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tv   [untitled]    October 12, 2010 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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potential builds had been spotted by satellite long before the mission started now it's time to do probe for the best sport. the pilot looking at twenty five kilometers but most importantly the eyes should be big robust enough to sustain a group of the team people two dogs and several tons of equipment for as long as a year. the first storm. and. no the flow is rejected the ice is too theme we go further north the drew plunges down which is good but the field is too rocky for the cam we return to the ship just. the voyage will be long and fascinating because of the noise. but disappointed big stream me hot summer is being felt in the arctic this year
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they say is similar to two thousand and seven which marked the peak of. the mission is getting harder there are fewer and fewer suitable ice fields every year before we could find up to forty of them but now we're calling the whole arctic in search of one. decide to play the wild card they tried for the last potential eyes glow in this area otherwise they will had. to grab that glove just so they are no. big deal i've got to tell you that bringing it back was keep the helicopter on top that would be good to. get below that the crap. but no need for a rescue operation besides. we have just found. suitable fields mined by thirteen kilometers wide and the arch is about
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three meters kick a good feeling. now that the platform is found i had up five days of unloading a dozen houses a sauna several tractors about a thousand barrels we feel and of course professional equipment will be floating on the ice for a year the crew will work day and night the dogs are also keeping themselves busy at dawn and after it was still asleep they chased away a polar bear and many other challenges faced them in the next twelve months for these very tough expeditions. of our party from the arctic. in the program last childhoods in afghanistan. only we think it one day that was new and i came home with those new food this is. hungry.
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to how the u.s. led war in afghanistan is forcing thousands of children on the streets for survival . and we see why columbus day states is leading to the americans claiming the one of the centuries of oppression. the terrorists thought to be behind september's market blast that killed nineteen people in russia's republican office have been arrested the head of the country's security services says the case has now been solved well let's get details now from tom barton. take us through these latest developments. in the north caucuses region managed to find to track down some of the suspected masterminds of this attack three of them arrested two of them more than the start of a gun battle and they were shot dead this case in question concerns september invite a car costs. in the north caucasus where a suicide bomber drove
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a car packed full of explosives into the marketplace detonating it killing nineteen people and wounding around a hundred very serious attack and possibly with links to a wider terrorist organization so says alexander borden a cough the head of russia's security services are still here now. the chair attack has been solved three suspects have been arrested and they are now in jail the organizer of the blast is a close ally of the chechen militant doctoral maarouf you saw his gang is believed to have carried out more than ten bombings in the neighboring republic of finger and numerous attacks on the police force two other suspects who put up unarmed resistance to their rush to work hilde. and it's not just any old wider terrorist network but these masterminds are supposed to be connected to it's none other than al qaeda itself. told we heard there about doc who mara he's among the
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world's most wanted terrorists what else is he thought of masterminded. the name dr model of appears all over the place when talking about these attacks dozens of attacks within the north caucuses region. a lot of bombings and gun battles with all forat sees attacks on this market place and also the moscow metro bombings earlier this year which killed thirty eight people and it appears link his organization was also thought to be linked to the international terrorist network al qaeda itself has been a terrorist terrorist crackdown going on in the region since the beginning of this year for it to say three hundred suspected terrorists have been killed and another four hundred fifty arrested. ok artie's tom bought a moscow for now thank you for that. now that it's been
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terminated time in moscow with short snigger in town not to wreak havoc though but on a mission of innovation and it was a case of the famous phrase i'll be back as california's governor was returning the visit of president vet of who wants silicon valley know how to transform russia into a high tech powerhouse well schwarzenegger's also had a chance to share to show off even how california tackles environmental issues talk to students in moscow about how the state saves energy and is cutting greenhouse gas emissions earlier short snigger met russian champions from the special olympics for people disability earlier the key business of driving russia's technology sector began the vintage fashions we saw there with the president have taken the company to on a ride a classic russian car. destination was the high tech innovation site that. was that . it was morning rush hour in the subway with passengers al
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boarding their way through the crowd there's little that can make them pause at this time but here he was the terminator. i saw lots of people were flashes in the security service came out followed by arnold schwarzenegger i thought to myself wow people like that often lost on the ticket barrier closed on him he got stuck. in a few minutes of course. but now he knows. arnold schwarzenegger rolled just one stop but it was enough for him to post a wave that muscovites allegedly like that public transport had his journey lasted for more than ten minutes he might well have changed his impression but the russian authorities have also told us for the four new governor providing cubits police escort and a permanent right of way. it was in june that swartz nager hosted the russian
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president giving him a tour of silicon valley and showcasing his very masculine boots. it is not clear whether mitt wondered what it's like to be truth but one month later big government aid or even moscow promoting russia's own version of a high tech hub. this is really when i do this because. it's very very very we go very deep. and i think the people that were everything to be. in this scenario because if you're going to be gracious you have as the presentation showed even arnie makes mistakes. that our business leaders are going to find great partnerships with the soviet russian. shows no one i'm perfect. a pap project but
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a tax savvy russian president this koku a party has been did not just here had innovation and scientific research in russia i mean to me that it had no difficulties asking for help. we are extremely interested in your considerable experience we are not ashamed of learning so we must admit that sadly enough behind in many respects we do expect that our cooperation bring about positive results. frowns on twitter made better french words and they give praise to each other for their vision and to the delight of all he found the governor promised that he'll be back and the first terminator movie innovation had gone so far that machines including schwarzenegger's own character tried to exterminate the human race ironically with his involvement in this project the governator may actually make these plug a bit more plausible but at the end of the day he can always turn against the machines and save the world like in the second movie so i guess there's nothing to
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fear. artsy skolkovo. reports features and blogs are online around the clock. today just a click away why a husband means losing everything tens of millions of. families and society. also one lie after russia's record summer heat wave. by the weather across europe is what it is it looks green. well since the afghan war began nearly a decade ago an entire generation of children that had to grow up on the streets
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their hard lives leave a little time for a normal childhood with loon school. has been meeting some of the young afghan teenagers struggling to feed themselves and their families. for a few hours each friday the street kids get to remember they still just children up . to them can't find there's more than just a pass time that it's a sport of skill one who lost her child and call and for a few brief moments to get that they live in abject poverty. one name is what's he doing in the form of the house and never think it one day there was no joy i came home and there was no food my brothers and sisters certainly mother went to st hungry madam that god is only thirteen years old but as the man of the house his responsibility started early at six in the morning. the good.
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people and my brother. and with first. this is a typical poor kabul neighborhood children with runny noses dirty feet and crawling stomachs every day was a dean takes his bucket and joins the tens of thousands of children heading to the country streets to make their meagen living washing cars but despite their stolen childhoods they are the lucky ones. he was working he can at least want to do it during the real people or spanish and as he's very very hard work to make about to deal with day sometimes the other boys are they say they want to watch this. is obvious the caller is twelve he manages to bring a few dollars more into the home but it's barely enough to feed his mother and seven sisters it's a shot of every to i wake up so early my house is a long way from here on a good i can on the equivalent of
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a bite eight dollars to go but some days there's no work yesterday was there was no work there my thoughts are that for some children it's jesus just to come to the streets and saying that they cost a playground the university of life. most parents don't want their children to come here to school that's because these young boys and girls are the only breadwinners in their families and spending just one hour in class could mean no food on the table that night fifty seven percent of the population of afghanistan is below twenty five years. majority of them they are born during the war in going into war without scale without education for every one hundred million dollars of foreign money spent in the military only sunanda goes to social projects even worse to the triggering international community and they get this to understand how stupid they and has to focus more on the children six million children are at risk in afghanistan of sexual abuse violence and harsh child labor and with precious little
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being done to help afghanistan's future generations see little chance of their lives ever getting off the ground. kabul. a train has crashed into a passenger bus in eastern ukraine killing forty people injuring twelve others the train slammed into a crowded coaches that attempted to drive across the tracks the crossing was closed and an alarm signaling an oncoming train was being sounded for the injured are in a serious condition rescuers megson investigators are working at the scene railway and road accidents are common in ukraine where roads and vehicles are often in the poor condition drivers often disregard traffic was. now to some of the international headlines in brief the eldest son of north korea's kim jong il has told japanese t.v. that he's opposed to hereditary succession comes as the leaders youngest son is being lined up this recent gatherings kim jong nam was previously the
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target but reportedly fell out with his father for trying to sneak you and me to japan to visit to see that he's since been living in luxury china. train drivers in paris of the north a series of rolling twenty four hour strikes to try and stop the government from raising the country's retirement age president sarkozy says the reforms are vital to fill gaping holes in the nation's finances even after the primary response was still not one of those to thomas it isn't the kind of wealth sixty two proposals approved last month around a million people took to the streets in protest. of protests and mocked columbus day in the united states is supposed to celebrate discovery and centuries of prosperity for the settlers but native americans whose ancestors were there before say they're still paying the price for crimes against their people on tuesday hough
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is explains. for most americans on this day there is no work or school the second monday of every october is christopher columbus day i wish you a very happy and national holiday marked with celebrations parades and shopping bargain research all of it to honor the conquest of the americas by christopher columbus and his western development of the new world in the us columbus means america for way tool this committed heinous crimes against the indigenous peoples of the caribbean the millions of natives throughout the americas and columbus set the stage for the slave trade in the new world from sun one compass that on local fornia. people like the border courtesy of. boise state university in idaho would be a sure extra batteries. that makes ac to arizona. oh. yeah. and rhode island that brown university earlier this year brown voted to
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boycott the columbus day holiday after seven hundred students signed a petition blasting christopher columbus the straight man of dayton for americans it's a day of mourning for these native tribes in washington states colorado and throughout the countless indian reservations in this country. is really just a day off from work or an a in our federal holiday coming to washington seeing that makes a big difference in kind of brings it home the district of columbia is actually named after christopher columbus here in the nation's capital he's honored every year in the celebration behind me and for anyone traveling to d.c. by train they'll make their way here to union station where one of the first things they'll probably see is the flummery fountain behind me as dedicated to christopher columbus and the three flag poles behind it symbolize the three ships that brought explorer and his crew to the new world indigenous people in latin america have been resisting gentle people here the save if you discovered. what they did was
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conquered america but there is another opinion on display outside the white house it's an illustration drawing present day similarities to the suffering of natives under columbus we are here to call attention to the continued military zation of latin america said what started over five hundred years ago with columbus the exploitation of latin america through military means continues today it just showed slight americans that are other people that we don't all celebrate columbus. we don't think that he he he he did people good things he brought a lot of suffering to the indigenous here despite the historic mistreatment of native americans the u.s. government has never issued a formal apology to their indigenous population as other nations have although there are petitions circulating throughout the u.s. for the government to renounce columbus day the idea is not welcomed by most americans in my opinion we have to sort of brady's mad at us if we do nothing like i don't know america or if things that we know that would have happened for it
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right now so it's for me it's correct to celebrate in that he wasn't looking to conquer the world as anything else but now i think they should continue to honor the station and be protesting it part of our history a day commemorating two narratives of history with two different ideas of how columbus achieved the western development of the america is a history that is marked every year by honor and betrayal john hoffa's r. t. washington d.c. all data spaces to stephanie are coming up next. hello and welcome to the business bulletin ministers and executives from the gas industry have been outlining vet plans to develop the sector over the next two decades denied him in fact reports. the easy access to sources is over the closest gas at a depth of two kilometers is almost exhausted with production falling the richest
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reserves more than four kilometers below the surface such as a cheap fields in the amal region this is the hard land of russia's gas industry already today provides over eighty percent of all gas russia and at least everything in your gas produced here but europe is no longer the focus of russia's gas producers. are speaking in. stress that domestic market is the key. if the level of yields from export in domestic prices are equal the power industry will be one of the most attractive consumers for gas. as well the domestic market accounts for four hundred billion cubic meters that's three types of gas comes here live exports the volumes there the problem is the price domestic prices are well below european levels and gas producers want to catch up that's good news point dependent producers excluded from gas probes export monopoly. twenty
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independent gas were responsible for. those independent operators a champions of a new technology of a tech working in your heart of scale built the second after you behind the polar circle introduced several innovations including methanol production. techniques providing thirty three billion cubic meters of gas or almost ten percent of domestic consumption giving priority to the domestic market means not just more exploration but more infrastructure to supply the gas but it's guarantees a bigger role independent producers zinaida individual business r.t. . i'm now let's have a quick look. for. shop to come. in asia with both of. them one percent so far minus a dragging is the price of copper and other metals has slipped given back to recent
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gains. by the russian markets also falling mid session here in moscow again following the shock foods in asian stocks blue chips are down across the borders commodity prices slip and energy mages are among the worst before most on the myself. more than one percent of the south. russian railways is expected to sell a thirty five percent stake in calgary unit trans contained though it would raise up to four hundred million dollars in the london moscow listing by the end of this year the move would value the freight operator more than a billion dollars russian roadways will keep a majority stake and maybe use the income to modernize the rail system russian railways wants to sell another subsidiary great one to a strategic investor or a consultant of investors the government able to sell off almost thirty billion dollars in state assets j.p. morgan dialogue to run the listing. and russian steelmaker you have plans to sell
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bonds for six hundred fifty million dollars the company is looking to refinance more than three billion dollars spent on acquisitions in wolf america will also provide three point two billion dollars of new loans to start in twenty eighteen. google is to introduce its own inflation index to track global prices the google price index will use live data from the web to share price changes for goods it will be more up to date the government's own consumer price indices which are compiled by civil servants of the new index will not replace official data as it will consider only goods that are sold online. venture capitalists taking part in russia's global innovation partnership sizing up the country's development opportunities on the forms second day the u.s. delegation headed by the governor of california arnold schwarzenegger is visiting
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russia's nano technology hub r t correspondent daniel bushell is moscow headquarters. where the headquarters of russia's great high tech hope at the moment all russian nanotech corporation it's head material and it's all it's your bias is locked in talks in the room just behind us with venture capitalists and startups from silicon valley and california who are looking at investing in russian high tech joyce is certainly the right man for the job he persuaded foreign investors to pump a cool thirty billion dollars into russian electricity when he headed up russian energy monopoly you yes some investors have voiced concern about the level of government involvement in russia this modernization drive is a top down effort and like many others states run i've just been chatting with chip ice and he says he will explain to investors of russia is a special case and it does need some government control to navigate through the red tape one investor told us he has learned about the particular it is obvious best
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thing in russia the sectors that i am most interested in and dedicated to helping make happen including the area in fuel cells and in other forms of technology i think in terms of materials i mentioned we are working on several projects together in terms of light emitting diodes l.e.d.s. lighting that's going through a very great leap in efficiency. and i think it's going to change the lighting industry worldwide and those are some projects that we have at the top of our list of things to accomplish together from nano technology the investors will move on this afternoon to specialists russia said to have some of the best programmers in the world and venture capitalists here say they're looking forward to tapping that i'm not so the business but to log on to our website. for more stories. so.
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forty two thousand americans die each year from car accidents will be a thousand. seven hundred thousand people murdered and thirty two thousand will kill themselves cancer in all its forms kills five hundred sixty thousand of us here part disease is even more devastating it kills over eight hundred seventy thousand americans every year.
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it is. almost seventy years of the red machine which so we had people wanted to leave in the past. he came to make changes the society was we need. to leave the but was it possible to change the whole country's regime so quickly and when the home owner calls only fundamental changes in the state them people's minds want to achieve. fifty. five.
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getting the international headlines now here and. it's a haas life ahead for russian scientists idiotic as research continues to find a way to secure the polar caps riches russia is among five nations staking a claim of all to the region which is thought to contain a call to blow oil and natural gas reserves. russian police have made a key breakthrough in solving last month's deadly cold blast in the southern city of london has killed nineteen people head of the security forces says three of those in baltimore last month and then you know rested two others were killed in a shootout. and afghan teenagers are forced by war and to choose hogwood of the education thousands of young boys are struggling not only to support
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themselves but also provide for their families who are left with is. the next looks into how the food we might think of as nourishment could actually be the leading us into and the grave all special report is up next you're not born with a biochemistry or psychology degree so every second of your existence from birth to graduation people make decisions for you what you do what you wear what you learn and most important what you eat. as you grow older your parents obsess over paying the bills keeping everyone fed is their main priority and here's the problem they come home from a long day of work and exhausted they fix you dinner what is it processed food why because it's cheap quick and they've been convinced it's good for you. when they need a babysitter who.


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