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tv   [untitled]    October 12, 2010 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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oh parties are getting a grouch over reports from the arctic battlefields. have to run aggressive march through the arctic there a sea ice breaker slows down to a crawl explorers are on a delicate mission to find a suitable eyes filter for the arctic twenty turn station and importantly not to damage it a helicopter is deployed into action. five potential eyes filled had been spotted by satellite long before the mission started now it's time to do probe for the best sport. the find the bow looking for it live twenty five kilometers but most importantly the ice should be big robust enough to sustain a group of the team people two dogs and several tons of equipment for as long as a year. the first storm is west of the island of brandon the ice is tested and.
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you know the flow is rejected the ice is too thin we go further north the drill plunges down three metres which is good but the field is too rocky for the camp we return to the shape of. the voyage will be long and fascinating the explorers cheer each other up but look disappointed makes treme hot summer is being felt in the arctic this year they say is similar to two thousand and seven which marked the peak of global warming. but the mission is getting harder there are fewer and fewer suitable ice fields every year before we could find up to forty of them but now we're calling the whole arctic in search of one at dawn the explorers decide to play the wild card they try for the last potential ice flow in this area otherwise they will had for the north pole. great god that's just so they know.
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that you're so brilliant that was how they got thank you god saw that it would. be all right that's right. but no need for a rescue operation this is the ice. we have just found a suitable field mined by thirteen kilometers wide and the arch is about three meters thick. now that the platform was found i had five days of unloading a dozen houses a sauna several tractors about a thousand barrels with fuel and of course professional equipment will be floating on the eyes for a year the crew will work day and night the dogs are also keeping themselves busy at dawn when abby was still asleep they chased away a polar bear and many other challenges faced them in the next twelve months for
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these very tough expedition exiting the church of r.t.e. from the arctic. live from moscow you're with are two still to come for you in the program last time in afghanistan. we went to st louis look at how the u.s. led war in afghanistan is forcing thousands of children onto the streets for survival. but first it's been terminator time in moscow with arnold schwarzenegger in town and fighting climate change is what's being focused on today and the california governor's again been putting some shorts on megger simplicity to even the most complex of issues are to his katrina as are what is following his visit hi there kaja so the former hollywood strong mounds turned his attention to saving the planet today what's he been saying. all arnold
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schwarzenegger has said a lot of things of course with everybody eagerly lapping up what he asked to say of course him being quite a famous figure and much respected and loved figure here in russia his movies of course big hits and so many of the students at the higher school of economics where he lectured today turned out to listen to what the man had to say not only for business but for pleasure but of course focusing mainly on the priorities that. outlined the nature of his a lecture primarily climate. changes and curbing greenhouse gas emissions and various ways in preventing global warming effects from spreading and various other things that the california governor shared many of his experiences saying that california was and has accomplished a lot in curbing greenhouse gas emissions for example and various other ways of aiding the climate but of course it wasn't all business that the movie star and
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california governor spoke about he raised many many important aspects joking that was interspersing his speech with many joe. because of course one of them one of the most one of the jokes that got perhaps one of the most responses from the crowd was his variation of his famous i'll be back that of course was in response to whether he's going back to russia according to our notes towards nagin has received an offer to become moscow's mayor so he may quite well be back but of course it's not the only thing the man. the california governor spoke about and talking about a mosque on his time here he said that he loved the city and everything about it. you can just tell you that after i would roll around the world i've seen all the big cities moscow is one of the most beautiful cities to have been to do it's beautiful in the daytime it looks beautiful when it's sunshine and it looks
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beautiful when it's snowing i've seen it where it was through the snow was coming down like crazy it always looks beautiful it's a good ended night it looks beautiful as well lit in the old thing it's clean i even wrote this way the other day just to see what moscow is like our own beneath the ground i thought that maybe did that there's something wrong nothing was wrong with that. so above and underground then you say everything was to the california governor's liking of course his visit he said was a memorable one despite the fact that he has traveled worldwide moscow made a very good impression that's right it's been a busy time of for governor schwarzenegger here in moscow from the metro to hitting the gym with the president take us through the governor's as we've been calling him time in the capital so far. well this is the second day of his visit and he has been busy combining business and pleasure as you said he took the time to hit the gym where the russian president dmitri medvedev and also took the time to sightsee
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to as you heard the man some self say that travel not only above but also underground. already moscow and its sights but there was also a lot of business stop on the agenda specifically for the russian version of silicon valley which is of course in california the russian project is to be called spoke of law and the california governor seemed very much in favor of the idea saying that it is quote a gold mine and of course california will be happy to share a lot of is experienced in setting up such a venture and such of this is this such a facility and of course the russian president saying that he will be more than happy to. share experiences to gain knowledge from the california governor from the residence and the businesses of silicon valley but of course primarily and forest and foremost on the agenda is battling corruption silicon valley all over the.
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house to come after that. all right for now reporting live our team's company nazar of ah thanks for back. in other news the terrorists thought to be behind september's market blast that killed nineteen people in russia's republic of north of santiago have been arrested part of the country's security services says the case has now been solved tom barton has more. in the north caucasus region managed to find and track down some of the suspected masterminds of this attack three of them arrested two of them more than the start of the gun battle and they were shot dead this case in question concerns september invite a car class in the north caucuses where a suicide bomber drove a car packed full of explosives into the marketplace detonating it killing nineteen people and wounding around one hundred very serious attack and possibly with links to a wider terrorist organization so says alexander board because the head of russia's
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security services are still here now. the chair attack has been solved three suspects have been arrested and they are now in jail the organizer of the blast is a close ally of the chechen militant or call maher of google's gang is believed to have carried out more than ten bombings in the neighboring republic of finger shettima and numerous attacks on the police force two other suspects who put up unarmed resistance to their rush to work hilde the name doco model of appears all over the place when talking about these attacks dozens of attacks within the north caucuses region. a lot of bombings and gun battles were fought for a tease attacks on this marketplace and also the moscow metro bombings earlier this year which killed thirty eight people and it's his link that his organization was also thought to be linked to the international terrorist network al qaeda
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itself there has been a terrorist attempts terrorist crackdown going on in the region and since the beginning of this year for it to say three hundred suspected terrorists have been killed and another four hundred fifty arrested. here with r t and our video reports features and blogs are online around the clock on our team dot com here's a taste of what we've got on line for you today while losing a husband means losing everything for tens of millions of indian widow found by their families and society. and after russia's record summer heat wave find out why the weather across europe is heading for the opposite extreme that's our t.v. dot com.
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since the afghan war began nearly a decade ago an entire generation of children have had to grow up on the streets the hard lives leave little time for a normal childhood let alone school is possible slayer has been meeting some of the young afghan teenagers struggling to feed themselves and their families. for a few hours each friday these street kids get to remember they still just children . to their confines is more than just a pastime it's a sport of skill one who lost her child equal and for a few brief moments forget that they live in abject poverty. one name is what's he doing in the film. i would never think it one day there was no i came here when there was no food and my brothers and sisters so my mother they went to sleep hungry. he's only thirteen years old but as the man of the house his responsibility
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started early at six in the morning. and my brother. on the first. this is a typical poor kabul neighborhood children with runny noses dirty feet and crawling stomachs every day was a dean takes his bucket and joins the tens of thousands of children heading to the country streets to make the meager living washing cars but despite their stolen childhoods they are the lucky ones my. dad was mean to me he was working with a policeman doing the real explosion which is very very hard work to make about to deal with day sometimes the other boys of to be with me they say they want to watch this. is obviously kuala it's twelve he manages to bring a few dollars more into the home but it's barely enough to feed his mother and seven sisters charge of everything i will surely my house is
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a long way from here only i can earn the equivalent of about eight dollars but some days there is no work yesterday there was no work. but for some children it's easiest to come to the streets and that's what they cost a playground the university of life. most parents don't want their children to come here to school that's because these young boys and girls are the only breadwinners in their families and spending just one hour in class could mean no food on the table that night fifty seven percent of the population of afghanistan is below twenty five years. majority of them they are born during the war in growing in the war without scale without education for every one hundred million dollars of foreign money spent in the military only seven million dollars goes toward social projects even less to the international community and they get listed as afghanistan has to pay and has to focus more on the children six million children
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are at risk in afghanistan of sexual abuse violence and harsh child labor and with precious little being do. and to help afghanistan's future generations see little chance of their lives if they're getting off the ground. kabul. let's take a look now at some international news in brief for you this hour a train crashed into a passenger bus in eastern ukraine killing forty injuring ten others the bus was driving across the tracks even though the pulsing was closed and an alarm signaling an oncoming train was being sounded all of the injured are in serious condition rescuers medics and investigators are working at the scene. the elder son of north korea's kim jong il has told japanese t.v. that he is opposed to hereditary succession becomes as the leaders youngest son is being lined up as an heir during recent ruling party gatherings kim jong il was
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previously thought to be the man to take over but reportedly fell out with his father for trying to sneak his family into japan to visit disneyland he's since been living in luxury in china and. train drivers in paris have launched a series of rolling twenty four hour strikes to try and stop the government from raising the country's retirement age president sarkozy says the reforms are vital to fill gaping holes in the nation's finances even after the planned increase france would still have one of the lowest retirement ages in the developed world at sixty two and the proposal was approved last month around a million people took to the streets in protest. now in our next hour max kaiser and stacey herbert look at why the financial big guns are hedging their bets with some heavy metal. super rich investors buy gold by ton this is according to u.b.s. executive joseph stabler the world's wealthiest people are responding to economic
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worries by buying thousands of ounces of gold we had a clear example of a couple buying over a ton of gold and carrying it to another place at today's prices that shipment would be worth over forty two million dollars well there i don't want to say anything but. when we come back i have a ton of gold waiting for you it's only about this big actually a ton of gold is about seventeen square cubic inches remarkably you know it's pretty bright actually next to the refrigerator nicely. and you can watch the kinds of reports at three thirty pm moscow time next stop stephanie house business update stay with us. hello and welcome to the business bulletin mencia capitalists taking part in
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russia's global innovation partnership a sizing up the country's development opportunities on the form second day the u.s. delegation headed by the governor of california arnold schwarzenegger is visiting a recess not russia's nano technology hub correspondent daniel bushell is at risk headquarters. we're at the headquarters of russia's great high tech hope at the moment. russian nanotech corporation has had the material and it is locked in talks in the room just behind us with venture capitalists and startups from silicon valley and california who are looking at investing in russian high tech devices certainly the right man for the job he persuaded foreign investors to pump a cool thirty billion dollars into russian electricity when he headed up russian energy monopoly you yes some investors have voiced concern about the level of government involvement in russia this modernization drive is top down efforts and
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like many others is states run with a very special situation where you cannot introduce in the ration by decree but at the same time in russia you can move them to use them without the degree of the three for me for the sectors that i am most interested in and dedicated to helping make happen including here in fuel cells where the other forms of technology i think in terms of materials i mentioned we are working on several projects together in terms of light emitting diodes l.e.d.s. . it's going through a very great leap in efficiency. and i think it's going to change the lighting industry worldwide from nanotechnology the investors will move on this afternoon to specialists russia said to have some of the best programmers in the world and venture capitalists here say they're looking forward to tapping that. for an
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insight into how investors view the prospects for russia's high tech sector i'm not joined by yuri void sikorsky chairman of the investment climate development council yuri thanks very much for joining me now first off how much can one trade mission actually achieve. can achieve to look after. business is done between companies it's actually mainly done between people and it's done face to face and it's based on trust and i believe business like that could help a lot to improve relationships between people between decision makers and should lead eventually to some deals and joint ventures created so you don't say this is a one off event you see this is quite an important event i see it raises an important event and this should be as one of many events to follow i think that should happen on a regular basis so terrible to all levels and so bills are promoted to dawdles and how do you see the current perceived investment climate in russia for foreign
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investors to events like this must help of course i hope in this new climate is a combination of risks and rewards and from potential point of view russia of course has a huge potential and i think all of us to see it since such a big interest and such or such are. present for delegation from least point of view again risk realist and perceived risks and sometimes. investors have difficulty even prisoners because the subject is not well known to them and i believe this is like that and will between business leaders as well as between politicians help to reduce perceived risk and to what extent does government involvement in business in russia put off foreign investors and we should talk about what kind of a moment of course government should. be doing to hold true improve
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we can support in your research like that. is very important should be true and create a little playing field for all players should help to reduce troops continue to come to. improve overall. legal framework in a country. so god the government was very very important but i'm to keep you skeptical about government in a moment when the company is into investment so what i'm saying is an element. should focus on and on all things but ritual create bases fulfill deals which should be done. by private businesses and from what go you don't want to try to degrees it's actually in. in in the or in the private sector in in the corporate sector. about privatizing some would stakes and let's move just recruit some some. some strategic sectors but always ability to
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dominate has announced that it's planning to develop some sticks and some companies but do you think this privatization of state run assets is it a move to attract investors to russia or is it just to to generate cash for the state i've been in government understand what it's all should be and so i believe are many objectives as well as a realization that businesses will be on more effectively if. owned by private sector i think it's also will help to reduce. corruption and also. create more transparent environment and more talk of environment. for investments and how far do you think the government should go. i think except some strategic or perhaps defense sectors i think a singles should be open for four or four investments for corporation relief in a global vault and shortly before
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a before all logical name is. trade also means. for inclusion of users that will go in and you know joint ownership of companies creation of joint ventures creation joint business bottoms russian companies investing abroad also the russian. all those foreign ministers coming into the congress to russia and finally europe as it stands how do you think the investment climate in russia can post to other brics at the moment i think is difficult. you know. because each country's there's a small. business as i would see. in my view very strongly on the one potential russia has very potential. as a market as a source or for minnesotans. i think russia can do quite a lot. to reduce visas like like you seem to be.
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here thank you very much for coming in to show your insight with us that was your reward sokolowski chairman of the investment climate development council let's have a quick look at how the equity markets are performing european shares off for tracking sharp declines in asia. more than one percent so far miners are dragging up the price of copper and other slipped given back and we say ok stocks also it may seem that. the russian markets are question here in moscow again following their shop losses in asian stocks across the board as commodity prices flipped banks and energy wages are among the worst performing on the my six. probably are all shutting around one percent of best sellers. and that's all the business news for this hour but do log on to our web site. slash business for lots more stories.
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for the full story we've got it first hand the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. are an undiscovered museum be. the least
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a communication with the wild and. test yourself and become free. in nature can be. the. almost seventy years of the red machine which so many people wanted to leave in the past. came to make changes the society was immediate. the odd but was it possible to change the whole country's regime so quickly and with zero and one of close only fundamental changes in the state them people's minds on our genome. every month we give you the future we help you understand how will get there and
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what tomorrow brings the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world. join us for technology update on our g. wealthy british style. find out what's really happening to the global economy with. headlines. for. you.
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you're watching the headlines it's a harsh life ahead for russian scientists in the arctic as research continues to find a way to secure the polar caps richard russia is among five nations taking a claim over part of the region sought to contain a quarter of the world's oil and natural gas reserves. and mcgovern nader's going green arnold schwarzenegger focusing on climate change story in the second day of his visit to moscow yesterday he met president it's very good to discuss russia's high tech campus so it's. police have made a key breakthrough in solving last month's deadly car blast in the southern city of logic cars cars that killed nineteen people head of the security forces says three
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of those involved in masterminding the bombing have been arrested two others were killed in a shoot out. also on our t.v. afghan teenagers are being forced by war and poverty to spark more over education thousands of young boys are struggling not only to support themselves but also to provide for their families who are left without breadwinners. now it's no small job to be in charge of the world's fight against illegal drugs next our team meets the man who has that daunting task. well says your if adults is the new head of the u.n. office fighting drugs and crime just for those of us thanks for speaking to altie what tall groups have you set for the agency i took or were addressed. three weeks ago. i believe that it is possible.


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