tv [untitled] October 3, 2010 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT
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surely luzhkov the patriot was always in love with morse code his passion to build and reboot changed the face of the city in two decades the russian capital was transformed from dyes trace to more than make a law place but corruption allegations and suspicion is of a cave's a business relationship with his property tycoon wife were to prove his downfall he would do it the authorities began to look more attentively at private activities it turned out that funds allocated for the reconstruction and expansion of my school street and routes were invested in some enterprises from which someone receives a huge profit from. court has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing he says do so with his wife's company were transparent and above board but resentment crew as they warden of contracts to learn about to in his company how to become russia's only female billionaire and want her place on the forbes rich least.
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is something else again hard charging in the plastics business in the construction business why they said to be in the corruption business they was also anger over luzhkov attitude to the city's cultural heritage and all that the demolition of seven hundred historical buildings and new ones were put up in their place so that ministration. to public opinion this is one more example of. vandalism and crime and approach to cultural heritage and architecture of the chip moscow but it was cause handling of the summer's wildfire crisis which proved the final straw while the capitol was choking from toxic smoke for more than a month the city's mayor refused to kushal his holiday preferring the clean air of the alps. because of this bitterly if the mayor of moscow comes back from holidays the day off. so the smoke has dispersed and i think it's unacceptable and i think
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you should have been here for know after it started in the end started taking the blame for everything the night traffic jams always law for ugly monuments around the city it seemed there was a loss of trust not just one but two many people and a perception that if you know face to lone. just like many of the morning once he approved was a political figure who was hard to ignore loved by some he was hated by others and often eighteen years in no place it was his growing band of critics who worn out and. rich notion are to most. russian oil will be pumped directly into china by next year which will triple supplies the pipeline to make it happen was open during president medvedev his three day visit to the country the trip included talks with the chinese leader on boosting regional security but his art his dark side of boyko reports russia is also keen to study the secrets of china's economic
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phenomenon. three c.d.'s in three days a cascade of liftoffs and touchdowns that old russia and china to leave to major projects of the ground and touch upon their strategic partnership. attention to detail has always been in china's very chair they may have rolled out the red carpet for the russians but their meticulous bargaining proved just as tiring as climbing the great wall of china. it was these are serious important talks as there are a large number of issues to discuss here. while both the natural partners in each other for years russia and china have been haggling over the price of russian hydrocarbons but almost fifteen years to build this oil pipeline in the first between its neighbors because of the money issue talks on the price of gas are still ongoing. china doesn't want to overpay it
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claims that it can offer a rapidly growing market in the future does problem in turn is waiting for the price of natural gas and its share on the chinese market to increase at the moment gas accounts for just ten percent of the overall consumption of energy resources in china it's too little to be interesting to gazprom tough bargaining is a useful skill in these beijing neighborhood nickname to rush a town that attracts thousands of vendors on a hunt for knockoffs says the fans who were there when there was there's a here it used to be an open market with rows of counters only recently they've built everything that our expense if i may say so. but it's shamelessly low prices and high turnover areas like this one managed to transform themselves from shanty towns into glitzy shopping quarters russian china's trade has undergone a similar make over in two thousand and nine china surpassed germany as russia's largest trading partner. we've overcome last year's negative tendencies the global
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financial crisis was the reason for the collapse of our trade turnover volumes shrunk but this year we have managed to make up for it and will most likely get back to the pre-crisis level in trade and economic cooperation it's a big achievement for former communist allies while meeting second world war veterans in delhi and the russian president was once again reminded of the two countries shared past. for us you're a symbol of a country that gave us marxism leninism and communism. but two days later in shanghai it became clear that it was now china's turn to spread their war there was them but its economy and infrastructure revamp in just three decades china seemed like a perfect case study for the money then is ation oriented russian president. this exhibition is a unique chance to speed up the modernization of our economies and institutes
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innovative development is certainly the choice of our country we are following this path and we will do everything for our economy to modernize change and adapt to modern life. and while a three day visit may not be enough to mend the secrets of china's economic miracle the russian delegation was to a boot to take home a few pearls of wisdom for the course of this visit russian officials took a break take a liking to siding confucius and china scolar her among other things had to buy a piece of all the worst developing friendship that somebody can a teacher any good well china is definitely not the case the country has made such a dramatic leap forward that even in common is big brother russia is more than willing to learn from it it's on a boycott are the beijing china. has more high level musical chairs on the other side of the atlantic in brazil words girl power on the march. as we report shortly brazil's cast its vote for a new president but because the popular current leader lula da silva has served the
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maximum will his leading lady become the first ever woman in charge. and while germany parties to mark twenty years of reunification you economy struggle to stick together we talk to experts about the fractured future facing the union. but before any of that a u.n. panel says opium production in afghanistan has dropped by half this year but it's led to an almost three fold surge in prices thursday's report says that could encourage farmers to cultivate more of the heroin producing crop the survey also suggest the hype was prompted by a plant in the faction that devastated yields and adds that despite nato operations the size of the area used to grow the poppies remains the same the south and west are the major growing regions there are also taliban strongholds allowing extremists to rake in the cash but as argues policy or explains for many farmers it's still their only source of income one which is tightly controlled by militants
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and even drug addicted police. abdulrahim used to put people behind bars for doing drugs now he's been. there himself but the former army commander denies the charges he insists he never swayed from the right side of the law because. we saw a truck driving on the main road something made me suspicious and i checked out the cargo we found narcotics heroin in some drugs but what for him claims he didn't expect to find a driver who told authorities he was involved in drug smuggling. by himself is guarded by another policeman if. he's been taking drugs since he was twelve and went for treatment only recently after the prison warden found out he's in good company according to a recent u.s. congress report nearly half the afghan police are doing drugs. when i graduated as a policeman i was doing i kept quiet about for about two years all the other
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policemen here knew about it quite a few police who are drug addicts they're not telling anyone they're just saying i'm smoking something. paula tarty afghanistan's biggest jail many of the five thousand prisoners here are doing time for drug smuggling and drug use but the locks are not a sure safe way of keeping the drugs out. these are the different kinds of drugs we collected over the past years. this is a mix of all your contacts. but this is opium. this is the kind of tricks drugs inside a calm family members coming to visit bring these with them we found drugs in shoes over the years prison guards have been charged with lending a hand. you know yes it's true when i joined a few years ago lots of guns were involved in smuggling drugs into the jew. not
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for the good that you do don't have enough so there are more joining the produce to some of the people who join the produce through two of them but the ministry of cantona cottage insists it's no got a hold on the problem but questions remain what if some of those finds enough gunston struggle actually foot soldiers for the other side and with the many challenges the country faces doesn't really have the resources to tackle the corruption within its ranks inside these full wards as a snapshot of the problems facing afghan society tell of members drug test because of and petty criminals and the prisons overcrowded for the cea our team would be to keep those in kabul. a former white house drug policy spokesman says they'll take a combination of wiping out the poppy fields and giving farmers
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a new living to secure a victory against the afghan drug trade the only way that you can cut off money from the taliban and money from al qaida because this is drugs are seventy percent of their funding is to eradicate the drugs out of the source of their money and they will go to that proportion disappear and so will the violence against all the countries on earth that terrorists are. disappear and be drastically reduced by that so it's a wonderful development that we now have a strong drug czar from russia but the eradication must be combined with what hillary clinton is proposing which is crop substitution you can't just throw the farmers out and say you're not allowed to live you have to give them a way to live those two policies combined eradication and crop substitution can be a solution. in brazil voting is finished in the country's presidential election according to the latest exit polls this latin american giant could see its first female leader artie's lauren lyster reports from sao paulo. the largest thing that
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people know about this candidate dilma rousseff is that she is the candidate of the current president lula da silva who is one of the best presidents people say brazil has ever had and has had eighty percent support of the people during his two terms in office which are coming to an end she has been leading the polls in large part because she is a choice really little is known about her by the brazilian people she is his chief of staff she just. she did fight against a dictatorship years and years ago in her youth but since then has really been in the public eye so she is running on track record and when you talk to people both on the streets that are lula supporters and the. candidacy in her campaign they believe wholeheartedly that she will continue the program little has started primarily narrowing the gap in this country between the rich and poor which is incredibly vast and they say no other government has really taken charge and doing and is social programs that have worked for this country and
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a way that is relevant to an emerging nation and not necessarily impressed upon them by another nation or an outside influence or she's really been leading in the polls at about fifty percent her leading opponent is at about thirty percent but if she doesn't get fifty percent in this first election it will go to a runoff because that remaining votes in the polls have been split between two candidates now the next candidate is a little more conservative now when you go to the polls in the areas where the vote this is who they're voting for this is still a country that is vastly divided along class lines and you really see that in this election now supporters of lula saying that this opposition candidate being nominated would be devastating for the progress that brazil has made especially diplomatically they say this would align brazil again with the u.s. and impress policies that rely on the market to solve social problems and they say in a country with eighty percent poverty that's just not realistic and it's just not possible but jose serra supporters that you speak to. they did it and it is the ideal my
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presidency rather would be the disaster. stay with us here on our t.v. lots more coming your way including the depths that you can go stress. well they started to fill in my grave. and yet this feels very very strange so it's very cold and also i'm doing all right at the moment but i think it's going to get a lot more scary. we take a look at what it feels like to be buried alive in the interests of parents. first though germany is marking twenty years since it was officially reunified politicians and celebrity is a celebrities have been celebrating in bremen and parties are being held all over the country they are marking the culmination of a process sparked by the fall of the berlin wall in one thousand nine hundred nine bringing together germany's east and west but that led to a turbulent decade with the huge cost of rebuilding infrastructure in the east pausing recession even today there is
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a large gap in living standards between the two halves of the country after surviving that recession europe's largest economy is now covering the cost of much of the banking crisis close off a who's a political sociology professor says many east germans feel they lost out after the reunification. german politicians are very proud and sad for thais the great success of german unification their days you know it's seen that. because every great historical change. involves printers and loses and many people in the new. and the new. federal lender are in fact loses i'm employment is about spies productivity is still. and many people have left. the eastern part of germany in order to
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migrate. best more i bought. is a. military. university's media. business that's a c.-h. and. they are all dominated by. stuff so many people in the east even though they have proof they could not make situation. the respect that included the north korean leader's youngest son was given to keep promotions this week in what's widely seen as lining up to take over from his ailing father kim john whom was appointed second in command of the country's central military commission and made a four star general it took place at a rare convention of the ruling workers' party which image after which i mean it is of kim jong il's son were shown in the media it's the first time anyone seen him as an adult only childhood pictures have been shown till now i was the first such
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meeting in decades kim jong il awarded top post to other family members but international security expert dr jim walsh believes it's far too early for kim jong un to take over the youngest kim is only twenty something years old he has no experience when kim jong il was young his father kim il sung took twenty years to groom him for this position this is a rush job they are rushing this through for a person who is really has no experience and that's why they will point to sort of again for medieval times a region kim has appointed his brother in law to sort of hold things together until the youngest son is old enough to take over but how long will that last will the military want to have a greater say in what's going on will others want to fight for power how will react during a period of vulnerability these are all big questions with potentially big consequences and they'll have to be answered first before we see what kind of leader the youngest son turns out to be. staying with asia now this week pakistan blocked nato
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supplies to afghanistan after cross border fire by alliance helicopters killed three pakistani troops the convoys had to take an alternative route through the north but with deadly consequences on friday suspected militants tore several dozen nato trucks as a result twenty seven fuel tankers on the route to troops in afghanistan were destroyed u.s. led strikes against alleged militants in pakistan have been taking place for years but it's a partnership that's becoming increasingly dangerous as law says it will consider getting tougher on nato if its forces continue incursions into its territory political expert ahmed caray she explains why pakistan's patients may be running out. there's a strong feeling that box that box done is getting though the bad side of the stick we didn't get what we really expected from this alliance with the united states with nato in afghanistan and of course fox money interests are not being looked after or respected throughout the past eight years of course boxen has been coming up with suggestions in order to defuse tensions inside of gun is done buck study
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ideas box any suggestions box on the input we're completely ignored and in eight years of course we've seen the situation go from what from bad to worse than a gun is done i don't think it is possible that you could do and you could achieve that kind of an end in afghanistan without having a strong pakistani involvement taking a look now at some other stories making headlines across the globe the u.s. has issued a travel alert for its citizens in europe because of intelligence suggesting an increased risk of terror attacks in major cities britain echoing these warnings specifying a high threat level in france and germany visitors are being told to be vigilant but are being advised against traveling to the continent france for a first of a threat is real but is a decrease in security levels but germany says there are no concrete indications of any imminent attack. fierce fighting in somalia as capital between government troops and rebels has left at least eight dead and eighteen wounded there's been a surge in violence in the past month as an al qaeda backed group intensifies
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efforts to overthrow the un supported government militants have become more powerful in recent years and now control much of the south somalia hasn't had a fully functioning government in almost two decades. egypt and jordan supporting the palestinians refusal to negotiate with israel if it continues to build settlements in the west bank is comes after they held separate meetings with america's middle east envoy george mitchell the arab states said israel's decision to restart construction is undermining the peace talks underway right now israel refused to extend this is pension despite a palestinian threat to walk away if it results. in. ballots are being counted in bosnia as presidential and parliamentary elections which saw parties encourage people to vote according to their nationality it's the sixth election in the former yugoslavia republic after the war finished in one thousand nine hundred five that divided the country into two nearly autonomous parts a stronger central government as a condition for bosnia to join the e.u. while bosnian serbs are calling for independence. you're watching our t.v.
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looking ahead to the next hour we report on the safe return home for a russian boy abandoned abroad. his adoptive parents left him behind in the dominican republic now police want to know he may have been sold for drugs plus. i just don't feel like we're getting all the facts easy media that just any more no news is news. it seems like they try and get a show like everything. why don't americans trust the evening news anymore the resident got his opinions on the streets of new york. most of us have to tackle a degree of stress at some point in our lives but when things get too much here in russia now there is an extreme therapy on offer being buried alive despite a few grave concerns artie's i never bet it has been trying to figure out the earthly path to self and light. the above ground there are
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a few signs of life. below the surface a man trapped with his greatest fear is pavel has just been buried alive for twenty minutes not torture but extreme therapy. the first thing you experience is panic once your face is covered with earth you start tasting us and thinking what the hell am i doing down here or you don't want to come down to simply no other place like this these are the grave digging therapists modeling the burials on an ancient form of self in lighting meant practice by shamans they wanted to make the rights more accessible believing everyone can benefit. because the most effective and powerful method of overcome an internal problems person can neither see nor hear anything nor even move underground they have no other option but to delve deep inside their minds. a burial costs around one hundred sixty dollars attracting both men and women from students to fifty something professionals all aiming to
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suffocate their worries the maximum burial is forty minutes beyond that the mind struggles to cope with the lack of physical function that they're thirty centimeters any deeper and the pressure would be too great to stand once under that volunteers breathe through this chewed the organizes a ten year veteran of living burials and says this shouldn't be tried at home. but are we have to be able to get the personal very fast and also contact them earth for us to be distributed in a certain way across the body so that the key joints point pressurized you can practice burials without knowing about these things. until now i didn't think i suffered from any cost a phobia and that could soon change because i'm going to try this for myself now and given this debris through which i'm told that we monitoring at all times so when i stop and all i have to do is make a noise so here we go. well
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they started to fill in my grave as they were here this feels very very strange the soil is very cold and also heavy they're doing all right at the moment but i think it's going to get a lot more scary and i was right five minutes after being buried alive i was very ready to see the light of day again. thank. one of the weirdest experiences of my life i felt completely trapped and i'm definitely never doing that again either bennett r.t. moscow. you're watching our t.v. from moscow thanks for being with us as our i'll be back with a recap of the week's top stories after a short break stay with us. showbiz
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food. living in harmony with nature. sounds impossible. some people have already chosen. a place under the sun on our team. and. more news today violence is once again fled up the front and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada . china operations are only day. in the. days of being able in the house. to get in. the pool.
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