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tv   [untitled]    October 8, 2010 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT

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inside russia until then stay on the party and take care. of. it.
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campaigning is over in kurdistan i wouldn't say his day of rest but candidates on some today before clear show parliamentary elections on sunday hopes to bring new long awaited stability to the country. religious tension is monday as polls protest against a new mosque the structure featuring stream isn't but the muslims claim to have done it so i want to be amongst that something country. and on the route to the end of the water. polar explorers have involved from the get go which to that then they just expedition to study the area and to stake russia's territorial claim is. now dismal jobs numbers in the u.s. new trends on campaign trails and the own going to base over glenn beck statements
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these are the main issues and focus in today's edition of the on your that's coming up next. welcome to the lower show we'll get the real headlines with none of the mersey working to live out of washington d.c. now with the u.s. having dismal jobs numbers you think it might have a global impact but it turns out that that might not be the case recent reports show that other countries are boasting much more profitable economies right now so we'll speak with our chief financial correspondent lauren lyster about the stats and a little word called decoupling next we'll tell you about a new trend on the campaign trail candidates especially g.o.p. candidates are getting money from foreign sources there's a lot of secrecy around it but we're going to uncover it today with reporters. and in a world where fox news gets great ratings and people listen to glenn beck we found
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one guy who wants to take him off the air his name is matt sky and he's in protesting beck's program on the streets of new york so we'll speak with him and ask why he thinks the glenn beck hates america then we'll debate prop nineteen it's a measure to legalize marijuana in california if it does pass in the november election what side effects could come if every one of the states starts having access to pot i'll be joined by collina covina police chief can radiate and we're all looking for a little comic relief on this friday so i'm bringing in comedian stephen smith to get his two cents on the craziest news stories that are making the headlines campaigns tarnished by pictures of dildos and ballerinas posing in racy magazines those are just some of the stories we'll be chatting about at the end of the show but now let's move on because it is top story. jobs numbers are out and the news is not good yet again some say the signs are pointing to a double dip recession so how might this affect the rest of the world or perhaps not as much as you think as a global leaders arrive in washington d.c.
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for the annual meetings of the international monetary fund and the world bank seems that a new trend is starting to pop up as emerging economies make gains while the u.s. continues to fall as described as decoupling artie's lauren lyster reports. that mansell leaders are getting together from all over the world this week to figure out how to boost the global economy at the annual i.m.f. and world bank meetings but many are talking about a break up the world is from the united states as the consumer of last resort in the financial world that's not called divorce but decoupling and everyone from a flurry of wall street analysts to nobel prize winning economist joseph stiglitz are using the word now to describe this shift in power the baton is passed from countries like the united states on to countries like china brazil russia. india and beyond and you know growth in the global call be much more dependent upon those
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countries than on the developed economies it explains how while the u.s. economy continues to look more bleak with analysts such as goldman sachs forecasting fairly to very bad scenarios of meager one to two percent growth or an all out double dip recession i would almost consider a double double bass the so-called bric countries are still on the ascent brazil's economy is estimated to grow seven point five percent this year with optimism to spare this mission was that it may be. we will be more than seven point five percent. and rounding out the r i c and that acronym russia india and china are estimated to post four point two five nine point. seven and ten point five percent gains respectively china's growth as an economic power on our. children still. isn't lost on american politicians looking for someone to blame. help form
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companies to try new jobs to make it with skyrocketing unemployment poll nor is it lost on the obama administration we believe it's very important to see more progress by the major emerging economies to more flexible market oriented exchange rate systems geitner has increased complaints about china under valuing its currency ahead of the i.m.f. meeting you have to pick a reason why things are going well obviously it can't be because of you so it has to be because of china is a very easy target but while politicians try to hold things together citizens are decoupling from the u.s. economy to people who once left their countries to come to the u.s. for opportunities are heading back home the opportunities they're going to be much better than what they are here they're setting up shop in countries poised to grow even as the u.s. teeters on the edge of decline while nothing appears different from the outside of
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the annual world bank and i.m.f. meeting here in washington nothing sounds different about the u.s. pressing for its agenda of more fiscal stimulus and currency regulation inside changes afoot as these global governing institutions figure out how to incorporate the power of the new emerging economies showing that as their economies grow far from u.s. soil so too does their role behind these doors or lester our team washington d.c. . well lawrence here in the studio with me to give us more on this story now before we get into the international aspect of it all i do want to talk about the fact of the jobs numbers came out for september say and they were not good ninety five thousand jobs were shed but there are some inconsistencies here because we have the official government. that says the employment unemployment excuse me is still at nine point six percent and then gallup has quite a higher number so what's the story how do we weed out the truth from what is well
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we have to look at is how these numbers were calculated and where the discrepancy is that gallup poll's numbers which showed a template one percent unemployment rate go through the end of september when you look at the way that the government numbers were calculated they only go through mid september and they came in at nine point six percent which was not unlike me gallup poll's numbers been month which were nine point four percent so that basically means that a whole lot of jobs were lost in those last two weeks of september according to the gallup poll which are calculated in the government jobs interestingly this is the last jobs report before a midterm election how convenient. but it doesn't necessarily show the full picture as this gallup poll result would would illustrate that a lot more jobs were lost in these numbers even indicated you know still the numbers are really bad it's been unchanged i mean fourteen months of more than nine point five percent unemployment it's the most the longest that that's been the case since the one nine hundred thirty s. but i mean you know nine point six percent is bad but ten point one is worth a sack much galluses saying that we've even surpassed that ten percent mark is
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really that's scary news and of course it like i said makes perfect sense that politicians of the government would want to try to conceal that and fudge the numbers a little bit if they can now let's talk about the international aspect of it all as the u.s. is still struggling there are other economies out there emerging economies that are doing quite well that are starting to really just need to trade with each other we don't always have to be the middleman anymore so i mean what does decoupling really going to mean for america well it just means that the u.s. is less important it means that these developing nations are growing in that they're going to be able to grow on their own without as much from the united states that countries aren't as dependent on the united states for consumption that they're getting consumption within their own countries and alternately that what they're doing is becoming more and more isolated from the. us in the u.s. is less important on the global stage in the global economy as these powers rise and become much more important and in turn they'll need to become more important and global governing bodies such as i.m.f. such as the world bank which is something that's going on at this very meeting this
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week and which people are expecting to be an issue now is definitely not something that you hear at home right because our focus of course is american jobs and the tea partiers of course are focused on not only the parties republicans when it comes to tax cuts so do you think that politicians perhaps are trying to maybe distract from the bigger issue at hand here from the global perspective that no one really wants to you know look at it in big terms probably but i think that politicians are really concerned with what the picture is at home because that's what their constituents care about and you know when you see something like this china currency debate and the china currency devaluation which they're struggling for and making a big issue about we heard treasury secretary timothy geithner talk about this that this week you see candidates campaigning on that really this is part of a much bigger issue that has to do with a lot of different countries that are devaluing their currencies to try and get out of this global financial downturn recession or whatever you want to call it that's becoming a major issue and in many ways with the u.s.
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is doing with our monetary policy it is very similar to what china is doing in interviewing in the foreign exchange markets to undervalue their currency i mean that's a point that nobel prize winning economist joseph stiglitz made which compared the fed policy with exactly what china's doing so really it's a much bigger picture this is made a much a very politicized issue it'll be really interesting to see if it's an issue at all after the november midterm elections you know politicians need someone to blame and is an easy target absolutely they're the easiest person to point fingers at these days is there anything else that we really should be looking out for at the i.m.f. and world bank meetings this weekend what so many people say that if all this for a really long time is look for nothing that usually there is no agreement on anything that usually finance ministers agree to disagree. and nothing really comes out of these meetings i mean a few things that we should look to that could come out of it are just emerging powers saying that they want more of a voice and want more representation representation within the organization has to
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do with how big your economy is and also how much money you spend and put into it so you see countries like the bric nations that that want to bigger role and want that to change and there is human discussion of when will it be a leader from outside of the u.s. or europe that leads the i.m.f. and world bank you know now you see their head economist is chinese so so things are changing people are definitely torn are and disagree on to what extent we can see any of that change any time soon and it is there that those voices will be louder than ever this year to learn thanks so much. still to come on tonight's show cracking down on those who caused the global economic crisis archies procedures our reports on how some countries a lot of countries in fact everyone but the u.s. are holding those accountable for the meltdown and we'll look at money as the u.s. chamber of commerce is under fire tonight after reports that foreign money is fueling t.v. ads against democrats across the country so look at the issue when we come back.
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but another is it sparkles and i'm explainable interest. a place where supernatural beings are. those. for the. we've got. the biggest issues get the invoice sales to face with the news makers. well we're back and continuing to talk about the global economy there's an interesting phenomenon beginning to take place around the world some countries are
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starting to hold those who helped create the financial collapse responsible by filing criminal charges one place where that's not happening is a right here in america r.t. correspondent christine present reports. the idea is not a new one i have experienced public pressure years ago a time when the criminal convictions work too as an appropriate measure of punishment and worked as an editor to turn. to other criminal prosecution to fight crime against those who made decisions that hurt others it's what happened to jerome kerviel in france a trader whose risky betting left the french banks society genere all in the midst of scandal the judge said he broke rules threaten the stability of his firm and of the global financial order he was given three years in prison a sentence that drew gasps from those present in the court room in iceland the
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parliament there voted former prime minister gary hart should be held criminally responsible for negligence for the collapse of his country's financial system of course there were mistakes made in the political process that that's for sure i have somebody fungibility put up of course i have paid the political price for that by leaving politics many there think he should pay a bigger price he faces two years behind bars if convicted back in the u.s. capitol in a recent hearing on the hill an acknowledgement there is a public perception in the wake of events of two thousand and eight that unfortunately has some justification that i small number of wealthy and powerful americans did vast damage to our country and to the lives of millions of families with relatively no personal consequences no consequence. says lawmakers like senator ted kaufman are starting to ask why not why no criminal prosecution in this country there really is a crisis in this country and i don't think it's a populist thing i just think there's
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a crisis in terms of people thinking there are two different rules but others are not shocked at all richard jackal wrote the book a moral mazes the world of corporate managers and says the corporate system in the united states is set in such a way that keeps those making decisions separate from the consequences of their actions corporate managers who make a decision in a new york to close a plant that indianapolis never really have to meet the men and women in indianapolis who've lost search. as a result of their decision the same holds true for wall street and big banks those behind approving those risky loans are bundling that bad debt then betting against it guess what they don't live in these neighborhoods but collectively their decisions led to the nearly three million home foreclosures a year and more than a million jobs lost and a drowning economy still gasping for air for evidence of the lack of responsibility
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joggle says one place to look is at the pay scales of executives in financial firms promoter whether the firm stated will poorly. these folks always got predicts surely will. in other words there is no relationship between work and reward so shouldn't a broken system be fixed well it seems still with all that's happened those charged with fixing it are the same ones benefiting from keeping it just as it is christine for zero r.t. . all during this midterm election year we are being inundated with political ads propping up our cutting down one candidate or another and. act campaign spending is at record numbers and like that's. what happened to russ feingold he used to stand up to washington politicians these days he stands with them fine go stood with them
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to pass the health care bill feingold stood with them to pass a reckless budget tripling our national debt and find gold standing with them turning a blind eye to the spending he was to fight so hard against the us always said he change washington it looks like washington changed him call russ feingold telling we miss the old russ we can't afford his spending policies the us chamber is responsible for the content of this advertising. we hear that we can't afford his spending policies but who is we you know the assumption is that the money for ads is coming from americans from those the actually have something to win or lose from their local elections we know that's not entirely true it turns out that organizations like the chamber of commerce who can raise unlimited funds and don't have to disclose their donors could be raking in the money from foreign donors and despite the chamber's denial think progress has been doing a thorough investigation here so how much foreign money could be influencing our domestic elections we're here to discuss it with me is that jelani reporter and
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blogger for think progress dot org and the progress report at the center for american progress action fund that thanks so much for being here thank you so much for having me now guiding we guide me through this process here how it is that think progress decided to do the investigation how do we know that foreign money is actually going to the chamber of converse commerce excuse me and then into our political elections so basically when people think of the chamber of commerce they usually think of their local neighborhood friendly chambers of commerce which generally do a really great job of representing local businesses mom and pop operations what we're talking about here are not those local chamber of commerce we're talking about here is the massive mostly far right corporate funded massive lobbying organization here of the u.s. chamber of commerce that's right and what we discovered in our investigation over this past week is that maybe it's not exactly the right thing to call the u.s. chamber of commerce because what we've discovered is that they have a vast network across the globe affiliates which they called the business council also referred to as sure as the m m's and they use these in chance to raise money
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from foreign corporations these foreign corporations donate money to the chance the chance then pay in dues to the u.s. chamber of commerce funds that are just then given to their five zero one six account therefore i want to see six account is what they use to fund those political ads that you're saying like the one you just ran against legal tell me how it's ok that for. and corporations are funding are political ads well technically that's the thing it's not legal for foreign corporations or for foreigners period to fund political ads the chamber of commerce claims that the money that they're getting from these overseas business councils which are full of overseas foreign corporations and state even state owned companies is they claim that that money is segregated so that it's used for other expenses of the chamber not for political ads but because the u.s. chamber of commerce is one of the few lobby organizations in washington one of the few major lobby organizations in washington never ever disclose their sources of funding we don't know so all we're asking for is
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a little disclosure that doesn't make us feel too good now does it so i mean do we know at least what countries how much money is involved are they in fact having in meeting today with bankers from behind you know exactly the you call the u.s. bahrain business council and it has members such as gulf air the petroleum company which is actually a state owned petroleum company by the dictatorship in bahrain these companies are funding the u.s. brain business council they're holding a meeting today likely talking about fund raising and they've finally i believe one hundred thousand dollars over the last year to the u.s. chamber of commerce we don't know what they're doing with that money all we know is that it went to the exact same account that they used to fund the same kind of ads that you just ran against russ feingold that seems so crazy to me too and i mean if you look at the best chamber of commerce they for the most part support republicans right they they fund they do ads for republicans now we have information coming out the next week they might start airing some ads for conservative democrats that are opposed to obama's health care legislation is this all just
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a result of your investigation the fact that you guys really put their feet to the fire here well they've been on the defensive and they've used a really childish character assassination against us and basically what they're trying to do is claim that they aren't a far right republican supporting organization so there are some token money at conservative democrats but these are democrats that voted against health care that attacked the stimulus that basically have opposed the progressive agenda at every turn so they're trying to convince us that they're being by. partisan because they can support some of the most far right democrats in congress were not convinced and are really doing it so now how how far reaching is this to we're talking about the u.s. chamber of commerce i mean can they then can the money trickle down to certain other local chambers so they can in fact you know nationwide well generally the local chambers have some level of dues membership with the u.s. chamber of commerce most of the u.s. chamber of commerce's activities politically are managed here in washington d.c. but what's really interesting and we haven't been too much of a suggestion of this yet is that along with the m.p.'s they also have a foreign lobbying agenda which could include attacking labor regulations or or
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environmental standards in trade agreements so we do know there's a lot more to be uncovered there were looking for doing that uncovering is just crazy to me right this is america what's the point is this is you know make a joke really a mockery of our entire election system if it turns out that it's not being done to mistakenly you know that's exactly right every commercial they have they're talking about american workers american jobs you know lowering the tax burden on american comedy and authority who you know who and now we know that they they're also courting the state bank of india the petroleum company the state owned company in bahrain they're coordinating with foreign owned corporate interests that are against workers there or against workers here i mean it adds just absolutely added an aberration if you ask me but good thing that you guys are doing an investigation there and hopefully we can catch back up with you if you have more information comes out thanks so much for being here so i think you so much are coming out it's no secret here on the show that we think glenn beck is a dangerous madman we found someone else who is leading
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a daily protest against bag outside the fox news studio in new york we'll speak with him in just a moment. every month we give you the future we help you understand how we get there and what tomorrow brings the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world join knowledge on r.g.p. . i think it's pretty safe to say that glenn beck is a madman i am not a journalist i'm just a guy who cares. i'm sorry i'm just a guy who cares an awful lot about my country and i think you do too.
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now i couldn't tell you he actually cares about the country but i can tell you this the man's got viewers he's got ratings and i think his restoring honor rally show that he also has a slew of followers now i've told you before that i think he's dangerous i think he whips people into fear and there's one activist in new york who shares my thoughts and has decided to singlehandedly try to take glenn back off the air since this monday he's been spending between five to eight hours a day standing outside the fox news office on sixth avenue in manhattan holding a flag and a poster that says glenn bake glenn beck hates america while we tracked him down so joining me from our studio in new york is matt skye political activist and web consultant thank you so much for joining me now before we get into your cause i think we need to take a little listen to a clip of glenn bag rambling at a tea party rally just so people really get what this man is all about let's play it. sometimes get in trouble because i just. tell you what i'm thinking what i
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think you know because i think we're all about joining together and what i'm thinking is what i'm feeling as if the seasons are changing the metaphor seasons are changing and. you have to watch for the science of the seasons we have to watch for the signs of the leaves and notice what's happening we might be going into spring but we might be going into winter so the best thing we can do is prepare for the winter and hope for the river. mack can you please decipher to me what the hell that matt. i mean at least he understands different seasons he seems to be able to distinguish spring from fall. i mean i don't know what what this guy is doing exactly i think in a nutshell he is frightening people he is trying to divide this country and he is
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laughing all the way to the bank it's a really horrible thing for this country to have a major network like news corp giving a guy like this that much air time but now some people have criticized you saying that the word hate is a little strong to say that glenn beck actually hates america is going too far why is it then that you use that word. you know i think we're at a point where a lot of people want to have a moderate conversation and there are certain times when hate is the right word to use because a guy like glenn beck really is not moderate you can't just argue those points because he believes obama and anyone who disagrees with them even slightly is in on some big commie fascists anti american movement so you have to combat that type of language i think head on and you have to be frank so do i believe glenn beck hates america i do i don't think someone who really loves this
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country would be trying to divide us like this in such a difficult economic time to sell more books or to get better ratings well you know i've actually said it before on this show i'm not a huge fan of glenn beck and i've said those exact same words and i think glenn beck hates america tell me how it is that you think standing outside of the offices of the flag and poster buyer sells day in and day out is really going to make a difference or take this guy off the air i mean they they haven't taken him off the air does he like the number of advertisers that have dropped him and how much money fox has lost because of it sure i mean it certainly annoys certain stop fox news staffers but you know surprising is actually a lot of people at fox news i've spoken to actually agree and are not fans of glenn beck either it's almost like he's taking that initial hyper conservative ideology too far even for them i think if enough of us can keep speaking out against this type of.


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