tv [untitled] October 15, 2010 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT
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action plans matter of fact outlines these fears of cooperation for the next four years up to two thousand and fourteen and it does cover very wide range of topics but of course there are some issues which are key in this agreement and among those are cooperation in nuclear scare with russia helping caracas and building a nuclear power plant in the sewer also there is cooperation in the field of military technology of course at this point russia has already cited a number of deals with israel of working to sell dilatory hardware to the country which totals up to four billion dollars and russian prime minister as it was in had said that he is hoping that number will rise to five billion dollars so of course also cooperation in a financial sector with russia and it is well established a joint venture at bank with which will be based in moscow with offices in china and in israel and of course last but not least there's also cup aeration in the energy sector in the oil and gas sphere is the ticket so a lot of the very very important issues it was for discussed to which and the deals
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that was first signed today in moscow after the signing the two presidents gave a joint press conference and they spoke at length about the political situation in the world today with russian president expressing hope that venezuela and russia may actually be starting something other news world order. us here either use will work russia and venezuela would like to see a new and share a world order in which our future will not depend on the desires wellbeing and mood of just one single country this new world order should be built as a joint effort of the international community this is the only kind of border that can provide stable development for humankind in the twenty first century. as at the same time the venezuelan president did speak about as his country even though his country's independence you did say that those in his will that is how it is going to. celebrate two hundred years of its official penance as
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a defect is it is only now that is starting to become truly independent it mentions that a cold matters so a lot of things discussed a lot of their important issues covered the very first with a couple feeders getting the rumor of course as you alluded to the top of the program the regard child was never a show retiring kind of guy as he's known for his character for behavior and this time he came bearing gifts well a bag of groceries and five dollars on a bag. was that in fact yes he has and that was why the surprise for everybody that was present at that press conference of course when you're dealing with such obvious commandante shot this is no make this country you are bound to be in for a surprise and he did actually be very he started signing all sorts of deals and going to press conferences he did take some time off to drive a test to test drive a car around moscow every russian made a law that he said that he enjoyed that there really in the course then in the press conference at the very end he pulled kind of like an east are up his sleeve
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he had the knack of groceries which he pulled out from the table and sweep the deal which were side in terms of what he had to stay. abroad some chocolates from venezuela did the best thing in the world i'm going to give them to all of us they're cheap too so we should think of buying some and you we have some banana john and cocoa that's the best produce from our country for you my friend. and of course as i know none of the journalists who were in the press conference that to try any of the sweets but the russian president seemed to be very keen on trying them later so it's very it like i said a very fruitful day for both the russian president and his one president and that has actually concluded that it is all a president's visit to moscow this is the first the first start to stand. up tour of the new health care unit going to shift thanks brings up very. well
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after the meeting with president medvedev hugo chavez gave an exclusive interview to our tease spoilage sister channel e spoke about the present and future of latin america russia in the entire world here are some the highlights from that interview. you know so many. lies are one of the reasons for the many conflicts going on in the world today take a look at the war in iraq thousands of people have died women and children were killed but the whole war was based on the lie that the iraqi government had weapons of mass destruction that was the only reason the yankee empire invaded the country but then they admitted that there hadn't been any such weapons so they designed that lie to bring war to iraq itself well that's the politics of the yankee empire there are one hundred more lies even today they claim we hired and trained terrorists they claim we enrich uranium so all they have to do now is accuse us of trying to build an atomic bomb for that's the web of lies they create to justify with every day need to be justified. the mansion of russia's role in the future.
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i think russia will play one of the greatest rules for the balance of the whole world all of latin america was saddened by the collapse of the soviet union but all of the we saw a week post soviet russia until the timea putin became president loans our countries became friends we became stronger than our carrying on down that path with president dmitri medvedev russia's back on its feet and i believe that this country will keep playing a great role in making the world a truly free and just place where once again but. the thought of as the president of venezuela speaking exclusively to our t.v. spanish our sister channel. a short list of four candidates for the top. to one tonight president deputy prime minister and for the top job and it's now up to the city parliament to give the final green light let's get the latest on this developing story tonight from forest. hurdle one of the race for city
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hall how far is the offer for the. well not too far it'll indeed as you said the current deputy prime minister. been announced less than an hour ago by president made. his choice that the list of candidates that he had they based met today at his residence in moscow for making that announcement and submitting his name to the mosque a deemer you know have ten days to deliberate and decide whether they indeed accept their fate as choice because there are the other three candidates and they are allowed the most are allowed to refuse meditators choices imitative choice they're only allowed to do this three times and it's never happened before. it's currently at the moment well on his way to becoming the new mayor of. former moscow yuri luzhkov left the job of course after eighteen years in it what forced him i really am. the main reason that we heard cited was the loss of trust in government and
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from the public itself now the former has said that he's basically delaying his opponent's causing his huge backlash to the scene in the media and the time leading up to his dismissal but actually there were a number of incidents that really did cause doubt in a lot of the public's mind as to his seat ability continuing in his position as math there were things such as the corruption issue. with his wife elena that you know mentioned on the rich list first female billionaire in moscow and she's told that there was definitely an issue with like a. transparency in business operations in most cases there were perhaps contributed to her well to one of the new challenges the new has to face when eventually they start the job well there are going to be a number of issues and if it indeed is to be done in that he'll have to face
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a number. of them including the traffic problem that's a constant headache muscovites and another social issues as we said the corruption will be another one that faded himself has made it very clear is what he sees that the main goals and challenges. the new moscow mayor will have to focus on social issues primarily are raising the quality of life in the cities it's already pretty high compared to the rest of the country but there's still a lot to do moscow has a massive traffic problem it's very difficult to drive around the city and corruption remains a massive obstacle for business projects the new mayor we have to work on making the economic life of the city more transparent and competitive. and another big issue will be gaining the public's trust especially ahead of the elections next year and as he said ten days of for the most of the site. is going to be in this
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world and if he is certainly be another issue for him to gain the public's trust and that's the story we're very much across the course with your help sort of first reporting from the capital from i think a very much. so it's about his experience of running one of russia's wealthiest areas the two men region is an important asset in the race for mayor that's according to the political observer dmitri babich. in a strong sabeer he's the former chairman of the legislative council of two main region which used to provide that we still provides a lion's share of russia's oil and gas so all really here some experience over and in the economically wealthy regions. all busy or for the situation that we have with you need someone who may be not very open who not a very public political but who can run things who can make these people work with here. all the way to a few minutes in the program going back to basics discover how hunting and
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gathering are the order of the day in the ancient city of not go to russia's north west a report coming up tonight. the german historical museum of berlin is open the first ever post war exhibition focused exclusively on it was life it seeks to explore how hitler gained mass support for his nazi regime it comes on the heels of a study by the frederick foundation which revealed that one in ten germans believe they're in need of a new field or a quarter of those polled sympathize with nationalist all racist sentiments a third said that foreign aid should be said i hope there wasn't enough work while one in six believe that quote jews have too much power you on this case who conducted the survey this year as well as back in two thousand and eight told r.t. there's a rise in xenophobia views among all types of voters. the study shows that there is . education in some parts of society secondly people always
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especially in times of crisis and search for scapegoats for their own political economical or social deprivation dissemination of all things together points us to the actually important thing which is democracy itself is nothing self-fulfilling or which is always there or something we have in europe without doing something for it so we have to fight for democracy every time and every day there is a rise which is partly influenced by the economic crisis from two thousand and eight but on the other hand does rise from two thousand and eight to two thousand and ten isn't that important important is that we have this high percentage of rightist extremist attitudes all over the time since two thousand and two when we started and studies in general everybody could be affected by these attitudes which means that it doesn't matter whether you are voting for
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a right to stay extremist party or the social democrats or even the left is already all these people can have these attitudes. afghan prisoners have claimed in the u.s. study that they would have buz of the secret jail inside the american military base in afghanistan the facility dubbed the black jail for those captured during afghan operations is thought to be located at the bagram air base where inmates told the open society foundation that they were subjected to sleep deprivation extended periods of isolation as well as a lack of food and blankets some of the claim to be uses date for this she it despite president obama's pledge to mobile prison practices u.s. military deny the detention center exists philip giraldi is a former cia officer he told me the obama administration's worse than bush is when it comes to prisoners detained in afghanistan. when obama was running for president he talked a very good story about what he was going to do but he's actually done very little of that we see an escalation of the war in afghanistan we see the secret prisons
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are continuing we see the the government using what they call the security privilege to keep it from being challenged in court on many of these prison related issues so so the obama administration in many respects is worse than the bush administration clearly there is a facility within the facility where probably special prisoners for one reason or another are subjected to stress situations to try to get them to cooperate. we take through some of the stories in brief making headlines around the world and israel's approve the building of more than two hundred new homes in east jerusalem jewish neighborhoods is puts an end to the freeze on construction which officially expired last month the issue is a moot point in peace talks with the palestinians the us supported negotiations are currently deadlocked over a palestinian demand that israel extend the freeze the palestinians are threatening to quit the talks unless their calls are met. the hungary implant which caused the toxic sludge leak is to reopen on friday as villagers forced to abandon their homes
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begin to return dozens of houses have been deemed too dangerous following the accident which devastated nearby towns nine people died and dozens were injured when waist gushed out of a burst storage reservoir at the alumina plant this month and investigations begun to determine whether the owners had followed safety regulations. anger over government cutbacks in europe is seeing thousands take to the streets riot police have been deployed throughout france to clear a few in the armed police fired tear gas to disperse crowds protesting the planned retirement age increase in greece trouble to the acropolis has reopened after a culture of ministry workers demanding unpaid wages barricaded themselves inside and in italy marches there in several cities against education reforms including cutting the number of teachers and school hours. the first three of the
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chilean miners rescued after a two month old deal underground arrived most of the thirty three men are reportedly in good shape despite having spent sixty nine days in the dark and. earlier chilean president sebastian pinera visit to durban promised to stamp out inhuman working conditions and country millions to watch the dramatic rescue which ended the miners' record of the ground. responder travelling now you're r.t. but to pack your bags just stay put because our doing all the traveling for you exploring the vast and varied regions of russia. as you see them up this time we're heading five hundred kilometers northwest of moscow to. over a thousand years old this place it's a city that's witnessed both soaring wealth and devastating was the only invaders now there were the thousands of tourists who visit every year. went to see what's
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attracting them. from berry picking to both good drinking game hunting a lot of russian traditions that find comprehensible and almost all of the traditions are widely practiced here. living off the land every morning at dawn the woman everyone here calls the mash or goes berry in mushroom picking this brings in more money than her pension is in that i would say that if people want to earn a living doing this they can tell me it's not to work at all in the forest dire relax she hands her pickings over the alienness the lobby of a pregnant an unemployed you know anna thought the germ making as a home business she thought people would one that's completely natural no cooking no additives often no sugar a recipe hasn't changed but now she employs dozens of people and her germs are sold all over russia so it isn't just large scale agriculture was in decline here in the
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countryside often the people i employ have no other way to make a living certainly go has painted here since she was a child she sees herself as a chronicle of a country life but the slowly disappearing as more and more people move to urban areas goodness knows that i see my heart break sometimes when i see the crumbling houses in the lonely older people people don't put as much of themselves into the places where they live now a days but this quiet decline goes well with the cool delicate nature of the place . not everybody enjoys the outdoors and quiet contemplation. a third with signals the start of the hunting season it brings in hunters from all over russia but also money for the local forestry commission for licenses to shoot for their buck i mean even bear. the front is carefully choreographed shooters take up positions on
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a range several hundred feet away from each other then beat and there's the boards on the other side when his dogs detect the sense they begin to chase the animal flushing him out and presenting an easy target for the shooters. well at least in theory on this occasion nature spared its offspring and after three drives no game was killed and the group that knew was more than well you can never guess a hunt is a hunt but the forests here are teeming with animals so the hunters bury pickers and fisherman leave the woods allow nature to rule over its domain but tomorrow they will return because whatever cities offer it's nature they still depend on you go there are no party no good region. twenty minutes past nine pm moscow time thanks for being with us tonight we got a business just ahead tonight with korea manicamp. hungry for the full stop we've
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got it for. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers party. every month we give you the future we help you understand how we'll get there and what tomorrow brings the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world. join us for technology update on r g. welcome to our business program with me kareena malakand good to have you with us bella was in russia have settled their differences over the customs union and set the stage for more members to join the four country grouping when more hears artie's money the question of. prime minister placement would sound like reality but this writing meeting between the prime minister is
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a customs union and the members it was said that the establishment of the common economic space in the customs created by belarus kazakhstan and russia is proceeding costed that was the previously expected parties also work out the budget issues for the near east feature and decided to form the necessary legal base out by the beginning of twenty i love the prime minister like human rights and also suggested that the custom union he's opened. and the next possible member it might be ukraine followed by other two countries are it's a cheeky stand and up to mr. after the signing and ratification of all documents related to the creation of the common economic area russia has agreed to lift all export duties on crude oil supply to below us we have once again underlined this today and will fulfill our commitment russia's response to my solutions on the. it's a bill and gas station you supplied that valorous non-cancerous down the trees the
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missing prime minister like the clinton said the natural gas crisis called valerie's for twenty eleven months before in the world based on the current contracts and other issues here that there was also a challenge show the russian and other russian relations constraint well actually what you said that's russia is ready to give tax free duties to the well the price to belize trying to keep the russian supplies will keep reaching valerie story domestic consumption. and last night has signed a deal worth patrollers that as well to acquire its fifty percent stake in germany's rural oil for one point six billion dollars the signing comes after talks between president medvedev and his venezuelan counterpart over chavez and other deal is the joint construction of a l. and g. facility by patrol mr venezuela and gas problems the two countries energy ministers also expressed support for taking a v.p. by the assets of b.p.
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and that is what. almost any ever seen go russia knowing this company has a. project outside russia buffeting k d p it was an issue before. and the reason probably was b.p. itself because one of the. official reasons for the conflict between. holders was the bed b.p. objected again staying kavi be distributed all over the world well probably because not to create some competition between b.p. and through it so as a result now i would call these projects as a first significant stream project fourteen k.b.p.s. brought and probably it will be the first success of the upstream abroad. but gary will accelerate construction of it section of south stream pipeline project if agreed with gazprom to form a joint venture next month much earlier than expected chief executive alex the
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miller visited bulgaria's prime minister on friday the parties will sign a deal next week. and the world's leading retailer wal-mart is once again stalking the kopeikin discount chain after pulling out of the deal earlier this year in the latest twist to better misty davies says a rival bidder x five retail group may walk away from the talks could take a is valued at about one point five billion dollars wal-mart has been trying to enter the russian market for eight years though it still has no outlets here. and russia's top steelmaker you have routes cut steel production by more than eight percent to three point eight million tonnes in the third quarter that's compared with a year ago the company blamed shadow of modernization projects for the decline along with safety inspections at mines following their response car accident analysts say the cutbacks are also consistent with falling demand and lower global prices for
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steel in the third quarter here as expected output to recover next quarter. and the russian markets ended the week mixed with the r.t.s. sliding into the red and the mire six gaining a quarter of a percent you know in a q was the biggest gain on the r.t.s. clinician up one a half percent while shares of rosner fell the most on both the voices and one point three percent lower. emerging market stocks attracted cash for the six straight week as investors look for faster growth than they think they'll get from more mature economies. pretty strong week for emerging equities also for russia this week the oil price has been pretty well supported and that's been a function of the weaker dollar and that again is a function of more expectations that the fed are going to be very common it's not actually policy when they next meet in november so it's really been a good week for risk assets. and russia has performed well
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forty two thousand americans die each year from car accidents only a thousand. seven hundred thousand people. and thirty two thousand will kill themselves cancer in all its forms kills five hundred sixty thousand of us a year part disease is even more devastating it kills over eight hundred seventy thousand americans every year.
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for the full story we've got it first hand the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. wealthy british style colds. on. the. markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy in the cause a report on. the international association of russian language and literature teachers will host the world festival of russian language. are you interested in a better understanding of russian language and culture can you sing russian songs well. become a participant of the world festival of russian language and will an exciting trip to st petersburg in russia. for more information visit the
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festival website. this is our team from moscow kevin and you can tell stories in venezuela leaders here in moscow to thrash out plans for close the ties with russia president's. key deals to energize military and nuclear cooperation. the russian capital is about to get a new mayor as president the better put forward a candidate for moscow's top job these picks deputy prime minister. from the shortlist and it's now up to the city parliament to approve the choice. on the first of a post-war exhibition a lot of hitler's life opens in berlin exploring how the take to gain mass support for his regime becomes a new poll reveals one in ten germans want to see
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a return to a strong proving feel good. next door to looks beyond the perestroika reforms which the west applauded for opening up in the soviet union but the time turned people's lives upside. it was a time when the arms of the entire world were on the soviet union the old guard was using its grip on power and a new regime was taking shape what exactly that would look like remember to say something. speak a few words of the most. it was true. it was the role that a torturous process that people are just learning about. the world's biggest country. self destructing. two weeks after i got there. last noticed for the first time the echo of those intense intense.
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