrations expected all over europe with tens of thousands set to march brussels but where i am it has more. after a summer of relative calm the european union is taking to the streets again to process all stairs he measures and unemployment a series of marches and demonstrations that chilled. around the organized by trade unions in brussels. with a meeting of the e.u. finance ministers in dublin protesters will greet members of the irish parliament says they come back from last summer break spanish unions are going on strike and. going ahead. it's a lean that way mia the czech republic so i. remain. wrong it's all about the government cuts which are being instigated as
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a result of the spending public funds like alter the government pay raise the retirement age. in the public's. confidence in the euro it comes as a respected economists say it's time for the cure rate and for countries like the pig it's really islands greece and spain just amounts of debt to drop out of the euro is dating back to. his german economists professor told me. that the return and the pursuit to return and return and we still would have a european union it's not like it would be the collapse of the european union quite to the contrary if we allow those countries to set their own economic policy and to be sovereign in their currencies we would do europe a service we're doing europe
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a disservice by having this artificial currency imposed on it it can only lead to political tensions like in greece where the greece population greek population has to suffer the taxpayers germany has to suffer if they didn't suffer and greece with a bang speaker. rescued so that's to me is a deal that does not quiet equitable luck theo will be processed in its nineteen percent unemployment rates and spain's unions will be out on the streets by saying their government's plans to save fifty billion euros over the next four years by slashing public sector jobs and pensions despite new countries are still striving to join the stone is a sister group that will join in january throwing its economic fortunes in with countries struggling to avoid collapse in may riots in greece resulted in the deaths of three people and while everyone will be hoping nothing like that happens again it's clear that political on rest in europe is far from over. reporting there
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and coming out the end of the program here in our team the pentagon destroys the war memoir until the former army officer in a bigamist to find out more. and in india thousands of farmers are educating against government plans to build a new road on their own land mine was. and before that kerry is stan is gearing up for a general election in the hope of restoring order following months of ethnic violence and political uncertainty in the central asian republic the interim leader it took the reins following april's bloody street riots which ousted a key if she still remain in office until the end of next year a poll in october of the tant will see some two dozen parties battling it out for one hundred twenty seats in parliament but one party and its leader has a good chance of winning the race thirty one of those reports. as the clock
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ticks towards the crudest and elections the country holds its breath will the polls bring stability or plunge the country into another round of violence and chaos meet physics school of the country's former prime minister who could be next to lead the country following the controversial rains. and could not get bucky if cool off is one of the few figures who have not been tarnished in the last fifteen or twenty years so he has a pretty hard moral standing here a bit of your ways and he has a good chance of winning the next parliamentary elections who have has a different times been the national security general the regional governor and mayor of the capital bishkek but what he's most renowned and praised for in his home country is an ability to handle crisis situations. studied in two thousand and five there was total mass marauders in the capital police and national security had all run away at that point that's when all of his friends
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revolutionaries asked him to take matters into his own hands and in three days he restored. but cool of also has a reputation for being difficult. he was a close ally of both previous presidents at the beginning of their terms and soon fell out of favor with both of them finding himself in opposition and twice in prison with the need to king there can never be two or three powerful figures at the top of the. pool of has always been a very powerful person and the key of the kind of have both felt that he could be the person to sweep them from their boots and take power into his hands some predict party on number loose which translates as dignity is in the strong position yet cool it will have to vote against a multitude of other priorities all of whom most of fancy their chances of challenging him the problem is that it's very difficult to create a democratic country in central asia kyrgyzstan is the most democratic country in
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central asia unfortunately this is a very immature democracy and sometimes it leads to very bad results right now what kyrgyzstan needs is not a democracy if you would be and i don't think it's possible in kyrgyzstan what it needs is stability and violence whoever wins the election this is a crucial decision for kurdistan a country that's been to the bring it in the. ten militants have been killed in two separate counter terror operations in russia's southern republican dagestan security forces say there are no casualties among the police dogs down in the volatile north caucasus region has seen several militant attacks in the past few months last week a suicide bomber blew himself up killing four policemen and one thing more than forty civilians who had attempted to break the police cordon in republics capital. the pentagon has ordered the destruction of almost ten thousand copies of memoirs
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by a former intelligence officer involved in the of ghana stan campaign the defense department cole the book a threat to america's national security and revised edition has since been published and earlier the author anthony shafir told r.t. the first version of the memoirs was banned when information backing up his claims emerged. we actually worked with the army the organization i do belong to as a reservist to work to vet the book reading being going through and being very careful to not reveal anything in the way of secrets which would be detrimental effect our troops our operations or the our allies within the region that process took about eight months the books been in work for two years and that process was collaborative things more were taken out they were completely taken out army ask i did and that process ended january of this year at that point through my lawyer mark zaid the manuscript was passed to the publisher and the funny thing is that all through this entire time between january and today there was total public
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awareness of the book late in the summer when the book was ready to be released you know three guys in black suits and sunglasses shows up at the publisher and basically says hey we've got really probably got a lot of problems in this book and if you publish it the world's going to fall the whole issue became what do you didn't did and did not like in the book and obviously we've worked on that issue for the past month it resulted in the book you see today two major events happened which changed the atmosphere regarding my burst it was like it's means something but no one can really make out what it really means it was all this stuff just kind of thrown out there and second thing that happens from a crystal spiral i was in favor of president obama retaining him for any number of reasons those two events changed the the very fabric of the pentagon and their concerns all of a sudden there's a lot of information a back up what i'm saying they can't just say i'm a disgruntled employee you don't nothing to see here all of a sudden you've got people saying hey you made me take
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a look at this and the book actually predates the information is already out there now thousands of farmers in india are opposing government plans to build a new highway on their land with two thirds of country's population depended on agricultural land acquisition is a sensitive and explosive issue as our current seen reports. indian farmers took to the capital recently in protest against a government takeover of their land to build a new two billion dollar highway this followed the deaths of three farmers were killed after police opened fire on protesters in the state of top of this. will not keep learned for development attorney price at any price at any price we're ready to die and will not allow anyone to step in our learning. these protests have stalled the government efforts to acquire farmland for industrial india which means developers have been forced to put the roads refineries and power
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plants on hold the major tenant is the land acquisition if the land acquisition is i mean the projects will not even pick over the order department and in hand and that is what government is trying to do in case there is that you know projects and or could they offer big and the land available to you to elaborate only twenty thirty percent then they believe that in the bill is going to happen land is an emotive issue in a country with two thirds of the population is still dependent on agriculture fifty five year old age we're saying doesn't want to sell out but nor some offers will be hard to turn down he can't gallop a foot out of my land goes i will lose my livelihood what will i do so i say if you are going to take my farm give me a fair price for my land as well as a job i mean some analysts believe that acquiring crying agricultural land for non agricultural purposes could spur a food crisis in the country on a what was it
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a there will be no food to eat they aren't giving us good conversation and they're still taking our land without a land will we eat it or the government listens to our demands within a month or we will take action. the farmers do have a point after all the government uses a colonial role to pay tiny amounts of compensation to farmers to buy their land for development projects the government plans to up big to small by the end of the year to get indian market prices for farmers but until it does vital infrastructure projects remain in limbo something good logical and they can ill afford got and seeing are. a check out our website for more stories and we're on line for you twenty four hours a day here's a taste of what you'll find there right now. socialism by any other name find out why americans are scared of the term while at the same time supporting many of its ideas. and the governor of a russian southern region is planning to put
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a divine guarantee bottled mineral water or head to our web site are you know. and the u.s. protesters have taken it outside f.b.i. offices outraged at the security services raiding a peace activist home homes and agents claimed they were searching for evidence of supporting terrorism and connections to radical groups abroad but campaigners insist the raids in chicago and minnesota were intended to intimidate those speaking out against america's ongoing wars. well these raids are consciously attempting to have a chilling effect on opposition to us wars and to the entire movement and they are a threat to the whole movement what they have to gain is they're faced with an unwinnable wars they're faced with an economy in crisis and the very people who make those links and who say we need jobs and health care and good education for
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our children not and most wars represent a threat to them what's been so important it's not is as soon as they were happening residents surrounded these homes people with cameras immediately linked a notice to the whole country on you tube so right away there was a response and people understanding that these were not terrorists these are activists who played a role and the demands for jobs and against home foreclosures along with talking always about the war there's a history in the u.s. of these efforts to intimidate political movements again and again today when you look at the sheer number of muslims who have been arrested detained also their homes broken into their files e-mail cell phones and all of that complicated.
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now let's take a look at some other stories from around the world and a landslide in southern mexico has buried homes and left more than a dozen people missing a lot of roads are making it difficult for rescue teams to search for survivors earlier officials said hundreds have been killed after having rains caused landslides it followed tropical storms which battered mexico's eastern and southern regions last month. the. south and north korea are to hold military talks for the first time in nearly two years on thursday comes after kim jarrell appointed his youngest son to two main party post the move is seen as a part of the plan to expand the kim dynasty in the reclusive communist state into a third generation. thirty three miners trapped underground in chile for about two months could be out earlier than previously thought rescue workers say they could get the job done by the middle of a tobar but they also warned that unforseen problems could slow their work however
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the country's government still insists it could take until early november to get them out seventy two years ago major european powers signed the munich pact in an effort to appease added hitler but many view it as the treaty that essentially gave hitler the green light to annex and chose lavaca r.t. looks rather whether the world has learned any lessons from the past. like dreams or the. french tried to reason with hitler germany demands a better man than gets its way they also have been treated to safety neutral themselves. thirty nine the whole of europe is in gulf war efforts to establish a system of collective security nine hundred thirty three and it's still on the. lessons to be learned from the new material. and that report is coming your way in about ten minutes time here on r t but before that we'll take
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a look at just a few moments we'll take a look at what's happening in the world of business with kareena don't go away. this is more a region is economically and socially one of russia's better developed provinces the region has a significant scientific and industrial capacity but we realize its full potential after the construction of the. park can tell ya he has completed the i t particle has r. and d. projects in the spheres of automotive construction aerospace and oil chemistry high tech data center furbished with cutting edge servers and communication equipment will be constructed at the core of the park the project has been personally approved by prime minister vladimir putin the federal government is planning to allocate sizable funding for the parks construction investors will be given benefits such as property tax exemption low land rental prices and other preferences but it is this a more regional government is open to mutually beneficial cooperation we invite
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investors to participate in existing projects and we are ready to give a hand of fulfilling your projects and growing your business in this small region. hi welcome to our business program we start with our top story this hour russia's timber industry has been severely hit by the financial downturn in the last couple of years the volume of wood harvested has fallen by more than thirty percent it's still one of the country's top exports but the government wants to ensure its profitability it wants to encourage producers to process the wood here exporting it wall our correspondent in a caution the way is at a multiplex a bit forward processing machinery where prime minister putin has just arrived heads human enough so what does this exhibition tell us about the future of the timber industry. well indeed today at the focus as russia's timber industry
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and right now standing by the door so far one of the biggest ten by industry machinery acts admission not only in russia but in the eastern europe and you can see behind my back some of the acts of bushnell items now prime minister lemon put in is expected to arrive here any time to negotiation round table on the development of the country's timber industry well this of the whole strategy and the latest quite a lot of amount of attention about was paid to add to the country's september interest from a different governmental officials and just on tuesday prime minister vladimir putin attended russia's republic of carmi where he visited one of the country's biggest team by industry plants it was announced that town timber industry projects with the total investment of over eight hundred million dollars
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will be fulfilled a by the end of this year and this project creates an additional four thousand new jobs across of the russian region and in the nearest future any number of other projects will also be launched with investment topping more than one billion one hundred forty million dollars but not everything since so bright hands russia even though russia controls about a fourth of world of foresty resources and that's around eighty two billion cubic meters of wood still around thirty percent of the timber production is being exported a non-processed and that's because the person searcher is not really that much developed as well as a thirty as well as around twenty five percent of timber is being previews illegally so there are a lot. of challenges and a lot of different obstacles to be faced and maybe this exhibition that we are
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right now will be some kind of a platform for real businessman and governmental officials so they can talk and find ways to improve efficiency and find ways how to develop this. thank you medina question reporting from. processing machinery thanks very much for that and now let's take a quick look at how the markets are doing asian stock markets and mostly high on speculation the federal reserve will introduce more stimulus measures to support the u.s. economy. point six percent helped five against like the trees against the dollar and in hong kong. is gaining one point three percent european shares live from early against rag by financials both of which you have the dax are losing half a percent of the sour commodity stocks though a boost and by pleasing china purchasing managers index figures miners are in
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demand as well with regards to rio tinto and xstrata gaining. here in russia the r.t.s. and wiser in the black as well the rise comes amid high u.s. and asian markets and oil prices banking stocks are high would be to be gaining the most to sell one point three percent of the trend. and russian or major intends to buy back the rest of its shares held by conoco phillips the company recently bought almost five percent of its stock from the american firm it now says it will buy the remaining six percent separately local says it intends to challenge an official decision to prevent it from bidding for the oil fields which are among the largest yet to be distributed in russia. now russia's national airline air flight is planning to start its own budget carrier its part of the company's fifteen year development strategy and it concentrates on increasing its domestic business while cutting the number of international flights
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air flight has set itself a target of quadrille plane passenger flow and revenues by two thousand and twenty five. vietnam have signed a contract on esposa bland crude deliveries starting from november tanky b.p. will supply least one hundred thousand tons of oil to vietnam and petro vietnam has also offered b.p. to set up a parity joint venture that would include a three to have billion dollar oil refinery in vietnam and some of russia's oil fields think of b.p. says it is considering buying new fields in vietnam as it looks to expand its operations outside russia. it opens a new partnership with one of the most dynamic you're going to use of the world the east is the driving economy. the growth in vietnam is one of the most dynamic economies in the east but he doesn't provide this it would be most to credit limit going to goods of ten percent a year so
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a partnership with them is for us just to teach you are valuable assets. and that's all the time we have for thanks for watching and stay with us.
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welcome back you're watching r.t. coming to you live from moscow and these are the top stories the second mayor of moscow is reportedly planning to stay on the political scene after the russian president said he lost trust in the official a wednesday morning ride of the mayor's office to start packing up. spain sets europe's massive strikes in motion as thousands rob the con and prepare to say no to a stare any measures the largest protests are expected to take place in brussels neither the e.u. commissions have quaters. and curious dan is gearing up for a parliamentary poland after a repeat of violence left the central asian republican turmoil the country's former prime minister and his party are said to have a good chance of winning the race. so they have lines here up next the secrets of
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the munich pact that paved the way for the nazis to conquer almost all of europe. the chick fil a. is situated two hundred kilometers from prague fifty years ago it was called persia can the german name. the germans were forced out from here after world war two and the chicks moved into their home shortly afterwards. some of the to staff and his family have lived in this show.


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