tv [untitled] October 11, 2010 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT
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then what happens when the headlines in the papers are the papers the new york times and the chicago tribune are having a little spat after one paper called the other just a bunch of frat boys but is this just a sign that the newspaper industry is so bad that they have nothing left to do but to turn on each other and a new statistic shows of the wealth divide in new york city between the rich and the poor is greater than the entire country of india are to correspond on this they see a chicken and or bring us all the details of the current living conditions in the big apple at the end of the show but now let's move on to our top story every year many americans look to columbus day as a three day weekend however some are stepping up on this holiday to say that we shouldn't be celebrating the explorers discovered argy corresponded to hand half as has the story. for most americans on this day there is no work or school the second monday of every october is christopher columbus day i wish you a very happy a listing and national holiday marked with celebrations parades and shopping
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bargain all of it to honor the conquest of the americas by christopher columbus and his western development of the new world in the us columbus means america. this committed heinous crimes against the indigenous peoples of the caribbean the millions of natives throughout the americas that columbus set the stage for the slave trade in the new world from sun one compass that i knew come fornia. for the courtesy of. boise state university in idaho he really should explore whether he should. really say to arizona. oh. yeah. and rhode island that brown university earlier see here brown voted to boycott the columbus day holiday after seven hundred students signed a petition blasting christopher columbus the straight man of dayton for americans
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it's a day of mourning for these needed tribes in washington state's colorado and throughout the countless indian reservations in this country. is really just a day off from work or an end in our federal holiday coming to washington seeing that makes a big difference in kind of brings it home the district of columbia is actually named after christopher columbus here in the nation's capital he's honored every year in the celebration behind me and for anyone traveling to d.c. by train they'll make their way here to union station where one of the first things they'll probably see is a lovely fountain behind me as dedicated to christopher columbus and the three flagpoles behind it symbolize the three ships that prop explorer and his group to the new world indigenous people in latin america ever existing gentle people here the sea. discovered america what they did was conquered america but there is another opinion on display outside the white house it's an illustration drawing present day similarities to the suffering of natives under columbus we are here to
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call attention to the continued military zation of latin america that what started over five hundred years ago with columbus the exploitation of latin america through military means continues today it just showed slight americans that are other people that we don't all celebrate columbus. we don't think that he he wrote he did pee procket things he brought a lot of suffering to the indigenous here despite the historic mistreatment of native americans the u.s. government has never issued a formal apology to their indigenous population as other nations have although there are petitions circulating throughout the u.s. for the government to renounce columbus day the idea is not welcomed by most americans in my opinion we have to sort of brady's mad at us if we do nothing like i don't know america or if things that we know it would that would have happened for it right now so it's for me it's correct to celebrate it he wasn't looking also conquer the world as anything else but now i think that should continue to honor
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the station and be protesting it part of our history a day commemorating two narratives of history with two different ideas of how columbus achieved the western development of the america is a history that is marked every year by honor and betrayal john hoffa's r. t. washington d.c. . the real history of christopher columbus is not something that our children learn in school they're taught about the names of the ships in which he came over we got a catchy song to remember the fourteen ninety two is the year that he sailed the ocean blue but no one tells our children they also was the first slave trader of the americans that under his watch genocide took place and within fifty years not a single original native inhabitants could be found on the island of. that he kept detailed diaries of the atrocities that he and his men committed like killing babies for dog food cutting people in half just to test the sharpness of their swords and having desires for nine to ten year old girls whom they sold into sexual
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slavery that's not a pleasant history but it is the truth so is it time that we rethink columbus day well joining me from texas to discuss it is wanly tate the chapter advisor for the central texas american indian movement and the elder advisor for the santa barbara american indian movement wildly thank you so much for joining me you know so every year thank you we celebrate columbus day i guess the part of it to me that that i probably assume you find the most offensive or ignorant to is the fact that we so teach children that he discovered america what about the people that were already here a lot of that's that to me is like walking into a grandmother's house today walking up and taking her purse something to conscience on the floor and saying look i discovered this it's mine and the house that i discovered him as mine. it's not discovery itself unfortunately the adults
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in this society also were taught the very same discovery myth that the children are being taught today so most of the adults in this society believe the same if it were after a change to be made in is disregard to myth it's up to truths the truth is easier to walk with the truth is a firmer foundation it will lead you forward in a better path and walking on a myth of discovery that is actually a fact of theft murder slavery and human acts towards other humans well you're very right in that sense you know i was going to say i think some people would say that well this is just too gruesome for children to learn and obviously when kids are of a young age that's not when you start teaching them about the holocaust but at some point you get to that part of history at some point you teach them about the holocaust you teach them about genocide in other countries and so how come when it comes to christopher columbus when it comes to these the bahamas and the island
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nations his bangalow which now is haiti in the dominican republic we never taught that history definitely not in our regular schools but probably not even in a lot of universities i think i think it's a thing of perpetuating the a miss. america as a co and i see k.k.k. when i see america in america. chooses to hold on to over a mobile discovery to make a mobile contrie nothing about the discovery has been notable nothing new has happened since the discoveries it's been a myth it has been full of murder theft lies deceit breaking of promises all the heroes of this country seems to found itself on and look on as heroes as heroes had to put up with which to look at the all seem to have blood on their. we look at columbus iraq to the american people look at andrew jackson
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heroes that presidents american people actually sent to cherokee in on the trail of tears and thousands of them died we look at the. odd terrible things that the big hero abraham lincoln did abraham lincoln the fine example american heroes he ordered the biggest mass execution off and united states history and it was of native american people thirty two dakota and by the order of abraham lincoln on one day and a public hanging with celebration to go with it is this this nation holds on to these heroes with blood on their hands and that's something the nation has to deal with itself and people make up the nation and people need to start looking realistically at who the nation is words come from what it's founded on how it was used to go forward does it wish to go forward with nothing or does it wish to go forward with truth. now lastly i think some people would say that perhaps you can't
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hold people like christopher columbus. who are from the fifteenth or sixteenth centuries you can't hold them to the same standards as you would someone in the twenty first century and then and for that reason i guess that it's not so bad because it at that point in time everyone had slaves right what do you say to people to make that argument well you know we have the same situation has arisen when you're on the murder of over three hundred wounded need all the seventh calvary attacked three hundred unarmed men women and children slaughtered and over thirty medals of honor world war two the soldiers who did the slaughter and we're approaching the senate armed forces committee ensured by a republican from arizona john mccain about removing them of those who said we couldn't hold those people responsible for acts committed because times were different obama long is wrong everybody knows everyone beings know knows in their
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heart it is wrong to cut another man everybody knows it is wrong to send ten year olds to have sex is columbus did everybody knows it is wrong to treat human beings to dogs it doesn't matter if it's today or five hundred years ago in the average no i am all wired lives i write of time but. there are definitely a lot of people out there making the argument right now and actually calling for this holiday to definitely be rethought and i absolutely think that there needs to be more education about the truth of what really happened here thank you so much for joining us thank you so much for having us. all right still to come on tonight's show the tea party faithful gathered over the weekend for a major suspension in richmond virginia but is the party struggling with an identity crisis the report on the rally in a moment and we'll dig a little deeper into the tea party and ask if this grassroots group of everyday americans really is just a large political organization backed by billionaires we're going to follow the
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money after the break. forty two thousand americans die each year since one thousand. seven hundred thousand people. and thirty two thousand will kill themselves cancer in all its forms kills five hundred sixty thousand of us here part disease is even more devastating it kills over eight hundred seventy thousand americans every year. for nearly two years the tea party has been the talk of the political world here in the u.s. but could the group be suffering from an identity crisis artie's kalen for attended virginia's tea party patriots convention over the weekend in richmond and has this report when we say c.s.a. played off wait a minute politicians and pundits alike have called the tea party
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a force to be reckoned with can do is invalid gets mad strength of the of a it's certainly an identity borne brain if the in some ways the tea party is suffering from an identity crisis recently about two thousand eight hundred gathered in richmond virginia to criticize washington d.c. community body patriots anybody that supports individual liberty. limited government of the grassroots and people that. depend on themselves not the government already not a senator deep already patriots. like the mayor. descendants of the british i think the tea party needs to get organized on certain issues like four or five issues even if they get everything you know i do see the tea party to be composed largely of libertarians but there could be some republicans and democrats america was founded by right wing radicals. i statistically
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they are homogenous group generally pretty good i think and to be a little bit over their welfare more educated occasion things like that on in terms of race that i can't rush savvy to criticism about races and the movement which is statistically white tried to present itself as a grassroots group for everyone this is diversity me. everything about this diversity about immigrants or illegal immigrants kids maybe i don't so we take them out then i see no reason for them not to come in are homosexuals than welcome to the team they are absolutely i believe there's probably several homosexuals here. today we need to do this thank you very much u.s. congressman ron paul and former c.n.n. host lou dobbs have an event along with former senator george allen during the event some were criticized for not being tea party enough behind us right now we have george allen speaking he has been there does need top billed speaker today but george allen is establishment's republican so here you have
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a group that's bragging that they're anti-establishment and who do have a start doing today george allen still a bit of a joke when the speeches were over the wallets came out thanks for playing the party straight guys are going to have frustrated sometimes going to go out and spend its money they seem less than seventy five seventy five i know you want to tell me where their money is going room so i don't think it's any business where their money is coming from give them more money out there this is a way for us how much i don't know and you know that's nobody's business book which a part of in fighting over money within the tea party exists many cried foul in january when the for profit tea party nation group charged five hundred dollars per ticket for its convention at this event alone the tea party raked in at least one hundred forty thousand dollars but it seems tea partiers will keep paying to be told what they want to hear i told. you in florida r t five five was richmond virginia.
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so we see the at tea party events the attendees have absolutely no problem shoveling out the dough to support the cause but they also don't care to know where the big money comes from to create those events come up with the slogans and to pay all the speakers which makes us wonder whether the tea party as a potent political force as it is today is no longer just a grassroots movement whether it now has been hijacked by the richest individuals in the country and the largest corporations who tell them what to think and say alternately represent the opposite of what the tea party wants or joining me from our studio in new york to discuss it is gabrielle gamma an organizer for the bailout the people movement thank you so much for joining us now you've done some extensive research into this who is it then that funds the tea party. well behind the tea party and i just want to say that the tea party was not hijacked by billionaires the tea party is the creation of billionaires
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billionaires who come from years past that of the john birch society they are individuals like the koch brothers who own cocoa oil industries this is an oil company that maybe a lot of people in the country have never even heard of yet it's the second largest private corporation in the united states with revenues of one hundred billion dollars a year and david and charles koch have given about one hundred forty eight million dollars just in the last ten years to set up a whole like evil network of foundations and think tanks with fancy names like americans for prosperity. the names that said gee that sounds good i we can all use a little bit of prosperity being as we're suffering and these think tanks they make
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public policy they run around congress they gave fifty billion dollars to candidates of their choice just last year alone and they come up with these sound bites in these proposals and then they feed them they literally feed them to glenn beck and ron paul and they feed them to sarah palin look at me i'll let you know let me just you've got the corners brother let me ask you you know there's you've got exxon mobile you could go down a whole list of the very richest corporations and there's only one reason that they do this it's not only that they have right wing ideas it's they do this in order to keep money flowing into their into their qualifiers i gather you know let me let me let me interrupt you there ok because i mean. ultimately you would think that these corporations these corporate powers are exactly the opposite of what tea partiers of what these people are actually asking
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for so i think that it's fair to say that there is a concerned public out there people that generally after the original bailouts when they first start hearing about health care reform being passed the work concern but it seems like somebody just managed to to capitalize on that concern on that anger within the population and it seems like these corporations are the ones doing it if that's where the money is coming from so you see you still don't think that it was that was hijacked that there perhaps exploiting these people. oh i think they're a total and totally doing that i don't think it's anything really new that we've seen this type of corporate funding behind right wing movements always you can even go back to the nazi party in germany there was a tremendous economic crisis and you think well gee you know where did the nazi party they said that they were speaking for the workers and against the terrible crisis that was going on but when you really look and investigate who was actually
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finding them you see some of the largest corporations not only in germany but a lot of the u.s. corporations in fact were shoveling millions and millions of dollars to them the whole point of what the tea party billionaires are for and the whole creation of what the tea party is for is to get us looking in the wrong direction do we have a reason to be angry you better believe we have a reason to be angry we have thirty million people in the united states that are unemployed or underemployed we have fifty sixty percent unemployment among youth we have in new york city any day of the week you'll see a protest they're closing this hospital they're closing our schools they're cutting libraries they're going after every single thing that truly does impact the quality of life for workers in in this city and around the country but who are we supposed
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to blame for this are we supposed to blame the fact that wall street which got our tax money in a bail out is sitting well had billions and billions of dagg every i'm sorry we're out of time but it does seem i am with evil that to work with you there that a lot of the anger is now directed at the wrong people and legal immigrants at the muslim population and whatnot thank you so much for joining us codings. all right still ahead tonight did you see it's a. guy street in front of president obama so could this man's daring run in the buff earn him a prize of one million dollars we'll speak with an internet businessman who made the offer in just a moment. every month we give you the future we'll do you understand how we get there and what tomorrow brings the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world. join us with their knowledge update on our g.
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this sunday while president obama and joe biden are trying to energize voters with a move america forward rally in philadelphia a streaker stole the show twenty four year old juan james rodriguez served down all the way and ran for the stage with a message script across his chest that message wasn't a political one he wasn't trying to protest or make a point it turns out the rodriguez was just trying to win a cool million bucks if you remember a few months ago we interviewed billionaire alki de that who in an attempt to gain public city for his website promised to pay the first person to streak in front of president obama with the name battle cam dot com written on them a prize of one million dollars now the other requirements were to screen the websites name six times and be within eye shot and one of the president's so now the prank has been attempted will it count what earlier from our studio in los
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angeles i caught up with alki david again he's known as a world class prankster and businessman but also as a filmmaker actor and serial internet entrepreneur so i first asked him if he was surprised that it taken this long for someone to actually take him up on the offer and go for it. there have been so. failed attempts. and. all mr rodriguez as he is known in the real world. had attempted this once before and failed and we're still not entirely sure i don't know whether he has succeeded simply because we do not know yet if you was in the eyesight and if shot of the president why i guess you would have to ask the president himself whether he saw or heard him right now as we're going to find out. well there was certainly no reaction from the president but he is such
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a consummate orator that he probably if he did indeed say to me probably sidestepped it quite quite swiftly however we still don't know if he the president was actually able to see or hear him at that time definitely. if indeed he was within eyesight initialed i have no problem at all in awarding him the prize or tell me this when it comes to mr rodriguez he said this is not his first attempt at this and we first spoke a couple months ago you said that you have people applying an urge to take part in this breast so did mr rodriguez apply with you and then go through with there or is this a surprise. this was a surprise. and is that allowed does that break the rules in any way. well no it doesn't because it doesn't but it doesn't break the rules because he had
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applied by default by his previous failed attempt. ok ok i got it well tell me this mr david i mean you the entire reason you're doing this as you've told me before is for publicity so when you're being your best interest to say perhaps that he didn't succeed and whoever else might try to say that they didn't succeed because you can't prove it so the people keep trying you keep getting your name brought up in the news. well no because that would be other products to follow and there will be other products to follow a lot more products to follow pranks of the same nature or are there new pranks that we should have set of the same caliber of the same color but not necessarily the same nature ok what can you tell us about them or now. can actually buy them well not until it's time to post them well that's no fun mr david you're supposed to give us the scoop here on the ilona show or tell me this at least when someone
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does it achieve the goal how we've hang cash or check it will be cash should absolutely it'll be cash and it will be done very publicly. now i have to ask you to since you last spoke to us since you first announced the fact that you were giving this offer for the prank has the traffic already increased to your web site has there been more talk about it is your entire plan for publicity starting to work. it is working you know it's really the. really the a well crafted play comes to fruition in the way you expected to use for some reason this plan seems to be working just as just as it was designed. now tell me aside from mr rodriguez is there anyone else that you know that might be planning a a streaking episode in front of the president of the united states any time soon. well if this is indeed because remember it's still not confirmed or not confirmed
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with mr rodriguez won this challenge if it is. is confirmed that he did in fact when it then this challenge would no longer be available so how when do we expect to know you have to receive the videotape and you have to get a personal phone call from mr obama our how does it work. we have the videotape and the videotape is inconclusive it's very it's conclusive that he was made good that he did shuttle come six times and that he was present at the rally that you chose to perform his art but it is still not conclusive as to whether it was initiated by side of the president all right well thank you for catching back up with us of course we will be all waiting patiently to see if mr rodriguez does indeed get the one million dollars. that. billionaires i saw to come tonight business is so bad for newspapers the new
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back this is all see a quick check of the headlines. again to drive into the future california's governor arnold schwarzenegger did small scale invited by the russian president to bring silicon valley brainpower to help the country's high tech ambitions. also finds policies a win seats in kyrgyzstan this parliament following the history making election on sunday what was no clear winner the country's political direction still remains unsaid. for many americans looking to adopt a child of color is a must have is a major factor american all gives all children equal rights black children all the serious disadvantage compared to whites when it comes to finding
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a new. and we continue now with the alone a show from our washington state is. it's time for tonight's tool time award now we are giving it to the homophobic can of the for governor in new york carl paladino a tea party favorite gave a speech to a group of orthodox jewish leaders in brooklyn over the weekend now it was a rambling speech a touch song several subjects but his comments on the gay blob elation have caused an uproar just take a listen to his first comment about his opponent andrew cuomo and what cuomo did this summer with his daughter's. marching again very courageous you're. right. my point is. it's not the example that we should be showing her child should.
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