tv [untitled] October 6, 2010 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT
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the ritz carlton hotel grounds many as you call to hotels full seasons hotel and the sultan which comes. alleged russian gun run a victim byrd fights u.s. attempts to get him extradited from thailand is known as plan to appeal any court decision that would see him shipped out also. we can't allow ourselves to be out communicated by our enemy a major us media boss wants more money to battle international competitors who he says are winning over the hearts and minds of viewers across the world. and anger in europe at fresh u.s. demands but data sharing critics say america is imposing on personal privacy is under the pretense of fighting terrorism.
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live from our studios here in central moscow this is r.t. with you twenty four hours a day tun and says it's moving closer to a decision on whether alleged russian gun smuggler victor boot should be extradited to the u.s. the country's prime minister said the handover period could last more than three months if it's deemed necessary but which will remain in a thai jail until his legal team appeals the latest verdict thomas has been following the developments. victor boot has certainly created a name for himself song call him the merchant of death or even the lord of war but to sear gay people victors brother he's seen simply as a great business mind just set up the course he had the drive in quite an outstanding talent to organize and run business that's why it was great working with him. the boot was arrested in two thousand and eight in bangkok thailand
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during a sting operation and accused of trying to sell weapons to colombian fark militants the u.s. has been trying to extradite ever since he claims innocent he's. can has only operated as an international businessman providing logistics for shipping that his brother doesn't understand what is driving the american push against him which was pissed little leaper making a monster out of him and if you think about it the dictator has been totally business for over ten years what sort of secret information can he possibly not resist but he has not been out of the country and he hasn't any artist nor do most of the last ten years when you he was out of the business he couldn't work anymore because everywhere he wins the us is going to have to suck his work of course i guess the us special service has so straight and loads of this doesn't look good but there is increased pressure from america and the political connections within the thai government for a decision to be made a lot of phone calls have been made from the united states to thailand obviously to
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the prime minister's office and this is another part of that this delicious irony of the thai prime minister will be americans are saying is actually working for the victor what is actually working for the americans because he's not only is a british war but also all british passport which means he's obviously subservient to the british american interest and with the power of american banking some say the incentive is right for thailand to play ball but america has promised thailand fighter jets and cheap oil if the decision goes their way if he's next right to america and stands trial in america itself i think then everything will be in public but probably but might happen is that they would like to extradite him but not have a face trial in america but to be in a prison another country as they have done with other people so that we don't know people don't really know what's going on and there are questions about the legality of the extradition process and the motives of the united states but those who are close to victor boot say they are more concerned about his welfare and safety and
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the fact that the company it's quite possible they like sudan team and just woke him up in some aircraft carrier and forced him to give would have a testimony to us once he gave i think he'll go as far as it takes to get it to give me the probably does. and now the question if true justice is even a possibility lots of the images we will see what i think there's nothing left of american democracy today the u.s. regime is the same or worse a stallion strain was any action is detected as a patriotic act but everything is classified they have secret prisons where they torture people and inject in with sin or chemicals to extract information but they're willing to resort to any means to get what they want with. now with the possibility of victor boot extradition growing closer to reality those who remain convinced of his innocence are still keeping up the fight the chauvinist are still part of but we're still hoping victor will be freed and we believe he might be it's hard for regular people like us to file the u.s. machines look at them and will look at us what do we have to back us up it's like
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a man fighting an elephant and it's hard for us to get through this we were hoping for just as with we haven't seen any in the past three years she was not. sean thomas archie. and us documentary filmmaker danny schechter believes victim bert's case is being used to maintain cold war era stereotypes about russia. there are many who don't recognize that the soviet union is gone and that the new russia is not the old soviet union but we need an enemy in their view and russia is just as good as any other and the idea that somehow bull you know can be the magic man the genes by the person who is lurking to smear him in the james bond movie sense you know the. organization of organizations that so secret we don't know anything about it it also seems to play well in the media because the more information that can be offered often without any evidence the better the story is in the case of blood
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here's a guy who's been accused and now is basically supposedly going to be extradited to the united states the mastermind the merchant of death all the labels have already been affixed to him but it's really unclear if there will be any extradition because russia sees this as an effort to demonize a russian and i think there's a case to be made here and there a cold war echoes from america elsewhere to the u.s. we're going to zation which oversees the media directed at foreign audiences has labeled the media in russia china and iran as enemies the broadcasting board of governors which is sponsored by the us government says it needs new tools to fight them we can't allow ourselves to be out communicated by our enemies there's that freedom house report that reveals that today's autocratic leaders are investing billions of dollars in media resources to influence the global opinion you've got
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russia today iran's press t.v. venezuela's telos and of course china as a launching international broadcasting twenty four hour news channels correspondents around the world well earlier we spoke to marty's political commentator peter divel who thinks the chairman statement puts him beyond real journalism. the south a city in conflict c.n.n. took the side voice of america took the side of georgia iran two thousand and three the drive to war i mean this is nothing to do with journalism it's about soft power and pushing the american foreign policy agenda and it looks like the chairman is a little worried that the world isn't believing him or his organizations any more. ok but how do you react to the chair referring to russia as an enemy because walter isaacson says we cannot allow ourselves to be out communicated by our enemies now isn't this ruining his mission statement of reporting news are not creating enemies
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i guess he doesn't have anything to do with journalism ok because that's what we're supposed to do is journalist is give you facts maybe give you perspective but he's making it sound like it's just a media war and he treats everyone that is a competitor and a competitor of the united states as an enemy he says that clear out twenty years after the end of the cold war one has to wonder who's who in taliban has changed and who hasn't stayed and it's really remarkable but i'm not surprised at the same time if we do if we just step back for a moment to look at the broader scope i mean if you really want to put this all together why would he make such comments because he we have a depressed economy in the united states will probably be a double dip and there are priorities and he's worried about losing budgets he's got he's from c.n.n. time magazine and you say look at our competitors are pouring money into soft power they're pouring money into alternative journalism they're pouring money into the truth i would say and they're afraid that you know their organizations and i would get the word out anymore they need to keep fighting cold wars and they're afraid
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that because we won't. for years the united states was the biggest preacher of tolerance in the world with contemporary us society is losing its reputation as a free and open one set of nationalistic hate against minorities including islamophobia or on the roomies. america is supposed to be a nation of tolerance. but bleeding through her stars and stripes. and ugliness incapable of masking protests against the construction of new mosques illegal immigration and economic reform point to a fear and frustration. an emotional climate experts say where many americans are swapping patriotism for nationalism definitely is a phobia it's a fear of the other zina phobia is defined as an unreasonable fear or hatred of the unfamiliar especially people of other race or religion muslim associated with bill
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that's everybody knows the no fly list has ninety nine names most of them sorry sacks created what he calls mobile art aviation a missile decorated with signs equating islam to terrorism at the front a mannequin dressed as an arab there is no disrespect there is no more sex drives this display all over new york this. is the out of ramadan is the executive director of the council of american islamic relations his new york office repeatedly receives hate mail like this picture of a burning car on there's been a spike an obvious spike of hate crimes and islamophobia correct and attacks on mosques throughout the country from temecula california to sheboygan wisconsin to tennessee these are our crimes that are motivated by. hate
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or intolerance or bigotry a rage that amnesty international believes is being exploited not tempered by politicians all across america now she's going to have the right to put up a sign next to the holocaust museum in washington. never said the japanese were going to show you next to pearl harbor was no reason for us to search a mosque and actually we're afraid at tea parties around the country frustrations over taxes and joblessness are aimed more directly at us president barack obama is saying oh you can help us look you know what i don't know what the reality is i cannot make up what the president is but the reason to suspect him is because he's talking like what stop talking like that. according to the f.b.i. obama has garnered more death threats than any other american president in the us immigrants have also become the other arrested and detained in arizona beaten and
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bruised in new york where racial tensions have erupted in some low income neighborhoods unfortunately most of the attacks most recently been by blacks against mexican violence many attribute to the struggling u.s. economy if you're a mexican immigrant right and people think that you're a threat maybe third job or something like that they're going through a saw in one basket that's the bottom line anything who looks different all the sudden becomes bad and alarming downturn in america's mood it clearly illustrates how frustrated and divided public but this leaves many hosking the land founded on freedom is becoming a land and soon i hate. fortnight party new york. investigators looking into the murder of journalist anna politkovskaya say they have identified a number of new suspected accomplices all of them reportedly hoarding in europe russian prosecutors have contacted other european countries in the hunt for the suspects to determine where they all and how they left the country
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a man thought to be the actual is now being hunted by interpol and journalists for the newspaper because the utter and renowned human rights activist was shot dead four years ago but he say she was targeted because of a job three people remain under investigation despite being freed by a court which dropped all charges against them in an earlier trial. new data sharing demands from washington are causing anger in europe the u.s. could get access to fingerprints d.n.a. samples banking details and other private and sensitive information the u.s. says it just wants to stop potential terrorists from entering the country travelers from states refusing to share the information will now have to apply for an american visa and some e.u. countries for example austria and germany have already agreed to hand over the personal data of citizens when in june the united states signed the so-called swift beale which gives american officials access to all banking transactions within europe well greta rush he's
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a politician and member of the european parliament joins me now live from brussels thanks very much indeed for joining us here on r.t. now the the so-called swift deal allows the u.s. access to the new citizens banking history now is the u.s. really after other information and if it does get that information how well would that data be protected. well if i were an investigator trying to. you know collect intelligence out of several kinds of data i would i would like to have a talk i would like to have bank data travel as we see with the passengers names records also well why not biometric later and also e-mails phone calls etc but i am not an investigator i am a politician so i am a representative and i know that's hundreds of millions of european citizens five hundred millions well who like to give their pin codes. to even their best friends and now at this point we are sending about nine ninety six
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million bits of financial transfers ninety million messages financial messages each month to the united states so this is billions a year and. the european citizens turn to us to ask how is this happening why is that it's not happening with reciprocity what about perhaps a compromise perhaps a quid pro quo where we see for example this deal giving the e.u. the same right to the same sort of information that the u.s. wants from e.u. citizens would that be possible. well at this point the flow of data is from the e.u. to the u.s. and there's a theoretical possibility of diverting this is this one of the data but still ethical reciprocity it's not real reciprocity and asymmetrical reciprocity it's not reciprocity so at this point we do not have responses with the united states course you're mentioning earlier you and i would certainly wouldn't want to give our pin details of our bank accounts to even our friends now what about this case will you
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and i that the public be informed about the sort of information that's been gleaned from us will they or indeed the e.u. parliament have any say on the sort of information that's passed on well actually between run deal which was rejected by parliament and to which was approved and then with my faults against but the proved we managed to get a new rupee an overseer in washington which will be looking over the american shoulders as it were and with the power to start a search that he or she will do not appropriate the problem is that now the european commission is not willing to tell us the name of this person who isn't in washington so we are here at this point i will say ironic situation where the privacy of one person one representative that should be public from the outset is better protected than the privacy of five hundred million european citizens but just in the light of the recent terror alerts we've seen american citizens are being warned about potential terror threats in europe i mean surely this is
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necessary it's all part of making the world safer a fight against terrorism no short of people really shouldn't worry about this unless they've got something to hide. well terrorism is really is it is a real threat when we were in washington for this same. agreement that it was at the time of the of the times square attempted bombing and i was nearby so it is a real threat and i want to be safe as much as any other european or american citizen or citizen or anywhere in the world but the question is not that we have anything to hide is that the states this situation either in the europe or in the not to such shall not have anything to add as well with the citizens with the representatives we're wants to aspire to see on their side so if they give us transparency if we know what kind of that has been accessed by whom and when if we have representatives whose name we know then we can you know in the reciprocity between the citizen and the situations we can work in making everybody safe we're
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not against this kind of investigation in order to protect us but we are against the opacity of the states it's not enough to say that it's security and then you can give everything to dissent that is not enough room to rush fascinating to hear what you have to say thanks very much indeed for joining us member of the european parliament live in brussels here on r.t. thank you. well there's a new violence in kurdistan just days ahead of a parliamentary election twenty people have stormed the office of a national opposition political party in the capital bishkek the protest was staged by relatives of those killed in the riots a broken heart after the president of the republic was exiled earlier this year with broken to be party headquarters burning equipment to campaigning material that followed a recording aired by local media in which the party's leader said intended to put out the president back into power the party spokesman denied the allegation saying the tape was edited. the commonwealth games in new delhi are supposed to be india's moment to show off its rapidly rising wealth the president of the international
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olympic committee says the nation set a solid foundation for a future olympics bid but the capital is putting on a fake front of bright billboards to hide the poverty of shanty homes charan singh looks at the reality. across the board showcasing the commonwealth games have sprung up trying to hide the city's poverty but these haven't been entirely successful here in boston for the heart the slum is still visible most of its two thousand residents are not surprised by the action. the government considers its dirty it could give us a lot to relocate them instant too high just to put a curtain up as if we're dirty and shouldn't be seen at our politicians take their votes but they stay in. the commonwealth games are supposed to showcase delis arrival as a world class city in this new avatar there is no place for the city slums no wonder then that the administration feels that these boards will help project the
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best face of the city wishing away the reality that may exist behind them people in the slum now have to circle around the whole barricade to fetch water from the other side children to have to squeeze themselves in and out through the gaps to avoid the long new roof. and there's no water here this is the biggest problem for us there used to be one town close by but that has been shut so we have to walk to get water from far away the government has spent at least four point six billion dollars on upgrading infrastructure for the games yet slum residents such as rugby davey and her family believe this development has bypassed that. if the government had provided some amenities for us even to proper houses for us to live in would have been great for him or they could have opened a school in the slum and provided us with drinking water when the commonwealth games and the birds will come down but for the residents life will continue to be
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tough for them long term life improving changes are needed not short of cosmetic ones got and saying r.t. . vehicles to explore the moon may not be as high tech as you think at least as far as the contestants in a moscow cosmo buggy contest believe they've come up with their own machines in the hope of launching stellar career as a multi-state cubans as met some of them were culling through the streets of moscow with russia's moonbuggy team as it wraps for the international now stop moonbuggy competition libbers hope that once the moon dust settles a little current type will need to judge events or manpower the competition held every able it's meant to get students think about the great beyond and to help them dream about how they can contribute to the sciences teams are made up of six students to design build and raise lightweight theme and power to move but it's meant to tackle many of the same challenges the l.n. state last used to the bike on this project is just beginning and we're going to develop our skills our plan is to communicate close new with there are some nasa we
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hope are growing international connections that will help us develop new technology and we also hold will become part of a bigger project and build a real news over but so far we're starting to acknowledge your own genome in our contribution was the only reason to teammates out on the half mile course which is meant to resemble the moon surface of the rocks craters editor said the work that goes into. building a bridge. well that brings up today for the moment and just to tell you that so in about ten minutes from now we'll be talking to a euro skeptic who's actually a member of the european parliament but first before that we have the latest from the world of business with you. hello and a very warm welcome to the business news the investment for more free to be capital brought together experts on finance and building businesses the two day event
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addressed two main issues turning moscow into a world financial center and diversify the russian economy will bring you the highlights. all politicians and business people seem agreed that russia's economy needs to diversify but doesn't that say there is no single path. what we call the best prediction for an economy is scenario seventy eight if the oil price remains at seventy eight dollars per barrel they caught i mean is likely going to the spirit of study nation in the brush and if like stagnation of the seventy's and eighty's that is this will happen if there are no serious economic reforms being undertaken right now one has to remember that their offer is relatively rich country by the world's standards and at this level of g.d.p. per capita one can only girls if there is
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a broad based innovation economists with the catch up a period of economic growth is in the past so now one has to provide incentives to innovate the incentives a to grow unfortunately the top down economic policy all of this has been tried the vertical the horizontal economic policy industrial policy has been tried so now to grow a sustainable sustainably foster a levels one has to think about the new strategy for economic growth which is based on economic reforms so the key is to create demand forty four percent and the two top priority this is the first one as per it is ation to create is the amount of government involvement in the economy not just the privatization of the minority it. a minority shares in the large government companies but the broad based approach is ation most of the large companies which are not interested in the invasion and reforms are sold out to private investors
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the second is drastic deregulation of the small businesses because we all know that the small businesses are usually the most serious proponents of economic reforms the private protection of the private property and the economic institutions which can conducive to economic growth the need to diversify russia's economy is nothing new but the financial crisis has given it more urgency because archie spoke to. chief economist at the european bank for reconstruction and development. there are some old lessons that we need to be reminded of and some new there since i think that in terms of new lessons in the vulnerability of the financial system russia needs to invest much more in a minute addressing the key bomb abilities the very largest on the there the lack of transparency in the financial system we knew that there was a problem but you're reminded on how big
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a problem. in terms of the the oldness sense is about diversifying building for activity the big problem in russia is that there's not enough middle size for that's what it is mourning the patient of the problems in the form of the lack of competition the problems of the business environment and the very strong regional variation in business environment the russian government is offering subsidies to boost in the station but one technology investor told r.t. that what companies really need is simply less regulation i think that the most important is in the burbs not too great for the incentives are moving to the burbs for example in everything which is connected with the globalization of the russian and i wish to cultural industry are more in. the costumes were done recently. the special started with together with. the price waterfalls on the bar your sort
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of innovation business and everybody says the most important point is the customs. own little comfort for business though russia's finance minister admitted the tax burden will rise by of around four percent alex accoutrements in paris which will happen over three years is mainly due to excise duty is a petrol alcohol and tobacco along with a buys or insurance premiums while it comes several months off to cushion so that there is no room to cut taxes and brush up. russia's geographical reach is certainly one of its strengths that's according to the to hambro who runs a gold mining company in russia's fought east he says neighboring china represents an opportunity as well as of risk needs to particularly in the east and so here whether it's demographic there is one point one million people in the region fifty eight million people in it in general. and so that demographic.
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