tv [untitled] October 11, 2010 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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yeah carl here doesn't think that it's a good idea to take children to new york city's gay pride event you guys might remember that our t. sent a crew to new york's pride back in june in a we shared the video which was perfectly ok for t.v. but he claims that there are men in speedos at the pride event in that they were dancing around and that is just not something little kids should see carl is not what andrew and his wife have to decide on their own not you then carl decided to go even a little further in his cave bashing take a listen to this. don't misquote me this one into her homosexual people in any way it would be a disaster like my approach is live in la. i just think my children and your children will be much better off much more successful getting married and raising a family and i don't want them to be brainwashed into thinking that homosexuality is an equally valid. it is wow so now schools are actually brainwashing children
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about homosexuality where do you come up with this stuff it should also be noted that his written speech for the event included the following statement he said there is nothing to be proud of in being a dysfunctional homosexual that is not how god created us but he didn't actually end up saying that line during his speech but i do find it odd the car a ballad you know is such a champion of morals values let's not forget that this man has a ten year old daughter from his mistress and that his wife didn't even know about the love child until he started running for governor or the fact that carl has a history of sending offensive and racially charged emails to friends and coworkers some have contained the n. word while describing the president and others showed a woman performing a sex act with a horse so homosexuality isn't ok but in carl's book beast geology is took two guys just love a hypocrite and that's why carl paladino is tonight's tool time award winner.
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well there are a new slew of campaign ads popping up on t.v. greens around the country and as are still personal attacks but it looks like these candidates are starting to run out of enemies to claim that their opponents are supporting forget about illegal immigrants and bankers and muslims the new scapegoat are the chinese yeah you want to blame for unemployment well according to these new ads it's all the fault of politicians that support sending american jobs overseas take a look at this one from the ohio congressman saxby. gibbs is a proud free trader a free trader keeps wants more free trade with china to increase their standard of living but what about ohio we've lost ninety one thousand jobs to china through money pear tree deals like nafta the kind of deals gibbs wants more of free trade or ninety one thousand jobs as they see the truth she shared mr gibbs retreating
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job killing kids to live free trade is when free. share mr gibbs spaces that is not only portraying his opponent and a negative light but now is casting a shadow over the entire chinese cultural and their language but here's another one this one's from west virginia g.o.p. hopeful spike majored. in art and children still made in china as part of the obama. voted for a bill that led to believe it's a tax breaks for foreign companies creating jobs. helping the line companies create chinese jobs making with put skyrocketing unemployment politician who's been in washington thirty four years to help. chinese jobs making windmills. well isn't that one just lovely filled with chinese music and the country's flag waving around in the background also allowed us to drown out spikes message lovely
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anyway check out this new attack ad on sharron angle for none other than harry reid . while harry reid is fighting for. rights for companies that ship jobs overseas outsourcing to china and india. at least here in the current foreign workers best friend. a foreign workers best friend ouch so i get it when you do your research you have to build your campaign around issues that people care about most are right now that's unemployment but with over twenty nine new ads debuting this week these politicians are just getting ugly seriously first in the blatant ads against immigrants and muslims and now politicians are taking on china can we get any more racist maybe maybe it's time to go back to the drawing board here because these ads are so negative that they're actually sending the wrong messages to americans so way to go politicians.
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now you never really think of newspapers duking it out the way that television networks they're too highbrow and have too much journalistic integrity for that right actually that is wrong last week the new york times wrote an extensive and scathing piece talk inventing the last three years of the chicago tribune's parent tribune company went into details about how it had come to resemble a frat house with pervasive sex talk poker parties and jukeboxes they even had analysts quoted as saying that they threw out what the tribune it stood for all in all this was an attack to which randy michaels of the tribune company simply replied by urging his employers to quote ignore the noise so is this what's become of our newspaper industry today are things so bad they have no one left to attack but each other we're discussing with me is georgetown university professor
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christopher chambers and author of the blog not turner's revenge chris thanks so much for being here now tell me this have you ever seen something like this before where the papers mostly here it's the new york times are really just so blatantly a task that the answer probably hasn't happened for probably one hundred years when you had poets are in hearst attacking each other but i mean some of the stuff was legitimate. is you know has been objectively people sort of very destructive force in the newspaper industry i mean some people have said you know rupert murdoch i can take him. her dot com i can take him but. and he brought on randy michaels who was a radio disc jockey it's almost like this in apocalypse now there was a scene where. marlon brando said the martin sheen do you disagree with my methods and martin sheen goes i don't see method at all and there's no there was no method to the madness when randy came in i think the times was right to really focus stuff
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on the laser beam on that just. frat house environment and laying off people and so you know basically looting the tribune company looting the tribune looting the times you know and the cause but at the same time they don't want to focus the beam back on themselves and talk about the times that i would that's where i found interesting too is it's ok you know you can bring up the frat house mentality here the the sexual exploits of the coworkers and just say how this place you know seems like it should be on a college campus and not perhaps a professional environment but then the new york times starts at the end of the piece saying how but somehow these guys still have faith in themselves somehow they still think that their model is going to work and they're putting job postings out there asking for people they don't want you know that there is a pickle old school mentality if you have newsroom experience you can leave it we don't want that which that is that is
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a novel idea i mean that is where it seems like journalism is going these days and so it seems like the new york times wasn't really decided on whether they would stick with the fright house yeah or start looking the fact that they actually want to stray from the north they go there. they were right to attack the frat house the minute just sexual harassment and the whole economic model over there is just destroyed the tribune and indeed what it stands for thing is that they still retreat into this you know they're called the gray lady the grand old lady of newspapers they still are up here in this mountaintop were they don't even want the washington post to be up there with them and so they come back to this argument that we're up here in the rest and t.v. or down here and that's that's something that they've had to work on now the leadership there is actually pretty young sulzberger and janet robinson a runner or young younger people young is. not young but i mean they understand
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that's an interesting point actually bring up chris because compared to i don't know let's say you know our t.l.'s. a number of different blogs there are much younger journalists out there is never going to tell the jury is tell the news every opinion you know right or if they have the new york times is also said well the older. stablished are less and some of these people are starting to leave and it's not only happening at a times it's at newsweek at washington oh yeah we have these huge columnists that are starting to say goodbye to a lot of the ken i think you have to plot and i think the sulzberger and janet robinson understand it but again it's hard it's easier to shoot the beam on because he's a good victim. they're still trying to work through that because they are young they are beefing up new york times online which is making a lot of money and getting a lot of hits the newspaper on the other hand is losing ad revenue at some point they're going to switch everything online i'm sure and maybe even you know i mean
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they'll probably be home delivery to you on whatever handheld device you have but there are also suing aggregators you know who are using their r.s.s. feed for commercial purposes so they're starting to position themselves but they still can't get away from this gray lady thing where they have to say look we're the new york times we're the pinnacle the rest to you or p.r. and that's what's going to do them in and that's and their opinion writer sake it's a little low though what they did i mean tell me that you had a journalism professor how do you teach something like this to your students what do you say this says about journalism well i mean i i do a course on punditry so i mean i kind of for you real or is that is so i don't get too much i mean if the story in itself was tight well researched edited the sources were all tight i think it's inappropriate to go after them on i think it was and it's a matter of public concern given zales business model but yeah when they retreat at
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the end at the you know one line at the end it goes back to this but we're. basically we're the new york times and the read between the lines in your p.r. i don't think that's necessary and i think that that was something that the editorial board probably slapped on there and that's something that you know i have to weigh the save but i don't know that my come back to haunt them and it definitely is a problem if we are how things change yes thanks so much for joining us thank you are coming up tonight google's strikes again the latest move the company has made that proves my point that they might someday where all the world's al have a surprising report on the wealth disparity here in the u.s. which major city in america has a greater income gap than the entire nation of india artie's honest us here tried it in the reports and we come back. forty two thousand americans die each year six thousand. seven hundred thousand people. and thirty two thousand will kill themselves cancer in all its forms kills five
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hundred sixty thousand of us here part is easy the more devastating they kills over eight hundred seventy thousand americans every year. and discover it to be easy. to get with the wind. and become free. to get. those seventy years of the red machine would show with people who wanted to leave the. to make changes to
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society was a. but is it possible to change the whole country's regime so quickly. chronicles only fundamental changes in the state people's minds on r.g.p. . wealthy british style stock. markets. can. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cons or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines kaiser report. every month we give you the future we help you understand how to get there and what
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to bring the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world join us acknowledging update on our g. well you know the internet giant google is all about topping itself when it comes to everything and anything with technology well its latest project is cars that drive themselves something that we've only seen in movies until now where cars mounted with cameras are certain to pop up on the streets of california google's testing its public its products in public using a toyota prius with cameras on top of the car and mounted to the windshield now while there is a driver in the car or technician in the passenger seat at all times just in case google is confirming that the vehicle does indeed drive itself and has already completed over one hundred and forty thousand hours of driving time now they explain that a robotic driver is just what americans need who exacts throw out information about
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the thousands of deaths from car accidents due to lack of sleep intoxication and just distractions in general but with a robotic driver well there's no chance for distraction and there are a lot of drivers equipped with mapping systems showing congestion and construction allowing the car to avoid traffic jams that could make you late for work now sure this all sounds good for now but i have got a few problems with google's next big thing first of all like any other computer in the world this robotic driver could easily crash or break down in the what if that computer crash happens while you're driving on a back road that it could be a little tough to avoid an accident at that point not to mention google maps isn't exactly perfect just wait until you find yourself driving into a brand new building that they haven't placed or charted yet and what about hackers it's only in their nature to mess with technology deemed for good and i'm not going to feel too comfortable putting my life in the hands of a computer that's been filled with tainted information but just leave it to the google or to try to make human beings completely unnecessary they already don't
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want you to think for yourself when you're searching online and now they're trying to do the exact same thing behind the wheel this science fiction stuff is cool but for now i also think it's kind of scary. well it's one city that boast two very different societies on one hand you have thousands of people in new york who are living in poverty some sleeping on the streets on the other you have a few select people who look to the big apple as their playground where money is never an issue our t. correspondent on the. shows us the shocking wealth gap in new york city that sir passes the troubled economy and india. the lucky few are shopping for shoes where thousands of dollars to chanel's and the loo tons just a wave of a wallet a week just a few steps away a person with their entire life belongings in a shopping cart look serious lifestyles the rich people in new york are richer than
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rich people most places are living side by side with those for whom surviving in a tough economy has become a full time job according to recent published reports the gap between the rich and poor in the big apple is greater than india country where the majority of the population lives in poverty we live in a winner take all society where there's a small number of stars who make vast salaries and where the majority of people have too much month left at the end of the money last year one and a half million people were registered living in poverty in new york meanwhile the city's richest are still enjoying the highlight the rich people in new york are flying around on private planes eating caviar renting yachts the net worth of the less than sixty richest new yorkers has recently spiked by an entire nineteen billion dollars one percent of the population controls seventy percent of the returns to wellesley it's never been that high it's never been that bad but this somehow ends up being reflected only on the less fortunate i can spend five
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thousand dollars on that piece of jewelry or a handbag would you ever buy a bag for five thousand dollars. i don't think so housing is one of the means. symbols of this wealth gap. right now with the average. realtors selling luxury property are not afraid of going out of work probably the most expensive so there's about eight million thankfully in new york has rebounded quicker from the recession in two thousand and nine than any of the other major american cities but that's mostly true for the rich every night about one thousand people sleep in the subway system of new york meanwhile the most expensive hotels
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are doing as well as ever something the rich definitely like to splurge on the new york city is luxury hotels if you have an extra buck to spend in your wallet why not spend it on a hotel room for twenty two hundred dollars a night or platinum massage in your room for a mere three hundred dollars this thousands across new york still homeless shelters with no room to spare the time one hundred eighty five. one hundred eighty five with each meal while the number of people for lying on a free meal has gone up by fifty percent over the last year others are not even keeping track of their spending two thousand four thousand. are working on a story about the gap between the rich and poor new york what do you consider yourself to be. the possibility of the wealth gap narrowing is far from being around the corner right now we're debating about whether or not to give tax breaks
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to the richest americans to keep this kept going to keep growing but if this gap widens even more new york me soon be split into two different planets a big one with tens of thousands struggling for survival and a small one with a very lucky few. this future for the big apple could not be far especially while the city's mayor is considered the second richest person in town and is the future going to new york. well joining me from our studio in new york is our t.v.'s and i see it should now here thanks so much for joining us to hear that the wealth gap in new york city in the big apple is actually larger than it is in india it just seems so unbelievable you know i haven't been to india myself but i just got back our correspondent and from everything i hear i mean there that's somewhere where you walk around and you see poverty on the streets everywhere you go and i guess is that what makes it different in new york is that it's not as visual or have you seen really people that are completely destitute. you know i don't know basically
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that is the reason why this comparison of new york city and india is so shocking because india is a country that hosts one third of the world's poor i have been to india a couple of times and definitely it's very visual there you see poverty everywhere with the majority of the population we have as many as forty four hundred million indians living below the poverty line so it's definitely a very devastated place in terms of the economy even though the economy the numbers have been growing there but when it comes to new york yes it has become a lot more visual we're seeing homeless people out on the streets everywhere if it used to be just shelters and subways now it's more and more people on the street more people outside churches more people getting in line to get into a shelter and is this these are when you say more and more these days of these recent developments from i guess when the economy crashed from fall of two thousand and eight. absolutely you know even though people have been saying that there has
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not been we're not really seeing that much devastation and not so much of an impact in new york city that is not true we have seen when it comes to homelessness specifically we have seen homelessness grow by as much as fifty percent just in new york city we're seeing thirty seven. thousand homeless looking for shelters every night fifteen thousand children in need of shelters every night so you know it's definitely no joke and this is something that is spreading and has been spreading after the economic crisis and especially in this last year now why don't you think that we see people mobilizing for this more i mean we see a lot of anger right now in the u.s. and mostly it's it's it's point directed at washington elites and perhaps how they're not working for the american people but these are middle class americans that are coming out why don't we see these large populations of the unemployed and the poor coming out and speaking out like we do perhaps i guess in in europe. well you know i don't know that's a very reasonable question because we have been seeing after the economic crisis
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hit protests big ones taking place here in new york a lot of them were directed at wall street people were very upset with wall street i think one of the reasons this is not happening nowadays is because quite a lot of time has passed and now this anger and this expectation that something be done is not being directed toward wall street c.e.o.'s who are seen as the problem because this whole calamity but basically people are expecting. politicians in washington d.c. to step it up to make things better and to you know create more jobs. more affordable for those who have lost their homes in these last couple of years and so on so definitely the anger is turning more towards washington d.c. as people are expecting change to take place from their well that is of course part of the irony of it all too is that we see so much anger towards washington d.c. towards the washington establishment and yet at the same time people do expect washington d.c. and the government to be the place that really helps them out and i think that's part of why americans are so confused and so lost right now is that they don't
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really know who to direct the anger and who expect to fix their lives as they see it thank you so much for filling us in. our before we go it is time for our tweet of the day not only did president obama have a streaker in the crowd at his rally on sunday in philadelphia someone also threw a book at him do you remember back a few years ago when a journalist in iraq tossed a she would george w. bush so we wondered what would george w. bush to eat what we thought he'd say silly liberals throwing books i would know anything about that but it is not an insult in the intellectual world. for bush and i was having a hard time our that's it for tonight's show you guys thanks for tuning in and definitely make sure that you come back tomorrow i'm going to show you a new series of advertisements that c.n.n. turk is putting out and they conspicuously look very much like some ads that our team has already put out there it's a pretty blatant and pathetic copycat example that of you tomorrow but in the
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meantime don't forget to become a fan of the ilona show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of tonight's show or any other nights you can always catch it all the you tube dot com slash the low to show where we post the interviews as well as the show in its entirety three up next is the news with the latest headlines from the u.s. and around the world. to be trying to. move. from phones to. me. don't comb.
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oh. the challenges facing russian scientists living and working in the arctic where lots of the rewards are rich. afghanistan's lost generation teenagers forced by war and poverty to choose education as they become the. breadwinner. and america's columbus day holiday is marked with protests in the so-called discovery business in more than a conquest even to crimes against its indigenous people.
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you know you're watching on t.v. we're broadcasting live from moscow welcome to the program now it's one of the planet's most inhospitable places but the arctic is still a major draw especially for those keen to tap its treasures russia is among five nations staking a claim of a part of the region which is thought to contain a quarter of the world's oil and natural gas reserves the latest in a series of trips to study russian scientists will spend the year drifting on an ice foot to music and joined the expedition. i have to run aggressive march through the arctic the rest c r i's breaker slows down to a crawl explorers are in a delicate mission to find a suitable eyes filled for the arctic twenty turn station and importantly not to damage it a helicopter is deployed into action. five footer.
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