tv [untitled] October 15, 2010 10:00am-10:30am EDT
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makes a new world ballance us here even use will russia and venezuela would like to see a new and fair world order in which our future will not depend on the desires wellbeing and mood of just one single country this new world order should be built as a joint effort of the international community this is the only kind of border that can provide stable development for humankind in the twenty first century. and indeed a moscow was the first port of call in that he gave chaps his twelve day international the wrong russian would be moving on to a number of eastern european and a middle east in that country and he gave chavis also repeatedly stressed the right to choose which ng has for russia in helping that venezuela become when he's pledged independent country and said during the closing stages of his address to the press he presented the russian president with a number of. presents which he thinks represents venezuela the country that it is
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today and remember just eleven the approach of chocolates from venezuela is the best thing in the world i'm going to give them to all of us they're cheap too so we should think of buying some and here we have some banana john and cocoa that's the best produce from our country for you my friend so in terms of what was actually signed the onus was on the corporation in both the military and nuclear spear military deals between venezuela and russia currently stands at a staggering four billion u.s. dollars fighting that has already said that he thinks that figure could rise that took place a billion dollars venezuela today a pledge to buy a huge amount of russian military hardware including helicopters and tanks venezuela may also become the first forward a buyer of the two point five two jets in terms of nuclear cooperation venezuela does plan to build a nuclear plant which it does stress. peonies the peaceful energy needs and they'll
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be doing that with the help of russian expertise there's also to be cooperation in the banking is agreements have now been signed up to begin with venezuelan the russian a bank which will have its head pool it is going to read must go but it's also i've already mentioned there will be cooperation in all the rare is it to need is continues to stress including in the social sector russia will also lend it sex beds he's helping to build a huge number of houses to venezuela's most. we cross live now to an exclusive interview that chambliss is giving to our to thank you very much for your invitation we are the problem is the time when least i was not so late i had to reunion very important reunion with a present of it if and then we had someone saying hey i have landed an intense day today a lot of work and now they're put in is waiting for me and we need to talk to him and then we're going to bellows and ukraine iran and then we're going to damascus
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have you been there precious i was sitting that's one of the oldest cities in the world and your name isn't in a row that sounds like most of the gone i've been there by the way yes yes i know it's you know. i'm being i also studying i don't know stalingrad. or most of them are now what's the name volgograd. i know russian to me the other to the i had. the honor to get to know and the russian soul is chip chip tricia. go undone the. lead starts from the beginning was. in senate and undoubtedly you're one of the key leaders of the world politics of our time and so
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much has been written about you so much has been said about if you couldn't choose just three adjectives describing you most precisely what warrants would you choose to answer the question who is this that. you said just three yes. a man but adjectives a human one human one. soldier. and a river revolutionary i think with that that would be enough and. we know the role that you claim. on a geo political scene and in this historical context and. so if. you chose your own definition how would you describe most appropriate charges in the book if you see the but you're asking me kind of
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difficult questions because that's not easy to describe oneself so you're going to . follow the advice one philosopher that used to say that one should be. should be very simple how to define. how to define myself you said. your figure from the point of view of the role that you play in the world i think my place is not mine. who moved out of it's of plays. where millions of people are at the same time. i think that i am a soldier at that oh and i and the hurrican brought me here into this place where i am now see me and that was sort of like being reborn like being reborn. but mostly from the people in there and it was
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a rebirth of our people of latin america and of the dream of what's our father someone by leverage used so called a mysterious incognito of a free man that's my place that's where i belong and that's that's where my time is that's what we're my space's human fired human caused. to him do you think that history is going to figure is are the consequence of our time or enable their time or causes of course their consequences we are small or big whatever the role that we have later were just small small. of our times yesterday i remembered i don't know where it was our members he said i'm victor hugo the greats french author and listen he said our list of the
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problems are sort of the i remember the story where some from him so yes there was the french revolution and the violence and economic person at the end of there was a lot of bloodshed a lot of violence how do you and so on there was an ancient revolutionary a very old man who would go to a free stand on this of uniform archbishop and woods and ask him and about a store and get a house in the car and then out i would argue do you do you want to condemn the light. the lightning is caused by the initial form by the. clods and it's something that's happens because of geography and time we're not causes that's for sure there are deeper causes structural causes whose oracle causes that make us calculi or that of the space and of days sometimes we're just
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being dragged and i was going to quote smug believe or again he was and you know when he was on the river of boring i'll call him who he was talking about is one of his plays he was saying that it was not fair to be where he was but he was just being dragged there to play that role by the revolutionary spirit king. your ideological stance at moments has a missing goal. you speak about the struggle between good and evolve how the devil live and in these times how would you describe our time. our time. pull the rip on that i could not answer in a million ways but. our time my booker is a time of them want to death and this is going to birth another law that i can see
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that's a true crisis historical organic little one what do you when something is about to die but is not dying and at the same time something is being born and is not being born that's the true crisis of a time of our history. and of course it's been written you mentioned the cool commits cicle something mystical maybe cries i'm a christian it's a true christian and i believe that i am where the soldier of christ's on the boat of who was protecting the poor and who was saying that they would enter have and hold and i will have easily and that's what. where we're leaving right now the minister of alpha and omega the beginning and the ending you look at them that's a mutation and we're living that's how i feel it were in the middle of a mutation. once you spoke about george w.
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bush as the devil. how would you call the current president obama yes i didn't say george george bush was a devil i said it was smelling of. a man but i was there that was not exactly something that may be accompanied by the devil but not exactly where the devil now was just of the moment because of his politics and a lot of wars and aggressions that's imperialists of all it takes they will just take a look at what he has left us after all the wars and. suffering. and war of words and he was trying to fight terrorists but he was not talking about real terrorists he was talking about people who are against the imperialist politics of his country . and you are asking me to describe obama you're going to this in the us and i
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started saying maybe a year ago i started answering this question actually and he reminded me of some. article by the greats also garcia marcus of course one hundred years of solid w. i met him well together with fidel castro in turn down a new home in a quarter and there was maybe eleven years of my sherman. when he was only got one thousand nine hundred eighty so we went to have and i want to get in there and get bill garcia marquez wanted to interview me and. fidel kept talking and he didn't lagrange but then going to be fidel told me you can go with him on the plane and to do the interview that sort of so we spent three hours on regulations or caracas talking to gobble. he left me in caracas and i went to
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colombia. and several years several days later he wrote an article about the two china says. and so after that i am now using his idea about two on balance obama. and the american of the the enigma of the two obama's his smile his color i know that i hope i don't know what his name invent and his promises you know about making. his. city cairo and. another obama that is the president of the great empire. there's. some difference between it's obama's and now the obama promised. that
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promised soon if you want to sort of disappeared seems no longer there nothing changes actually but you have the treatments the way the u.s. history says and. there's more and more aggression and we're going to meet them and behind that aggression is are the hands of the. buyer for example the d'etat. against our friends around quito and the aggression against minnes well everything that's going on i don't think. you're mentioning the hands of n.p.r. listeners so who is actually the perpetrator. who is or who are those that make decisions in this case my mother the most you know when instead of making just using this word and singular where saying hands the hands. not long ago of the government of the united states. there are sort of tribes
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competing as are the u.s. government and so of course you have the president you have the secretary of state the jew absolutely different personalities of the two different concepts of the world you have the cia and its mechanisms. there as. if a dog asterisk now of writing about and translating and it was published not long ago i don't remember that it's a name but it's very interesting in the seriousness of the few that i've just been reading some applause over in by. those were some famous journalist letterman. denouncing what happened to richard nixon who could see more and that's. that sort of like. making it by having those tribes that have contradictions between them the pants are gone in with department of state. in our.
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force and we have commandos who are. there's the military of the united states you never know who actually makes this or that decision but it's the the hands of the but the vampire not a they're trying to dominate the world some of the and it's one of the greatest tragedies as you know you're going to be you know we should remember that. about this one hundred years ago here in moscow the grades revolutionary lenin used to write about imperialism as this appears the age of capitalism is the craze for that they have the greatest madness that is causing so many wars so many tragedies so many bullets so much my misery and when you have a lot of money and of course we had to work so much hard to you keep our have to keep going forward to the put on the long end where this woman is trying to
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create. alliances with and the al book room for the valleyfair an alliance for the americas. together with domenico central america for the world live while the world will leave you about because we want a balanced world a multiple or world. so who put an end to the star bill era of imperialism. and at this moment oh my gosh do you think that the kind of power is in the hands of the resent of some of the less american states of what is happening to their people for example it on. i mentioned i went to the coup d'etat in honduras the. that is being questioned and now on the same thing happened and if i don't just like you mentioned. is it that the region did not go i want or i did not or couldn't. learn from these lessons at the moment but of space
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where within a process this is not so i am a an optimist because the event will really when you sometimes when you have to see the things the way they are to be released. either because of the police young in the window when i went out of jail or on your record that where i spent two years i would. travel around latin america we've all over it and i'm going to latin america that we have now has changed the laws if you compare ensue for example the last america ten years ago when i became president one of the first summits were very strange ones and i fidel castro and i were president of the. moment and we were writing down some words and we could be. and he wrote to me i feel that i'm not the only devil on.
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this nominee i'm mentally but i mean that's. that's something about this washington about you know liberalism and wickedness of american about the free commerce of the market for the americas. but listen did not allow that is now we have finally as to rebrand zone of commerce. and him but i said that at the end we privatized all the. companies and we now have this free and unique zone of the working. people look at you now now it's not working you know gunboat but i'm mostly now a little removed where singing a different song and where you're dancing a different dance along with what you're hearing now where dancing our own accord and star own rhythms and where giving ourselves our own biases and with that in
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the been there were defending our independence within the union of latin america it would be impossible to imagine such kind of thing and the next five of july were celebrating two hundred years since the declaration of independence. and the first constitution and the first contras congress it was in venezuela by of a way and one of the little you know of the cement of all the lands american and caribbean states. without it's things that would be unimaginable on the brink of all that all of us in american young countries have now formed an alliance. so you have to be so i'm an optimist definitely and we are one and transition right now towards our independence our real independence but it was so it's just it takes time that's all ok what would you say that are that the prayer the main
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contradictions within the region that we can and what are the factors from outside the region contradictions there are many of them. first of all. well. before you you need to remember that friends in america used to be for a long time only but. the backyard of the united states the way it was called you got to go and saw the united states during the twentieth century and even before that. they invaded mexico you need to remember when campfires and even. before is among the of and said that he was like. yeah it was too early he was eighteen twenty five but he already said the phrase that the united states of america more
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than a minute are going to fill our countries with misery instead of liberalism. so it was a little they were taking away the heads of all the governments that had the different idea that of independence and were talking about the invasion to mexico obama was a mile up on. nicaragua. see the dominican republic. and venice well several times in argentina and brazil and i won or and believe me. and i think all of you know their world. in one hundred and fifty years and that is america there was not a single coup d'etat with the yankees and now. they're trying to the from out of the form the leaves of each country we've all known the these are the
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brightest these contradictions. go on the one hand we have it they have done it in venezuela for example you take it as an example on the ground with been fighting for a change and for. and with this been a peaceful revolution democratic elections meant absolutely. and now we have. resistances with them with all the weapons they have against the democratic changes. solal by. economics of a. summit we have clashes severe clashes here so you want to for example. remember the history and marxism we have the struggle of the poor and the rich and between the classes. these are the greatest contradictions that we have in latin american economic ones
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political but i guess but of course we have to overcome these contradictions we have to move on because it's inevitable when you try to make a change so you need to overcome all these forces that are resistant. one of the main points of disagreement between venezuela and columbia were about how mean the axis of north american soldiers to their military bases and that absolves sort of represent a threat to the region in this case. you know for example if the current government of colombia keeps with this project what possibilities are for the region to say no to those two opposing what wouldn't
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venezuela do to defend this and that is perceived as a threat for them i mean. well the fortunate thing you're going to have them call them after the change of government in colombia had happened just a few months ago. regarding this there's been a change like it sure that's with it but if you're not on that mired in perceived and wanted to evolve is of course because. the previous government of colombia. assumes the idea of preventive attacks. of israel of george bush of. invasion and sent to other countries that they consider people a threat without any proof. from the oh and with been talking to the. colombian president uses sandusky and he sent to us. colombia is
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a sovereign state of course. with us and colombia can sign military agreements with us in any country even with the united states about the military bases the only thing that we want and demand is that the. the sovereignty of its neighbors is being respected i think of the caribbean states unless american states that's were not demanding. that the us shrew pz or. the us forces or whatever whether the military or civil. will because. withdrawn we're just asking them to respect our sovereignty and we want peace between us. so we're not going to talk about something that would interest you to happen because well let's
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see what happens with colombia and one interview you said that. one of the constant factor factors of conflict between venezuelan colombia is a lie designed in a lab. so hollow and how doesn't function this design of lies one of the reason for many one of the reasons for many conflicts with the women in the world for example take a look at the war in iraq and relive them one of. hundreds of thousands of you and . dead people of children assassinated it was based on a lie that the governments of iraq had weapons of mass destruction that was the only reason assumed by the yank him fire cheering invade iraq and going on and then they said no they recognized that there were no room for weapons of mass
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destruction so they actually designed that lie and still there was a war in iraq. and that's the politics of. the end came choir just to give you another example when one of them when i was warned they were bombarding the. demolished. city and it was another lie as well that the supposedly communist government was coming and that there was a threat to latin america and the caribbean and. fidel was. a student leader but there was no revolution at that time not yet. and they wanted to topple that government because it supposedly represented a threat. that we got on them and they got to go for and there was that and and that great democrats won bush dominican democrats and yes human still
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there are one hundred and one lines about the fark military group of us here. about you know where they supposedly hide the terrorists and you know that we haven't ratio ran into the most in the world but then we go now they need to accuse us only of making an atomic bomb that's that's the last bit of lies to justify whatever needs to be justified to. your friends about me they say million lives that i support terrorism and drug trafficking i mean but that is the lie a lie repeated a hundred times then what becomes of the truth when the man justifies the million causes. well. what were the headlines of almost
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so all the. mainstream. newspapers of the world that i don't know that i went away and still they keep doing that at the time as a teenager that i have my dictatorship and. then they're going to speak about the fall of a dictator if you keep calling me that then of course it's going to be the fall of the dictator. and on many occasions where fortunately for the people of leds in america for example you know it didn't function always for example if you take ukraine so the moment when. it's just didn't happen they didn't manage to lie to the people who saw it collapsed once and it's going to collapse again and again in general you. often speak about lies.
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