tv [untitled] October 15, 2010 6:00am-6:30am EDT
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you can choose to support the russia behind independent stop for yes and south ossetia and this visit is the first stop the chalice is chosen to make on his international twelve day tour off to leaving moscow will move on to several eastern european and middle eastern countries but the main focus of this particular visit is corp in the military and the nucleus spears military deals between the two countries currently stand up stuck or in a few billion u.s. dollars prime minister piece of things that could move up to that billion u.s. dollars venezuela will be placing orders to buy a huge amount of the russian military hardware including helicopters and tanks venezuela may also be the first foreign body of the two fighter jets in terms of the nucleus say of venezuela is building a large nuclear power plant with the help of all the russian ex-pat teams and president chavez has been a great pains to stress that this is good for peaceful energy purposes and the
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banking the spare plans have been made to launch a venezuelan a russian a bank the headquarters of which will be right here in moscow we have all come to expect a certain degree of tough something the outreach from the by the way to the president and most of all i said the words disappointed last night when president chavez said to live in a very emotional two to five minute speech in which he ranted against her feet to the aggressive foreign policy of empire of the yankees by which of course many united states and maybe try to roll the t.v.'s to convey what he believes not only his frustrations against of american neighbors to look but also you the frustrations of several office south american colby. you must have heard a mexican leader say poor mexico so far from god and so close to the united states all of us latin americans could say the exact same thing our poor america so far
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from god and so close to the downed empire the yankee empire that has hurt our continent so badly. he also publicly refuted this damage to claim that his way that was held in training counts but it's a terrorist he said that that is also an example to the region then it will be america to the rest of foreign policy. and on a slightly more subdued they say dead we just raise what it is with which he holds that venezuela is relationship with russia. parties reporting they are now waiting for a news conference from the two presidents from across life and that as soon as it starts here in r.t. . one in ten germans apparently believe their country needs a new furor a word which literally means a strong leader and the last democratic parliament a study by the freed rich foundation also discovered that a quarter of those polled sympathized with nationalistic or racist sentiments and claims the small number of votes for the far right doesn't reflect the real
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attitude among many germans and what looks like a mark drives in senate phobic views a third said foreigners should be sent home if there wasn't enough work while one in six said jews have too much power well john just keys who conducted the study says far right added to its are deeply rooted in society. to study shows that there's. education in some parts of society secondly people always especially in times of crisis such for scapegoats for their own political economical or social deprivation dissemination of all things together points us to the actually important thing which is democracy itself is nothing so fulfilling or which is always there or something we have in europe without doing something for it so we have to fight for democracy every time and every day and yet that's actually what this results show us there is
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a rising which is probably influenced by the economic crisis for. two thousand and eight but on the other hand does rise from two thousand and eight to two thousand and ten we did this study in two thousand and eight as well isn't that important important is to we have this high percentage of right just extremist attitudes all over the time since two thousand and two when we started and studies in general everybody could be affected by these attitudes which means that doesn't matter whether you are voting for a right to stay extremist party or the social democrats or even the leftist party all these people can have these attitudes. here with our team live from moscow on the way for you in a few minutes why cash talks in court when it comes to getting justice in america investigate why you asked lax behind other developed nations in terms of their legal access plus. the signals the start of the hunting season it brings in hunters
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from all over russia but also money for the local forestry commission to license and to shoot pool. i mean even bear. during our close up team on a traditional russian hunt in no grid that's just ahead. but first iran's president has wrapped up his controversial trip to lebanon having stirred up emotions in neighboring israel and the u.s. over his growing support for the military group hezbollah before ending the visit mahmoud ahmadinejad met the group's leader who reportedly handed him a gun that was taken from an israeli soldier earlier ahmadinejad lashed out at israel saying zionist will be defeated and called for palestine to be forcefully freed his comments were made just kilometers away from the border with israel sparking protests there and criticism in the u.s. james downs lower middle east expert and also security expert says that america's anger at the visit is partly aimed at distracting the world from the vast military
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presence it still has in the region. well as weapons are a bit of a strategic surprise and we saw that in two thousand and six where they launched antiship missiles and had a certain degree of technological advantage when it came to anti-tank weapons as well but in addition to the thirty thousand or so missiles that hezbollah has supposedly rearmed itself with since the two thousand and six conflict i think the iranian deals are far more interesting in terms of the welfare aspects they spent over a billion dollars reconstructing large parts of southern beirut there was a energy deal signed between the iranian foreign minister and the lebanese energy minister could provide much needed gas and oil supply to a electrical infrastructure here in lebanon that is on its legs really and i think that is much more interesting in terms of iran's use of soft power to improve its relations with lebanon rather than simply weapons alone there is a crescendo of violence regards to the iranian us relationship currently in the middle east and the us has not fully exited iraq it still has some fifty thousand
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troops on the ground there if you include special forces and the largest embassy the u.s. embassy in the world this is a presence that aims to have a strategic effect in influencing which direction iraq goes and of course a reminder to the neighbor iran that the u.s. has not accepted the region but remains on alert there instead the problem we have is that the competency of the iraqi military is in stark contrast to the incompetency of the iraqi political elite and government bear in mind we have had no government in iraq for a record breaking time over seven months now the newly rebuilt u.s. sponsored iraqi army numbers some six hundred fifty thousand if you include the border guard in the police americans are in a weapons spending spree at the moment in the middle east they're just finishing off a sixty billion dollars deal with the saudis and i've spent over sold over ten billion dollars worth of weapons to the iraqis since the war including high tech equipment such as f. sixteen zone and one tanks. so let's take a look now at some other stories dominating world news this friday it's barely a day since the thirty three chilean miners were rescued from their underground
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ordeal but three of them are already of even hospital most of the workers are reportedly in good shape despite having spent more than two months in a wet dark chamber millions watched as rescue which ended one of the longest underground entrapment in human history. the u.s. troops in the democratic republic of congo are raping and killing civilians in an area plagued by similar violence two months ago their lives attacks took place in a mining region where the president had sent thousands of soldiers to reassert government control a senior u.n. envoy is urging the government to investigate and deploy police to protect civilians. tropical storm paula has hit cuba bringing heavy rains and strong winds more than one hundred people have been evacuated to higher ground as a precaution more rain is expected and that's likely to cause floods and landslides in the area as high among residents who are still reeling from a devastating hurricane season two years ago. the
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u.s. is being ranked the lowest for providing proper access to justice for civilians as compared to ten other developed countries a study says it's mainly wealthy americans who get the privilege of having the legal system behind them. takes a look at why the civil justice system is out of reach for the average american. the united states of america land of freedom and equality a place where all citizens have equal access to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness or for us to try to make sure. that liberty in the freedom that you shared in the past not if you ask the tea partiers and while many might wonder what exactly they've been complaining about it looks like they might be on to something according to a new report by the world justice project the united states ranks. the lowest out of eleven developed countries when it comes to access to civil justice and less than one in five low income americans gets the legal assistance they need wealthier
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people get good lawyers private lawyers they get out of whatever they were accused of and the same accusation against a low income person of color will lead them to jail for lengthy periods of time i don't looks like the good old us of a doesn't stack up when it comes to other factories either out of the nine factories that the project looked into from absence of corruption to limited government power to an effective criminal system the united states ranked seventh or below out of eleven countries in all areas except for one but then we really need a report to prove that the united states isn't all it's cracked up to be let's take a look at the justice system it's not just low income americans that don't have access to legal services many argue that african-americans are unfairly prosecuted too and you know in the states we have this terrible problem with american bigotry racism bigotry class bigotry within the system a system that next in the system
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a white capital supremacy where we still have a large part of the population celebrating do that white people are superior to black people every day americans witness shocking stories of police brutality and police departments across the country are shelling out sometimes up to one billion dollars as is the case in new york city to settle cases many having to do with brutality everybody interacts with the police and you think that they are there to serve and protect us but you know police officers need to understand that they swore an oath to the constitution and the number one important factor they should provide in their job is constitutional protection for the citizens of this country i think that's been lost and what about limited government powers the united states ranks ninth out of the eleven developed countries when it comes to that the national legal and policy center recently found that the white house might. be spying on americans on facebook twitter and other social media websites and not too long ago president obama resigned the patriot act that allows the government to spy
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on americans and seize personal records and private data in the name of homeland security we now know the federal government has admitted that homeland security's main focus is not. the main focus. war activists quakers conservatives libertarians. diversion g.m.o. activist specially everybody and while the united states wages wars abroad to bring freedom and democracy to other countries many say it need not look beyond its own borders to find problems to solve and here we are going around the world. and invading other countries to bring democracy to them when we really should be focusing on improving our democracy here at home i have an irony that may just contradict what the united states was founded on preassure either r. t. washington d.c. . well antiwar campaigner brian backer told r.t.
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that the report lays bare the government's hypocrisy on domestic and foreign policy while the united states is becoming so class polarized one percent of the population controls forty percent has access to and controls forty percent of the nation's well that's a gargantuan shift from even twenty or thirty years ago so the class polarization the rich really are getting richer and the poor getting poorer there's no social safety net to the extent that one was a good one existed it's been this aerated we're turning more and more into a warfare state rather than a welfare state you can have two point three million citizens arrested in prison that's more than any other country in the world incarcerating people at that level depriving those same people of jobs and education and then go around the world using military methods and high tech weaponry to say we are the great promoters of democracy of course that's completely hypocritical. time now to get closer to the parts of russia you may not have yet discovered.
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where five hundred kilometers northwest of moscow invalid in that's thousand years of history the city's been witness to both soaring well and devastating war the only invasion now though are the thousands of tourists who visit each year to delve deep into its rich history arts you see grow grow it is there to see what strong women. from berry picking to both good drinking game called to do a lot of russian traditions that was the most fun and comprehensible but almost all of the traditions are widely practiced here and there. living off the land every morning at dawn the woman everyone here calls aunty masha goes berrien mushroom picking this brings in more money than her pension. if people want to earn
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a living do in the state can tell me it's not to work a toll in the forest die relax she hands her pickings over to you and the celeb you are pregnant and unemployed you know honest are the germ making as a home business she thought people would want that's completely natural no cooking no additives offer no sugar one recipe hasn't changed but now she employs dozens of people and her germs are sold all over russia so it isn't just large scale agriculture was in decline here in the countryside often the people i employ have no other way to make a living certainly garber has painted here since she was a child she sees herself as a chronicle of a country life but the slowly disappearing as more and more people move to urban areas that i see my heart break sometimes when i see the crumbling houses and the lonely older people people don't put as much of themselves into the places where they live now a days but this quiet decline goes well with the cool delicate nature of the place
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. not everybody enjoys the outdoors enquires contemplation of a job with signals the start of the hunting season it brings in hunters from all over russia but also money for the local forestry commission for licenses to shoot for their dark i mean even bear. the hunt is carefully choreographed shooters take up positions on a range several hundred feet away from each other then a bait and there's the boards on the other side when his dogs detect the scent they begin to chase the animal flushing him out and presenting an easy target for the shooters. well at least in theory on this occasion nature spared its offspring and after three drives no game was killed in the group that he was more than that well you can never guess a hunt is a hunt but the forests here are teeming with animals so the hunters bury pickers
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and fisherman leave the woods allow nature to rule over its domain but tomorrow they will return because whatever cities offer its nature they still depend on. i'm standing next to jim murphy who's a student who's studying russian here you first came here last year and my first question to you would have been what you report about traditions are there any traditions that you've been introduced to since you've come to russia well i have been in the banya before and that was a very interesting experience as far as the traditions i'm not really sure what exactly they are but i just know that i felt great after the banya and that i'd really like to go again i think that the russian hospitality is really great i think i feel more at home sometimes here than i do in my own house just meeting people that i hardly know at all or have just met they are extremely hospitable
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they treat me just like my best friends would back home and i've only known these people for about a week it's always are you sure you have enough to drink are you sure you have enough food how do you feel about you know russians local pubs taking things light up well actually back home i am a hunter so i have no qualms as you put it about hunting as long as it's not just for sport that you eat what you take and. i see nothing wrong with that. are you looking forward to having charles put it up yeah i would hope so but maybe not this time maybe next time around but that would be fantastic if i could find somebody to tag along with to go hunting or even just fishing all right thank you very much we've been speaking to jim murphy who is a student of russian here at the likely university probably old away from the united states. will be taking a closer look at tiffany keno growth over the weekend as well here in r t so do
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stay with us for that up next all the latest business with stephanie. hello and welcome to the business but it's been a group of. fund managers say the global economy is risking doomsday much worse than the events of the past three years eighteen investment experts say their views are being widely ignored by the media so they publish them instead in their book the gathering storm artie's lore and that spoke to co-author patrick young to ask what governments and central banks are doing wrong. we've spent the last twenty years at an all you can eat buffet and we've basically kept eating and kept eating and eating and now we're food and i think the problem with that central banking is all about effectively when the party gets going the central bank must remove the punch bowl well what's actually happened here is you know ben bernanke up the point where we got to one minute to midnight instead of closing the party dine he brought everybody inside locked them up and pushed their faces into the punchbowl and made
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them drink more and therefore it's very very difficult because really we have a fundamental problem because actually the central bankers themselves are ultimately being controlled by the politicians i mean i realize we have this sort of rather elegant concept that they're politically independent but ultimately they're appointed by politicians they have to deal with politicians every day of their lives and therefore they are to some greater or lesser degree controlled by them and i think that's clearly evident for example when we look at mr tree shape at the european central bank he's very capable he's making clear statements which i think of being the right kind of policy but then ultimately he's been undermined by the government all around the u.s. is now has announced a new way of course it is a. government that withdrawing. is diametrically opposite this approach is seen as how is that possible we've got ben bernanke the helicopter ben as i think you'll go on history he's going to quantitatively anything he possibly can but i
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think one of the most important things we have to look at is also the fact of not just what the banks are doing in one direction but actually what the banks are demanding and i think it's interesting that for example when portugal decided it needed to rebuild one of the large supranational banks doing well they're not taking their paper they're actually demanding gold so they want hard fixed assets and that's therefore rather worrying within europe the difficulty is that quantitative easing is going to be difficult to achieve because affectively they've spent all the money anyway so therefore there's nothing more to spend on going through all this money with the what a try. protect themselves against the way that's the difficulty it doesn't just go away with one recession unless it's a very short sharp recession i mean countries like for example the baltic states some of the parts of eastern europe because they're at a completely different fears of the developmental cycle and therefore they have got the opportunity to point but in the relatively bloated and wealthy large state economy countries of western europe it's going to be very very difficult to turn
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not wronged and it seems rather ironic actually that in the post communist world it's actually many nations in eastern europe that are actually better equipped to move forward than necessarily the nations in the west. that was patrick young a co-author of the gathering storm let's turn now to the equity markets european stocks are next in that final trading session of the week because insurers of putting pressure on the foot see that banks their worst performance on thursday saving a recovery that's ahead of a speech from the u.s. fed chairman ben bernanke. and the russian markets again here in moscow is still weighing on both of course this energy majors are edging higher though we've got functioning half a percent of the my sex and the new court is lending support of both of course is up around one percent. russian post aims to become one of the country's biggest retailers to stop the selling food and other items in several of its moscow branches if successful the new much advice will be rolled out to other post offices
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throughout russia russian place currently has forty two thousand officers. the world's leading retailer wal-mart is once again stalking the kopeikin discount chain after pulling out of the deal this year and the latest twist that misty daily says a rival better x. five retail group may walk away from the talks the paper is valued at about one point five billion dollars when what has been trying to enter the russian market for years though it still has no outlets here. food prices continue to rise corn has seen its biggest one day jump in three decades leading experts to worry that this year's volatile food prices could lead to widespread shortages medina question of reports. u.s. corn prices rose by eight point five percent one day last week the largest jump since nine hundred seventy three it left prices thirteen percent higher in just two days we did other basic go recall two products have also threatened
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a global food crisis like that of two thousand and seven and two thousand and eight sparked by droughts rising fuel prices and subsidies for biofuels the falling dollar has led to speculation in the commodities markets pushing up prices and increasing the little itty. prices have jumped to prevent still lower than they used to be to in the food crisis and though the grain reserves are lower than a year ago they're much higher than they used to be back then so the situation should not be compared with the one we had there is enough grain for the world even though the prices have grown rapidly. latest food crisis was caused by crop trailers in canada parts of europe and russia where draw devastated the wheat crop by the end of some of the russian government banned grain acts both of which contribution to a massive jump in the world with prices it was the ban might be lifted after the release of this year's harvest data but the first complete figures were as bad as
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feared six. the point nine million tonnes of grain was harvested last then in the same period last year probably we believe that barely experts will be prolonged at least to the next season to leave to visit i think the international community should go into all the old green or from the start over the next season in global terms the collapse of russia's weed harvest is the main story but for farmers and consumers a far broader range of crops was heads from potatoes to buckwheat which has destabilized the retail sector if governments respond with controls and put an export its well currency devaluations put shop prices a global shortage of stable products could lead to crisis mode you know which not business. and that's all the business news for this hour but of course you can always file a story if you log on to our website. flash. wealthy
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british style the sun holds. on to the front. of the. markets why not scandals. find out what's really happening to the global economy in the kinds of reports on our culture is that so much about the taxpayers' money and it is a charade even a lot of people at area watch what you say for some political correctness is understood as a form of etiquette for others it is a clumsy attempt at thought control. every month we give you the future we help you understand how we'll get there and what tomorrow brings the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world join us for technology update on our g.
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more news today violence is once again flared up the film these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations are ruled today. in the czech republic she's available in the gallery hutto and central hotel for living. most of the stuff i used to which are. in bosnia and herzegovina available in. the children of each tell a joke. but you know what you know. joe makoto. cotto tones. in serbia she's available in.
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here with our to you live from moscow our alliance the venezuelan and russian leaders are signing a raft of deals on the table right now you can see live pictures from the kremlin there it has not risen to the contrary and that reinforcing cooperation with russia on issues ranging from nuclear power to military development. one in ten germans want the return of a few or as no warming poll shows there is a worrying rise in far right xenophobia sentiments are particularly directed against migrant workers in the country's growing muslim population. and the us is being ranked on a third world level in terms of providing proper access to justice for civilians
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a study suggests people with low incomes are those mainly deprived of being able to get the legal system behind them. now we will be crossing live to a press conference between president medvedev and who go travis as soon as that starts but for now martin andrews takes us to in the driving seat to explore the russian passion for motor. illustration program will be delving into the subject of cars from the holster and carriage is a piece of the great to soviet largest in the western imports of today used as a status symbol not just as a.
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