tv [untitled] October 1, 2010 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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protection staff cough who just brought him back the boy told the old boy can't speak russian he was very nervous to short press conference given just before he was taken away from domodedovo airport he stood behind. mr stark of answered questions as you can imagine a very nerve wracking experience suddenly coming in front of a lot of television cameras that is merely the end of what has been a very long ordeal for the boy which started with allegations from mr stark of himself and the investigation that's going on into his former adoptive parents that they some years ago now just over five years ago in two thousand and four took him to the dominican republic and they possibly there try to either sell him for drugs or for an organ trade these are the current current possible allegations against them they can't be confirmed further than that investigation wasn't able to to confirm it further than that and the boy wasn't able to help with the
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investigations because he can't speak russian and his memory was very hazy of the time he was he was very young he was then his parents then in two thousand and five left the dominican republic and came back to russia but left the boy there left young denny's there he was left with a local family who reportedly then treated him very cruelly withholding meals from him pushing him sometimes physically before a neighbor reported this and then they gave him up to local authorities there he's been in an orphanage there for around five years until he was brought back the reason for him being brought back was that in two thousand and nine his parents were found guilty of of of smuggling cocaine in russia and the as a court then ruled that that the adoption was an old was canceled and that is what led to the the boy being brought back in time
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a disturbing story that denise's had his trials and tribulations obviously i mean has that his ordeal finally come to an end now there now he's arrived back in russia. well obviously it's hope so he's now flown a long way and is in an in an unfamiliar country so even though he was born here he's not been here for a long time some early of his early formative years so he'll now go to a hospital where he'll spend around ten days a climatized he'll then be moved to a foster care center until another family can be found to take care of him. that institution loves to china take very good care of him not an average circumstance because he's been in a spanish speaking country for so long the key problem being that he's forgotten virtually all of his russian although he said that he has memories of russia and wanted to return to russia he's now going to have tough language lessons to try and bring him back into his culture and bring him back into
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a life in russia when the family. reporting from them a. thank you for that. now soldiers in ecuador have rescued president rafael correa from a police hospital where he was being held by force the troops opened fire on distant law enforcement offices. you can see clearly in the country police protests against government austerity measures which would cut their benefits offices blocked roads and took control of the top of the airport at least one person has been killed and thousands injured in the clashes the military declared its north korea hospital. the protests to be reviewed president has accused the opposition and security forces who attempt to according to an expert that's what america says their vote could be strongly backed by business. inside and outside people. ecuador's been subject over the past before court or
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a i want office in two thousand and seven before that it would have been subject to numerous coups and changes in governments during the ten years prior so the the the laws apparently the police were protesting seems to be just an excuse for some plans that were already under way to execute a coup against program he was reelected for a second can last year overwhelmingly by a majority of ecuadorians and many of his policies have affected you know big business interests it's the same as what happened in honduras the same as what happened in venezuela eight years ago in a coup d'etat against president chavez and remember that just last year president bush they are refused to renew a contract for u.s. military base in manta ecuador and so that his country and his policies his government also come into conflict with very powerful u.s. interests there's a massive u.s. presence not just military but even more than military presence particularly the u.s. agency for international development which is just everywhere massive compound in
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both quito i'm going to kill major cities a backward art and some of the groups that have come out calling for the president's resignation are known as groups receiving funding from these u.s. agencies like us air d n a national not for democracy. still ahead in the program duty calls on a quarter of a million young russian men are called up to serve in the army only this is draft will see some changes that. ukraine's president once again has more power than the parliament the constitutional court has ruled that amendments the country's nor that turned ukraine into a parliamentary state six years ago were illegal. reports from kiev. this means that now ukraine's president has more powers than in the last four years that means that the country is returning to the original constitution of nine hundred
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ninety six it means now the president which will be able to both hire and fire the country's prime minister without the consent of the parliament he will now be able to select governors and this of course is very important for unocal which has been trying to achieve this ever since he came to power to office in february two thousand and ten this decision by the constitutional court is not something completely unexpected there's been several information leaks in the last several days with sources within the presidential ministration and parliament saying that this decision will be taking it took almost a week for the constitutional court to deliver this verdict and they justified it by the fact that they believe the changes to the constitution which turned ukraine into a parliamentary state war in fact illegal and unconstitutional those who are defending this move are saying that ever since ukraine was turned into a parliamentary state there has been no political stability in the country and constant infighting between the country's president and prime minister led to
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several political crisis including several dissolution of parliament several reelections and things like that initially the amendments of two thousand and four in the times of the orange revolution were meant to bring more or less structure rights political system in ukraine but those who are in defense of this decision by the constitutional court say that this did not happen the opposition is furious with this decision of the constitutional court the country's former present president. said that this decision is unconstitutional and this could lead to a constitutional chaos in ukraine but it's interesting to know that you should go himself had been trying to abolish these changes himself during his five years of presidency so now that he is in opposition he changed his mind completely and this is. what also experts are now talking about but of course we're yet to see where they're all state bodies will be able to convert to the new constitution in this short period of time. more on this we're now joined in the studio by
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a political commentator sort of a stalker and i thank you for joining us have it what does this decision mean in general for ukraine. let me start by saying that definitely this is a milestone you new ukrainian politics and it did come as a total surprise to me it was already clear that the pendulum already moved in the opposite direction and after the years of constant disarray stendhal between the president and parliament ukraine is coming to a sort of a new city where. all the major power will be secured in the hands of the president and definitely is a necessary precondition for ukrainian who here in development strategy you mentioned pendulum there in the previous present it to you it was unable to achieve reforms really why has yet occurred it's been so successful during his tenure i don't think that this is the matter of personality i don't want to make too much emphasis on that on that well differences between you and your coach i sing i think
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there may in the main reason is that the situation changed in ukraine ukrainian political elite realised that they can't ensure stable economic groups you see unless they. are. a strong power unless there's any further removed as what we will we can assume during the last six years in ukraine mention economic growth there obviously with the economic downturn it's been very difficult in ukraine will this make it better for the country looking into the future well of course. the comic crisis affected ukrainian economy as every country as you as you understand but that was part of the reason for those very unimpressive economic performance if you create another thing was that well. there was no necessary preconditions for the development as they were a lot of controversial decisions taken during the time of this cold all orator were
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lucian ran. all powerful then prime minister yulia tymoshenko was trying to introduce one decrees that then president you should go straight to play any sort so this should not be the case anymore is so in fact his as you say has been very turbulent in the last few years in ukrainian politics will this lead to more stability this decision well it's not that simple of course we must be frank that this is this decision is a double edge sword. in essence that on one hand of course this decision ensures that president you know coach. all the rights just to go ahead with the economic reforms in the country but on the other hand if he overplays the situation then there is a risk off another turmoil off or not or for another. it never let's hope it would
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never happen but we must understand it still a long way to goo and president you know coach has to show that he is really a national leader called be able to use all those newly emerging powers of wise man it ok so he struck and i thank you very much indeed on that for joining us here in studio. most americans see the wars in iraq and afghanistan as not affecting them directly west of you of the u.s. defense secretary robert gates who was addressing university students he said the majority see only services something for other people to do and urged americans to sign up but artie's military analyst says the u.s. should overhaul its strategy before recruiting robert gates has paid to and failed to i'm just stand. the main challenge for the u.s. forces is the disconnect forces of moderate to be in the u.s. army the central intelligence agency the law enforcement community and the state
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department that's what the u.s. secretary of defense should address even before presenting his recruiting sales speech to the duke university students robert gates should have paid attention to mostly ignored advice from the general mcchrystal when he indicated the most pressing challenge for the u.s. army in afghanistan that is to drastically change conventional operational culture within the pentagon and the u.s. army which results in such a heinous crimes as killing evidence of aliens for drugs and for fun until robert gates start promoting the unconventional thinking all these sales speech to expand the our o.t.c. systems at the us universities are not going to change them a man to them and to resolve a man challenge for the u.s.
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policy in afghanistan and pakistan. well in pakistan suspected militants have attacked at least twenty seven tankers curren fuel for nato troops stationed in afghanistan the attack followed karate blocking of bothell supply routes to coalition forces seen as patel the ation for nato helicopter strike where three soldiers were killed is the latest in a series of nato raids in pakistan's tribal border. she says and consider other response options if the alliance continues to violate its sovereignty ivan eland of the american think tank independent institute for these recent strikes in pakistani territory i think a negative effect on u.s. war if it against al qaida. i think they need to cut back the straits not increase them because they're there apparently these latest round of strikes to prevent terrorists from attacking europe and last i knew the united states was not in europe i mean we're supposed to be safeguarding our own security and i think we're
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going away in pakistan just makes more enemies so i think for the pakistani people sake and for the united states sake and also i think for the effectiveness against al qaeda these drone strikes should be restricted to. not even the pakistani taliban i think that would help a lot and it would avoid killing innocent pack pakistani civilians. and a reminder you can check out our web site for many more stories videos and blogs a taste of what's online right now what's going to dot com a russian survey names the economic crisis has actually made the country richer as average incomes reach levels. and a new planet in the sky scientists say they found the right to live that can sustain life without more authority to come. the autumn only draft has begun in russia with more than two hundred seventy thousand being
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called up to serve in the country's military for a year the conscripts joining the armed forces as new reforms are brought in to help improve the lives of soldiers they see a bit uncertain. arteta the russian tanker gate and veterans put training and practice while welcoming new recruits. fighting begins a regular as a regimen for nearly two hundred eighty thousand young men between the ages of eighteen and twenty seven all of whom are required to serve for at least one year autumns call to duty comes with some changes including a parent's rights clause which allows them to present proof of a draft these lack of readiness to lift a provision allowing soldiers rights advocates to accompany them to new posts and a pledge to help soldiers feel better connected to home by providing greater access to self. this group of soldiers trained under last year's performance with reduced mandatory service from two years to one hazing and other abuse it's played the service and challenge morale in fact it is widely known that draft paid thousands
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of dollars to avoid serving the combined overhaul the defense ministry hopes will improve soldiers' quality of life reduce the draft dodger rates and hence the perceived professionalism of the military sixty buttons r.t. . now for some other world news this hour protesters have gathered in seoul calling on north korea to stop the succession process of leader kim jong il. very this week kim was one of the brightest for the top political and military positions there's even if you can the rank of a four star general is seen as a part of the plan to extend the kim dynasty you know whose economy state into a third generation. in india a court has ruled that the holy site of a demolished mosque should be split between hindus and muslims thousands were arrested in an attempt to prevent violence over the decision to do so i've been on a tear to the main disputed section of the four hundred year old mosque student to
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ninety ninety two was the rivera site but to say it's the birthplace of one of their data both sides say peer review. has been really. based showing the group of workers who were taken hostage two weeks ago donal qaida and. seven men working for a french mining and construction firms were kidnapped from their homes in the town of on the father of them all french citizens and the other two african nationals france says the video is an encouraging sign the workers of. the new docks government has announced plans to ban the full islamic veil it also wants to tighten the wasn't immigration and boost the number of police he lawrence is a minority coalition made up of the christian democrats and the liberal party if approved the netherlands would be only the second country off to france to impose the. growing of a twenty five thousand kilograms of diamonds all being mind yet with
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a significant amount produced in russia where they took we delve deep underground to uncover the james hidden beneath the earth's crust. yes discover hidden jewels in just ten minutes time here doughty. creators with all the latest in world business. hello and welcome to business good to have you with us this hour the troika dialog has denied reports it is about to sell a controlling stake in the company to the bear bank however troikas chairman ruben better than young appears to hint that talks have been taking place he says that
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negotiations are not near completion or even the parameters properly determined much less that a deal is ready to be signed these papers quote sources inside who claims bear banks would pay five hundred million dollars for one third of torque a shares with an intention to acquire more in two thousand and twelve. and two of the stories the problem of europe's heavily indebted public finances have come back to haunt the markets after a brief summary spied and the debt crisis has resulted in more walls for ireland its government announced plans to inject an additional sixteen billion dollars into its banking system this brings the total bill to fix irish banks to sixty billion dollars the bailout will swell ireland's deficit this year to thirty two percent of economic output the biggest in post world war two europe in the case of anglo irish bank the dilution of building society the status to done these institutions for
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a period of time to prevent them becoming a trash to the stage itself that's how serious the position that was developed in those things was despite all efforts of european politicians to rein in excessive bonuses cash payout have returned to pre-crisis levels a report by consulting firm hay group says increases in annual bonuses have driven top executives pay up six percent across europe this year is at the top of the list here the remuneration has grown by twenty five percent in companies included russia's energy giants like gazprom lukoil as well as bear bank and b two b. in the financial sector. that brings us to the markets asian stock markets rise as chinese manufacturing activity takes up space in september prices also list energy companies. climb point seven percent stock markets and hong kong and china closed public holidays. and european shares edged higher in friday after falling for the
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previous session stocks have boosted by commodities on china's forecast beating lang factoring data miners are also off among individual issues also group gained four point six percent on friday's eighteen billion dollar tie up between reps. and here in russia markets have rebounded at noon. trading in the black berry bank is topping the list with shares up over one and a half percent on both the horses bucking the trend. of trading in the red. the world's leading logistics group d.h.l. says its business in russia is growing at a double digit rate speaking exclusively to business r t c o of poe's d.h.l. franc apple says the bric countries of brazil russia india and china off a tremendous potential we see of the moment very healthy growth we see growth above
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g.d.p. growth our business is really growing faster than g.d.p. at least twice and we see at the moment double digit growth as well i know a business in russia we are very strong to me we are very strong in eastern europe we are very strong in russia we are very strong and that's an american effort wherever you know the growth is you have tremendous growth you know we have been germany brought free percent growth you know you have much more growth so we are there already in all these markets so we benefit and to move the group of people in the for the future for for tension growth in these regions. a russian farmer has claimed spectacular increases in milk production with his new caring approach to cows and it's taking place in the region it's taking place in the region that's earning a reputation for innovative business daniel bushell heard the story and decided to stake it out. why then the well my voice which we saw open reading shakespeare and math all it's shown to boost milk production with each
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only raises output around four percent the should avoid there it says it developed a holistic approach which raises output in double digits the chief executive is surrogate weisel do you know. what's the secret. that we do everything to make our college happy these are medical bill because i was so comfortable they can't wait to get it. they can get a rub down from special bovine brushes. also where colors which tell the computer when layout getting frisky that means they were milking. and they can wonder in an hour is that right. we even homeless our own people so they get the freshest our. emotions lead me to medvedev was so moved he gave the plant a pats on the back local towns the named off the heroes of communism but made
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gaining fame for their top entrepreneurs. hosts the country's chief and it trying to explain producer in context. last week in english from here launched a world class gas and crude refinery the young innovator or illegal we'll see is investment minister irina block you know sort of this getting he wanted her out of the most progressive region in russia fine as it was several startup taxes have been scrapped reduced would also provide a one stop shop for i'm sorry where i help solve all their questions. thanks to state incentives the theory now plans to further beef up facilities that should you even agree to results from the thousands of ugly pump accounts down your bushel business l.t. . and that's all for this hour that with more in about fifteen minutes from now but meanwhile you can always look on our website and by law story there.
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a decision. six years ago amendments to the country's north korean to parliament that. diamond takes before ending up on somebody's. gemstones of the euro mountains have always had a strange. chance to tales of underground treasure troves have been passed down from generation to generation but today few people in the year olds know they're surrounded by these forgotten gemstone minds and still fewer practice the age old methods of mining so who now harvest these precious pearls of the year old and how do they go about it are there modern day treasure maps where x. really marks the spot i've been in mine shaft scarred the secrets of gemstone still buried deep in the fear.
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