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tv   [untitled]    October 5, 2010 6:30am-7:00am EDT

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every month we give you the future we hope you understand. and want to bring the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world. join us for technology update.
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more news today. saying these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. corporations are today. place makes out. but another's it sparkles and unexplainable interest. in. a place where supernatural things are.
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those. that are too long from moscow headlines the family of victor boot the alleged russian arms dealer fear he may be forced into confessing is taken into u.s. custody who is currently in jail in thailand awaiting extradition to the states pressed charges of fraud and money laundering which has stalled the process were dropped earlier today. and to me austerity protesting gulf europe with populations angered by wising unemployment meanwhile americans facing similar problems seem to be taking their hardships less seriously. and garbage go lower moscow's landfills are turning into mountains of trout over five and
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a half million tons of ways to produce annually in the capital but only a small portion of it is recycled. now is the euro on the brink of collapse and should the strong contraries of the eurozone ditch the weaker ones artie's lower and it puts these questions and others to a well known british euro skeptic that interview is coming up next. today i'm talking to the right honorable john edwards he's a member of parliament and also needs of the conservative policy group on economic competitiveness he was also someone who was instrumental in keeping britain out of the euro zone john redwood thank you very much for talking to r.t. now you're a euro skeptic explain to me your reasons for that well i'm skeptical about how much european government we need and want. as a british democrat i believe that most of the big decisions should be taken by an
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elected parliament in the united kingdom and as many decisions as possible should be dedicated to individuals families and lower levels of government within the united kingdom so i am skeptical about the need and purpose of a lot of european government at the measure nine level if something requires global agreement with and our systems for global treaties and global agreement global government if something needs a national government we have the institutions it's quite difficult i think identifying those things that really require a european level of government as well the debt crisis and resulting unrest that we're seeing in the eurozone at the moment do you think that's a precursor to a total collapse of the what those countries in western europe that wish to create a bigger country called europe are obviously right to try and create a single currency as well as other single governing institutions my country doesn't want to do that it is very clearly not the view of the british people they wish to
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belong to a european superstate. where they have to be polled again on it i think it would be very convincing that they don't want to be part of a big european superstate. those on the continent to do i think prematurely going in for a currency union and it is creating stresses and strains within the system. i hope for the sake of the world and for their sakes that they make a. excess of it and they need to make certain changes in order to give it a greater probability of surviving and there are those who believe in hell coming out particularly in the moment and saying that the year i was at an economic concept that was fundamentally flawed from the very beginning are you one of them where i was one of the leading critics of the euro and i was one of the leading campaigners to keep my country out of the euro i'm very pleased we succeeded as i always said if you keep britain out of the euro it gives the euro greater chance of success i think if britain had been in the euro with the difficulties we've been through in most recent years with the banking system and the strong pull of the
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transatlantic trade on the british currency it could well have destroyed the euro by now so i think our great contribution to european unity was to keep out of it and it's made it more possible for the euro to survive i think now they have another problem in the euro zone which is that germany is very competitive for this level of the euro whereas the southern western member states of the euro area are not competitive for this level of the euro and so there has to be some give and take within the system if they want to keep all these countries in the euro i think they're going to have to do you value a bit further they don't have to print or euros and germany may not like that because it might create a little bit more inflation in germany but it will be the price of that in the euro succeed do you think that adjusting and balance saying is the solution or should we actually go to a more core you say for all it's germany a couple of others and just that the rest of them for the way but it's not for me to say what the future of europe because all i'm concerned about is the united
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kingdom and my country is out and i want to keep us out of it and there is no likelihood of us going in it so all is well and i think it's up to the current member states of the euro to come to political conclusions democratic conclusions about how much pain individual countries are prepared to put up with to stay in it and whether they can reach a better global settlement within the euro zone. which perhaps releases a bit of the tension and pressure on spain and portugal and greece and ireland without completely upset in germany but if you want a successful single currency area you need first would have a central bank that can decide how much of currency to print and the european central bank doesn't quite reach that point yet it's making progress towards that the germans are a little bit hesitant about that and you also need quite big transfer payments around the from the richer and stronger parts to the poorer parts so that the poorer parts can survive with a currency level that doesn't suit them and there aren't big enough transfers in
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the euro zone at the moment to make it work so it also adds to the strains for greece and portugal and so forth let's talk a bit about social problems we've seen a big demonstrations last week across across the eurozone do you think that when all star city measures are announced here in the u.k. as they inevitably will be we will see similar demonstrations here. well i hope we won't have big demonstrations the united kingdom i think the media and political presentation of our public spending is a bit bizarre. and i made a mistake reading the figures which no one else seems to bother to do and what the coalition government is proposing. is an increase of fifteen percent or ninety billion a year over the five year period that they expect to be in government now it's not hugely generous but it's growth in the amount of money being spent so if the public sector in britain manages its affairs intelligently and well there is no need to
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cut any public service that matters in the united kingdom and that is one of the advantages of having our own currency of course because what we decided to do under the law scope. was to devalue the currency quite sharply which of course hit british living standards but also made british business a bit more competitive and that was something we were free to do which greece and portugal and spain weren't free to do so part of europe of course we're not part of the same but we do have a close relationship with you how do you characterize that relationship and how would you like it change when the you has taken more and more power from the united kingdom often against the wishes of the british people who were asked about it and sometimes with the reluctant or tacit acceptance of the politicians but not with the enthusiastic support with the politicians that's why i welcome the coalition government statement the new government statement that it doesn't intend to transfer any more to the european union and of course my party the conservative
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party the biggest party in the coalition has said that it wishes to get powers back now some of us can't wait for the day when we start to get parts back because we think the european union has too many powers we don't think it exercises them very well for example we think the common agricultural policy is expensive and bad. we think it's very bad for developing africa because they can't serve as much as their a coach or produce into our markets as they ought to because of these restrictions it's also bad for british customers because they have to pay rather more for their food and it's not even very popular with the farmers who thought might of liked it so we think there needs to be a massive reform a common agricultural policy which really means less brussels interference and the coalition government has said that it will stretch the amount of power that the e.u. can take away from the u.k. and yet foreign secretary william hague has opted further into the european investigation order which restricts the powers of britain's judiciary were you
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expecting that to happen no i was not expecting any transfer of power because i believe the coalition agreement and i did in the house of commons my voice to those who was critical of this i don't think we do need to walked into more of the criminal justice system of the european union as one of the few good things the last over government did to give us the right not to be at all that and i don't expect to see the government i support then moving into it how does the european investigation or that affects the ability of persons judiciary to protect its own citizens of course it must limit the ability of the british government to run its own criminal justice system that's that's the whole idea of this collective action and i'm very suspicious that we get something out of it which makes it worthwhile to surrender that power one of things i messed object to about european power is that there's no real repeal or revision mechanism whereas in britain governments come and go they make mistakes they do things that are unpopular you can change it if they're sensible they change it before they loose office if they're not they
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lose office new government changes it when a new government comes in in britain now it cannot change all the things it doesn't like about european government and if the previous governments get in the way of powers we don't think they should be given away and they certainly did that we can get those powers back and i think that's wrong it's a rock chip which makes governing your own country increasingly difficult so what do you see happening so. ten years down the line if that if this kind of thing continues. no idea what's going to happen in this area for a long period like ten years ten days could be a long time in politics in here is very long time and in theory there are lots of possibilities on that i mean that this government does mean what it say and it or conserve to success it stays in office for ten years and so no more powers are given and we learn to live with the powers that are already gone. may be future and so if your government actually takes some powers back in the second half of your ten year period. the possibility is that the some other different kind of
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government which carry on giving away powers although the british people wouldn't want that they might have chosen a different government for different reasons i obviously hope it's going to be a five year period of kurdish government followed by a five year period of conservative government and if that's the case then i think we can limit the damage prime minister david cameron is here is skepticism was much wanted before he came to power can you see that in his actions as prime minister i think david cameron as prime minister of the kurdish government is obviously more restricted than perhaps he would like to have been and he's in kurdish for the liberal democrats and if they've been consistent about one thing above all others over the last twenty years it's their wish to give more and more power to the european union they are the closest to a federalist party the united kingdom house so i think david cameron just accepted that he's rather strange in that he cannot go in and demand lots of passport from brussels because his coalition partners were never there so in times of that it's rather not quite merit. no coalition is perfect from the point of view of the
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individuals in it at least this coalition is being honest about its disagreements and i think that's quite healthy sometimes you have disagreements within parties and there suppressed although the public knows that going on i think it's something quite healthy about being out so i don't agree with all the liberal democrat ministers in the coalition on. on the matter of your course i don't i didn't before we could form a coalition may be completely nonsensical to say that somehow one or both of us is strange because we haven't done much but thank you very much. this place makes sound. but another is it sparkles and unexplainable interest.
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in a place where supernatural beings are playing. ball it. does. on our cheek. if. the motion would be soon which brightened if you knew about someone from finest impressions. for instance on t.v. dot com.
6:46 am
more news today violence has once again flared up. these are the images go forward has been seeing from the streets of canada. sheinkopf orations are all today.
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arsons top stories the family of victor boot the alleged russian arms dealer fear he may be forced into confessing have taken into u.s. custody buddhist currently in jail in thailand awaiting extradition to the states pressed charges of fraud and money laundering which had stalled the process were dropped earlier today. and anti austerity protesting calls europe with populations anger on rising unemployment meanwhile americans facing similar problems seem to be taking their hardships less seriously . also garbage below are moscow's landfills are turning into mountains of towns over five and a half million tons of waste produced and it will be in the capital but only
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a small portion of it is recycled. let's get the latest now from the world of sports you know i am i believe a much welcome condition is back on the ice yes well it's taken two decades but at the last m.h.l. is bach in russia more not on game one coming up. great to have you with us this is sports today i'm you know no name on these are headlines of this hour rivalry revived tradition which halted with the soviet union of north american and russian ice hockey clubs doing battle is back. setting up their stall the odd shortened a little on new england winning the first super bowl of the new decade after they go to time on miami in week four of the n.f.l. season. and take your pick we've got each and every strike that was banned in this
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past weekend in the russian premier league get your fill of goals going to work in a few moments time. let's get underway with ice hockey where it's taken some twenty years but the stars of the n.h.l. an eastern european game are again facing off against each other their current hurricanes and phoenix coyotes this science crossing the atlantic to take on petersburg. in a series of exhibition clashes that among writhe takes up the story. blast from the past that is a perfect way to describe what's happening here today. will they call witnesses to a revival or tradition that ceased to exist along with the soviet union twenty years ago that's right is back in russia space and hopefully it's back here to say exhibition matches between russian and north american hockey teams have always been special for players and fans alike despite having
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a friendly status these games have always been full of intensity and the venue would have been sold out long before the game. games like this more often. raise revenue because then there's a risk the game interest. over the moon as soon as. i rush to buy a. two thousand and six stanley cup winners carolina hurricanes and scott st petersburg were first on the ice in russia carolina's last match before the team starts its regular season in the n.h.l. while the patient season is already well underway so it was difficult to foresee how the game would shape up keep in mind that the russians have former n.h.l. stars of their own. say yasha are just a few of those players who form the roster and the head coach was pleased to say
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the least after he seems convincing five three win against carolina. because. he's been you know. for every one. of you have. called. for. the people scott st petersburg scored two goals in the first period showing their serious intent. from the get go and he challenged replied with two of their own in the second and it was right about signing for the eternal rivals to show some fans what they'd been waiting for some serious mano a mano combat action. the result match penalty for those involved as we know scot won the match however it wasn't a walk in the park for them or their opponents that's a much different game than what we're used to back home i think with the big ice
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and the way they play is a lot different than a restaurateur lingo walls. around a minus come back to make a great make or take game sold out then you live broadcast and happy fans seem to be a part of a perfect recipe for a new cross kontinental hockey tradition the presidents of the cage shelf alexander in the dead it considers this match is a good start. to discuss called for expanding this protocol to awaken all clubs have been full force for there for a look a chill because it's quite obvious that. the braves game more interesting. for the public for the bottles of the disposals. one more n.h.l. cage shell match will take place in latvia on wednesday as local altitude takes on phoenix and r.c. will be there to tell the story room on cost for an r.c. st petersburg. all right let's stay with hard hitting sports but head to the
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gridiron where the new england patriots out tallied up a very special win against the dolphins quarterback tom brady recording his one hundredth career victory but the three time super bowl champion was very nearly didn't play a part at all. kicks to brush it off at the start of the second half of the week it's being seven six brandon tate making the most of the often overlooked specialty case a one hundred three yard kick off return providing a spark to the rest of the squad brady in particular fired off after not one of the quarterback becoming the fox this in the opposition to reach one hundred wins but the spotlight was on the fence on the special teams after showings of blocking a field goal. to score here to see if the also returning an interception for more of the same forty one fourteen i wouldn't be so sure once but we'll sort heads in european ryder cup camp this week no doubt following their thrilling win were team usa on monday but that didn't stop the key protagonists of
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the victory taking some time might to give their view on the weekend they'll be dining out on for years coming down the stretch their member of the riffle nerves like it my life i mean obviously i was out there trying to win it for me for my for my levante mates for calling. for europe for all those phones out there and i mean it was it was a different different level to want which was you know this is what this this go from is it's extremely special and will continue to be one of the greatest probably the greatest golf and on the planet it became very very difficult to gain that extra half a point. it's made much easier when you win any fourteen these matches are so close now so close and all credit to everybody here on the stage that has performed magnificently and finally let's recap the strikes which shook up
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proceedings in the russian premier league this past weekend a total of twenty goals from eight much as it flew in with the need some petersburg still the team to catch at the end of it all. live.
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live live. live. live. live live. live. live live. live live live live. live
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