tv [untitled] October 4, 2010 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT
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a thai court interacts a us her quest to drop fresh charges against alleged russian arms trader victor boot will now face charges of fraud and money laundering fraud by the u.s. . the russian authorities have always been eager to get an image of a collective enemy in the minds of the people the usa europe the west in general the clay the goal of the enemy in the past now we see that russia has been into this the president has altering he goes beyond any diplomatic since the dumb one thousand decent despite accusing his bell russian counterpart of anti russian rhetoric president medvedev or means positive that close ties between the countries will prevail. and the u.k. becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the news influence that supporting to the
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freedom zone the largest event on the fringe of the conservative party conference and also claim that brussels is infringing on british civil rights. ilana shows up next this time we take an in-depth look at how the brazilian presidential election is unfolding stay with us. welcome to the lower show we'll get the real headlines with none of the mersey are coming live out of washington d.c. brazilian elections are headed for a run off with a disservice favorite film are facing off with the opposition's jose serra but as the country remains divided on a candidate one thing is clear religious silver and his policies still remain the most popular game in town correspondent lauren lyster is in brazil to give us all of the details on this race next just weeks after the glenn beck rally the liberal
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leaning one nation rally took over the nation's the national mall in d.c. this past weekend now they came to send the message that the progressive movement is still very very much alive but with a declining youth involvement and a clear leader can progressive progress in the future then speaking of glenn beck he held another rally in new jersey but this time his event wasn't sold out in fact he barely even filled the stands archie corresponded marina porton was there and she'll join me to discuss why there was such a poor turnout for the fox news host ben welcome back compare the economic crisis in the u.s. with the financial situation in europe many countries on the other side of the pond are facing similar problems with spending and unemployment but european governments have reacted with cuts that have led to continent wide protests so why are we seeing anything similar like that right here at home and let's talk about sex a new study out shows that america's young practiced safer sex methods than baby
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boomers do now that's just it is pretty shocking to us and we're going to get wonkette blogger sara bening causes take on it and the other results from the survey at the end of the show but now let's move on to our top story. brazilians are having trouble choosing their next leader despite a push by the outgoing president to line up a successor dilma rousseff fell just short of becoming the country's first female president and first round she now faces opposition leader jose serra in a runoff party's lauren lyster reports from sao paulo. on the streets of brazil after eight years of this like a miracle because he's. her spirit bring it close to the people people lined up to decide the next chapter better cow i hope that the female candidate a woman will make history in my country that has summed up the loudest voice on the streets and in the polls ahead of the elections for a new head of state while many credit the outgoing one lula da silva was starting
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a silent revolution for the poor. head of election day it was heard loud and clear they believe his handpicked successor is the one to continue fighting for and here she is duma rousseff lulu's choice for president a little known bureaucrat his chief of staff who rose up to against the dictatorship when she was young. she promises to lead the country down the same road as her mentor what do you want with brazil is going to continue to rise though his confidence has helped popularity some activists familiar with lula's politics past and present aren't convinced record i think she's going to have some difficulties because dilma doesn't have the same history will has and in a country that was long a colony and where the years until the lead the rich and elite still held the power for some in that world a dilma presidency would be. terrible for me terrible without horizons very sad and
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black horizons the exhibition was you have to have people with academic culture and not popular culture in upscale neighborhoods is the leading opposition candidate who most. closely fits that description and appears favored at those polls jose serra is a more conservative choice. you know so i use a little of government has been constantly role he's aligned himself with people who are democratic. hugo chavez. but in this brazil what you don't see or hear. anything is the brazil that is in power a world you see now in the favelas the slums we're looking from both of them it's important for you to be able to choose the future of your country once invisible to the world now one able to with more to do much better they are there people who before lula had no voice. we now continue writing their own song
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here of one of the largest developer in sao paulo and arguably the poorest where much of a base comes from you know after yesterday's elections it wasn't enough for her to lock in this majority she needed to win a decisive victory but she didn't get forty seven percent and she will go to a runoff with the opposition candidate that as for what the turnout will be at the end of the month with that runoff political analysts still believe dilma will be president that if day and age if these people have the political capital in this country lauren lyster. paulo brazil. well earlier i caught up with lauren lyster from sao paulo to get more about the mood there in brazil you know these days it seems unusual to see candidates running on a continuation of the current government's policies that's exactly what we're seeing in brazil and popularity is in large part also thanks to lula da silva so i first asked lor how is it that this one man managed to unify the country so well.
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alona you talk to people and it has been a complete paradigm shift over the last eight years first i mean when you talk about domestically when you look a minute power i mean this is a man who grew up poor he grew up in the slums and he rose to become president in a country that had been a colony for hundreds of years and then was run by the elite the same politics about colonization so what he brought with number one a complete paradigm shift into a leader could be but in addition he totally changed the view of the poor and the role that the state should have in working with the poor he instituted social programs and made doing things for their lives a priority of his government which domestically had never happened and maybe lives or service have been paid to it but it was just chump change so this is what has created a lot of change the people who live here have never seen change in the favelas where for the first time they're getting rules they're getting community services they're getting services they never had and it's kind of this ground up approach where also it inspired a lot of hope people now believe they have
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a voice in their government for people the majority of this country i mean there's a stark divide between rich and poor that never thought that they would have these opportunities that now do i now they feel like they can go to college like they can compete with upper class eventually and how good jobs and this has been a completely different way of thinking in this country that many believe would never happen so that's really been one of the issues and while he's done that and helped the poor at the same time he's made tough decisions that have brought him why broad appeal with conservatives with a broader range of of people because he's using economic policies that have been favorable with international investors and that's just one example of how these ballots kind of those. parts of the government with the parts at home and really had a combination that's been very successful for this country and you know like we were saying what a different side is from the u.s. sure the people are actually happy with the government they have and we can't necessarily say that result in the u.s. for the same thing you know poverty in brazil the people that live in. favelas that
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is much worse than those here in the u.s. but at the same time we know when's the last time that you've heard anyone in america say that they were happy with their government all we're seeing right now is anti incumbent anti washington sentiment it's so funny that you say that because that is something that myself and our camera man here at our producer have been saying this whole time is it's so interesting to see people that are really genuinely excited about democracy and are really excited about the things that are happening on the ground they feel like they have a say in their government i mean one of the things that this government has done is that people in the community the way that it works when you get to get things to get community centers to get some of these projects is that you the federal government works from the top doubt having working with local officials working with the communities and in doing that is changing these communities they feel like they have a direct role in democracy and that's what's exciting people so much and that's something that you don't see in the u.s. that all people feel like their voice doesn't make any difference they feel like their vote so make any difference and it was so interesting to see here how excited
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people are to just vote and have their say and who their leaders will be here you know not to mention here in the u.s. we have a very strong two party system there in brazil part of reasons they're having the runoff is because of this third party this green party candidate so our people there at least excited that you know that they have more than just two options. i think so i mean what you see is people that you know a majority that wants the same kind of thing i continuation of many of the things that lula started but what you see is different ideas about who can best carry that out what parties have best carry that out you know lula was able to bridge that gap between the house and the have nots by kind of adopting a moderate policy that people that were further to the left you know born as happy that he didn't get as much done on their agenda so people you know like that look for alternatives you know one example is they felt like he wasn't tough enough on the agro business and you know that was one thing that maybe was appealing to the third party candidate and. you saw her get
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a number of votes you know and this just shows that there is people see more than one way to get to the same place and they're not quite sure who the right leader will be you know there have been allegations of corruption and scandals like that that have hampered party that p.t.'s so people are decided on how they're going to get to that end result they want but what they do want and what we really hear on the ground by supporters from a lot of the different candidates is that they want more of the same path that results going on domestically in regards to a lot of the social policies that's right now the runoff of course will be later on this month but it does seem like people are very you know democracy really is vibrant numbers all right now lauren thanks so much for joining us. well still to come on tonight's show progresses came to deceive this last weekend to rally ahead of the midterm elections christine for going to have a report on that gathering and then we'll ask the question are young voters bailing on obama they turned out in huge numbers for him in two thousand and eight but now
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this last week at the u. one nation working together event of the national mall touched on things of job creation immigration reform more funding for schools and equal rights for gays while this event didn't draw huge numbers the back for a strong rally but restoring honor rally did it did prove the progressive movement is still very much alive when u.s. artie's christine reports. i'm a family. obama. one nation working together. on hundreds and hundreds of things i'm actually here representing the war resisters league i'm here about international child abduction just want to talk to you a little bit about what you're doing here today oh i'm basically i'm sticking up for the democrats. under the shadow of the lincoln memorial and we even found abraham lincoln himself hello mr lincoln tell me a little bit about what you're doing here today good to see you i'm down here with the citizens of the united states who have come from all corners of the country to
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demand jobs demand that the government works for main street and not wall street also in attendance union members birds pigs prisoners even superheroes the way superman very here public school wasn't supposed to be a corporate profit it was really supposed to be that you learned among the main issues the war america the united states. a trillion dollars in military spending we could cut us. military spending by ninety percent and the united states would still be spending the war on military spending than any nation in the world. poverty five years must ask question why already. there and corporate greed we are still suffering and reeling from an economic crisis where the people that were most strongly had were the working families the
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working poor and those who never got a bailout a lot of people out here are comparing this rally to glenn beck's rally to restore honor a little more than a month ago it was held in the same place about the same size crowd but the people here and there is you couldn't be more different the names dan buskirk and i'm here today at the rally hearing signed off ox news i'm concerned about the lack of journalistic integrity to twenty four seven republican spin put on everything that the democrats do and the just the general lack of sources among the differences most who attended the one nation rally are unified against a common enemy and i want to give voters that can vote against these also see bankers those who consider themselves progressives came out to show that their work is not yet done we've changed everything the labor laws the human rights laws. everything in america that's good about our society has come about as a result of progressive's their movement still alive it has been in washington
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christine for sound our team you know. so while the one nation rally may have shown the progressive movement in this country isn't dead there was still something missing that would be young people the politically engaged youth that turned out in record numbers to elect barack obama in two thousand and eight and then rush to washington afterwards with the hopes of working under his government now the people that weren't bussed in by their unions but actually believe in the words of hope and change or at least. they sounded cool you know if there is to be anything which are for progressive women in this country needs the youth so where they all got well here to discuss with me is eric j. jones executive vice president of d.c. young democrats eric thanks so much for being here and now tell me the truth or you told me just now that you were planning on going but you conspicuously had a leak in your roof do you know anyone else that's young that's our age that actually made it to this nation united rally yes i know quite
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a few you know folks who actually did it in the rally who were planning on attending they actually enjoyed being at the rally but why were they there you know were they there to to support barack obama were they there to support the unions about you know for job creation what was their cause i think it was a combination of all you had some who they are because they do support for the president you have those who are young union members you had others who were there to support the fraternities and sororities you had a broad base of individuals who came together just as the called the one nation march did as well so you have them come together for certain reasons but the wall there to support the movement but tell me the truth how many more young people do you think are going to turn out for jon stewart and stephen colbert for storing saturday and keeping fair alive on october thirtieth well i think it's difference i think is the difference between politics and entertainment i mean jon stewart's problem is not so much about politics but about entertainment i think the difference is that you're going to have an entertaining rally with jon stewart and stephen colbert come to d.c. and you have a lot of folks who come for the spectacle that they hope to see now so much for the movement but isn't it part i mean part of politics part of engaging people is
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entertaining them as well you know i think that obama did a good job of actually entertaining the youth of billy's being this fired up politician that made people excited when he was on the campaign trail and i know people that had never voted in their lives they couldn't tell you who the vice president was but they're walking around wearing obama t. shirts because it was cool at the moment and that's what got him elected i mean do you think that the people were actually. concerned with the politics of obama when they came out in two thousand and eight or was it like i said because because it was cool well i think you had. two things i think you had one a lot of young folks came out because there was a movement. here and put it best when he said the revolution will not be televised the revolution in two thousand it was not televised by young folks but young folks would tell about so what you saw happening where the young folks were getting involved because we were worried about the republican movement of the past sixty eight years they were worried about what happened and they wanted to see change so they went out and organized and voted but they were putting themselves on t.v. it just so happens that twitter and facebook and my space and those things blew up
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at those damn point so others will come to young folks i think we're seeing a male those young folks who you mentioned yes they still are involved but they're not in markets they're actually out working as you said they came to d.c. to work but they're back in the field working one thing i'll bring up is the march i mean the rally that happened in university of wisconsin there were hundreds if not thousands of young folks here but those folks aren't in d.c. had a march there on campus during communities there in madison they were in key battleground states fighting for of seats senatorial seats gubernatorial seats big city mayors etc across the board so they're out working and that's part of the boom that we're carrying on but i don't know i think that's rare i think that you know across the nation especially if you go to l.a. and stuff for entertainment is more prevalent than politics that young people for the most part they always have been apathetic about politics for some reason obama got them excited about it and now they're just sitting back and relaxing again. i mean at the end as i said i think you do have some who got involved because it was cool to say you were supporting obama and the press the media that the presidential
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election brought all in but i still think those folks still out there but as i said i think underground movement is a movement that's still going to go nasty if you look at any movement what is the movement now i mean just tell me this you know as someone who is an obama supporter has he disappointed you and are you happy with your president i'm doing that you hope and change like you promised i don't think is this a point with the president as i see it is different issues if you look at it two years ago was about the president if you look at the mail it's about the key house races about the key senate races is about the key gubernatorial races you look at a place like the state of maryland which you wish and has been with a state college for the past four years so you look at folks rallying for tuition to keep tuition down a rally to keep taxes on the rising to put more money back into education education reform to get places like d.c. the state of maryland you look at kentucky was going on but you look at these different types of races so it's not one large movement or one large race right near key races all over the country and i think you know folks are getting involved in our own backyard but just tell me this really quickly i mean what about those
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are those federal issues the broader issues that barack obama brought up things like closing guantanamo bay like repealing don't ask don't tell things that are still in oh he's left unfinished and or the fact you know i personally find it absolutely ridiculous that he is now putting american citizens on an assassination list that your civil liberties are completely going down the drain and that's what's so frustrating me about this president i mean is that i supported him but he's doing things that i just i think are so wrong you know and so you don't think that do you think that young people are ignoring those issues for and just going for their local concerns well i think it goes back to the all politics are local so what you're seeing young folks doing middle those you know folks who got involved in politics because of obama and they don't understand what politics truly is so they're starting at their local their local issues or moving outward to see an increased number of young folks running for office being involved in running campaigns that you never saw before and you also see the paradigm shift of who's being involved in politics usually it was the more educated the more. of the more cool young folks but you're seeing first second generation college students who soon blue collar you know fourteen young folks in the halls to board what they have
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to sort of or liberal or at some point in between young folks are going on didn't evolve or issues like gay marriage like don't have to don't feel like repealing certain tackiness but they're kind of all they're not united is what you're saying eric thank you so much for being here ok we still to come tonight we're done talking about progressives next moving on to glenn beck the fox news host who's out round the party supporters over the weekend and his handlers were not too happy to see our team tamarins some discuss it next with our team is learning a partner. when i say the name glenn beck what comes to mind fox news tea party darling or maybe
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some other names that you just can't say on t.v. all over the weekend glenn beck held another tea party rally in new jersey but this time he had trouble filling the seats at the venue archies wearing important i was there and she gives us the report. for weeks for midterm elections because the tea party movement once again mobilized around their man is one of many roys. one back i think has started realisation he the biggest thing that he did was make the mayor go back to the constitution a suburban procession of americans trickled into a new jersey stadium in great adventures where a lineup of conservatives and from mill your fox news faces took to the stage where if you believe me to change the government and change your lawyers and. great power back to us and let us exercise your freedom as we watch so that's why we are
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gathered in this arena today those in attendance determined to vote out the democrats come november the government's too big government is too big it's taken over by deprived deprived us of a right ever guaranteed by the constitution we've got to get rid of a socialist medicine that obama's trying to it's a way i don't care whether this climate is bad i don't know what i don't care what you write. or you're taking my money just don't take my money but glenn beck doesn't come for free either cash strapped americans paid up to seventy five dollars per ticket to enter the arena one hundred twenty five dollars would get you here. a v.i.p. area where the main attraction remains heavily guarded by officers and u.s. marshals sources tell our team that beck was paid one hundred thousand dollars for headlining the event. because our theater is not yet the fox host refused
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to give interviews on your person waiting for you and ignored an order graph from qwest by this woman so these have been any party movement hits this is really doing this maybe i'll read about eight thousand five people he's rallying this crowd to store america but the problem is he's only been able to iraq eight hundred here. this is where. hitting the stage with his studio prop back criticize national security government spending and voiced teacher it for progressives who's left to stand if we will. is there do you count on england. england is about to crumble itself robbing from the inside. meanwhile in this stadium beck read from his usual script only
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difference was a lot less people were listening i don't want to be the world's policeman i'm tired of being the world's policeman take a seat if you're tired mr back there's definitely some room to six. thirty new york . home arenas joining me live now from our studio in new york with more details on this now maria it's no secret the glenn back to isn't has no he's had the best relationship with our t.v. but i also hear that you had a little run in there when they spotted our t.v. russian cameras tells that story that's right alone we were there are four we were at the event for a total of seven hours if not longer and i think in the first two or three hours the emcee that was on the stage his name is david webb he has a radio show on satellite radio called the grinder which was broadcasting this tea party he had all of a sudden out of nowhere announced someone told me russia television is here russia television. looks like putin's watching and i looked at my producer mona and i had
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no idea where this is coming from and everybody's looking at our camera and then some people were hesitant to even do interviews with me so when i was in the v.i.p. section what i thought i was going to have the ability to speak with mr back i saw david webb who had announced that russia t.v. was there and i went up to him and asked him why he said that take a listen. to. what you were already. going to do with it make sure they do that every which way did they do. and i want to you know i just i took it a little personally because i didn't understand why he would do that to our t. considering that our t. was the only channel there that was going into the crowd into the bleachers there was not that big of a crowd.
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