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tv   [untitled]    October 15, 2010 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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it share a world order in which our future will not depend on the desires wellbeing and mood of just one single country new world order should be built as a joint effort of the international community this is the only kind of order that can provide stable development for humankind in the twenty first century. and indeed a moscow was the first port of call in the hugo chavez's twelve day international tour on the russian would be moving on to a number of east european kind of middle eastern that countries and he gave chavis also repeatedly stressed the right to choose which in house for russia in helping that venezuela become a twenty fledged independent country and during the closing stages of his address to the press he presented the russian president with a number of. presents which he thinks represents venezuela or the country that it is today and membership will lead to the fruits of chocolates from venezuela is the
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best thing in the world i'm going to give them to all of us they're cheap too so we should think of buying some and here we have some banana john and cocoa that's the best produce from our country for you my friend so in terms of what was actually signed the onus was on the corporation both the military and nuclear spear military deals between venezuela and russia currently stand at a staggering four billion u.s. dollars fighting that has already said that he thinks that figure could rise that took place a billion dollars venezuela today a pledge to buy a huge amount of russian military hardware including helicopters and tanks venezuela my also become the first florida buyer of the two point five two jets in terms of nuclear corp venezuela does plan to build a nuclear plant which it does stress is purely for peaceful energy means and they'll be doing that with the help of russian expertise there's also to be cooperation in the banking a sphere. agreements have now been signed to begin with venezuela to russia the
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bank which will have its head which is right to read must go. as i've already mentioned there will be cooperation with all the rare is the two leaders continues to stress including in the social sector russia will also lend it six beds he's helping to build a huge number of houses venezuela's most. on the way here and are to be buying your legal protection in the u.s. but why americans lowest on the list of developed countries for providing civilians would react to justice. but first the german historical museum in berlin has opened the first ever post war exit bishan focused exclusively on adolf hitler's life it seeks to explore how hitler gained mass support for his nazi regime it comes on the heels of a study by the friedrich ybor foundation which revealed that one in ten germans believe they're in need of a new fuehrer a quarter of those polled sympathized with nationalist a racist sentiments
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a third said foreigners should be sent home if there wasn't enough work while only one in six rather believe jews have too much power to have this keyes who conducted the survey this year and in two thousand and eight told r.t. there is a rise in xenophobia views among all voters. the study shows that there's. education in some parts of society secondly people always especially in times of crisis search for scapegoats for their own political economic or social deprivation does something nation of all things together points us to the actually important thing which is democracy itself is nothing so fulfilling or which is always there or something we have in europe without doing something for it so we have to fight for democracy every time and every day there
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is a rising which is part of the instance by the economic crisis from two thousand and eight but on the other hand this rise from two thousand and eight to two thousand and ten isn't that important important is that we have this high percentage of rightist extremist attitudes all over the time since two thousand and two when we started the studies but in general everybody could be affected by these attitudes which means that it doesn't matter whether you are voting for a right to stay extremist party or the social democrats or even the left his party all these people can have these attitudes we can find that and many more stories rather on our website our team dot com let's take a quick look now at what we've got lined up for you dancing for joy i was a ballerina i got turned job back after being sacked for hearing you know wanting photo shoot. and there's good news for formula one fans as russia seals the deal to put its resort city of sochi on the basin calender.
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afghan prisoners have claimed in a us study that they were abused at a secret jail inside the main american military base in afghanistan the secret facility dubbed the black jail for those captured during afghan operations is thought to be located in the back room air base former inmates told open society foundations they were subjected to sleep deprivation extended periods of isolation as well as the lack of food and blankets some of them claim to abuses of these claim to date from this year despite president obama's push to overhaul prison practices u.s. military the detention center even exists. only the
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richest americans have access to adequate legal protection that's according to a recent report by an independent law group which just slammed the u.s. for not providing justice for all. her finds out it's only the tip of an unconstitutional iceberg. the united states of america land of freedom and equality a place where all citizens have equal access to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness or to try to make sure country mean change their liberty in the freedom that you care but not if you ask the tea partiers and while many might wonder what exactly they've been complaining about it looks like they might be on to something according to a new report by the world justice project the united states ranks the lowest out of eleven developed countries when it comes to access to civil justice and less than one in five low income americans gets the legal assistance they need wealthier people get good lawyers private lawyers they get out of whatever they were accused
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of in the same accusation against a low income person and color will lead them to jail for lengthy periods of time i don't looks like the good old us of a doesn't stack up when it comes to other factories either out of the nine factories that the project looked into from absence of corruption to lou. when a government power to an effective criminal system the united states ranked seventh or below out of eleven countries in all areas except for one but then we really need a report to prove that the united states isn't all it's cracked up to be let's take a look at the justice system it's not just low income americans that don't have access to legal services many argue that african-americans are unfairly prosecuted too and you know in the states we had this terrible problem with american bigotry racism bigotry class bigotry within the system a system not a next in the system a white capital supremacy where we still have a large part of the population celebrating the idea that white people are superior
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to black people every day americans witness shocking stories of police brutality and police departments across the country are shelling out sometimes up to one billion dollars as is the case in new york city to settle cases many having to do with brutality everybody interacts with the police and you think that they are there to serve and protect us but you know police officers need to understand that they swear an oath to the cost of tuition and the number one important factor they should provide in their job is constitutional protection for the citizens of this country i think that's been lost and what about limited government powers the united states ranks ninth out of the eleven developed countries when it comes to that the national legal and policy center recently found that the white house might be spying on americans on facebook twitter and other social media websites and not too long ago president obama resigned the patriot act that allows the government to spy on americans and seize personal records and private data in the name of homeland security we now know and the federal government has admitted that homeland
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security's main focus is not. caves in central asia the main focus and you war activists quakers conservatives libertarians land rights activist anti g.m.o. activist it's measurably everybody and while the united states. it's wages wars abroad to bring freedom and democracy to other countries many say it need not look beyond its own borders to find problems to solve and here we are going around the world bombing and invading other countries to bring democracy to them when we really should be focusing on improving our democracy here at home i have an irony that may just contradict what the united states was founded on preassure either r. t. washington d.c. . well antiwar coordinator brian becker says washington's efforts to bring democracy to other nations are more than just one while the united states is becoming so class polarize one percent of the population controls forty percent has
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access to and controls forty percent of the nation's well that's a gargantuan shift from even twenty or thirty years ago so the class polarization the rich really are getting richer and the poor getting poorer there's no social safety net to the extent that one was a good one existed it's been this aerated we're turning more and more into a warfare state rather than a welfare state you can have two point three million citizens arrested in prison that's more than any other country in the world incarcerating people about level depriving those same people of jobs and education and then go around the world using military methods and weaponry to say we are the great promoters of democracy of course that is completely hypocritical. on the way in a few minutes here in our two you are going back to basics. gathering are the order of the day in the ancient city of the d q no good russians northwest. but first let's take a look at some other stories dominating world news this friday then darien planned
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which caused a toxic sludge usually to reopen on friday as villagers forced to abandon their homes began to return dozens of houses have been deemed too dangerous following the accident which devastated nearby towns and rivers nine people died and dozens were injured when waist gust out of a out of a burst storage reservoir to a loonie a plant earlier this month investigation has begun to determine whether the owners had followed safety regulations. anger over government contracts in europe we've seen thousands take to the streets riot police have been deployed to france to clear union blockades of fuel depots in the own police fired tear gas to disperse crowds protesting at the planned retirement age increase in greece the acropolis has reopened after cultural ministry workers demanding unpaid wages barricaded themselves inside while in italy there were marches in several cities against education reforms including cutting the number of teachers and school boards.
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the first three of the chilean miners rescued after a two month ordeal underground have a ride home most of the thirty three men are reportedly had good shape despite having spent sixty nine days in a wet dark and chamber earlier chilean president sebastian pinera visited them and promised to stamp out inhumane work conditions in the country millions tuned in to watch the dramatic rescue which ended the miners' record underground ordeal. now it's time to do some traveling but you don't have to pack your bags just join or close a team as we explore the vast and varied regions of russia. this time we're five hundred kilometers northwest of moscow in very weak even though over its thousand year history the city has witnessed both soaring wealth and
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devastating wars the only invaders now though are the thousands of tourists who visit each year are grown have went to see what's attracting them. from berry picking to vodka drinking to game called almost all of the traditions are widely practiced here and there are a lot of them are appalled you'll get to find out what was the foreign student living there thinks about them. living off the land every morning at dawn the woman everyone had called the masha goes berrien mushroom picking this brings in more money than her pension is in the red say that if people want to live in doing this they can tell me it's not to work at all in the forest i relax she hands her pickings over the alienness the lobby of a pregnant been unemployed you know on a start the jam making as a home business she thought people would one that's completely natural no cooking no additives often no sugar one recipe hasn't changed but now she employs dozens of
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people and had jammed all sold all over russian cities just large scale agriculture was in decline here in the countryside often the people i employ have no other way to make a living certainly go has painted head since she was a child she sees herself as a chronicle of a country life but the slowly disappearing as more and more people move to urban areas. my heart breaks sometimes when i see the crumbling houses and the lonely old people people don't put as much of themselves into the places where they live now a days but this quiet decline goes well with the cool delicate nature of the place . north everybody enjoys the outdoors in quiet contemplation of their with signals the start of the hunting season and bring in hunters from all over russia but also money for the local forestry commission for licenses to shoot
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for their duck i mean even bear. the fun is carefully choreographed shooters take up positions on a range several hundred feet away from each other then a bait and there's the woods on the other side when his dogs detect the sense they begin to chase the animal flushing him out and presenting an easy target for the shooters. well at least in theory on this occasion nature spared its offspring and after three drives no game was killed he had to get that he was more than well you can never guess a hunt is a hunt but the force he ought teaming with animals so the pump is very big is an fisherman leave the woods allow nature to rule over its domain but to morrow there will return because whatever cities offer its nature they still depend on. i'm standing next to jim murphy who's a student who's studying russian here you first came here last year and my first
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question to you just been what you report about traditions are there any traditions that you've been introduced to since you've come to russia well i have been in the banya before and that was a very interesting experience as far as the traditions i'm not really sure what exactly they are but i just know that i felt great after the banya and that i really like to go again i think that the russian hospitality is really great i think i feel more at home sometimes here than i do in my own house just meeting people that i hardly know at all or have just met they are extremely hospitable they treat me just like my best friends would back home and i've only known these people for about a week it's always are you sure you have enough to drink are you sure you have enough food how do you feel about you know russians love of hunting things light up well actually back home i am a hunter so i have no qualms as you put it about hunting as long as it's not
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just first for that you eat what you take and. i see nothing wrong with that. are you looking forward to having a child that he does yeah i would hope so but maybe not this time maybe next time around but that would be fantastic if i could find somebody to tag on with to go hunting or. even just fishing all right thank you very much we've been speaking to jim murphy who is a student of russian hair of the like the university probably all the way from the united states. later are to take you to see some real classics on wheels which have remained firm favorite over the years. on the streets of moscow our program i'll be delving into the subject of cards from the whole strong carriages of peter the great suit soviet largest in the western imports of today used as a status symbol and not just as a form of transport it's easy to see how passionate russia has always been and
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indeed it is but it comes to the subject of automobiles. so if you have a passion for retro cars don't forget to join martin andrews and the moscow team in just over an hour's time here in r.t.e. we're going to take a short break and then kareena will join us with the business. hungry for the full story we've gone to. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. every month we give you the future we help you understand how we'll get there and what tomorrow brings the best in science and technology from across russia and
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around the world. join us for technology update on r g. hello and welcome to business with me kareena malakand rosneft has signed a deal with the told us that as well that to acquire its fifty percent stake in germany for one point six billion dollars signing comes after talks between president medvedev and his venezuelan called a particular child that another deal is a joint construction of an l n g facility piper told us that as well and gas from the russian and venezuelan energy ministers also expressed support for tank piece acquisition of b.p. assets in venezuela. almost every scene go russian on this company has a. project outside russia but for think it was an issue before. and the reason probably was b.p.
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itself because one of the. official reasons for the conflict between the. orders was that the object to against. distributing it's all over the world well probably because not to create some competition between the b.p. and through it so as a result now i would call these projects as a first significant stream project for abroad and probably it will be the first success of the stream abroad and staying with the energy issue both garia will accelerate construction of a section of the saw stream pipeline project it agreed with gazprom to form a joint venture next month much earlier than expected chief executive alex a miller visited bug areas prime minister on friday and the parties will sign a deal next week. and let's turn now to the equity markets you have the install
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time mixed in with day trading pulls in insurers are putting pressure on the fourteen retailers slipped up to care for trimmed its profit forecast for the russian markets ended the week mixed with the r.t.s. ending the trading day in the red in the mines it's gaining a quarter of a percent don't make it was the biggest gainer on the r.t.s. finishing up one and a half percent and shares of ross well the most on both of course is trading one point three percent lower. and u.s. stocks are rising after indications that the federal reserve is ready to issue more stimulus obviously comic reports are also adding strength to the market retail sales climbed in september by more than economists predicted. a u.s. federal reserve chairman ben bernanke said on friday he is ready to support the economy though he did not say how investors believe the u.s. is ready to increase liquidity and push down interest rates but some analysts say
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central banks are failing to deal with the cause of the crisis asian investment experts have published a critical book called the gathering storm artie's lower emmet spoke to the co-author patrick young to ask what governments and central banks i doing wrong we've spent the last twenty years at an all you can eat buffet and we've basically kept eating and kept eating and eating and now we're food and i think the problem with that central banking is all about effectively when the party gets going the central bank must remove the punch bowl as well what's actually happened here is you know ben bernanke up the point where we got to one minute to midnight instead of closing the party dine he brought everybody inside locked them up and pushed their faces into the punch bowl and made them drink more the difficulty is that when you've drunk three bottles of vodka then you may well think that you're capable of putting the world to right but at the same point in time you know you're going to wake up in the morning with a hangover this is the point where we working up in the morning with a terrible hangover and ultimately it's very very difficult to speed up the process
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of getting rid of the hangover. and the stock market is rallying and they've had their highest since morning in both the last why would stop the rally if there's a new crisis just around the corner oh well i think the point is that we're very much in the minority in terms of spicing the idea that we believe there is a storm gathering i think it's also important to understand that we're not saying there's a gathering armageddon we're saying there's a gathering storm there are economic problems ahead it is going to be a rough ride but there are incredible opportunities in the longer term that said the difficulty we have is that a lot of people have sat on the sidelines they've pushed up bubbles in other assets i mean for example classic cars and various aspects of the art market people are looking to try and vest some more we've seen the degree of interest in the equity market in recent weeks and certainly equity markets have pushed up but if we look at the context of the last decade this is a lost decade for financial investors who've been investing in the stock market in the west. i'm going full way if we follow the money well if we see what they are
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trying to protect themselves against in the way well i think that the moment obviously a large number of investors are really hoping that we're going to get all the way through this recession very quickly and we're going to come out the other side and everything's going to be fine but the problem is when you see such very very large capital market movements over time and we've seen this incredible bull market that lasted really from the early one nine hundred eighty s. all the way through to two thousand a.d. we're going to end up with having at least another few years before the system cleanses itself and i mean if we look at what happened before we had a peak of a market in basically the early one nine hundred seventy s. and it was basically another twelve fifteen nearly twenty years and fight between peaks of the market before we actually saw the marketplace recovering again and that's the difficulty it doesn't just go away with one recession unless it's a very short sharp recession i mean countries like for example the baltic states some of the parts of eastern europe because they're in a completely different phase of the developmental cycle and therefore they have got the opportunity to point but in the relatively bloated wealthy large state economy
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come treece of western europe it's going to be very very difficult to turn not wronged and that's all the business is for this hour but you can always find most stories on our website complex that's. more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images seeing from the streets of canada. for racial.
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it's not like. list.
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in some petersburg she's available in hotels a story. ambassador. hotel palace hotel the tricycles hotel golden. gate. and see if this. if you visit.
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crosstalk is coming up here in our to you but first let's check in on the headlines the venezuelan leader is mosque out to rush out plans for closer ties with russia president chavez and medvedev have signed a deal to energize military and nuclear cooperation with. the first ever post war exhibition on a don't hitler's life opens in berlin exploring how the dictator gained mass support for his regime it comes as a new poll reveals one in ten germans want to see a return to a strong ruling fewer. and the u.s. has rank lowest on a list of developed countries for providing civilians with access to legal protection and study suggests americans with smaller incomes down to suffer most.
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now political correctness was supposed to smooth out society's intolerance but as peter viles guest now discuss it's actually polarizing people into being angry or the never cross talk is up next. and you can see. a low in welcome to cross talk i'm peter lavelle watch what you say for some political correctness is understood as a form of etiquette for others it is a clumsy attempt at thought control is political correctness a necessary evil. and you can. live. to discuss the controversy surrounding political correctness m g.


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