tv [untitled] September 30, 2010 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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a rebel in his own party he's a proud tea partier and he wants to do what it takes to stop all of obama's policies he's talking about shutting down the federal government in order to stop funding for some of the democrats' core programs just listen to him on the radio show called focal point. the government has to do something is not a good idea so i think the less we do the better except maybe to dismantle some of the federal programs that are making it harder for america to be competitive but we do if you guys hear that line the idea the government has to do something is not a good idea and the less we do the better. what idiot actually expects their government to work for that that just seems those stupid well hey jim why should we even have a congress if this is your way of governing you should just resign and take your fellow senators with you who think the congress should sit around and do nothing you were elected to lead to solve problems to make laws not sit on your ass and do
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absolutely nothing so why don't you lead on let someone else do it republican south carolina senator jim de mint tonight's tool time. now in an address to duke university secretary of defense robert gates expressed concern that the military in the rest of the country are all suffering from a growing disconnect gates said that a majority of recruits and members of the military are coming from the south or from the mountainous west and that fewer and fewer of those people are from the mid atlantic or the north eastern regions he then went on to say that many people have an attitude saying that the military is something for other people to explain an apathetic approach that many americans have towards the military that serves to protect them now gates also weighed in on the way the military operates without a draft he praised the troops that have been battling on the front lines in iraq and afghanistan voluntarily repeatedly doing tours abroad because there isn't anyone else to do it this is
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a backhanded way of criticizing the population for not stepping up to a role margin numbers even though he said that he does think the military operation is going on just fine without the draft now it's no secret gates is probably going to be out by the end of two thousand and eleven but these comments are signs of more on its side of the secretary of defense with only months left in this gig he's probably saying what he's wanted to say for years not just what other people that advise him to so i'm going to give him kudos for speaking his mind it's no secret the we're waging two wars that hardly seem to faze a lot of the american people so the real question is how do we fix this problem how do we do it without instilling a draft most people are still going to continue to detach themselves from the military efforts of brought so maybe gates maybe in his next speech he should include some of the plans to get the country on the same track to get to get us out of the wars that we are military to sending troops on tour after tour of her and
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let's talk. now the all too famous investment banker goldman sachs let's take some steps to improve their public image the company says a bay want to show the public. what they're really all about and of the negative press might have given people the wrong idea about the company so they're launching a new p.r. campaign featuring several new print ads and banners on websites well we've got ahold of a few of those print ads and i'm not going to lie it's a bit surprising the way the company is choosing to portray itself the first one here well it shows wind turbine split screen of the blue collar worker of some kind promoting the use of alternative energy see even goldman is going green and the next ad it shows what it looks to be a cramped office space showing how all these employees are willing to work day and night until this couple right here is content with their finances and lastly goldman tries to show interest in education they claim that any upgrades to public
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schools are going to help small businesses didn't you guys know goldman sachs is all about helping small businesses and creating jobs for hardworking americans i get the goldman is trying to do a little cleanup here after the mess it's been the last two years but come on this is a tough sell you're actually going to try to pitch the american people on job creation after you were directly linked to the meltdown of the american banking system that ended up costing millions of americans their jobs all while you feasted on american taxpayer funded programs and dollars and then when you were prosecuted for the largest securities fraud case of all time so maybe maybe you should put some of those more relevant selling points in your new ads now marketing ellis are saying that these generic attempts of promoting their presence in the community are typical for companies that have had a negative image for a while it's almost as precious as b.p. pretending that they really cared about the siegel's after they ruined the entire gulf coast nice try guys but i don't think it's going to work. now space
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watchers can celebrate today as astronomers from my alma mater you see senators have announced the discovery of a distant planet that they say is capable of harboring water on its surface thus potentially making it a home for plants or animal life the planet is called gleave five a one g. and it's orbiting a star about twenty light years away in the constellation of libra one of the discovers has said that he personally believe the chances of life on this planet are one hundred percent but others out there are expressing some caution noting that the planet's density the atmosphere the composition they're all still uncertain but either way this is big news for the space exploration community they're looking at the ease with which they found this planet only eleven years as a possible sign that others like it might become so could this really usher in a new era for once again excited about exploring space or earlier i caught up with
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space entrepreneur geoffrey mann burned first i asked him to be honest with me tell me if he was excited about this discovery. i am excited there is life i mean it looks really good it looks really good here's a planet that has all the right characteristics we've been looking for we've been looking for it for eleven years and it seems just right now tell me explain some of this space exploration astronomer lingo for is what does it mean to be a goldilocks planet well there's a strange lingo it means it's just right not too hot not too warm of the temperature is plus ten degrees fahrenheit and cold it goes down to minus ten they've been saying that's like a summer day in antarctica and there's plenty of life for man to autograph and so it has the right gravity and when we say supporting it could support life we mean life like us organic molecules we found planets before that could support life but it would be a strange life we have trouble understanding this could be something that has water
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it would have the right could. have protoplasm is a molecular small so you would organisms or who knows what it could have and it's only twenty light years away and it means that it could inspire a generation not today but the next generation of robotic missions to just send some things there and you know they've already gotten the honeymooners and all those other things drifting out the signals for years but if you know if we send something this would be a candidate to send in a robotic mission and just see what's there that's really good for they go that far here's an entire process involved. to begin with there's just a few astronomers that have said that they've discovered now what happens now other people also have to research it they have to approve it and then i think you can see a groundswell for more telescopic capabilities and we need more sensors both of this was discovered by a team working in hawaii in chile and maybe we could send something up into orbit and we just did send a satellite which is going to be looking at certain measurements and let's get
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those back over the next couple years and if the orbital sensors are saying hey there's some interesting things here and there's a couple of other planets in the area in this solar system there's two other planets we found in that solar system which don't seem to support wouldn't be the goldilocks of just right but if we find something else nearby why not send a robotic jumping ahead to about an hour that sort of you know i want to i wonder if they're saying the eleven years really is a very short amount of time to discover something like this and you say just twenty light years away that's not happening so nonchalantly i mean realistically with our technology if we were to try to send even you know a robotic mission over there how far away would be the way you know that we can do it today the nice thing though is we seem to be entering an era of discovery and it's going to change a religion how we view ourselves and the more we probe and go out and the more
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people can see these things and the more we go. beyond low earth orbit the more exciting it's going to be mean we went in the sixty's we went to a dead planet body we went to the moon ok but if we start to go to asteroids and places that might have interesting minerals and i think we're entering a period where we as a people are going to get very excited about what's out there and the growing conviction we're not alone i mean you and i have discussed this before and you know when during the space race exploration definitely was an exciting thing and since then. you know some of that has seemed to die down and you can say that populations aren't as excited perhaps because we're not necessarily competing with one another anymore and people are deciding that these these projects are just too expensive but last night actually the house voted on you told me obama's plan for nasa so what is the thing approved last night was a great milestone we've been talking about the last few months i've been promising obama would get most of what he wanted and somehow this administration just gets
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what it wants in the latest for better or worse they got it in space exploration and a bipartisan group last night voted to go along with the senate bill which pretty much codifies that low earth orbit will be the private sector you'll have private sector companies sending cargo up to the space station the private sector companies in the future will be sending our astronauts private sector companies like boeing have announced they want to send tourists you pretty much saying mass so the u.s. government will be a customer and we in the private sector will handle low earth orbit equally exciting is we're not saying we will go we turn to the moon now it's policy as of last night that let's go to an asteroid and that's maybe go somewhere else like the moon and let's try and create technologies to go further and it calls for a permanent presence at some point beyond low earth orbit and that's incredibly exciting it's not a superpower race it's not a race that has
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a start as of last night in the finish in seven years it's. that we as a people it's the time for this society and india is doing it and china is excited although south korea is terribly excited and as excited about space it's time for us to say you know what either we get excited this is a bucket again i mean maybe that's what excites us as a society or it's just really cool we want to be the first one to land on an asteroid i definitely you know the thought of the first planet that could support life just like our own tefl i say was exciting and call me jeff thanks so much for being here sure. coming up it's a story spreading like wildfire on the web today a powerpoint sex list put together by duke student and explain more in just a moment and it's a widely popular web site text from last night for his because one of the co-founders of the site and get his take on why people feel so compelled to share very private text messages with the public.
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show biz the entertainment value of infiltrate presentation high production. graphics. all of this is a way to solve these people's attention by using techniques that are sensitive to bring this war with the military entertainment. imagine your life a big city. the friendly. crystal clear water. organic. living in harmony with nature. sounds impossible.
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some people have already chosen. a place. this next story here is proof of what happens when you document things and your personal life a female student the duke university took time to thoroughly organize and document all of her hook ups while she was a student in college but she didn't just document them she'll aberrated about each and every individual providing extensive details pictures and a raving system citing the pros and cons of every guy ultimately creating a forty page powerpoint presentation about her feelings at duke now the worst part of this whole story is the private filing system of hook ups got leaked to the public and we had gotten our hands on it take a look as any good powerpoint presentation the female starts with a cover page so far so good then she lays out the guidelines for her rating system
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evaluation go. by raw score physical attractiveness size talent aggressiveness athletic ability and there's even a chance for a guy to score more points under the bonus category now there are thirteen subjects in this study and they've all been blurred out to protect of course the innocent individuals who we can say the most of these guys are athletes at the school aspirant who received the lowest points on the grading scale better unfortunately would be subject number two he only got a one out of ten ouch but subject number twelve scored the best after the female had several sessions with him she determined that he is an all around winner just to be sure that her tallies and ratings for each subject were easily understood she then went ahead and created the top thirteen lists ranking each guy from best to worse and to further show who's best she even created line graphs you know this
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girl just might have a calling in the department defense i mean how many stories are we told you about their long power point presentations and those convoluted diagrams for now hers are pretty straightforward easy to understand and thoroughly entertaining but i think guys in the future might start thinking twice before they just sleep with any girl at a college party. as a prank gone are a earlier this month that's left several thousand british men a little bit embarrassed online hackers slash pranksters using four chan tried to attack anti-piracy agencies but they accidentally leaked a huge list of porn pirate names and addresses to the world wide web hopes now after this major internet fail many people on the side of the pond on this side of the pond excuse me are wondering if it can happen here and the answer is a definite yes analysts say that u.s. companies are tracking porn reps from file sharing sites like bit torrent which
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also carries information about the people who rip those dirty files are the worst part about it is if you're downloading porn from a bit torrent site there is almost no guarantee of privacy so once the companies or the hackers do get a hold of your pirating information you're pretty much screwed but here's the options for you porn pirates the ones you have it one you can except the fact that you're going to get caught not be ashamed and accept the fact that you could have to pay for your copyright infringement number two you can pay off the trackers to keep your name off of their blacklist or three you can cancel your bit torrent account and pray for your life but somehow they overlook your ip address and what triple x. files you've saved your desktop i got to be honest none of these options are looking too good for you so i'd say that this is a lesson learned downloading illegal porn is not going to be the most discreet way to get your jollies. now if you never visited the web site
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text from last night dot com. it's a forum to which people send some of the funniest saddest most ludicrous and outright disgusting text messages that they receive from their friends and usually they pertain to the results of the botcher is night for them the identities of the texters are concealed and only the area codes are posted and it's become somewhat of a phenomenon especially amongst college students i guess we can see its popularity as a shining light and when young people really care about these things but anyone out there who's having a bad day or just a bad morning believe me you can cheer right up i carry a sleeve living through others' experiences via text but i want to warn you some of them are very graphic and the majority of them are too graphic for t.v. but i'll give you one little example this is someone's text woke up this morning with a note saying great sex see you never why can't i meet more women like her i think you get the point now but who's behind this internet success story well joining me
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from detroit is co-founder of text from last night but thank you so much for joining me i guess let's start with the basics you know how did you even come up with this idea a load partner leader and i came up with the idea in two thousand and just because we had a lot of fun call it really funny. things late at night and we would go to their must use instead of sending them to each other we decided we were the sort of blogger it was much more fun to publicly shaming them than just shared amongst ourselves out. so it started by go by getting back at your friends but we now this really has turned into this this phenomenon where people are voluntarily sharing their text which is so interesting when do you think that you know these days young people college students we have a completely different understanding of what privacy is you know what we want to keep private and what we just want to put out there to the public. in some cases you know in terms of text less they don't really know anything about the actual
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people that send these and all we want is an area code and a text message i think as far as sharing goes people are a lot more willing to share when their names are attached to it their bosses might that tried out their real identities. with you on that one now tell me that's how many of those checks that you received despite the fact that you know people don't have to reveal their identities how many of them do you think are really real because some of them are just so absurd so disgusting so out there i can't help but think that someone is just you know carefully crafting the perfect text so they know it'll be a hit on your website. while a lot of times you will crash texts when you send them to friends just because you want to impress them but really i don't think people are crafting them for the site we received between five and seven thousand every day we go through them and pick out certain that make us laugh cry or laugh cringe or think a little bit and sometimes cry and you know as far as the people that are making
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them up you can kind of tell it's also hard to imagine how the text came to be without context but i think that's also the most fun part of it thinking of how someone got to be in a place where they were paying a bum twenty dollars to follow them around with a boom box play the theme to rocky is pretty fun to figure out yeah you definitely find yourself visualizing how it all might have come about now do you guys measure out of the demographics now can you say that there is more men or women that this is the cider that send you text messages. there's actually more women than men visit the site we don't know who sends what but from people who talk to a lot of people think that it's more girls than guys some of the text us just into us but our biggest definitely more female and between eighteen and twenty four and the second biggest demographic is twenty five to thirty four that's a little shocking to me i kind of thought the guys were you know more perverted i don't want to hear about everyone else's stories but you know this has become so
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popular i know that when i was in college to my friends became obsessed with the website every morning they wake up they check to see if there were new messages on it does that tell you something about you know what young people these days find find interesting find important you know rather than waking up and reading the news they're going to go to text from last night dot com to see what other people and experienced well i actually find out all of the pop culture news from text from last night and what people are sending in and i actually found out that michael jackson the passed away while looking for text messages for for that afternoon so sometimes it can break the news or at least to me. i don't know what it says as far as far as the actual. generational gap as far as what why we read news and why read sites like this but i think the fact that the internet you're always a click away from something else this is just part of their morning ritual some people go look at new york times in the morning and some a look at the action last night but a lot of times it will be a little bit of an overlap it will read both what you say you get about seven thousand text messages every single day how is that grell and you know from the
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inception of the website. we were really getting and posting everything that was coming in and sort of get about thirty to fifty a day and then it got to a point where we got one hundred one day then we got a thousand and then it just grew from there the biggest day for us was the day after halloween last year we received twenty seven thousand text messages in twenty four hours it was alarming and we're still getting text messages about all the way in for three days after because a lot of people didn't get around to saying what they're actually doing for a few more days it was a lot of fun i'm looking forward to this year yeah i guess that can be a little alarming or disturbing realizing how many people are out there doing you know stupid or crazy or disgusting things every time a holiday comes around do you personally have any favorite texts from last night. a lot of them i don't know how many i could actually say but i want to play
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favorites that's pretty recent as she told me i was only the second guy she slept with i told her she was only my second meghan. at that point ok give me give me one more another one is. i got so high last night i started crying because i couldn't stop thinking about how scary space is. well you know there's a new planet out there now now and it's not as scary and i love thank you so much. it's a very very entertaining website and we're definitely fans of it over here. these things are everywhere. all right before we go it's time for our tweet of the day now we told you earlier about the discovery of a new earth like planet that's been discovered it's about some twenty light years away so we wondered what mother earth tweet about this discovery we thought you'd say oh great not even my job is safe when will this recession that get in line mother earth because unemployment is still going up that's it for tonight's show
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thanks for tuning in and make sure you come back tomorrow it's a two year anniversary of tarp eight hundred billion dollars bailout so we'll have no author no we prinz on to tell us what we've learned since then and what mistakes we're doomed repeat and the slutsky twins will be in the studio to go over the week's funniest political stories in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of the show on facebook and follow us on twitter and as always if you missed any of tonight's show or any other nights you can always catch all the you tube dot com slash the alona show we're now posting the interviews as well as the show in its entirety coming up next is the news with the latest headlines from the u.s. and around the world. they faced it this is not a good warm up. before it and you should see everybody assured us a pretty tree they have no idea about the hardships to face. one
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it's the says it is open to new things for any army the life of abuse is the most precious thing in the world. is of self-sacrifice and heroism with those who understand it fully but you have to live a. real life stories from world war two. the true one nine hundred forty five don't r.t. dot com. nineteen thirty eight england and france try to reason with hitler germany demands are going to land and gets its way they all felt betrayed in a safety net for themselves nineteen thirty nine the whole of europe isn't dolphin war efforts to establish a system of collective security in one nine hundred thirty eight failed and it's still on the agenda that. the lessons to be learned from the munich agreement on r t hungry for the full story we've got it first hand the biggest issues get
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a human voice face to face with the news makers. every month we give you the future we help you understand how to get there and what to bring the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world to join us for technology update on our g. indonesia ots available in hotels. resorts and spawns good results in spite of only. turnbow. beach hotel. resort you subdue.
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the. ground many as you call it a full seasons hotel. which. a welcome home boy is on his way back to russia from the dominican republic after his adoptive parents reportedly traded him for drugs. an alleged attempt ecuadorian chaos as the country declares a state of emergency in the wake of this uprising against austerity measures. and a ukrainian court to set the precedent back how is taken away from the coast six years ago. and are you watching r t well news around the clock welcome to the program
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a twelve year old russian boy abandoned by his adoptive parents in the dominican republic is on his way to moscow reports claim his new family sold him for drugs soon after russia after several tough years and dominican foster father he's now getting ready for a new life in his country of birth. abandoned on the other side of the world twelve year old russian denis has been in a mimic an orphanage for five years and it's believed his fate might have been much worse just to give us that he might have been taken to the dominican republic as a slave in exchange for drugs or it may have been an organ trade judicial investigation couldn't clarify all the circumstances that we should make speculations just because the boy can't explain what happened the dog didn't volgograd region that his foster parents moved to the dominican republic in two thousand and four yeah later they returned to russia turning their backs on dennis and leaving him with the local family they too soon gave him up to a movie.
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