tv [untitled] October 18, 2010 4:00am-4:29am EDT
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about justice children of russia's a leader accused of being about along with one daughter of a top official walking free after killing with her car. that was to come i think we're still to go live in the world she has more to tell. as the u.k. gears up for major cuts to public services find a serious war and the government's failure to learn from its mistakes is leading to another major meltdown. plus the city of original glamorous and the homeless and hungry a survey suggests the pay gap in new york is now wider and then in india. and b.p. has agreed to sell assets in venezuela and vietnam to its russian joint venture g m t b.p. pulled one point eight billion dollars more in business in twenty minutes. watching
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r.t. coming to live from moscow i'm marina joshua welcome to the program tell the daughter of a russian official who rammed her car into two people killing one is facing a retrial a russian court says there were major violations during the first hearing allowing the woman to go free. and this case is just one example of what critics say is a trend among the children of russia's elite to live recklessly beyond the law sara for us went to meet one of their alleged victims. when valarie three day it was mayes down by a car it was the beginning of a long and very difficult road to recovery it was this bus stop the battery was not that they say in but that was five years ago and since then he's been on able to say that but investigated he suffered horrific injuries and the memories of that
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day are still very clear in his mind. i remember exactly how it all happened moment by moment my friend ilya myself was standing here as we pointed he left across the street in the green light i remember the green light vividly i had turned and started walking in that direction when i heard a sound and saw something flying towards me the driver of the car was eighteen year old abuse of the daughter of a former high ranking f.s.b. officer for larry's case or they being denied a criminal trial did make it to the civil courts. you know. we asked for one hundred thousand dollars in compensation she was sentenced to pay three thousand dollars to me and she did in installments but before the trial she was a major shareholder at a commercial bank in moscow at the time of the trial it appears she was just a poor student with twenty dollars monthly maintenance allowance. larry made
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eight attempts to have criminal proceedings launched but was refused every time. if an ordinary person had been in her place they would have faced criminal punishment long ago the incident is too serious to refuse to open a criminal case there seems to be a category of the population in russia which is immune from criminal prosecution and it's not the first time that. children of high ranking officials have caused controversy with their reckless driving an apparent lack of punishment when anna chevon caver knocked down two women killing one and severely injuring another images of her checking the damage to her car and not the victims caused outrage a three year suspended sentence was recently revoked she to problems with the legal proceedings but the case will be retried soon so a patent can commit a crime to one person and injure another and remain unpunished anish adam carr was
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not and will not be punished properly for what she did to us i'm sure. for larry's repeated attempts to get the case tried in the criminal cause of let's accusations against him with the abuse of the family claiming he jumped in front of the car and was trying to extort money from the in response to larry made an online play to president dmitri medvedev. i hope for your objective help mr president. an investigation into the legitimacy of the refuses to launch criminal proceedings has now been ordered. i made my own statement not because i want compensation for my health but because i have been accused falsely and because of all the corruption i want justice. with the full investigation yet to be conducted abuse of her remains in the driving seat was
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larry left to slowly rebuild his life with the help of friends and family sara fair r.t. chelyabinsk region. public services in britain are facing massive cuts in their budget as the government looks to fill the huge black hole in its balance sheet but economists say the financial doomsday hasn't even happened yet and politicians are learning the lesson are the last crisis parties or emmet reports. the start of a new working week in the city of london in the eye of an economic storm life goes on as normal but those who work here know that the financial crisis is far from over. but worse to come i think the worst still to come i think the worst of it there is more to come how much more they're talking about the financial crisis we've already had but according to some economists we ain't seen nothing yet certain respected finance is this saying that rather than solving the issues that
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caused the last financial crisis governments and central banks like the bank of england behind me are actually leading us towards an even bigger meltdown and they can't even seem to agree on a lot to do in europe the powers that be are stopping the money printing machines over in the u.s. the federal reserve has just announced another round of quantitative easing but who's right nobody is right i mean that's really the problem the difficulty is that when you've drunk three bottles of vodka then you may well think that you're capable of putting the world to right but at the same point in time you know you're going to wake up in the morning with a hangover this is the point where we're working up in the morning with a terrible hangover in a new book the gathering storm a group of finance he has got together to say that governments have learnt nothing from this crisis policymakers are applying old models in their economic projections and that could lead to inflation hitting ordinary people hard looking at the fiscal
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position in terms of the size of the deficits that governments are running in relation to the size of the economy is. yes we're always facing the sort of conditions which would be. associated with water time with a peaceful prosperous development that doesn't look sustainable for a very long term debt will have to be repaid and restructuring will have to begin but in the city there's a fear that people in denial for sense of security i think yeah i think it's very convenient from the political perspective and overall feel good. to feel better you know people want to feel better you know but it's the fundamentals are not great people seventy not a lot. of money from the tax man sobs chasing people who call by even there be a problem that idea may come home to roost early as this week when the government announces extensive cuts to public services we shouldn't assume that the period of
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extreme global weakness which followed the lehman brothers collapse is the worst episode in this long drawn out depression there could be much worse episode still to come. and here in the city of london that would really put the cat among the pigeons nor at it r.t. . you are watching r t live from moscow still to come in the program brainstorming and bridge building in the french seaside town of divel host russian and european leaders or chinwag to warm up relations. and u.s. policies in afghanistan aimed to destabilising soviet forces decades ago by bad find out why america is losing the war on drugs that's coming up. that's one of the richest cities in the world home to bankers expensive real estate a luxury stores but recent figures suggest a pay gap between new yorkers is now wider than ever artist is here to work in
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reports on how the big apple is split to the core. the lucky few are shopping for shoes worth thousands of dollars to chanel's and just a wave of a wallet away just a few steps away a person with their entire life belongings in a shopping cart look serious lifestyles the rich people in new york are richer than rich people most places are living side by side with those for whom surviving in a tough economy has become a full time job according to recent published report the gap between the rich and poor in the big apple is greater than india country where the majority of the population lives in poverty we live in a winner take all society where there's a small number of stars who make vast salaries and where the majority of people have too much month left at the end of the money last year one and a half million people were registered living in poverty in new york meanwhile the city's richest are still enjoying the high life the rich people in new york are
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flying around on private planes eating caviar renting yachts the net worth of the less than sixty richest new yorkers has recently spiked by an entire nineteen billion dollars one percent of the population controls seventy percent of the returns to well it's never been that high it's never been that bad but this somehow ends up being reflected only on the less fortunate i can spend five thousand dollars on that piece of jewelry. and would you ever buy a bag for five thousand dollars. housing is one of the main symbols of this wealth gap. parity. realtors selling luxury property are not afraid of going out of work probably the most expensive. at eight million
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thankfully your head is rebounding quicker from the recession in two thousand and nine than any of the other major american cities but that's mostly true for the rich every night about one thousand people sleep in the subway system of new york meanwhile the most expensive hotels are doing as well as ever something the rich definitely like to splurge on the new york city of luxury hotels if you have an extra buck to spend in your wallet why not spend it on a hotel room for twenty two hundred dollars a night or plug in a massage in your room for a mere three hundred dollars this is thousands across new york phil homeless shelters with no room to spare but he terms one hundred eighty five i have to let you do one hundred eighty five within each meal while the number of people relying on a free meal has gone up by fifty percent over the last year others are not even keeping
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track of their spending three. hundred thousand more than working on a story about the gap between the rich and poor in new york what do you consider yourself to be. the possibility of the wealth gap narrowing is far from being around the corner right now we're debating about whether or not to give tax breaks to the richest americans to keep this gap going to keep growing but if this gap widens even more new york me soon be split into two different planets the big one with tens of thousands struggling for survival and a small one with a very lucky few this future for the big apple could not be far especially while the city's mayor is considered the second richest person in town. new york. the tiny french resort town of the veil is hosting an international brainstorming session for three major world powers russia's president will be the guest of the leaders of germany and france to focus on warming ties between moscow and the e.u.
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question as our reports. the tranquil setting of the french seaside town of derby is expected to be the perfect backdrop for the so-called troika dialog with him in the visit and his colleagues in the protests are cozy and angela merkel are expected to discuss many issues not only relating to european matters but also those concerning the international community specifically the tasks that lay before the group of eight and the group of twenty stability in the middle east the ongoing situation with afghanistan and of course iran's nuclear ambitions those are all going to be on the agenda but they're bringing a lot more to these discussions specifically issues that are more closer to home relevant to europe and the relations between european states and russia a visa free regime for russian citizens is expected to be brought up in the discussions russia the citizens at the moment are requested by the schengen agreement to acquire a visa before entering european states russia forces long been negotiating
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a visa free regime for its citizens and that issue is definitely going to be touched upon by the russian president when he sits down to meet with his colleagues from france and germany but there are other items on the agenda as wealthy economic crisis and its effects on to europe on by a lateral and european trade with russia of course the framework with which russia is prepared to cooperate with nato the north atlantic treaty organization and of various other aspects of cooperation between russia and of nato as well all of the leaders saying that this kind of dialogue is very helpful and has a lot of potential because it is less formal and therefore the three leaders will have a chance to speak freely and perhaps achieve more results that way we know that so far no by a lateral meetings are scheduled for the agenda well we'll of course be bringing you details as and when we get them because it is our reporting there on political acts bird which is often going to believes it's highly unlikely russia will ever
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become an equal member of the e.u. or nato. or. in my mind is too big and too russian both for rippin union and for nato. they're not eager to see russia inside nato was created to keep america in germany and russia. america. is the real purpose of nato but keeping germany during the russian dated missions. and more of that interview in about fifteen minutes time here on our team. it's a day of mourning and the southern russian region affected by the weekend's massive flash floods at least fourteen people were killed with nine still missing almost four thousand have been caught in the delusion many villages and parts of the cross and our region swarmed by heavy rain the storm caused the local rivers to burst
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their banks and led to months lights in the mountains several sections of the north cajun railroad were blog and bridges destroyed officials say the situation is slowly getting back to normal was vital energy and water supply is being restored. the first of twelve u.s. soldiers accused of terrorizing and murdering afghan civilians is set to face court martial officials say the row platoon to drugs and kill people for sport while commanders seem completely unaware of their actions are his military contributor says the case reveals a wider problem there are lots of difference between the server at an american experience in afghanistan but one of the most insidious. and harmful difference is that it was cia who initiated the promotion of that drug distribution trying to undermine the morale and esprit de corps of the soviet forces in afghanistan and thirty years later during the almost ten year u.s.
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occupation of the contrie united states pot policy in afghanistan still condones if not promotes the drug distribution and production and trafficking in afghanistan now with the us pot policy of it piecing narco farmers the united states has stepped on to the north caught it's booby trap and the latest see at the case of the twelfth scalp scrapers and sports shooters demonstrates to what extent the u.s. drug store policy in afghanistan has backfired according to the latest data the whole platoon of the stryker brigade was heavily on the dole even before their deployment from the continental united states to khandahar province as a result of these bloody scrapers totally dismantled disrupted and
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destroyed the whole concept of the hearts and minds of the counting insurgency policy in its application in afghanistan. well check out our website for more from our military contributor on the blog sections also just a click away here's a taste of what's online for you right now at r t dot com let's trade unions are under fire for neglecting their duties leaders are accused of spending more time looking after their own political interests than the rights of workers. and world fashionistas are of flocking to moscow's model straw in the catwalks of russian fashion week for more on the latest elections head to our team dot com. also take a look at what else is making news elsewhere in the world and thousands of people are fleeing their homes as a super typhoon hit the northern coast of the philippines many schools have also been closed amid high winds and heavy rains prompting concerns of winds and
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landslides it's four years since another storm in the country triggered mudslides and left about a thousand people dead. and that same time food is heading for southern china were heavy rains are already causing chaos almost half a million people have been evacuated from villages ninety percent of the region has been flooded causing damage to roads schools and infrastructure refugees are being put up in the government buildings. and there are fears that paris is charles de gaulle airport could be left without fuel as a result of the strikes at french oil refineries but the country's transport minister says airports are being supplied with jet fuel it comes as hundreds of thousands of workers have been protesting against government plans to raise the retirement age meanwhile in belgium rail workers have begun a twenty four hour strike against a decision to privatized the railways cargo hauling division. and india the high
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court is to begin hearing an appeal by the only surviving government of the mumbai terror attacks two years ago pakistani national mohamad maal american saab is expected to contest the death sentence handed down to me he is accused of mass murder committing a terrorist act waging war in india here he is due to last several months. and coming up soon our special report on the u.s. state of alaska for more than a century it was part of the russian and by before it was sold to america. it's the secret incursion into the country. it's the invasion by means of. tradition the language. this is the first to compete the beat. and culture. the thing is. the have the dunes are still unaware of what's going on and there are still asking me why do you.
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like this i don't know anything about. the great. and i can watch the special report over an hour here on r.t. before that we'll take a look what's happening in the world of business review a don't go away. that's right time to get the latest business news b.p. has agreed to sell assets in venezuela and to its russian joint venture to tame k b p for one point eight billion dollars the deal includes b.p.'s stakes in three joint ventures in venezuela and to gas fields in vietnam for sale a spot of b.p.'s plan to raise up to thirty billion dollars by the end of twenty eleven to help the company meet its financial obligations after the gulf of mexico oil spill. will be financed from the only sources and won't require additional debt
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. russia is moving closer to a new deal on increasing gas deliveries to poland and its transit to germany and it cream and between moscow and warsaw was to go shaded last year but wasn't signed due to worries it was incompatible with e.u. law it ensures ten billion cubic meters of gas a year until twenty thirty seventh poland which imports around seventy percent of its consumption from russia gas from and polish gas monopoly p.g. and e. are now working on the details and expect the contract to be finalized within the next two weeks. the privileged regime for foreign comic us is likely to come to an end next that's one of the agreements made on russia's path to the w t in future foreign carmakers will have to produce cars instead of assembling them and source the parts local it reports. the japanese company to rad opens a joint plant with gas group subsidiary risky machinery to produce heating element
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another car part. currently our strategy is based around one consumer gods but we do plan to extend our business. in russia and work with both japanese and other foreign carmakers our goal is to find new consumers by twenty twelve. foreign spare parts makers are more than welcome johnson controls my connect emotively among those working in russia but it's easier for them to enter the russian market with the help of a local giant we have a very good supply base today but in some cases we need new technology and then it makes for importers to localize. this september the ministry of industry and trade announced new rules for car makers they should raise output to three hundred thousand cars a year from twenty five thousand and doubled to sixty percent the parts that they obtained locally this would boost the local component industry but industry
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insiders say it's too much too soon and these requirements could be made by very few companies for example these are mostly in that the russian o.e.m.'s who have the largest volumes and potentially some of the foreign no we are enjoying good market share and already are selling above one hundred thousand close to one hundred fifty thousand in the ministry of economic development is not favoring these very strict regulations in they're proposing an alternative which is smush more flexible however not well defined in there so i would imagine the team and this isn't will be some sort of a compromise few cars nowadays have a national identity they contain parts from around the globe ironically international car makers sourcing more of their parts in russia could turn out to be more russian than the better known domestic brands. business ot.
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banks having a lot of capital minimum risks and seven customers through skype the chief financial officer at one of the lady euro zone banks it tessa sent paula says that is whole the whole banking system should operate after the financial crisis spoke to carla messina. for sure in the future a banking system with more capital but more liquidity and less leverage because of the quality leverage where there are many reasons for the crisis and also looking at the customers the need is to be shown to try to satisfy the customer because in these two years all the clients is reduced to a trust in him bank they use their loyalty so we need to recall where. we. are and we need to to act in such a way to make. him profitability sustainable for profitability for the
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future how will the companies and people feel these changes we need to to to to put in a position the client to feel more quality in the service less price they ever to be a b. with the relation of the being the point is not only communication but to mandate relation with different distribution channel because we have now a very massive especially literally very massive how to do to use our brain probably we have to move more toward a way of making the relational we did with the client so we did more or less banking with the doctrine of course to serve for for our clients. let's have a look at how the markets are faring stocks in asia interact this hour with the nikkei just marginally losing and hong kong's hang seng down more than a percent hong kong declining us resource sector stocks and h.s.b.c.
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holdings fell on weaker overseas. is falling on reports fourth motet set to sell the majority of its stake in blank japanese. and in russia the r.t.s. and the my six are losing. early trade although major prove chips are also interested. european stocks are losing ground in early trading philips electronics is struggling two and a half percent after the crew cautious outlook for the rest of the year among other big movers their shares of blue bay asset management have jumped especially one percent in london after a cream to before the fire world bank of canada for a wrong one to help prevent all that's. the business news from now get more store small website our. business.
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