tv [untitled] October 6, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT
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see. the thai government set to discuss the fate of alleged russian arms smuggler who is facing extradition to the us. we can't allow ourselves to be communicated by our enemies the vanguard of u.s. international broadcasting calls for more cash to battle the rising media voices from around the world. and as the u.s. demands. calls. a question an invasion of personal privacy under the pretense of battling terror.
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two am in moscow i match reza good to be with you here on r t our top story thailand says it's moving closer to a decision on whether alleged russian gun smuggler victor boot should be extradited to the u.s. the country's prime minister said the handover period could last more than three months if it's deemed necessary but will remain in a thai jail until his legal team appeals the latest verdict archy's sean thomas has been following developments. victor boot has certainly created a name for himself some call him the merchant of death or even the lord of war but to sear gabled victor's brother he's seen simply as a great business mind just a pitiful for course he had the drive in quite an outstanding talent to organize and run business that's why it was great working with him. who was arrested in two thousand and eight in bangkok thailand the during a sting operation and accused of trying to sell weapons to colombian fark militants the u.s. has been trying to extradite ever since he claims he's innocent and has only
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operated as an international businessman providing logistics for shipping that his brother doesn't understand what is driving the american push against him which was just a little blip or making a monster out of him and if you think about it a dictator has been out of the business for over ten years let's sort of secret information can he possibly not possess but he has not been out of the country and he hasn't talked to any artist charges for the last ten years he was out of the business he couldn't work anymore because everywhere he went the u.s. government tried to obstruct his work and i guess the u.s. special service has some straight unloads his cousin but there is increased pressure from america and the political connections within the thai government for a decision to be made a lot of phone calls have been made from the united states to thailand obviously the prime minister's office and this is another part of the this delicious irony of the thai prime minister holby americans are saying is actually working for the victor borge is actually working for the americans because he's not only is a british war but also all british passport which means he's obviously subservient
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to the british american interest and with the power of american banking some say the incentive is right for thailand to play ball but america has promised thailand's fighter jets and cheap oil if the decision goes their way if he's next great to america and stands trial in america itself i think then everything will be in public but probably have but might have. they would like to extradite him but not have a face trial in america but to be in a prison another country as they have done with other people so we don't know people don't really know what's going on and there are questions about the legality of the extradition process and the motives of the united states but those who are close to victor both say they are more concerned about his welfare and safety. but it's quite possible the extradite him and just lock him up in some aircraft carrier and force him to give whatever testimony the u.s. wants him to give i think he'll go as far as it takes to get it. and now the
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question if true justice is even a possibility of a deal we will see what i think there's nothing left of american democracy today the u.s. regime is the same or worse than sterling strain was any action is depicted as a patriotic act everything is classified they have secret prisons where they torture people and inject them with similar chemicals to extract information they're willing to resort to any means to get what they want. now with the possibility of victor boot extradition growing closer to reality those who remain convinced of his innocence are still keeping up the fight the stoughton if they're still for the book we're still hoping victor will be freed we believe he might be it's hard for regular people like us to for machines look at them and will look at us what do we have to back us up it's like a man fighting an elephant it's hard for us to get through this we're hoping for just as we haven't seen any in the past three years for. sean thomas r.t.
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. the first attempt to prosecute a suspected terrorist how that guantanamo bay in civilian court has been delayed after a judge blocked the use of a key witness the trial of off mad guideline he has been postponed until next week because the key witness emerged during interrogation at a secret cia prison where his lawyers say he was tortured they argue any statements made under duress are inadmissible the witness allegedly sold explosives to donny who was charged with plotting the one nine hundred ninety eight bombings of two american embassies in africa that killed two hundred twenty four people he's the first guantanamo detainee to be transferred to the u.s. civilian justice system eric montalban a lawyer specializing in these kind of cases believes the case discredits the u.s. justice system government has had him in custody for over six years they've had plenty of time to get their case together and on the eve of trial to have one of the seminal components of their case. be in consideration for
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suppression you know this is just a embarrassment to the entire process it's unclear what the judge is going to do what's the final result of the case if they can't proceed prosecute so they really have put themselves in a corner and it is endemic or reflective of. sort of an impasse on the whole want on a mo issue they just don't know what to do there's a complete paralysis of the system at this point you're blending you know the rules of war with the criminal justice system but you're not allowing a criminal justice system type evidence structure to allow i mean you're not there's no preservation of evidence you're not being read your rights and allowed to remain silent none of the foundational components that allow you to get due process in a criminal justice system are apparent so you have this total blending of two systems that were never meant to be put together and trying to get a result and it's just a big mess. new data sharing demands from washington are causing anger in europe
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and u.s. could get access to fingerprints d.n.a. samples bagging details and other private and sensitive information the u.s. says it just wants to stop potential terrorist from entering the country travelers from states refusing to share the information will now have to apply for an american visa some countries like austria and germany have already agreed to hand over the personal data of citizens in june the e.u. and the u.s. signed the so-called swift deal that gives american officials access to all transactions within europe. politician and member of the european parliament and says washington doesn't want to allow the e.u. with the same access. at this point we are sending about nine ninety six million bits of financial transfers ninety million messages financial messages each month to the united states so this is billions a year and well. the european citizens turn to us to see. how is this happening at this point the flow of data is from the e.u. to the u.s.
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and does that theoretical possibility of diverting this is this is this where all of the data but still ethical reciprocity it's not real reciprocity and asymmetrical reciprocity it's not reciprocity have told so at this point we do not at first present with the united states we between these two run deal which was rejected by parliament and two which was approved and then with my votes against but the proved we managed to get a new rupee an overseer in washington which will be looking over the american shoulders as it were ends with the bowlers to start a search that's he or she we did not appropriate the problem is that now the european commission is not willing to tell us the name of this person is it in washington so we are here at this place i will say ironic situation where the privacy of one person one representative that should be put with from the outset is i better protected than the privacy of five hundred million europeans who just leave the cities and. we the representatives we it wants to aspire to see on their
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side so if they give us transparency if we know what kind of that has been accessed by whom and when if we have representatives whose name we know then we can you know in the reciprocity between the citizen and the institutions we can work in making everybody said. russian chinese and iranian news channels have been labeled enemies by the u.s. sponsored media organization that oversees programming directed at foreign audiences the broadcasting board of governors says it needs new money to fight the growing danger we can't allow ourselves to be out communicated by our enemies there's that freedom house report that reveals that today's autocratic leaders are investing billions of dollars in media resources to influence the global opinion you've got russia today iran's press t.v. venezuela's telos and of course china is a launching international broadcasting twenty four hour news channel is correspondents around the world for more perspective on this let's go live to our
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washington studio and speak with professor christopher sense and author of the book the science of coercion thanks for joining us so what do you make of this statement is this a desperate call for cash from congress is this simply a misspeaking what do you interpret it as. there's the shadow level and then there's the deep level the shadow level is that the director of this organization who's in charge of the voice of america which is a state department outlet made a gave a very poorly considered and poorly constructed speech in which he said exactly what he was quoted as saying. the but that organization is now trying to backtrack in arguing that no that's not what he meant at all he was referring to al-qaeda and so forth and so on nevertheless the tape is clear enough as to what he said the deeper problem is that the organizations that are in charge of u.s.
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information and propaganda policy internationally are in a crisis it's a financial crisis and it's a credibility crisis. do you think there are certain double standards in his words here and this is us is obviously a country that has always champion freedom of speech so shouldn't the goal then to have more information and more good information rather than less. well yes that is certainly true but it's a little more complicated than that as i'm sure your viewers and also your reporters are aware the way that information in news works is carefully tailored to deliver particular messages now the in the u.s. system what we've seen is a in a culture and a system is grown up about that helps to tailor these messages in such a way that the larger security strategy of the united states is supported and for
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the most part this is quite successful within the united states however for a number of reasons it's becoming less and less successful internationally and this creates a crisis in the in the foreign policy establishment and in the organizations that specialize in this type of international communication do you think that the viewers themselves are able to sift through the information that's coming from the different national media sources and determine from the cells which are which are the stories that they think are the accurate and fair ones and which ones are the ones that are just a blatant. media grab. well i think it's fair to say that viewers have no choice but to sift through this material for themselves whether they're prepared to do it or not i think that news organizations can do a far better job in helping people to sift through this material by being
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straightforward about what they're doing and when it comes to international communication in particular it's no secret that the different news agencies on around the world have particular agendas that they pursue. for years the u.s. media outlets the public ones and the private ones have had the dominance of the playing field do you think that's finally starting to level now that playing field with other organizations from different countries both public and private. yes i do i think the playing field is far more level now in part because of technological changes in part because of political changes internationally here in the united states for example it's the case that a considerable part of the of the foreign policy establishment and and. a considerable part of people who specialize in international affairs will turn to the b.b.c. the british broadcasting company before they'll turn to c.n.n.
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. and certainly before they'll turn to fox which clearly has a very deep. right wing agenda so i think that that then when you have people overseas looking at these different at these arguments within the united states sometimes it becomes quite difficult to understand in people get worried when for example the man in charge of the of the agency that oversees the voice of america starts talking about russia and china as enemies of the united states this was that this was a big mistake that he made and he i am sure that he did not intend to do it and that he regrets it quite a bit i'm not speaking for him of course i'm simply saying that that it was so obvious that. that this was a blunder that i imagine is quite embarrassed all right professor christopher
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samson from the school of communication at american university thanks for your perspective. there is new violence in kyrgyzstan just days ahead of the parliamentary election there twenty people have storm the office of a nationalist opposition political party in the capital bishkek the protest was staged by relatives of those killed in the riots that broke out after the president of the republic was exiled earlier this year they broke into the party's headquarters burning equipment and campaign material it followed a recording aired by local media in which the party's leader said he intended to put the ousted president back into power the party spokesman denied the allegation and said the tape was edited. turning to some other stories now making headlines across the globe hungary has opened a criminal investigation into the deadly toxic sludge spill that killed four people and injured one hundred twenty others a state of emergency has been declared in three western counties after a chemical waste burst from a reservoir the european union has warned that the ecological disaster could have
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long term consequences for countries along the danube river it's estimated the cleanup will take at least a year and cost millions of dollars. in. the united states has apologized for a recent helicopter attack on pan a step of pakistani soldiers a u.s. investigation found that american soldiers had confused a pakistani outpost with a militant camp after the incident pakistan closed the border crossing into afghanistan used by nato convoys some of the vehicles on able to past were torched and destroyed by militants. the statue of christ the redeemer that stands over rio de janeiro has been lit and pink to remind women about the danger of breast cancer the pink october campaign encourage latin american women to have regular checkups raising the chances of early detection more than a million cases of breast cancer diagnosed around the world every year. a survey examining americans knowledge of world religion says many of the us are poorly informed in this category human rights groups are concerned that this is leading to
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a rise in xenophobia and nationalism this comes as interest violence rockets among minorities. america is supposed to be a nation of tolerance. but bleeding through her stars and stripes. and ugliness incapable of masking protests against the construction of new mosques illegal immigration and economic reform point to a fear and frustration. and emotional climate experts say where many americans are swapping patriotism for nationalism definitely . a phobia it's a fear of the other zina phobia is defined as an unreasonable fear or hatred of the unfamiliar especially people of other race or religion muslim associated with bill that's everybody knows the no fly list has ninety nine names most of them sorry
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sacks created what he calls mobile art aviation a missile decorated with signs equating islam to terrorism at the front a mannequin dressed as an arab there is no disrespect there is no sex drives this display all over new york this. is the out of ramadan is the executive director of the council of american islamic relations his new york office repeatedly receives hate mail like this picture of a burning car on there's been a spike and obvious spike. hate crimes and islamophobia correct and attacks on mosques throughout the country from temecula california to sheboygan wisconsin to tennessee these are our crimes that are motivated by. hate or intolerance or bigotry a rage that amnesty international believes is being exploited not tempered by politicians all across america now seems don't have the right to put out ok. next
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to the holocaust museum in washington you would never accept the japanese going to have to show you next to pearl harbor was no reason for us to simply must actually were afraid that tea parties around the country frustrations over taxes and joblessness are aimed more directly at us president barack obama say oh you know most of you know what i don't know what the what is i cannot make up what the president is but the reason to suspect him is because you are talking like what stop talking like that. according to the f.b.i. obama. has garnered more death threats than any other american president in the us immigrants have also become the other arrested and detained in arizona beaten and bruised in new york where racial tensions have erupted in some low income neighborhoods unfortunately most of the attacks most recently had been by blacks
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against mexican violence many attribute to the struggling u.s. economy if you're a mexican immigrant right and people think that you're a threat maybe to a job or something like that they're going through a saw in one basket that's the bottom line anything who looks different all the sudden becomes bad and alarming downturn in america's mood it clearly illustrates how fresh treated and divided public but this leaves many hosking the land founded on freedom is becoming a land and soon i hate. fortnight artsy new york. wrapping up those news blog of a lot of your putin has received some unusual birthday gifts in his time as russia's leader rare a leopard's joke of books about him even a cat in well this year students at moscow state university have come up with a present that's more provocative members of the fact members from the students organization with the faculty of journalism have released a sexy calendar dedicated to russia's prime minister each model is pictured with
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speech bubbles containing double entendres like how about a third time or the fires in the forest are out but i'm still burning some simply say we love you the creators say the idea was to show smart young women can still be beautiful but the university has called the project inappropriate. i'll be back with an update of the headlines at the half hour but first with the domino effect a financial disaster is spreading through europe our. member of the european parliament robert helmer of the stronger economies should ditch the weaker ones it's coming our way next year oh.
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i'm talking to roger helma who's a euro skeptic member of the european parliament he's very adamantly opposed to further integration with the european union and also supports renegotiating many of the u.k.'s treaties with the right to have a thank you very much for talking to r.t. first of all how would you characterize the u.k.'s relationship with the. there's a big question we have always been reluctant members of the european union when we joined it we were told that it was merely a trading operation we had a referendum i voted in favor if i had known then what i know now i would have voted against. but we have this unfortunate feeling that on the one hand we don't
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like it very much we resent all the nonsense on the other hand many people think well europe's a long way away it doesn't affect me very much so let them get on with it in fact of course it does intimately affect the lives of all of us and huge swathes of policy areas are decided in brussels not decided in. u.k. in my view it is making us poorer and less democratic and less free and i believe we would be better off out and do you support this state referendum on being and if it were possible well i think we should start with the referendum that every major political party in britain promised us which is the referendum on the lisbon treaty what they are now saying is what has been ratified it's too late no it isn't too late we should have a referendum saying do you accept the terms of the lisbon treaty or do you wish the government to renegotiate those terms and that would give i'm sure we get a renegotiation of that would give a british government a very strong position a very strong mandate to renegotiate so that's what we want to do now the question
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that is also arising should we have a referendum on in or out. i'm less clear there what the outcome would be i think probably after a good campaign we would actually get an out vote but i'm less confident of it and of course if we have an inner vote on the part and the people voted to stay in then i suppose the issue will be off the agenda for twenty years so from my point of view that is a high risk route i would just like to see the referendum that we originally were promised let's talk about what's happening in europe at the moment recently we've seen a rise in protests against austerity measures what do you see that going forwards well i could see a long period of quite serious process and unrest but the political and broader economic questions of really very interesting we're seeing that the the german people are becoming extremely reluctant to be the bankers of last resort for the euro zone germans who retire it is sixty five don't want to
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keep paying money to greece where they retire at fifty eight in order to maintain a mediterranean lifestyle so there's deep unhappiness. i think it comes down to the issue of the euro currency we euro skeptics have always said. that the euro the euro currency couldn't work because you had disparate economies with different economic cycles they can't all have the same monetary policy and therefore they can't all have the same currency and frankly for best part of ten years the euro seemed to work sort of all right and people say well you predicted all these disasters nothing's going wrong or no it has and this is exactly what we expected you simply cannot have germany on the one hand which has been extremely careful with inflation and wage rates and all those things in the same moment for union places like greece and italy and spain which have been entirely profit and of allowed their unit labor cost to run out of control cease to be competitive. those countries want to do that he will germany want to revalue within
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a currency union they can't so some of the peripheral club med countries are going to have to peel off at the bottom or germany is going to have to get out at the top you could have a currency union probably of germany the bend the locks for all it's all straight. but the moment you put in all these other countries it just isn't going to work what's the solution that recently the european central bank has said that countries opting out of the year and saying would be committing economic and political suicide wouldn't be tantamount to suicide but they face a very hard choice because staying in they're going to have the most desperate problems getting out of the first to admit they're going to have desperate problems it's a choice between two evils and it's difficult me to say which is the greater evil but they in a sense they don't they may not have a choice because the bond markets may decide for them. and i personally think that a country like greece would go through
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a period of desperate pain if they left they would certainly have to default or reshow jule it's called as much polite of the default but they have to do something like that but basically people let money greece would have to take a haircut and probably quite a substantial haircut or to have a thank you very much my pleasure. big city. forget. living in harmony with nature. sounds impossible. some people have already killed.
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