tv [untitled] October 7, 2010 7:30pm-8:00pm EDT
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economic dislocation american meat packers were bringing labor up from the south at slave labor wages again huge economic dislocation it was bill clinton causing the horrible slave mentality to be inculcated in monks' the american corporations to victimize mexicans and south americans and now that the folks are migrating up north of the border the people are making this out to be as if this was not completely predictable under what frickin bill clinton did with nafta anyway oscar thanks so much for being on the kaiser report oh my pleasure mark's keep the good work o'reilly and that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacy herbert and i want to thank my guests ask early on if you want to send me an e-mail please do so at kaiser report at r t t v dot ru until next time this is max kaiser saying by. at the. moment.
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for the full story we've gone to. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. almost seventy years of the red machine would show read people wanted to believe in the. easy to make changes issue slow do was leave home leave. but it wasn't possible to change the way countries regime so quickly. and with those whom. are culturally fundamental changes in the state peoples' minds want to.
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see coming to live among the headlines. as the war in afghanistan enters that stuff yet at the table still coalition soldiers posting battlefield is on the internet the taliban is easing clips uploaded by allied trades to trauma that support what they withdrawal deadline very violence in the country shows no signs of things. tension hours ahead of they switch carriers parliamentary elections and political divided kurdistan so. here's the measures have been intensified across the country
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to avoid contras the country has been in turmoil since president but came it was overthrown in a block to. here it is it's still a fall from the bike it cosmodrome in kazakhstan so you should look it has left for the top shelf space station with a payload of navigation and data systems on board o two russian cosmonauts and in the market all struggled who will complete the expedition twenty five. they are expected to dock with the high set so some day they'll spend the next six months and all of it. after almost two decades of talks of russia's membership of the world trade organization could be just about sort of months away i'll go north all six moskos chief negotiator how likely it is that the country will finally join up sports the spotlight is up next.
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hello again and welcome to spotlight day into the show on our t.v. i'm calgary now and today my guest in the studio is mark seem to vent pipe. russia has been knocking on the door of the world trade organization for the last seventeen years finally president medvedev said russia's w tell membership was a matter of months now officials say sure they're down to the final details but it seems we've already heard that a couple of years ago so we're all we all root to becoming part of the world trade community or still knocking on heaven's door let's ask mr made that who is russia w t i would negotiate what he should know. joining the w through means demolishing trade borders and deactivating protective economic mechanisms generally
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open trade is expected to have a positive impact on new variety of goods reaches consumers turn and exercise more choice as these goods compete but many russia fear w.g. entry will seriously undermine the country subsidized industrial base and ultimately cost russian jobs however the w t o is seen by the russian leadership as a tool to improve the quality of domestic production because the better also has brought the bomb and support their important voice of the w t o board after many falls doings international free trade may soon be a reality. hello mr prevent golf and thank you very much for coming to the show you know welcome to spotlight well first of all on the first of october russia's finance minister announced that i quote russia and the u.s. . settled all outstanding bilateral issues relating to russia's assertion to the
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double ichiro and code but edward told me last week in the studio that that wasn't exactly the case so what's your impression where are we actually my impression is that we have settled. with us to be sure of concern to our partners or years of negotiations however probably mr on is of the right of a few thinks really we have to discuss together with the united states and our. trading partners into the world within the. framework so we have to do it. about bilateral disc with us we think it was well a russia has already signed by letter agreement with the united states and back in two thousand and six yet if i'm not mistaken so what has changed since when
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you have to sign this well come up with another agree what we did with us in two thousand and six in hanoi we agreed on terms of market access to russian. market of goods and services but we have not discussed the. so-called systemic commitments be sure russia has to undertake course of its accession its commitments . in respect of how russia implement troops and most was negotiated engineer was in a framework by the respect of some of the. united states traditionally. big interests. more interested in finding solutions for the base of their requests that's why. we were. in certain
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positions for three years four years with united states and we have completed by the force of two since you rushers negotiated the devil issues who do you think you are me you feel to be are you in economist a politician or negotiator a diplomat why you today. is a good question i think somewhere in between. there are very few people dozens of people in the world doing trade richard doing trade negotiations and it's not a profession. i think it was. it's a condition i forward to or most of my colleagues who to hold me not to me because i have been paid. for the time of legislation so until we complete our accession to double term but you're right. this is job is
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a rather interesting. and you know you have to know a little bit different different eras of diplomacy history economics and so well. why am i asking here this question i'm asking about this is that i want to know i want to understand the latest agreement has become possible only after personal involvement of both presidents obama and meditative does it mean that the session to the deadly chair of a new country is a purely political issue not an economic or political issue. it's interesting question in most cases it is it should be economic. and in most cases it is economic in some cases it is not and does not because you are. always i have to solve issues as
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a border between trade and politics and russia is a big country huge interest into our obsession countries would like to solve many problems some of them. a common problem about some of them and somalia is that's why political support sometimes is needed it and these kind of negotiations spotlights even the do neither has the details on how russia has been trying to spear that that secession to the w.t. how. russia is nearer than ever to dublin to your accession that's where russians i've heard for several years in the row it usually takes no more than five to seven years to clinch a membership agreement russia's been as lingers for seventeen years this don dimitri medvedev is really putting pressure on his team to speed up the process the media has described the recent concessions made by russia a storm in the double. a major second fires which was announced in geneva last
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month concerns agricultural subsidies there will not be increased until two thousand and twelve and for the wrong by the year two thousand and seventeen state support for the agricultural sector will be hard new compromises are expected to follow soon man press in the shoes on the gender school bright legislation has been considerably improved but in practice eighty percent of attempts to prove copyright violations fail then there are state corporations and state purchases which raise questions with other members of the double who doubt foreign business will be allowed to function on equal terms with their russian counterparts another complication is that now where she's part of the customs union with bella rousseau kazakhstan and although the three countries have given up on the idea of entering the organization as a single entity. russia's new status as a member of the union must be reflected in the little commands it's made according
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to the most optimistic forecast the procedure of russia's accession will start in four months after that the country will still have to wait another six to twelve months for actual membership meanwhile skeptics argue that exception is not more than. to make and miss concessions to w two your countries. in one of the interviews you said to mr moonves that russia could become a member of the w t o by the end of next year two thousand and eleven if the current pace of negotiation that will continue stays safe as it is do you think that if he said if something good happened to slow down the process once again you're afraid of that. but. before i first talked last. before i return. to sort of
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a dog person because probably. after i return the problem is that we have to deal with eighty countries show me negotiated this deal and we have to do huge technical. and. turn needed sort of talk is depends not only on us depends also on resource us our partners. ken sands through you need to do the job so it's not in our hands we are dependant onas us. technically we can do we can complete a person soon but what will happen in real life i don't know if we ask people in the streets they would say that the price we paid to the united states for a w.t.f. a session was the american frozen chicken and russian market is that the price we
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paid or something more serious. that would talk session is a big commercial do. you have to perform for succession and you have to compare this payment you have made. in the interviews you expectations you get from. membership in their condition so we believe that we are in a very balanced situation and we have not overpaid and we believe that in the long term run we will get more benefits in order to compensate concessions rich i don't think. rio career to any substantial problems for domestic economy or even even even the limitations on the state supported it to russian agriculture which which is which was widely discussed in the bush. it was ever discussed
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but. a figure of speech we protected no negotiations. and many experts confirm the. figures of support will be more than enough to continue our policy in respect of modernisation of a good coach. if you compare volume of subsidies which were given to every culture in one thousand nine hundred and no ninety nine to. ninety five billion so if yours dollars and not only four and you compare. that old russian agriculture was competent enough as compared with the current time and very clearly it's not the money richard decisive for developments. says mark simmons death of a russian w t o negotiating spotlight would be back shortly after
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a break so stay way on down we'll continue in less than a month. every month we give you the future we help you understand how to get there and want to bring the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world join us knology update on r g. almost seventy years of the red machine which so moved people wanted to leave in the past. weekend to make changes to sudden moves you need to. leave.
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but it wasn't possible to change the whole country's regime so quickly and with. whom. to close only fundamental changes in the state clinton people's minds. more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. china operations are all today. my. welcome back to spotlight i'm al gore novel and just
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a reminder that my guest in the studio today is a must see media coverage sion doubly negotiate are we talking about the possibility of russians assertions of double joe which is expected by the end of next year by the negotiators by the kremlin mr madrid give you mentioned that you're a bit of everything you're better of a diplomat a bit of a politician a bit of a communist you're a negotiator and i'll put in a political question since since you he already said before that you you agree that there's a lot of politics in this and this process georgia's position how tough is georgia and it's been in it's an odd position we know it has made a couple of efforts to block russians ascension to doublecheck is it being successful. continue accession and georgia is in the room. where we negotiate. struve.
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from close. will not support session but what this means in terms we do know of three rules of the bhutto is loving to what country to walk accession of the other it has never happened in history and we hope that it will not happen no that's why. i'm optimistic in this respect but it's for double to members to decide. russia should accede not do you think that other countries deadly two countries can influence belief c. so the georgia would stop blocking rushes and say will they want to do it what's your expectation. my expectations. of all the trade body really
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is more than one hundred fifty countries. members real body real organized themselves in a way which will eliminate any possibility of blocking off activity if there was a shoot by one or even a few members so we were told from the beginning of the accession to the good fish is doing by members members of decisive force who saw the result and what we hear from most of the capitals. but most of the curved poles very clearly would like to see russia as a member as soon as possible ok now we're told it talks about negotiations with the united states which which i definitely over and over successfully now what about now what about talks with the european union what is the what is the deadline now with these in and these negotiations is there a deadline. there is a deadline. as soon as possible to go there live and we hope.
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to learn in the next. several weeks i will not sit to it several weeks we have very few things on our most sensitive scene for us and for partners. due to use experts of. color. quest talking about concessions once again says this is this is not a concession then that you're ready to make or not ready to our life is a. concession to some extent yes. we're making a. living every day every day of our life as a convention right ok ok that's a good answer but that ok let's start let's compare let's compare negotiations with washington and with brussels why should america and the european union what what was easier wed where did we would you personally lose more nerves.
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what cost you more. you see is a european union is. much more difficult as compared with us for one reason you have to resist government through the european commission and commission has to really be sure it. is trying to sell an understood procedure is this procedure you going see is something which we have to address. as well because we have. similar procedure in our customer units differences we are currently syrians are trying to sell who russian bureaucracy can only be compared to berber arsenals bureaucracy also there this may also make it easier to communicate for the two other take out where there is that true. well i still hope that we are more effective for this. but i measure difference because countries may have different
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positions respective same issues and it takes much more time to find a compromise as we have much more. currently we have. christians. we have basic problem of expert beauteous if you so. differently. you know that's the discussion and that what we gain we lose if we are off to leave join the devil. was. pretty pretty wide and pretty open not only in the russian press but in the society so now let's see do russians really find anything positive about their country journey spotlights. on their has tried to find out in the streets of moscow how their day outside to find out what people in this country think about russet
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joining the world trade organization. yes and no there are too many conditions which would hurt our economy if we join the the taxation system and free capital flight would be affected but increased foreign investments the russian judicial system industrial and agricultural might be more likely to meet international standards. yes it could be a good thing but only one condition that nobody dictates prices for energy resources to us in the world has the same resources as we do somebody would certainly try to trick us for sure but it would be true it's a very controversial process because we stand to lose a lot of russia's joining the. agricultural sector because of the extent to which it is subsidized however for the most part i think we will benefit from joining the . no joining the geo would lead to the removal of customs barriers. in turn foreign competition will force out noncompetitive industries of which we
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have many in russia and the agricultural sector would suffer the most. i think it would be a good idea because russia would be more competitive on the international arena get out of that allocation get a question if i guess. if russia would join the w t o would hurt russian industry. here or your own safety as well it mate russia's industry. may create programs to. subsectors of some of the three like we like what. first of all. not competitive and. nobody could trust us to go to so medium level of competition in the us like the carjackers. i don't think america will suffer. because of comic us if you treat those joint ventures which are from so you know in russia as
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a russian companies saying they will win from taxation they're doing things are ok baby the logic car is way way which has been dying for the last twenty years. but. also we have to modernize its production and. closer sometimes i was discussing different kinds of trying treasuries as well as your interesting you said you said that the debt we owe membership can can hurt the industries which are not competitive i don't know anything less competitive than to block the cars on the european market so what's less competitive but we please like me. during all those years of excess and we have received on me. one letter from my industry reach and visit this. because of doubletalk so we will do it but we will go anyway and this was
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a from the industry we should produce brushless because it just rushes. from one of our companies in siberia because in petitioning from chinese of the grouches reassured russia is that not the i like to think russia is about low look shoe brushes the shoe brush so they're not comparable. hard to read and produce one more thing that's interesting russian oysters are not. to it was. ok now. we know that expert oriented raw material producers would be the first to gain from brushes session to the w.t. oh at least this is what the what the papers write and the economic pages but what . the russia joining there which you won't contradict to the policy of modernization that's being put forward by the press.
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exactly to implement. the software to the station. is. exceptional really bring to russia benefits which we were unable to minute enterprise was to be integrated into the world trading system to corporation foreign enterprise was and to really modernize. it was a production of production facilities because reza problem is when you or if you supply only gas and oil there are no big barriers to trade so you probably don't need but if you would like to supply products riis. really it's like cars machines trust. various
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traits and if you're not subject to certain rules and you're a newcomer so you may have substantial problems and accidents or not it's also really culture markets thank you thank you very much for being with us i hope i hope you succeed just a reminder that my guest in the studio today was too much to see me that russian w t hope we get a shot and that's it for now from all of us here if you're in town of your say spotlight or have someone in monte you think i should interview next time to drop me a line at al gore in the past r.t. t.v. dot our year and let's keep the show interactive we will be back with more and comments on what's going on in and outside russia until then stay on r.t. and take a. break.
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