tv [untitled] October 5, 2010 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT
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the start on t.v. . the family of the alleged russian illegal arms dealer victor boot fears for his life if he's expected to be u.s. after a thai court dismisses fresh charges brought by washington who could face life in prison if convicted in the u.s. . the u.k. ministry of defense under fire for team leader leading reppert records of its campaign in afghanistan making it almost impossible to investigate cases of misconduct by soldiers modi claims it's standard practice to delete some documents after deployment. and an advertising campaign backfires badly on eco campaigners trying to cut carbon emissions major backers have now pulled their support and expressed disappointment over the violent that. ilona shows up next in this time we take
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a look at fox news network and ask why they run what appear to be fear mongering reports stay with us for the alone issue. villota show where we get the real headlines with none of the mercy or can live out of washington d.c. now today we are calling out fox news they aren't if they aren't instilling fear about islam or black panthers and they're talking about victor boot claiming that he has close ties to the kremlin so how is it that that network continues to practice fear mongering without really any opposition going to sit down with georgetown university professor christopher chambers next we'll examine the hardships that women continue to face in today's society career mom still have trouble raising a family and paying for childcare all the same time even though everybody says that men and women are more equal than ever before archie correspondent kalen ford is
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going to have that report then we'll tell you about a recent op ed from neo con political activist bill kristol he argues that a cheaper military is not going to solve our financial woes but instead will make the world a more dangerous place i am shouting false at this comment and i want to know why defense cuts are never ever on the table and especially not in these tough economic times and why are conservatives so obsessed with sex i don't mean and i want more sex sort of way no i'm talking about being obsessed with sex is a sin and it's tempting to regulate what goes on in your bedroom to lawn dotcoms tracy clark laurie will join me to discuss that steamy topic and then imagine your house is burning to the ground when you call for help the fire trucks will come because you did pave the sound ridiculous but that's what's really happened in tennessee so we're going to ask of privatizing public services is really the best route or the inevitable route that america's taking these days but now let's move
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on to our top story. kerry get the feeling of us we're all just isn't scary enough that there aren't enough people that you can consider enemies that are constantly trying to threaten the way that you live that there aren't enough conspiracies out there to give your children nightmares and that there aren't enough people out there who think of the cold war isn't quite over well you guys can quit your worrying because there is one channel that's dedicated their entire twenty four hour seven day a week news cycle to keeping people scared and making sure the truth doesn't get in the way of that talking about fox news. we don't as a country recognize evil anymore we can't name it we can't look at it we've got to name the monster under the bed give it a name and you'll stop being afraid of it that name in this particular case is is vladimir putin lattimer putin is not a good man now yesterday we highlighted how suddenly the airwaves have fallen
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silent on the dangers of trying one ton of the detainees on u.s. soil despite the fact that the first civilian trial was beginning in new york well that's because this week they're focused on a new as thai courts are discussing the possible extradition of victor boot an alleged russian arms dealer now in a fair and balanced news article on the fox website the writer calls this the last great spy battle of the cold war claims the boat has very close ties to the kremlin so like i said today it's the kremlin tomorrow it's muslims the next day it's illegal immigrants but what's most disturbing about this channel that caters to those who want an enemy is that they have an audience so should we say goodbye to all rationale in a world where fox news exists and joining me to discuss it is christopher chambers university professor at georgetown university professor and author of the blog not turner's revenge chris thanks so much for being here and now before we get into you know the whole story tell me what the world was like before it was it was
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a more peaceful. well i mean that's those were the days where there were three networks where you had walter cronkite saying that's the way it is well that's the way it was i mean there's that is over there the precursor that of course was something called g.o.p. t.v. which roger ailes had something to do with roger ailes who runs for fox news for what for rupert murdoch roger ailes used to work for richard nixon roger ailes who glenn beck was responsible for the civil rights movement because i think when he was doing entertainment shows he had more luther king on the mike douglas show i think that ranks up there but puts. there with the prevailing to learn come it's been a long time trying to say but you know what i mean but before that you know fear has always driven these cycles you know when you go back to the american history of reconstruction after the civil war depressions you know between the civil war and world war one and then the newspaper said no japanese immigrants no chinese
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immigrants you know no two freed slaves this people get nervous people need a scapegoat. the press is always you know people usually you know i mean there's a lot of fear mongers out there aren't the only people doing it but usually these people have you know a dedicated purpose and one single you know victim criminal person that's the bad guy that they write but these people are just i mean they're all over the board everyone is up for grabs well yeah terms of where you have to i mean because things fall out of this news cycle boot is there and you know they could make up a name merchant of death i mean that's that's the name that's been around forever but they have like you they have taken that focused it on him as if some objective panel has bestowed that on him and that's just a name that's been out there that they're using their recycling throughout the kind of conservative circuit because it's like anything like the cold war is still on
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a fact and now they're bringing and they're saying that you know victor boot also has close ties to the kremlin and since you know he allegedly sold arms to al shabaab then that means that al qaeda and the kremlin are aware of means and how these people connect the dots it just creates there is a sign there is when you look at the article in particular in some of the news reports and with glenn beck said including russia now in the new axis of evil the article doesn't actually set up the real connections of arms and what's flowing where these were you know longstanding long ago kinds of cold war press sorts of things that walter winchell came up with were. it was work working with the joe mccarthy there's no direct evidence of this stuff but you know the like now james says this is no direct i'm talking about the actual arms dealing i'm talking about his relationship with the government and putin and all that i mean that stuff that's basically opinion in the article and then the expert advice out as fair
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about well that's that's where that's their focus today that's what are you doing do you think i mean what is their purpose why they're somewhere and fairly have a rating you know there's ratings but there's also a political agenda here i mean if you go after the reptilian brain as i keep saying the fear part the thing is is that you know monitor lizards and velociraptors are a little bit more on this than fox because they don't trust that they're very direct and balanced about what they want fox is trying to basically have a political transformation in this country they helped basically invent the tea party they had the audience there and then drum beat drum beat drum beat drum beat but have them there gary hart to me is that this you know i don't know if you want to call it a political transformation but whatever they're doing it's working they're all getting out the other networks when it comes to their ratings i mean because because they have an audience people that want to be scared of the news to me that is that is the key and that is something that is nothing new in american society american history they have found
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a way through technology now because the technology has caught up with the fear to harness that and that's what they're doing they're harnessing it all i ask is that you be honest about it even william randolph hearst was honest about his points of view and what he was trying to accomplish and if he can be honest even walter winchell working with mccarthy can be honest why can't they now well what i want to know too is i mean when you have let's say perhaps on the opposite spectrum ideologically you have the m.s.m. b.c. would write you know could be pushing the evil liberal agenda that's going to ruin the world but it doesn't seem to work to me they. they they can't beat out fog only because their audience is not there they're not programmed with the rip killion brain fear now who knows after after november that could switch but they're we're not we're talking about different types of people people who feel like they've been in charge for ever and somehow that's a psychologically with barack obama's election even back when bill clinton was
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elected i mean i think they don't rot and it just they don't like logic they don't like a reason they don't like rationale and so they do whatever they can to just subvert all knowledge and i'm right and don't anybody make the liberals and progressives they're so boring well you know i stay here a logical outlet and liberals don't have at least that part of the audience i mean let's not get too twisted and this n.b.c. is part of microsoft and n.b.c. c.n.n. and you know i mean they're big corporations and it's about money i'm just i mean ideology but it's right but it's but i mean there's a core behind the fox audience that is about making money keeping the status quo about corporate control i mean you know i'm not talking about conspiracy theories i'm talking about reality and if they can have a screen in front of them a smoke screen so they can do what they want to do for the national press club says you know put the joe the plumber types out there is a screen so they can print their money you know i mean that so i say that a lot of that behind it and get away with it and that's the scary part if he has
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very spare time much for being here nick you i thought to come on tonight's show we're going to take a look at the working american woman and why maternity rights in the u.s. are so different from other parts of the world. order points and we can back. hungry for the feast we've got. the biggest issues get the human voice face to face with the news makers. the old saying one step forward two steps back could apply to the plight of women right here in the u.s.
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in recent years women have the makings big strides in business and the political field but that doesn't mean that balancing work and children has become any easier for many career moms affordable child care and paid maternity leave are still hard if not impossible to come by our two scaling forward reports. just so the rhetoric is familiar specially where the women are always with a difference that every election this year your voice your bold will be the deciding factor in forging a new future for america but the reality stands in stark contrast for all the talk of female empowerment women in america are losing ground just as a nine was a record year for women in congress but it only seventeen percent the u.s. still trails countries like a rap or twenty five percent of the parliament must be female and in the coming november elections women are expected to lose seats the u.s. is one of five countries with no guaranteed maternity leave benefits women can legally be fired for becoming pregnant and the standard is two weeks of paid leave
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after giving birth compared to three months to a year in other countries. any birds children were born in guatemala where women are guaranteed three months paid maternity leave and free preschool but here in d.c. she enjoys neither. for women who are earning the minimum wage or anything close to it. there are not empowered there's a big gap you have mothers who are professionals that are good salaries and can pay you know fifteen hundred dollars a month per child for child care a lot of mothers have to pay. virtually all of what their salary would be in order to get child care. and irony burd struggles with as a woman fighting for women's rights it's a human rights violation really for women and. not for children not to be able to. to work to support the
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family in the way that they need to be able to. compared to other developed countries the u.s. spends one third less on early childhood education and doesn't have universal public preschool there's a big problem with. this site that the congress deciding budgets not prioritizing basic social programs and fundamental human rights but instead. you know catering to the interests of corporations who are more interested in. building up the military with women accounting for two thirds of minimum wage workers in the us the economic crisis has forced many women here to choose between feeding their families and caring for their children cumin forward washington d.c. . well kayla joining me in the studio with more on this story you know one of the interesting reasons why we decided to bring this up is because right now there's
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a forbes most powerful women summit going on barack obama supposed to speak there tonight and the general consensus is that you know women have come so far they're achieving so much we now have women c.e.o.'s of these giant corporations but i think that it doesn't work the same way for the average working american one well i think we really need to go when you're looking at women's rights and sort of advances for women in in the workplace them in childcare and issues like this in maternity leave we really need to go back to basics yes we have a woman who was a vice presidential candidate yes when does a presidential candidate get the speaker of the house the woman but for the average working mom have things changed and they really haven't if anything we've gotten harder in terms of working class mothers women are make up sixty eight sixty eight percent scuse me of minimum wage workers so we're we have you know we're talking about a lot of women here who are affected by this issue for example here in d.c. child care costs about fifteen hundred dollars per month per child and there's no
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you know free universal preschool so if you want to go back to work who is going to take care of your children how are you going to make that work a lot of times that amount of money isn't it a woman a working class woman is a higher salary is going to child care so which ultimately makes it impossible exactly only you know i mean this is america you would think that by this point in time it would be mandatory federally right there is a paid maternity leave you mentioned guatemala in your story i mean what other countries are there out there that are you know further ahead of us in terms of progress since virtually all countries are ahead of us on this issue which is sad we're the richest country in the. we rank bottom of the one hundred seventy three countries surveyed in terms of maternity benefits in terms of you know benefits for women were in the bottom five along with the landless poor new guinea countries that are not developed nations in terms of among developed nations we spend two thirds less than early childhood education then most developed countries in the
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world. we should be farther along on the thing is that the united states because a lot of emphasis i think on making money and capitalism and instead of placing that emphasis on the family in developing countries they realise that investment in woman is that investment in children in investment children is the future so you have higher your like your welfare case i was actually and here we have this sort of stigma you know social programs that women should go right back to work here women are expected to go back to work in some cases two weeks after giving birth you know the world health organization recommends that women breastfeed for six months there's no current standard that people have to be allowed women have to be allowed to breastfeed at work it's very hard for women who want to have a career and want to have a family now is there any kind of i don't know progressives anyone pushing for for this to even happen and become a federal law well a lot of people were hoping that this was going to be in obama's big obamacare health care reform package and this is really been dodged this is an issue that's
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really been and it's very frustrating for a lot of working class moms and you know it's being sort of left to the states there are three states now that are offering those sort of benefits that are offering full paid maternity leave california new jersey washington for example but there's not a federally mandated standard for this and it's very frustrating to a lot of people so it's interesting that this isn't been an issue that's really been touched on even though we use the rhetoric of women as being the foundation of our society and we certainly look our politicians certainly look to women for votes but they're not really interested in helping working class moms. yeah i mean if you talk about business too you know from that side of it you would think that it would be a win win situation for the employers and for the worker because why wouldn't you want to tell your employees that you care about them and that you know a year you're willing to give them some time so then they come back and they're loyal it's definitely something that doesn't get enough coverage can't thank so much thank you our we've got
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a lot more to come on tonight's show the latest comments from the c.e.o. of google are beyond i'll tell you what he said in just a moment and is war the best way to achieve peace that's what some right wing analysts are arguing in order to make sure the defense spending doesn't land on the chopping block but is there logic flawed i'm going to discuss that in just a moment with a veteran from the afghanistan war. wealthy british style it's time to. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy is a report on our. every month we give you the future we'll do you understand how we'll get there and what more great best in science and technology from across russia and around the world join your knowledge on r.g.p.
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. please somebody out there lock up eric schmidt seriously the man needs to stop talking google is back in the news with a nother set of bizarre comments about their creepiness c.e.o. eric schmidt recently sat down for an interview with the atlantic where he answered questions about the goober and gave his input on the way that humanity would come to rely on technology to enhance their everyday life seems and is that enough right but towards the end of this interview the conversation turned towards the topic of google and their invasion of privacy so schmidt simply views the invasion. and privacy as a way to allow the internet giant to gain more information about you and then that data will let the search engine help you in your everyday life don't you get it google is trying to amass a huge amount of personal information about you to help you. now at that point schmidt brought up the idea of the google implant
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a way to know what you want to search or do before you even do it. there is an off button and you haven't turned it off but you just described a moment ago you said intuition and judgment looked humans but moment ago you described a system that in which the computer will be intuiting what i think. you know this is stretching here but i would be that were you know whether i would be on the other say that if you do it is guessing what. he calls it the creepy line he even went on to explain that google's policy is to get right up to that creepy line and not cross it now i have to be honest the fact that he's talking about a chip implant and that he's playing footsie with the creepy line is just plain creepy i mean come on we all know that you're trying to steal our identities but you don't have to be so damn honest about it but schmidt is no stranger to creepy comments he usually gives his off the cuff opinions about things relating to politics and technology do you ever when he said that young people should change
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their names when they get older so they can hide from their online past or when the c.e.o. suggested the google will find its own way to access facebook data if the social networking site doesn't let the search engine index it she just loves to give his two cents on everything and anything involving the u.s. and frankly i think it's getting to be a little bit too much somebody needs to remind the man that there is a creepy line for a reason and someone within google needs to give this guy a muzzle because he's singlehandedly ruining google's reputation and sufficiently creeping me out. is a way to ward the best way to achieve peace that's what the infamous bill kristol and two other conservatives are arguing and an op ed that they penned together for the wall street journal entitled peace doesn't keep itself down since anti-government spending sentiment is sweeping the nation conservatives are getting their panties all in a bunch of the thought that defense spending might also land on the chopping block
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so they've unleashed these three conservative commentators to warm. longer away and try to convince people that it cheaper military won't solve our financial woes but will make the world more dangerous place and that's a direct quote so why does this twisted logic always seem to win why is defense spending always seem to continue growing ordering me to discuss it as afghanistan veterans kill a bear to take thanks so much for being here nice to have you in the studio for once what a change they have in a program let's begin with. to me just the logic that doesn't make any sense the fact that they think the only way to achieve war or to achieve peace excuse me is by waging war what do you make of that but i think it's a fundamental misunderstanding what takes place of war in during war people die people survive people die there's different things that happen but overall chaos is created and so to think that somehow having waging war in order to have peace really misunderstanding what forces are force has utility but it should only be
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news for defensive purposes and if it's used for defensive purposes only there can be some beneficiaries but if you use it as a means of interventionism for instance currently like we used in r. and iraq and afghanistan there is blowback effects that have negative effects that affect people well you know what kills me most is that they're trying to make a financial argument out of this too you know they're trying to say that global prosperity requires commerce and trade and that requires peace and that the only way to achieve peace is obviously to wage war i mean can you make war about the economy you know i think i mean i'm a conservative a class for myself as a conservative and something i find i give you for that but i thank you one of things i find extremely discomforting about this entire process is that war and war making and the military industrial system only adds to large government and so if they're saying that they want to increase the economy from a conservative perspective they should understand one of the greatest simply
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increases and government happens when you go to war it doesn't decrease cover. but they're trying to argue exactly the opposite and they're you know using even in quotes those oh it's those damn mandatory service this things like social security and medicaid and medicare that are so evil that is really running up our deficits and it's true there are part of it but so is the defense spending budget i mean you can't just ignore all reality and only come at things from a one sided perspective all these guys i mean what we really these guys really miss the point is that as conservatives they should say that everything needs to take a block cut at the top not just pass the popular sentiment middle days this is this what this is what should take place i mean and just to give you a perspective when people say well we're at war in the terrorists are coming to get us i mean the guys that attacked us were there were a couple of bombs that lived in caves with a k forty seven pts you don't need one hundred sixty million dollars just to kill a couple of terrorists that are hiding out in caves so this idea that we need to do
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this to keep america safe no one like sarah palin says is a fundamental misunderstanding of what we're going on the international world and then secondly if we're going to take a realistic approach at balancing the budgets everything across the board needs to take a cut of everything i'm talking about salaries of congressman ciro salaries of of of presidents and title my programs defense spending everything this would be a conservative position liberals i would i would know exactly what to tell them well they know what also like even britain now has their defense cuts perhaps on the chopping block they're thinking of cutting maybe ten to twenty percent they're doing it you know why can't we start doing it in our military makes it fifty percent fifty four percent excuse me of the entire world's military we spend more than everybody else combined and i think that also this argument you know shows the logic that we think that we're alone in this you know we talk about global peace global prosperity global commerce but here the idea is that it's only up to the
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united states to keep the entire world say well really i mean we're suffering for i call them. noms syndrome we here we are thirty or forty years removed from vietnam and much of the defense industry and much of the pentagon is still convinced that if we don't have the strongest the fastest the most fancy guess moe's in our military that some are going to seem weak and the best way we know how to make sure that we don't have another vietnam the situation is a continued current spending the problem with that is that is a is a cold war mentality that the current security threat of the united states is a is a is a new paradigm it's proxy wars ethnic and religious wars of small low intensity conflicts not large nation states with well developed militaries so if if we are going to really assess the world and keeping us safe as well as everybody else in the world thinking about their safety thing about the general growth in humanity it's not going to be with one hundred sixty million dollars jets it's going to be with aid and development diplomacy massive state department fund.
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