tv [untitled] October 1, 2010 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT
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his adoptive parents moved to the dominican republic in two thousand and four a year later they returned to russia turning their backs on dennis and leaving him with the local family they too soon gave him up this time to an orphanage but not before a cruise to. the other big hit and punished him the thing is that he behaved badly it was terrible but only because his parents and sisters left him christine alone and the house the even left him without meals as punishment so one day in the burbs saw it and the senator reported last year's adoptive russian parents were imprisoned for cocaine trafficking that led a court to cancel the adoption decision since his return more possible evidence of abuse has been found a note on the presidential ombudsman's twitter page said that scars on the boy's head indicate he was beaten now an investigation is looking into why denise was allowed to be adopted by such bad parents in the first place and what really happened in the dominican republic moshe not every adult can survive where he went
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through the russian adoption agency committed a crime letting drug dealers adopt the boy that's the subject of our future investigation but hopefully all the bad things are in the past now dennis will now be able to resume his life in russia after his five year absence will have to really learn his native language and rediscover life here but it's hope that he'll receive a lot more care in his next five years than he did in his last five tom watson r.t. moscow. coming up in the program a little bit later tonight the dramatic rescue of ecuador president who escaped from a hospital after a big truck by a rebel policeman got the story find out why they took him and why some believe the u.s. was behind it details just ahead. but first ukraine's president had a power boost after the constitutional court reversed reforms that handed controls to parliament six years ago it said the changes would have legal and violated several laws. has more from kiddo. it is back to basics for
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ukraine's politics swiftly and almost unanimously the country's constitutional court decided to revert the country's political system back to the constitution of nine hundred ninety six the court a bullish demand mr the country's main court of laws made in december two thousand and four during the election battle between victory and victory on the court which the events which led to the famous orange revolution back then the changes entailed that the country will transfer from presidential to parliamentary republic and those changes were meant to structure arise the country's political system but it's the nature of these amendments were done which was questioned by both the ruling party of regents and the constitutional court that the q i pronounced the amendments to the constitution approved on the eighth of december two thousand and four to be unconstitutional as when they were approved the law was violated many times the abolition of the amendments is effective immediately. the decision by the
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constitutional court comes after several months of deliberation on whether the change was actually needed it was proposed by the ruling coalition in parliament but the initiative itself surely came from president ever since he took office in fabry twenty ten has been trying to change the political landscape of ukraine and centralize power this decision is seen as the final step in that from now on present which has several of his very important powers returned to him. the president used to have much less power in deciding who is going to be the country's prime minister as he was very much dependent on parliament after this decision you can more easily dismiss prime minister desire of if you choose or used to do so the two thousand and four political reform transferred several very important powers from president to parliament or coding to authors of the reform this was meant to make ukraine stronger and more politically structure right.
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eventually according to those who initiated the changes this time this did not happen on several occasions political crisis led to dissolution of parliament and reelections former country's leader president you should try to abolish these changes on several occasions but he failed to do that now after he found himself in opposition he changed his mind completely and criticizes the power saying that the constitutional court's decision may cause a constitutional chaos in ukraine the opposition in general is very critical of this move by the constitutional court. the country's president of the country's parliament who were elected according to the constitution of two thousand and four that means that we are going to demand an immediate resignation of the president and the prime minister and the dissolution of parliament and to hold early elections there is a saying in this part of the world that everything new is in fact a well forgotten old this is generally a joke but it seriously applies to ukrainian constitution the court's decision is
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final undisputable and takes effect immediately the only question is how soon will the government and state bodies be able to convert to the old constitution of one thousand nine hundred ninety six. r.t. reporting from ukraine's capital kiev. first get more now on what this means for ukraine from covering sky she's a political analyst for the moscow based institute of world economy and international relations thanks for being with us tonight so we hear the decisions being made there's no going back on it what are the consequences likely to be them . in fact the consequences may be very wide and or otherwise they may be may be assured by saying that i mean that political reform. five years ago six years ago in fact was was a sort of political compromise which i loved in fact two to finalize the election round but the result of political reef. form was
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a stalemate in ukraine because there were three centers of power there was a parliament it took over a that was a very strong prime minister and there was a president probably a weak president and that is why we had in ukraine this political chaos and problems for crisis in fact for four five or six years. today's decision means that eat in fact fix is the political status quo war as it is now in ukraine even this situation social and political in the country stable even president unocal which manages to improve economic and social situation i do not think that that political restructuring and there will be political restructuring in fact will cause the crisis because the opposition in ukraine political opposition is rather de come solid dated eve he fails in come nomics fear well there is of course the consequences may be may be far going the previous president thinks you should also
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try to roll but these reforms today but he failed at the time why they go through no how come we can succeed to do things. well in fact i started to answer this question here president you shouldn't being charming. politician with charisma in fact was rather weak and the opposition to him was rather strong that paradox of you shouldn't go was that he became the president just due to this political reform and the road back in his case was was was not logical even what is going to mean for the stability now in ukraine we heard in report there that you need to machine because bloc are considering very very say they're going to counter it and even call for new presidential elections is it going to be one big mess all over again you think after this. charging by the political situation in ukraine as. it is now i do not think that the consequences will be it will be
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detrimental for stability again well ukraine is rather tired of political crisis nonstop political crisis for many years and much will depend on the economic situation in. the well there is a certain a consensus between present here and called each and some of the governors well he has strong support even in the parliament so i do not think that the world the instability may be caused by the fact of this decision by constitutional court eve the reason stability will have another in the source is another reasons this of course happening as governors across europe are struggling with tough reforms as a result of the global recession what you're saying so far is that this looks like it is good news or do you think ukraine's power shift will help it overcome its own deep economic problems. yano carve each has
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a good connections with ukrainian business and in fact that helped him very much to become the president. well of course in the station after cries out of crisis is very difficult in the summer was difficult. but still there is support from russia financial support there is financial support from i.m.f. in due to this financial support if ukraine manages to go through this winter much will depend of course on the weather with it is cold or not i think that. ukraine will not be worse in the worst situation than the other countries which are coming out of this crisis recovering scar i was good to hear your views on the program putting them less from the moscow based thing to the institute of world economy and international relations as you are thank you. spending a holiday on remote islands probably as far away as it gets but maybe not for much
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longer that's because a russian firm is promising to transform space into the ultimate tourist getaway they're working on the world's first orbiting hotel r.t. stated business as more. they say it's the real deal that's according to the c.e.o. of the russian private company orbital technologies and he points to several multimillion dollars contracts signed between his company and the russian state owned space manufacturer called energy at the end and here makes the soyuz capsules a ship space cruiser and their supplies to the international space station and bath and reportedly there are russian and american investors willing to put millions of dollars behind this project here's more from the c.e.o. it's a loan we've been working on this project for a while now much of the equipment and modules we'll use have already been created so we're not exactly reinventing the wheel the hotel should be cozy enough for seven people and we'll have two larger view screens so that everyone can look out
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at the earth and the stars space tourists spend most of that time taking photos it's a great view from up that the colors are incredible i was station will be much more comfortable than the i.h.s. which is basically an industrial facility in space our space hotel will be designed for people. now to launch stage for this commercial space station slash told to help is twenty sixteen and it's meant to accommodate seven people six being space travelers and one being a crew member leisure is definitely part of it they want to give a phenomenal experience to those who are willing to and can afford and will afford to pay such a high price for an out of this world experience but this pipe private public partnership is also looking at long jeopardy longevity and they're doing this and in a couple of ways first of all for the right now they want to be a supplement to their national space station so for example if there were an emergency the members could go to this commercial space station as stead of getting
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back to earth and they also want to be able to provide services for the side to conducting experiments for private companies and then further down the road one space exploration has has gone a. they want to take people out of orbit and perhaps may be able to take them to the moon and to planets that we haven't been to yet now they said that the cost is approximately what you would pay to get. on a rocket to the international space station so millions of dollars they know there is no discount for this adventure and they say that look it's going to cost a lot of money get things going even though we aren't reinventing the real wheel so to speak so it's going to take a lot of money to get things built to get this hotel launched and then to operate it so it's not going to be cheap but they're hoping to recoup a lot of that cost by having hundreds of visitors go into space every year. rhythms or correspondent there are a lot of stories and i'm told the u.s. is also joined the race to commercialize space congress voted for billions of
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dollars to be pumped into nasa as projects the agency is already working on replacing the space shuttle fleet which should be grounded next year congress also wants private firms to keep up the pressure and all but space entrepreneur jeff manber spoke to see says competition in space is a good step for mankind but how some voted to follow the senate and the white house got about seventy percent of what it wanted it means that it's now american policy that lower earth orbit will be commercial you'll have private companies ferrying people and cargo to space it means that nasa should work on a permanent presence of humans beyond low earth orbit of things will be going to an asteroid i find that incredibly exciting we have long argued finally breaking down the centralized government space program so it's going to be competition it's going to be hotels going to begin in space and it's just going to be a call time so that we design for people to relax play and think sort of how big plate glass windows they'll have you know things to where you can move around
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they'll have media centers so you can record things that they'll be spiritually interesting. thoughts for what's ahead maybe holidays in space in the future that space entrepreneurs just man but there comes more all the stories we cover of course i was a chance for you to have your say let's take a look see what's online tonight after at moscow's main show the door by the president eyes turned to who could take on one of russia's most powerful positions . look at the bridges of moscow county just amazing array of them all in the russian capital with different designs and dimensions beautiful some of them if you're into bridges mean if you're not you might be. persuaded to come along and take a closer look at our t.v. dot com tonight. if that's not your bag find out why music is the food of love these prompted cathal a russian farmer claims preparing for the song and shakespeare does vastly
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production got warm business but also comes in. the president of ecuador says there will be no pardon for the people involved in the alleged coup attempt against him rough words come off that he was rescued by troops from a hospital where he'd been held for twelve hours he was attacked on thursday at a rally by police protesting against austerity measures president says it's all part of an attempt to overthrow his government officials say at least two people have been killed and several were injured in the uprising and the country remains in a state of siege if a college is an expert on latin american she tells us it's likely the rebellion has a political backing from abroad. the law and apparently the police were protesting seems to be just an excuse for some plans that were
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already under way to execute a q a coup against program he was reelected for a second term last year overwhelmingly by a majority of ecuadorians and many of his policies in affected you know big business interests it's the same as what happened in honduras the same as what happened in venezuela eight years ago and it could attack against president chavez and remember that just last year president correa refused to renew a contract for a u.s. military base in manta ecuador and so that his country and his policies and government also come into conflict with very powerful u.s. interests there is a massive u.s. presence not just military but more than military presence particularly the u.s. agency for international development which is just everywhere they have a massive compound in both quito and going to kill major cities a backward or and some of the groups that have come out calling for the president's resignation are known as groups receiving funding from these u.s.
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agencies like us air d.n.a. national now for democracy that we bring up there no more world news tonight in brief. eight people have been killed off a number of explosions in nigeria's capital and it comes during the country's celebrations marking fifty years of independence from the united kingdom nigeria's main militant group issued a threat promising to bomb the event it said there was quote nothing worth celebrating after fifty years of failure the country's been scarred by ethnic and religious violence for decades now. a second raid on nato convoys in pakistan is left two people dead earlier suspected militants torched twenty seven tank is carrying fuel for nato troops stationed in afghanistan the attacks follow islamabad blocking a vital supply route for coalition forces it was responding to an apparent nato air strike that killed three pakistani paramilitary troops the country says it will consider other response options if allied forces continue to violated. un
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julissa reported human rights violations in the democratic republic of congo charts alleged abuses carried out during conflicts in the ninety's the document accuses the rwanda and uganda forces of participating in killings that may constitute acts of genocide its publication is triggered denials from both countries in both areas have agreed to hold talks on the reunion of families separated by the country's war one hundred relatives from each side will attend the meeting for about a month starting from late october meanwhile south korean civic groups held an anti pyongyang rally in central seoul over developments in the north the leader's thoughts to become his successor was a rube top political traditions just earlier this week. hundreds of health workers and clashed with police in the french capital blocking traffic near the busy shows elisa dressed in blue scrubs and surgical masks the elise it is trying to reach the
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presidential palace to make their case for better pay to recognize the qualifications officers used to aghast. trying to suppress that. the prosecutor's office in some petersburg has asked norway to extradite a notorious neo nazi and martial arts fighter who went on the run vicious love death six a prominent member of a band of nationalist party who has a history of assaults and robberies he escaped from a some previous berg psychiatric unit in august and managed to get as far as norway where he asked the thirty's for political asylum six now under arrest for trespass and it legally carrying a gun. just adds not because stuff you know the latest business news hungry for the full story we've got. the biggest issues get the human voice face to face with the news makers.
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every month we give you the future we help you understand how to get there and. the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world. join us. on our g. hello and welcome to the business bulletin president medvedev visit to china this week put the seal on a number of new energy deals their negotiations have been drawn out and at least when gas contracts a concern to the still more to medina question of the reports there's now a greater sense of urgency. china is the fastest growing energy consumer in the world and in russia its neighbors the biggest energy provider it's a business smash this crying out to be mate the deals have been a long time in the making finally this week in quest put on the dotted line what
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was a surprise is that we didn't see reciprocal deals from china you know it's quite clear that russia went down there looking to buy energy and materials exports to china in exchange for some commitment for investment into russia's new industries into infrastructure into technology etc and there was any mention of that whatsoever gazprom has agreed to supply thirty billion cubic meters of gas annually to china over thirty years starting from twenty fifteen to make it all happen the gas giant also announced it would start building a new pipeline to china next year diversifying its customers is a significant ambition for russia it provides a hatch against a drop in demand from year open in the event of an economic slowdown so more kids whales going inside. the zone. right there
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is because they have been. centralised. part paul says they have. decided to go. but russia faces stiff competition to the east most so them in western europe as china borders the nations of central asia which have considerable gas reserves moreover countries like to have got there first with agreements to build a pipeline and fill it with. analysts suggest this has provided the final up to the russian side in their negotiations for fear of losing out altogether minds in the question of business r.t. . welshing markets have continued their upward trend for a second week in a row peter weston of the tongue things the dismissal of last spiced up the performance of domestic expertise we had first of all very interesting we.
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guess culminating with the sacking of. some flavor to some with some if you want russia specific factors that were in france in the market but in general it was a good week for the russian market but again it is very much moving along the lines of what's happening globally russia remains a hostage to what we see on the the coming out of us in our europe method names could continue to do well last week and on friday we also saw financials moving out but that came on the back of some easing of concerns out of the south of europe as well as ireland so it was a mixed picture i would say in terms of sectors but in general the market was moving up in life more or less with the global markets plans to unite the somewhat fractured nature of russia's railway grid underway the operator hopes this will make rail a more competitive option for companies transporting goods from asia to europe and vice versa you know it's
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a myth that reports. the atlantic and pacific ocean is connected by a railway going across. the unified wide track from eastern russia reaching. the agreements have already made to extend the route to vienna that's creates over ten thousand kilometers. to the capital in the heart of europe russia. and asia and such as. china and japan. as well as no time lost at the border controls. transport from asia to finland takes fifty. could cover the distance in seven days. at the moment they cannot charge enough money to meet the profitable. are still too small.
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rest of our families the crisis yes a cargo transport in russia dropping fifteen percent to eleven point five million containers williams on the try and save beer in route fill an even sharper thirty percent through coverage this year has been strong but much student has to be done to make russian real we true breach between east and west isn't a given due to a business r.t. . and that's all the business he is for now but you can always read well stories if you look on twelve website that's called slash is this.
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day. hello this is r t from moscow i'm kevin i mean it's just little after half past nine at night. these are all top stories a russian point returns to his home after years of abandonment of a twelve year old was allegedly sold for drugs by parents with the american public and then turned over several orphanages he came back after his guardians were arrested for cocaine trafficking. if ukraine's constitutional call gives more power to the president after it rules that the two thousand and four parliamentary shift was illegal. which will now be able to choose his own government. and the hotel in orbit may seem like
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a distant thought but not for one russian firm it's set out to build the world's first commercial space station and make it a two spot organizers are also hoping to use it as a refuge for possible. coming up next we delve into the world of divers and track their journey from the mine to the marketplace is the subject of our special report here on r.t. . the gemstones in your own mountains have always had a strange. tales of underground treasure troves have been passed down from generation to generation but today few people in the year olds know they're surrounded by these forgotten gemstone minds and still fewer practice the age old methods of mining. harvest these precious pearls of the urals and how do they go about it are the modern day treasure maps where x. really marks the spot and.
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