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tv   [untitled]    October 3, 2010 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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i got an oligarch has won over a poacher and a good manager and all that's inside one man but no surely luzhkov the patriot was always in love with moscow his passion to build and rebuild change the face of the city in two decades the russian capital was transformed from dies trades to more than make a law place that's corruption allegations and suspicions of a cave's a business relationship with his property tycoon wife were to prove his downfall he would do it the authorities began to look more attentively at private activity soon it turned out that funds allocated for the reconstruction and expansion of my school street and rules were invested in some enterprises from which someone receives a huge profit for. luzhkov has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing he says do so with his wife's company were transparent and above board but resentment crew as they warden of contracts to learn about to his company how ten become russia's
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only female billionaire and want her place on the forbes rich least yelena nickel live now but is something else again hard charging in the plastics business in the construction business why they said to be in the corruption business there was also anger over luzhkov had to teach to the city's cultural heritage he ordered the demolition of seven hundred historical buildings and new ones who put up in their place so that ministration pay no attention at all to public opinion this is one more example of. vandalism and crime and approach to the cultural heritage and architecture of the chip moscow but it was handling of the summer's wildfire crisis which proved the final straw while the capital was choking from toxic smoke for more than a month the city's mayor refused to kushal his holiday preferring the clean air. on
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the outs. with woman because this bitterly if the mayor of moscow comes back from holidays the day off so the smoke has dispersed i think it's unacceptable and i think you should have been here half an hour after it started in the end started taking the blame for everything the night traffic jams or his law for ugly monuments around the city it seemed there was a loss of trust now destroying one the tremendous people and a perception that in office too long. just like many of the mourners he approved of course was a political figure who was hard to ignore loved by some he was hated by others and after eighteen years in office it was his growing band of critics who are worn out and. refreshing are to more. what michael banyan who's a former moscow correspondent for britain's times newspaper says that despite the mounting criticism bush come deserves credit for improving the capital's
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infrastructure. no i think one shouldn't underestimate his achievements particularly in the early years in office where he really got things going when he came to power it was really chaotic mess had very little renewal of its infrastructure he cleaned up the buildings admittedly had not done a lot of the historic ones which should have been preserved but those that were preserved were wonderfully cleaned up and he presided over a real boom in the city's infrastructure but of course the taint of corruption lingered so long now the question is whether in fact the corruption charges will stick whether he actually will be accused of corruption i think it would be a messy drive if it came to that. well there's more high level musical chairs on the other side of the atlantic and brazil where it's girl power on the march as we report shortly brazil getting ready to use a new president but because the popular lula da silva serve the maximum will his leading lady become the first ever woman in charge. of all germany parties to
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mark twenty years of being really unify e.u. economies struggle to stick together we talked to experts about the facts for future facing the union. but first a passenger jet on route from moscow to the chechen republic's capital grozny was forced to make an emergency landing because of a bomb threat the russian made forty two jet landed safely in the city of volgograd and all seventy three on board were evacuated safely the alarm was raised shortly after takeoff when an anonymous call was made to moscow's new airport saying there was a bomb on board the plane has been moved to a remote site where emergency services and law enforcement experts are investigating the aircraft we'll keep you up to date on this and bring you more details as and when we get them. there was oil will be pumped directly into china by next year which will triple supplies the pipeline to make it happen was open during president medvedev three day visit to the country the trip included
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talks with the chinese later on boosting regional security but as like some avoid the reports russia also came to study the secrets of china's economic phenomenon three c.d.'s in three days a cascade of live dolphins and touchdowns that involved russia and china to leave to major projects of the ground and touch upon their strategic partnership. attention to detail has always been in china's very chair they may have rolled out the red carpet for the russians but then meticulous bargaining proved just as tiring as climbing the great wall of china. you know these are serious important talks i was there are a large number of issues to discuss here. both seem natural partners in each other for years russia and china have been haggling
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over the price of russian hydrocarbons but almost fifteen years to build this oil pipeline in the first between the two neighbors because of the money issue talks on the price of gas are still ongoing. china doesn't want to overpay it claims that it can offer a rapidly growing market in the future gazprom in turn is waiting for the price of natural gas and its share on the chinese market to increase at the moment gas accounts for just ten percent of the overall consumption of energy resources in china it's too little to be interesting to gazprom tough bargaining is a useful skill in these beijing neighborhood nickname to russia town it attracts thousands of vendors on a hunt for knockoffs this is the first year with a village there was there's a here it used to be an open market with rows of counters only recently they've built everything that our expense if i may say so. but it's shamelessly low prices and high turnover areas like this one managed to transform themselves from shanty
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towns into glitzy shopping quarters russian china's trade has undergone a similar make all over in two thousand and nine china surpassed germany as russia's largest trading partner. we've overcome last year's negative tendencies the global financial crisis was the reason for the collapse and our trade turnover volumes shrunk but this year we have managed to make up for it and will most likely get back to the pre-crisis level in trade and economic cooperation it's a big achievement for former communist allies while meeting second world war veterans in delhi and the russian president was once again reminded of the two countries shared passed. through us you're a symbol of a country that gave us marxism leninism and communism. but two days later in shanghai it became clear that it was now in china's turn to spread their word their wisdom but its economy and infrastructure revamp in just three decades china seemed
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like a perfect case study for the mind in his asian oriented russian president when you go this exhibition is a unique chance to speed up the modernization of our economies and institutes innovative development is certainly the choice of our country we are following this path and we will do everything for our economy to modernize change and adapt to modern life. and while a three day visit may not be enough to learn the secrets of china's economic miracle the russian delegation was still able to take home a few perils of wisdom or the course of this visit russian officials think about equal liking to side in confucius and china scholar her mother had by his followers again developing friendship with somebody who can a teacher any good well china is definitely not the case this country has made such a dramatic leap forward that you want to comment is big brother russia is more than willing to learn. from a boycott are basing china. germany is working twenty years since it was
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officially re unified politicians and celebrities are in bremen for the official launch of nationwide celebrations and marks the culmination of a process sparked by the fall of the berlin wall. one thousand nine hundred eighty nine bringing together east and west germany but it led to a turbulent decade with the huge cost of rebuilding infrastructure in the east causing recession even today there is a large gap between the living standards between the two halves of the country after surviving that recession europe's largest economy is now covering the cost of much use banking crisis but for more analysis on that we go live now to paul to stem where government and business consultant christophe course still joins us thank you for being with us this sunday mr hoar still. out the last twenty years has been the successful reunification which politicians would have us believe. well we can say so twenty years ago it was
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a very big party in berlin around the building that i started building we can see in the background today there's very much business as usual that we do have to shortcomings and a very serious question to shortcomings are that howard said joblessness in the eastern part of germany is still in a five to ten percent higher than in western germany and the wages are two to five percent lower and that is of course not a very good story not a success story we still have to work on that one and the big question which is the rising is that. politicians behind closed doors say openly that germany is still not a sovereign country they say that on one thousand nine hundred ninety all our german chancellor had to sign a paper that they acknowledged that germany is not a sovereign country and they say they do not talk about that paper anymore what they say that germany is still not a sovereign country and that stirs some trouble now in inform quarters how
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determined to feel that their hard earned economic rebuild what you say some are still working for is now paying to bow out other countries they share currency with and with new weaker economies on the horizon such as this the only adult they have enough to deal with yeah they feel they do have enough to deal with and they're not really happy to pump out more money to europe that's quite understandable and the last bailout we had to organize for greece which amounted to guarantees to five hundred billion euros half a trillion that was so to say enough because very clearly germany doesn't have that kind of money and is obviously not ready to extend more. now e.u. leaders like to talk about one big happy europe but is that ignoring the thousands of people in the east who are flocked west for a better life or that france is controversially paying hundreds of roma to leave
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recently you know that's. the other problems and sort of in the united europe that how to say the level of the economy is quite different and you have all of these kinds of economic guided movements of populations inside europe and of course how to say the prison crisis is not really adding up to the solution of that . now it's been a week of strikes and clashes in several parts of the e.u. as angry public take aim at their government comp back how is that likely to affect stability in the eurozone and recovery that gets to an amount of wrist which may endanger the eurozone as a whole it is very clear that how to see problems arising right now might lead to another financial crisis and the next financial big crisis like the one we had in two thousand and eight and nine may. disturb very
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heavily the growing together of the european union christophe forced to live from past them thank you very much for your analysis there. now if they're here in r t the safe return home for a russian boy abandoned abroad his adoptive parents left behind in the dominican republic now police want to know if you were sold drugs. u.n. panel says opium production in afghanistan has dropped by half this year but it's led to an almost three fold surge in prices thursday's report says that could encourage farmers to cultivate more of the heroin producing crop of the survey also suggests the hike was prompted by a white infection that devastated the yields and out that despite nato operations the size of the area used to grow poppies remains the same the south and west are the major growing regions which are also taliban strongholds allowing extremists to
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rake in the cash but it's hard to call the sleeper explains for many farmers it's still their only source of income which is tightly controlled by militants and drug addicted police. i'll do right here used to put people behind bars for doing drugs now he's been put there himself as the former army commander denies the charges he insists he never swayed from the white side of the law because. we saw a truck driving on the main road something made me suspicious and i checked out the cargo we found the context of heroin in some drugs but what for him claims he didn't expect to find a driver who told authorities he was involved in drug smuggling. by him sell these guarded by another policeman if. he's been taking drugs since he was twelve and went for treatment only recently after the prison warden found out he's in good company according to
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a recent us congress report nearly cost me us companies are doing drugs. when i grant you the policeman that i was doing i can't quite afford for two years although they are the policeman he knew about. quite a few police my drug addicts are not telling anyone they're just saying i'm smoking something. pull it up danny stuns biggest jail many of the five thousand prisoners here are doing time for drug smuggling and or drug use but the locks are not a sure safe way of keeping their drugs out. there and. these are the different kinds of drugs we collected over the past years. this is a mix of all your contacts. but this is opium. this is the kind of tricks drugs inside a calm family members coming to visit bring these with them we found drugs in shoes
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over the years prison guards have been charged with lending a hand. yes it's true when i joined a few years ago lots of guns were involved in smuggling drugs into the jew they are not for the good that you do don't have enough so there are more joining the produce to sort of the people join the produce through to the side of the south but the ministry of content of cotton insists it's no got a hold on the problem but questions remain what if some of those finds enough gun stones drug war are actually foot soldiers for the other side and with the many challenges the country faces doesn't really have the resources to tackle the corruption within its ranks inside these four walls as a snapshot of the problems facing afghan society telep members drug test because and petty criminals and the prisons are overcrowded to steer our teen preaching
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keep those in kabul. well one former white house drugs policy spokesman says it will take a combination of wiping out poppy fields and giving farmers a new living to secure victory against the afghan drug street the only way that you can cut off money from the taliban and money from al-qaeda because this is drugs are seventy percent of their funding is to eradicate the drugs out of the source of their money and they will go to that proportion disappear and so will the violence against all the countries on earth that terrorists are. disappear and be drastically reduced by that so it's a wonderful development that we now have a strong drug czar from russia but the eradication must be combined with what hillary clinton is proposing which is crop substitution you can't just throw the farmers out and say you're not allowed to live you have to give them a way to live those two policies combined eradication and crop substitution can be a solution. this week pakistan blocked nato supplies to afghanistan after cross
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border fire by alliance helicopters killed three pakistani soldiers the convoys had to take an alternative route through the north but was deadly consequences on friday suspected militants towards several thousand nato trucks and as a result twenty seven fuel tankers on troops in afghanistan were destroyed u.s. led strikes against alleged militants in pakistan have been taking place for years but it's a partnership that's becoming increasingly dangerous islamabad says it will consider getting tougher on nato if its forces continue incursions into its territory political expert document dr she explains why pakistan's nation is running out. there's a strong feeling that box on that box done is getting though the bad side of the stick we didn't get what we really expected from this alliance with the united states with nato in afghanistan and of course boxed on the interest of not being looked after or respected throughout the past eight years of course boxen has been
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coming up with suggestions in order to defuse tensions inside of gun has done box study ideas box of you suggestions box on the input we're completely ignored and in eight years of course we've seen the situation go from bad to worse than a gun has done i don't think it is possible that you could do that you could achieve that kind of. gun is done without having a strong box that involvement so america's biggest country and one of the world's largest emerging economies is choosing a new president but brazil's hugely popular leader known as lou look can't take part because he's served the maximum allowed that's not stopping him winding up a successor who could become the country's first female president. for us. but it is a really big day as you mentioned that later lou led to silva has enjoyed eighty percent approval ratings in this country over the last two terms it's because he's credited by his supporters with creating pretty much a silent revolution where the poor have had a voice and hope for the first time through
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a number of social programs while the same time lula catapulted brazil much further ahead in international diplomacy and trade brokering relations with latin american countries also with russia india china the bric nations of course so today really determines which direction the country is going to continue to head lula has anointed a successor dilma rousseff who is not very well known to the brazilian people for her track record she's lula chief of staff and she's running on the fact that she's choice and that really matters in this country because though they don't know anything about her all of the supporters of low lula who you speak to in the streets and they have been out in the streets and full force over the last week they also border and believe that she can carry on exactly what lula started according to the polls it looks like that's where it's tracking as well she's been a slightly with about fifty one percent to forty nine percent for the two opposition opponents so today will really determine whether she continues what lula
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has started or the country goes another direction or if it goes to a runoff but in any case she is running exactly on the platform that lula started and continues social programs such as bowls of familia which has helped people that were never able to access education children because they had to work be able to go to school because there is money given to their parents but they're held accountable programs like that in addition he's continued to grow the economy creating jobs seven point five percent economic growth is what they expected so dilma is who is believed in by by lula as well as supporters to continue brazil on this exact path now the opposition candidate and. well the bit more conservative of the elite in this country support him the upper class so really what you see in this election is an election quite divided by rich and poor by bin lines in this country so we're just going to wait and see what how that turns out. well russian
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boy whose adoptive parents abandoned him in the caribbean returned to his home country on friday twelve year old denise is now getting help for him to adapt to a normal life back in moscow artie's tom barton was there for his return. home at last after allegedly being sold for drugs on the other side of the world physical abuse and five years in an orphanage twelve year old denise is finally back in his native russia the full extent of his suffering isn't yet known just give us that he might have been taken to the dominican republic as a slave in exchange for drugs or it may have been an organ trade the judicial investigation couldn't clarify all the circumstances now we should make speculations just because the boy can't explain what happened born in the volgograd region in one nine hundred ninety eight his adoptive parents moved to the dominican republic in two thousand and four a year later they returned to russia turning their backs on dennis and leaving him with the local family they too soon gave him up this time to an orphanage but not
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before a cruise day they hit and punished him the thing is that he behaved badly it was terrible but only because his parents and sisters left him he stayed all alone in their house they even left him without meals as a punishment so one day and neighbor saw it and decided to report at last year's adoptive russian parents were in prison for cocaine trafficking that led a court to cancel the adoption decision since his return more possible evidence of abuse has been found a note on the presidential on bottom's twitter page said that scars on the boy's head indicate he was beaten now an investigation is looking into why denise was allowed to be adopted by such bad parents in the first place and what really happened in the dominican republic. not every adult can survive what he went through the russian adoption agency committed a crime letting drug dealers adopt the boy that's the subject of our future investigation but hopefully all the bad things are in the past now dennis will now be able to resume his life in russia after his five year absence will have to
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really learn his native language and rediscover life here but it's hoped the pair received a lot more care in his next five years than he did in his last five tamasin r.t. moscow. let's take a quick look now at some other. news from around the world the united states has issued a travel alert for its citizens in europe because of intelligence suggesting an increased risk of al qaeda style attacks in main cities americans are being told to be vigilant but are being advised against traveling to the continent meanwhile the u.k. is warning its citizens that the threat of terrorism in france and germany is now high but germany says there are no concrete reasons for attending the risk. iran says it's arrested several spies it claims are behind a spreading and spreading a computer virus at the country's first nuclear power plant in bush share the attack damage station workers p.c.'s in september but didn't of in fact the control system computer security experts at conspiracies suggest that the malicious
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software is so complex that it may have been developed with foreign government backing. bosnians are voting in presidential and parliamentary elections with parties encouraging people to vote ethnically in the deeply divided country it's fifteen years since the devastating war which tore apart in one of them serbs and croats communities results are also likely to signal whether bosnia will be fully accepted in the e.u. and the country's plans for joining a doe. and the rubik's cube european championship has been held in budapest competitors tested their skills in speed and agility as well as some unusual ways to solve the i kind of iconic eighty's puzzle there were also some mind bending cues with rows of five by five squares but no one managed to beat the world record holder who was there this time of just over seven seconds still stands.
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here we are to you live from moscow we've got much more coming for you next hour including. well i just don't feel like we're getting all the facts the news media isn't just news anymore no news is news slush entertainment it seems like they triumph in facial why everything. why don't americans trust the evening news anymore the resident gathers opinions in new york. also find out why spending twenty minutes buried six feet under could be the perfect stress buster. both those stories coming up next hour this hour we're going to take a short break and i'll be back with a recap of the week's top stories they with us. hungry
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for the full story we've got it first the biggest issues get the human voice face to face with the news makers. in mosco multis available in hotels for coolest i'm going to know over those a little toto keep a publicist it is called us photo east west nova told sensa nova till she. done it will skye rohde soon s.a.'s sloviansk i poked in soldiers historical hotels of escape culture in. call small. as it can.
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be strength or less to become a hotel. starts . at the week's top stories moscow's mayor is fired after almost two decades in charge the president says he wants strong in the top and also leader. russia eyes a rising sun in the east with a major oil pipeline china helping to clear the way for future big deals with its biggest trading partner. also the double edged sword of that deadly drugs virus stories swathes of opium poppies but surging heroin prices keep a fish oils. those are headlines kevin no one will have more details for you at
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eight pm moscow time up next james brown travels to the historic studio for us talk on dog where among other things he discovers a school which trains movie stunt men stay with us. is one of russia's most important southern cities an industrial and cultural center with more than one point three million people this is a twenty first century town much proud of its history where you can find cutting edge technology and people that still follow traditions that date back centuries this is an agricultural jewel coated with rich fertile soil and blessed with a mild climate it's the second most productive region in the country but if you want to appreciate it properly you really need somebody to give you a list. never done this before maybe the best way to see the. way.


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