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tv   [untitled]    October 12, 2010 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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ation and importantly not to damage it the helicopter is deployed into action. five potential eyes filled had been spotted by satellite long before the mission started now it's time to do probe for the best sport behind the by the bow looking for yet least twenty five kilometers but most importantly the eyes should be big robust enough to sustain a group of fifteen people two dogs and several tons of equipment for as long as a year. the first storm is west of the island of brown that is tested and. you know the flow is rejected the ice is too theme we go further north the drill plunges down we need to switch is good but the field is too rocky for the cam we return to the shape you should in the us it would be the voyage would be long and
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fascinating the explorers cheer each other up but look disappointed makes treme hot summer is being felt in the arctic this year they say is similar to two thousand and seven which marked the peak of global warming. but the mission is getting harder there are fewer and fewer suitable ice fields every year before we could find up to forty of them but now are combing the whole arctic in search of one at dawn the explorers decide to play the wild card they try for the last potential ice flow in this area otherwise they will have for the north pole every day great not as bad but that was just something you don't see i think that until you start reading it that was pete had a gut reaction on thought that would be a good game but a bit below that the crap. but no need. the rescue
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operation this is the ice. we have just found a suitable field nine by thirteen kilometers wide and the ice is about three meters thick a good field. to me and now that the platform is found i had five days of unloading a dozen houses a sauna several tractors about a thousand barrels with fuel and of course professional equipment will be floating on the ice for a year the crew will work day and night the dogs are also keeping themselves busy at dawn when aborigine was still asleep they chased away a polar bear and many other challenges faced them in the next twelve months for these very tough expedition exceeding the pressure of r r t from the arctic i didn't follow how they got on the courtesy of our channel you can follow a country grid show his trip to the arctic online just go to the blog section of our website r.t.
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dot com. all the terrorists thought of mastermind in september's market blast that killed nineteen people in russia's republic of north of seti have been tracked down that's according to the head of the country's security services who says the case has now been closed three militants have been arrested and two more were shot dead in a gun battle artie's talked about and knows the details. in the north caucasus region managed to find and track down some of the suspected masterminds of this attack three of them arrested two of them more than start a big gun battle and they were shot dead this case in question concerns september invite a car class in the north caucuses where a suicide bomber drove
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a car packed full of explosives into the marketplace detonating it killing nineteen people and wounding around one hundred very serious attacks and possibly with links to a wider terrorist organization so says alexander board because of the head of russia's security services are still here now. the chair attack has been solved three suspects have been arrested and they are now in jail the organizer of the blast is a close ally of the chechen militant or call maher of google's gang is believed to have carried out more than ten bombings in the neighboring republic of finger shechita and numerous attacks on the police force two other suspects who put up unarmed resistance to their rights to work you'll get the name dr model of appears all over the place when talking about these attacks dozens of attacks within the north caucuses region. a lot of bombings and gun battles were fought for a tease attacks on this marketplace and also the moscow metro bombings earlier this
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year which killed thirty eight people and it appears link that his organization was also thought to be linked to the international terrorist network al qaeda itself there has been a terrorist attempt a terrorist crackdown going on in the region and since the beginning of this year for it to say three hundred suspected terrorists have been killed and another four hundred fifty arrested. it was artie's to bring it up to date there on the investigation into september's market blast in the russian republic of office said . yes still ahead for you tonight forced to fend for their families. sal i will never forget one day there was no job i came home and there was no food and my brothers and sisters and my mother we went to sleep hungry it was the report on how conflict and a lack of education means it's up to children and their families keep we look at this struggle for survival. but also the program as the credits roll on swaps so
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there goes moscow visit we bring you the best scenes from the governor it is russian capital adventure. first tough talks and difficult decisions are waiting serbia u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton is there in a bid to persuade the country to make concessions and its refusal to recognize its breakaway territory of kosovo she's dangling the carrot of much sought after e.u. membership the visit is the visit as part of clinton's tour of the balkans and follows a previous stop in bosnia where she also tried to put pressure on the country's serbian minority to embrace political reform which will eventually strip them of their autonomy most serbs scattered around the former yugoslavia still remember how nato sided with the muslims during the ninety's ethnic conflict and culture give the u.s. led bombings of serbian targets as. she's a balkans political expert he thinks that the serbian government and people are at odds in their goals for their country. we have to make some distinction between the government in belgrade which was brought to power after all of our approach. just
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over ten years ago in which nato powers definitely took sides so it's a very nato friendly government if you want but when you come down to people i think they have completely different fields especially on nature i don't think anyone wants to go into nato i mean the question is to me say who are they going to be defending the fended against the soviet union no longer exists there is no warsaw pact i don't thing that russia has any interest of conducting military operations in the balkans so i think nato is very unpopular there when it comes to either one tends to think of economic and political and cultural cultural considerations and that in a way makes sense but the sort of conditions the e.u. and the us are making does indicate that this is not an economic and cultural
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situation but one of political pressure to gain concessions out of the region what the u.s. one sister controlled the region and its resources the position in boston and herzegovina has not improved people want jobs people don't just want talks of democracy and human rights frequently undefined people want what they already had then they had it too and bosnia was part of yugoslavia this is an easily comparison base they want jobs they want freedom to travel. all of their they want a health service that functions this one doesn't function as well as the one he was loved most needed so there is a definite comparison factor if the u.s. really wants. for the peace. and for the region the only true look these are very important for october to really important in any state. source the. balkans
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political expert talked about earlier on in the program. now there are young boys but they are forced to become the men of the house years of war in afghanistan of robbed an entire generation of their fathers and left deep scars in a country that is paul asli has been meeting afghan children who sacrificed everything to help their family survive. for a few hours each friday these street kids get to remember they still just children of. their kind flying is more than just a pastime it's a sport of skill all who master it all equal and for a few brief moments forget that they live in abject poverty. my name is once a dream i'm the father of the house i will never forget one day there was no job i came home and there was no food my brothers and sisters and my mother went to sleep hungry it was there is only thirteen years old but as the man of the house his
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responsibility started early at six in the morning. my sister goodbye. goodbye my brother. on the first born this is a typical poor kabul neighborhood children with runny noses dirty feet and crawling stomachs every day was a dean takes his bucket and joins the tens of thousands of children heading to the country streets to make the meager living washing cars but despite this stolen childhoods they are the lucky ones miles a year ago why did was martyred he was working with the police and die during a rocket explosion. this is very very hard work i make about a dollar a day sometimes the other boys are fighting with me they say they want to wash this car. that is a piece of color is twelve he manages to bring a few dollars more into the home but it's barely enough to feed his mother and seven sisters to each other every day i wake up so early my house is very far from
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here and a good day i can earn about eight dollars but in some days there is no work yesterday it was no work so i'm going to go there but for some children it's easiest to come to this means that big of a class or a playground big university of life. most parents don't want their children to come here to school. that's because these young boys and girls are the only breadwinners in their families and spending just one hour in class could mean no food on the table that night fifty seven percent of the population of afghanistan is below twenty five years. majority of them they are born during the war in going into war without skill or without education for every one hundred million dollars of foreign money spent in the military only seventy million dollars goes toward social projects you can use to go to the international community and to get the state of afghanistan has to pay and has to focus more on the children six million children
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are at risk in afghanistan of sexual abuse violence and harsh child labor and with precious little being done to help their afghanistan's future generations see little chance of their lives ever getting off the ground. karpal. will the top stories tonight a former georgia defense minister forced into exile after falling out with president sarkozy really strong return to politics he's helped found a new party called don't give up an alliance of georgia's main opposition leaders directly across really was sucked in two thousand and seven for accusing georgia's leader of physically removing his opponents sparking at the time protests in the capital tbilisi hundreds of thousands of people demanded saakashvili is resignation but the protests were broken up and he was reelected a year later one of the founders of the political alliance trust they want to restore the toys they once had. so that both are the primary readers every more important ga ga's own interests demand that we look straight into the face of
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reality george will never be a successful country without normal relations with russia i see so in the interests of our people and all the friendly countries in the whole civilized world see the same does the improvement of relations with russia become a basic principle for our political team the circus really regime leaves behind itself a tough heritage a broken territorial integrity and we should try to normalize the issue to reach success we should start dialogue with your cousins in a city and to restore trust otherwise we will not be able to move ahead only interest is the basis for future integration. for thought would use headlines in brief and the number of dead from a train crash in eastern ukraine isn't a forty two according to state traffic department the casualties want to bust at a railroad crossing when the train smashed into them and dragged a vehicle for at least thirty metres police say the bus driver ignored a warning siren and passengers requests to stop and try to cross the tracks the bus was carrying fifty one people including the driver many of the injured are in
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a critical condition. and another fatal accident this time in central poland where a van carrying farm workers has crashed head on with a truck killing all eighty passengers but he said that the volkswagen transporter was intended to carry goods not people the van had just six seats with other passengers sitting on boxes in the back or investigations desk the minibus swerved into the opposite lane thick fog on a slippery road so. european travel connections have been severely disrupted after union workers in france launched a twenty four hour nationwide strike to oppose the government's pension reforms last month similar protests brought over one million people on the street president sarkozy says that raising the minimum retirement age from sixty to sixty two is vital to fill a hole in the nation's finances street demonstrations planned for tuesday as well as saturday. a cargo plane carrying supplies for nato forces in afghanistan crashed in the mountains near kabul it's believed that all eight on
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board have been killed the plane was on route from baghran the main u.s. airfield in the country. is it really save the earth or the movie and is trying to do it for real wrapping up his moscow visit california governor arnold schwarzenegger says that fighting climate change will be his focus when he steps down next year catarina zara has been listening to the governator speech. many of the students at the higher school of economics where he lectured today turned out to listen to what the man had to say not only for business but for pleasure but of course focusing mainly on the priorities that outlined the nature of his lecture primarily climate changes and curbing greenhouse gas emissions and various ways in preventing global warming effects from spreading through various other things that the california governor shared many of his experiences saying that california has accomplished a lot in curbing greenhouse gas emissions for example and various other ways of
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aiding the climate everything that has been made public about the governor of california visit to moscow has been full of not only business but pleasure from the tweets that arnold schwarzenegger has been posting online complimenting the russian president on his driving skills sharing pictures of the two of them working out together pumping the hire and arnold schwarzenegger was actually here in the first place arriving with a team of investors and. a large group of people to talk business he said that it is great when one a woman makes three of california specifically and earning himself has a lot of experience to share has a lot of the knowledge that i know how that he would be more than willing to share with the russian side with me to do this as russia tends to set up its own technology in schools to of course all of this very lighthearted banter russia you know the russian president even offering that arnie a chance to say i'll be back one more time jokingly offering him the post of moscow
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mayor the opposition is currently vacant and of course as the governor's stepping down in january it is a joke that he was very much able to appreciate despite the some serious matters at hand and on the table up for discussions but he joked his way through the entire visit saying that not only. and impressive an amazing place to be one of the most impressive cities actually ben but in many other jobs. coming up dinner of the kremlin usually offers the very best for those lucky enough to be invited of course but a recent banquet in a rather unexpected guest in the shape of a work making an appearance on the platter. made by the governor of the central russian region rather more than expected. it happened during a reception by dmitri. german president christian. the governor rushed to post
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a picture of the. picture was hastily deleted but far from complaining the governor said the unexpected agreed show that it. was extremely. the fate of the. next we meet the russian who's in charge of the world's fight against illegal drugs our interview with.
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the new head of the. crime. what targets have. he said for the agency i took or were addressed to three weeks ago and i believe that it is possible to give a fish and protest of this rook in the united nations you know to see. under my predecessor has accumulated to a great deal of international support and expanded the range of for. including drugs and crime and prevention of terrorism but there's always room for for the improvement and. after having consulted to. our major
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stakeholders member states you know management of the u.n. partners in other international going is ations i think at some point to i will be in the position to come up with proposals how to move ahead and first of all how to make for a small productive and even more cost effective the world's main opium produce afghanistan hall of production this year why do you say there's no room for false optimism. well of course. there are some targets and targets. quite clear we need to excel we need to to enlarge this as far as. illusive director african case concerned we need to set comprehensive programs for different reasons take advantage of them just last week we issued again drudge report to twenty good news is that the production of four pm decreased to
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almost fifty percent but as it is due only to a natural factor in disease this that affected the crops but the cultivation is unchanged and since prices are growing so it means that promise have additional stimulus to cultivate the poppy so we need to have a comprehensive strategy which would. include their descent from the education to. culturists. participation zero for regional states extrajudicial states so this should be comprehensive strategy to doing that but we believe that it could be done more and by the way that is also a political tool that agents him as a began istana its about ninety percent of all world production and cultivation and. three major routes so to say story around civil at the g q stance
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and to asia and russia and to western europe and of course in terms of cook and its central america and south america but you could really. in terms of. what is now unfortunately is becoming more and more spread out in different parts of the rural synthetic. drax unfortunately as there are no rules because they can be produced anywhere at any time by anybody so the threat is small to presage it multi component and that's why the reaction of the international community should be also comprehensive your office has helped to prosecute some somali pirates but there's still no globally accepted response when will we get that the international community. is still unable to come to an agreement to bulge of forms of the prosecution of the pirates in the absence of
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such agreement where helping communities helping and you gentle countries like kenya seychelles and even somalia some parts of somalia are like some of the land and the land to get nice persecutions and even. the will to organize jails for four for four convicted the pirates it's not easy because of the regional countries there's a face and can know much problems there. they show their system is over. charged overloaded and the jails are overcrowded in kenya for instance. five times more than it has been planned at the beginning so it's. there is a great deal of. for a good response from the neighboring states but still there are a lot of practical problems you say almost every country in the world plays a part in human slavery and trafficking for sakes that's
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a key issue for you. somewhat unit issues taking very close to its heart and we're planning to set a new. global trust fund in new york next month. which sure would be aimed at assisting. them so few months trafficking as it is are very important to india. but here but he says it's a good illustration of how the international cooperation is informed because it's impossible to tackle the problem of human trafficking was a separation of all contrarious upstream and downstream transit countries so we need to have for a very clear understanding core to what we're doing and i believe that this area will continue to develop and will continue to pick up the most attention to it transparency international puts in one hundred forty six place for corruption next
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to sierra leone and zimbabwe you don't think that's fair. different assessments that are different and a different. mechanism as was established quite recently which is a framework of international convention against corruption the peer review mechanism will provide more objective picture of overall role situation because it's fair it's balanced and it could be liable. wealthy british style the stock.
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market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cause or a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines. more news today. flared up. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. trying to corporations are all day.
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join technology updates on our. cool. hello is kevin tonight with a headline update for you and i'll treasure hunt joins russia's expedition team on a quest for evidence to support the country's claim to the region's vast natural resources. as a key breakthrough in the investigation into last month's blast in the southern city of cuts which killed nineteen people at least say three of the masterminds are on the arrest two others have been killed in the shooting. and us secretary of state hillary clinton is in the balkans on a mission to persuade serbs to trade their autonomy for e.u. and nato membership. next all the glitz in the report this week marks kaiser and co-host stacy herbert take
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a look at rich people buying gold and the rest of the world separating from the united states that's coming up after this short break. if. you. guys are this is the kaiser report markets finance and scandals jerome kerviel he was sentenced to some jail time recently my point is why bother with the long level street derivatives dealers why not put the crime lords like the management of society generale engine.


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