tv [untitled] October 7, 2010 7:30am-8:00am EDT
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the. market why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cons or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report. every month we give you the future we help you understand how we'll get there and what tomorrow brings the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world. join us for technology update on our jeep. more news today violence is once again flared up the phone these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. china's corporations are today.
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broadcasting. he said. well next. explains why people should boycott. b.p. . max keiser and this is the kaiser report markets finance and scandals let's bring in political analyst a zero zero zero a as a go perry on what's happening well we're going to take a little step back and look at the midterm elections coming up some of the big issues going on what might possibly happen first off this is biden to dems that
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didn't get everything they wanted buck up so let's just take a little look at a clip put the president's been able to do has been truly remarkable the help of a democratic congress and so those who don't get it didn't get everything they wanted this time to just buck up peter understand that we can make things better continue to move forward but not to you all the playing field to those folks who are against everything that we stand for in terms of the initiatives we put forward so he's saying that people should buck up which kind of reminds me of the famous episode we did where charlie munger said people should just suck it up so there's this real attack starting to happen you see from the ruling class the elites the top one percent telling people to just suck it in bucket bucket get just like forget about the the widespread crime wave that has destroyed your wealth destroyed
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your country destroyed your markets your finance or economy is just you know get over it time to move on these folks in washington they don't think that and on wall street so they don't they don't think that their actions have any consequences and just think that if they aggregate huge amounts of wealth that somehow that's an everyone's best interest and they. and they don't see themselves as being even capable of committing any kind of social injustice or that their policies over the past twenty five years have caused huge wide scale social unrest and poverty and ecological whole of cost all over the world and this is one of the main this is the biggest problem this is the biggest problem of nine eleven is that the people in washington became even more insular and self-absorbed than they
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were before nine eleven this is the this is what a solomon knew this is what a solomon knew when he attacked the towers on nine eleven that the american character the people who run the country are so vain so insular so greedy that when he committed this relatively minor act on the grand scale of atrocities doesn't even qualify in the top ten probably the last hundred years that the american establishment and the rich folk in america would suddenly believe that they had been elevated to near divinity thus hank paulson saying suddenly c.e.o. of goldman sachs is doing god's work you know that's the direct outcome of nine eleven the see his insanity went ballistic when speaking in vain greedy and arrogant larry summers optimistic about middle class he says people aren't going to live with their parents forever so that's the one hope you
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americans ok buck up you're not going to have to live with your parents forever doesn't tell you about sixty maybe seventy years older than you could maybe they'll be dead by then but again larry summers he's never actually worked a day in his life he's written some white papers that no one's ever read he's got great connections and apparently he's like the equivalent of a beltway fluffer who works in washington kind of keeping. people anxious you know but his actual skill set is zero he has no skills so i believe he was part of the whole crew in the clinton administration that helped overturn glass steagall and introduced the commodities futures trading at letters nation act modernization act so he caused this crisis so he's trying to apologize to the people well so what you have to live with your mom until you're seventy but you know what it is not so bad for good this idea that you know the french have a saying where the the the orifice i can't even say it's not on the shelf side of
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the show because they don't know french television you can do it. here we have these guys in their ivory tower down the street here is the next headline washington's most toxic asset a yes vote on tarp so they focus on indiana second district and joe donnelly who's facing a challenge from a tea party candidate and one of the primary issues in this election is that people are angry that this guy he's a democrat voted yes for the tarp bailout and he's saying that his opponent obviously does not understand that without these steps i tarp credit would have completely frozen up there would have become no loans available there would have been bank collapses across the country and there would have been a global economic collapse and charles manson thinks that he had a legitimate reason to murder sharon tate and these guys in washington believe like a psychopath that they had a legitimate reason to hold the u.s. economy and global economy hostage and rape and pillage and commit financial
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atrocities in the name of greed they believe it's perfectly normal because they are psychopaths and they belong in a hospital they belong in a straitjacket do yourself a favor fund a disbursement of straight jackets to these bankers and wall street and just put put them in thorazine get i'm shocked up with thorazine you know and put them away that is a problem like a wall street these wall street corporations. own the politicians their threat was that they were going to cut off credit and loans to you the population this takes me to the next headline fans hit team owner where hurts his credit line so the population is the equivalent of the fans in this situation liverpool football club in britain is owned and managed by american tom hicks and his son tom jr the two men have apparently not endeared themselves to the fans because they
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well bankrupted the football club because they're bankrupt they've lost a lot of good players and they've sunk down the ratings so now there's a deadline looming on for them to roll over alone on october fifteenth to royal bank of scotland well the fans found out that hicks were trying to refinance this loan because they were spotted outside the offices of j.p. morgan and deutsche bank in new york last week so the fans then want to attack mood and they started twittering and letters were posted within hours senior executives a woman bar did with male don't give this guy money do not lend him money let me explain something about sports teams just like the airplane business the same group of guys businessmen on wall street who like to buy airplanes and like to buy sports teams are you know they're born inadequate they're born inadequate and they're not feeling their underwear in a big way let's say and as to compensate for this they end up trying to buy. airplanes and sports teams to overcome their inadequacy and they don't really buy
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it for a good business purpose and it always ends in tears just about every leveraged buyout of a sports team or an airline always ends in the same tragic way they're inadequate and they have great political connections and they can borrow money for it zero percent interest rate a rhesus monkey could make money doing that but somehow they figure out a way to lose money well let's go back to the story because the fans wrote this letter to j.p. morgan and to do it to a bank in the letter. in part if you join tom hicks and raping and pillaging liverpool football club then you will be making a very powerful enemy you're facing an energized well informed mass of liverpool fans from around the world so i'm trying to say that you know if these bankers own the u.s. economy if they own our politicians there seems to be a way that we can also write letters to these bankers if you loan another dime to our government who are you know where i'm going to be angry well i've done a study i've done a study every corporation in the world and i've looked at how hated various
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companies are obviously b.p. is sated monsanto exxon coca-cola is also hated company because of what they do in south america and india now i have determined using my own financial metrics that if the global die a spore of of disgruntled victims of the global victims of the global banking and corporate occupation wanted to join together on mass. and drop a company down to zero for the sole purpose of demonstrating to the banking occupying forces that you have some power it's coca-cola everybody in the world listen to me right now simply stop thinking coca-cola for six months the entire balance of power between corporations and people would change in six months well we've been covering the fact that people in europe are rising up they're protecting
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themselves from their governments and that's the final headline here as we late lead into the midterm elections in the united states when people like larry summers are telling people it's going to be ok you will only you know you you want to live with mom too much longer and vice president joe biden is telling the people to you know buck up suck it up like take you know just stiff upper lip here's a final headline america on the brink of a second revolution this is paul be feral commentary two thousand and ten elections guarantee gridlock anti-capitalist class war and he's reporting on a report by professor robert. a former chief economist at the international trade commission called decadence of election two thousand and ten and he expects basically that is going to lead to a second revolution because number one expect nothing positive from dems the g.o.p. or the tea party ok they have no positive solutions on offer number five on his list all partisan political leaders are destined to sabotage america he says
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america's leaders are a bunch of second rate incompetence which however as you are blaming the population for not standing up for themselves reminded me of h.l. mencken quote as democracy is perfected the office of president represents more and more closely their inner soul of the people on some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the white house will be adorned by a downright moron. and that's what happened that's what happened america is occupied by morons everywhere you look with whether it's the red team or the blue team i.e. the democrats or the republicans in the white house they hire nincompoops and morons like larry summers or hank paulson they're both morons they're you know it's just a matter of like shading of them or onic right this revolution is not going to happen for the simple reason that here with the wash we are going to stop the revolution from happening hey hey you're there you're upset about the fact that you've had
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your life destroyed and all your money stolen you're thinking about getting active and maybe pushing back against a corporate actor patient here's a dollar here's one dollar go away why i mean that they're cheap americans are sexually cheap they sell themselves cheap they work too cheap they consume cheap stuff and they're cheap they're cheap they're the they're there they're cheap baby they are cheap they're not worth it forget it let's move on let's move on forget america it's gone it's all history now iceland is more interesting it's more democratic it's more progressive the politicians our brains the banking system memory form think about iceland is america two point zero america is gone you've got the rio grande a all the way up to canada and that's it forget it it's just i don't want to talk about mary martin places it's. my political analysis just can't top that magazine i think it's time to take a. closer i think so max anyway thanks for being you know on the casa report thank you max all right well we're going to come back after this break so don't go away
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yes welcome back to the kaiser report time now to go to arizona to talk with ecuadorian journalist and find filmmaker astrally own oscar produced and directed once upon a time in arizona oscar welcome to the kaiser report thanks miles good talking to you all right oscar tell us about once upon a time in arizona what's the film about the film in brief lines is about the one of the consequences of their own control capitalism or plutocracy that we live now. came following down consequence if you will from my country where they are because my last two commentary was a bar revolution and at the end of the commentary there was this factor or like why even if the people rice is in the wakes up. there's no change you know and i asked her is because obviously the power is not lighting and there so as another consequence of that it came here where the wall of shame was and in the last three
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years i've been here i've been working feel mean doing some reporting ok certainly the arizona is a hot button issue immigration of course is the key there it's the front line you've got the politicians in america using the immigration in arizona as a wedge issue as a hot state has to put forth their political propaganda in many time many many ways it's simply a way to rouse up the population regardless of whether this issue makes any underlying economic or political sense but as a result real hardworking people get hurt and are scapegoated is that is our south americans being basically mexicans being scapegoated at this point for a failure of america to produce a liberal global economy i think that's correct i mean i think that's correct because you see many people did. from here arizona they you know their elections are close or have been close and now they absolutely you can say how they they lie
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you know they lie and folks in the us they lie in c.n.n. they like it when they go on t.v. even the same on the governor she lies she said that they were like they had beheaded bodies in the this or here in arizona which was incorrect you mean everybody knows that there's been heated bodies in mexico. but not here in arizona you seem john mccain saying that some legal drivers are crashing their cars intentionally you know with purpose you hear. russell pearce the man why can i say but yeah they're actually big time profit in on these political capital that you can call the elections in in about the immigration you know in day running there and here is that i surely would when i saw when this last time the term of it was about there is beaten to in seventy is that the tea parties are
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actually taking at this verse tenth against globalization and in this case the mexicans are the ones who are representing globalization. in terms of they they represent no borders when it comes to labor when it comes to capital you know they go decision must prove that on and on the capital over calms any barriers like marx's. that's being put forward you know so in this case the mexicans represent that and the tea parties ironically even they don't know they are standing up against that which is what they're you know they're politicians used as a flag you know globalization and free market and i thought when i first heard about the hate wall as you call it between mexico and arizona when i first heard about it i thought it was mexico was trying to keep the white trailer trash from going down to south america where the economy is booming in mexico and brazil and in the south because of these countries actually have resources are going to lead
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through the wall i think you're you're you're certainly right in terms of their recession here and there and the big crisis you can see in actually. intend to make a report last year how many americans are actually even their countries. to look for jobs and when i came here with my wife i told her it's all good what was happening and they're going to include the economy just like they did in argentina and just like that in my country they're going to claim that the rights are in trouble and they're going to take the state to pay for it and they take their there the taxpayers' money to do to do that do it all those kind of things and then at the end they don't know not a lot of money you know in the big banks and big money are going to come and say hey well well i want your daughter i want your i when your dog because your me money so that's exactly what they did in my country what they did in argentina where they did many many other places down south the border and when i got here i told my wife that and certainly boom you know that their economic group to tie that
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company in september two thousand and eight. they did it the argentina story is a good story because the government of argentina allowed citibank to dump all of its toxic debt. into the government's balance sheet and then the government forced the public to pay citibank's debts flash forward to two thousand and turn the federal reserve has been forced at gunpoint by congress to sept all of citibank once again and all the other banks on wall street all their toxic waste and once again the government saying well we don't want to abrogate our contract with the financial terrorists you have to pay for it citizens united but you can rack up this debt but you're going to have to live like slaves and indentured servants anyway and member of argentina two thousand two thousand one the people are on a straight back and pots and pans and the rich people are driving away limousines of all the money this is exactly what's going to happen in the u.s. they believe that in my own flesh you know two times i lost all my my savings the
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first time the second time i lost all my business and. i know that you know for people in the street it's hard to understand why this that happened and really find it through the you know because there's always this dude who put out a tie who are just blame and certain politicians i go easier for but we know it's not like that we know like it's just the same i when you say oh well the coach is not working he's not because certain both of these and these are not it's because they're the power doesn't lie in the positions in the political system anymore the than the corn trees are. our are out you say you know now it will they're out now the globalization is a power that just grows beyond control and. you know i fear does that have some other consequences that that goes beyond the supposed the control of those who play know the schemes you know like while there are some says. events right the saddle in my mind in the back seat and i think it's just like that you
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know. maybe some of these will bankers or whoever just up there underestimating it that way that it's my thing is you know there's no way to control what's happening now in terms of the people how they feel here in the united states you can see how to turn to the to the right and you see all these new fascism in russia racism and you know throwing fingers and if if the economy doesn't get better which is broadly you know very alike you can see that that's going to be exacerbated to what and we don't know we just can fear and you know trying to cope is not what what happened down there in the south you know because it cannot be in in fifty fascism fazes him and just like today argentina when they did maybe coops you know it can happen the fact that there is no them overseas those i mean there's no market so the monkey see is not really you know. essential for the business.
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elite so guys like john perkins who wrote the book financial hit men of course talks about these coups in these country that end up as a result of the leaders not ascribing to the financial plans of the wall street bankers and then they have a regime change and we've seen it in south america of course and now we're seeing in the u.s. and barry ritholtz is a very well respected financial blogger in the united states he recently wrote a piece. saying that it's no longer about right versus left it's about the people versus the corporations and in this arizona immigration fan fandango down in the southern part of the united states the politicians want to present it as right versus left but this is completely false isn't it it's really about the corporations who want to erect a huge toll booth on everything that goes any which way in the economy versus the
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people who are being forced to pay these tolls how do you see that emerging they are actually writing you know sometimes their provoke the station bans of false flag attacks or was worth. some other times they just write it so they take a certain mission try to get the benefits of these in the if you see there's no way that any left or right can do anything about again because there's no solution i mean there's a little rita right to go in. you know it was up to the united states will have to like close these borders in term of star you know over like. constructing their economy again after they the industrialized country you know their depend so much on everything outside so there's no way that they can close that bond they can close that consequence if you want the backlash of globalization that they you know they created and like always you know it's caused by some people of the top buddies
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always sweat and tears by those in them in the ground you know which is the people here and and i feel that sometimes because you see all these tea party people in the home of their white people here you know they're very misinformed and some of them are really good persons while you get to you know to talk to make them see what how that place they sometimes they open their eyes and say hey you know maybe i wasn't right in just getting my information through fox news you know because they're actually just like you say they're playing them and left and right to me and when they hear me saying and talking against globalization is not because i'm from the left because i know that for firsthand that that doesn't exist you know or my betters in country. they're the people like in my last segment i was about the revolution how they they took down the third president in a row because he was really subservient to the if they were a woman terry funk and the people in the street they walk up they know night my
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country they know what's going on you know they you can see that in the in the these were revolution that happened and at the end of the day the problem is that one of the people goes back to work. there you know there's a way just like breaking said you know there's a way to carry everything back in line and if there's regime that doesn't go that way well there's ways to care of those and i don't mean that is the u.s. government was a man i think it is the power doesn't either and mores power is way behind the curtains you know and let me put it this way let's say that you have a really bad infection here because you've been doing harry right instead of saying a guest of the harrowing they tried to just like put some of the holy here and try to cure the the local wouldn't when we know that all is the cause of those bad habits quote unquote again is not going to work and he's not going to heal and it is never going to him right in this case you could replace the word heroin with
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nafta because nafta certainly set up the situation where american subsidized corn products were dumped in south america which caused huge economic dislocation american meat packers were bringing labor up from the south at slave labor wages again huge economic dislocation it was bill clinton causing a horrible slave mentality to be inculcated in monks' the american corporations to victimize mexicans and south americans and now that the folks are migrating up north of the border that people are making this out to be as if this was not completely predictable under what frickin bill clinton did with nafta anyway oscar thanks so much for being on the kaiser report oh my pleasure mike's keep the good work ower id and that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and states.
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