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tv   [untitled]    October 7, 2010 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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russia would be soo much brighter if you knew about sundin from funds to
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impressions. his film starts on t.v. dot com. as the war in afghanistan reaches year ten online videos posted by nato soldiers undermine the coalition's reputation and drum up support for the taliban. return to riots unrest flares up once again in. days before parliamentary elections are due to be held in the troubled country. is all it's dangerous to talk media. international news channels including this one says the us needs to shout louder in the global media war.
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global news twenty four seven this is a lie from moscow it's nine years since the us started the war in afghanistan already the longest in america's history washington says it wants to start withdrawing its forces next july until then the number of troops is increasing in an attempt to turn around the fight against the taliban but as. reports the insurgency is often fueled by the way the war is conducted. house goes up in smoke and with a justified or not tempers fly in the afghan capital culprits soldiers can be heard saying fantastic before posting that clip on the internet here if by burning the house accidentally a copy of the koran is that house that can be easily used as
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a park or as a means of practicing more. religious history with them is to go and join the taliban and al qaeda and it seems to be working more and more islamic extremist websites are hosting direct links to videos put up on the web by the soldiers themselves in blogs and social networking sites it's the enemy who's not want to be helping the taliban fight its cause they can easily be copied by al qaeda and the taliban. really make. the us forces fail to be the eclipse you want here. you want to hang. out in some cases the us soldiers videos are prankish and childish other times downright criminal or extremely provocative in this clip
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u.s. soldiers burn the bodies of good muslims facing mecca today in afghanistan the internet is becoming more and more popular but look around it's no surprise that in a place like this there's still only a few people who have access to it so you'd sometimes home connection is so unreliable that every afternoon here watching videos that make you angry one of the only calling are we see hundreds of videos about afghanistan nato new americans are talking about human rights watch if you see the proof online it's along the. internet cafes all the buzz in downtown. funded have been has managed the small and overcrowded cafe for the past two years and although the connection snow it's fast enough to keep people dumbed down. related movements are easy for people to watch these videos put up by the american soldiers because the most popular videos are on the first page of you tube also when one guy sees
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a video he tells his friend to get in if you know less than a decade ago when the taliban was in power home computers were banned there were only three places in kabul that had internet but now the global jihadists understand that sometimes an e-mail might just be myself then the sword follows once a knee mill and so the taliban message why buy a mobile phone and. make money but a good video clips the word it seems always has a way of getting out of good people not to see this kind of thing in the internet because every time you see this can see this in the life of the taliban picking up on the form of communication it once banned it now forced on coalition troops to censor themselves are total. now to discuss the ninth anniversary of the war in afghanistan we're now joined live from washington by brian becker the
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national coordinator of the coalition good to see you so your movement is calling for an immediate end to the war in afghanistan but isn't it possible that once u.s. and allied troops withdraw there could be an increase in bloodshed what are your thoughts on. no i think there will be a decrease in bloodshed i think the american government in its propaganda arm just as they did during vietnam tried to paint a picture that there would be a terrible bloodbath if the occupation forces left but if the occupation forces leave that means drone bombing attacks of afghan and pakistan villages will stop it will mean that the level of violence instead of ask a lady in every month with more and more thousands and tens of thousands of foreign troops coming in troops who obviously don't understand the country don't speak the language don't understand the culture and are largely demonizing the people and have all sorts of racist caricature of them those forces when they leave the bloodshed will diminish that doesn't mean that we know what will happen in
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afghanistan but the american presence has escalated the violence the cycle of violence throughout the country and throughout the region afghan war was a response to the nine eleven attacks in the u.s. now in nine years there has not been a taco such scale in the u.s. do you think that means that in terms of national security it's been a success this campaign in afghanistan. well you know on the contrary i think that the bush administration or today the obama administration could try to make that argument but i think it's a very thin argument the united states mainland before the attack on september eleventh two thousand and one the last time it was attacked was in the war of eight hundred twelve when the british burned down the white house you could say that the american policy during those whole almost two hundred years was such that it prevented attacks on the homeland i think the fact of the matter is that the u.s. occupation force in afghanistan the killing of large numbers of afghan civilians and pakistani civilians just as they did in iraq only leads to an escalation in the
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cycle of violence that reads resentment clearly people in afghanistan and iraq and everywhere don't want to live under foreign occupation they see the occupiers as coming in not to help them but to occupy and dominate them now the obama administration has promised that the troops will withdraw from afghanistan in july two thousand and eleven do you think do you think you'll keep its promise. well i don't think it was a real promise it wasn't a hard and fast pledge to start to withdraw i think the obama administration an initially announced this surge of thirty thousand troops after having already sent another thirty thousand troops in two thousand and nine i now seen the planned withdrawal in july two thousand and eleven was a way to placate the american people who really have no stomach for an escalation of a war that they know in their hearts in their bones cannot be won and so obama sent a mixed message yes we're going to escalate the war but we promise you it will end right now the generals don't want it to end because if it ends now it will appear
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to be perceived to be a defeat for the u.s. military in this country but the fact of the matter is that the feed is coming because the u.s. cannot militarily subjugate afghanistan brought back a political activist on the national court coordinator of the coalition live from washington thank you. fresh unrest has broken out in kyrgyzstan after a mob stormed the headquarters of a leading political party in the capital bishkek security is being beefed up across the country ahead of sunday's parliamentary election but the country remains ethnically split and wary of more violence. reports. this woman asked us not to reveal her identity she says it's still not safe in june just like many others in the ethnically divided city being lost everything no other being forced to survive taking any work they can fight. us than we do there
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is no stability there is still tension it is no one trusts the government and how could we offer to what happened if there is a dance it could already left others are looking for ways how to get out bring down shops and destroyed pharmacies in the band and cafes are a common sight in august second largest city in june it fell into complete chaos and the games mainly young men destroyed shops set cars ablaze and burned to down houses officially hundreds were killed several thousand were injured by the time the country's interim government managed to take control of the situation mobilizing the army for months all that will be a quarters or all the beginning to recover. everything was burned here everybody is fleeing abroad to look for jobs but we must rebuild before it's called construction is being carried out with the cells of political education feeling in the streets like the rest of the country is getting ready for the parliamentary election for
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errors from the. poor are spread both in the mean the cube is populated areas and here. this is one of the districts of the city as you can see it was almost completely destroyed by the violence and a similar picture can be seen in a dozen other parts of reconstruction here is in full swing despite the lack of money and people and for most of the locals this is a race against time to rebuild their homes before the bitter winter hits and that for them is a far greater importance than any election. state funding is very limited if in fact there is any many local see the only help they are getting is from the red cross. about one hundred people who do just all together in this push them to just do so called josh brown brigades. the species officially over three thousand businesses were affected by violence.
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ahead some say they've been getting messages calling on them to ignore the vote the parliamentary election was announced six months ago after the president. and his government were all through thousands of protesters and the opposition to control of the country many analysts say the interim government has so far failed to provide the needed stability especially here in the self where most of the voters don't know what each of the twenty. even stands for. the u.s. might claim to be a chump you know freedom of speech but not it seems if it's coming from russia iran venezuela or china the head of the media organization which oversees america's international broadcasting says it must up its game to combat the rise of what he called media anime's including artsy gun a chicken reports it's
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a common belief on capitol hill that the best way to raise money from congress is to scare them walter isaacson the head of a government agency that manages u.s. international broadcasting apparently wants a lot of money the cars to fight america's enemies in the media which he identifies as he ran venezuela russia and china we can't allow ourselves to be out communicated by our enemies there's that freedom house report that reveals that today's autocratic leaders are investing billions of dollars in media resources to influence the global opinion you've got russia today iran's press t.v. venezuela's telos and of course china as a launching international broadcasting twenty four hour news channels correspondents around the world spence portably set aside six to ten billion dollars we've got to go to capitol hill with that number to expand their overseas media operations to me it sounded like
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a declaration of information war but later mr isaacson backtracked i don't take a russia or artsy as an enemy and certainly did not mean to imply that there are an enemy so that's just not right maybe mr isaacson really did not mean to offend russia or china it's all a pitch for more money from congress which he's trying to kind of appeal to by saying that other countries are spending more on international communications gear is really the buzzword that's used to try to generate money for the defense department a cia intelligence agencies and now for into. national broadcasting but getting the us message across this costly there goes that mr walter isaacson is having is called broadcasting board of governors it includes radio stations voice of america one of them and a fairly unpopular middle eastern t.v. channel on all this the board spends more than seven hundred fifty million dollars
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and it's way more than the budget of our t.v. iran's press t.v. and as well as their list or combined so maybe money does not really make for global media clout mr isaacson says that it's truthfulness that will make the difference and in the the truth is on our side and if that's the man that raised in the lurch with some freedom of speech advocates somebody who says that truth is always on the united states side is a propagandist and not a. journalist and i think that's bad it's a bad example for other countries. and they say that because obviously other countries have their perspective many times u.s. media is slanted toward the united states even the private media and the credibility of the broadcasting board of governors was under even more scrutiny when reports came out about the white house influence on the b.b.c. reporting after the iranian presidential election and some experts say american broadcasters that once used to be
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a powerful voice in the international media are now facing a crisis the problem that they are facing is that the messages they have. called the world is supposed to work or it's not resonating it's not. getting traction it seems washington these still getting used to the increasing volume for media voices giving a fresh perspective on world issues kind of chicken or t. washington d.c. . the israeli army once again stands accused of disregarding the basic human rights of palestinians a video uploaded on youtube shows an israeli defense force soldier humiliating a blindfolded palestinian woman by national group i brought him here from the public committee against torture in israel says the i.d.f. offenders should face an international criminal court but the problem is not only that it's not the most moral. army in the world but the fact is that there is a culture of impunity where such humiliation sets of
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a relations and crimes are not convicted by the army or by the other authorities it's about dime for the international community to intervene to make it clear for is very early authorities security authorities that no one is above the law and that the. absolute group mission against torture and ill treatment humiliation is really absolute and which means that if you violate it once again you will face charges if not in israel then outside this is our to you live from the russian capital hundred people have gathered in moscow for a minute's silence to commemorate the fourth anniversary of russian journalist anna politkovskaya was murder gunned down in her apartment block in two thousand and six can use has been in the public's attention ever since alice what was at the rally for us. three minutes pulse for one that is of course the exact time that on the
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police called sky was. palm a blog a minute just silence was held just behind me here in the center of moscow that was then followed by a short memorial service attended by several high profile politicians and the artists and people who just loved diana and wanted to publicly more hug on me something that she was in the so why didn't. i remember her brother last articles she wrote to them after reading it i said to my friend and you will be killed and she was killed within a few days the article was about what's happening to her investigation as far as progress is being made in the case on a wednesday interesting announcement came from the russian investigative team who said that they've identified a number of suspected accomplices who they believe in hiding across europe so they've called all the help of the european police colleagues to root out and find these people but we all for years all of the family and former colleagues have on
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the part of growing increasingly frustrated at the slow pace of the case the police for that paula saying they're doing everything they can they detained a number of people in connection with the case as well as employing the services of the intelligence agencies and in typical to track down the person who they believe pulled the trigger however they do it the most a mind behind this case is still very much at large however they do now say that they all convinced that the crime was orchestrated and organized from outside of russia and that it was in some way connected to her work both as a journalist and a human rights activist she was an outspoken controversial figure a public critic of the ministration and particularly in the last opponents of her life she was involved in exposing human rights abuses in the volatile caucuses republics all. particularly chechnya but also doug's done in english she was also involved in the bringing to justice corrupt police officials exposing corruption
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within the defense ministry itself but against all of that there was an equally large number of people who love the politkovskaya who she helped during the course of her life including the mothers of several soldiers who she helped pull their cases in court and for that work as well as how many journalistic endeavors she was awarded a role of to pursue just awards both within russia and from abroad not of acknowledgment if you like for a woman who spends her life trying to improve the lives of ordinary people as my colleagues on the boyko explains. dennis makes no secret that he dislikes journalists to intrusive to simplistic to manipulative and they started to describe typical according to polls at least a third of russians distrust what they read in newspapers or see on t.v. . on top of journalists and i'm tired of going over things that have no impact on
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society again and again ironically it was a journalist that held hugh find justice in two thousand and one he was badly bitten first by thugs down by the russian police to whom he turned for how and when it seemed that everything in his country had failed him one reporter came to his grave it was on the political question quest. tragedy was widely publicized amused papers and on t.v. but only anna politkovskaya touched upon the real life problems of the people she wrote about strong psychological pressure from the author of the time to open criminal cases against us no journalist is willing to take the risk of bringing those things out to the public i say that is based on my nine year experience with that story in the norway goes into eventually how danny's to win a case against the russian federation and the european court of human rights one of many. that pollute course because mark recchi reporting had led to. a journalist
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who deals with people's pain as part of their job and tries to actually help people rather than just reflect their stories should not be something out of the ordinary and his main goal was to help people not just write a piece about them. while she's often credited for rekindling people's faith in justice four years later police cars because only murder still remains unpunished russia's investigative committee says the case is very challenging but the search for the killers and masterminds is still ongoing. because his daughter hira who over the years has grown a striking resemblance of her mother says the family is still hopeful. and was one of us was still have hope of course but the way the investigation is going and the way the trial went we can tell that the investigators haven't made much progress i can't see anything that would indicate we're getting closer to the truth they don't believe it has also become a journalist but she admits that her dedication to the profession is no way near
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her mother's there is number one priority is your four year old daughter anna. people who knew on the political of the station had zero tolerance for their families and official them as she continues to defy them even after her death take this plot for example it was mounted on the building russia leave and the issue with killed in violation of a theory called the behavior of such commemorations within five years of a person is that there are less cautious happy you reasons to appreciate her reporting and obey little rather three but god is still here attributing her live a condemnation of. a kind of break up r.c. moscow time now for the business news with you. hello and a very warm welcome to the business news russian cyprus have signed an agreement
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eliminating double taxation between the two countries the g.a.o. has been reached by russia's president who is visiting cyprus a need to develop closer and more transparent financial ties of course the taxes are still low here but they already been implemented there's no zero taxation in cyprus but there was a couple of questions one including the disclosure of information about the company and second about particular purchase of some real estate in russia we choose not to the result so it's just happened historically the russian business not only partly for the reason of taxation partly for the reason of providing additional security for investment. in cyprus i think. we can change it very quickly so i think number one task is to. get more investment from cyprus into russia and what's happening i think cyprus or one of the largest investor in russia and i think gradually the russian business will start probably
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to move to russia but at the end of the day even have a normal tax that tax regime would have a normal chief information i think at the very much matter. cyprus is the biggest foreign investor in russia with many russian companies register them but that may change as russia tightens up its tax rules that explains. cyprus is a small island in the mediterranean and it's russia's biggest foreign investor however most of the capital flowing into russia is not safe it's russian want to come back home from an offshore tax haven easy come easy go with minimal taxes for business top russian tycoon operating through firms registered on cyprus it's been previously so uncooperative that it was added to russia's black list threatening tax penalties for companies registered there in new double taxation agreement is expected to remove cyprus from the notorious list but will boost information
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exchange between the two tax authorities but will mean a lot for structuring of russian business until most of putting more thoughtful sober or in terms of destruction of their management structure study in in terms of let's say they're explaining and we've been a looking at what. is behind the first transaction what is the business of basing this will be a very important change in the minds of. the assessment analysts say no less than half of the russian real estate business resides in cyprus a common practice has been to register a separate offshore firm as the owner of the russian real estate project it makes it easier to sell the construction by selling as part of the offshore company while in russia this kind of deal would tax twenty percent in cyprus it's not subject to jupiter analysts say developers will do everything possible to transfer operations
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to after all charlotte cations before the new agreement comes in force in two thousand and fourteen. they will have to study new jurisdictions and develop new schemes but the opportunities that offshore companies provide for the real estate business for example so the developers will devote the time and effort to look for new. russia's finance ministry is to begin work with other european tax friendly countries on greater transparency and information exchange that leaves places such as the cayman islands and the harm of which may soon become the nearest destinations to offer a safe harbor from the tax authorities the jennifer to business are to. time to see how the russian indices finished thursday's session from isis slipped back into red at close all the way players were trading in a narrow range exceptions what point is gold up seven percent on high metals prices
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and plans to boost gold production of russian truck they could come up two percent on further talks of dialogue may increase the stakes and expectedly high was russian for zero three trains seven continent shares were up twelve percent. and russians are getting more pessimistic about the economic outlook that's according to federal statistics service which has spoiled five thousand people across the country around twenty five percent expect economic conditions to get worse in the next twelve months that's just compared to seventeen percent in the second quarter and more than one third of the citizens say their financial standing has declined russians increased spending on food last year at the expense of consumer goods. russian businesses space soon have to assure the salaries of this stuff in case of bankruptcy that's under the terms of a new draft bill to be introduced by the economic ministry unpaid wages in russia amounted to more than one hundred million dollars.


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