tv [untitled] September 29, 2010 8:00am-8:29am EDT
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well in brussels from thirty countries around the european union they're essentially saying no to the austerity measures they're trying to show governments across europe what they call the human face of the budget cuts that the government's trying to make in the wake of the economic crisis in europe which of course has led several countries into quite serious debt police have barricaded up banks and shops they've thrown up a ring of steel around the european union headquarters which of course is there in brussels as you say this is the biggest march since two thousand and one when eighty thousand people gathered or at least they hope it will be if they reach the one hundred thousand mog and it's particularly ironic and apparently coincidental that it is timed as the e.u. commission meets to discuss whether they're going to punish countries that have run up huge debts countries like what we're now calling the pigs portugal ireland greece and spain. we're seeing footage of just thousands of protesters hitting the
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streets there in brussels tell me what if they want what are they demanding. well what we've seen over the last year or so is the governments of hugely overspent in much the same way that you or i would spend particularly those countries i just mentioned portugal italy greece ireland and spain so now they have to borrow money then they have to save it up and repay those loans and the way that they are proposing to do that is by hitting really according to trade unions hitting the common man they want to cut pay some countries raising the retirement age and slashing pensions and they all say they're talking about slashing jobs jobs in the public sector so that's what they're trying to prevent and that's all in an effort to reduce these debts that these countries have run up restore budget discipline and of course to market confidence in the euro but this comes a certain respected economists say that it's time to get rid of the year it's time to go back and let countries like the pigs go back to managing their own finances
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and drop out of the euro zone and here's what german economist told me let's just listen to that if we allow those countries to set their own economic policy again and to be sovereign in their currencies we would do europe a service we're doing europe a disservice by having this artificial currency imposed on it it can only lead to political tensions like in greece where the greece population greek population now has to suffer the taxpayers germany has to suffer the only ones to suffer in greece were the banks because they were fully rescued. but i want to it doesn't look like the end of the year is there even though all this trouble is going on there are countries still looking to join i'm thinking of it's tonia which celebration of joining the euro just a couple of weeks ago and will take up its membership in january essentially throwing its economic lot in with these countries that are in so much trouble at the moment the lower we've seen the thousands are demonstrating in brussels but
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that's not the only protest against austerity measures today is it. happening in other european countries all over europe really we've seen quite extraordinary scenes from spain as well where there's been a general strikes occurred and this is the first general strike in spain since two thousand and two and it marks a split really between the unions and the socialist government which have also always been quite cozy previously and that's because spain now has an unemployment rate of twenty percent we've seen transport workers go out on strike so nobody can get to work they're just waiting aimlessly at bus stops in the metro newspapers prepared for it by going on strike and choose day so there's no wednesday edition being published in a quite a damning. notice to the government refuse to workers have gone out on strike so no rubbish is being collected nearly one hundred percent of steel workers have walked out and the car industry in spain is almost ground to
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a halt we spoke to someone from a spanish union and he said that it's government policy that's leading directly to social unrest that say that. is the government policy was based on public private partnerships to incentivize economic activity and create jobs but since many the priority has shifted to reducing the deficit instead of stimulating the economy that's how the government justifies the pension freeze reducing public sector salaries withdrawing billions of euros from direct investment into the public sector and cutting back the rights of those who depend on the law sooner or later the government will have to change its mind because if not social unrest will make it impossible for them to govern. and there's more i think we've got some pictures from ireland which hopefully will be able to show you now in dublin there's been a demonstration there is a demonstration going on now and that's been particularly timed to coincide with the members of the irish parliament coming back from their summer recess to start
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work again economic figures from ireland really released last week really terrible it looks like ireland is certainly going the way of greece someone drove a truck into the irish parliament building in dublin earlier today in anger there are also protests going on in portugal in italy latvia lithuania cyprus serbia rumania poland and france say this is really a europe wide day of action of course that biggest march taking place in brussels or at r.t. to laura reporting for us live from london thank you. well the mayor of moscow is planning to challenge the decision to sack him in russia's supreme court that's according to a source close to you were off on tuesday he was fired by a president who said he had lost confidence in the man who had been in charge of the city for almost two decades let's not cross live to a cross when you go to piss going off for the latest details here on this and hello
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to you go to so if he does take the case to court does it seem that you do you actually try to get his job back then. well it's really hard to say at the moment because these are all still reports and speculation but according to most schools for meir's close friend and state duma deputy and senior u.s. if he is quite an ambitious person and will not give up as easily and also says that moscow's former mayor will take all challenge his sacking in russia supreme court and under the law he has ten days to file an appeal and defend the court will have ten more days to make a decision despite the outcome of that case if indeed it will happen according to a former assistant moscow's ex mir is planning to stay active in russia's politics just previously she officially went off the united russia party and also filed a letter to the party well first of all officially xining and secondly complaining
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about what he called was a strong media campaign against him in the past few weeks and when we talk about i have to say he really is quite a controversial figure since this man stayed in power as moscow's mayor for eighteen years that is quite a lot of time that's why his sacking caused quite a mixed reaction among many people supported for his policies on pension years since the average pension in moscow is higher than in other russian cities a lot of people said it was because of you. that moscow received a new modern look and regained its unofficial status as one of the capitals of europe however there are also many of those who accuse you of failing to resolve the traffic problem in the city of failing to protect many buildings which were of a heritage not only to the city but to be entire nation and were destroyed. and
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also there is quite a lot of speculation around. who is thought to be russia's richest and most successful business woman and many people do see that it was because of. moscow that she managed to become so successful to go let's talk about life after all who's likely to replace him and how long could that process even take. at the moment the city is controlled by an interim government government and former team is truly still at as well until a new marries appointed and until a new government is put together under a deal lot the united russia party which holds the majority or seats in the russian parliament has two weeks to file at least at least three names to the president for him to make to pick one candidacy out of the post.
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and then after that he will pick one out he will submit this name to the city. hall and to finally vote on. choose the new head of the city none of these names have been announced at the moment however analysts do say that we will find them out in the nearest future and moscow should receive a new head of the city as soon as possible even within the next two weeks or so. with the latest on the sacking of mr thank you. c.b.s. correspondent jonathan saunders. billionaire wife and business dealings contributed to the downfall. across a thousand years. was a combination combination of four kinds of poor people he was really a renaissance prince running a city state he was in american terms a combination of mayor daley and robert moses the great city builder who ruthlessly
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did things he was a little dictator he was a kind of robin hood he would put his finger on the pulse around the throat of the new landlords the people building buildings making money in moscow and force them to do other things there was a time when you're. quite ponce you were popular because he ripped off the rip off artists who were making money on the new bush moscow and did things like build christ the savior cathedral i think his legacy will be that he is a bulldozer bulldozers get things done but they sometimes are rude and crude if you were to go back and look in the middle of the one nine hundred ninety s. i think a lot of muscovites would say we'll take off with all his rough edges because he got a lot done because he did have a populist unfortunately i think many times people are influenced by their spouses . wife elaine a nickel live in about two hundred hard charging in the plastics business in the
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construction business widely said to be in the corruption business and some of that sloshed over and a man who stayed in his job just to. yuri luzhkov will have a mixed legacy but his legacy is evident on the new face of the new moscow. c.b.s. journalist that jonathan saunders talked to us from new york. fourteen suspected militants have been killed in two separate counterterrorism operations in russia's southern republic of dagestan there are no reported casualties among the police the operation is the biggest success for security forces and dagestan over the past month relatives of the militants were asked to persuade them to surrender with the insurgents retaliated by opening fire last week in the region a suicide bomber blew himself up killing two policeman and wounding dozens of
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civilians. could have stunned is preparing to elect a new parliament following months of political turmoil and ethnic violence the central asian nation was shaken in april when deadly street riots in the capital are rubber ousted the president then that was president back here and in the interim government had to tackle an outbreak of ethnic violence in the south of the country a general election will be held on october the tenth and it's hoped the results will bring security to the country parties are really going to go reports on one man who is among the favorites to lead the struggling nation. as the clock ticks towards the crickets and elections the country holds its breath while the polls bring stability or plunge the country into another round of violence and chaos need fadec school of the country's former prime minister who could be next to lead the country following the controversial rains all this kind of cause and could not get
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back if poor phase one of the few figures who have not been tarnished in the last fifteen twenty years so it has a pretty hard moral standing there with population and here is a good chance for us all we need in the next parliamentary elections who have has a different times been the national security general the regional governor and mayor of the capital bishkek but what he's most renowned and praised for in his home country is an ability to handle crisis situations. in two thousand and five there were scarce total mass marauders in the capital police and national security had already away at that point that's when call of friends revolutionaries asked him to take matters into his own hands and in three days he restored. but cool of also has a reputation for being difficult he was a close ally of both presidents at the beginning of their terms and soon fell out
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of favor with both of them finding himself in opposition and twice in prison. because there can never be two or three powerful figures at the top of the curious politics pool of has always been a very powerful person and the key of and the kind of have both felt that he could be the person to sweep them from their posts and take power into his hands some predict school of the party are numberless which translates as dignity is in a strong position he had cool of will have to run against a multitude of other parties all of whom also fancy their chances of challenging him the problem is that it's very difficult to create a democratic country in central asia kyrgyzstan is a more democratic country in central asia unfortunately this is a very immature democracy and sometimes it leads to or some very bad results right now what kyrgyzstan needs is not a democracy if you would be and i don't think it's possible in kyrgyzstan what it means is stability and violence whoever wins the election this is
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a crucial decision for kurdistan a country that's been to the brink it in a goal. and so had a few in the program here on ars he is not for sale that's the message from many indian farmers who are protesting and dying to protect their only source of income all the details are coming up soon here on r.t. . ok let's get to some other global stories now. and the younger son of the north korean leader has been appointed second in command of the country's central military commission and comes a day after kim jong il was also made four star general the moves are being viewed as a gradual transfer of power due to the ailing health there was father kim jong il u.s. the white house spokesman called the developments the ultimate reality show. western intelligence agencies say they foiled an al qaeda plot to carry out
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terrorist raids on several european cities and your forehead teams of jihadists were planning attacks similar to the scene of two hotels in mumbai two years ago the plot was reportedly disrupted by drone attacks on targets in pakistan and afghanistan france germany and the u.k. are all on a heightened state of security and. colombian officials say up to thirty people have been buried by a landslide in the northwest of the country many of the victims were changing from one bus on a mountain road at the time emergency workers say it could take several days to recover the bodies and it comes as heavy rains devastated parts of the country triggered a widespread flooding and mudslides. the families of thirty three miners trapped underground in chile are hopeful that their rapid advance of the rescue operation they could be out by mid october if all goes to plan although the
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government still predicts november three drills trying to open up a whole wide enough to pull the man out one at a time they've been stuck some seven hundred meters below the surface since an all good cave in. india thousands of farmers say they're willing to fight to the death to stop the government building a motorway through their land while some fear losing their livelihood others argue the real consequence will be a full blown food crisis charan singh reports. indian farmers took to the capital recently in protest against a government takeover of their land to build a new two billion dollars highway this followed the deaths of three farmers were killed after police opened fire on protesters in the state of top of this. we will not give learnt from. development attorney price at any price at any price
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we're ready to die and will not allow anyone to step in our learned. these protests have stalled government efforts to acquire farmland for industrial in india which means developers have been forced to put the roads refineries and power plants on hold the major talent is the land acquisition if the land acquisition is i mean the projects will not even pick over the order given and in hand and that is what government is trying to do in case there is a you know projects an orchid they are big and the land available to you live is only going to thirty percent then they believe that inevitable that believes will happen the land is an emotive issue in a country where two thirds of the population is still dependent on agriculture fifty five year old age we're saying doesn't want to sell out but nor some offers will be hard to turn down he can't gallop but if my land goes i will lose my livelihood what will i do so i say if you are going to take my farm give me
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a fair price for my land as well as a job. some analysts believe that acquiring prime agricultural land for non agricultural purposes could spur a food crisis in the country and it was that. there will be no food to eat they aren't giving us good conversation and they're still taking our land without a land what we eat either the government listens to or demands within a month or we will take action. the farmers do have a point after all the government uses a colonial you know law to pay tiny amounts of compensation to farmers to buy their land for development projects the government plans to up big this law by the end of the year to get indian market prices for farmers but until it does vital infrastructure projects remain in limbo something is your third largest economy can ill afford got and seeing r t new delhi. or a vast office here with the very latest from the world of business.
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hello and welcome to the business bulletin russia's timber industry has been severely hit by the financial downturn in the last couple of years the volume of wood harvested has fallen by more than a third it's still one of the country's top exports but to ensure its profitability the government wants to encourage produces to process the wood here rather than exporting it roar correspondent medina question of a sudden exhibition for wood processing machinery in moscow where prime minister putin is attending. hello medina now what does the exhibition tell us about the future of the timber industry. well here at the exhibition we're trying to find ways to improve the future of the timber industry in russia in particular we're trying to find ways how to develop the processing sector prime minister vladimir putin has just to held a round table on the development of the industry he sponsored fights that despite
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some economic difficulties this year has shown some positive results and that the expert of a raw wood and materials has decreased by four percent while out of the moment too much of a russia's would is a baying export its raw and its association the government is king to address by encouraging producers to process the wood here and add value. to get. our strategic goal remains on changed russia should get away from mainly exporting room materials we believe that our mission the global market is the products with korea added value such as building materials and paper grocers the place where new job should be created tax paid and territories developed programs to support the export of products with high levels of processing for the world to know we are watching news meanwhile a prime minister vladimir putin has spent half of this week at drafting the
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representatives of the timber industry just on tuesday have visited russia's republic of commie where he attended one of the a biggest timber industry plant he's pacified over there than ten projects with a total investment of over eight hundred million dollars will be fulfilled by the end of this year and this project create additional four thousand new jobs across the country as well a number of other new projects are also in the pipeline and they will be launched in the nearest future creating more jobs across the regions. thank you very much for doing that was a. live from moscow and now let's have a quick look at how the equity markets open for me european shows just edging into the red on a chopper stay trading session lots of labor protest against austerity measures spreads across europe but the resources is the worst performer on the footsie
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shutting five percent it's cool in the old at the closure of one of its plants financial stocks also way. but here in moscow the l.c.s. in the my six are making gains that comes amid high u.s. and asian markets prices banks leading the my sex high with both feet to be on spec buying up around one of the hopper percent energy majors also gaining apart from lukoil down to half a percent at this hour. russia's national airline air afloat is to start its own budget carrier its part of the company's fifteen year development strategy it concentrates on increasing its domestic business while cutting the number of international flights out of thought to set itself a target of quadrupling passenger revenues are up by twenty twenty five. billion. may buy the rights to publish the russian version of newsweek magazine according to com the sun newspaper the current publisher axel springer allegedly
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doesn't want to extend its license agreement with newsweek as the magazine is losing money this spring and has declined to comment on the story. and lots of the business news for this hour but i'll be back with more for you in about an hour's time and of course you can always find more stories on our web site that's slash business.
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wealthy british style massage. is not on the president's side of. markets why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to conjure reports on our. more news today violence is once again flared up the film these are the images cobol has been seeing from the streets of canada. china corporations are ruled today.
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now past the hour here in moscow you all with the headlines and we can see it live pictures right now as people are protesting in brussels and across europe demonstrating against government austerity measures to slash jobs and pensions spain has been paralyzed by a general strike in at least twelve eurozone countries have been gripped by protests. moscow's or deposed mayor is reportedly planning to appeal against his forced resignation in court that's despite falling out with the russian president who ordered the sucking. parliamentary election and fears of more country yet to fully recover from deadly
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ethnic clashes this summer. school is among the favorites to lead the nation. the nato summit in lisbon in november will focus on the alliances course for the twenty first century from afghanistan missile defense to improving relations with russia you spoke to before my nato boss george robertson about how he sees the future that's next right here on r.t. . thank you very much for joining us now with a general question on recently we've been witnessing a lot of guerrilla warfare have poorly trained. armed militants causing a lot of problems that is nato ready to respond to such threats. all of us have to .
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