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tv   [untitled]    October 15, 2010 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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with some national goodies the business that brought mr chavez to the russian capital certainly hasn't stood in the way of his pleasure arriving to lay the foundation for someone to leave our statue in a russian made. the outspoken leader later shared the fact that this wasn't his first time in a russian vehicle. i had a new car i had it running for about twenty years and it never let me down and it used up very little guess. seems more than content to buy russian including the first ever nuclear power plant for his country. have stressed the scale of the venture and very few but very strong words. but we would like our porker the republic of venezuela to enjoy the entire range of power production possibilities to enjoy energy independence and to have internal mechanisms for self sustainable development in this respect even a country with a ritual oil and gas resources needs new sources of energy i think it is
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a very good sign. venezuelan counterpart agreed with the sentiment but as has become his forte even for it they're going to come up with a campaign to demonize venezuela comes from the west from america and western europe i remember it began when we started our military cooperation with russia. this isn't the first or even the second time chavez has made similar statements but his ability to brush off any unpleasant allegations is where has helped by blossoming ties with strong international players such as russia. most or a few years now we've been working on various issues such as military cooperation and i'd like to point out that our progress in a technical military area is considerable but also the group relationship is reflected in the paper work ten deals eight of them energy related more than enough to feel a dynamic partnership chocolates and poetry watch others certainly didn't waste any
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time in proclaiming his love for russia and the growing cooperation between moscow and caucus but with the solid economic foundation to the pleasantries it certainly seems that this relationship is destined to prosper gasman as are about r.t. moscow. well after the briefing with president medvedev who good chair was given exclusive interview to r.t. sister spanish channel spoke about the present and future of latin america russia and the rest of the entire world here are some of the highlights of that interview again. lives are one of the reasons for the many conflicts going on in the world today but take a look at the war in iraq thousands of people are died women and children were killed that's what but the whole war was based on the lie that the iraqi government had weapons of mass destruction that's the only reason the yankee empire invaded the country but then they learned that no there hadn't been any such weapons so they designed that lie to bring war to iraq already that's the politics of the anky
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empire there are one hundred and one lies even today they claim we hide and train terrorists they claim we enrich here remember we got it so all they have to do now is accuse us of trying to build an atomic bomb that's the web of lies they create a city justify whatever they need to be just a bright idea. to what extent do you think latin american countries meet and control their own policies today. in that process let in america is in the middle of a process i am an optimist even if sometimes you have to be a realist to see things the way they really are latin america has changed a lot if you compare it to what was there ten years ago today we finally have a free trade zone we've privatized all the companies and we have a free and unique zone now we're dancing our own dance to our own rhythm we're following our own advice and defending our independence within the union the latin america it would have been impossible to imagine the sort of thing before next july
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we'll be celebrating two hundred years since our declaration of independence one of the first summit of all let in american states took place without the u.s. let an american countries have now formed an alliance so i'm optimistic we're in transition to a real independence how do you imagine russia's role in the future. i think russia will play one of the greatest roles for the balance of the whole world all of latin america was saddened by the collapse of the soviet union. we saw we can pull soviet russia and to vladimir putin became president our countries became friends stronger and now we're carrying on down that path with president dmitry medvedev russia's back on its feet and i believe that this country will keep playing a great role in making the world a truly free and just please. sort of a thought third from chavez the president of venezuela speaking exclusively to r.t. sister spanish channel to take over some other news now today and the shortlist of
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four card that is for the top moscow seats no strong two one over the past few hours president medvedev has picked the deputy prime minister. and for the job and it's now up to the sitting parliament to give the final green light r.t. sarah firth reports. well there's one final studs to go in this process president has made his choice from the list of the four candidates that he was presented with on saturday so it is about his choice of candidates and that decision now has to be approved by the most he will have ten days to make the final decision and house of yunnan himself was always considered one of the most popular of the four candidates is certainly a front runner and considered to have heard the most experience within working in the government he's the former governor of the team and region in the u.s. not the rich region and it's still that his experience will stand him in good stead for the facing some of the challenges the responsibilities the lie ahead of him
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should he be selected as most a man the main reason the president with a decided for the coleman mellish polls dismissal was a loss of trust facing government and within the public itself no situations are like we saw this summer where the former mellish told refused to return home during a forest fire crisis he was away on holiday but that certainly didn't help matters those also corruption question mark hanging over his billionaire wife of the church and to situations like this i really didn't help with this loss of confidence and that is one of the main reasons that he was dismissed from this position if somebody is chasing as the mayor of moscow he will have some tough challenges ahead of him we know that the social issues in moscow and issues such as the traffic which is a constant headache for muscovites these are going to be some of the things that he's up against and we've heard the president medvedev and making it very clear what he sees as the main challenges. the new moscow mayor will have to
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focus on social issues primarily raising the quality of life in the cities it's already pretty high compared to the rest of the countries but there's still a lot to do moscow has not of traffic problems it's very difficult to drive. around the city and corruption remains a massive obstacle for business projects in moscow the new moon or will have to work on making the economic life of the city more transparent and competitive and ten days now to the most evil to make that final decision whether you will be the event. of reporting the german historical museum in berlin was opened the first ever post-war exhibition focused exclusively on out of hitler's life it seems to explore how hitler gained mass support for his nazi regime at the time comes on the heels of a study by the frederick foundation which revealed that one of the ten germans believe varied need of a new fuel a quarter of those polled sympathize with nationalist or racist sentiments
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a third said that foreigners should be sent home as there wasn't enough work well while in six believe jews have too much power and quote as part of what is vice one from leipzig university who conducted the survey she says it shows people prepared we were almost about the extremist views in twenty ten. in our studies since two thousand and two we can see that there are many people who are undecided regarding these questions that we are posing in our interviews and we think that many of these people in fact they agree with the statements but they don't we all want to tell it to say it because they know that it's not socially accepted and i think that this year in this year in two thousand and ten people were mo. more openly everything routines once a few are back it is a high proportion and it is for sure it is a frightening result you can observe that people in general like democracy they
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approve democracy in theory but in practice they are not really satisfied how democracy works in practice. on the way in just a few minutes of the program go back to basics discover how hunting and gathering of the order to pay the agency the russians and northwest were often troubled again . when news before that afghan prisoners have claimed in the us study that they were abused at a secret jail inside the main american military base in afghanistan the facility dubbed the black jail for those captured during afghan operations thought to be located by graham airbase former inmates told the open society foundation that they were subjected to sleep deprivation extended periods of isolation as well as a lack of food and blankets some of the them claimed the abuses this year despite president obama's pledge to overhaul prison practices the u.s. military denies that the detention center exists i spoke to philip giraldi he's
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a former cia officer he told me the obama administration's worse than bush's when it comes to prisoners detained in afghanistan. when obama was running for president he talked a very good story about what he was going to do but he's actually done very little of that we see an escalation of the war in afghanistan we see the secret prisons are continuing we see the the government using what they call the security privilege to keep it from being challenged in court on many of these prison related issues so so the obama administration in many respects is worse than the bush administration clearly there is a facility within the facility where probably special prisoners for one reason or another are subjected to stress situations to try to get them to cooperate. will do the brief now tonight israel's approve the building of more than two hundred new homes in east jerusalem jewish neighborhoods puts an end for the freeze on construction which officially expired last month issues a moot point in peace talks with the palestinians the us supported negotiations are
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currently deadlocked over a palestinian demand that israel extend the freeze the palestinians are threatening to quit the talks unless the calls are met. the hunger implant which caused the toxic sludge leaks reopened as villagers forced to abandon their homes begin to return but dozens of houses have been deemed too dangerous following the accident which devastated neighborhood towns and rivers nine people died and dozens were injured when waist gushed out of a burst storage reservoir out there a little aluminum plant earlier this month investigations began to determine whether the owners followed safety regulations. the first three of the chilean miners rescued after a two month old deal on the ground arrived home most of the thirty three men are reportedly in good shape despite having spent sixty nine days in a wet dark and hot chamber the chilean president sebastian pinera visited the promise to stamp out in human working conditions in the country millions to did watch the dramatic rescue in the miners' record on the ground over here. to join
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our close up team as we go on a journey to explore the vast and varied regions of russia. this time around five hundred kilometers northwest of. the road over a thousand year history the city's witnessed both soaring wealth and devastating wars the only invaders now there were thousands of tourists who go there every year . went to see what's attractive. from berry picking to vodka drinking to game hunting a lot of russian traditions that find in comprehensible but almost all of the traditions are widely practiced ten. living off the land every morning at dawn the woman everyone here calls the mash or goes berry in mushroom picking this
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brings in more money than her pension is in the words if people want to earn a living doing the state can tell me it's not to work at all in the forest die relax she hands her pickings over the alienness the love of a pregnant and unemployed you know in a start the germ making as a home business she thought people would want that's completely natural no cooking no additives often no sugar a recipe hasn't changed but now she employs dozens of people and her germs are sold all over russia so it isn't just large scale agriculture was in decline here in the countryside often the people i employ have no other way to make a living certainly go has painted here since she was a child she sees herself as a chronicle of a country life but the slowly disappearing as more and more people move to urban areas that i see you think my heart breaks sometimes when i see the crumbling
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houses in the lonely older people people don't put as much of themselves into the places where they live now a days but this quiet decline goes well with the cool delicate nature of the place . not everybody enjoys the outdoors enquires contemplation of a job with signals the start of the hunting season it brings in hunters from all over russia but also money for the local forestry commission for licenses to shoot for their buck i mean even bear. the hunt is carefully choreographed shooters take up positions on a range several hundred feet away from each other then a bit and there's the woods on the other side when his dogs detect the scent they begin to chase the animal flushing him out and presenting an easy target for the shooters. well at least in theory on this occasion nature spared its offspring and after three drives no game was killed. well you can never guess
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a hunt is a hunt but the forests are teeming with animals so the hunters bury pickers and fisherman leave the woods allow nature to rule over its domain but tomorrow there will be because whatever city's off its nature they still depend on you go there are no. not good region. beautiful. ok coming up next a. moscow ad. thank.
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all the program will be delving into the subject of cars from. the carriage is a piece of the great to soviet and the western imports of today used as a status symbol not just as a forward trials course it's easy to think how passionate russia is the good old automobile. there are several. case cars through ages it's been a fascinating journey to today's competitive car industry in russia after decades of strict import and lack of vehicles in the u.s.s.r.
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the ones of modern day russians have love affairs with that fool we are friends and most of stalin's very own on the limousine. this is one of the most interesting exhibits in our museum it's an armored car one one five b. there were thirty two such cause this one was number eight hundred forty eight for five years this car was driving around. nine hundred forty two the production of these vehicles started six onward calls were purchased in america and then disassembled to create an even safer call must have sustained fifteen minutes of gunfire which was tested in windshield is seven point five centimeters thick and just one door weighs more than three hundred kilogram. other impressive presidential cars on display flags included you can see here the famous. represents ideal images of soviet socialist engineering and even today new models
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are still in development. in soviet times black armored cars made statements of power and control and the latest technology. pulls in to take a look at this week's entertainment news for those who enjoy seafood restaurant is running a season of fresh fish and stations from around the world to the venue every day to. restaurant school has been designed to make its guests feel like they're on a ship staggered but it's not the interior people come here a lot for the past eighteen years is the mazing see through here the restaurants has doing devouring. dozens of people interested in fashion and fresh media have gathered to attend the public lecture by two women who have a lot to share on the subject event was also broadcast online so that many people to join in the open discussion on the future of the country's starship industry i
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think in russia there's quite a lot of creative talent. is. all these people is to me strong. to me. to love what they do. is love gives you invincible try. to do. the style of russian women that is a lot of her which i really like and obviously it makes sense here to the cold so you know it's a practical thing that also looks really fantastic. after the second world war along with the space race the u.s.s.r. aim to rival industry allies sartoris of the west. years past a car factories began to pop up all over the country. commonly fracture after vast for example was built on the banks of the volga river in the one nine hundred sixty
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s. . one of the most popular cars was the offer of. the car to specific the treacherous driving conditions he just became extremely popular during the later decades in russia and eastern europe particularly the former soviet bloc countries where they could be used to city living. the. hundred. most of them. along with. dozens of. hundreds of thousands of. time
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three hundred. nine hundred fifty seven to one thousand nine hundred sixty four how many celebrities have got them but this is a very special one because it belonged to the princess of monaco walt famous hollywood actress grace kelly several years ago. maybe one day it will be. full speed and that's two hundred fifty kilometer. traffic is a huge problem will start. to be around three million cars registered in the russian capital. is growing by ten percent annually. into the city every day so the traffic let's meet this week's gets. to me to tell me how crazy.
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the capitol yeah we have a corporate car so i use that drive around sometimes to meetings and stuff i was reading about the crazy subject of topic here in moscow traffic it can be really bad if you have somewhere you need to go and it's on the other side of the city it can be over two hours i don't know what the reason i don't for people call believe you know gypsy cabs exist you can just stick your hand out anywhere and tell of any parts of the city and gypsy cabs are really funny and i think that's kind of a highlight of moscow here there's no yellow taxis here you just put your hand out the next taxi driver will stop and he'll take you for a little nothing to where you need to go and they say i haven't any problems i mean it's been like i said seven years and. i've been doing are you know the same that we. were pushed over three years like yeah good luck getting high but i think.
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the amazing thing about many old cars is that they're not just museum exhibits various red shirt collar rallies are often organized in the christian capital the conscript chevrolets mercedes and boldest fusing the city traffic. such a presence prevents taking five days to drive the show off vehicles and for them looking to get a chance to see six dancing machines on the streets of the capital. along with very old cars some futuristic looking at some appeals can also be seen on the roads the most is the first bush and company to manufacture premium cost vehicles for the new generation the company is the formula one the producers say the best see because as it's called is suitable for you spoke only on racing tracks but it was a positive driving in the hustle and bustle of the city. and if you will to see most companies to build transport at your disposal any time of the day. you
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can use the services several international car rental brands have that says in the russian capital with a rental fleet consisting of cars of various classes the economy expensive. tariffs also depends on the amount of french. from around fifty dollars a day. to me place online in their rent this is. ideal. to drive on the right hand side of the road here in russia. traffic in moscow is known to be problematic it's sitting here find it difficult to get you straight to help soldiers police to drive on as a list of english speaking instructors the company has a cool switch most is basic driving skills so they also have a special program for experienced druggies. to drive safely and excrete conditions
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. are precious new while. we share a room. with large important cities it doesn't stop them from buying this one of the four by fours and outrageously expensive sports cars there's no question about that for some people they are. the price. for such wheels. so why such expensive flashy cars so popular. because a very prestigious high quality inquiry. clients are extremely pleased with. they
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tend to forget all about their worries when they get behind the wheel base or some of them. wow because inside here are amazing in the course of this one here on the a sixty million rubles a survivor hall. unless you can see driving on the streets of moscow every year and traffic and parking issues aside we can only expect more investment development so many interesting brands i mean huge infrastructure. will be friends but for the time being i'm in my ferrari. boys' toys you may have noticed i'm actually sitting in the passenger seat well i'll let you in for a little secret that's because i try to drive i still need to i'm trying so this
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isn't going anywhere with me. i'm not sure how we have in this week so on the subject of cars i'll see you go the same time next week i'm almost out the benches tell them for me and the rest of the team challenge for now. more news today. again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. trying to corporations rule today.
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this is a lot see these are all top stories the venezuelan leader is in moscow to thrash out plans for closer ties with russian president chavez a much better deal to energise penetrate deeply at cooperation. the russian capital is about to get a new matter as president but it puts forward account of its most picked up from this just. from the short list and it's now the second part of. the first of a post-war exhibition of hitler's life opens in berlin exploring how the mass support regime becomes a new poll reveals one in ten germans want to see a return to a strong feel to. the next night out he looks behind the perestroika reforms which
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the west applauded at the time for opening up the soviet union but which also at the time turned people's lives upside down. it was a time when the arms of the entire world were on the soviet union the old guard was losing its grip on power and the new regime is taking shape what exactly that would look like remember to say something will speak a few words from the most. ever strong. because it was the role that a torturous process that people are just learning about. the world's biggest country in. self destructing. two weeks after i got there. class noticed for the first time the echo of those intentions and smell of the central east.


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