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tv   [untitled]    October 2, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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years ago there ronnie told an israeli court that captain george whose real name is the one zahavi fifteen naked for his first month in detention he says he was frequently tortured including being sodomized with a baton zahavi denied the torture charges but admitted to interrogating prisoners while they were naked the civil suit for one and a half million dollars in damages was never settled because the rani was released in a prisoner swap before the court issued a ruling and now in a move that has stunned human rights groups that have been appointed to the post of adviser on our buffets to the jerusalem police captain draw. very high ranking policeman in jerusalem is giving some sort of message to the palestinian we are bringing someone that knows how to treat you. meaning they don't care much about what the palestinian will feel they want to threaten
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them and the message it's a verbal waiting throughout the palestinian territories these two brothers were arrested last year how it was only kept in prison for three days because he says he was so badly tortured the other interrogator led me into it was very small probably one and a half meters square through the blindfold i could see small shapes moving around me but then he put a plastic bag over my head that reached into my knees then he started to beats me he hit me in the back and pushed me into the wall chargers of torture against israelis are nothing new since two thousand and one we know about more than six hundred fifty complaints that were sent to the government. and there was no even one criminal investigation meaning that torture or have total impunity they can do everything that they want and nothing will happen to them here inside israel just months into his new position so how he has already been accused of badly
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injuring a palestinian into. the police of the future to comment on a story in all the plight of requests for an interview they said they are not dealing with the subject at this moment but that if any changes will update us the fact that the facility with not. people were not. just their. individual complaints the workload. not. enough will also. show. governmental policy and as for secret prison three nine one where torture admittedly took place human rights lawyers are convinced it's still operating somewhere in northern israel. r.t. tell of of. police in southern russia are clamping down on drug dealers selling homemade amphetamines but with soaring street values and drug labs hidden in
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basements and residential buildings ferreting it out is no easy task artie's down as the reports on the wall horsemen efforts. a sting operation turns into family drama this pregnant woman and her boyfriend just try to sell five hundred grams of them fit them into undercover agents a sniffer dog found a stash of drugs under the front wheel of the suspects luxury car as it turned out the popular party drug was produced in a small village nearby all that the dealer says needed to cuckoo eagle substance at home with some merchandise from the hardware store and some cough medicine from the local pharmacy drug dealers build their labs everywhere it could be an apartment or a house in a quiet residential area like this one besides the obvious criminal threats these places are extremely hazardous because of the chemicals that makes pollute at any moment drug enforcement agent alexander was shocked when colleagues discovered
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another amphetamine lab in the basement under this old wooden house the room was hidden three stories underground it was equipped with video surveillance but as the drug dealer tried to get rid of the chemicals he almost blew up the building it's in the middle of a neighborhood the houses are old some wooded one spark could have set the whole book on fire. in recent years the street cost of one third a man in southern russia has reason to seventy u.s. dollars per gram so more and more amateur chemists have been surfing the internet for cooking instructions right at home together with his college buddy this cross and our student has been trying to find the perfect them put them in core middle or at least snorted to powder in themselves and wrote their impressions and. unfortunately we were unable to extract part of the compound. from the main solution it's better if we use a different technique hey you guys are darn good. i'm not one of them has
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a college degree let alone a degree in chemistry most of these people the so qualified geniuses. with dozens of arrests in them for them and related cases and harsh jail sentences all important agents are trying to put a name to them put them in craze but despite the risks for the users and the dealers the demand for this controlled substance on the black market remains high so it's unlikely that the victory in the war on them fit them in will come any time soon then as all of our t.v. across the region. stay with us here on our t.v. still to come decision time is approaching in brazil with the outgoing president's policies popular among the people most brazilians have no doubts about which party will get their votes. plus the athletes who are really bringing home the big. just who is the world's best that they will find out that their. international and
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math. but before we get to that latvia one of the global recessions biggest economic victims seems to have given its troubled government a second chance early results for saturday's parliamentary election suggests the center right bloc has secured fifty five percent of the vote the prime minister's main challenger was the harmony center party which represents the country's largest russian minority it's thought to have sealed roughly thirty three percent of the votes which is a significant gain from the last election but is artie's tom barton reports many pin their hopes on a win to get their voices heard. politics is very popular and not good these days everyone's talking about it even the catholic church is saying it would be a sin not to vote in the elections this. if we don't care about. what's going on in our society in our community and we don't cast our votes that means we are indifferent and that is against the principles of the bible. and there's
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a lot of sin to talk about latvian politics has long been hung up on ethnic differences in the country the largest minority at around thirty percent are ethnic russians many of whom moved here were not there was part of the soviet union after the break up hundreds of thousands were denied citizenship a policy the government is unconcerned by the example census. non-citizens or residence. which we've. all seen in. social benefits. for example with one small exception they can't vote reports by the un amnesty international and e.u. bodies say that non-citizens who affectively been denied a state to call home victoria's for another church has grown up in latvia and say that ethnic policy's a ruining a country. the first nation of political groups and latina has for
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a long time been determined by their city that's no secret it's obvious there is no unity in the country it's split into two major groups. and while nationalist politicians have been busy segregating their people latvia's economy has nosedived dangerously leveraged by reckless speculation it was hammered by the two thousand and eight crisis the financial bungling caused riots in two thousand and nine toppled the government and led to the worst growth and unemployment rates in the e.u. because critics say ethnic fiddling while rome burns a day. in economic terms of social. playing again and again. topics because. russians. now there's a new political force a party standing on
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a ticket of equality for latvians and russians alike the harmony center is already in power in the reagan municipal government although dubbed by some a pro russian party a third of its support base comes from latvians time of economic mismanagement which indicates that most want national unity not division that there's national monument behind me is supposed to represent liberty one of the right wing parties in this election has even taken a slogan from it for the motherland and freedom but ethnic russians and latvians here now want the same thing freedom for all to contribute to their motherland prosperity tom barton r.t. week. five militants have been killed after two standoff with security forces in russia's southern republic of dagestan two women are reported to be among the dead from the shootout in the capital. an apartment was set ablaze during the fighting but the fire was contained and didn't spread this week saw several other counter-terror operations in the region with fifteen militants killed on wednesday
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officials have stressed the need for vigilance. currently the four militants including two women are being identified the apartment is now being searched with the help of bomb disposal experts after their approval investigators will start working at the site another counter terror operation in the city was finished earlier one militant was killed in a shootout. remember you can find more information on this and all the stories we're covering on our website r.t. dot com here's a look at what's on lying right now. for to find out what's brewing up on russia's political duo. to adrenaline a dangerous new pastime as russian teenagers train serving for kicks.
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the biggest economy in south america and one of the world's largest emerging economies brazil is preparing to elect a new president the outgoing leader popular popularly known as lula isn't eligible to take part having already served two terms in office but it's his favorite successor who's poised to become the nation's first ever female president artie's lauren lyster reports. welcome to brazil south to the south. it's the largest city in a young democracy gearing up to elect a new president this sunday but it's so much more than that. the current president is known simply as a little later most brazilians he's their guy already born in a country always controlled by a small group of the wealthy or he was one of the poor louise ignacio alleges silva is the one who changed everything and is seen approval ratings reach eighty percent in his two terms and draws thousands of those supporters at
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a rally for his anointed successor dilma rousseff. well no not for her track record in public service but for being new is choice to understand why that matters so much in this country you have to travel outside the city center to the slums where the poor the working class that. this is where i came to live with my dad for many years has lived here her whole life but it wasn't until the lula government she began receiving electricity proper water and a voice that the people have more dialogue with the leaders so the community strengthened because there is a democratic government so people feel confident to demand their rights and that government has created jobs a record number this year and one social program after another credited with lifting more than twenty million people out of poverty all but in the woods the fool the people couldn't have imagined housing in russia children abandoned back to school beneath the bridges being hungry today has been a big change and women can go off to benefits for the children those benefits from
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the bowls of familiar programs give families a cash stipend so children can go to school and stead of having to work opportunities that did not exist the score from a president who grew up illiterate himself as a testament and day out ten years old i was already in nanny i didn't have the means to study now she can go to college because of programs to. the poor pay for university something she could not have imagined you know make up ac no i never. thought of sympathy here. these are the people behind the red flags for dillman. it's a far cry from the opposition support for the suits and ties and business interests position wants to be aligned with the us and western interests and i will disagree with the time we have for homeowner targets or the guardian of the international economy the national politics of the island the quarter on thursday
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on many of the out where are the borders at all the average person on the earth would tell us they were by the way to be here after lula's progress and getting broad support not from only the poor and activists who identify with his fierce trade union leader roots during a time of military dictatorship but from those who don't use the mcgraths periods. who do the best prose and the who have never had he's brokered ties with developing and non-western countries in trade and diplomacy pay down the country's debt growing the economy at a quick clip eight years of lula brought to brazil the possibility of transforming us into an independent country as a large international force creating a social revolution where now a woman like matisyahu never dreamed of going to school can entertain the idea of being the next dilma backpacker. and pass it along to their children yet may have only dreamed of being football players but now have prior aspirations to the
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americans and you want to be president of the one of the lot he didn't achieve it with a bloody fight but with a political agenda that has catapulted a nation forward how far it will take dilma with fifty two percent of popular support looks pretty clear how far she could take the nation and the look phenomenon will go in the world only time will tell you. and mr r t so problem brazil. turning now to some other stories making headlines across the globe eighteen alleged militants have been killed in northwest pakistan by suspected u.s. missile strikes the raid comes during heightened tensions between the countries after three pakistani paramilitary troops were killed during a recent strike islamic jihad reacted by blocking a vital supply route to afghanistan for allied forces suspected militants on friday attack more than two dozen tankers carrying fuel for nato troops. twenty two mexican tourists have been kidnapped at gunpoint by
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a gang in the resort town of acapulco police are now trying to trace the missing men after being alerted by a man who was traveling with them it's not known exactly why they were seized though acapulco is known as a key battleground for drug gangs in cities across france have seen hundreds of thousands of workers take part in street demonstrations against an increase in the retirement age and cuts to spending unions hoped to encourage millions to join the first weekend protests after previous strikes failed to get the government to change its mind france is among several european nations having to serve yearly tighten its belt because of the recession but more strikes are threatened. finally in this news block that seven paid a lympics are underway in the russian capital and although they might not be able to fly there are certainly proving that they can run porkers from six countries have trained long and hard to find out who is the lightest on their trotters r.t.c. bivins has been keeping track of the semifinals. it's the seventh annual pay graces
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in moscow when never before has the competition been so intense for the states for pigs pride that's because for the first time ever it's now international contacts as being from six countries including egypt and bello right and like i said this is an intense competition it's just not a one day event the pigs have been treating all year for this meeting held the doing runs on their tracks and their prospective homelands and they've also been doing practice races here and the heat or helping the football via the my finals on saturday and the finals on sunday and the legs the most points and that's. wins the title of absolute champion a medal and a strawberry it deserves. i don't know about you but those are all good uniforms there are adorable artistry suburbans reporting from the paper olympics in the russian capital well up next our interview it's been two years since the credit crunch struck and many americans are still left picking up the pieces just ahead we
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take a closer look at the crisis condition of the u.s. with a top rated analyst stay with us. our team is sitting down with the author of the kid capitalism one of the top five most visited financial log on the web eve smith thank you very much for joining us thank you so much for having me here i'd like to start off by stirring some numbers out there recently we've marked two years since the peak of the financial meltdown and
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in these last couple of weeks we've been seeing some pretty shocking numbers were sharing about one in seven americans are living below the poverty line one in five children are living in a state of poverty in the united states where are these numbers coming from and do you think people especially over in washington d.c. are realizing that there are real people behind these numbers there's seems to be a big disconnect between sentiment in washington and new york and the rest of the country something like over sixty percent of the policymakers in washington think the country is on the right track over seventy percent of people in america as a whole think it's on the wrong track so it's almost as if washington's living in a little economic bubble the unemployment statistic you mentioned nine point five percent that's actually. a narrow measure of unemployment a lot of people increasingly are looking to a measurement that includes. long term discouraged workers have to more like seventeen percent i mean that's our seeing even closer to twenty exactly know than a. lot of people who don't have work and the reaction in washington is very
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peculiar you know reagan hardly liberal reacted much more strongly to much lower unemployment well if washington is living in this economic bubble as you put it would you see these numbers are bound to continue to get worse well i think it's very likely means we'll certainly i don't think they're going to get better anytime soon most people expect that the economy is going to take a very long time to recover let me ask you this you're wall street insider you've been in the financial industry for over twenty five years do you think anyone on wall street realizes and feels responsible for this house of cards having to meltdown i've met selected individuals who feel very bad and feel some responsibility but having said that you read the media i mean and you speak to people on wall street and the attitude as a whole is this parity of a masters of the universe attitude they honestly think they're the drivers of the economy they are and they don't understand think the anger against them is undeserved they're genuinely upset that obama's been calling the bad things i don't
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want obama has said is minor compared to what roosevelt said about the bankers in the one nine hundred thirty s. and what obama has continued to have very bank friendly policies so the fact that all they're getting is called a few bad names occasionally is astonishing compared to what ought to be happening when many people are asking themselves why is bernie madoff the only person who pretty much got one hundred fifty years in prison why are the rest of wall street c.e.o.'s walking around in expensive suits and really continuing to live the high life what is the answer to their two problems one is that normally when you take over banks or significantly finance firm you know normal private sector investor warren buffett came in invest in solomon brothers the management at all. been cleaned out but if it had gotten that much trouble he would have thrown the management out normally a private investor and most governments when they rescue a bank will get rid of the management get rid of the board install new people that didn't happen and to your point about criminal one of the problems of deregulation
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in the united states is the regulations have been regulations and laws have been so weakened over the last twenty years that a lot of what any commonsense standards should be criminal is not permitted or worst it's what they call civil you can sue them but you can't throw any but you can sue the companies but you can't or anybody in jail why is that because many saying what happened is fraud in your book call and you say that what happened in the us is the greatest left from the public purse in history and many analysts all over the united states are acknowledging this who is supposed to acknowledge this over in washington d.c. who is supposed to say that react to that as well it's finally started to happen it's funny because this morning. some congressmen started using the word fraud so it's been so they're beginning to talk about criminal activity they begin to talk about fraud but the irony is the way things have been designed basically if you can get your accounting firm to sign off on what you did no matter or you've told them
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no matter how crooked it is you as a c.e.o. or a senior officer get a free pass literally that's how this goes you know they were very clever in the in their dishonesty in terms of finding ways to do things that that were incredibly misleading and yet they might be able to get away with in your book you describe the bush administration the obama administration as having been hostage of the financial industry is that true and how how is this reflected on life post the financial meltdown all those sort of two ways or hostage one unfortunately is in the environment we have in the u.s. with so much of campaign contributions coming from wall street depending on the year there is the biggest source of fund raising all of the second biggest source of corporate campaign. in dollars and now the rules have been changed in the u.s. to allow camp corporations to give even more to political candidates not so much directly through campaign contributions but through advertising support of different sort of basically wall street in washington they continue sleeping in the
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same bed exactly exactly in the second bit is that now there's a belief in washington which i think is a very bad belief is that america is only competitive in financial services that we can't possibly hope to compete in any other industry and there's a there was also a fear in the run up to in particular in the in the crisis itself that oh my god if you know the markets were to seize up you know the whole thing the whole house of cards would collapse and therefore we had to a seed to these banks and give them everything they wanted we had to go in and bail them out no questions asked there was just there was an unwillingness to actually take the corrective measures and i could still see defending bailing out the financial system on an emergency basis but not doing anything with the management is just crazy and yet again they were hostage to the beauty of these these this is a very complicated we need the season people to run them these are the season people who ran them these businesses into the ditch you know why we were warning failure so much of what went on leading up to the crisis and during the crisis and
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post this crisis that really shook the entire country how much was covered up how much does the real common american know about oh i got tremendous amount has been covered up i mean one of the things you're going to see more news coming out over the next six months is on the front the government is really trying to get. out of its hair there actually is a lot more trouble at a.i.g. than most people realize the government is hoping to distance itself from a g. before before some of the problems that it should have dealt with there are revealed but i mean that that's just an example that it's widely known in the profession and in the professional circles the a lot of that's going on as phony baloney. a wall street is both wall street and washington d.c. you are acting like this is normal and it should be celebrated that you everything's better when it's all been papered over with duct tape and baling wire it's this the it's not healthy what's what's going on beneath the surface you smith
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thank you very much for sitting down this today thank you. this place makes sound. but another is it sparkles and unexplainable interest. in a place where supernatural things are happening. on our t.v. . every month we give you the future we help you understand how
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we'll get there and what tomorrow brings the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world join us for technology update on our g wealthy british style site. but on. the. market finance scandal. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max conjure for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report on our. line. would be soon which brightened if you knew about sound from finest
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impressions. moves from stocks on t.v. dot com. two thirty am in moscow good to be with you here on our t.v. zero headlines human rights groups in palestine are alarmed as israel appoints a man accused of torturing arab prisoners to a top police advisory position known as captain george door on zahavi is said to him personally participated in the abuse of inmates at a secret prison. russian drug enforcement agents clamp down on dealers producing amphetamines and lethal makeshift laboratories they believe high demand and soaring prices are leading to a boom in homemade narcotics. according to preliminary results of voters
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give the ruling party a second chance in the recession hit countries general election while support for an ethnic russian party surge following a campaign to improve rights for the country's largest minority. next host martin andrews explores some of moscow's serene delights stay with us here on r.t. . i welcome it's one of my favorite places in the russian capital is. the palm that's the place the six i was the.


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