tv [untitled] October 4, 2010 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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actually talking to the people in attendance fox news was there but fox news cameras were rolling on judge who was speaking at the podium that went backstage to interview back to interview mr webb but i didn't see them interviewing the people in the stands we were the only channel to do so and then the emcee called us out and you know had some people be a little hesitant to speak with us and so he was a little he was very politic and did invite me to go on stage so he could apologize to me in front of everyone but i declined i was too busy working maybe they're in a little denial i mean were they embarrassed at all that so few people came out. you know let's put it this way we were accredited for that alone and we were rolling our cameras you know every hour and of course waiting for mr back to finally come out on stage and once they did all of a sudden someone came up to me and said you need to shut it down your camera has to get turned off and i said we've been accredited we've been waiting for this and this woman said no somebody from glenn beck's team said they want all the cameras
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off and then it was told to me by sources that don't want to mention their names but yes they were embarrassed that it was such a low turnout they didn't want to be recorded sound like someone was a little better they're all marina thanks for filling us in on the story. still to come tonight our tool time winner thinks the federal government shouldn't be in charge of setting the minimum wage find out who that is just a moment and we've seen major protest and outrage across europe due to budget cuts as governments try to really in their deficits but that leads some to wonder why we're not seeing the same type of protests over same type of cuts right here in the u.s. are to correspond if we can back. soon which right. from science to fresh.
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starts don't come. over to your headlines at seven thirty am in the. court rejects or u.s. requests to drop fresh charges against alleged russian arms smuggler victor they'll now face charges of fraud and money laundering brought by the u.s. russia has been demanding his release and says west two thousand and eight. it's a film an image of a collective enemy in the minds of the people say the winston general the played the role of the enemy in the past now we see that russia has been painted as the enemy president because altering this not only go beyond diplomatic sent. indecent despite accusing his bell russian counterpart of anti russian rhetoric president medvedev remains positive that post ties between the countries will prevail. and
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the u.k. becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the use of influence as according to the freedom zone the largest event on the fringe of the conservative party conference also playing brussels as a fringing on british civil liberties. now part two of the alone a show where we take a look at different ways that americans and europeans are reacting to government spending cuts stay with us here on r.t. . it's time for tonight's tool time award and this time it goes to alaska senate candidate joe miller he is no fan of the federal government during his primary campaign and now in the general election campaign he's running on a platform of slashing the federal government he believes that social security hate crime laws the department of education and even unemployment insurance should all be eliminated and now miller is going after the minimum wage he says the federal
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government shouldn't be telling businesses how much they have to pay their workers . that is clearly up to the states we believe in the state of alaska has a minimum wage which is higher than the federal level because our state leaders and made that the children ation at the minimum level again that should be the state's decision should or should not so joe wants a federal government to just stay out of state matters on minimum wage now keep in mind current minimum wage here in the u.s. is seven dollars and twenty five cents an hour do you think you guys can live on that wage how about you joe would you like living on that now joe went on to say that the one nine hundred thirty eight law which created a minimum wage isn't within the scope of the powers that are given to the federal government right you know well let me give you a little history lesson the minimum wage was created to prevent sweat shops and slave labor in the manufacturing industries that is what separates the united states from the developing world so why exactly are we now thinking of dismantling
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some of those few basic protections that american workers have also many americans are struggling to get by so you tea partiers can pretend like you love your constitution more than the americans who actually want their government to do something and of course joe miller who railed against the evils of the federal government has on more than one occasion applied for its money that type of shameless lying fits right in with his other tea party friends who continually lie and mislead the american people joe miller that is why you are tonight's tool time where. now the u.s. isn't the only one facing a major financial crisis other countries around the world especially in europe are looking for ways to fight back at their mounting deficits while their problems might not be as severe as the ones here in the u.s. europeans are taking to the streets to do something about it r.t. correspondent preassure there highlights the ways that americans and europeans are dealing with their troubled economies. it's october two thousand and ten and while
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things aren't looking too good americans and europeans have reacted to the tough times very differently about this story unfortunately you can't tell from this but only with mass struggle can there be a positive development for the benefit of workers or for us to try to make sure country maintains their liberty in the freedom that we've had in the past. countries across the globe are facing one of the worst economic disaster is in recent history fourteen million americans are unemployed one in five people in the united kingdom is living in poverty and more than twenty percent of spain's population can't find work more unequal your society gets the more unequal it usually continues to get because when inequality reaches anything like the levels we see in america now the sheer amount of wealth and income in the hands of the very wealthy means they can begin to buy political parties they can buy whole segments of the house and senate so now world leaders have to decide what to cut and what to keep we've identified substantial savings and in the days and weeks
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ahead we will continue going through the budget line by line and will identify more than one hundred programs that will be cut or eliminated but it looks like our friends in europe might be one step ahead of us tens of thousands of europeans stormed brussels the location of the headquarters of the european union in response to news participating governments would be fined if they ran up deficits other. especially for countries with debts of even more pressure on budget cuts and this means cuts in social area and the public infrastructure. and the crisis will end up being paid for by the workers the news that more jobs will be cut pensions frozen and wages lowered fired up the masses there are austerity measures going on in europe and the europeans are pushing back really hard the consequence of those is going to be to reduce the european lifestyle but they're they're coming no nowhere close to the absolute destruction of middle class that we're seeing in the united
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states so why haven't americans taken to the streets over this country's unsettling economic statistics yes we have the tea partiers and the new wave of progressives who have been rallying in response to the tea partiers but many say these americans seem more concerned with getting their theoretical freedoms back rather than specific benefits like wages and retirement funds like what's happening over in europe so i think americans and europeans are in the street what's kind of very odd is americans are in the street asking for less government help because they've given up on the government and the europeans are in the street asking for more government help because they still believe their situation can be made better by social spending. so what's the solution while many say the united states should look at our good friend the united kingdom that's proposed to cut its military spending by one fifth while some americans believe now is not a good time to decrease funding for social programs some say the u.s. is enormous military budget of five hundred thirty three billion dollars is the
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only logical place to make a cut but others say even though it might be a good idea it's not going to happen anytime soon the problem is that because our politics are corporate owned in the united states going to the defense budget which is mostly outsourced to defense contractors and saying we're going to cut into that it's not going to happen preassure either our t. washington d.c. . so what are we supposed to think and we will look at europe as a battle between the haves and the have nots the rich parliamentarians in the u.k. telling the poor. or that they need to tighten their belts or is this just a dose of reality a necessary evil for which the spoiled masses are ready on a project which the u.s. government doesn't have the guts to undertake joining me from our studio in los angeles is ben cohen editor of the daily banter ben thanks so much for joining me now you just wrote about the u.k. earlier today on your blog and you said that conservatives are about to destroy an
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entire generation with these spending cuts why do you say that. yet the spending cuts the tory government the tory lib dem government in the u.k. are about to pass through are literally going to destroy an entire generation because the very vital services that the poor need in britain you've got child benefit public housing education things either. the poor rely on to survive if you have a family working family four members two parents working child benefit allows those two parents to work and pay for child care to send their kids to school once you cut those benefits you're going to lose i mean i believe that they're going to cut the benefits for nineteen year olds child benefits up to the age of nineteen so you're going to go whole generation of sixteen year olds who are going to leave school. age and won't continue in higher education because the benefits of being caught up that's another generation of workers and thinkers and movers that we're
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going to lose because of these cuts but what and a serious look at a lot to answer for i realistically what do you do about deficits you know how do you can i mean without some kind of austerity measures what are your other options . i think the prescription for getting out of an economic crisis is pretty clear i mean if you look at what happens in the financial in the financial crisis that's when the rich lost all the all of their money the government stepped in about them out so they could get back to their business of lending money out to really else so if it works for the rich why does it not work for the poor and does where you get to see the true intentions of the conservative government now that we know that you you can you can bore your way out of a deficit you need to have a plan for growth you need to invest and you need to have some sort of plan to create revenue for the future because if you just cop where's the growth going to come from yeah i mean one of the problems too that the us is facing right now is
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that you know the market is uncertain and businesses even though they have the money laying around they just don't feel the need to. yes because they don't have to right now but this is something that really i think is making the u.k. stand out right now is that they're actually toying with the idea of cutting defense spending as much as ten to twenty percent we're still waiting for the exact figures that if for some reason in the u.s. is just completely unfathomable so you know where do you think that difference lies i think that the tory government in britain they are called of more realistic about britain's role in the world and in terms of a military power and a military mind i do think they understand that we are not an empire anymore and all military budget is excessively high so i think they are making noise about cutting it was going to go through with a ten to twenty percent cause is another story. we'll wait to see whether that happens i'm highly doubtful that cameron is going to go through with twenty percent cuts in them to the military that's going to be
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a huge bone of contention in the u.k. so i doubt if you're going to happen but yes the britain has a slightly more realistic view of its military might now how popular it really is so we will make money because where he does would not be you would know she died united states now do you think that there are other ways in which americans perhaps are necessarily realistic i mean if we look at these days there is a lot of anti incumbent anti washington anger out there right now everyone wants to cut government spending but at the same time the things that most of their taxpayer dollars go to our social security medicare and medicaid things that americans would never ever be able to let go so it seems to me like there's a gap between perceptions and reality. yeah i know it's an interesting case what's happening in america the way that populist rage is kind of manifested. anti government rather than pro-government and i think the media has
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a lot to answer to for that because you know you've got fox news the propaganda wing of the republican party and american corporate interests who have had a kind of relentless drive to make people believe that the government was responsible for the financial crisis it was wall street that believe ever was money and the government to stepped in to bear them out and save everyone and there's been a very sick clever trick really what they've done they've convinced the american public that in fact it was the government that created the financial crisis in fact it was lack of government it created the financial crisis so you have the tea party movement which is very real very vocal and you know they're making a big noise about this and the rage is manifested itself through that but i have a nurse into out in the street protesting about the government and they're. basically asking for policies that would be very very harmful to them so. that's something i'm always shocked about the news that americans seem to you know come out and protest or vote against what's really beneficial to themselves or at least
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certain sectors of the population but thank you so much for joining us thanks alina . still to come tonight my unplugged moment concerns the start of the supreme court many cases they've chosen not to hear it's another victory for the n.s.a. and the problems of national security as an excuse to keep all things secret and on a much lighter note we're going to talk about sex new study looks at the sexual habits of americans and i'll discuss it with one cats are about in cars in just a moment. mine. would be soon which brightened if you knew more about the song from tongues to pressure these. stunts on t.v.
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the supreme court started up their new year today and over the coming months there are a number of cases that they'll be taking up which we will cover but today i'd like to focus on something that they chose not to hear an appeal that they threw out with no comment you see a number of lawyers representing guantanamo bay detainees had filed a freedom of information act request with the n.s.a. asking whether it had warrantless wiretap records on them now the n.s.a. won't say if they do or they don't because according to that revealing this kind of information could endanger national security a number of federal courts have already agreed with the n.s.a. and apparently even though they did make a comment the supreme court does too but does anyone else out there find it a little ridiculous that a simple yes or no we did or we did not warrantless the wiretap you would
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compromise national security is anyone else out there as disgusted as i am with the fact the national security has become the government's favorite term to fall back on to excuse all of its illegal actions and that the courts actually agree with that just let it slide every time you know i've said it before and i'll say it again what is the point of our justice system if it is going to hold everyone accountable but the government what's the point of pretending that we're respecting the rights of detainees by giving them legal representation and then probably spying on those lawyers so now if you represent someone the government deems to be a bad guy you give up all of your rights as an american citizen privacy and justice just don't apply to you anymore you know this is just one example of cases that keep popping up over and over again cases that everyone else and by that i mean the mainstream media seem to ignore that even the associated press decided only to deserve a short little one paragraph blurb today what happened to all those people out
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there fighting for the freedoms that we hold so near and dear to our hearts what happened to checking the government's power i think those two little words national security are one of the worst things that has ever happened to this country unless you say something you do something you bring attention to it it's only going to get worse so don't wait until somewhere down the line it affects you personally speak up now. and speaking of our judicial system just a year ago the media lost it about holding the trial get most prisoner trials in new york which of course made many americans very very concerned fox insisted that it wasn't safe and it get mo detainees have to be tried in military tribunals not civilian courts anywhere but on american soil check out some of the opinions that we were hearing day in and day out on fox a year ago. the florida maybe the best i believe it is a nice snowball the season at the very least and you have
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a child to this is it create additional security because if you tell you the truth this was a letter to mitigate it disastrous that you're easy to teach it to interest the united states and you david. did you notice that one of those interviews was with liz cheney you know she's the front and center of the right wing group keep america safe dot com and the web site created its own p.s.a. to keep those get most detainees from coming here to the u.s. . that you guys see how that video says raise your voice to keep those trials are happening well let's fast forward to today the trial of ahmed ghailani the first of
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the guantanamo detainees to be given a civilian trial in new york city has already gone through jury selection and the trial is going to begin in just days but what's happening in new york oh absolutely nothing how shocking now the group human rights first decide to take to the streets to find out how the yorkers are really reacting to this go on trial. you know you think you've got to have. actually no no i haven't noticed anything nothing everything seems pretty normal are you scared but now now scared of what you know i would not be scared about that now of course not we have trials like that here all the time no i'm not scared i think. i'm confused i thought everybody said that it was just insane to hold the trials here and the americans need to raise their voices to stop that but there's no crowd and nobody feels like their safety is at risk and ask for liz cheney and the keep america safe website well there isn't
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really any mention of the trial on their web page or twitter account the page now concentrates on the latest issues they've been using to scare americans for no reason things like the ground zero mosque and scary president obama so my conclusion to all of this. it's that fox has moved on to other things and since they drive the fear cycle in this country if they're not talking about it no one seems to care before the record about four hundred terrorism trials have been held in civilian courts in the past decade and only four of those or four separate ones have been handled by a military commission and as you know there's another terrorism trial underway in manhattan right now four men who attempted to bomb synagogues in the bronx have been on trial for the past five weeks and there's no protests going on there either so i guess fox news and liz cheney have moved on to whipping the american people into a frenzy about something different just shows you how real their concerns are about keeping the american population safe. now there's
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a new study that's making headlines and it's on everyone's favorite topic sex that's right undertaken by indiana university and sponsored by the makers of trojan condoms this is the largest nationally representative survey on sexual health ever performed and when i say representative i mean they spoke to everybody from fourteen to ninety four year olds pretty gross i know but anyway it shows that there is you know there are some interesting insights into american culture and as usual the differences between men and women between the simpler sex and the more complicated one are still about you know joining me from our studio in new york to discuss it is wonkette blogger sarah betting caza sarah thanks so much for joining me now there is just so much in this study i'm really not even sure where to begin you know the may conclusion i think that they came to is that american sexual practices are changing over the years except on one topic and that's the fact that you know when it comes to the female orgasm the way men see it and the way women
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see it eighty five percent of men said that their partner climax during sex while only sixty four percent of women said that they actually did so and i do think guys just have a little bit of a problem coping with reality. i think we as females sometimes think that they do i think a lot of times they're actually more mature than we think that they are and then other times they're really not and some women really know their man and they know that if they're going to end the evening on an up note they're probably going to have to fake it. or anything not to piss them off that is the unfortunate part of life these days now like i was saying earlier the people that took this survey were ages fourteen to ninety four what do you find i guess more disgusting fourteen year olds having sex or ninety four year olds having sex. it's really a toss up between grandma and like my eighth grade cousin either way i'm pretty disturbed if i had to vote for one or the other i'd probably vote for grandma
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because she's of age but yeah it just goes to show you that sexuality takes place or sexual expression takes place over a lifetime it's not something that's just for young hot women like us you're absolutely right in that sense but one of the parts that have found a little disturbing about this survey is that they are saying you know contraception is that teenagers don't use condoms and in fact the survey says that teenagers are much better using condoms than people over forty so now there's just a bunch of people over forty running around spreading as t.d.'s. yet fascinating especially when you consider the divorce rate in our country today presumably there are a lot of folks over forty who are single who perhaps would not have been single if we were talking about this study say twenty five years ago so i think people of that age sometimes only care about oh am i going to get pregnant or my not going to get pregnant oh i'm on the pill it's ok we don't need to use a condom but they forget about the prevalence of s.t.d. well not to mention the whole cougar revolution i really i'm not going to i don't
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think that forty year olds if you're forty it makes you any cleaner safer not at all you know one thing that i found interesting was that they did a significant section on masturbation they found that you know about sixty percent of men fifty percent are women who all masturbated in the last month how do you think that made christine o'donnell feel. i think it made her feel jealous and vaguely aroused but i think she's sort of constantly big lee aroused and i think that's why she has that weird glaze in her eye all the time that or she's you know casting some kind of crazy to do witchcraft spell on us who knows now apparently americans are also getting way more experimental missionary style is so in one nine hundred fifty s. these days people in the survey reported engaging in forty one different sexual practices and they're way more into anal than they used to be does that tell you that we're evolving or devolving. you know i don't really know i mean the back
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door is a very interesting entrance and i think that it's just become more de stigmatized you see things about it more on t.v. even between heterosexual couples and there are also people who don't regard that as sex they regard that perhaps as an extension of making out so there you go i mean there are a lot of people running around out there who say that they're virgins but have an interesting definition of what we would call virginity the religious right wingers that are just constantly in denial about reality makes sense now. there are thank you so much for enlightening us on american sexual practices thank you. all right before we go it's time for our tweet of the day another juicy piece of gossip has been released about tea party senate candidate christine o'donnell back in two thousand and six she claimed that china was planning to take over the u.s. and that she had super secret intelligence about the plan for tonight we were
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thinking what would china tweet christine o'donnell we thought they'd say to be fair christine it's easy to confuse a panda express what the country of china not sure those cashiers have the most secret intelligence but you know christine whatever makes you feel better that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in and make sure you come back tomorrow we'll ask why conservatives are so obsessed with sex they say that they love freedom but they're always fighting to restrict that freedom when it comes to the bedroom so we'll explore the hypocrisy tomorrow in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of below the show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of tonight's show or any other nights you can always catch it all at youtube dot com slash the a lot of show where we now post interviews as well as the show in its entirety coming up next is the news with the latest headlines from the u.s. and around the world. imagine your line.
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