tv [untitled] October 4, 2010 12:00am-12:29am EDT
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reduce taxes is this going to affect relations between the two day. and britain's growing dissatisfaction with the bearing influence. in the freedoms or just events on the fringe of the decepticons the conference. where you're watching r t let's go straight to our top story now brazil's presidential election is set for a second round runoff with almost all the votes counted the ruling party candidate and favorite do fail to secure the fifty percent needed for outright victory from on the console. one of the world's fastest growing economies we can cross to
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learn this to in sao paolo hello to you laura now with brazil's growing geopolitical significance all eyes are focused on who's going to lead the country next isn't it. they certainly are brazil is one of the only countries who has managed its way out of the financial crisis and to grow in a quick clip that other countries would envy they're expected to grow seven point five percent this year it's the largest economy in south america the largest the second largest economy in the western hemisphere and part of the bric bloc of brazil russia india and china there seem to symbolize the shift in global economic power from the g seven developed nations to the developing world of which all of them are newly advanced economies that are seen as holding great potential so certainly everyone is looking to this election to see what direction the leader will take the economy people will have to wait and see because it will go to a run on the run off to dilma rousseff who was expected to carry out lula da silva his policies she is his anointed successor she was expected to win and i did not
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happen she did not lock down the votes so she'll go to a runoff with jose serra the opposition candidate and they have really different attitudes towards both the economy and foreign policy so what will happen on october thirty first in that runoff will make a difference in the last decade brazil has emerged as an important global power is that the defining the treatment the president of the silver. you know really depends on who you talk to if you talk to people in the political world who deal in diplomacy or trade or the economy they say absolutely they say before lula brazil had a self-confidence pro problem and he was really the first leader who stepped up to the international plate and said we are a player and we are going to matter and really held court diplomatically and broker trade ties especially in the developing world that have made a huge difference to this country's economy but if you talk to people at home here what brazilians what average brazilians would say his crowning achievement is is
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helping to narrow the vast gap between the rich and poor in this country that has persisted for hundreds of years and it's a social programs that they're most happy about right here on the streets and to get a better sense of that and what they were hoping for and vilma and his hope to be successor we've been out here in brazil reporting here's a look at what's going on. on the streets of brazil after eight years of this like a miracle because he. has spread pretty close to the people people lined up to decide the next chapter benteke out i hope that the female candidate a woman will make history in my country that is summed up the loudest voice on the streets and in the polls ahead of the elections for a new head of state while many credit the outgoing one lula to silva was starting a silent revolution for the poor. ahead of election day it was heard loud and clear
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they believe his handpicked successor is the one to continue fighting for and. she is duma rousseff lula's choice for president a little known bureaucrat his chief of staff who rose up to against the dictatorship when she was young. she promises to lead the country down the same road as her mentor get them about what's changed in this last years is in the poor neighborhoods for the lower quests. because the other governments just pretended to help it's lula brazil's president that brings all of these people into the street in his name they're screaming but as to whether jill not his successor would be able to continue what he started in this country when you talk to people they believe one hundred percent that she is the one what do you want with brazil is going to continue to rise though his confidence has helped popularity some activists familiar with lula's politics past and present aren't convinced records i think she's going to have some difficulties because dilma doesn't have the same
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history lula has and in a country that was long a colony and where the years until lead the rich and elite still held the power for some in that world a dilma presidency would be. terrible for me terrible without horizons very sad and black horizons you have to have people with academic culture and not popular culture in upscale neighborhoods it's the leading opposition candidate who most closely fits that description and appears favored at those polls jose serra is a more conservative choice. you know so i use a little government has been constantly role he's aligned himself with people who are democratic. hugo chavez. but in this brazil what you don't see or hear. is the brazil that is in power a world you see now in the favelas the swans were looking from both of them it's important for you to be able to choose the future of your country once invisible to
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the world now one able to ignore or do much but they may have people who before lula had no voice may now continue writing their own songs. lauren lyster r.t. paulo brazil lose it for. you know where they are still to come this hour choosing the face of the country. creative but also crazy on. it's been submitted to a contest to find the mascot for the sochi two thousand and fourteen olympics all that in a few minutes. now should britain continue its relations with the e.u. what are people's freedom of threat in the u.k. these are the tough questions being raised at the freedom today conference on the sidelines of the conservative party convention parties lore and it has more from being. birmingham place host to the conservative party conference this week their
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first since forming a coalition government in may top of the agenda will be budget cuts and how they're going to explain them to a population already plagued by unemployment and struggling public services fringe meetings abound and where at the freedom zone an event which focuses on fighting the erosion of civil liberties and freedom of expression in the u.k. one of those threats to liberty is what's perceived by speakers here to be the overarching bureaucracy of the european union and it's hard to imagine a better time for a group of euro skeptics to meet after a summer of relative quiet last week saw a europe wide day of action with one hundred thousand people reportedly gathered in brussels alone to protest austerity measures as a response to the european debt crisis ireland has edged significantly closer to default as the government announced the cost of rescuing banks was almost fifty billion euros that means the budget deficit will amount to thirty two percent of
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arlen's national income this year ten times the e.u.'s guideline and the highest amongst the world's developed economies it's crunch time for ireland either the next round of austerity cuts works or they'll have to go cap in hand to the i.m.f. and the e.u. just as greece did but it's not just the euro that will be under discussion here members will also be agitating against what they feel is the overbearing nature of the e.u.'s relationship with the u.k. and how it will develop under the coalition government there's a worry in the euro skeptics factions of the government the home secretary william hague is continuing along the path of the previous government signing up to e.u. initiatives like the european investigation order which promises to further limits the power of britain's judiciary to protect its citizens against serving time in foreign prisons big brother britain will also be high on the agenda with issues like c.c.t.v. . on the table britons are the most watched people in the world there are more
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c.c.t.v. cameras here per capita than any other country some of those speaking at amazing will talk about a steady erosion of civil liberties which in extreme cases includes microchips in rubbish bins and surveillance of families to check they have a right to a place at their local school. europe is struggling to stay in the international arena and won't be able to hold on without outside help so says french historian course who gave an interview to r.t. that's coming your way twenty minutes but here's a quick preview. face. the entire history of international relations is moving away from europe it's played out in asia and even the u.s. . and its foreign policy on asia right now watch the current stage of european asian relations europe is of no interest to asia view europe as
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a landmass to treat used to pacific ocean russia and europe are not a whole picture there is an alliance there who can say europe reaches the pacific but you. russian president's recent russian rhetoric must not affect relations between the peoples of the two countries that's one of the messages in the russian president's video blog region medvedev also stressed that after almost twenty years of close partnership recent actions from minsk reveals in gratitude. i was extremely surprised to see the belorussian of florida's have lately taken up and he russian rhetoric with some election campaigns in belarus are essentially based on anti russian stories we see hysterical accusations aimed at russia of not supporting by the roots or its economy we hear curses aimed of the russian authorities it's hard not to see that the desire to sow dissent between our two peoples is the reason for these campaigns president lukashenko is uttering is not
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only go beyond all diplomatic sense they're downright indecent he is obviously concerned about a lot of things bringing order to our economy russian journalists talking to belorussian opposition york with even what happens to some of our retired satire officials the president of delhi roots it seems should be looking into the interior affairs of his own country such as for instance the multiple disappearances of delhi russian citizens in russia like other countries is concerned over these people's fates but of course these things should not define relations between nations or indeed individual people i'm confident of that but the president of the russian federation i'll put it plainly russia is ready to continue building an alliance with bella ruse let me add that our nations will always see each other as brothers no matter who is in office. and you can watch me through a very full on our web site at r.t. dot com as well as our you tube channel.
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more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images. from the streets of kenya that. giant corporations are all. they're hearing is underway in a thai course that could determine if the alleged russian arms dealer vick to boot will be extradited to the united states has been a cocktail since march two thousand and eight the rest is a sort of smuggling weapons to terrorist group lumpia appeals court ordered extradition requests in a lower court decision from. the second set of charges filed by the u.s. between the two poles he's in the extradition hearing will determine if the new
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charges will be accepted by the court and further postponed due to deportation to the u.s. . profits of opium produces enough gallus star have soared by over thirty percent this year that's according to the latest u.n. report which says prices skyrocketed after a plant infection devastated the crop. contributor believes the fact proves the u.s. anti narcotics policy in afghanistan is wrong and a drastic change is needed. the latest un odissi report regarding the op him poppy survey in afghanistan is a unique document because it provides an actionable intelligence for the u.s. law enforcement and special forces on the ground in southern afghanistan especially in kandahar and helmand province because despite the drop in the autumn poppy yield their financial returns and profits for the criminals and insurgents has increased
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dramatically and the only way to break this vicious circle ease to admit that first and foremost the u.s. special envoy to afghanistan and pakistan falsely claimed that you cannot touch afghan poppy farmers because you would drive them into the hands of the taliban and they are eligible of the poorest farmers all or close the contrie this document in equivocal it states that he is totally wrong and in fact there is undeniable axis of evil between the insurgents criminals and off him poppy farmers and the op him poppy farmers themselves are the wealthiest among all the farmers in the country so the only way to tackle this challenge that undermines the stability and security in afghanistan and beyond is to jumpstart
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the robust counter-narcotics policy we have the main focus on aerial eradication off off him poppy fields in southern afghanistan. special report we focus on the human cost of the war in iraq he explains how these days the world's mass media is putting into taman the head of the real stories even though in the brutal reality on the ground. live show biz that is the entertainment value of infiltrating into nice presentation high production. it's graphics. all of this is a way to try to focus people's attention by using techniques that are sensitive to
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the now during this war we had a million things military entertainment live . fighting that's been a face of a nation more than four thousand sketches have already been submitted to russia's online contest to pick a mascot for the two thousand and fourteen sochi winter olympics based last year the story. this is the epicenter of a nationwide brainstorm so cheese youth are picking the best good for their city's biggest sporting event olga says it should be to dub supporting each other representing the olympic and paralympic games. death can be found everywhere invention and abroad everyone knows the symbol because it's so cincy in pure. the younger ones have their own vision. of the handshake symbolizes that might
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forenames and it will have to be friendly with all these entries are part of an online contest held by the olympics organizing committee anyone from professional designers to mature artists may upload their work and have it rated by web users and even though the majority of contest and suffer in russia capital sochi is hoping to catch up the website gallery now features all kinds of ideas from bears to squirrels to squirrels riding bears from simple so cheap the hedgehog to complicated tiny nano whales in the fish tank from mysterious olympic unicorn to get to the still while the contest got everyone so excited that even the mayor decided to share his own personal top three if they do theme the loser i think it could either be a dolphin on skis or a beer because the bear is the symbol of the great russian people the bear is also
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on skis could be other creatures fish for instance fish on skis to skis or without them it's likely that in the next who are months will see some ten thousand or even more new designs but perhaps the most delicate part for russians is to point among them the right character a creature that will become a spinless as misha the bear who greeted the guests of the moscow olympics and nine hundred eighty. during a televised boating ceremony will feed. which creature or plant is the wok you want the r t. a quick look now at some other stories making headlines around the world the commonwealth games are officially underway in india for the opening ceremony designed to showcase the country's history and culture organizers hope the sporting showcase can go in the preparations last week said field and security concerns and fears that facilities would not be finished on time some competitors pulled out
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several teams debate their rival. militants have set on fire twenty seven. times in the world and pakistan in six people in the process. doesn't attackers stormed the trucks were prepared. this is the second such a days becomes strained relations between the stone cross border raid three pakistani soldiers. will shot his hand with a business he's. i'm great for the. we've got. the biggest issues get voice face to face with the news makers.
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and i welcome to the business program with me shelob name is folly russia is home to almost a million so-called mass affluent people. do big time spend as banks and now focusing their attention on increasing my saving patterns so i need a local reports. posh cars fancy watches shiny jewelry sparkling wine when it comes to russia's wealthy it's hard to ignore their obvious big time spending indian business samuel twenty make suits for moscow's well to do his flagship shop just steps away from red square has been open for seven years
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a milestone he is celebrating with a new line of men's wear and a rich carlton birthday bash later this month. the market has changed the last seven years i have not heard. me give me the more expensive to know this not being there know the people are getting smarter and the norm for what they're buying the things the mass affluent is a term used for russian citizens with available currency assets of forty two thousand dollars to four hundred twenty five thousand dollars in cash deposits in banks and invested in securities and mutual funds that category makes a zero point seven percent of the country's population the sum of their cash assets is equivalent to nine percent of russia's g.d.p. before the crisis the popular attitude in russia was to spend now a bit of a life lesson has been learned saving is becoming more common and it's not just
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keeping cash in bank deposits but managing investments experts say there's definitely been a recovery in drilling comes into spring at the same time you know domestic demand has picked up somewhat however i think what's the most important change in trend over the last year and a half because of the crisis has been the increased saving stray show fresh individuals and i think that applies to them highly affluent segment as well as you know the average consumer now more than ever demand for wealth management is making its way to russia and as the rich deposit their cash in the countries banking system they could just provide liquidity that will lead to new. investment opportunities in your longer business r.t. . time check out the markets now in japanese shares are trading higher on monday morning taking a good many rebounding from earlier declines among the big again is the shares of fiji heavy industry meaningful to send a muster gaining three percent hong kong shares are also rising and investors
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snapped at results actually stopped on time like the prices here most for the markets ended the week in the black trading holds a brief three days in a row last week strong micro economic data and rising oil prices to prove it is the trend almost all through tips for our bad bank because there came three point five percent each dose of the l.c.s. and more sets. now labor day to news from the european development sector are likely to move global markets this week while russia is waiting for a new mayor to be named and what this will mean for the capital's real estate chief economist at own capital group if his forecast for the week the u.s. the european data will be crucial so people will be looking at the house and data and the employment data out of us particularly in russia what they will look at is going to be news on the sort of successor. i don't think we should expect a final answer this week but we should see something coming out we probably have
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a good start of this week given that we had strong manufacturing to china september was a very strong month we were up eight percent to russia and i think the u.s. this was a stronger september. one hundred thirty nine so always on the back of a strong month the saw the risk of investors taking profits. and finally one of europe's oldest businesses is joining us first help period. is growing all over the world but if it's from online shopping the head of the firm frank spoke to business r.t. about how much business can prosper in digital age. we think there is a future for the classical man business you know it's declining by volume but it's in a very important infrastructure for a forum for the german country and therefore i have no doubt that it will be successful but what we had during this we had a new services in two ways one is the possible business due to the mail order boom we have in the western world which is starting now taking place as well in russia
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that people are wanting and from a distance groups because they can't get access to that and that's an interesting development possibility and russia and the second is that we transfer the quality of our product in the real world which is a confidential security letter into the internet world you know at the moment you can communicate confidentially we have a party because you know in the whole internet world and everybody can catch hero email and read it and we will provide a service but nobody can catch the e-mail and it's just a provider you know just as a sender and disappear and you can read the e-mail of the whole way it's encrypt how do you see the post operating in say twenty fifty is definitely the post will be different but the fundamental will still remain you know all a product a letter has survived five hundred years i have no doubt that it will survive at least the next hundred years or maybe two hundred years because there will always be a need for paper communication even in the future you know i can't imagine any situation
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that everything will be virtual you know there's still you know there will be still paper on the world to a sizable scale so therefore there will be still the old classical part of physical mail delivery but it will be added by a lot more volume and possibles and i can imagine that good skin be beans your log in the you know you know enterprise or call that you know the space enterprise or space ship enterprise you know that will not happen. in at least in our in our lifetime that people are able to send goods from b. internet service for there would be a huge increase in volumes in that dimension. and i shopped but you can always find more stories on our website he took home slash business.
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