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tv   [untitled]    October 15, 2010 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT

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without even having to compete for it does not make you all warm and fuzzy inside well so long as mark benjamin will join me to talk about this for a bizarre story and revolver magazine's latest cover has everyone buzzing the cover girl combined sex appeal with guns oh and by the way she's only seventeen years old so we have to ask where do we draw the line for sex appeal with teenage girls and is it messed up that i don't even find that shocking that as a labor unions across europe take to the streets u.s. labor unions have decided to take a little bit of a different route to the white house so this cozy relationship between labor and the party in power changed the game whatever happened to standing up for two powerful interests and fighting for the people and would win doing membership especially in the private sector what is the role for unions in the u.s. and thank god it's friday because that means that comedian season smith is going to give us his two cents on everything that's making headlines sarah palin's got her own reality show and we'll tell you about an epic typo but as one can get mad as
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hell that's all the end of the show but now let's move on to our top story. the story of thirty three miners trapped more than two thousand feet below ground for sixty eight days and the tremendous worldwide effort to rescue them caught everyone watching it's the feel good story of the year it showed the human capacity for survival and for charity but according to the wall street journal's daniel hendra it was nothing more than a smashing victory for free market capitalism and an op ed published yesterday he said it plain and simple the thanks to the center rock drill bit created by a small private company in pennsylvania thanks to a flexible fiber optic communications cable from japan and a high strength cable winding around the wheel to top all innovations created by companies whose sole purpose it was to make money that's why the miners were rescued forget the fact that the rescue was funded by the chilean government because the mining company is going bankrupt or that nasa u.s. government agency also played a fundamental role or that deregulation of industries is exactly what creates
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dangerous working conditions needless to say and injures argument has quite the heated debate so we're going to hash out all the points to see of capitalism really did save or quite the opposite do these miners joining me to discuss it is anthony rand as a director of economic research at the reason foundation anthony thanks for being here thanks for having i think i know your answer to this but tell me do you think that capitalism saved the miners absolutely capitalism save the miners and more specifically the key part of capitalism free trade so the mater's the as you mentioned your opening what actually helped save these miners were materials technology and innovation from all over the world whether it's from the united states south korea japan germany the simple fact that we have free trade we have in so many parts of the world capitalist spirit free market that inspires innovation the terrible profit motive that inspires companies to come up with these great ideas all of that is what allowed us to be able to save these miners whereas
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we never would have been able to do that twenty four years ago when. that's part of progress now twenty four years ago we can do a lot of things i mean my problem here is that you know free trade isn't really so free it cost a lot of money to free these miners and it was the chilean government for the most part that was paying for it because as i said the mining company which normally you would think that you know like b.p. supposedly it's it's their fault so it's up to them to cover all the costs well they're going bankrupt and so now the government has to step in and cover all of this and then a lot of the innovations a lot of the help came from other government programs that like nasa like the u.s. well i think if this was all the governments if all we had was use the word socialism here. the government controlling the means industry of controlling the way that we develop in determining what should be produced and that's all that we had in society for the past twenty forty years we never would have had any of the technology that went into being able to save these miners that i don't know this is
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the only data that we can see how many things has the government actually invented because the government usually for one launches these programs never look at darpa you can look at nasa i mean thanks to them we have the internet you could say and then what happens is that private business takes over and they start expanding upon it you know you start finding different ways to use it but it's normally the government that begins these projects is not it's not true that the government begins all projects in if you we're not going to jazz iraq i mean everything that's going on society is an all star with the government sure if you have the government they can throw a lot of money at a lot of projects and a few things are going to stick and hit the wall and all you have to do is point at the one or two success stories instead of the thousands of unsuccessful stories but here's the big valley if you don't think that's what you're looking at is private business if you do you know only seen on t v. but if you look at. for instance the socks that the chilean miners war ok. so what about if you. health ministers like i didn't even know these were out there i didn't even know
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that someone would come up with this stuff not only did they do exist and the government not know about. the government never could have dreamed of creating that there was no government anywhere in the world that cad the idea is to come up with a specific drill that was users only one place in the entire world that have a drill that could be used to save the miners in this specific scenario and it was something was created from private innovation from private sector guys sitting around thinking we're going to put our money on the line we're going to take a risk in developing this technology and it's worked out for them but that it was not government would never do that you would never have. congressmen sit around or even nasa sit around and say we're going to throw our taxpayer money at this really random idea i'm going to go ahead and say that they do that kind of stuff all the time but also let's talk about the fact that why do we need these new drill bits they can dig two thousand feet below ground well that's because of the markets that's because there is a need for it for gold and copper which is what they are mining here and you know so that's why all of a sudden you have to take more risks that's why workers are put into more dangerous situations they have to be farther underground and in the case of this company to
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me they were completely anti any type of regulation anti-union which is what keeps workers save can't there be some kind of a way to to make it all work together but i wouldn't say that regulation is what makes work or safe. mines in the united states are very heavily regulated and we have mining accidents and unfortunate almost regular counselor when we had twenty nine miners die in west virginia earlier this year. you can pick out all sorts of different potential failures sometimes regulation works sometimes regulation doesn't but it wasn't that we have a capitalist society demanding copper and gold and that's what caused the problems we consume things we have a seems like glasses that you have said already that you know if you have you have a government that is manipulating the markets is forcing banks to hold on to all their cash or not and they're not investing anything anywhere and so people are looking for some safe place to put their money and so they're buying gold so there's demand for gold so really how do you really are kind of waiting around like
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every hundred million dollars worth of gold up in the new york fed man you could blame this on. only on the federal reserve because the federal reserve is skewing monetary policy and they're forcing banks to keep all their money and not invest it anywhere and you can blame it on the obama administration for threatening taxes and regulation on banks so they don't want to invest anywhere so all these people are investing in gold and so that's where their you can draw all those feelings you have figured out a little and you doubt why these miners were to go to their job for sixty eight days it's and it's all because of glenn beck and the federal reserve certainly yes certainly you can so that if you want to understand you can say that ok certain elements of capitalism helped write certain into of things that were innovated innovations excuse me helped get these guys out you cannot say that this is a smashing victory for a free market capitalist free market capitalism right now is seen as an utter failure if you look at the global financial crisis and if this is the only thing that they can point to saying oh this is a smashing victory well it's just that if you ask me are anthony thank you so much for being here thank you all right still to come on tonight's show he created
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a worldwide media spectacle of his plans to burn the koran for eleven now he's being rewarded with a free car who is giving a pass for the new wheels just ahead and during the bush presidency was the cia's inspiration for their torture program and now he's getting a huge reward with a no bid contract so we'll speak with salon dot com mark benjamin about that story in just a moment. every month we give you the future we'll do you understand how we get there and want to read the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world join their knowledge and update on our g. do you ever
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pastor terry jones you know the one who threaten to burn the koran on september eleventh. well we believe it is our constitutional right to stand up and say our opinion of course it is a radical thing to do but we believe that the time is and we believe that is law and the koran is that dangerous a religion that drastic means or necessary. what i clip was from back in july when the pastor first valid to put a stop to shari'a law taking over the u.s. now dr terry jones finally agreed not to burn the koran after several people including secretary of defense robert gates asked him to please reconsider his protest you know robert gates wasn't enough then there was another person out there who was going to try and hand it getting the psycho to put a stop to the burning former n.f.l. player turned car dealer brad benson offered jones
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a new hyundai if he changed his mind and it's burning now if you remember jones did finally back out of only after sending the country into a tailspin of hateful rhetoric well now jones is making sure that benson actually holds up his end of the bargain and he wants that new car now benson god bless his heart says that he is actually going to stay true to his word and he will deliver the two thousand and eleven hyundai accent to jones's hometown of gainesville florida but sorry can we just back up there for a second is anybody else see the irony here the pastor who is militantly pro-american pro christian is asking for his foreign made free car you know the whole thing just makes me angry jones is asking for this car which he wants to donate to a muslim women abuse program that makes me sick that you're trying to cover up being someone who spreads hate interests with a donation i think that's just pathetic and i might even say very transparent not to mention the reward someone like jones in any way also makes you sick now just in
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case you need a reminder you can catch our entire interview with pastor terry jones just go to youtube dot com slash the live show. you know how we always ask why the government keeps rewarding contracts to private security firms like blackwater despite the murder the frog the drugs the prostitutes and if there's no one else available that could do that job you know that sneaking an easy feel like at the same people keep getting recycled through the system for unexplainable reasons well today we have another example for you it's that of the famed psychologist martin seligman whose theory of learned helplessness was in many ways the inspiration for the cia's interrogation program during the bush administration it turns out earlier this year the army awarded a thirty one million dollars contract to the university of pennsylvania for resilience training which is where dr seligman does his work but it was our thing is that this was a sole source contract meaning that no one else was allowed to bid on it and it
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raises certain questions not only about nepotism and bureaucracy but also why a man like seligmann who would take would take such a contract if he decried the government's use of his theories for torture well here to discuss it with me is mark benjamin investigative reporter for salon dot com now mark thanks so much for being here you've been investigating this story you've talked to seligmann himself do you have any answers so far as to why it was just this sole source contract why no one else was even allowed to bid on it well the army says that they gave this contract to dr seligman because dr sullivan was going to help soldiers with this resilience training which is training to not be so harmed by you know psychologically by war and they say that they needed to give him the contract in a hurry what's interesting is that there are lots of other places around the country where you can do resilience training u.c.l.a. has been training marines in resilience training since two thousand and eight so that reason doesn't seem to hold water now i mean it's a little weird because. how long have they been doing let's say resilience training
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at u.c.l.a. i mean we have been in war in afghanistan for nine years now couldn't they have done the resilience training a little earlier because you also mentioned that they were saying that you know the . is this pressing need because suicide rates are up amongst veterans we have p.t.s.d. record rates of it all so i didn't think of this beforehand yes and i think a critic would say that this could be payback in other words mr seligmann did brief not just the cia but briefed the specific people who began the torture program under the cia in may of two thousand and two in may of two thousand and two is when the cia first picked up the first guy who was going to go through the torture program abu zubaida and began torturing him right at that time dr seligman was briefing the two guys who were going to torture abu zubaida on learned helplessness which is how you basically torture of being into into a psychological melt tell us more about learned helplessness i mean this is a theory that in the sixty's that he first tried out on dogs that's correct learned
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helplessness is a relatively famous series of experiments by dr solomon where he took he took dogs and put him in cages and he shocked the dogs with electricity and he did it so long that eventually they psychologically melted down and they wouldn't even escape a cage if you open the cage they wouldn't walk out that was the basis of the cia's torture program in fact there are some cia documents say that was the express purpose of the cia's interrogation program which is to reach that state that learned helplessness a state with human beings. i mean i don't know why you would need to do that what's the point that of having secret black site prisons what's the point of having guantanamo bay on an island if you're just going to torture people to the point where they are completely helpless like i said where they were they don't even try to fight against you well not only that i mean there's seems to be not so much of the torture is wrong obviously overarching point that's right and on american but i would add also that there is seems to be no evidence that i'm aware of or that anybody has told me about that suggests that making a person get into
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a situation where they're in a state of learned helplessness bring gets you good information it will get them to be very compliant they'll say whatever you want but there doesn't seem. any evidence that that gets people to tell the truth now if you spoke to dr onselling when he claims that he didn't know that his theories were going to be used for torture he says that he does not condone torture but then you would think that someone like that once they do learn that those theories were used in that sense would be outraged that if the government came up to them with a contract they would tell them to you know to scram to get out of there so why is it then that he gladly accepted this thirty one million dollars budget while dr sullivan says he wants to help soldiers with his resilience training i find it difficult to believe that dr seligman would be meeting with the very people who set up the torture program at the time they were setting up the torture program and talking to them about learned helplessness and having absolutely no idea that the purpose that they were going to turn around and use that on human beings that's what dr seligman said he says he just had no idea i just find that difficult to believe and you know how often do you think that this this kind of stuff happens
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and we have these learned experts that continue to be recycled through the system that you know that we keep that are used to influence perhaps certain policies and certain laws that are made i mean and this is this is not the only example i'm sure that's right i talked with some contracting experts and this is apparently very widespread particularly in the pentagon this sole source contracting the government's hand pick somebody and hands them in this case thirty one million dollars dr seligman has a lot of connections obviously to the cia obviously to people who set up the torture program obviously very wired at the pentagon they hand-picked him for this contract. i mean it just it just doesn't really make sense to me because then in essence these people become complicit even though their theories are being used supposedly without their knowledge here but i want to ask you one other question to you is tell us about siri survival evasion resistance and escape the program that this is a military program that's been around for decades and what we do is we train the
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program trains elite u.s. soldiers to resist torture she would have been a mock torture environment and they learned a stance about how to resist torture what is ironic is that the united states took some of the psychologist who do that who who put soldiers through mock torture and they were versed engineered those techniques and that is what the united states base the torture program on what's funny is that these techniques are all based on things that you know koreans and various other communist regimes did to u.s. forces you know back in the korean war none of these techniques were ever designed to get good information they were all designed to get false confessions so we've got a program built on torture techniques that were never meant to get good information and learned helplessness which nobody thinks gets good information it's it's a little bit of a joke and they just continues on through the system mike thank you so much for being here thanks for having art still to come tonight he's treated for the president for a million dollars so did he get a prize find out we return and it's
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a cover photo story a lot but it's a seventeen year old actress dressed in leather chaps holding several guns those making jail bait is it making jailbait of an underage girl well discuss that in just a moment with chris clapp logan director of communications and congressional relations for enough is enough. wealthy british soil. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cancer a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report. the streaker comes up short
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the new york man who ran naked through an obama rally in philly on sunday will not get his full one million dollar reward twenty four year old one rodriguez was trying to wade an internet moguls their alky david who we interviewed twice on this show offered anybody a million dollars as a street in front of obama while shouting battle cam dot com six times and having it written across their chest now rodriguez decided to go fort he took off his clothes and got within ten feet of the president of the rally but it appears that obama never saw or heard what a shame i did everything that was part of the rules and such i had no might say so the sixth street pass and i was close enough to like ten feet away from them i mean if those i get the money would be worth. it as experience is sometimes wacky things have been. poor won so close yet so far away you know when the internet mogul heard why he did the dare he decided to give the twenty four year old
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a lease of part of the prize one was trying to make the money to provide for his three children and pay for his sister's surgery so the company has decided to give one an undisclosed amount of cash now reports say that it will pay his rent for six months and cover his sister's surgery so in the end the guy did make some money dhawan was immediately arrested at the rally and charged with indecent exposure open lewdness and disorderly conduct no word on how he's going to pay for all those court fees and i'm sure that some fines are definitely coming his way so i'm not really sure of getting on the sexual offender list is worth a couple of months rent but congratulations one to each his own. now what do you think when you see this image it's pretty sexy it's very in your face and it's also causing a lot of trouble you see taylor momsen who is an actress slash want to be rock star just turned seventeen years old she used to look like this like an angel so does an
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under age girl and as an m. gear turned sexy into disgusting. do you think of this picture. of risque sexy and violent it's got great sex appeal over a. kind of skinny legs would you think i tell you she was seventeen years old just discussed and. as for your spouse. now those were just a few thoughts that we heard on the street today but believe me even our our teen newsroom got into a very heated debate about this i mean this is something that we see every day that's just how the entertainment world functions look at miley cyrus is an example she was once too but now we're forced to watch her gyrate on stage and on managers laps on the regular.
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so is something wrong with our society that this is becoming normal or do the prudes who think that it's outrageous just need to wake up join the twenty first century and realize that coming of age isn't what it used to be with you and me to discuss it is chris clapp logan the director of communications and congressional relations for enough is enough chris thanks so much for being back on the show tell me this do you think that this is just outrageous and shocking and offensive this magazine cover well unfortunately we've seen that you know over the past decade kids that are you know fifteen sixteen seventeen who are celebrated in the internet in our team industry are really pushed to explore their sexuality in a way that really isn't necessarily age appropriate and so a lot of the content that we're seeing you know whether it is miley cyrus as you mentioned or whether it's you know this cover of this magazine with taylor you know it is you know pushing the limit of what actually you know
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a normal sixteen or seventeen year old would be doing if you are surrounded by family if you're you know you don't even have to be i think rock stars especially and you know even if you're an actor these days then you're not a normal sixteen fifteen seventeen year old kid well you might not be a normal fifteen sixteen or seventeen year old kid but you still are setting an impression you know you're still setting you know example for a lot of tweens and teens and a lot of tweens are looking to taylor johnson as you know an example because she's famous she's been on a popular show that really targets tweens and teens gossip girl and you know they're saying hey you know she's successful what can i do to be like her and the fact that she's posing in this very provocative way as a seventeen year old as a minor on the cover of this magazine and you know she's talking about viewing pornography masturbation it really just contributes to the normalization of the sexualization of our children this is what i wonder is everyone is so shocked because she's seventeen years old and she's
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a minor and yet if she was eighteen years old no one would care i mean. it's not like someone turns eighteen and you're a completely different person you know i mean is it time to perhaps rethink adulthood and how we gauge it and just realize that some people come into it you know on their own at different times different stages different ages i think that one of the thing that's key to understand is that you know when we look at kids we look at celebrity we look at a lot of our youngsters who grow up in a celebrity culture there's this normalization of this type of content whether it's in the t.v. shows that they watch whether it's in the magazines that they read whether it's in the as they're targeting our kids you know we have young girls who are wearing push up bras you know that are they're wearing high heels and you know we have a lot of this kind of culture you know where it really sexualizes our kids and it's not always an age appropriate fashion because their brains are forming and so we're putting these very adult themes these adult with these you know this content whether it's be whether any of the music videos that they watch which some point
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you know would have been considered soft core pornography they're viewing this that are not necessarily able to you know understand how to do this and age appropriate i mean heels that's not going to hurt anybody right we were all little teenage girls at one point playing with our mom's makeup and trying to play dress up and i think what a lot of people are freaking out here is that first of all she's in this kind of as an outfit she has guns on and home my goodness gun and then she talks about how she likes watching porn i mean if the girl's already watching porn she clearly is in some way grown up enough to know what you're wearing i think that's actually an unfortunate lie with our culture because a lot of our kids are accessing pernod griffey at a very young age the content is not just our soft core pornography it's actually very hardcore continent doesn't have positive messages for most of our women violence and it you know a lot of times the content is degrading it doesn't depict safe sex and so for you know her to talk about how she's being progress i can imagine that a lot of tweens and teens are going to say hey you know she's doing this it's cool i'm going to look for it and what they're going to find available for free online
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is not necessarily healthy. an age appropriate for them but i mean that is the age that we live in these days right you can find anything online you can look at any magazine you're probably going to fight. from the ages of seventeen to i don't know thirty that's scantily clad isn't it time to adapt to progress just to realize that that's part of society that's what we see these days i mean i wasn't really all that shocked by this and some people were looking at me like oh my god what is wrong with you but it's we see it all the time i also wasn't too shocked but we know about how the brain actually develops you know just this healthy process when it comes also to human sexuality we really need to be careful when it comes to the content that our kids are exposed to whether they're tweens whether they're teens and how that actually impacts their behavior because we see a lot of kids who are exposed to sexual content on t.v. in the lyrics of the music that they listen to and they're you know getting involved in a lot of risky behaviors they're not you know using safe sex you know they're getting pregnant at an earlier age there are a lot of studies that back that up and so this type of content in this magazine it
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just continues to you know promote that type of behavior i mean the funny thing is too i think that there are a lot of good sexual education programs out there and a couple weeks ago we did a report on how it turns out that adults people over forty were used to having you know less safe sex practices than teenagers these days and they're the ones out there spreading more s t d's so i don't think you can make those blanket statements but it's definitely something that you know has people really divided chris thanks so much for being here of course great to be with you again all right still to come on tonight's show we already know that a u.s. senator how the thing for a hawker's but now he's turned to scaring white people with an immigrant invasion and you all know that they cross the border in limos reveal who tonight's tool time award winner is next and are u.s. labor unions powerless with labor getting awfully cozy with the obama administration is it symbol of them selling out to power or just a new strategy to get what they want.
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we've got the. biggest issues debt invoice. face to face with the news makers. seven thirty am in moscow good to have you with us here on our team easier headlines russia signed up to build but israel is first nuclear power plant as president hugo chavez talked business in moscow on the sidelines he spoke to our team in an exclusive interview where he shared his thoughts on global issues. the owner of the swimming lines one of the reasons for the many conflicts going on in the will to do take a look at the war in iraq thousands of people women and children were killed but the whole war was based on the long iraqi government and weapons of mass destruction that's the only reason the yankee empire invaded the country.
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moscow might soon be getting a new mayor is deputy prime minister sergei so beyond the presidential nod for the capitals top job he could be set her place here evolution was dismissed by the medvedev last month after almost twenty years in office. former prisoners claim they were abused at a secret jail inside america's air base in afghanistan or a port by a u.s. foundation catalogs an inmate statement saying they were subjected to extreme temperatures sleep deprivation and extended periods of isolation. up next u.s. labor unions are showing little mercy in the second part of the alona show stay with us. while it's time for a tool time award and it goes to a whole career loving politician from louisiana senator david vitter is running for reelection and by all the bulls he's headed for.


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