tv [untitled] October 4, 2010 7:00am-7:29am EDT
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on line to condemn recent anti russian rhetoric from belo roots and stresses it must not a fact relations between the two neighbors. also britain's becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the e.u.'s overbearing influence that's according to the freedom zone the largest event on the fringe of the conservative party conference. was out a russian athlete wins the hand to hand fighting world cup finals in the you asked we look into what has made the soviet conceive sport a worldwide smash. it's three pm in moscow and this is our to you coming to you live now our top story this hour brazil's president to a lection is set for a second round runoff the ruling party candidate and prepared all hot favorite
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dilma rousseff failed to secure the fifty percent needed for outright victory parties lauren lyster reports from sao paolo. brazil is one of the only countries who has managed its way out of the financial crisis and to a growing a quick clip that other countries would envy their expected to grow seven point five per cent this year it's the largest economy in south america the largest a second largest economy in the western hemisphere and part of the bric bloc of brazil russia india and china there seem to symbolize the shift in global economic power from the g seven developed nations to the developing world of which all of them are newly advanced economies that are seen as holding great potential so certainly everyone is looking to this election to see what direction the leader will take the economy people will have to wait and see because it will go to a run on he run off to dilma rousseff who was expected to carry out lula da silva is policies she is his anointed successor she was expected to win and i did not happen she did not lock down the votes so she'll go to a runoff with jose serra the opposition candidate and they have really different
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attitudes towards both the economy and foreign policy so what will happen on october thirty first in that run off will make a difference if you talk to people in the political world who deal in diplomacy or trade or the economy they say before lula brazil had a self confidence program problem and he was really the first leader who stepped up to the international plate and said we are a player and we are going to matter and really held court diplomatically and broker trade ties but if you talk to people at home here what brazilians what average brazilians would say his crowning achievement is is helping to narrow the vast gap between the rich and poor in this country and to get a better sense of that and what they were hoping for and vilma his hope to be successor we've been out here in brazil reporting and there's a look at what's going on. on the streets of brazil after eight years of this like a miracle because he's. spread pretty close to the people people lined up to decide
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the next chapter of their cow i hope that the female candidate a woman to make history in my country. that has summed up the loudest voice on the streets and in the polls ahead of the elections for a new head of state while many credit the outgoing one lula da silva was starting a silent revolution for the poor. head of election day it was heard loud and clear they believe his hand-picked successor is the one to continue fighting for and here she is a duma rousseff lulu's choice for president a little known bureaucrat his chief of staff who rose up to against the dictatorship when she was young. she promises to lead the country down the same road as her mentor. what's changed in those last years is in the poor neighborhoods for the lower class because the other governments just pretended to help it's lula brazil's president that brings all of these people into the street in his name
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they're screaming but as to whether jill but his successor would be able to continue what he started in this country when you talk to people they believe one hundred percent that she is the one what do you want with brazil is going to continue to rise though his confidence has helped popularity some activists familiar with lula's politics past and present aren't convinced record for i think she's going to have some difficulties because dilma doesn't have the same history lula has and in a country that was long a colony and where the years until lead the rich and elite still held the power for some in that world a dilma presidency would be. terrible for me terrible without horizons very sad and black horizons you have to have people with academic culture and not popular culture in upscale neighborhoods it's the leading opposition candidate who most closely fits that description and appears favored at those polls jose serra is a more conservative choice. you know so i use
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a little government has been constantly role he's aligned himself with people who are democratic. hugo chavez. but in the. brazil what you don't see or hear. is the brazil that is empowered a world you see now and the bellows this one's we're looking from. it's important for you to be able to choose the future of your country once invisible to the world now and able to with more do more because they are people who before lula had no voice may now continue writing their own songs. lauren lyster r.t. polo brazil. this is our to you live from moscow still to come this hour the legacy of k.g.b. training. remember that russian special forces solution involves gone bad for stuff like that but in this sport it's just hands and feet we explore why hand to
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hand fighting is not just fascinating for spectators but also great for self defense. now he may be considered europe's last dictator but his face something of a dictating to three of them is video of slam the belorussian president's recent anti russian rhetoric but said it was not a fact relations between the peoples of the two countries that's one of the messages in the russian president's video blog arching sour earth has more. that is a bloke we can hear president. making specific reference to the election campaign in better ways and saying that it's based almost entirely on anti russian slogans and i should say shouldn't russia's own willingness provide support and also direct criticism to the russian leadership itself the person i'm afraid of his use his behavior in the past often to deal with the school topics such as this and this time we've had in using it as a response to russian leadership that has
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a chanson actions recently but his main point being that really rather than making an enemy of russia they'd be much better placed to be fixing on their internal issues but if. president lukashenko is entering is not only go beyond diplomatic sent down right indecent he's obviously concerned about a lot of things which bringing order to our economy russian journalist talking to belorussian opposition even what happens to some of our retired and satire officials the president of baton rouge it seems should be looking into the interior affairs of his own country such as for instance the multiple disappearances of delhi russian citizens with russia like other countries is concerned over these people. the president is considered a controversial leader and this right in russia with recently seems like having a clear creating tensions and actually this is being described as a feature of the russian leadership this creation of an external enemy in the
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public consciousness that the worse in the past this is easy directed at the u.s. and the west in general at this time it seems as russia has become the main target another thing the president addresses in his book he talks about the fact that the better russian people are still considered russia's closest neighbors and that he they could share a shared culture and he also makes it very clear that despite the tensions happened recently with things such as the gusta. it's. based in the past and we. i'm deeply convinced that russia always has and will consider to be the closest of its neighbors we are united by a long shared history culture common joys and griefs good neighborhood has been the reason we've been helping belarus ever since the fall of the soviet union twenty years ago the scope of our aid effort no matter what people might say has been huge this year alone we've made discounts on oil shipments to bella reuss worth
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approximately two billion dollars in total shipments to have been subject to committal concessions the reason we did that was because we sincerely believe that our nations were inseparable this is why i was extremely surprised to see the bill of russian authorities taken up and he russian rhetoric. in the summer thought to be one of the main problems that have caused the sudden. over relations between brother russia and we know that what happened there was. cut off transit routes for the supply of oil and gas and eventually that she was resolved but it's one of the things that seem to give rise to the sudden increase in this russian with tarik but the overall point the president making his focus was saying much better rather than making an enemy of russia to be focusing on the problems internally. r.t. sarah first reporting there well you can listen to it yourself and find me to
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medvedev for blog on our website r.t. dot com. there's a great and continue its relations with the e.u. when our civil liberties at threat in the u.k. well these are the tough questions that are being raised at the freedom zone today gathering on the sidelines of the conservative party conference for more that's across life. in birmingham hi there war of course we've been hearing a lot of speculation of late about the euro teetering on the. brink of collapse among other things so is it fair to say that skepticism at this gathering comes at the right time. absolutely i mean it's hard to think of a more time for a group of euro skeptics such as all gathering here at the freedoms these two days to gather in fact we saw a summer of calm in europe but then last week we saw an uprising again in the unrest that's come as a result of the austerity measures that certain european countries are threatening
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or have already introduced as a response to the european debt crisis in brussels a one hundred thousand people last week to protest the measures and islands of course is said to devote default it's been announced that the cost of rescuing arash banks will amount to almost fifty billion euros and that's caused a lot of consternation in ireland it's crunch time that. this next round of austerity measures are. likely to ireland will have to go cap in hand to the e.u. and the i.m.f. much like greece had to do in such a humiliating way all these things of course are a threat to the eurozone and they're also the threats to the economic union that is the european union as a whole and some of the freedoms in his think that's a good thing that the e.u. has got you involved in individual countries so for. personal liberties now for more on that i'm joined by alex deane he's one of the directors of big brother watch alex thanks very much for talking to us now big brother watch deals with the erosion of privacy and the liberty of individual citizens do you think that the
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e.u. plays a part in i absolutely do and i think that the european arrest warrant. represents one of the most significant threats to british freedom under british prophecy for that matter some thirteen hundred people were sent to europe but even extradited there's no judicial process sent to europe to face charges in europe without a british judge looking at it under the european arrest warrant and i think that's wrong and in fact many countries in the european union ought to douse if that didn't they but. well the opt out could only apply for certain specified time unless you want to renew it unless you want to make a fuss and a government of whatever political color never seems to want to make a fuss in europe even they were entitled to and in fact. the new foreign secretary he specifically said that he would stop the transfer of opinion and yet he's opted further into the european investigation or i would urge the coalition government to really look very hard at the european arrest warrant which so far they've failed to do it seems to me this is one of the most important issues on their agenda and
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everyone expected them to do so so really i think they have to act and let's talk about c.c.t.v. cameras as well which is one of. the may just watched people in the world more c.c.t.v. cameras than anywhere else and you don't think that that makes us more secure as a nation that's not what the evidence suggests the campbell collaboration did a review peer reviewed study of all reports into c.c.t.v. that were done to any academic standards and none of them suggested that it made us any safer except for a marginal increase in safety in car parks and for that marginal increase we sacrificed enormous amounts of money and a great deal of privacy too and in fact here in birmingham there's a scandal about just that c.c.t.v. cameras could you tell me about the so-called project champion. very specifically at birmingham's muslim community if the car park were now standing in birmingham where you and i standing is where muslims live the cameras would be very precisely around you and i and this is no conspiracy theory west midlands police have now
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apologized for what they do that was exactly their plan people tell us if you've got nothing to hide you've got nothing to fear well that's completely wrong isn't it when a group of people are targeted simply because of where they live they may have had nothing to hide when the surveillance is that kind of the got a great deal to fear and we talked about cameras what do you think the biggest threats to civil liberty in britain today is all apart from the european arrest warrant which i think comes top of the bill identity cards all. still an enormous threat in britain we are no longer required to have them as individuals or if we have british nationality that was the plan of the last government but under the current government foreign nationals are still required to have our did to cards well if the readers because these things happen chips in them if the readers are in place and people are trained up to use them and the system starts to work the number of us required to have them that's just a practicality that could grow once again to require us to have added to cards very soon so we really want to try and stop got out ok thank you very much as that
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exchange from big brother watch i'll be here all day talking to various people here at the freedom day and bringing you more on what's threatening civil liberties in question today well we're looking forward to what our team is laura and reporting live from birmingham and thanks there to alex dean big brother watch. now we're witnessing the political fall of europe and the continent won't be able to stay in the international arena without outside help so it has french historian and cos who gave an interview to r.t. it's coming your way in just over an hour's time but here's a quick preview. of what. the entire history of international relations is moving away from europe and splayed out a nation even the u.s. a pacific countries are focusing its foreign policy on asia where the huge countries that will play the big girls located in asia now wants the current state of european asian relations but europe is of no interest to asia and if we view europe as a latin reaches the pacific ocean russia and europe are not at home but if we
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picture them as an alliance then we can say europe reaches the pacific. but you know what. the extradition of the alleged russian arms dealer viktor brew to the u.s. has been delayed after a court ruling in thailand is wanted in the u.s. on terrorism related charges john thomas has the details for us. the united states has been trying to get adventure boot and have him extradited to the united states for quite some time in fact since two thousand and eight in march when he was arrested in a hotel in bangkok and in fact in august august twentieth of this year the high court in thailand said that it was possible for booth to be extradited and so it looked like everything was set for the united states if convicted in the states on the charges that he was indicted for victor boot would be receiving a life imprisonment however has a back up plan because this is an international crime and international courts are
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where have you is kind of a political chess game as a backup plan just in case the high court did not rule in the united states favor us filed extra charges and it's those extra charges that are hampering the things at this moment in time because the high court ruled that victor boot should be extradited to the united states asked if those second charges could then be dropped so that they could expedite the process however a court ruled that those charges cannot be dropped because they are now part of the court system in thailand right now so it's a waiting game and what we do know is that would be the delays the entire process victor boot is a former air force officer who claims he is a legitimate businessman but he's a long been suspected of being one of the most notorious and prolific arms dealers in the world in supplying arms to different conflict zones around the world in fact he's nicknamed the merchant of death by some now in two thousand and eight in march in bangkok there was a sting operation where u.s. agents posed as far as members to buy arms from him at that point he was arrested
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but he was arrested in thailand which started this process to have him extradited to the united states. it's eighteen minutes past the hour and let's take a look at some other stories dominating world news militants have set fire to at least twenty nato oil tankers in northern pakistan reportedly killing three people in the process authorities say about a dozen attackers stormed the depot where the trucks were preparing for departure this is the second such attack in the past few days it comes amid strained relations between nato and pakistan stemming from across the border raid that left three pakistani soldiers dead. and u.n. conference on climate change has opened in northern china the delegates hope to bridge differences ahead of the annual summit in mexico later this year negotiators are trying to avoid the failure of copenhagen in two thousand and nine when no consensus could be reached on a legally binding agreement ultimately the talks aimed to curb greenhouse gas emissions and find
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a replacement for the kyoto protocol which expires in twenty twelve. now sport conceived in the soviet union has finally gone international with the hand to hand fighting finals being held in the u.s. for the first time it may be challenging but it's also highly effective so much so even russian special forces are trained in it always up for a challenge our teams got nature can prepared for battle. for comedian a low louie his sham hand to hand fighting is still new. he mostly does judo and teaches thai boxing but this russian born sport takes the best elements of many fighting techniques. when you think about it it's more real than anything else plus has an artistic aspect to it which is you don't get to spend a lot of times on the floor which is boring. and real it is the k.g.b.
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use this method of fighting it's now taught to russian special forces and it's a growing sport and with this going international. program developed by the k.g.b. to this one another try to think because of the k.g.b. guys i mean that's a real game unlike in mixed martial arts russian hand to hand fighting has rules and limitations which newcomers are still getting used to he shot and lost the fight against an american compadre are. more than enough to when i came back from you know i was down in points and stuff came back from india. but it's not so bad as long as the girls are happy the boys we like the boys and definitely when they get old footy and the shirts start coming a little bit come in are those things that i was always curious what's on the mind of the hot and sweaty guy when he's on the man maybe girlz meet one of today's
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winners russian you go out or. if you don't think about anything but your next move once you get distracted in anything except the fights you're down your mind has to be clear and notions also distract one more thing you should never allow the thought that you're losing if you have the slightest guarantee that you will lose an idea which could be applied to any situation in life the president of the hand to hand fighting federation says it's not the kind of sport. that's only for the sake of sport but. this sport teaches how to fight right unlike mixed martial arts we just get out there and punch the other guys hard as you can it's more about technique it may help you stand up for yourself and your loved ones if needed. did i mention he sean is also a lawyer in the making it's just one day he decided he was going to stand up for himself that that russian special forces move involves gone bad for stuff like that but in this sport it's just hands and feet and it's not just fun to watch actually
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a lot of the moves are pretty useful for itself to fans or for a job girl like me and a question is going to teach me something something really simple i'm going to my hands on you ok so you need to push for my elbow. and you come with your right you see ok yes on this earth to show you i use my left which is my weak my head and i come back. ok other than. fighting for our tea in the state of pennsylvania. well that's the way the news looks in this hour from martin you know joins us next with the business. hello and a very warm welcome to the business news the first macedo benz trucks are being assembled in russia at a plant to operate to buy dahmer and come arts while the plant enough chill meal in
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the fall guy is a joint venture between the russian and german companies seders benz trucks with can assemble four thousand five hundred because a here and of the models will be introduced as soon as the market expands. the company best known for larger has lifted sales by more than a third so far this year after the us has already said it should return to profit in twenty ten the russian carmakers sold apart three hundred seventy thousand cars in the period to six percent the same time last year the company's benefiting from the successful cash for clunkers program in russia and subsidized loans from the government. russia second largest mobile phone operator of made merge its assets with an egyptian company it's close to a seven billion dollars deal with the group so where is the board of wimple core met in amsterdam on sunday to vote on the merger the deal is estimated at six billion dollars as well as fifty one percent of egypt's horoscope telecom the deal
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with include tellin approach a wind in return would take a twenty percent stake convince. one of europe's oldest male operators thriving deutsche post to chelsea online shopping is boosting its business around the world c.e.o. frank spoke to business archie about the company's transition from the male coach to the digital age. we think there is a future for all the classical mad business you know it's declining by volume but it's in a very important infrastructure for a forum for the german country and i have no doubt that it will be successful but what we're doing this we're at a new services in two ways one is the possible business due to the mail order boom we have from the western world which is starting now taking place as well in russia are the people ordering and from a distance goods because they can't get access to that and that's an interesting development possibility and russia and the second is that we transfer the quality
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of our product in the real world which is a confidential security letter into the internet world you know at the moment you can communicate confidentially we have a party because you know in the whole internet world and everybody can catch hero email and read it and we will provide a service but nobody can catch the e-mail and it's just a provider you know just as a sender and disappear and you can read the e-mail of the whole way it's encrypt how do you see the post operating in say twenty fifty is definitely the post will be different but the fundamental will still remain you know all a product a letter has survived five hundred years i have no doubt that it will survive at least the next hundred years or maybe two hundred years because there will always be a need for paper communication even in the future you know i can't imagine any situation that everything will be virtual you know that still you know there will be still paper on the world a sizable scale so therefore there will be still the the old classical part of
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physical mail delivery but it will be added by a lot more volume and possibles and i can imagine that good skin be beans your log in the you know rock you know enterprise order or call that you know of east space enterprise or uses face of enterprise you know that will not happen. in at least in our in our lifetime that people are able to send goods from b. internet service for there would be huge in. cruise and wall humans in the dog. time to see how the market's up to forming now and european stocks continue to slide just fight strong results in the u.s. over the weekend can they because dima and b.m.w. both fell sharply down one percent and zero point six percent respectively with b.m.w. still reeling from a car recall and also on friday. and here in moscow the markets are hovering in the black the solid echoing global sentiment tightly mixed among many players with
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investors not making any big moves that thought process does month the biggest loser sliding point seven percent. precious third largest still make novel its feet and the sit ins for second quarter results that took its profits from general to june to five hundred nineteen million dollars after a loss in the same period of two thousand and nine strong is still prices boosted the company's performance but it's warning that third quarter profits will be weaker. and the world's biggest diamond producer also may hold an i.p.o. as early as next year but first the government of equal to region must change the law so that it can restructure itself as a public company it will sell up to a quarter of its shares or as much as two point three billion dollars the money will be spent to update and expand its minds j.p. morgan has valued the company at up to nine billion dollars that's a fraction of the worth.
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