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tv   [untitled]    October 4, 2010 9:00am-9:29am EDT

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wealthy british style. that's not tied to the splits because. of the. markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy in these kinds of reports. every month we give you the future we hope you understand how we'll get there and what tomorrow brings the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world join our technology update on our jeep.
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close call from brazil to presidential favorites on the race to lead one of the world's fastest growing economies was forced into a runoff also this hour. president bush and his entourage is not only go beyond the diplomatic scent it's a downright indecent president medvedev slams the anti russian hysteria among top officials and bella ruth but positive relations between the two countries won't stand for. a court in thailand rejects america's call to drop new charges against suspected russian arms dealer viktor boot which again stalled he wants extradition proceedings. and while britain's leading coalition party gets together to talk money troubles the conference of prince sounds the alarm over a long term civil rights and i'm domineering in you.
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it's five pm in moscow and this is r t coming to you live first this hour brazilians are having trouble choosing their next leader despite a push. by the outgoing president to line up a successor to fell just short of becoming the country's first female president in the first round she now faces opposition leader jose serra in the race to the top party's loyalist to reports from sao paulo. brazil is one of the only countries who has managed its way out of the financial crisis and to a growing a quick clip that other countries would envy their expected to grow seven point five per cent this year it's the largest economy in south america the largest a second largest economy in the western hemisphere and part of the bric bloc of brazil russia india and china there seem to civilize the shift in global economic power from the g seven developed nations to the developing world of which all of them are newly advanced economies that are seen as holding great potential so
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certainly everyone is looking to this election to see what direction the leader will take the economy people will have to wait and see because it will go to iran he run off to dilma rousseff who was expected to carry out lula da silva is policies she is his anointed successor she was expected to win and i did not happen she did not lock down the vote so she'll go to a runoff with jose serra the opposition candidate and they have really different attitudes towards both the economy and foreign policy so what will happen on october thirty first in that runoff will make a difference if you talk to people in the political world who deal in diplomacy or trade or the economy they say before lula brazil had a self confidence program problem and he was really the first leader who stepped up to the international plate and said we are a player and we are going to matter and really held court diplomatically and broker trade ties but if you talk to people at home here what brazilians what average brazilians would say his crowning achievement is is helping to narrow the vast gap
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between the rich and poor in this country and to get a better sense of that and what they were hoping for and dilma his hope to be successor we've been out here in brazil reporting and here's a look at what's going on. on the streets of brazil after eight years of this like a miracle because he's. spread pretty close to the people people lined up to decide the next chapter of frederick out hope that the female candidate a woman to make history in my country. that has summed up the loudest voice on the streets and in the polls ahead of the elections for a new head of state while many credit the outgoing one. was starting a silent revolution for the poor. head of election day was heard loud and clear they believe his hand-picked successor is the one to continue fighting for and here she is doing the rousseff lula's choice for president a little known bureaucrat his chief of staff who rose up to against the
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dictatorship when she was young. she promises to lead the country down the same road as her mentor get them about what's changed in this last years is in the poor neighborhoods for the lower class because the other governments just pretended to help it's lula brazil's president that brings all of these people into the street in his name they're screaming but as to whether jill not his successor would be able to continue what he started in this country when you talk to people they believe one hundred percent that she is the one what do you want with brazil is going to continue to rise though his confidence has helped popularity some activists familiar with lula's politics past and present aren't convinced record for i think she's going to have some difficulties because dilma doesn't have the same history lula has and in a country that was long a colony and where the years until lead the rich and elite still held the power for some in that world a dilma presidency would be. terrible for me terrible without horizons very sad and
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black horizons you have to have people with academic culture and not popular culture in upscale neighborhoods it's the leading opposition candidate who most closely fits that description and appears favored at those polls jose serra is a more conservative choice. you know so i use the government has been constantly role he's aligned himself with people who are democratic. hugo chavez. but in the. brazil what you don't see or hear. is the brazil that is in power a world you see now and the bellows this one's we're looking from and both of it's important for you to be able to choose the future of your country once invisible to the world now and able to with more do much because they are people who before lula had no voice may now continue writing their own songs. lauren lyster
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r.t. paulo brazil. for another news spell reuss has been whipping up some anti russian sentiment of late so president medvedev is now trying to clear the air you think cyberspace in an online video method of says the belorussian leader is using aggressive talk towards moscow to bolster his presidential election campaign or to sarfarosh took a closer look. and if it is a bloke we can hear president. making specific reference to the election campaign in bellary and that's saying that it's based almost entirely on anti russian slogans on accusations of russia's unwillingness provide support and also direct criticism to the russian leadership so the person misstated his views his behavior in the past often to deal with the cold topics such as this and this time we've heard him using it as over stones to russian leadership like his ations and actions
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recently his main point being that really rather than making an enemy of russia they'd be much better placed to be thinking on their internal issues but. president lukashenko is entering this not only go beyond any diplomatic sent the downright indecent he's obviously concerned about a lot of things to our economy russian journalists talking to belorussian opposition even what happens to some of our retired and some time officials the president of the roost it seems these people should be looking into the interior affairs of his own country such as for instance the multiple disappearances have been russian citizens but it's russia like other countries is concerned over these people and actually this is being described as a feature of batteries in leadership this creation of an external enemy in the public consciousness that the words in the past this is easy directed at the us on the west in general at this time it seems is russia has become the main target another thing the person with the dresses in his book he talks about the fact that
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the better russian people are still considered russia's closest neighbors and that he be good. to see a shared culture and he also makes it very clear that despite the tensions in the capital recently with things such as the gap between the sun the mother russia has provided support both in the past and we. i'm deeply convinced that russia always has and will consider to be the key. his davits neighbors we are united by a known shared history culture common joys and griefs good neighborhood has been the reason we've been helping belarus ever since the fall of the soviet union twenty years ago the scope of our aid effort no matter what people might say has been huge this year alone we've made discounts on those shipments to bow to roost worth approximately two billion dollars in total shipments to baton rouge have been subject to committal concessions the reason we did that was because we sincerely believe that our nations were inseparable this is why i was extremely surprised to
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see the brunt of russian authorities have lately taken up anti russian rhetoric. in the summer thought to be one of the main problems that of course is suddenly suddenly going over relations between valorise and russia and we know that what happened there was fairly stressing to cut off transit routes for the supply of oil and gas and certain eventually that she was result but it's certainly one of the things that seem to have given rise to the sudden increase in this anti russian with tore it up but the overall point the president making this book as he was saying much better was making an enemy of russia to be focusing on the problems internally. archie sara for their reporting from moscow well president medvedev full video blog is on our website right now at our t.v. dot com also on line for you today a mom in the arctic a massive expedition is headed for the north pole to explore the consequences of
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climate change their party is on board the blog updates on line. a criminal court in thailand has rejected a request by the u.s. to drop a second set of charges against alleged russian arms dealer viktor boot the decision dense washington's plans to have the man extradited to the u.s. and face trial on terrorism related charges and hearing is expected to begin in bangkok on october fifth artie's sean thomas has been following developments. the united states has been trying to get add victor boot and have him extradited to the united states for quite some time in fact since two thousand and eight in march when he was arrested in a hotel in bangkok and in fact in august august twentieth of this year the high
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court in thailand said that it was possible for boot to be extradited and so it looked like everything was set for the united states if convicted in those states on the charges that he was indicted for victor boot would be receiving a life imprisonment however has a back up plan because this is an international crime and international courts are where have you is kind of a political chess game as a backup plan just in case the high court did not rule in the united states favor us filed extra charges and it's those extra charges that are hampering the things at this moment in time because the high court ruled that a victor boot should be extradited to the united states asked if those second charges could then be dropped so that they could expedite the process however a court ruled that those charges cannot be dropped because they're now part of the court system in thailand right now so it's a waiting game and what we do know is that could be the delays the entire process victor boot is a former air force officer who claims he is a legitimate businessman but he's a long been suspected of being one of the most notorious and prolific arms dealers
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in the world in supplying arms to different conflict zones around the world in fact he's nicknamed the merchant of death by some now in two thousand and eight in march in bangkok there was a sting operation where u.s. agents posed as far as members to buy arms from him at that point he was arrested but he was arrested in thailand which started this process to have him extradited to the united states well investigative journalist daniel estulin has interviewed victor boot in thailand extensively he says that even though further delays could work in brute's favor the chances for his legal team to win are quite slim. you have ninety days from the twentieth of august for the united states government to extradite victuals and now with the new charges being filed against bulled this could actually delay the proceedings because even if tomorrow the judges rule against bolt and by all looks it actually they i think they will because today's developments are the core of the judges who are very much against. and finally they
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agree to postpone the case until tomorrow where again there's going to be no witnesses just the reading of the decision on the second set of charges of the united states government that said the defense team can theoretically up so that would actually take it beyond the initial ninety days i talked to my people in the state department today in the united states who are watching very very carefully they said that a lot of phone calls have been made this morning from the united states to thailand obviously to the prime minister's office and finally in the development of the wood was brought to court today he was brought in wearing a bulletproof vest and protected by thirty commandos government alleges that the russian government is actually trying to assassinate richard bush which is if you want to talk about conspiracy theories this one takes the cake. now russian ancient fighting technique adopted by the k.g.b. has found a new following across the world so much so that twenty ten hand to hand fighting world cup finals are being held in the u.s. for the first time always up for
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a challenge our very own correspondent guy next to cannes got in the fighting spirit for our team. for comedian a louis his sham hand to hand fighting is still new. he mostly does judo and teaches thai boxing but this russian born sport takes the best that laments of many fighting techniques. when you think about it it's more real than anything else plus an artistic aspect to it which is you don't get to spend a lot of times on the floor which is boring. and real it is the k.g.b. use this method of fighting it's now taught to russian special forces and it's a growing sport and with this going international. program developed by the k.g.b. to this one another try to think because of the k.g.b. guys i mean that's a real game unlike in mixed martial arts russian hand to hand fighting has rules
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and limitations which newcomers are still getting used to the sham lost the fight against an american can patter. more than enough to win but it's not so bad as long as the girls are happy the boys we like the boys and definitely when they get all sweaty i was always curious what's on the mind of the hot and sweaty guy when his on the man maybe girlz meet one of today's winners russian you go out or. if you don't think about anything but your next move once you get distracted in anything except the fights you're with you should never allow the thought that you're losing if you have the slightest that is guaranteed that you want to lose an idea which could be applied to any. and in life the president of the hand to hand fighting federation says it's not the kind of sport that's only for the sake of sport but. this sport teaches how to fight right unlike mixed martial arts we just
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get out there and punch the other guy as hard as you can it's more about technique but what did i mention he sean is also a lawyer in the making is just one day he decided he was going to stand up for himself that that russian special forces move involves gone bad for stuff like that but in this sport it's just hands and feet and it's not just fun to watch actually a lot of the moves are pretty useful for itself to fans who are fragile girl like me and christian is going to teach me something something really simple i'm going to lay hands on you ok so you need to push for my elbow. and you come with your right you see on this i can show you so i use my left which is my weak my head and i come back. ok other than. fighting for our tea in the state of pennsylvania. questions politicians don't like to answer being raised on the sidelines of the u.k.
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coalition's leading parties conference the freedom zone is anxious over the erosion of civil liberties in the country as well as what it sees as the domination of britain by the e.u. well for more are two years more and it is live for us in birmingham high marable or you of course are where that conference is being held in seems the euro skeptic meeting organizers chose the right time riots in europe against our stuff started measures are taking place and of course all this talk of the single currency teetering on the brink of collapse what's happening in the freedom zone. that's right it's hard to imagine a better time for a group of euro skeptics to me that not only on the fringes of the conservative conservative party conference here in birmingham but also we've seen a lot of unrest in europe in the past week or so of course we remember that we had a summer of relative quiet and then just in the last week european countries all over europe people have come out to protest against deals terracing measures that's
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all being introduced as a result of the european debt crisis we saw one hundred thousand people gathered in brussels to protest these measures of course is in trouble we had news last week that it's edging closer and closer to default fifty billion euros it's going to cost the government to bailout the irish banking sector that means that they now have a budget deficit which is ten times the e.u. guidelines and the highest in any developed economy in the world so really for ireland it's crunch time now that this latest round of austerity measures works or it looks like they're likely to have to go cap in hand to the e.u. and the i.m.f. . much as greece very humiliatingly did now for more on issues like that so i'm very happy to be joined by philip davies he's a conservative party member of parliament now just tell me what you think what effect do you think the irish situation will have on the eurozone as a whole both it will be the cause. it goes to show that the system was flawed.
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countries with different economic circumstances all being forced into the same interest rates. to all the countries around the world then you get civil unrest because countries use typical fiscal measures to try and. use. the beginning of the end of the eurozone because it is fundamentally flawed if you had china has stepped in. that's something that. temporarily the things that can paper over the cracks the fundamental flaw in the system. interest rate for so many diverse possibly. very difficult to have one interest rate for the united kingdom where the economy different rates in the north and the south you can have one for the whole of the e.u.
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. for the moment and the effect it's having on. something that you see continuing. particularly because people have been forced into this economic political. against. many countries even. the people being forced into something they don't want to belong to. now you advocate. a. complete the european union is that really. in the future future prosperity. china and india. future. in. would fail you seem backward looking to take should rocky which is what the european union is inefficient you would be in business is insane. we built our
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wealth was a good deal by being global trade. future world is being global the view of so little of your peons who see everything even if you were. hit davies thank you very much for joining us that's philip davies member of parliament for the conservative party i'll be here at the freedom day and all day next hour we'll be talking to someone different and in fact in the hour after that they do join me then all right looking forward to see you laura met live from birmingham let's take a look now at some other stories making news around the world this hour a train collision in western ball gary has left fifteen people injured it happened near the capital sofia when an express service group from siberia to turkey who lined it head on with an engineering train carrying workers investigators are looking into whether both drivers ignored signals or whether traffic systems malfunction. suspected militants attacked and set fire to at least twenty tankers carrying oil destined for nato and u.s.
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troops in afghanistan the pakistani taliban said it was behind the assault on the depot near islamabad in which three people died this is the second such attack in the country in the past few days it comes amid strained relations between nato and pakistan stemming from a cross border raid last week that left three pakistani soldiers dead. man the twenty ten noble prize for medicine has gone to a british scientist for his pioneering work with infertility robert edwards developed a technique called i.v.'s in which egg cells are fertilized outside the body and implanted in the womb edwards an eighty five year old cambridge professor began his research in the one nine hundred fifty s. and in one nine hundred seventy eight the first artificially conceived babies born now almost two percent of all newborns in europe in america are conceived through i v f. that wraps up our news this. our business is next with.
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hello and very welcome to the business news the first episode has been struck so being assembled in russia at a plant operated by don let and come oscar plant a number of the children on the voyage gave the joint venture between the russian and german companies the sages trucks will stalk can assemble four thousand five hundred vehicles a year and other models will be introduced as soon as the market expands. and in some of the news from the sector the company best known for large has lifted sales by more than a search so far this year after the us has a right is said it should return to profit to twenty ten the russian comic the sold about three hundred seventy thousand cars in the period thirty six percent more than the same time last year the company's benefiting from the successful cash for clunkers program in russia and subsidized loans from the government. russia second
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largest mobile phone call maybe merge its assets with an egyptian company it's close to a seven billion dollars deal with no group so we are is the deal is estimated at six billion dollars as well as fifty one percent of egypt's forest com telecom the deal would include italian operate to wind and in terms somewhere is would take a twenty percent stake and wimble com. now one of europe's oldest mail operators is thriving there which a post d.h.l. says online shopping is boosting its business around the world c.e.o. frank spoke to business r.t. about the company's transition from male coach to the digital age. we think there is a future for the classic a mad business you know it's declining by volume but it's in a very important infrastructure for for and for the german country and that's why i've no doubt that it will be successful but what we're doing this week at a new services in two ways one is the possibility of the mail order we have in the
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western world which is starting now taking place as well in russia but people are wanting in from a distance goods because we can't get access to that and that's an interesting development possibility and russia and the second is that we transfer the quality of our product in the real world which is a confidential security letter into the internet you know at the moment you can communicate confidentially we have a party because you know in the whole internet world and everybody can can catch your email and read it and we will provide a service but nobody can catch me in will and it's just a provider you know just a sender and a sippy and you can read the e-mail of the whole way it's encrypt how do you see the post operating in say twenty fifty years definitely the post will be different but the fundamental will still remain you know our product the letter has survived five hundred years i have no doubt that it will survive at least the next hundred years or maybe two hundred years because there will always be
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a need for paper communication even in the future you know i can imagine any situation that everything will be virtual you know they're still you know there will be still paper on the world a sizable scale so therefore there will be still the the old classical part of physical mail delivery but it will be added by a lot more volume and possibles and i can imagine that good skin be beans your log in the you know you know enterprise or call that you know be space enterprise or use face of enterprise you know that will not happen. in at least in our in our lifetime that people are able to send goods for b. internet service for there will be huge in. time to see how the markets are performing now and here in moscow the markets are hovering in the black this hour shares mixed among the main players with investors not making any big moves so far shares are making strong gains have to stop almost
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two percent gazprom is slightly behind with one point three percent of gains. and european stocks continue to slide despite strong results in the u.s. over the weekend carmakers dialer and b.m.w. both fell sharply down one point mind and three point two percent respectively with b.m.w. still reeling from a car recall and milestone friday. and the pharmaceutical industry is watching world's biggest hostile takeover in six years leading french drug makers sanofi has launched an eighteen billion dollars bit for genzyme corp the move comes a month after the u.s. biotech company rejected an initial offer from sanofi so nobody wants an acquisition to help replace revenue it is losing some of its best selling products face competition from generic drugs. russia's third largest still they could novel if its reach analysts.


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