tv [untitled] October 13, 2010 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT
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he named themselves the city without narcotics agree piecing controversial tactics to target drug dealers and rehabilitate drug addicts this is a drug called as a morphine or locally known as crocodile it's a killer deal containing drugs and really dangerous the beginning of the raisin coming through the window it was pretty exciting but the minute that you get inside the reality of the situation really hits you very hard you've got a young family. lying around the house next door a young child and a mother who looks barely more than a child herself extremely scared and upset and it really makes it very apparent just how sensitive this issue is. participation in raids has raised concerns about whether members of the foundation should be allowed to take the law into their own hands. it's an action which is cruel is it wrong to rescue a drowning person by pulling their hair if people say it's cruel inhumane let them
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teach us how to do it otherwise we work twenty four seven to help these people when the state isn't doing anything we're aware of to be initiated by the relationship the group is for sure the authorities and you catherine there is a fragile one that in eleven years they have managed to pull their energies to fight the drug issue effectively those caught in the raids face either arrest or we have this run by the glory is left to family members to give the final consent. conditions a hard they spend a month being weaned off drugs on a very basic diet and inquire conditions but with the group claiming a seventy percent success rate it appears tough love. my mother saw it six years of drug addiction had done to me and turned to the foundation for help it's hard but you can see how the people are here they talk to each other there's an atmosphere of friendship which helps you through but in other cities such as nish need to go similar initiatives. they've been dealt with very differently you go by
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each curve was sentenced to three and a half years in prison despite having half the number of drug deaths in the city in just two years which. only have a feeling of disgust for law enforcement agencies who instead of fighting drug dealers are fighting an organization which was running a successful anti drug dealing campaign it makes no sense at all it's a crime against our city's population this is sparked a public outcry and led many to conclude that corruption amongst authority might be to blame. but in this chap igor carried out over two hundred operations against drug dealers as a result the mortality rate is half the gypsies are afraid to sell drugs and consequently don't bribe you for it is clearly the authorities there didn't like that but in both cities the foundations have vowed to continue the fight in the face of what they say is government in action. the people have to take the problem personally to understand that these before they are brothers and sisters and that
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unless they do it nobody will do it for the pressure is in the grip of a major drugs quite says with an unofficial estimate two and a half million drug addicts in the country almost two percent of the population people like genuine the foundation say a united effort is in everyone's interest and until proper measures are in place to deal not only with the dealers but in rehabilitating users as well as left ordinary people like themselves to stand and fight to free their city of drugs sarah fair. you're catching bag. well as part of sarah's extensive research into the story she spent time saying for itself the controversial methods in use at one of the rehabilitation centers. not a luxury place the main area where they treat it you had essentially over fifty people in one room was quite crime conditions and they kept there for around
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a month initially. just fed bread and water and very basic feeds was there essentially going cold turkey. he said we speak to people who face going through the treatment at the time and come three and managed to get clean and have now moved on with their lives they said it's incredibly hard i mean quiting a drug addictions never going to be easy but actually this huge support network that they have here and the fact that they're all in it together really is very very helpful you got people in this in a situation t. and that's really a very positive thing for them is a volunteer last time because people like the raid that we went on the people that we saw. when they're in the grips of drug addiction are obviously not particularly capable of making logical decisions themselves safe the rate that we went on. they trained the persons parents and asked parents they're given the option whether the person was arrested or whether they're taken into this rehabilitation center and
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helped. going to bruise the head of the mosque for the study of drug addiction he told us that from a medical point of view the berbers of city that narcotics use inefficient methods . you're the most liberal. i think the tragedy for this foundation and it's rehabilitation centers is the absence of effective laws which determine the roles of everyone involved what should be the relation between an addict in society it's not clear i don't think the foundation used any medical methods at all they just held all those antics and didn't let them go their idea was that an addict should go through suffering and that this pain would prevent them from using drugs in the future but it doesn't work and expect guess about the pain will they remember is the minutes of bliss and all they want is to come back to this condition from a medical point of view it's not a fission to hold them the method should be complex to practice they use doesn't correspond to any known methods so i'm against the way they did it but at the same
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time i cannot say anything against their leader igor i think his motives were clear . next tonight armageddon on the streets of new york was the prospect promised by u.s. media in the run up to the first civilian trial of a guantanamo detainee on american soil but now the hearing of terror suspect cases kicked off in styria seems to be groundless. but the main problem isn't security same problem on the head no no how many intelligence secrets will we surrender during this process. on us soil that's not the point we'll get to spew all kinds of anti american propaganda because that's what's going to happen well i'm an oracle a shockingly relaxed atmosphere outside the federal courthouse in lower manhattan especially when a case of such significance is going on this please has seen some of the most publicized scandals of the last two years this is where bernie made off with
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sentence for over a century this is where the curious case of the russian special agents unraveled this entire street was packed with t.v. satellite trucks and dozens and dozens of crews ready to bring their viewers all of the latest and now one for the first time at one time of detainees being tried in a criminal court of justice in the u.s. none of the media hype is here as the decision whether or not to try terror suspects on u.s. soil was being made in the u.s. mainstream media was out of control with outrage they were saying this is unacceptable and that terrorist suspects should be tried in military tribunals now on the first day of the trial there's only a couple of lonely journalists here with not much enthusiasm to find out what's really going on inside the courtroom. one of the biggest concerns of the mainstream media profits is that thousands of policemen would be needed to provide security in the area and that billions and billions of dollars would be wasted on policemen
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serving around the globe to be able to make sure that nothing goes wrong but clearly and obviously that is far from reality another big arguments against terror suspects including guy lonnie being tried here was that there would be a lot of traffic which clearly is not the case and that's the neighborhood the locals living here would be worried concerned and bothered are they let's find out you know that a terror suspect is being tried in the courthouse right near you know. for sure. does it bother you that this is happening on u.s. soil. you know does it bother you do you know that a terror suspect is being tried in this courthouse right here. right now do you know that a terror suspect being tried in this courthouse or. you know does it bother you does it concern you that this is going on right here you know on influenced by the attempts to hype them up with fear mongering the locals are not facing any of the issues predicted by the media going about business as usual and if that future
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cannot party new york. the nuclear poisoning of former k.g.b. officer alexander litvinenko is back in the picture is british foreign secretary william hague's of moscow seeking to restore strained ties off the incident with his country in a zone of reports now despite disagreements the two sides of the term and to work together. it doesn't seem that the two sides have basically agreed to disagree one of the major issues that throws a shadow over relations between moscow and london is of course the case of. a former k.g.b. officer was poisoned by a radioactive substance polonium two ten in london just a few years that britain believes that the main suspect in the case a russian state duma jet. has been refused extradition to britain in order to stand trial despite the numerous evidence that they have presented to russia to the russian side of course the russian side maintaining the fact that the evidence that the british side has presented is not conclusive and basically the situation
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remains at a standstill both sides reiterating the fact that they will continue to work together maintaining a force. to work within our legal brain but the laws of both countries paid in full play so nothing much has changed with the missing in the situation it seems that both sides have for the moment at least accepted that fact that of course many different aspects of the relay. that aren't as complicated were discussed including cooperation in afghanistan combat ing drug trafficking increasing bilateral trade and establishing closer cultural ties all those areas are where relations between moscow and london flourish and both sides seem to intent on increasing that operation. katrina czar of christopher granville's a co-founder of the trusted sources research group and a former british diplomat to russia he told me it's imperative that the two countries work harder at the economic side of their relations. of government in the
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u.k. provide a perfect diplomatic backdrop to try to read normalize relations and get them out of this rather apps. which they've been stuck in because of this the one. shocking but. very isolated case of the death of mr litvinenko u.k. financial services sector and professional services sector is still very present in russia and that goes on but a lot more could be done and that will make a big difference to a lot of the employment and that's where government by and after relations i think are most relevant and where today's visit to moscow by william hague could provide some positive impetus. well news for you now and the world's been glued of course
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the ongoing rescue operation of those chilean miners is been stuck on the ground for more than two months so far seventeen of successfully met with his family reunited with their families but no one in recorded history survived as long trapped underground as the miners the release is the long awaited likely end of the tunnel of course for the men but they still have to undergo rigorous physical and psychological testing but a good news the. afghan soldiers a found five bodies following a nato supply plane crash in afghanistan on tuesday at least seven people thought to be on board when the aircraft went down shortly after takeoff an east of the country the reason for the crash is still unknown. u.s. forces based in south korea have conducted an aerial drill in the city of. have been joined initially by south korean helicopters but it didn't take part in the exercises covers seoul joins a u.s. led coalition into intercepting ships to prevent the transfer of weapons of mass destruction north korea has warned it would consider themselves but as a patient in the initiative as a declaration of war. really want to make british households has no one in
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work that's according to a new study critics blame the country's welfare system which often means it's more lucrative to stay at home than find a job. once the seat of an empire now the holder of an unwanted unemployment accolade new figures reveal the u.k. has the highest number of households in any of the e.u. these largest economies in which no one works it amounts to over eleven percent of homes long term unemployment is growing as a proportion of total unemployment but a bigger problem is perhaps hidden from the official unemployment statistics and that is the proportion of workers households in britain so one of six of all children for example for example grew up in workless households which is the highest figure in europe are some measure of thirty nine year old sondra hey has never had a job she had her first child at sixteen and went on to have three more none of the
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fathers is around sandra gets the equivalent of more than twenty thousand dollars a year in benefits but she says it's barely enough to stay afloat doing anything. just to stay. the course can't go anywhere that do anything with the kids growing up and well most painful well of out far past. when i was there so andrea also gets incapacity benefits because of a problem with her legs she admits that many people less able than her do go out to work but the country's generous benefits system means it's often more lucrative to stay at home than to get a job critics of that system also say the dependency culture is passed from one generation to the next saundra is a grandmother at thirty nine with the state paying for her granddaughter's nursery care while her daughter goes to college she talks of the moment she found out her daughter was pregnant at seventeen devastating. devastating because she just got
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a place in college in. which you're pregnant last year and keep asking me what we're going to do when wilder already. it's a cycle that the cash strapped coalition government is trying hard to break as it tries to save money but that's a tricky balancing act between protecting the vulnerable and not allowing people to take advantage of the system with a mixture of carrot and stick the conditionality is that if you don't accept a reasonable job it's got to be the case that you can't go. every other time picking up the bill the government is taking steps to address the problem of the long term unemployed by restricting the amount of benefits that any one family can claim and making more rigorous tests and checks on people who want incapacity allowance but many of the people who. have never worked and the big question is in
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a crisis hits economic climate it's all there any jobs for them to go to. your and that's. the twenty forty winter olympics may be several years away but russia's preparations for the games have received praise from officials the i.o.c. says it satisfied with the progress of construction in the black sea resort of sochi which is hosting. the preparations for us. members of the i.o.c. called nation commission led by the russian prime minister vladimir putin had a chance to see for themselves how the olympic construction is going they visited both so-called clusters of their would because struction higher up in the mountains near crossed napoleon in that it's a little the so-called coup still cluster there separated by forty six kilometers long stretch of highway a railroad that are being built right now at the moment this construction side was on the agenda for this visit it's an enormously hard task for
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a construction workers to make of these venues on time to construct especially because this is a subtropical area and there will be winter olympic games but everything is going well and according to the plan the third and the final day of the you'll see ordination commission visit will conclude that there are three day to day stay here in sochi they are frequent visitors to sochi because they always would like to see for themselves how things are growing in just a few months from now in february of two thousand and eleven there will be a testing competitions here in sochi more than fifty competitions twenty six of them are international ones so all venues will have to be. it will be an excellent chance for the organizers to see how things will look in the year of two thousand and fourteen when sochi will be hosting the winter olympic games. polaski reporting there for us should the euro be dismantled and national currencies reintroduced well a top financial analyst from germany believes it would actually be
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a better plan for the european union and trying to hold together the fading single currency is a preview of the interview which you can see next hour here on our. ideally i would go back to a core europe and i would let the drachma return and the p.c. to return and the lira return and we still would have a european union it's not like it would be the collapse of the european union quite to the contrary if we allow those countries to set their own economic policy again and to be sovereign in their currencies we would do europe a service we're doing europe a disservice by having this artificial currency imposed on it it can only lead to political tensions like in greece where the greek population now has to suffer taxpayers germany has to suffer the only ones that didn't suffer in greece were the banks because so willfully rescued so that's to me is a deal that is not quiet equitable.
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you can hear that interview for next hour but at the present though for a more full world of finance tonight has got the business of moscow next after this quick break. hungry for the full story we've gone to. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. every month we give you the future we help you understand how we'll get there and what tomorrow brings the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world. join us for technology update on our g. how to welcome to business with me and i like how the keys of the road for gas to
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europe took another step forward on wednesday. a mellow travel to romania where he said the government level agreement could be signed only next year already on board south stream are serbia hungary greece slovenia croatia and austria also announced the two parties had agreed to proceed to the next stage of a possible cooperation with we came to agreements with a group of experts who come to romania and carry out preparatory work to understand whether we have mutual interests in this sphere after that the experts will make a report at a corporate level and if we can cooperate we'll discuss it at top management level we see the potential for corporation in this sphere and we do have interest in it. now those to bucharest is also veiled message to both carrier which has been demanding stiff terms following the pipelines across its territory they don't break over imports from another south stream participant turkey our latest twists and
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turns of pipeline politics. turkey is one of the youngest the fastest growing and the largest country than europe wants to visit bridge like position but with ajax and europe which makes it and i really. for rival international interests. in main battle plans for the south or an energy corridor to supply gas to europe bypassing the current transit country ukraine their main pipelines and they're running out of gas from land sounds chain project and the blue car backed by the u.s. and e.u. and there are other smaller project turkey's energy minister says the country is ready to talk commentate all of them busy implementing one project doesn't mean that we can so another one turkey has the capacity to develop each and every project because consumers need it there is demand we should think not only about today when there is a global crisis we should think about two thousand and fifteen two thousand and twenty when demand will increase even then it may be too much gas for europe
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analysts say some projects will likely be abandoned in the race to build new pipelines russia is trying hard to come first securing gas and customers analysts say weaning turkey is agreement to lay the south stream through turkish waters came at a cost russia will have to invest after three billion dollars into some soon although pipeline strategically important for turkey the question is what will be the price because now we see that first of all turkey wants russia to invest myatt of some songs or can project its first benefit and the first part of this payment the second phase is the thrust turkey wants to change if there is of our guest contacts . there was talk of more cheap gas from russia in the byzantine world of pipeline politics russia will have to offer something in exchange for the support of all the
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contras along the pipeline fruits this week gas plant chief alexei miller is visiting bulgaria and romania to discuss delivery of russian gas and the future of the south stream pipeline project that you know because of business r.t. istanbul. and russia's central bank will tolerate a more volatile ruble after widening the trading about against the us dollar and the euro it broadened the ban by fifty kopeks in each direction it allows the ruble to be more volatile before the central bank intervenes the central banks deputy head alex who kind of said the trading bad was needed in the absence of inflation targeting he added that the move will reduce the risk of speculative inflows of hot money or supply new people who if the currency rate moves gradually from targeted to free float listeners will have a harder time predicting its movement. short term investment into the currency market decreases. looking at the markets here in moscow we are just finished
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wednesday's evening session point eight percent higher analyze it edged over a percent energy majors and banks were leading on both of forces bucking the trend . was losing a quarter of a percent of course it's. the burbank says the government should sell stake in russia's biggest lender on the stock market and not directly to a strategic investor bank's deputy c.e.o. says tapping equity investors would stimulate the banking sector. the bank of moscow boosted its profit thirty seven times in the first nine months of this year it cited a recovery from the crisis and profits from trading the banks made it to shore client is the city of los. airline transparent has postponed its i.p.o. until two thousand and eleven according to reuters russia second largest airline had planned to raise two hundred million dollars this year. several stout plans to spend almost six and a half billion dollars in investment over the next four years the stupid use it
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will ingest seventy percent into russian males twelve percent in two us by baseballs it will also expand its mining interests in russia africa and the united states. and that's all from me in the business thing here on our take i'm all stars on our website r.t. dot com slash business thanks for watching. the little bit of.
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generations of unemployment statistics show it's the highest number of. home next night we take. to explore a place untouched by man a picture. enjoy. holing springs and hot mortifications. and holes and steaming pits. of fun tins and dead cell first lakes. an eternal confrontation of fire. and then creating a unique comedy. the mentality of this land lies in canyons and volcano crazy.
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