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tv   [untitled]    October 6, 2010 11:30pm-12:00am EDT

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but you want to target if you want to make it green you know back but then at the other on the other hand it's like well these are the people that are paying attention so this is the perfect product to use but it didn't work what do you do to get people to pay attention if it chips don't work and i actually i have no idea i like to think that this was a fairly easy and easy one though it does that actually change you don't have to change the product that they're eating at all they just are eating out of a different bag so you think that was minimal impact there but apparently that wasn't the case and they do i mean they i think privilege to be recognized for actually putting the investment in to make the technology i mean there's also other concerns about you know how does biodegrade whether this was the most effective product out there but. you know wasn't completely computer and yet i remember people have complained that actually back didn't come posts nearly that quickly or even at all possibly but that's not what these bags it was the complaints about the no and they said are they going back to try to make another biodegradable bag that's just the way so they're going to keep the eco friendly bag at least for one
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one one flavor of the products for now while they go back to the drive in the drawing board and come up with a better composable bag so i don't think come up with a flawless products to begin to understand i mean really it seems like a ridiculous story but it just shows you know and i think that americans because there's such a developed nation we've been so spoiled and had all the comforts in the world for so long that the slightest little change like a noisier chip bag gets so much resistance and it's really sad as much for being here thanks for having me all right still to come on tonight's show our tool time winner involves a presidential hopeful and now he's trying to say that he's really really sorry about his previous stance on health care find out who that is in just a moment and then the channel that you are watching right now this very minute well we're under the spotlight tonight the head of the broadcasting board of governors here in the u.s. so they need more money to combat the efforts of america's enemies and on that list of enemies they included r t we're going to give you guys more on that coming up
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just ahead. seven thirty am in moscow good to have you with us here on our team using your headlines the thai government set to discuss the fate of alleged russian arms smuggler victor boot who is facing extradition to the u.s. this comes after a bangkok court dismissed charges against the businessman effectively removing the main obstacle to his extradition who is wanted in the u.s. on charges of terrorism and money laundering if convicted he could face life in prison. we can't allow ourselves to be out communicated by our enemies the vanguard of u.s. international broadcasting calls for more the battle rising media voices around the
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world according to the broadcasting board of governors america's voice is being drowned down by independent foreign media its head has come under criticism for what's being labeled as a cold war perspective. and anger in europe that pressure u.s. demands for data sharing critics say the u.s. is violating the privacy of travelers washington is hoping to get access to fingerprints d.n.a. samples and banking details members of the european parliament argue the measures won't help in the fight on terror. to be alone a show now in picking up one of our top stories we ask why russia among others was being called by called an enemy by the head of one of america's most important broadcasting agencies stay with us. it's time for tonight's tool time award and we're going to go ahead and give it to mitt romney and his really get g.o.p. strategists now everybody expects mick to make another run at the white house in two years he was pretty easily defeated in the primary by john mccain in two
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thousand and eight but you know it's still seen that he could be a front runner for two thousand and twelve but maybe it's got a very difficult hurdle in front of him when it comes to that race and that's called health care to republicans across the nation are going to run on repealing obama's health plan that was passed just this year john boehner has already vowed to stop funding it if republicans gain a majority and that my friend is a very big problem for me you see back in two thousand and six we have a photo of myths signing a bill into law in massachusetts when he was the governor there and that was a universal health care law and it was praised as a huge success in fact as the g.o.p. likes to call it obamacare well it's pretty much modeled after mitt's massachusetts health care plan but mitt says no no no no the two are really different i swear but then on national t.v. he did admit that obamacare actually had some good qualities just like his massachusetts plan to get quick listen. is that some elements in the bill are good
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and they are bad and the democrats want to talk about the commercial it sure isn't on top of the pile of dirt but let's talk about the politics and there is romney's problem he just can't make up his mind about health care which one is that mittens seem it is having a bit of a hard time seem incredible on the whole we hate the health care bandwagon and the g.o.p. faithful have a little warning for him say you're sorry or else that's right their plan is to have mitt beg for forgiveness for once what he wants to out as an accomplishment and then hope of the voters are going to forget all about it even though a recent poll found that seven out of ten residents in massachusetts liked their health care coverage and a recent poll across the u.s. . found that a majority of americans supports the health care reform which is passed i just don't get it what is going to say hey voters i'm so sorry i tried to give my constituents decent and affordable health care at my last job i promise i'll never do it again do they really think the voters are that dumb and that's why mitt
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romney and the useless dimwits that he calls g.o.p. strategists are tonight's tool time winners. now we are twenty seven days away from the midterm elections and it's getting ugly one of the most offensive ads that's out there right now comes from tea party senate candidate sharron angle in nevada shocking right now the ad is just pure and simple race baiting oh look at the scary brown people harry reid loves them more than you take a look. three voted to give special tax breaks to illegal aliens and harry reid voted to give social security benefits to illegals even for the time they were here illegally and now harry reid is fighting for a program that would give preferred college tuition rates to none other than illegal aliens using your money to pay for it leading to a simple question what does harry reid have against. you know sharon's
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ad really makes me wonder how harry reid can live with himself for helping anyone in this country who is white and clearly those illegals are just a bunch of thugs and you see the matching black shirts and they are wearing running across the border anyway it's like the jesse helms ad of twenty ten and let me explain back in one thousand nine hundred ninety north carolina republican senator jesse helms was in a close race for reelection polls showed former charlotte mare harvey grant winning by about a month to go until election day but then helms released an ad that changed the race entirely take a look. that. you are the same size they have to give it. supports ted kennedy's racial law makes the color of your skin. your song of the patient's. next. racial. against racial
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quotas. now after that t.v. spot right. helms went on to win the reelection at that point in the g. generation of american politics the ad was considered one of the most blunt uses of racial resentment for votes in the history of political advertising but now it appears that sharon angle has decided to give the late jesse helms a run for his money and the sad part is that while that ad actually shocked the nation sharron angle's is well kind of typical these days for our current political client they both are using the exact same basic technique portraying the democratic candidate as a politically correct social thinker who is more interested in helping undeserving minorities than you clearly good all the race baiting doesn't get old for the republican party to let's just hope that sharron angle isn't a successful as jesse helms was. now thanks to a report from foreign policies the gable i've just been informed that i have an
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enemy at least that's how the b.b. g.'s new chairman walter isaacson chose to describe us. is that any sound. our in case you haven't heard of it by the way he basically said that channels like r t are in iran's press t.v. and the fact that china is now investing billions of dollars into their own international broadcasting efforts well we are the enemies and the u.s. can't be out communicated by them that was the direct quotes are you missed it anyway in case you haven't heard of it the b.b.c. is the broadcasting board of governors which oversees american international broadcasting efforts like voice of america radio free europe and radio free asia to be read you also gets a hefty seven hundred million dollar annual budget that's your taxpayer dollars and my taxpayer dollars that pay for it i'm not sure how that makes me an enemy but
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anyway isaacson is now planning on running to congress to ask them to match the six to ten million dollars that china has reportedly said is their budget so that america can compete but if money really the issue here and again didn't we just have a reset why the hell and line to me we're here to discuss it with me is josh rogin from foreign policy magazine josh thanks for being here it's too bad we know the sound cut out there but we actually got to catch up with walter isaacson earlier today the new science spoke to him and asked him about this quote and he kind of refuted all of those statements i want you to take a listen. i definitely do not think of our to you as an enemy and we've already been asking for more money i was referring to afghanistan as you'll see if you read the text of the speech on the website there are enemies there and then went on to say how other countries are doing more public diplomacy and we have to compete in that world but let me make it. afghanistan tell me how afghanistan plays into this
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whole picture i mean you reported on this story well this plays into water as in trying to deny what he clearly said at the meeting which i was i mean listen it was a bad time and i don't believe that he necessarily sees russia and china as enemies although he certainly did see the soviet union as an enemy when he was doing similar efforts during the cold war but the point here is that he is arguing for competition he is saying that he has to compete against russia china iran venezuela newsgroup in them all together as if they're all the same thing that's how he sees it he realizes now that that was a bad thing to say and he's trying to walk and it's already out there well i mean it's one thing you know to call for a competition to when you're when you're in a position like this i don't know how long this guy's going to act or last excuse me if he keeps making comments like this because it isn't you know the american wing of international broadcasting supposed to go along with the president's foreign policy agenda which is resetting relations with russia which is now trying
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to have you know working relationship with china what's going on so this is the exact biggest problem facing the b.b.c. right now they have two missions one is to report credible information around the world to places they can receive it and the second is to promote the obama administration's foreign policy agenda even isaacson admits that these two things don't always match up so what do you do he's torn by that the people at the beach are torn by that the reporters there want to do the credible journalism they're getting pressure from the administration and the white house to toe the administration's line this is a big problem that has never been resolved is one of them are they taking money. from the taxpayer is it you know i guess the administration the one that's trying to you know influence them here and say hey you're essentially working for us too we are leading this country you said that you even pressed them about their coverage of the iranian presidential elections did they give you an answer yes so basically what their argument is is that credible journalism should match with american foreign policy but they admit that when these two things conflict sometimes you have to do what your paymasters say i work for an organization that
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gets money from advertisers i try to keep those out of my reporting at all costs walter isaacson should be trying to keep the u.s. government out of his reporting and out of his organization at all cause that's what makes me so mad to know that a person like isaacson and we whatever he may have misspoken call this the enemy is what we're going to guard this we're seen as the others you know and i'm an american and i work for archie because i feel like i actually get to report on news that other media outlets don't touch and i don't do it because i hate america the fact that people try to claim that it's anti-american just drives me absolutely insane because i do it because i think that the information needs to be out there that people actually deserve to hear it and no one else has the balls to talk about it and that's not my problem that's why i come on t.v. and i do it to help america to make this country a better place so the fact that america's own journalists are blowing it is not my problem and don't call me an enemy for it and you have every right to be offended by that comment but i think your situation is mirrored at the b.b.c.
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where you have reporters who are just trying their best to do good work every day yet they're pressured from their leadership from their governments from god knows who else to have their reporting influenced by whatever it is that's going on in the world around them they struggle against that every day i'm sure that struggle is repeated in the chinese news outlets in the arena news outlets and in the b.b.c. it's something that all of these organizations that are funded by governments that are trying to do straight news are going to have to confront sooner rather than like tell me this though why is it they already have seven hundred million dollars a year annually was that's not a little chunk of money r t. budget is just a fraction of that but clearly it just seems like america's losing this international you know news p.r. media race whatever you want to call it so why is it that they're actually losing it it's clearly not just about money well the bottom line is that in the cold war there were only a few ways to get information now there's a million ways to get information people in iran people in china they can go despite censorship to a lot of different places to get reporting the v.o.a.
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the b.b.c. it's not the only game in town anymore not to mention the fact that this budget seven hundred million dollars is an enormous amount of money has been horrendously mismanaged from day one everybody inside the government knows that so there's a good question about whether or not they can really responsibly handle a large budget even if they were given it the bottom line is that this b.g. is going through an identity crisis walter isaacson has been named as the guy to steer them through the identity crisis and what we've learned from this episode is that he doesn't have any more answers than you or i and i mean six to ten billion dollars whatever having to cutting our deficit or the fact that we're in this whole financial crisis it's always you know it's like when they just think that throwing more money on every problem is going to solve it and clearly that's not the case but josh thanks so much for being here and for reporting on this story i personally found it very entertaining and we're going to have you back on tomorrow also to talk about defense spending which also for some reason never ever gets put on the chopping block funny how that works thanks we've got one more segment ahead on tonight's show you knew it was only
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a matter. she mentioned her dabble with witchcraft and now christine o'donnell has a witch doll i'm going to show it to you in just a moment and is he a terrorist. the case of royal dia's pena begs the question does the u.s. have a double standard when it comes to the war on terror artie's john happy's has the story when we come back. show biz that is the entertainment value of the insel trade it's a nice presentation high production spastically it's graphics music all of this is a way to try to focus people's attention by using techniques that are associated with that same now during this war we had millions of military entertainment.
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lead to. the. wealthy british style. players. look market. find out what's really happening to the global economy. for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines cons a report. more
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news today violence is once again fled upland. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. corp the day look look. are you looking for a holiday in costume but can't find anything original save you'll be inspired by this brand new christine o'donnell doll you know which outfit that's right the dolls a whopping forty bucks and has a striking resemblance to the senate candidate out of delaware now in case you've been living under a rock the dolls making fun of the pura christine claiming that she dabbled in witchcraft in the past i mean it makes sense check out her latest ad where she explains why she's not a witch. i'm nothing you've heard i'm you.
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none of us are perfect but none of us can be happy with what we see all around us politicians who think spending you're right christine i'm not really all that happy with what i saw in that ad and come on i who are you trying to fool the dark straight hair the black suit the black background all you're missing is they had a broom now that christine o'donnell which doll is created by a group called hero builders they're a bipartisan enterprise who specializes in dolls of political figures are here builders owner why kells says that the wichita is a huge hit right now and the of back orders in place for the o'donnell in a red business suit obviously the dog here is a joke even though they get an angry email from one person claiming that the christine which to all is damaging a legitimate political campaign i guess the fact that it actually is a legitimate campaign is the scariest part of it all but guess what christine doesn't need any help damaging her quote unquote legitimate campaign she can do
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that on her own with her nonstop comments against masturbation prayer in schools and wacky animal testing this dog just capitalizes on the weirdo and i might actually buy one when they go on sale. now politics aside do you ever back when president obama was treated like a rock star on the campaign trail he was loved by everyone and one chick even made a song about it. you know it seems so strange that a u.s. president was being treated like a celebrity rather than a politician but it turns out that he's not the only one with this rock star status russian prime minister vladimir putin has a few shameless admirers as well we all know that putin isn't camera shy in fact he
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pretty much looks bad ass whenever he's doing anything on camera he flew the plane to help put out severe forest fires each tranquillisers tigers and he loves being photographed hunting shirtless i mean he even looks bad as what he's feeding a horse what can you do so as you can imagine putin has quite a few fans in fact some of his fans love him so much that they made a calendar expressing their affection for the prime minister and it's very sexy it's called happy birthday mr putin and it's featuring a bunch of the love struck russian journalism students miss january says everybody which was should switch to a man like now october says you are my prime and december wants to personally thank buton she puts her number at the bottom inviting his phone call now for the record guys you can enjoy the calendar too for only nine dollars a month but i wonder what would happen if journalists here in the us came forward to photograph their love for obama and it turned into
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a two thousand and ten counter maybe september would feature m s n b c reporter tamron hall right now you can flip to november and headline news robin meade could be smiling with her pretty little face or just go straight to december and find hadi ghaemi robot can vesting her love for the president i'm just putting the idea out there guys but for now it does seem like some things only happen in russia. now while you're on a sunny miami beach enjoying your vacation well you may be surprised to learn that a convicted terrorist could be sitting next to you sound bizarre well it's not rowdiest pena lives in the u.s. and the once a scape convict is now a political prisoner living quite a luxurious life our kids are hot happiness shows us how this jury to freedom can be seen as a double standard when it comes to america's war on terror. early last month a convicted been a swollen terrorist escaped from this prison in caracas the future of roll dia's
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pinioned was sentenced to nine years in prison for plotting explosives in foreign consulates in venezuela this past may he was given benefits by the venezuelan government for weekend visits to work go to school and stay with family. suddenly he shows up in southern miami his first public appearance since he fled the prison in caracas was here with republican congresswoman elena ross lenten in her miami office i have work hired asli to bring attention to this like urging the u.s. state department and the oas inter-american commission on human rights to take action is or of its rights and his freedom ruslan has long been defender of exiles who have been convicted of terrorism seeking sanctuary in the united states the congresswoman's admission that she had been lobbying the u.s. government to bring the convicted terrorists the states was quickly accompanied by a c.n.n. interview where pinney a was praised for his escape to the u.s.
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and again labeled a political prisoner and this interview with a right wing station in miami opinion talks about how he escaped so you had everything planned out yes i had everything planned out how good they helped you how much did it cost then one hundred thousand dollars it's an incident that has shocked the venezuelan government and led to speculation that piniella received his visa from this u.s. embassy in caracas an accusation the. u.s. state department neither confirm nor deny the us should have acted right away giving us information and taking all the preventive action we call the state department they sent us over to d.h. as the department homeland security department homeland security centers over to custom integration services they then sent us over to the border protection agency and everyone says they can't talk to us because the privacy issue but doesn't necessarily what we're calling about we're calling to find out what the status of this man is here in the united states that we are not the only ones receiving the
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runaround they said you have to talk to homeland security and homeland security so you have to talk to the f.b.i. or whoever you know whatever the holy way out for the u.s. is to respond promptly to in a sweater where it is guy who gave him the bees are in trinidad and what is the status of this person here and to complain to the international law to the agreements between the two countries detain this guy and send it back to his will pinions case is not unique the most deadly attack against the island nation of cuba was conducted by former cia operative luis posada curry last the cuban born venezuelan exile was convicted of terrorism following the one nine hundred seventy six airliner bombing which killed over seventy people the u.s. has not responded to petitions to action i could last back to venezuela he tells you that the u.s. is not really involved in a unified in a real fight against terrorism i think this is there is a turning point again this is imperial mentality two rules one
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rule for everybody else. it's the story of a convicted terrorist turned political prisoner similar to the ones that left bloody trails in the past now comfortably residing in the united states. washington d.c. . well john's here in the studio with me to tell us more on this story so there you are on the phone still on hold trying to get some kind of answers you know it's been a few hours could you ever get anything out of these people not necessarily an essentially the same process that even a strong government is going through what we did was for three days we're actually on the phone with the state department they sent us over the department of homeland security when we asked about visas they said it was you know the u.s. state department the only agency in this country that grants visas but we did find out was the department of borders and customs patrol were the ones who received this man at the border but they didn't verify whether they received
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a visa from him or not but that's actually customary for anyone from outside of this country who's trying to get in they have to go through these certain areas however the question still remains this guy he escaped from prison in september fifth showed up in that video with that congresswoman a percent temper tend there's a five day span where he could have got a visa to take five days to get a visa to enter this country it's still a question that even they can't really respond to that i guess if you have powerful congress members pushing him for you perhaps you can get of even thirty seconds if you have somebody on your side and you know behind you tell me this i mean this guy isn't the only example of people who are considered terrorists by other countries that are living here on u.s. soil whom we were used to extradite her answer any questions about i mean how many other examples are there there are lots of examples actually and the most obvious one was that man i mentioned in my story now he was convicted in venezuela of this terrorist attack but he was in the united states when he was convicted so the even
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us one embassy of arrest one government petitioned for his return back to the states and that petition has never been. did all those years ago despite that there's been a number of protests a number of different organizations in the states that are demanding this man be extradited back to venezuela to serve time for killing over seventy people but do bear in mind this guy is a former cia operative and he was also working with other fishel in venezuela to conduct other terrorist attacks throughout the continent is around the same time as operation condor when number of states in latin america were assassinating political dissidents now how is the venezuelan embassy so they are also trying to make calls what else are they doing about this well they're demanding every day like we were demanding for information how did this guy get into the country who authorized his visa and why is he here they're saying he's a political prisoner but he's convicted of being a terrorist in that country and if in this well and we're torturing this guy in prison why did he have the privilege to go home every weekend the thing is president or president george w.
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bush once said if you harbor a terrorist you are a terrorist and the fact of the matter is posada is a convicted terrorist as well as this guy who just appeared in florida recently and we have a dimanche about it was just i mean it goes to show definitely that there's a global war on terror going on right the u.s. is the only one fighting it but then who you actually pick and choose to call a terrorist definitely differs from country to country and it makes it difficult john thanks so much it's time for our two of the day before we go the rumor is back that obama is going to kick biden offer to take it in two thousand and twelve and pick hillary clinton as his running mate and the white house and clinton are denying the rumor for the one hundredth time we're wondering what joe biden tweet about it we thought he'd say that's a big f. ing deal and i'd be worried when i got to say this joe with all the gaffes and car accidents you've had i think you should be worried that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in to make sure you come back tomorrow if the ninth anniversary of the u.s. invasion of afghanistan will have extensive coverage of the past nine.


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