tv [untitled] October 4, 2010 4:00am-4:29am EDT
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a presidential election in one of the world's fastest emerging powers heads for a second round of applause from the latest from brazil. president. not only go beyond. the downright indecent present. and to condemn a recent anti bush rhetoric from better roots. but relations between the two neighbors . britain is becoming increasingly dissatisfied overbearing influence that's according to the largest event on the fringe of the conservative party conference. russian athlete wins the one
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to one fighting world cup finals in the u.s. we're going to want to conceive sport worldwide smash. and coming up in the business that they will be talking to the head of d.h.l. to see how the company pounds to prosper and they did so late join us in about twenty minutes time. well news and much more carrie johnson welcome to the program top story now brazil's presidential election is set for a second round runoff the ruling party time to prepare favorites to fail to secure the fifty percent needed for outright victory parties or in this to reports from sao paolo. brazil is one of the only countries who has managed its way out of the financial crisis and to a growing
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a quick clip that other countries would envy they're expected to grow seven point five percent this year it's the largest economy in south america the largest a second largest economy in the western hemisphere and part of the bric bloc of brazil russia india and china that are seen to symbolize the shift in global economic power from the g seven developed nations to the developing world of which all of them are newly advanced economies that are seen as holding great potential so certainly everyone is looking to this election to see what direction the leader will take the economy people will have to wait and see because it will go to a run on he run off to dilma rousseff who was expected to carry out lula da silva his policies she is his anointed successor she was expected to win and i did not happen she did not lock down the votes so she'll go to a runoff with jose serra the opposition candidate and they have really different attitudes towards both the economy and foreign policy so what will happen on october thirty first in that runoff will make a difference if you talk to people in the political world who deal in diplomacy or trade or the economy they say before lula brazil had
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a self confidence program problem and he was really the first leader who stepped up to the international plate and said we are a player and we are going to matter and really held court diplomatically and broker trade ties but if you talk to people at home here what brazilians what average brazilians would say his crowning achievement is is helping to narrow the vast gap between the rich and poor in this country and to get a better sense of that and what they were hoping for and vilma his hope to be successor we've been out here in brazil reporting and there's a look at what's going on. on the streets of brazil after eight years of this like a miracle because he's. spread pretty close to the people people lined up to decide the next chapter better cow i hope that the female candidate a woman who makes history in my country. that has summed up the loudest voice on the streets and in the polls ahead of the elections for
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a new head of state while many credit the outgoing one lula da silva was starting a silent revolution for the poor. ahead of election day it was heard loud and clear they believe his handpicked successor is the one to continue fighting for and here she is duma rousseff lula's choice for president a little known bureaucrat his chief of staff who rose up to against the dictatorship when she was young. she promises to lead the country down the same road as her mentor get them about what's changed in those last years is in the poor neighborhoods for the lower class because the other governments just pretended to help it's lula brazil's president that brings all of these people into the street in his name there screaming but as to whether jill but his successor would be able to continue what he started in this country when you talk to people they believe one hundred percent that she is the one that you want with brazil is going to continue to rise though his competence has helped popularity some activists
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familiar with lula's politics past and present are convinced record for i think she's going to have some difficulties because dilma doesn't have the same history lula has and in a country that was long a colony and where the years until lead the rich and elite still held the power for some in that world a dilma presidency would be. terrible for me terrible without horizons very sad and black horizons you have to have people with academic culture and not popular culture in upscale neighborhoods is the leading opposition candidate who most closely fits that description and appears favored at those polls jose serra is a more conservative choice. you know so i use a little government has been constantly role is aligned himself with people who are democratic. hugo chavez. but in the. brazil what you don't see or hear.
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is the brazil that is in power you see now and the fellows this mom's were looking from. it's important for you to be able to choose the future of your country once invisible to the world now one thing we can do much good. people who before had no voice may now continue writing their own songs. lauren lyster r.t. paulo brazil. here with r.t.i. still to come the sound of legacy of k.g.b. training. method that russian special forces use involves gone bad for something like that but in this sport it's just hands and feet. to explore why hand to hand fighting is not just fascinating for spectators but also great for self defense. also find out what creative and venusian ideas have been submitted in the contest to find the mascot for the sochi two thousand and fourteen
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and then picks that in a few minutes here on r.t. . the better russian president's recent anti russian rhetoric was not affect relations between the peoples of the two countries that's one of the messages in the russian presence video. have also stressed that after almost twenty years of close partnership recent actions from minsk reveals ingratitude. i thought and i was extremely surprised to see the belorussian of orators have lately taken up and he russian rhetoric some election campaigns in belarus are essentially based on anti russian stories we see hysterical accusations aimed at russia of not supporting bella roots or its economy we hear curses aimed at the russian authorities it's hard not to see that the desire to sow dissent between our two peoples is the reason for these campaigns president lukashenko utterings not only go beyond all diplomatic sense they're downright indecent he is obviously concerned about a lot of things bringing order to our economy russian journalists talking to belorussian
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opposition even what happens to some of our retired satire officials the president of the roots it seems should be looking into the interior affairs of his own country such as for instance the multiple disappearances of the russian citizens russia like other countries is concerned over these people's fates but of course these things should not define relations between nations or indeed individual people i'm confident of that but the president of the russian federation i'll put it plainly russia is ready to continue building an alliance with bella ruse let me add that our nations will always see each other as brothers no matter who is in office. or you can watch the meter of las video blog in full at our website r.t. dot com as well as on our you tube channel. today. these are the images.
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of. operation. should britain continue its relations with the e.u. and civil liberties that threaten the u.k. these are the tough questions being raised at the freedom today gathering on the sidelines of a conservative party conference. has more from. birmingham place host to the conservative party conference this week best first since forming a coalition government in may top of the agenda will be budget cuts and how they're going to explain them to a population already plagued by unemployment and struggling public services fringe meetings abound and where at the freedom zone an event which focuses on fighting the erosion of civil liberties and freedom of expression in the u.k.
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one of those threats to liberty is what's perceived by speakers here to be the overarching bureaucracy of the european union and it's hard to imagine a better time for a group of euro skeptics to meet after a summer of relative quiet last week saw a europe wide day of action with one hundred thousand people reportedly gathered in brussels alone to protest austerity measures as a response to the european debt crisis ireland has edged significantly closer to default as the government announced the cost of rescuing banks was almost fifty billion euros that means the budget deficit will amount to thirty two percent of arlen's national income this year ten times the e.u.'s guideline and the highest amongst the world's developed economies it's crunch time for ireland either the next round of austerity cuts works or they'll have to go cap in hand to the i.m.f. and the e.u. just as greece did but it's not just the euro that will be under discussion here members will also be agitating against what they feel is the overbearing nature of
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the e.u.'s relationship with the u.k. and how it will develop under the coalition government there's a worry in the euro skeptic factions of the government the home secretary william hague is continuing along the path of the previous government signing up to e.u. initiatives like the european investigation order which promises to further limits the power of britain's judiciary to protect its citizens against serving time in foreign prisons big brother britain will also be high on the agenda with issues like c.c.t.v. . surveillance on the table britons are the most watched people in the world there are more c.c.t.v. cameras here per capita than any other country some of those speaking at amazing will talk about a steady erosion of civil liberties which in extreme cases includes microchips in rubbish bins and covertly surveillance of families to check they have a right to a place at their local school. europe is struggling to stay in the international arena and won't be able to hold on without outside help that's according to french
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a story of encouragement host who gave an interview to r.t. it's coming your way in twenty minutes time but here's a quick preview. it's a story. where the entire history of international relations is moving away from europe it's played out in asia even the u.s. pacific countries are focusing its foreign policy on asia where the huge countries that will play the big roles located in asia right now what's the current state of european asian relations europe is of no interest to asia and if we view europe as a latin reaches the pacific ocean russia and europe not at home but if we picture them as an alliance then we can say europe reaches the pacific. but you know what. our sports conceived in the soviet union has finally gone international with the hunter hand fighting finals being held in the u.s.
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for the first time it may be challenging but it's also highly effective so not so you can russia's special forces are trained in it. for a challenge he's. prepared for battle. for comedian elo louis his sham hand to hand fighting is still new. he mostly does judo and teaches thai boxing but this russian born sport takes the best elements of many fighting techniques. when you think about it it's more real than anything else plus has an artistic aspect to it which is you don't get to spend a lot of times on the floor which is boring. and real it is the k.g.b. use this method of fighting it's now tossed to russian special forces and it's a growing sport and with this going international. a program developed by the k.g.b. to this one another try to think because of the k.g.b.
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guys i mean that's a real game unlike in mixed martial arts russian hand to hand fighting has rules and limitations which newcomers are still getting used to the xan lost the fight against an american pattern or think. more than enough to when i came back from you know i was down in points and stuff like that came back in india. but it's not so bad as long as the girls are happy the boys we like the boys and definitely when they get all footy and the shirts start coming a little bit coming our six packs i was always curious what's on the mind of the hot and sweaty guy when he's on the mant maybe girlz meet one of today's winners russian you go out or. you don't think about anything but your next move once you get distracted in anything except the fights your down your mind has to be clear with emotions also distract one more thing you should never love the thought that
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you're losing if you have the slightest that is guaranteed that you will lose an idea which could be applied to any situation in life the president of the hand to hand fighting federation says it's not the kind of sport. that's only for the sake of sport and. this sport teaches how to fight right unlike mixed martial arts we just get out there and punch the other guys hard as you can it's more about technique it may help you stand up for yourself and your loved ones if needed. did i mention he is also a lawyer in the making it's just one day he decided he was going to stand up for himself on the mat that russian special forces knew involves gone bad for stuff like that but in this sport it's just hands and feet and it's not just fun to watch actually a lot of the moves are pretty useful for self-defense for a girl like me and is going to teach me something something really simple i'm going
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to put my hands on you ok so you know you can to push from one elbow. and you come with your right you see with your hands on this i can show you two i use my left which is my weak my head and i come back. ok other than. fighting for our team in the state of pennsylvania. you can always discover more stories on our website at www dot com has a pic of what's online right now find out how the bakery in the. mansion to prolong its news police smelt a rat. and russian contemporary art finally comes to move but some of the works for some controversial couldn't cancelation the entire event discover why.
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profits of opium producers in afghanistan have soared by over thirty percent this year that's according to the latest u.n. report which says prices skyrocketed after a plant infection devastated the crop well arty's military contributor believes it proves that the u.s. anti narcotics policy in afghanistan is wrong and a drastic change is needed. un report regarding the op him poppy survey in afghanistan is a unique document because it provides intelligence for the u.s. law enforcement and special forces on the ground in southern afghanistan especially in kandahar and helmand province because despite the drop in the up and up yield financial returns and profits for the criminals and insurgents increased dramatically the only way to break this vicious circle to meet that first and
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foremost the u.s. special envoy to afghanistan and pakistan falsely claimed that you cannot touch afghan poppy farmers because you would drive them into the hands of the taliban they are allegedly the poorest farmers all across the contrary this document in equivocal it states that he is totally wrong and the op him poppy farmers themselves are the wealthiest among all the farmers in the country so the only way to tackle this challenge that undermines the stability and security in afghanistan and beyond is to jump start the robust counter ecod expose see with the main focus on aerial eradication off off him poppy fields in southern afghanistan. and have a look now at some other stories making headlines around the world. but it's have said to twenty seven nato oil tankers in the east on the at least three people in
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the process or he say about the dozen attackers stormed a day later trucks with them for the trip this is the second such attack in the past few days it comes amid strained relations between nato and its standing in the raid there three police and soldiers dead. the u.n. conference on climate change is open to northern china delegates hope to bridge differences ahead of the annual summit in mexico today to see it. their fate is of trying to avoid the fate of open haven in two thousand and nine when no consensus could be reached on replied with a dream and ultimately the talks aimed to curb greenhouse gas emissions and find a replacement kyoto protocol which expires in two thousand and twelve. fighting to be the face of a nation more than four thousand sketches have already been submitted to russia's online contest to pick the mascot for the two thousand and fourteen sochi winter
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olympics and he has a story. this is the epicenter of a nationwide brainstorm so cheese youth are picking the best good for their city's biggest sporting event olga says it should be two dogs supporting each other representing the olympic and paralympic games these. deaths can be found everywhere in russia and abroad everyone knows the symbol because it's so cincy impure. the younger ones have their own vision. the handshake symbolizes that one might worry names and it will have to be friendly with all these entries are part of an online contest held by the olympics organizing committee anyone from professional designers to amateur artists may upload their work and have it rated by web users and even though the majority of contest and suffer in russia capital sochi is hoping to catch up the website gallery now features all kinds of ideas from bears
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to squirrels to squirrels riding bears even the mayor decided to share his own personal top three if they do theme i think it could either be a dolphin on skis or a bin because the bear is the symbol of the great russian people the bear is also on skis could be other creatures fish for instance fish on skis to their skis or without them it's likely that in the next two or months we'll see some ten thousand or even more new designs but perhaps the most delicate part for russians is to point among them the right character a creature that will become as big a must as make sure the bear who greeted the guests of the more school lympics and nine hundred eighty with all the bull turn to go and biological diversity it's hard to pick one single mascot for those thoughts when pigs the deadline is set for february the seventh and during a televised voting ceremony will feed which creature or plant is the walk of one
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that has a lot ski r t sochi. time for the business news now we shall return to despite competition from the digital age we understand that one current company is convinced this won't be the end of the traditional post oh that's right business r.t. has been speaking to the head of georgia d.h.l. which is reaping the benefits of the online world we'll have the details later in the program but first the world's biggest diamond producer may hold an i.p.o. was early as next year but first the government of the region must change the law so that all rosser can restructure itself as a public company it will sell up to a quarter of this shares for as much as two point three billion dollars money will be spent to update and expand it from j.p. morgan is proud of the company at up to nine billion dollars that's a fraction of the work of its major rivals who have a broader range of mining activities been discussing its possible i.p.a. for two years with the management considering london hong kong and toronto stock
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markets. now russia's second largest mobile phone operator vimpel call may merge its assets with it gyptian company is close to finalizing a seven billion dollars deal with entrepreneurs so we research which would make the for the world number five in mobile services the board of vincent called. on sunday to vote on the merger the deal is estimated at six billion dollars as well as fifty one percent of egypt's or telecom deal would include italian operator in return sirius may receive a twenty percent stake in simple call. time see how the markets are performing now it's been a sluggish start a very new year was the first to interact slide into the red an early trading despite strong results for us if we can call maker's dial a b.m.w. both fell sharply down one percent milk and six percent respectively b.m.w. still reeling from the car with the announcement on friday banks are doing better though with deutsche bank leading the way frankfurt up over half
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a percent. in. reversed direction on monday off names and lowered his tongue slumped in worries that couples who were climates might be exploited for some exporters were sold off the yen strength the day before the bank of japan's policy decision. and here most papers forces are all banking stocks again with bad bank of more than one point five percent in the office yes from was also doing well up almost a percent this hour. now after sales rose by more than a third in the first nine months of the year supporting the company's pledge to return to profit in two thousand and ten the russian call make a sound about three hundred seventy thousand calls from the period thirty six percent move the same time last year the company is benefiting from successful cash for clunkers program in russia and subsidized loans from the gulf. in other news one of europe's oldest male operators is thriving deutsche of pulse d.h.l. says online shopping is boosting its business around the world c.e.o.
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frank appelle spoke to business r.t. about the company's transition from the mail coach to the did show a huge. we think there is a future for the classical mad business you know it's declining by volume but it's in the very important infrastructure for for and for the german country and i have no doubt that it will be successful but what we're doing this week at a new services in two ways one is the possibility of a mail order boom we have in the western world which is starting now taking place as well in russia but people are wanting in from a distance or groups because they can't get access to that and that's an interesting development possibility and russia and the second is that we transfer the quality of our product in the real world which is a confidential security letter into the internet you know at the moment you can communicate confidentially we have a party because you know in the whole internet world and everybody can catch your
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email and read it and we will provide a service but nobody can catch me in will and it's just a provider you know just a sender and simply and you can read the e-mail of the whole way it's encrypt how do you see the post operating in say twenty fifty is definitely the post will be different but the fundamental will still remain you know our product the letter has survived five hundred years i have no dog that will survive at least the next hundred years or maybe two hundred years because there will always be a need for paper communication even in the future you know i can't imagine any situation that everything will be virtual you know they're still you know there will be still paper on the world into a sizable scale so therefore there will be still the the old classical part of physical mail delivery but it will be added by a lot more volume and possibles and i can imagine that good skin being your log in the you know you know enterprise or call that you know response enterprise or space
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wealthy british style it's time to. market. find out what's really happening to the global economy for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines to cause a report on our. imagine your life on the big city. crystal clear water. organic food. living in harmony with nature. sounds impossible. some people have already chosen. a place on.
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